TAOE rOUK THE DAILY HEW8 Tuesday, March ) 4, 9?!, CATARRH BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus ef the BLADDER 1 thew thCm all in ALU me Pipe's ThEVTOve.- ILL NOT P'VE CENT-b - HAVE. TMOtE. riLTHY $7 .OLLY! in OYN TMiNCt fi.T A V Its THE HOUSE fino them: LOT OP -3ci .nit. IT'a AMILE. TO THE. f NEAREST ClAR -STORC-I e, , ' HAVE. MME ToeyACCO - if t omlt hao.a pipe; J MOVING? V r- sTTTTTniiTI 1 a VM hr-K.-5&iJ: B v iL tibial I 11 X 7l I 1 -ST: .' A laT. I J IV T ULi' .. ieA.' n If SO, m Call Us Up Fxpciicnred men give satisfaction in "lionsehold removals. fc 3 7 X Hj" " (F)lJ2 f Ixt-u riuM. .iiimi. e.r Orders for general cartage work given careful attention. of We ill promise Coal orders prompt given delivery In us. f BURNS LAKE T PIPE DREAMS Sport Chat By Newton Pullen Daily News Classified Ads. PACIFIC GARTA6 E All the talk in local sporting I 1 know a local speaker who i circles yeslerdnv was about Ilie S CNTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Leas than ROc Limited imicli praised iy .nine people, IN ALL SPORT" come-bark of the iil wim ran he listed anion? Ilial ancouvcr .Millionaire al Hegina BOARD. WANTED Phone 93 lass of rhetorician which would on Saturday uighl when they defeated make an oration cvci of a gro- the Hegina Capital by a BOA HD Inlander, 8.10 Second I1FI.IAHI.I-; agent wanted for.Huperl ft cry order. Athletic Association Is Live In score of tn o unit thus earned Avenue. Phone 137. If District. The Sovereign ANNOUNCEMENTS stltutlon Many Plans for the right lo contest in- the final I Life Assurance Company. Bead SI. 4f Andrew's Sale of FOR Wm,, Calendars are made in differ- This Summer. Hfor Hie Stanley Cun with Ihe RENT . office, Winnipeg, Alan. Write Home m Cooking, April . 5, Melropole Hall nil styles and varying sizes, Iml champions nf (,,, .N'alional FOH HUNT Two furnished Cha. A. Pyne, Prince CSeorge, drew's Hall. i I hey all serve in remind us lhal III HNS LAKH, March II. The ItiK-key Association. The sur rooms. Can do light iiVu'se-keeping. manager for Northern British inie gels around remarkably Hums Lake Alhlefic Association prise seemed o be that 'Vaneou Phone lied 259. If Columbia. The Ladies of I In- ty;, for rent to lodges or similar welj fur an old man wearing a !? now winding up what has Jcen fer, playing Hegina on Ihe lal-lir- pie Snle of pr organizations. grass culler. a ery 'successful, winter season. club's home ground and FOl'H room hoiie lo rent and MANI.'I'Airri'llINO firm want Home Fancy v. rk aM Cooking . The officers of the association under Western Canada rutes. was furniture for sale. .'.01 .McBride giMn ngenl. Kxclusive lerri-lory. Tuesday. Aiinl i OFFICE SPACE Following the lalk nf prying are:' , aid- lo com Ihrousrli with such Street. Phone Blue dip.- (iood staple line carried 38 by 21, healed, suitable Tor Mr. Bowser from t lie leadership l'residenl, Miles Henderson. a splendid victory after bavin? by every store. Only small . The Ladies' Aid of tin. PrOir. MODF.HN Apartment to rent capital terian Church will ho. a u,,,,,. professional man, for rent. f Hie Conservative, parly- in Secretary-treasurer. (i S. (gone tlowif to defeat at Vancou necessary. Write Hot Phone Black 151. If .111'. April 12. Vancouver, II. C. CI Agents for British Columbia, discontent with VkmI ver last week under Pacific Norwegian American Line Uoyd ticorge's premiership lias Kxeetllive CoiiliciP C. K. Illlc- Coast regulations, and in the BOATS FOR HIRE. WANT F.I I To ren fronT April j The Flks' Annual 1 Swedish American Line broken out among his followers. snn, I. lleckslend, Ira Short, Vancouver Arena. The general -Narbeihong"- first, a . furnished modern eltv H.ill in Hie Auditorium FrL LAUNCH Scandinavian American These bis movements are nut to -'. r. oure, . V. Tallou. F. opinion scciu lo be lhal Vancouver We ell house or suite. .ppiy iiojc 1 1 day, April 21. Line. ave their effect pulsido their 'Fraser and A. M. Huddy. dd. nol lake her competitors Service. Phone Black 100. if Daily New Office. nr. immediate sphere, aren't they? I I he ice rink commlllce elected seriously enough in Hie firsl MISCELLANEOUS. Oliver Typewriters bj" the Athletic association pun game and that she let lhi match WANTIID Home Tor boy about MAIL SCHEDULE Cary Safes lhe way it would seem lobe sLels of (.. i- I meson, A. M. Hurl. slip through tier hands on that fr.0.00 HI'WAHI) if 1 fail lo grow -six years for summer. Stale t t t t tftt illi some folks: If vou want ;', '' V. Tallon. It. D. McNeill account. The Coast men re- hair. Oriental Hair Hoot Hair t. rios. Apply t). p. Smith, fsen- For the EatsL FIRE INSURANCE tnylliing pray to Heaven, ami it I and (t. S. Wood. This commit deemed lhcmsrlves wilh such Orower. World's lireHesl eral Delivery. C2 Mondays. Wednesday f and SiL there is no response ak Hie tee ha been responsible for; I he emphasis in Ihe second "game Hah Orower. firows hair on .vttiDi-.HN house wanted, lo renl urdays at 10:15 a.m. iovernment for it. building and management of i that Ihe original opinion- that bald heads, n nmsl not be & Dybhavn Hanson tiy responsible parly. Apply From th East. first class skalin? rink measuring Vancouver was really the best put where hair is nol wanted Box lo. Daily News Office. CI itndaTti. Tuesdays and Thun. Third Avenue Die women are cominjr out 80 by 180 feet with I arc team appcacs to be confirmed. Cures dandruff and nil sral Prince Rupert, B. C. openly in I lie holdup business. lights oerhead lo permit nf 'Al Vancouver.the home learn was troubles. 9 1 -73 per jar. NA.MI-.D lo renf, five or days al 7:15 p.m. skating at nipht. II is also well 2 to t ravorile in hefting and ul Agents wanted. Prof, M. S roomed house. Modem. Phone An Italian prima dojina who For Vancouver and Soulh. equipped .with goal posls, nets Hegina, the Prairie team was Crosse, IIH Logan Ave., Win nine ton. tf aidtired the love of someone Tuesdays 7p.m. and dressing pultn, favorite 7 to 3, Thus there nipeg. Man. Ise'.. Iiushand was challenged lo Thursdays ...... ...... II At I itl.s wanted for country p.m. must have been lot of For your next a- duel with swords hy the 'irate Rink 'Popular,,, ' j . a easy MUSIC. hotel. Apply Commercial Hotel March I, 15 and 25 . . in. wins and hard losses. During Ilie winter ;ttiis rink wiJr.zmid; rofJif iji- 10 accept, was i!. (55 Sattirdiiys. n jiealei uji by her. In this case has been a popular .rendezvous PIANO SCHOOL. From Vancouver and South. Snoe Repair Job tin- one lady desfrcj to cut the for athletes of the district and The second round of Ihe Junior Leschetizky Method. All grades WA.V'I'KD to buy Cookslovc Sundays p. m. oilier physically rather than several holly contested games Milliard tournament at the taken and special attention Phone rJrei-u 'l-'tO. fij Wednesdays ........ 10:30 a.m. have been played. On several Prince Huperl pool room was to beginners. Terms try idiomatically. For iies j.ms of March 10. 20 an.i 'I completed at the- week-end and FOR SALS occasions the single and married moderate. J.-C. EMERTON honor anions (he fair cx a men of liurn Lake have Hie whole scries will likely be CIIAS. P. hand at lrjd?c willi I lie seconds lorded BALAONO. I', are offering an cxccntiomil- For and Alice Arm. Anyox Champion Shoo Repair Shop horns, the married each over by Ihe taller pari of this Rand Block, Sixth and men .corner int Inkinp pari would seem morn in ly fine line of second hand and Sundays 10 p.m. Krnad Block, Third Avenue keep in?. case- proving themselves I lie victors. week. The individual scores in Fulton. Phone Blue fl!3 it rebuilt engines, dynatnoes nnd Wednesdays p.m. Ihe second rojuul were as follows: so forth. The prices are low From Anyox and Alice arm. "Repairs while wait" F.mrrsou beat Hamilton; you headin? on I he marine' pa?e Several successful dances have it has paid all hills, given Ihe ami on sjime of these lerms Tuesdays im. been held by I fie Associalunt dur S. Howe -heal II. Macdonald; J. of Victoria Ag ricnll ural AssoHalion "Itulh half a newspaper: one can be arranged. 1 1 h.p, heavy ."hursdays ., ... p.m. Ilynd beat J. Davidson; W. ing' the winter and much good Mexamler Hue. This .Monlli." share of Ihe proceeds; and slill Hilly While; is.'ir, Hufralo Iteasley beat II. Frizxell; L. Wilson How do I hey know it will be a work has been accomplished in has a small cash balance left. If 10 h.p. Palmer: 8 h.p, ttray For Port Arrandale, Mill Nljfht Phones J. O; Steen, 371 giving sporting blood beat (i. Mitt-hell ; S. Suga Simpson, W. Lonjrwill, Blue 270 irl -f- plenty of beat A. Blackball; W. Lambie the, matter nf the condition nf II h.p. Ferro; 10 h.p. Fay and Bay, Wales Island and Nats Rltr. healthy recreation. Day Phone B the hall is brought before Ihe Hovven; 0 h.p. Fairbanks; C It. Sundays . 10 pA bejit B. Barrie; K. llaltiday "beat If Marpot Asiuilli should make The Association is fortunate, Basketball Association officially .p. Caille iVrfeclion; 2 'i Ji.gr. From PU Simpson, Arrandale. M L. Anderson. il fashionable for lo in having natural base STEEN8L0NGWILL women ?o a good 111 a communication from the I'.viiirinle. Outboard; t h.p. Bay, Wales Island and Naas Rl the platform and set down ball diamond silualeil the upon 011 Fair Board il wiH also l. dis ;t Sheet Metal Works The final meeting of the tieg.ii; n.p. rro; 30 h.p Tuesdays P"1' in yooks the intimacies of plher soulh side of I he town. With cussed. Ihe Association refutes Mudebaker; 3 h.p. Fairbanks Agent for McCUry Furneaes folks Hvcs then some ladie will the advent of spring considerable Prince Itupcrt Basketball Asso all responsibility in This regard stationary; 12 h.p. Sludebaker deplore ilie fact thai they ever work is lo be undertaken lo clear ciation will lake place some limn and claims the report of the Fair For BHaaway and the Yukon. Stationary; 12 Sanitary and about the first -if nexl week. It h.p. re March in. and ;l lold Mr,s. So-andSo, s'uch-ariil- more space for the spectators. Hoanl blaming il i an unfair Heating Engineer yrsr gear; 2' xr n. p. re. and Yukon. sui'li! Landina and Beach. hail been intended lo hold the From Skagway 6tb Street and Fraaer Street M. F. .N'ou rse will again be meeting this week but there are one. verse gear; one 2'ix2 cenlrif. .March 1. 15 mill ' ' Prince Rapert .... B. C uaal pump; 2.1xn ' Salmon Why doesn't somebody object manager of the Hums Lake base- so many events or various cnar-acter NOTICE. lo the title, Knijthl of the darter, hall team litis summer and already scheduled to take place thai CRIBBAGE BETWEEN , Iroller, I h.p, for sale or charter. .10x10 An rtainlimlnii for l.i'i ,1, f" on the grounds I hat it is su?- negotiation are under way il was decided to put il off. At ST. ANDREW'S Vorkboal, 20 h.p. will he held at Vinmnvei. K 1 eslive? ' lo make the season an interest this meeting final reports for the AND heavy duty engine. Will sell lllli Slietfkrtil and al frlinn annllranl liiipi-rl Kill II. ing one. season will be presehled and all ELKS IS or charter at a low price for the waiilnr 111 an.l nffi-i-eit " 1 1 LEE Willi Limerick an armed camp The grounds run riglil'down lo outstanding business will be NOW TIED Ihe season. Oilier boats and lliey saiarv wrnr,is In- avu.fni oril"T ner r nii'ni ni"nni in at the time that this is other bargains. Northern Fx- ' bcin? the lake side and it is the inten wound p. H is Understood (hat, allowance-for nieil lwn aw;; him afi' ' wrillen, it wouhl that The SI. Andrew's rliaugc. f mianers. rllna- in annum p. r im Ladies' appear tion of the association lo build in this connection, the ussocia- ami Flk one years aainrartury enrn-; & Gentlemen's limerick contests may not be I ion will be able lo report thai rrinoage learns are now licit in Furllu-.' Inriirtiiallini ran ' FOH boa! it landing and also make SALH Fishing boat, I7xl2x on appllrall.ui In the follow mi 'oiifiiied to I he printed Ihe two tournaments paye, already (.IH r i nresier. v leinria, " TAILOR provision for a bathing bench. 1 fee .5 inches: 20-30 h.p. l'llrlei lore-irr. Van i"'i played, Ilie SI. Andrew's lasl A In lh near future a quarter- I risco Standard, engine. Fully PIlrlPl furesler, I'rmre lli-pe'' arrived in lled-liiu?, man young ECZEMA Fit night having the Ol.rnarv l. Guaranteed overcome lead I'-il., mile track will be built. An annual equipped. A bargain. Apply recently and said that of four that points fair and race program is wus made by I'heo. Collarl, Ltd., Second LAND-ACT. tie was tlic pilot of a government ON FACE AND HANDS the I.Iks in the first tournament. Third opposite Avenue, P. O. planned. Avenue. C Nolle of tetenllon to Apply t airplane stranded outside the for Five Years The lolal score last night '.'Ii o in iTii r. niiis.ri i.iiiHi i.i.i ,.,,i Phone Red 138 In- limn. '. IIIKT l I own because of lack of gasoline, 22 in favor of (he St. Andrew's I-Oil. SALK McClary llange. In vlelnlly nf Hr( KHlit'H 1 .., lie cashed several cheijues, WIRELESS REPORT Eczem or Mil rheum, It In no oftfn " ani. 1 nerr were twelve men on chair.s, kitchen cabinet, dishes, laiie noiire iiini i , nnu-!.inRi'"'. , Waller Meml, of fort ; boughl a auanlily of gasoline, rtllcd, nianirtstf. IKtir Id little round each side and Ihe game, were etc. Louis Llllke, I jr Sey nrriipatlon nltertncii. Intend i" " . ,,i ami was yien the use of an 8 a.m. plmrle which ronuln id eitrtiuely Irrl. J played in the F.Iks' Home and III enth Avenue i:asl. fifi !M'lllilliill ill lim at ,..,i..a l""' I'1'iiU'l - autmnobilr to yet back lo bis ....... ,,u.u. .ucc "i.. . !F.AI THKK POINT CleaV; 'the SI' Andrews """'H- msllheail cmlier of l.nl IIJIi'' Mothers! machine. Neither he, the money Iiienlly 1 (run or wile It formed ind the Fftll SALIvr-Twenly-seveii fool calm; barometer, L'O.'.'.I; temperature, lntfne burnlnr, UrtilDt and tnurtlnr,! waler mark, llienre iniilli -i"i"- ' v which lie obtained, nor the gno. ili; sea stuooth. fpcllly it nlrfit or vhrn ibt trl 11! THE ZEALOUS MAID. trolling boat, fully equipped; inw waler mark, thence i-l .,, I line and automobile have been (5 h.p. Palmer engine. Phone til rlt waler nwrk. llieuce en.ii"; n, ripoord to a ttrong bat, la atnioit UD-i ir - .mri.- ' Bring the children HULL IIAHIIOIU Snowing, lilvti waler iiimi h In snnt ..... . . een since. The rlila -.... Mll.f I. -I.HIar I ' .1 Orecn 3.11. acres. only comment (, ami cnnlilnlnt Jij inn; -v.,...r. li-'lil " a .....B ruin 1. 11. II. !... ..t to the to In- made here Is lha if lie southeast wind; barometer, Tliere l rmlv. un - tn -n- rrUrt inri . ...ii ;.,.. ,.. t- i .m n'. j I 'Ml.70; leiiiieralure, 3.1; sea mod-erale, no rciiifdy like .iunr. ito nnu OIL Several Makings in the young man hadn't been up in the (1:15 p.m. spoke sleamer BURDOCK BL000 B ITT I US 'look in lllO Old t I'll Ilk ill the Terrace Oil Field for sale. naled rlirmr Rex Barber before he Shop air re.ached the town, Te II internally and It rtla. at th . kitchen might who Juneau, 280 miles north of Seattle ynu find an ol.l Apply C. S., P. O, Box 71 Ter. 1 hose assisted him doubtless Willi" rrK vi-tiif uiranr in inn ukmmj iiiq urivei.K... rornT 01' at K uorlhhound. tnai win in Tin; siTitirME j after lie had p.m. it m,t or th. ...i-m ace, B. C. 02 .'.ii r vii l 4 were been " Sixth St. Phone Blue 78 gone OHiHV ISLAND Overcast, Apply II eiimiallr and II tikea out thai i Marie ""II. use. mauaine. . Tiir M4.TTKII OF inr. MI''2., . BATH some time. calm; baronuder, 2lU'iO; IMiier-ature, itriilnr. tllnrinr and burnlnr. and proinotei I tried them all long ago, ami ONH linliiin Cornish 'Came Cock IIKIVO...--...-.i-.CIIMMIH i 7 i itt'' TIIF.i. i ir'jN((1 :. -31; sea smooth. lo 1 thy hfallor, none of lh;in fils. ,e Malin erel -and Iwn hen for sale. htati:tk4 of i:.vaiia, , ''''.'... n ,ik ENGLAND DEFEATED Mr. I. Sate, m prlncrii Are- Vaa Prie birds. Cily Murkct. Noon. rouvrr, B. C. vrltri: ''Harlnr iurrrrtj AN KI F0TIO OF ' ,,Mv.i,t l"H WALES AT FOOTBALL DKAD TUCK POINT Clear; with enema on the fare and bead for the FULLER'S SPECIALS LITU Cafe for sale, fitrnb lied iioisk rut. mu.iiAi.or roMiioxs i:i k r;r ii t.it,'."u ...it,,v The best in calm; bammeler, i.".).y5; "lempcr-alore, last five veari, I cuniulted ttveral doctora, Phone OF SUF..X. MTHATK l , .V, ,,:il town -. .snioolh. nil tried various kind of aalvrj and comjilele. 173. If lr: of tun t isii :'V V.'iv THt 0; sea 5 lbs. SUli MIXTION WAS I I; l'ure Score of One to Nothing Before ''Hun, but I derived benefit from Honey, S1.76 no ary srXTII PAV OF I'KH .'..ii f, HULL IIAIUIOH Cloudy, fresh AUCTION SALE. .V' inner. 25,000 Spectators at Swansea, or thiin. dui not know what tn do until Ontario Cheese, per lb... . 25o 'KTITIOM r.r Narlln iFllellli I ', NV Houlheast wind; barometer, .i.. friend advised rne to try Burdock Blood ftaanich Clams, tin . ml I j rini Weley I'eck K tl, j LONDON, Mar. per 15o AUCTION KALI'! At No. I Beach tit'MHnlent. pr -Ifilh Strand It, F.nuland Cdiiiernn. 70; lemperaf ore, 12; sea moderate; Hitter, and after I bad uted two botllea I Faalc Lobster, li's. each.. . 25o lv of January. H'- defeated Wales at Swansea beran to AparlmenLs on Wednesday, yes. i);25 a.m. spoke Princess ret better and now arter taklnr (erday in a football game under I'lia abeam Cape Scidt southbound. elrht bottle bav not even a blotch en Blueberrie, per tin . 25o Ifilh Miirch, 2:30 p.m. consist, v..ii,. O'lmiiii- i hi.iilliniuc!nhnce nanioi I".'.!? me. I feel thit I cannot praise B. B. p.'.icauia uuuiiau, i m. tiox.... BOo llfiner. haliir been mi. 1 ushocialion ing of: Tables, chairs, n '' rule by a t-corn of rarpel, lua peililmi liereln, by Cafe too hirbiy. t bofw you win nuke run ui King Oscar Sardines. 2 for 35c llmmreble Omrt. one goal lo nothing. Football DKiHV ISLAND Overcast, calm; of IhH rreoinrnendallon for tb beoelll f f;a( Pork, lb.... shot gun, bureau, bed, . hall I tils l In roe muice ioiiit fans from all the country round per 30c minor, and small mirrors, iirlnr Id be alltmtllllleit Ur. I'e' ! Vmrim barometer, 2l.5K; .temperature, eu.:;nVn.:- -utm k, ,.r tin .. C5c Die rmaii ami airad t i"'' " i: ...nii"ii All White 'flocked into the town In see the .'II; oea snioolh. blankets, books, cabinet Whllo o'ttellly. may tile's imllce or "" Help. lher being P. B. B. put up only by Tt T. iaurn,Krinkle Corn 1'laken 10o sewing machine, picture, loots III Ihe alinvn Court. ' ,i,m tin ganiH, S.inoirspeca. n Co., Limited. Toroulo, Oof, Fresh (l round Coffee, 3 hn. $1.00 rtATHi it frince liiinerl, tors crockery, ele. Philpoll.lJvjll day or Man li. IV. .. ...... ... present. I Advrvtlse In lhe:l)uily News,J many different branches 0f oth- Choice Dairy Iiuller, 3 I tin $1,00 A Co., Auctioneers, Ct Peputy PHl'rui ltf"lf,r'