Tuesday. March 14, 1922, -THE DAILY NEWS PAOB THREE m Local and Personal VANCOUVER SUN COMPETITION TWINS! George Leek, Auctioneer. IT Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. ., U. C. Uiitierlakcrs. Mione 4I.Mf Hi.. "WATERMAN SELF-FILLING FOUNTAIN Hayncrs, Undertakers. 1'lioue ' PEN" iiii.l l, "EVERSHARP PENCIL",. 301.. lf I ' fj I FIND THE OBJECTS ureal pair. Iiolli pet-feel In Us iAvii way; u More meal for your money. wrilniR rnnihinnlii.n dial can iu.. In; c.uallcd City .Market. if by any f l 1 1 o i- make t.r pen or pencil; a necessily r..r Hit' business man, 1 1 1 professional man or Furnished iimileiiijinuse. for ;rm I SOLVE THIS 'ml. Cenlrnlly loealnl. woman fur everyone, man, woman ami child. Apply I lux 8 I tally .News tWicc. If Convenient, liiiic-siiviiifr, always ready In use, WM PUZZLE The annual Darfmlil Hall will anil al a prirn In suit cvcrvbndy. be Kiven Ibis year as usual by 1 'Jiicen .Mary tllinpler I.O.D.K. Pens $1.50 - - - Come and hear Miss Stewart and upwards speak on the Library 'question on Win One of the Thursday evening at the Empress I Pencils- - $1.00 Theatre. 61 25 PRIZES Tlic Lifer or (he Inli-r F.mpirr nnrl unwarrls Trades Urbanization uiyiii"; the v adoption iir mellioils fur. ! Wc carry i-xlra points for I In Wiilrimati I'cn, ' ' " 1 - ' " furllicr development of Imperial - It Costs Nothing to Try nisi, all grades of Iclllls fur I lie Kvcrsharp I rmle .Miionii'i'iit. Hcrohat. nue, air. awn!rt it. nrvh, brnvkcl, biillimn, tmiifJtlow, lril, Imll, hudi, holt, was ajrain laid on Ihe laid.' hurklp. hA'lKe, Ixx.k. hv, Itrouin, briir pnUi i. hnni, bracelet. Iwttle. htmitrt, hornirrnmn, lrrrjr rrnte. I'encil. IW a wi-ek l.y ln city council iPurinT' wiKjp. iwrnrr pfiir. onrrri, rrtium conm, rmchrti, chh'k, riniin, rlrom wnriin. oL.IIih itaKri. rnorrn, amu njiplilor, rUmn, vtmt, rrih, turTee pot, t hfiiirTf tir, rah, elm In. rnp, nrk.rnipr, lasl niylil. rut. curb, crowbar, ralcmlar, rlar. rrnrk, rune, chimney, rMtklnf tMillrr. rhalr. flerrlrk, ilotillrtrp, atf.':-:?;?- . drawer. lmiiilt, iUmr, tU jMjt, to. dial, deer, dlninr talilc. riiiur-ke)'. damper, dtm's cijIIht. ert!el. elcpliniit, Free Sample Copy eletirle lulrt., eyen. ear. rtat fruit riinli, Are alarm imx, fle'd fla ense. flt. freexer. flower pot, ttgtln1Tt rl - rofm A- Idler from T. C. Duncan (inliplate, rra, ate. t I it h, flrl. Ku-rart, (ranie pourh, fun. hunter IiIIIh, liintp, hut. liandhtiir. hub, nfo.pnn'r. THK VANCOUVER St'N- fvn Mk Im.im McRAE heatlliirlit, lHor, tn.ren, Unrnrn. liead. IncUwiire, Infant, Jamb, Jar, jaw, Jntnt, keyjitoiie', kitchen table, rnrh werlc, Inrltiilinc the.Sir Sunday lllii'tmlril fetihtre BROS., LTD. Willi regard o his salary as af-ftrle.'l knot, keg. kite, lot-k, tetter, line, letter box, linn, lunch pall, lounge head, inane, ninxgle. monkey, man, piiper all thr worl.l. lirwii provinrlal lupp.tlnc-, maid. newlHiy, newspaper, mwe, ovrralU, oranice crate, plank, pump, potato max her. poultry crate, nappy t.afa,l.i awtlon markrl rriM.rl. .tronc editor liy Hit. propi.se.I .leu per performer, pawn bop,. panel, phonograph, patch, pillar, pennant, pic" head, pole, quadruped, ijuoit, 111., rrwm ,4 U pacta every week en,l. .ill nil in of eily employees railroad Me, railroad track, rticktnjr rhalr, rock, Heat, ntcertnjr wheel, fktllet, newing machine, utecple. iay fitar, auitpender, ahinglert. .fdenoKrnpher, arrcw ImiH, lrn, latchel, npiken, (lfde hainiuer, ukult, itove, THE BIGGEST NEWSPAPER W.is leeched l.y Hie eouneil lasl xlnveplpe, itove lifter, atove shovel, spider, spider web. pulteaxe, jinake, Scythe, muk of ttnur, neal, BARGAIN IN CANADA aillMtat, amoke. Hiring, aldewalk. pmokvtacks. teakettle, tire, trapere, tag, trick Iwar, tailtNiard, trunk, llinfil and referreil In die ciiin. trained .pig. ttwl wx, ttibrtyiffwrlter, telephone, toy rtglne, tobacco"rilpe. tent, theatre, train achedule, a Dully an4 Sunday, la.00 a II.mi for muntht trolley car. utensil, vent, whip, wlndahield, wheel, wire, wire pokra, windmill, yrai, urn, wine mlllee having Hie mailer in hand. gla. water tank, rane,brake, youth. wrench, 11.50 fur I uiontlta. SuhNcriptlurta to begin at m future Specials in Columbia . i NO'Ib .Where the wagon object appear 9 more than once In tlie picture any one located will lie aumcieut. date will be accepted. i. l'osllllo ha offci-c.l III.' eily J 11 At aend In a lint of all the I". Any man, wo Read Upen to Everybody -t y can nmi in the nt. These Rules Carefully niiin or child Uv- 'wi lots jii tlie eorncr-iif Seventh AVIn one of the 13 cash prlteat inr In Hrlliih Slreel and I'iisl Avenue if il lt cay. Somehody's ruing to win First Trite, Why pot you? Columbia who la not an employee or related to an employee of The Vancouver Sun Grafonolas & Records may aumnit an answer. There is no entrance fee. will linderlake the work of elear- If your anwer to the picture I. All answers muitt be received by mall and postmarked by pnt ufllce chmtng, Haw You Can Win $1,000 fnuile win Kirt I'rixe mid you time, April I. Isjj. , luir Hie rock off four wliieli lie lo tm fiiilMcrliitifiiiit to S. Write HnU of words on one side of paper and number all word (I, , l. etc.). holds lliere. The offer has l.een The Sun, you will win $50. However, If your anawer win" Kind. Prize and you Write full name and address on each pug in the upper right-hand corner. If Ime Kent In om- three-monthV aubfKTiptfon to The Sun (either new or renewal), you have anything ele to write, use separate sheet. to clear referred lo Hie Finance Cinumil- VOL Wil.L WIN' $joo in place of ISO; or, if your aimwcr I awarded Find 4. The answer having the largest and neareat correct list of names of visible I'rie by the Judge and you hare aent In two nix-nmnthV or one yearly ubcrlp-tinn objects and articles shown In the picture and In the list will he awarded first One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 li'e for report. '' of f 311.tu The Sun (either new or Renewal), VOL WILL, K1XK1VK St.ooo (iintcud prize.prise, etc. Neat new, style or handwriting have no bearing on the decision of The How'a that fur a, tilwrnl orTerf Hut, look! We will give extra Amount on all 3. Candidates may co-operate In answering the? ptiasle, but only one prize will be One city eouneil last uivhl or- phiea in the ne manner. If your aimwer la qua tilled hy two atx-month.1 or awarded to any one household v nor will prizes be awarded to more than one $55.00 $40 ilere.l lliat 7'.' l.e nai.l liv Hie iiiic yearly miImi rlptinn (either new or renewal) And you are awnrded Sectnid of any group of persons where two or more have been working together. I'r.xc, you will r-'tive J 3 nn und ao on down. See the li-t of prlxeM. It takes 9. If a contestant sends more than one list under the same name, or Aiimcd eily lo II. I-'. Self ami T. Collarl but twit nlk-iiiciiitliM or one yearly aulmcrlptinn (either new or renewal) to name, or a pre-marrled name, then all lists of such content ant will tie disqualified. One $75.00 $60 reiiiilmi'se tlieiii qualify fnr I he big ft.nun prlne. .Mno!utcly. two nlx-iumitlin or one yearly la If mure than one list Is seil hy any group who hare co-operated in the preparation o for haymenl Jhe imiimiini. Your own Kiibw riptirin; will count, and we will accept nulcrtp-liona of such lints, then all lists of such contestants will he'riisqualitleri. lo t In- (Ireal War Veterans' ll.iinl to ytart at any future date. Renewals or new siibscriptions qualify. T. Three Independent judges, baring no connection with The Sun, will Judge Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 the answers submitted and award the prizes 'at the end of the conteNt, and in . tiarlieiiialinv in I lie reeenl contestants agree to accept the decision of the judges as final and conclusive, PRIZE LIST ti. All answers will receive the same consideration regardless of whether or not All o.hcr Recorcs in proportion. We wish to clear eivie reeenl ion lo Hon. A. .M a subscription for The Sua is sent in. Mans.,u, allorney (.'eneml. i ? 9. The announcement of the prize winners and the list of words will be printed out this line. Ini'lnir ahawrra 'i '' i; at the close of the contest and a copy mailed to each person sending in a m m m will nieiw la-iiea -r subscription to The Sun. ' il - r A 10. There ts no pre-arranged answer and the prizes will tie awarded to those Are you in the market for Columbia Agency? THIS MEANS YOU: I lie (ii-nll.. x ss who, In the opinion of the judges, have submitted the bent answers. In this I'ooll.all Clnl.'s first annual ?X S t . S T. X contest you compete tvainst each other, not against .the manager of the coin-petition. AND THK BKST MAN WINS. , dance will U" liehl in the Au.li-'nriuiii lit (Si,.!) (fl ..-,0) (0,l..l) (Cwt. Ml I lie dechtlun of the Judges will be regarded as final, but in the event nf ties pri:. W.OO ORMES LIMITED (400.00 $500.00 $1,000.00 il Vancouver Sun reserves the right to submit a second or elimination free mi W'e.lni'silay, .M:reh IT. Sr.d nril. 40.00 200.00 250.00 500.00 puzzle to be solved by tin we tieing. iia vrlti , 30.00 100.00 125 00 .. ,150.00 Phones 200 and 134 I)aliein.ur fr.iu II lo V. ' WeTsliolini 4th arlia . . S3.00 75 0O 100 00 123 00 (Extra tnlargsd copies of nxiiU Fictnra sent fres on requsst) 82, 5ll P'ija 10.00 25.00 The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store five piece orelieslra. Admission th prlia 7.50 20.00 35.00 50.00 50 75 00 00 Competition Ends Saturday, April 1st, 1922 fl.mi. An IH l.asket of elioeo. 7th prl.- 3.00 15.00 20.00 30.00 Send your lint In rlalit aw.r. Senil a yrar 8th to 12th 3.50 10.00 15.00 20 00 Get Busy Now auhnrription tn The Sun (either for yoimelf lales w ill lie jtjven lo (lie holtlei 13th t 2ith 2.00 7.50 10.00 15.00 or anmennt eiae. new or renewal) a.t the .. Hie lucky lickel. (52 .ame time ami qualify for the f 1,000 prlie. Addraa all Solution nd Remlttancea to Puzzle Manager Waller Ilroad ami .I. I' Hawk RUPERT BRAND Hi".hi arnve.l .fi'oui Slewarl lasl VANCOUVER SUN, 137 Pender St. W., Vancouver, B.C. , . . . infill on I'.aplain .lames Alltler- oil s l.nal, I lie llolierl ( I. Sey Do not expect to find all objects listed under picture. List those you can find. (Mot difficult Just your ability to locate the greatest number. mo nr. Caiiliiin Anders..n a!s When writing mention you saw this advt. In Prince Rupert News. Kippers and Bloaters reliirne.l lo the city and will l jroinjr out ,S I errare lomorrow liioriiinv lo iuset nil tlrillin Fur a Taxi, nlioiio 07. u FUNERAL TODAY OF CITY TO PURCHASE operalions lliere iy his roufpauy. Hie lerraee Oils, l.iiuiled. Cash fur VicU.rylluntJs rims. LATE THOMAS OXLEY; WHOLESALE BASIS A good point to remember for McClyniiinl. If Salejat ermissjon litis l.een driven liy FOR PUBLIC WORKS ALL RETAIL STORES Hie eily eouneil lo Hie Adair Cul Unw.us.' I'nl l'lanls jM;Last Rites Performed in Presby- Ramsay's tcrian Church, Rev, Dr. H. R. irss Cliapler, Imperial Order lilooin. City Mai'ltti; If The eily is in adopt llic Kau of The Most Tasty Breakfast Food ll.iiiylil.ls of Hie Miupire, In ...- Grant Officiating. piiichasinw supplies for lis public I.olil, a Tay hay on Anril 22 I I'll.- (i. V. V. A. ifriirral mcfU works department on a wholesale Obtainable ill; will he IiiIi The funeral of Ihe lale Thomas aise fuinU for I In iiuprovemenl nil WY.Iiiesilay basis. The city engineer was Mairli 15 al H (l.vley look place this afternoon al in.I .leeoralioii of Hie relurned ii in. last niRlnl. instructed by Ihe council PAINT 2:8u o'clock from the I'rcshyiliu'iau soli lers graves al l a r lew (.em lo call for lenders for materials SmokedJDaily by lery. wliieli Work lias Iieii mi Miss Slrwail .(lit? I.iliiaiian of Church It. Kairview Ceiuelery. Itev. necessary for a six nionlhs' lerl'aken l.y Hint ehapler. Vifloria, will inltlrttss n Dauli- Dr. II. II. (Irani hllicialeil nl Hie period and bavo (hem slored in Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. " lers nf Hie Km in)iv al 1 1 1 I'Aly lasl riles in a reellnjr and synipa-llieljc (he hasr-inenl of the-lire hull. This IS pure and will stand the ..j-epor from Hie Finaiier nl .in W.-iln.'say i-veniiiK at 8 inauucr and There was a will eliminate Hie necessity of u test of time. PRINCE RUPERT riimnilllee i nunc inline Hint ii.iii. lanic allemlauce nf friends 'of (lie workman liciiiff efnrU for a re.p.i. .',nn lie paid lo ,1. A. Kirknatrfek deceased ami his "family. Thomas silion and (hen lo a store when-uvr for his o at Hie eorner of See. i 1 i...:i.i:1 1.1 1' 1 1 1 l'rill I, i.IIUS I.' 1 1 IS- Oxlr.v of Anyox and Mrs. II, Ctiiner a single lool or piece of n.ia-cliiii.'iy For sale at sili'd III .limit's , fur of Slewai'l. sou and dauxlilcr of olid Avenue and Pi fill SI reel, ad (ic is und will, it is oililliK the I'rinee lliiier Chili 2(iiin luiualow wliifli is lit'iu the deceased, had arrived in I In1 necessary believed, effect guile a saving in SILVERSIDES UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED. was ailo.le. hy Hie eouneil lasl i.iiiiii ny .Miii-iii'ii a liurni' on :ily for Hie funeral nd were cost. SAILINGS liialil. The lai'Ke amoiiul of .r.iek ili' .'ill I. Ai'iiiii' I'hil present wilh Mrs. John Mcltae of Aid. Montgomery put forward For Vincounr, I'HlllliY Hi Swine-ill lluv . lU'rnii KalU, Tliculuy. 8 p.m. on Illis lot will l.e use. iv I n Illis eily, also a tlauyhler. Mrs. Hie idea' at last uifht's council OROS. .Via linvr. .Mi.vit unj .Mi.r Arm, Siintli.y. mliliiltrtit. ' "Thp National and lntprn.it Inn. For Port Simpion, uy lor si reel- It Is Jattvis Mfl.eod, jiccoiiipauieil by ''allliiK ill ixvatii' anil n- llarbnr ill sailing Jan, 20, l'el. li. iti. Marrli 18. pufuoses. meeting. II was supporled by Second Street ?i. tinlllnir "I Somen llle. Kuineoii a nil Mill Day ulllnirt Feb, 5. .IV, March uiulersfoo.l thai Mr. Kirkpulrirk il Silualioii as il Affci'ls H.. Miss Kathleen (Irani, sanK "Due Aid. Monliznuiery, Aid. Cnllarl, (he Phono 22 P. O. Box 120 '-. I'i Utt.l Al't'll tf. will Hie WoAtMS fioin Hie Workers Swt'elly Solt'inn Thought." 623 S.conil Atnu. JACK BARNSLEV, Agent Prlnc. Rup.rt. B. a aeeepl offer. eily enufue'er and iiicmbers of the oiul nf View" will lie Hit' suli- I'tillowint' Ihe .scrvicn in the council tfenerally, who decided to The eily eoiineil lasl iii;lil frl of .lat-k KavanaUrtli's aililrrss hiirch Ihe corlejie moveil lo carry il into elfecl al once. adi.pleil a repi.rl of Hie lloai'd of it Hid .Mrlntyrn Hall IoiukIiI al I'airview Cciuelery, where inler- Main Hotel Central Works reeoiiimeiiilin I lie pur. 8 'ii.iii. uut'iit was made The pallhearers Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Office, ehase of a eoinpressor and wen; 1). Mull. Hunter. M. Al. Ste DOUBLING SIZE OF How Is Your PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO, 15 at any time, day or night. A l.'llfi' li'i.ni Mi.. SI. Aii.lifw's eiiiiipmenl fnr eily rock work"' a I phens, James (I. Sleen, II. T. Wil will be some one to take them. Soo'k'ly flu There always askliiK I'ily council THE READING ROOMi a Infill eosl ofl:j52.rMi. The loll. Dr. f" W. Kerpiii ami (i. II. Prince Coal Company eoiiiprefor will l piiri'luiseij lo ilaylifilit consiilt'c tlif inallcr ii'iln fficl of uHiuK llin Muiiro. Rupert savin? in from Hie Haiiadiau luuersoll Tliere went umny beautiful Report of Committee to This Silverware ? city was ivccivt'il hy llic council Exclusive' Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, llaiiil Co, fur K.'I and oilier llorul Irilmles, uiiiodk those send Effect Laid Dunn hv Co.innll ' Representatives last iiiuhi antl oi'ilotctl filctl for - 1 1 1 i 1 1 1 1 1 1 will he puiTliasetl hiif lloweis bcinw T,ee I.t.ilni Ntu Until After Library Vote. Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. fill lire refcrenno. from .Miiss.uis l.iiuiled, I'rank (HI, A. 1". and A. M, Kaieu Chailei' A few pieces (if nice Silver Darling ("!..; inicl-tllie Ituperl Ma lloyal Arch Masons, Mr. nil.I Mrs. The readiiiK room on Fullon Yellowhead Coal rine In n Works Hit city council lias i(-iuiii lo (i, II. . Muiirti, Mr. and Mrs. Jt.ii Slreel Is to be deuhletl in sue and makes just thai diircrenct! liiii'clinsc a 'I'lU'vIa (auk spray Man-on. Mrs. S. Dawson, Mr, and an extension of Die nicn's sinokljiw between an ordinary table for jijr.O an.I a lu.i-su lirooiu for On Dork Delivered . CARD O FTHANKS. ?;'.n. 'I his ciuliuiicnl will lie Mrs. F. II. Alexander, Mr. ami Mrs. room and Hit) -iiultiiitr in of a and a dainty dinner which "'iT LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.50 use.I in Hie si.rciiilliiir of liuuiil II. T. Willed, Dr. and Mrs. W. ladies' rest room is to be provided .your riuest will remember. Mr. iln.l Mrs. II. .1. Toss wish KeiKiu, Mr. and Mis: (leorjie . for, lU'tHiiilinvr In u ro'norl niade 11.75 14.00 asiflutll, to l! LUMP, Sacked . secured locally, lo lliauk lliclr many fi-it'inls for Ilryaul. Mr. ami Mrs. J M. M. Slw-phens, by tin; iifadiny rut.m ctuiiuilMee In We fiave (he new and up-to. MINE Bulk 0.15 11.25 on Hit,' si reels ill" (lie liu'iues RUN, only llin Kind t.i'issions of syuiial liy Mr. ami Mr. Joe llri'cr, llin city council lasl iiiht. Ihe .Kilo pieces ill latve variety. 8.50 sec) inn of llic eily which NUT, Sold in Carloads only .... are now mailer. rivi'iviMl on Ho- il.-alll or Mi;s, ieill- surfaceil. Mr, and Mrs. J. (i,Sleeu, Mr. und report Is In lie on Ihe table mil i I Analysis tu.li t-v cctil; wdnlllc U7.I Call Fixed Carbon, h'oss s fallii'r. I'. II. Sli'iniulnjr. Mrs. 1.. Aslori aiul family. Lew after Ilia library bylaw vole has percent: iish, U.ij cenl; ititti m i i-. :j.h pit ecnl; sulphur, per FISH ARRIVALS. jQntHiK. Daulilert) of F.iiKlaml, been taken and, in (lie meant hue Ul per coiil; It. T. V. air dried, ILli,.". The Xclsoii,. 5,IMlil ioiiins, Mr. ami Mrs. T, II. .lohnson. Mr. Hie city engineer Is In Ret an esli. John Bulger, This Is u lliuh drudu llituiiiluniis Sli-aiulntf Coal, especially rCZEMA 111 ami .il uy Hnwer, l(l,iiu(l .oiuuls. and Mrs. I'. ('. Dawson, J. (lay mate of (he cost. Aecnrdlny In The Jeweller suitable fur IIIkIi I'lt'ssuic Hollers and Furnaces. The lump were Hit. only lialilml iiouls of- and Mrs. V. D. Vance. die recouimeudalii.it lliere will be is u veryifctjpfi'iur stove Cnnl. Let ua send you a trial load of H incut for Ecieina and Skill Irrltv ferliiK for sale ill the I'ish Kx- H tlona. It relieve, at onna and erudu-m a separale entrance on rulloii 5 Mine Run for your furnace or half 'ton Lump for your I'lia.e',ally tlliilnie.it bealj Ui free akin.If you Hamrle uienUoii box u.l lr. CllllUKe Illis uiorilili. Ilnlh sn( H. D. (:amei'on. supe.cini iiUi'iif Slreel for Ihe ladies' rest rooiili 'GIFTS THAT LASTf; heating stove Kaier and eiiilsu.ainii fur lioln(e. fiOc, a lo Hie l'aii:nliiui I'hh and Cold or the Silvrado mine, arrived lasl wliieli will l.e in Hie southeast all dealer, or litliuanaon H.Uii & Co, UluItt'U, Tw Slurnyo Co. ui liH uinl Se. it wilt from Stvvart. teller "t the huililinir-