I " THi DAILY ftiw GRAND TRUNK BYLAW AGAIN UNDER DISCUSSION BY CITY COUNCIL: PUBLIC MEETING Aid. Mniiljrnincry and (iily Solii'itoi' lliioppr firtain rro.pil swnrils al. lasl night's i-oiim-il tlieeting over Hie II. T. . assess- inenl iiffreehielil hyliiw. The rli.itler was fully disposed of, ns far us (hp council was ciiiipcrneil, al hist Week's Ineellnir, hilt il was I I liilrniliiceil iifriiin lasl nigliliy Aid. Kelly, vhri askeil Hull .1 pnhlic SMOKE ineeling ,p hclil In prescnl Hie isiie Id Ihe ralepnycrs. Aid. Kelly's reiiies Avas acci upon mill lliere will he such n itleeliiig held iii llif i iMilicirji-i.,inilif)r nl n dale lo he se,l ome limn' between "We Saw Your Letter now and March. 22, Ihe dale of Hie eleelimi. The. discu HIM PLAYER'S which fnlluwed upon Aid. Kelly's In the Newspaper" uytnMl ton finally resolved Itself did Aid. Montgomery lake Into willi some heal between Mil. consideration -,when staling lhal ES." met seemed to be talking Montgomery nod; Mr. Hooper 0i,000 flint been paid tn taxation NAVY CUT "And Is that correct about it. Then I saw your who, appnrenlly, have become by Ihe railway company last X what is said letter, and knew you would Ihe champions, for ami against year, that 2.,. "ft was uilmilledly about Dry Chases Nerve tell me about it." the dylaw. Quilp a little passage nverpiiyiiieiil 011 lie dry dock and Food?" "Well, you know how weak (r words resuMed before Mayor Hull Ihe failure of lasl yeiir's CIGARETTES "Yes. it is absolutely and miserable I was for Itfichcsler ciiltf, ( comhaaiils court uf resisjoil In do Us 'duly true." years in spite of all the doctors In order. had caused nti additional l0,iioo could do for me. I was Aid. Kelly asked I lie mayor if or I -'.uilil too much drlio assessed. "Hut why do you recom nervous, irritable, restless it ttiii this intention In rail a As fi'ir as the .f2:.,,nrni Vas mend it?" and sleepless. Thought sometimes public 11 ii'f 1 1 11 p- Jn connection coiiceriied il resiilled frilin'a llole "For two very good rea 1 would go out of my willi llm bylaw, hi vicwof Hie ill Ihe ii'.'rcemeiil. lie woiild'tiil-viso sons. First because it fully mind from worry and depressed controversy which had nriscn in Ihe.elly, as he would a private restored my health and spirits. I need not I hi pres. between members of client fu such :1 i-atf1, In Mc-Cl'de. strength when I was weak, tell you how well I am now. I he council, ho thought that il for itself whclher II fell wornout and very greatly You can see for yourself. was I lip duly of Hip i-f 111 licit In morally hound lo refund this . ' 'lAYttlAVtli uAYf, tAYEi, .trE', jS " ' M' discouraged, and, second, because There is the whole story, and le,,Jhe citizen know Hip fart. kl'2,500 or lake advantage uf a t I believe it is a duty as all the credit is due to. Dr.' Aid. , Kelly' also asked 1 lip mayor faulty coulraci. well as a pleasure to let Chase's Nerve Food." if il was his i 1 1 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 Ik I' nlilaiii Aid. MiiulgiMiiery replied dial other women know about so "I get your viewpoint now. outside legal advice as regards il va, not fair for Hie cily .'iilic-L- superior a treatment." It would be a sin and a shame ltii ilry dock bylaw which was ilor to say lhal last year's cnurl "I never Used Dr. Chase's If you did not tell-thers." apparently in 'dispute following oT revision Jiad made mistakes iTerve Food, but I got inter Dr. Chase's Nerve Food, llm $3if;rno overpayment by t he when he was there himself to ested in that Woman's Advertising 50 cents, all dealers, or Ed-manson, 1 railway company nn ill is prop advise Hit" court. Hp referred Contest they had, Bates & Co., Ltd., erly. lo Ihi; 11. 'I'. I'. development. Co. and nearly every woman I Toronto. .Mayor Jtoehcsler staled Dial hp assessment ami asked I lip solicitor thought-published statements m if he knew IliaUilll SHI,000 the' agreement, wniilil Iip fnrinnre rediiclioii in valuation had lieen satisfactory llian pi'escpliiig Hip made this y ear on I hist company's SAWMILL IS VALUABLE FURS Value fiTra Jlnd itt tins m 5 WF figures al a iiicclins where, they property. Mr. Iloofier ISrvAhrt wniilil he cniifuspil. As Tar as said In' did liol know. of 50 MOO PLANNED FOR I AT BURNS LAKE legal advice in Hie dry dock mailer "I have not' lime lo come here was concerned, Iip had had atul educille you," replied Aid. no furllipr report than I hat of Montgomery pertly; LAKE Hip city solicitor, Aid. Collarl suggested that. BURNS Estimated $50,000 Worth Have Was Not Satisfied. s)ne? IIip city solicitor Iniil Been Taken Out Already Aid. Kelly replied that iIip did proveii siich an able champion This Season. not Ihink il was right fur the for Ihe bylaw, he be present al Harrison Bros, and Geo. Evans mayor and aldermen In have a Hie proposed public meeting: Will Bo Operating 10,000 ft. BABINE IS RICH COUNTRY controversy in the pres and "If Ihe city solicitor is there Plant by May 1. lliat an official statement hy the arguing.Hip case from the (Irand mayor and financu cninmillei' Trunk point 'of' view, then I MIRACULOUS ESCAPE liniXS I.AKK, March H. Improved Road to Lake Is Very should al leasl he iiildished. would have the firand Trunk Pa Harrison llrns., nf Hums Lake, Desirable to Enable Trappers i'roiii the contradiclory inform-ation cific pay him," declared Aid BY LOGGER WHO FELL ami fieorpe KvaufT, of Ontsa hake. liail Montgomery, i To Get In. which lieen pri'senled arc inakiujr preparation lit establish. al lasl week's ineellnir 'he was .Mayor Itochesfer closed off Hip 300 FT. OVER BLUFF IT jliimber tnill 'hf Hums llim.N'S I.AKK. .March II. To iml satisfied himself and llimii-'hl discussion slalimr lliat there GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY l.iikei and or lljc machinery -some worlliiil lo (lie council would be meeting sO that the lale this seasoi ril,nil0 was uji o put a is nlrcinh 'mi Ihe proiiifili 'hen OCKAX FALLS. March I t. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail Wednesday i t p.lu. for of furs have lieen . uiiirkeleil it fairly and smiarcly before tin ratepayers could get Hie iiis. and the mill Is completed II will have throliKh this peiilre with the result people. outs "f Hie mailer. The. city .Miraculously escapiii? death, W.j Anyo.v. Thursday rif 12 p.m. for Swun.so.rt Hay, Oeeaii Kails', capacity lit approximately 10,-' II. I.lwooit, employed by the Hoy I'owell Hiver. Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle. a catp.lt said Ireasilrr and officials would he of Hie spring yet to Aid. .Mcl.eod Ihe honest 000 feel dally, Hie output In l)f' Ashe ilinndloggini.' concern. S. is. PRINCE ALBERT- Kor ail points- Northern and COIIlft 1n. fads shiuild be given to Ihe ppo. present. entirely used -locally. Qnalna, II. C., fell Ihrep hundred Southern Queen Cliarbllte Islahds. Mrttcli 13 iihd 27. FM'tf The fur district tributary to pie and II was up lo the mayor nf 1 1 1 1 i 1 1 !-iilfrciecIfdiNhe feel sustaining a dislocated In anticipation 1 1 Stewart, March 10 alpl .10. , Hums Lake covers Ihe llahinn to publish Hie true figure. As WORKING PROSPECTS shoulder seillci's have already and other minor in Train Service. iViiinlry, I'rancois l.uke, Ootsii is was, the cili.ens seemed to lie feel of juries. H appears lhal during and SATURDAY 14:16 out smiiik 3ril,000 Passenger MONDAY, VVtDNESDAY al Kulsuk Lake, While -Sail and Hi? up in arms. I'lfTH-til III! saWPtl. Lakes and the CheslaMn I.like Aid. Monlirririiery said Uf did Good Deal of Development Work liainlloygin'-' operations Klwood j. m. For Sni'lhers. Prince Ueorgi, Kdmonlon and Winn II is cvpecleil Dial Hit' mill will was lowering himself Over a peg, making direct connection for all Jinlnls n Kaslern counlry. Alosl of Hip furs conn; not question the figures as al on Properties Held By Bdrns ln in operntm some I inn- nboiil slepji blii.ff w'itti Hip.aid of a rope Canada iihii Hhiled States. from Hie llahine. Hear and .Man- ready published by the mayor Lake Miners. May I. Tin' work on I he silo hns which giive away, sending the Agency Ail Ocean Steamship Lines., son Creek districts. There are but llierp . were provisos which been somewhat liaiiiliclippi'd by handlogger to the bottom. The City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 uufort'iinnle accident 'lo Mr. from 1 000 to I.'00 Indians in miht be misleading. He would HUnXS I.AKK,- March I S. injured man was brought In the iln these districts who transfer all like .Ihe fullest publication of good deal of prospecting and development Ocean 1'alls Hospital for hiedi suffered his whfr injury-Hi Kvarts their catches to the llahine I'ost even Hie worst point.-, lie dfd work bus been done cal attention. J-- - - - --; - . -..t while unloading machinery. rihs al the far end of llaliine Lake. not !UK(rest for a moment thai on the various mineral holdings Hums Lake is 10.1 nilUs from anyone was trying In misrepre in the vicinity of Hums Lake Two' letters frnm A. !,, r.ar Ihe ltaliine I'ost and llm nearest senl, . In any case, lliere were The copper, silver and gold prop rulhers, jiroviiieial govei'iuueni CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Ten , Years Ago point lo Huliiue Lake is -','1 miles ways., and means by which Ihe erties of Hugh Macilooald aod district engineer, wel'i read al In Pi'nco Rupert 1101II1 liy trail In Ihe Imat land-in?. ratepayers eoiild ro into Ihe maf- Fred llagen fu the llahine Lake lasl night's council meeting p. B.C. Coast Services Icr. lie, HiouKht Hip cily treas dis'rict liuye been developed con arding Hip initllng in of a water Marketing Beaver. iirep niipm-ijive the figures un siderably. siiiply ul Cow Hay. The engin March 14, 1012. Of Hie furs taken in this district, der his ' signature. It was no Owen W. Owen of Tchslnkut eer stated Hi at, lie was hoi pre Sailings from PrinceRupert Alex. Muiis-on was siven the beaver and marten use .rijfr HieMnaynr or liiinself Lake has lately made some dis- pared to say w.'nen Ihe permanent tinaiiinious nnniiiialion at Die iloininnlo and il is retiorled that (Ald.MiSiitpomery) lo dm it. If coveric.s of fomi looking galena work there would lie. finished am For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway l.iheral roiivenlloii lust niuhl lo the lludsoo's Hay Coniian aihfie.lal did, bnwover, the pen- ore in ;tjljp vlijinity o'fflep Creek had received n o Instructions March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. ', , oiliest .Skenia riding in lliu np-proachiiiR. hiiushi some 700 heaver skins at pb;vouli know the figures were mo assisieu ny rus iwo' sons is from Hie department as regarils For Vancouver; Victoria and Seattle I . provincial eleeliun. Hip llahine post duritijr the from (he hooks and must lie tor- proceeding willi dovelopmenl Hie water dimply. 'I'he tearing March 4, 15, 25; April 5, 14, 25. Kieil siork ffnes lo llella Coola month of reluuaiy. V. Alio of reel. They could use Ihe coun work. town of Hie ramps would com S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, iii eanipaiii and Duncan Hush lo 1 turns Lake has laken nut i'rt:! cil chamber for n inceliiipr. There, mencp ns soon as possible. I he East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell Hip interior., . braver skins this season valued were dehalealile points In Ihe A newspaper Without circula letters were filed. River and Vancouver, every Saturday at i p.m. 1 al almiit 15 a piece. proposed agreement which might tion, men if printed mi parchment, Agency for all Steamship Lines. The license eomiiiisslon has fioiiin of the finest inariei- bp taken up. has no advertising value FIXING i'ull information from ili'ciilcd Dial tiTi holllc licenses in ciiiishl in norlhern llrillsh Co Regarding Leaseholds. because,il has nothing to sell. RESPONSIBILITY W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, Hi is city willihe renewed. iiimhia. is caushl riahl in the Aid. Hilversides wanted lo know Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. Dilhino raiVff'e. I lsher, fox, er-ihilh', from the elly Solicitor If lhec Nothing escapes the scientist Ifilin iMewlii, fpiurliiiis nrricc"r i-al nhd hPiti-'iUioond in the really were debatealde points as WEAK HEART of thn Mellon Institute, wlieii tr I he ,rr'rheoinii1pr provjneiul various irappini; distrlcls, regards ' leaseholds under Hip they analyxe the enUse of wear Meeljoii. .aiiniiiiiiced III .110011 In. The. road or trail from Hums agreoincnt. on laundered fabrio. liven tin' 'toy lliijj. i;liQ';follovliis noinlim-li'ins Lake lo llahine Lake is not liinp The soliollor said thai, Hi his NERVES BADLY unsuspected cIoilie,s. lino Is tltles- liTii'l TieeVr formally niuilir: heller lliaii a third ifilo pack opinion, there were reilMy no debatable tioneil as to its resnonsibilit v DrJOSJAGUIRE Willhuii, llarralf Clayton; Alex. I rail al Ihe present line, whidi is points. There wits nothing SHATTERED Here, as is of leu (he case, lhal M. Mansiin, barrister; NVilliam a arenl haiiilican to IIip for in llm agreement which look supposed frieilii of tin housewife Mainoti, V'acijiHInlanl; William trailers tfellliisf In nhd Out of tin away the company's responsibility Many a wumao wlio slioulj lie llrnnv Is found lo be unite culpable. DENTIST Iloiiry lahorec. conlilly. It i Ihoufshl. Mcaiiy for lint..payment nf.laxes on tml linliliy, full or lira and tnngj, I Ktperl lesls hrtVb sliowi lhal Monlpjiuiery, lioiiiid. liy llm Bliacklcj of lll-lieallli. ' Visit his Office Rooms 7 and 8 Smith that willi a reasiiiiilhle expendl- present leases. nothing esjiosnl for -1 hours rut PUZZLE CONTEST. - luiy uf inonoy llm trail cnuin "Hid the city receive laxen Snm (incuse or cniiirtltuilunal dlsmr Ihe clothesiiue, has suffered .1 Block or phone for an appointment. Uni-e Imi left Its Ina Ik In Itie form of 1 he iiliprovi'd- sufficlonlly lo permit from any lessees lasl year?" Inquired weak lienrt, kliatl'red liervn; Impovrr loss of 2 per ceiil. Phone 575 Puzzle -ont.sM arp always of wafjoiis and even vniotni Aid, Montgomery of Ihe Mini liiood ami an eliaiitil cniuntlon of This explains In no small Office hours; 9-12, 1 lo 0 and 7 to 9 T'lpular, I ho more so when a cars Jielnjf driven to t ho lake ami Holieilor. . lln' wliulii lysinn. nieash'ie Ihe jUirhist UiiiVnrsnl evenings. r I i 1 1 1 1 prize 11 f iim) and 11 llml siich n road would op op "No." MILiURN'S failure of lace curtains just he Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant ('HKtliy Hh, o lesser prims are a rich fur and .limber country. "Then if (hero are. nn lessees UtAhT AND NCRVC frlLl Irtw the liniiJ of Hie o(nned win-dowi ' . ; '"in; up nn a reward. The Van-C'uivcr Timber at Bablne. on the assessment roll how nro lln-y wlli niui l h'uiejy itial will aujiply sash. , Hun, ha Just announced Hablnii Lake is 1 05 miles lonjf yoii going to nil I eel luxes rriim fiKxl fur thn eiliaiislM nervs, one (hat Hy this test, the laundry iiu 1 'nnli4 of.thls eharneler bused hy eisbl miles whip. n ns Ifie C, T. i'. outside of the iMS,-llod, will Hii'iiillifii aii'l ri'rulate tbe wak llnslry is vindicaled, and we. ard hlriit inrt InvljruFail) (lie Whole, '"i Hie shore Ibere u plenty nr w. unu a ybiir uovlso calls tnl-Y" tyttrtn. Minwh Hint after nil, even IliB iJisVovpry or Ihe luraexl tile slitted Mint hrt wits Mr. W. YV. leaFrii, 11 Sflion St.. lioine laundry has Its and al Wriifhl'ft tilderllian pi'ocl'ss iaiiniier of ohjecls In a piuxh) lotfulni limber rortinin. niit.i rites: ' t a If rt ltb FIRE! FIRE! I'iclilre. TliiV'eonlesI U lo Jlay situated some IS miles ahov1 afraid irtxis on leases Inlghl lirt a wi'ak lirarl and la a run down concilium lmperfeclioiis. fcl open Hie hoilt lallillnt? mere is a 11110 efediled. ashlnst the $lr,non. rriiiii the 'flu.' Mv tirrrea vltre Ladlv wii do not Usil clolhr-s linen in lirillsh.Cnliinilllails will and 'funiiintf dislricl whlell .Classes of Leases sliallcid. and I dad aurh ialna around my our proccssi your ciointng is The lire liisteetors have heeit round and wo know just what "kill l"'"liiliy Iiin the lueniilly and iMlen 'cu of approxl- fliii snllrilor said I lull Aid. barl 1 could Dot ilel'p omcU al nlfbt, thus saved this 2 per rent Ioshi yon lu'ed to proH'ct yuur wnih, partitions and ceiiitiBS, nr.ilhofjsanils It is would ''ver nn (ik afveriil doclora' uiedlrlnea wltbout '" as open MoiilgOrnery was invariably cOh-fiisliiir l which hiay be eveit gretller hero We. make ASH BARRELS and everything for your protection all. 'rh coolest closes April iulely O.oon acres. imiliiir any lif iter. My buaband tot nie lo Hie" I wo fol-in of leases try Mllburu'a Heart and Nerve i'tlla, aod when such high winds pi'i-vall, against fire. nod full'parJjeularH i-onceniliij.' f i.i. 11..I..I1I11IIV bvlilw fiUiltf Hid 11 einlViidli'il In I III agri-oiliiMll--hrrsphl arn-r I lotk on box I rot Kiier. and arier Fills scrvlon "s at )llr lliu are tiiijnt UVuldli'd IhroiiRli jihd alderiueh h'Hflik, which wi'iii tftx-nlde .taking all.. lioirt I have been well and not hosal. RbWe's Sheet Metal Works preM. of the itrnVlilee. nhlrie hf inayor i.i. j i. it - i 1 -i ... rp niii! at I he anii) pcpip as over and above Ihe $I5,00i STEAM LAUNDRY CANADIAN Phone 340 was finally adopted 1 and future leasun wlitch would a,STV WWt Prnupprous nilverllsliiK mean lost year last night. hi credited aaalust it. Nvltltev bunt Ctf.. Liiuiieii. toronto, oni. I I'liohe H, (advl.) "isular eohiinuoug aJverlUlh. llio city eoUiicil f m