PAQTi TWO THE DAILY NEWS Tiifsdnr. March 1.1. Ttifc Daily News DAIRYING NEAR ft FRUIT-A 15 INCINERATOR PINNER nUPFJlT w BRITISH COLUMBIA Pnblihed -jfxrty Afirrnnnn; pxrppt Sunday, Ity Thp News TO BURNS LAKE! HER LIFE Printing nnil IMihliMiinp Compnny, Third Avenue. If. F.'PtlfXfeX Managing FMilnr. City Engineer Presents Report on! Prospects For Success of Creamery Tills Fruit hiedic!n8 Mays Matter Council Should See Fine Land In Neighborhood. i Plants In Operation. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: . Cily Delivery, Ity mail or i-arrier, per rrihillh . . .". . . ?l.00 A repnrl Tr-iin r.ily Lnpineer! By mail to nil parts nf thB Britl.h Kmplrn niul Ihfi United Stale's, IH'ltNS LAltTL Ma.-vh H. -tircaf 91T Iaiot Si , Motnuu WltliWker .u k-nrlui eolleetlon' in advance, per year -?fl.00 thin? are rxfiri'li-d here I suffered terrlhly witli Ityqtepsia. and in lite cily and Hie; To all other countries, in ad va tire, per yaf $7.50 from the nr.aaniialiiui nf (lie I had it for years Sod :i mlt-cini-i iital'er oT estatdislllllg I lie jlieiu-eial'r I'raticoU l.akh I):iiry i:-i.iterative I too't did not Ao m-any g A was rH-eied by Hie eily TELEPHONE 98 AfcMb'ialinh. Ihe presidehl of I read M.ti:lhiog aliml -fntiia emitted last itiglil. mid. flfjer full wlilch is .Inliu itoslroln of lirasy titrs"bring food for o Stilnnrk Trox'J disetissimt. was iVfvrred trt the nnsienl Display Advertising. . '. .' . . ? 1.10 per Inch per inerlin'ri Main, with Ihe foltliwilig dir-eclnrs: and Disorder if, Pifrition, so IIIMkllb t'.miimirice for rport. Jtanient AdieflMilg Jll Frnrit Pngn , $2.S0 per inch ll. 1 1 rot I uf tlanskin; li thetii; Heating rnlty With the details JLorni Reader.", per insertion. . . . . 25o per line llennell cif (.l.:i, James Mulla.s WiKlf After finishing Hlierlbrtttel)VsrPiMa a few boxes, tna of gaelMXe e.ill' cl inn Mint dis. j A Complete i2lasif1ed Advertising, per insertion 2c per word of iray Plains, T. S. Thnm-ou general liralth festonnl; and mul. Mr. Wliillaker's n'porl , wa.1 Legal Nolires, enrh insertion I So per hgale lin and J. Ilenkel nf Irnncnfs my i bm writing to U-ll yo lliil t o8 said tlml Uv P'r eajiila loovj Bankiiig Service Lake, Win. Mickle of Itiekle and for Hiis sMice WMS t.rtO. Aver-' limlrael Rales on Application. my life to "KhiiUa-tiwV A. ?heiriinl of AVistaria. ae coil for ilhi'r cities was I All Advertising should lie ih Tlie Ih-.ily Nevs Oljlre oh day pre-ceding Shares in Ihe association will Mile. AXTotMKTrK liU'dHKft. The eolleivtliui per caiiila Small traders and great industrial corporations pilliliralioh.' All advertising received suhjecl to approval. a hoi, 0 Tor$3.33, trl d site iV. sdhl in lliis cit- was eomparalively he icatlr and Ihe idea is workmen with modest Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. meeting wild tie yenernl At dealeri or sent p t;iid by tnw but Ih" -isl of nlteciimi savings approval Fruit-i-Utrs Limiwl, Otuw. and fanners with rfieir of the farmers in the ilislriel. sllmilil he itMlnrrd. accounts banking DAILY EDITION Tuesday, March 1 1, 1922. The newly 'MHheit .atsi.eialMn I liegarduig tin- iiu'iiieratnr. Hie business find in the Bank of Montreal is in its injaucyat iresent and! ri-...i- slated tin- cily littihl ill WATERPROOF ' the service they extended the oueslinn of dairy site, ttltd stail a il.tiit with as low at m banking require Burns Lake as ' olher details hae yet lo he Oilskin ilia) ci.l as po-sible. one n.-i-ee-sitaling to them with courteous attention. Commercial Centre. settled. few repairs, imt rentin--iug Kncli if the points along the railway that has attained any Talkinv on Ihe dairy question CLOTHING i-vcesive liilinr alld Using as The facfliries of this Bank are etjually at Itarney Mnlvafiey. ail old Miner hi I If fii'-l as possible. There war. i degree of prominence has some prominent feature lo commend the service of class in the and gtirlcice the every community. raneliers in the district saiil: mil euiiiigh in eilp it, Burns Luke has 'many. It taps the l-Viuicois and Ootsn -ike Large Stock on hahd. ineinemtor "jjelvfeeh Iturhs Lake and ftose lo keep an going allj country lo the Miulh ami ildoe business vilh the It.ibiiu: country Lakt, within a radilis of frnm Prices Very low. the lime so silme fuel would be ( to the north. Then it is silualeil on n delightful little lake, and one In three iniles. is lo he nt'pfssiiry. 'Itl'-re were j-eyerkl nut far away are other lakes.. Hven if no oil is fituud in the district, foilnd a Ver desirable stretch J. Fi MAGUIRE type j id incinerator but one thai j of 'gnitd asriciilluhal iaiid willilii Next the Prince Rupert ItoUl could lie npi-rali'il in eoiijuiieli'iu OF MONTREAL Bums Iike is hound to heroine a thriving town, drawing its BANK easy nceess to the railroad. witli a power plant was l he most sustenance fronl the big ruuhlry surrounding it, " ''Followinfr ihe rullin of the d"irnhlc. line man .should easily ESTABLISHED MORE THAN 100 YEARS tie limber on -the jack pine be able to run the ilieitieralor land, unless be I f fun to eart a Value of New Road ridirejt, which occurred ainnus at and al Ihe same lime fill duties Prince Rupert Branch j H. ST. G, LEE. Manager. purchase a price varying Opened to Cow Bay. ( lti(i heavily tinihered areas, Ibe fin In :in per acre. ins watchman al the power plant. For years we have all heen grumbling about the condition of tearln nritcesu hhs been simplified All small fruits do Well, the If si proper Incinerator were obtained, and there should be n'o odor Cow Bay. The old planked roadway was a disgrace to Ihe city and the' settlers are rapidly fruit .erops 'pivirur splendid results, the whole place was dirty and neglected. To a large e.xlenl this irohd hrihjrinjr agricultural laryc land,irnels under of in Ihe hut exiieriruenlal ii unlive :ire only sliise io nod far nuisance.' More Economical. ., Canadian National Railways is now Changed. The Provincial Government has come lo the Mill iviil inn. '. ileeoSniiriff the have to dale giVen poiif lisults. .Mr. Whlltaker stated lhal rescue and has built a road, at no expense to the ratepayers of ureal po.asihilities of the eouiilry (Incumbers tnmnloes and meon there- was not enough garbage Prince Rupert, connecting Ihe railway yards and. business places llise settlers are endeavoriiiB- to canned he grown outside, exrepl in Hie eily to run all inciiieiatnr hae the lo-eated continuously and Ibe idea of Prince Rupert prnjinsed ereanyry uinlep Ihe most favorable with Third Avenue. The work has been carried on unostentatiously eon-dilions. al some railroad point in using steam raised from it liiigbl and now Ihe road is for Irallic. if is-ji boon to v open great Ibis helshbOrhond. and are at any Winter Temperate. just as well be eliminated. There the people who do business at Cow Bay aiid also to Ihe great mass lime In a position to provide Ihe The winter temperature varies was no reason why there should nf Ihe general public who use Cow Bay"as a cenlre for boating necessary enws fnr it. support." from SO degrees above jiero in lie any smell hill it would be Shipyards Francois Lake. Nil necessary to use a good deal of dliring the summer month. lielrtw, with a snowfall of Proeeedlny Soijth from Hurns froin one lo two and a half feet. fuel to eliminate it. A burning and with could In made every- two or three Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Are There Spooks Lake Ihe j-'ranriiU Lake sellle-uiehl a summer temperature and Do They Haunt? l. first encminlered. which, of from 60 to (J.'i degrees fabr.j day and it -would not tie n'H-es-.earf Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern with nccasional lo run continuously. A central makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. witli its developed farm and summer frosts Are there spooks and do they haunt houses and localities? isa local ion was very nenes- dder settler would give Lirjre which are gradually being'' elim question often discussed. Maiiy have, implicit faith in spooks and suji'porl in a crnaihery within inated as the country U hing lsa'ry .so thai I here would be no Electric and Acetylene Welding". others who do not believe in them have just as much fear of them easy reach. e.leaj-ed no and brought kinder .. Mulazv... costs. II was Ills 1 I.,:.. I I ll... L.AMln. South cultivation; "JIMIIl'll - I lll.ll III). ,llf llli-l illlll Our plant is equipped1 to handle nil kinds of as if they i)id. Manifcslalious from the spirit world are no of Francois I.ale the would be more economical tbah (Jra-tsy rtaihs, aholher great uncommon, run sometimes me maniiesiaunus prove to up no the present' system and there, MARINE AND art;a of agricultural land radial, spirits hut a natural apparition. We arc all inclined to ascribe to froin the il.i-trom would he ltov,greal advantage in the supernatural anything which we do not understand. It is only rahch ing . at Taltulaskii.lolin Lake i j The Man in the Moon ; the mailer of it being sanitary, COMMERCIAL a few generations ago that the people of the Eastern Stales found; In this district the government ) SAYS:- ; lie would recommend I hut Hie! -WORK cily council sfc plants in opera- PHONES 43 AND 385 burned witches because of their uncanny powers. Todav if have acquired a section K lion in Ihe south before deciding has an 'unusual we know it is a perfectly tiatiiral of open land-adtnirably situated, person power or Till-: K, of (J. roncerl commil-lee Ihe lo be - , i j. . i . fi ii. . which it is their intention In upon style adopted acnuireo power aim noes not come irom ine uevn. want some Irish wil or humor in Prince Itiiperl. In Nova Scotia there is a famous haunted house where inves-ligations stock with the lii?h rlas dairy cattle for their eoneerT on Thursday lie Irad written to Nelson asking are now going on. If the iiivesligalor could know he for convenience of set. night. If, tiers desiring lb ttiinrove their they'd only, ask my if I tie plant there was successful would probably llnd some uatiiraj cause for the manifestations. brother he'd have dime it fur and what wen- the cost limited It is mil at all impossible that there, may be spirit munifes herds. Idem cause lie's an Irish policeman. nf operation but had received tin We have on hand a very tatious. It is ipiile within the realms of reason. All we suggest Itceognizlnjr the ni-cessily nf I'm a Scotchman. is that most of what are supposed to be supernatural things arc dairy changing herd from beef eallle lo a rejdy.Abb Kerr sllggesled lhal .Mr. supply of .Mr. lloilrom de probably natural. We .'rre Minting out so many new things in cided to cut his ranch ito las inl Tin: k. or ... Whit Inker be sent lo Nelson but nature which we never suspected a few years ago that we may the Ask for engineer declined the farms of 200 acre which will be a. vers(j responsibility well expect to find out a lot more things of which our father." well adahted for dairy farms. All full or wit, of choosing'n plant. Some Ed Coal knew nothing. It Is possible that spirit manifestations 'if tin should' may prove Km in ftrassy Plains td llickle And make it terse.' member council go son to be perfectly natural phenomena and all oiir fears and uncanny and Ihence to Mucdnnidd's Land. They urge n story, as welL thrills may be just caused by our own vivid imaginations. ing the country is being cleared Joke or pome. ll was finally decided In reier rapidly And also If.yoircan'J scini thai the whole mailer In the Health up wilj greatly which the at Are You Interested cn' we are offering assist a-creainery within easy Keep ii at houii. , Commit I for report. Ih Your Boys? There ha been some discussion in the eaMern presses to distance.Oonliniiing froiii fit-aisy Plaiiii, TIIK only thing a slin: y man The man who doesn'i find advertising following prices the mleresl taken In members nf their family by parents. II is sfjiilh to tjnt.a Lake the main is fren wllh is abuse. profitable in his business MINE RUN, in bulk (f1A7C alleged that in many cases parents never think of trying lo iliake road Ira Verse a rather rouali usually finds business un- P 1 y, v things pleasant for the boys and girls at borne. Some never invite iiintry for a distance of twelve IK. is profitable. per ton, delivered ....... a husband joke a a .other young people In their homes, so the outlg pebTile go outside miles, nlthoiiMi seveTal choice woman milsl hay :t sense of SCREENED LUMP, sacked rtji o j-n for their companions. It is the natural thing for young- people lo locations have been made by the hnrilor o appreciate iiini. per ton, delivered P A V seek the company of each other. Some parents invite friends of more adventurous clller. Mm ibildipn to Ihe bonie ntnl make tilings pleasant there. Others Ladies, Attention! First Corhe, First Served Good Land at Ootsa. IK a liu?baiid is also a nut, never remember thai they have any diilv Ih lhal direction. Within a few inlles of Ootsa the wife should be able In errtck A judge who. was trying a boy for some n(Tense questioned ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. the rnllier and discovered the.-e facts: Lake, however, the country axain a joke. ' Money Back . ' I ; In the previous six months he hail not been al any place changes, and on a beaiilirilt , Phones 116 and BG4 AMONC tlie souttiwcht lighlly limbered tilings lhal dmi't slope, in the evening ullh his boy, not lo a concert, A hockey game or Drawing with poplar, another litrjfe feet you nnywhel e - is trying to of Hint sort. He had dellnlle anything (2; no knowledge rif reform bad laml stretch of good agricultural n egg. wnerc the boy nad been spending his evenings. There had found, a large pcrciMilafre of nep been a social evening arranged al Ihe home for the boy or Last Weeks Winner . which Is under cultivation, heins rM im r, i j m r.r me most unne fit friends; Ihe choice of the early piorteer cessary person in I lie world is I'llder (hesc conditions it seems nnlv liknlv lhal the hov seMrs, father. Hut there mines a lime Mrs Robinson DENTISTRY f hould wander olT and spend his evenings where people .did Ihktf tlonlinuing west on iMsA Lake when pa is in demand again. with an interest in him. the land is all adniirnhly ailapted Ticket No 7 Don't neglect your leelh. One decayed or missing tooth to dairy fanning ami in that 1 1 .s queer how a man will lowers your vitality. district alone Ihe settlers Caii spar up In a man half a head DEMERS Phdne 66 P. O. Box 743 nuaranlee 8u0 row in Mippnrt taller than himself, ami then Ladles Ready-to-Wear DR. BAYNE of a crearhery and ran also as-suri- some lillle insignificant female Phone 27 P. O. Box 327 JAMES HUNTER Uft capitalization; will prune along and twist him Rooms 4, B, , Helgerson Block Phone 109 The one- great difficulty In lo. nrnund her lillle fiiiger. Olllee Hours: Mornings, 0-12; AftnrnonnS, 1:30-3:30; GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY eating new settlers is the fact l'venings. 7-9. that the country has been mis IIIIIDS are all right around Hie BUILDER TERRACE represented by amenta ill Ihe hoitse as long as ilieir legs and Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Buggies Trucke prairiii n'rovihees iind the north bills are not ton long. Terms can be ai;rahged for putcliusere; west stale, rriaiiy eoiiiliig here D A IX 0ur tfn hferring ball is conceded by fishermen First Avenue and Cow Bay ejcpecllii if, find an open jtrairie IK we could make FRUIT LANDS Dl I ib flfl u,ft nncst procurable at any Pacldo Coast Prince B. C. ;oilntry wllh a Vast nuanlily of Our dreams come rue Port and it Is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. Rupert, liay and liihd ready for the- blow W"'d die am all flay We hnve a need list or nv irT? the bnal way of insuring a good quality trip ' " '- and - mid with la climate that can L'low Then come In you ten. tracts or IVEi to nnvo plenty of our bard fneu ice, PrlW acre Improved and all nods fhill and " of vegMatdes. t i ton. . per unimproved fruit lands NOTARY Ihe fact is Hull a very small OPPOilTL'Nn Y knocks nnre nt - close in ..- Our well.equipped slor can supply fishing gar tHEO COLLART, LTD. PUBLIC portion of Ihe tola! ajrrtcullural every mans door buli Homelimed I own. j VJUCrilS fishermon's nldlhlng, groceries and provisions It Is time In gel land i open, the iesl rtf it helni? he makes such a hubbub we do your land now i and hardware. FOR SALE-iOhe Lot on 6th Avenue E;, near covered Willi poplar, Willow arid nol think lie ii'al intends to for this season t operations. fmall llmbt'r nil in which, hnw- Call. iti' us for fri'u booklet oh NEW ENGLAND FISH Company McBride St., $600.00, terms to be arranged evt-r. gilat-anleeji Ihe Sctller iiri-lirhllc Terrace and surrounding district; Ketchllan. Alaska Branch tliilhef, OnllntlU'd water, fihti U a pretty 'lass Rentals Real Etiate General Insurance and an Unlliiillecl sdnlnief' rahgn Al her I love In binU KENNEY BROS. & CO. Phone Blue 65 vVestholme f fiialre Block P, 0. Bom 66 for livestock. Th Incoming ht- lint itlill I'd halo j(7 ea! Real Estate A Insurance Broker tlftr niiiRI he rirefiared io clwir me niings she tries lo cook. Subscribe for The Daily News