fit PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEW8 Tuesday. March jj igv, TIE CUTTING TERRACE must be very hard in Vancouver. A client of TIMES there says he is very hard up and so must BURNS LAKE from i".eo.a short Mincliln visll rvturnrO to J'rinco flu-pert. last WESTHOLME THEATRE sacrifice a fine Double Corner which he owns here x Tonight, Tuesday in Prince Rupert on Sixth Ave., at Cotton Street, in Business Has Materially Helped The Married l'tHple"s Club ircl District During Past Winter. al Ihe homo of Mrs. on Section Six. It is on the sewer and lies fine tor Tnesvlay evmins. I.jeelleiil SPUR LINE PLANNED music was supplhsl Jiy Mrs. Charles Ray Make offer. It be sold. H. G. building. us an must TOWARDS FRANCOIS Sharp ami a vrry riijuyable ee- ning was sprtil by all present. Insurance. HELGERSON, LTD., Real Estate, Rentals, II l rlimali'il Dial iijhih Hit in aw ax e -M -rf v. cuiiiplcliun tif lie roll in? al Um- Yrs. Fwlr left on Sunday t-nd of .March, about 250,000 Ii. for I'rince Utiperr. "The Old will haw been nil in tin Hums LAND ACT. Lake ilislricl. Tin Jirim-i'iul cinn- li.-W Tbottutsvit, who bad been Nolle, el Intsnllon to Applf Is Lttt Lanl. allie-. riiui-l In in Vork Home in Witt u for imOiine, rtlurned In Onwi riot 1r- laarxt Laix IiMrlrl, anutiij JIii-iih Lake liae liom the Saturday to linzftllun. Msirlci ef rrtin-e and Hole im-orilliiir Imprrt. Swimming Mt'iaf In frM i.f Bkx k "A" In Lei ), Jlnnson Vole . nml Tie i;i., if I innri IMiim. I'rinc. Iliiporf, who ojjeraletl al Mr. Wilson yf Ileum isiled Tikr ntrfirr i-anaOlan l'lli I rM Slvr. Rccliints St. Patrick's ar- nsupany l.lmllM of Itiiht Hiitt. B. letker Lake; I'rinee HiiitI l.o- Terrace this week. . k--ii'iI"i nh "lal'r.. Ini'ixJ in apply in;r CoH l.lil Francois I.akf. ;fi ieniii-i"ii lu Vf tit rolk.m Inr J rllssl laiI ".nuiwlK liir l a l IlatH.J si in SlanliT A. Son Ti l.oiiii.iiiy. Seldom does a day pass Mrs. Jeall wliw Ins oen ill for Hh,iw rl inrlurii-iiy In i viiD-mny ii or iikiiiii oinrrtifMi nrfrr rrum Muni: Lake. In !-uli-lrliii without someone in your sum. tune fs rVw tip, and feelinx Charles Concert IK. lhw 111 trrt tnrr r In Chaplin Day iMHillmroirrlv flirt-nun I" alrr mark. i-Jlilracl.l lo I hem, IIiMr roni- familyhappening anaccident iniicli lllr. jllifiH-r 7n rfl itrri ihnir Ion air lahie liave loah-rially assisted Homework mnns no end ol ,'mirk,water mark.tinner IlK'itrr 100 feel trrt iMrflWIy ratrrlr l akmr Inth tin xelller! in JiHMiiii? of wlial brvl- ani Vno;k Ironine titnt .Miss Oilitolct Hrir left on 'Mrh water mark l Hiil if rntiiiiirnrr uilablr limber looil llieir brin(t it i-uras, cooling often re Sunday for I'rin Itiiprl where in Dwmg I" iiiiirit.i on many lulls In whB ,iiH itt aiHi rtiiiuiiiiiir lou i; it..- ur !. cuts, barr.s and scalds. HIIW being iinl' III'' K. of I N.iH nH l.ol.ll .STOIlMiK land The lie iiiltitry in ilelf Ihe children ar 'always In the sli i to allend High School. Concert Committee take CfiJirVtY By I.TII Imnran AM.IIIiil.kriMH-iij. A rent. uruxiii'r n sreal .-n.el in Hie wars." Conseqjently. every wise "a a iaiHl IMmun It. - . mother Verr-s a box ol Zam-3uk Mrs. Cordon gl'Clll. pleasure in aiitiuiilir-ing li'velopinenl. tif lli(. country. close handy. Mr. ami relumed "Sunnysixle" 1 1 j - folliiw ini list of NOTICE. Al.otll one half of Hie i-ontrai-l" For the spralntd anlde or wrist, from Ihe south where Uiey hae r those in have heiMi hui"' in IJie company the cut finger or bruised roreheaJ, Im-n fr some linn. name appeal nit: Ill Hit pallT of an f..r tlw. ir a rmi rrrun-ai- t. itu mvrr-Inr raiiii. I In oilier half by fi'UIers the burn or scald, antiseptic Mm fwo concerts: I."l- I aitU i. Uhirk I. Stvnn I. Zatn-Buk is the safe i leal first-aid. Admission, 15c and 35c Mrs. L.' B. WARNER .r ITIik-t Itufrrt .Map J3.. IIMMIIM'IVC!. 2am-But ends tmsrtint; r1" ' Tli" nil driliu? has lK-guii. and sali.-rartor rrnr or tlx- ur ntf The lie from Ifie I'rinre llu- soreness almost instantly. It ei Is up lo- Ihe wk-cnd the drill was rertlllratr s.f IIIIf tlw alw'ir Smithers, B. C. ntti'Miir lamlj Iu'Iiik tm-ii riirnl.lml iim-. ii is iuy liiim- erl l.ojrinjj Co. (.-iiliil). Hie cnl-lili' disease cerms, cleanses the broken down neHrly a hundred feel. Mrs. L. O. LARSEN jllon I-MJ after llr rxiilralkfii uf mi uf which is all tiisoes. and grows line new skin. 0 Next Saturday Night Only, GLORIA SVVANSON now com-pleleil,- Mr. S. K. CAMPBELL jlmnlh rriiin llr-l ubliralim lirmtf a fr-h Zara-Buk is a pure highly-refined :rcrlill'-ale i.f litl riwrtnr III alHri iiimi-' will have lo be Iwveil balm, ol Nature's herial J. 11. Avar who has spent Hie in "THE GRkAT MOMENT" Mr. J. J. RALEIGH lloiMtJ lainl. in Hm laiiH r Hi Allanli lu allv aiHl liitniviiH-iil r:4iian I InitlrU own Kraneois Lake aiol tin oils and essences. Its timely use winter iii'Vanderlioof has relurn- Mr. BARRY SHANNON '-Mbji-ri In lu rhirn rf(riiTnJ a. : has averted miny a festered hand, tlellaco Iliver lo In . I railway al 1.1 io till: up ins iMisiimn as Miss NCR 4H SHANNON SC.-Hi ami Jill" h(rii riTimrai i iiiim-Ix-n-d poisoned knee or crippled leg. lonl ami l Dated Ih UarrlL 111, Frafcr Lake,-f j. II. Morgan ami common results of haphazard treatment bookkeeper at Ihe Amsbtiry mill, ERNEST BUTLER IjikI nriMr Oflirr. I'nnre U. Mr. linppri. :C, ?imJ day i.r Mairh. !. V. K. Williams, of I'rinee llu- with impure f:itty ointments which i sMn lo commence work I'll.' Ial lime listed II II. I". i'l.i:il. rl, are I fie irincipal.s of Ihis and salves. for the .umuicr. from Vancouver I:rnlrar nf TltlM. There's no truer saying than that nrriu- on rompany. "Daily Mishaps Make Zam-BuV Wednesday's boat. II is understood lhal Mr. "Mor- a Daily Need." T. Davis returned from Hum March Specials ! -aii has had a promise from the south where he has been for Brand Fresh Roasted uinailian National Hallways thai ICt IKm I3 I F.rwara Is atania sMine lime. mm ana .it. f ikis uttr I. lam-luk Ca., i spur Iracli will he huill as a Twanta. Of all w ., fw at.ts. oiiveiiieiii'c lo loading the ties Mr. and .Mrs. Mills and -family B.C. FRESH uulli uf this town. Such a spur wIim li. ir.lil the Claip ranch have v line would form a nucleus .-ii rived from tti prairies, and Coffe From the Farm an ullimalc brunch line connecting will make llieir home here. EGGS I In- Canadian National Itai'-. to the Table .... ways Willi die eastern oullei of Mrs. de.i. Little and twins paid Francois Lake. a flvinr visit to Prince lluperl. ' "SUPREME" Coffee Is because good, we BulkleyValley 3 the finest selected doz., $1.25 PRINCE GEORGE Friday evening was children's only BEEF night al Ihe Homniunity Club NEW CEMETERY SITE "SUPREME" Coffee tastis as good as it PORK A phy.-ical cullurc class ha. room. There was a very large Maid of Clover smells. When it crowd and all had R you pour MUTTON FOR BURNS LAKE IS present, a very been urbanized in I lit city with In tho cup It has the real VEAL I lie following officers: I'resjdi'iil. pleasant evening. and taste. coffee aroma BEING NEGOTIATED FRESH KILLED POULTRY CREAMERY Mis,, liludys Vi.oti; secretary. "SUPREME" Coffee Is FRESH 'flie land is being cleared, and absolutely Skeena River Farm Product Miss Itiilh llornsby; treasurer. material for foundations of ROASTED. Wo are routing Ihe VANDERHOOr CREAMERY Miss Jaiie Vilon, The , uirls llL'UN I.AKF., March I I.- -The E the it. W. V. A. rooms is heliisr arid packing for current BUTTER will uieel evei-y week i (he Citizen's Assoeial ion. Louis llan-ham, BUTTER hauled lo Hie site oT the build-ing. requirements only, rea'liM Presliylt-rian Cliurcli Hi he iii. seerelaiy, are lakiiiK up must NORTHERN INTERIOR essentially that Coffee slrtieled hv Mrs. firahaui and Ihe piestion i a nmre suilalde ' be FRESH ROASTED lo be Miss lleid. cemelery site Willi Hie ovtril- CO-OPERATIVE 3 lbs.. $1.25 liienl. 'Flic oxerniueiil has put Mr. Martin of I'rince Itupcrt M satisfactory. Phone 81 visited Terrace Ibis week. Sold only In 1-lb. airtight cartons. There is no change in Hie aside two Jotsfor this purpose We paying 2 are per strike silnalioii at the .McArlhur but Hie ilininaie jfacililies leave cent, on American lie camps and the men are si ill a lot o be iJesifi-iJ. and il is willi Mr. Callahan relumed on Sal. STEWART &M0BLEY, Ltd. Currency out. They are now uskiuir for Hie object of yellin? a more iirday from a trip north. Coffee Importers and Roasters an imiirovcinent in sanitary condition. suitable site jhal negotiations EDSON COAL with Hie government, are -being An ice-hoii'e is being added to PRINCE RUPERT Rupert Table Supply Co. undertaken. the Hulcher shop. COMPANY The Hoard of Trade is lo open Phones 211-212 an office In Hie Miinro Htnldni? Nurse Casey, who has been Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. NEW HAZELTON in lie used as an informal ion visiting nl the home of Dr. urn! bureau. Mrs. Hleeckcr returned on Wednesday Two sleijihloads of ladies ni- lo her home in Saskatchewan.' Best Coal A I'arenl-Teaehers' .Association joyed a drive from llazellon lu .TRAVEL lo ENGLAND has been formed in 1'riuee New llaelinn last week ami ?2I Special SALE (icor'e with the following offi wasvreali.ed for lln hosidlal as Mrs. Doiiaxhy and little daughter at and Scotland via St. Lawrence cers: Honorary president. Prin i result. The sleighs weru pro visited Mrs. Wilson of Ileum Route; Large, Comfortable Steam-! cipal A. Smith; president, Mrs. vided by James McKay and James for a few days last week. Mr. ers, Reasonable Rates. Gordon II. flower; vice-president. Latham and Mrs. Anderson ami Djnaghy returned on Saturday Lowest Prices ; Montreal-Plymouth-Cherbourg-j Mrs. Dixon; seerelary-ireasurer. Mrs. McKay were the organizers. from I'rince llup"rl. RUBBER BOYS' London Miss Harwood; executive, .Mrs. Anilama May IU Juia- 17 1'eniiy, Mrs. William., .Mrs. Davis Ore js beiiifj, hauled from Hie .Ml Toombs left Ihis week for FOOTWEAR SHOES Order Now! Phone 58 Anlmiia. May 2 July I and I'. Campbell. Silver Standard tiilue to the railroad Hazel Ion. Montreal-Liverpool at New Ha.elU'ii. Knee IJoiils. while and Lcckle Red Stitch 00 Alliaiiia May ti .Iiiik: III preferred by I)r. Lyon - Mr. Oilbcrl returned from broun, rn led edge r,.,. io 0' $4.S0 Tyrrlicnin ,.May i'lJ June 2S againsl Ihe conduct of Ihe I'rince Dean Kliuck, of the l'niersily Prince lluperl- where he spesit i miner $6.00 o to .i'.. . 5.00 use . . Montreal-Glasgow Oeor'e Hospital are bein' in-vcHliifaled of lliili-h Columbia, will lecture several days. Storm King- while and I io :. I. (.aanilra May 5 June 'i by Ihe hoard in camera. in lla.elloii ti'iiiylil. brnUli, roll.'d edge Heavy Chrome Strong Mr. and .Mrs. Anderson and 'miner 8.00 Hoys' Boots Saluinia May I'J. Juik- lit Shamrock 3-75 New York-Cherbourg-Southampton Mrs. peel arrived from Win family who have been up country Hip Tycc 8.50 l mr, The Prince (ieoivc Hoard of nipeg last week lu visit with her for the past two months. Aiiiiiania , Trade i slrlvlny for Ihe estab-lislimenl daughter, Mrs. J. D. fialloway. have returned and taken up their May S May 23 t bacon. i Maini'lania May 10 .liinc C of a creamery in the Mr. (iiilloway is ai present in residence in town. Shoe Repairing While You Wait r. district this year and will launch Ihe hospital recovering from an f HAM t- Full iiai'liciilai's from local ni'iiln A 4 111 f. a campaign of education which opera tiuii. niiTTPn f mi- CUNARD, ANCHOR, ANCHOR-DONALDSON McARTHUR will ciifure there bciiij; sufficient LINES, 622 Hastings fodder and cows to ensure one A ycr close hiid'exriliug badminton I EGGS 5 Street W., Vancouver, B. C. next year. The project is growing match was played laM HART BLOCK THIRD AVENUE LARD I in fuvor with the fanner. week when Mrs. Anderson and James Turnhul! defeated 'Miss (Joddard and II, l. Little. Mrs. The Empire's Standard. The Store of Satisfaction Anderson and Mr. Turubull will SALE now play in Hie fUials with -Mrs. Lath P. BURNS CO., LTD. JUST ARRIVED McCuLclieon and Jack Frosf. TIMBER RE SPECIAL LICENSES Lumber & CROCKERY CHINA SO SHOEY. . ALUMINUM Tli" nl tendon of Timber Li and "What i this sluft?" Shiplap-Boards Hand Tailored leathery cense holders who are taking ad "Fillet of sole." Greatly Reduced vantage of Ihe provisions of the COAL "Take il away, waiter, and see U;'l Aiin-ndment lo Hie FOIlF.ST Dimension if you can gel mi: af nice lender 'ACT, whereby arrear of license piece from Ihe upper part, of the Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored tinier Com"" CAPS and fees accrued prior lo 3 1 at De. Cups boot, with Hie button removed." comber, 1020, have been funded Kxcusivu helium' uijcnU Tent & Awning Ilevlew. and made, payable in uiiuual instalments, Siding Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, FOOTHILLS AND CADOMIN Unbreakable Peaks Saucers is upeciully directed 'lo COALS Latest Styles llefe-ular S.25, now. . .S1.00 PRINCE RUPERT TIDES Hie fact (hut any renewal fee and Finish IilifiyiJ in your liln lU'Kiilur .75, now. . , 50 -l- l-. l nVHr which became duo in 11)21 is nol Screened Lump, Ion $14.00 Ilegdlur .30, now.,, 25 Tuesday, March lb. included in the Instalments above Screened Stove, ton. . 13.25 $2,50 lo $3.25 SPECIAL Iliah 1:10 a.m., 22.8 feet. mentioned, and sucli 11)21 ami all SPRUCE LATH Aluminum 1 1 :0H p.m., 22.5 feet. subsequent renewul fees must be Prc YOU'LL LIKE IT Saucepans, Manufactured In Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest regular 3.50, now. .$1.75 Low 7:5a a.m., 2.0 feet. paid within ono year after Ihe 20:1 i,, l.'J feet. date of expiry of Hie license in Goal Co. Ltd. Consumers Wednesday, Murcli 10, order lo maintain the rigl t of the CO. Phones 7 and 311 DENNY ALLEN CO. High 2:28 a"lW; 23.0 feel. holder to obtain u renewal of Ihe PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER KIRKPATRICK I i:53 p.m., 21.H feet, License. 113 Lome MacLaren, Manager Third Avenue Low 8::i 7 a.m., l.'J feel. Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 20 r,n p.m., o feet. y