ASK ABOUT OUR Winter Service Specials KAIEN MOTORS LTD. ' Chevrolet Sales & Service Goodyear Tires — Willard ees ‘es, Raybestos Brake Linings Che Daily Nets NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER P R INCE | E RUPE RT, B B. © io THUR 2SDAY, NOVEMBER 3, 3, 1932 Phone 52; Night Calls Black 373 %, & < sf %, % — 02 III., No. 255. Vel Ve, ae aes a Nase paste 3 PRINCE Fee Yous Clause In Canada-British Trade Covenant Ineffective Old Country Government Intimates, However, That It | Will Live Up to Spirit of Agreement as Long as It Is in Office LONDON, Nov. 3:—The debate five year’s or any other period of time under the Canadian- United Kingdom agreement following rulings points. Spokesmen for the administration, however, made it plain that the present government intended to live up to the spirit of the agreement in that respect. on the Ottawa trade} agreements has revealed that Parliament is not bound for} on certain NEW LOAN #¢¢+¢¢4¢4¢4¢4444 4 WINDS UP: + SOCIALIST CANDIDATE +) FOR PRESIDENT UNABLE #| CAMPAIGN : TO CAST VOTE HIMSELF # , HICAGO, N Norman #)| Governor Roosevelt in New Jers Wyle » and ae list’ -candifiate | Today—in Brooklyn and New \@ tox—president of thes United + Work at Week-End * States, will be unable to vote # seg : * himself eral election # ALGAE, BE, Hor. . ov # next Tuesday. He failed to re- #| of the remainder of Governor), |... ' i Klin D. Roosevelt campaign |, : . the vot- @ the presidency of the United i ; + : were announced yesveraa Ps The Democratic nominet oan Vie ee eee in invasion of New Jt eak Friday nig! Saturday night Former = = WHITE MAN'S} Governo! Democratic candidate for idency in 1928, will cor : BODY FOUND take an active part in the campaign for Governor Roosevelt until elec Discovery of Remains Made in Na Prince Henty in Smash: “Up ame aeantermenee oP etree eemeprremee: © mms veer re } } } Canadian National steamer which crumpled her bow in Anxious + ANNOUNCED British Government to Offer Con- Speaker Refuses to Entertain version issue of £390,006,000 Motion—Supported By House at Three Percent Division LONDON, Nov. 3:—The fourth OTTAWA, Noy. 3:—M. F. Hep- big governmental financial oper- burn, Liberal member for West _ ation since spring was announéetl Elgin, made a proposal in the yesterday in the form of a new Hieuse of Commons yesterday for three percent conversion loan to an investigation into the manage- talling £300,000,000 which will be ment of the Sun Life Assurance offered at 97' Co, but was ruled out of order by The loan will be used to pay off Mr. § the remainder of unconverted war The loans and five percent treasury lengec bonds which were not taken up in a giant conversion loan last House spring. This transaction places the en- Hon. H. H. Stevens, who says tire British long term credit prac- Canadian government’ is con- tically on a three percent basis. cerned over exchange on Britis! the § So great was the rush of money for investment in the new loan pound suppo collision w member for *¢¢¢4¢44444 © @ ee 1 dock at Halifax. PROBE OF SUN LIFE peaker George Black. Speaker's ryling was chal- 1 by J. S. Woodsworth, Labor Winnipeg, and the upheld the Speaker on the first division of the session by a vote of 128 to 55, The Conserva- tives voted en bloc in support of peaker’s ruling and were rted by fifteen Liberals, day next Tuesday ; » | that the lists were closed at 12:15 + . tion River ae _— - noon today instead of remaining EXC A NGE + e Fort St. James } open all day as had been origin- ‘ee a. J \* UNITED FARMER MOTION + FLYING TO ally planned '# IS BEATEN AT OTTAWA ¢ Faas Ben LARMING ; 3 bo A a ae y * OTTAWA, Nov. 3:—The ¢ CALIFORNIA = : In “ COMING TO ' * House of Commons last night # Brit ( nbi sovernment Concerned Over Sterl-|# defeated a motion by C.G. # Miss Ruth Nichols Out to Shatter "" be id PALO ALTO: ing Situation, Declares Stevens [| Foote, United Farmer of Al- # New York-Los Angeles hn, ; on epo by | — # berta ' member _ which would # Record ' ; Coront ) Vv ? OTTAWA. Nov tion. H. H.|* have made ratification of the # Elia lias — Ke _ resident Hoover to Be Home For | ens. mi r of trade and com- |* Anglo-Canadian trade treaty # NEW YORK. Nov. 3:—Miss Ru " s a3 “a ™ c a, wile, Yi Biection Day, It is Expected— nerce : he Hou Com- }* contingent on the establish- # h ls, noted American aviatrix, |.” et idiiida , Speaking in Middle West ol ' he ern-/* ment of parity between the + ; *paratiol -~---- nent w ‘ nee sbout |* Canadian dollar and the Bri- # completed final preparati ; a oe tn ite n f \ le night and was expecting | WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 3 he Br hanee situation. He |* tish pound, The motion was + here early today on a non-," The b - und it lent — A. ove! em = was hopefu ’ | mone » defeated by a majority of 38 ; “P ‘ os Angeles in tl py WN oove! ; the |the difficu possibly from the] pe poy rte ao re this afternoon for his final} .oming v conomic conference.|*# * * * * * *# 4 @ @ @ @ cord for the flight Miss he hol DE AL WITH ampaign tour into the west — | if he had bet sure there was no saiiiienanet ‘ight is planned as a demonstratior the presidential election on Tues- | ther soluti he would have sup F C li fe for the Republican party i the I RIA, next ways 1 inne deine } wane | he ¢ t Pa an ) ian ormer a I ornia reside aig ice Wi Spe Mf tiffhation he Angto wnadian | b — eer. MANCI {UJ 7. inghield, Ohio, Friday night in | ty ade treats ntingent uwoon estab School Official Is | t W ther to Deliberate on ' "Wi re my en alr i pre apd ee vee | . League of Nations to Delibera Paul rhyile Mt Hoover's nadian 4 a the British G It {F ’ erior a November 21.0n Lyttes Gam chedule is subject to chiunge, it 1s pound, Mr ens said ul Yy 0 orgery mission Report xpected the president will proceed ne. Terrace— Rain, oats tempera als from St. Paul to his home at Palo LOS ANGELES. Nov. 3 A plea nee GENEVA, No The League OF} ajto, Cal., where it will be possible NEW YORK of guilty to charges of forgery was Hegelton—Cloudy, calm, 32 Nations will commence its delibera=) for him to arrive at noon on elec- al entered by Elliott B. Thomas, for Sriuithers—Cloudy, calm, 27 tions on the repo f the Lytto Ition day in time to vote himself A mer superintendent of schools at Burns Lake—Clear, calm, 23 Commission on Manchuria on No-| MA rh Redondo Beach. The former offic ++ eee vember 21, it wa nnounced ve on § ial has confessed to obtaining $8000 ra @\day. I a bet oviginally 1 ah | Issues Dropped in Last Half Hour of | by forging the names of school trus * FORTY-SIX MILLION @# ded t ke the matter up on No Gotham Trading Yesterday tee to payroll acequnts over a per- + alin ahaa anaes “y # | vember 14 VICTORY iod of two years. Sentence was re- + Avene ae as ny , + | NEW YORK, Nov 3 Issues |served by the court TO VOTE THIS YEAR A | —_— dropped as under an avalanche team : WASHINGTON. D.C Nov + Halibut rriva $ | De mocrats Expect to Win in All of selling during the last half Rout DIVIDEND * 3:—A total of 46 965 230 pet *| Divisions in Ame rican Election of trading on the New York Stock + sons ate re tified a. te in @| American tal Next Week |Exchange yesterday after advanc + | " “e ne a . ce *! Leviathan, 18,500, going to Seattl we jine slowly early in the day. Rails DECLARED + Nad aadlene inary with ee @| Bonanza ahem, aoe Se | NEW YORK, Nov, 3:-—-Democratic | and industrials recorded declines of © con dies ee ale Y of 42,387,- @ Senator, 32,000, going to Seattle.|..nnaign headquarters here claim- about a point and a half Decreases ‘ By EE * 954 er eects. in wine in # ed yesterday that not only would in utility prices were not quile so | General yn a am ~ ar * the 1998 areas n. The total # | T i. Weather the Roosevelt -Garner ticket win /|sharp | Quarter é Is ee. c * of (ano, for next # 0 ay's ’s easily in the presidential election The closin industrial average on Common Stoc + week's Tres ere. can mil + next Tuesday but that the party was 58.53, off 1.69 Rails closed at eae Ci * lion in 2 ae a » number # Langa! Island-—Raining, moder-| would have a good majority in the | 26 3 off 1.55 and utilities closed at rea = wi Ov. 7 oe * who adams ; oe 1098 # ate southwest wind; sea choppy Senate and a largely increased ma- | 25.88, off 80 Motors . porns 7 * ay de- * —e we + Triple Island—-Overcas! light jority in the House of Representa-| The day's turnover was 1,096,000 ,clared its regular quarterly dividend ++ ee e¢ &¢ & & & & # southeast! wind; sca moderate even, shares, ‘of 25 cents on common stock, HENRY CRASHES IN TO W. PARLIAMEN TS NO The Weather Prince Rupert — Rain squalls, light easterly wind; barometer, 29.71; temperature, 50; light chop. PRICE: FIVE CENTS Canadian National Ship Damages Bow, Hitting Halifax Concrete Dock Stem of Vessel Crumbled in Impact When Capt. Griffin was Trying to Land His Ship Without Assistance of Tugs HALIFAX, N.S., Nov. 3:—The bow of the Canadian National liner Prince Henry was crumbled today when she crashed into the new Pier B in Halifax Harbor following her arrival from her regular weekly voyage to Bermuda. The crash occurred when a moderate northerly breeze swung the vessel fifteen feet off her course and against he concrete dock as she was at-™ empting to tie up without the aid REPORT ON The robabilit is that the steamer Seinen David will take ove: RIOTS MADE ‘? f tugs. Capt. H. O. Griffin, master the Bermuda service while the ii of the vessel, and Pilot Frank Reyno were on the bridge at the time. ; ry : . forty-One Arrests Made and Forty- ete Prince Henry ee eee repairs Four Injured in London, Home o ‘a Secretary Tells House # - * PLEADED LONDON, Nov. 3:—Sir John Gil- Ne a mour, Home Secretary, informed TOO SOON the House of Commons yesterday ‘4 that. during the riots of “hunger , marchers” in the course of the past Mississippi Negro Admits Man- few days, forty-one arrests were r) slaughter Although Jury Finds | made while twelve policemen and ba, Him Not Guilty thirty-two unemployed had been : s injured. , JACKSON, Miss., Nov. 3:—Ap- Sir John expressed regret that it , aa parently becoming impatient af- |haq been necessary for the police yn ter a jury which was trying him to resort to the use of their clubs in quelling the disorders, He gave as- man had been out for an hour, | cyrance, however, that the authori- David Lawrence, colored, infor- ties would use any steps Which were > med the judge in a Mississippi {deemed necessary in dealing with court yesterday that he would such outbreaks. ‘ like to plead guilty to man- It was expected that today would slaughter. The judge aceepted |have seen the last of the “hunger * the plea and sentenced Lawrence = army” jeaving the city for their to seven and a half years in peni- | pomes in various parts of the Bri- tentiary. tish Isles A short time later the jury filed | back into the courtroom and, ! | on a charge of murdering a wo- Convictions Recorded By Atlin Magistrate when asked for its verdict, an- nounced that it had found Law- rence “not guilty.” - The judge's sentence will stand. Divisional headquarters of thé Pi sipqyemomemasitiepsicahiacasiaiailiacidat provincial police here have been idvised of the following conviction# MATRICIDE jin Stipendiary Magistrate W. W. . | wry sht's court at Atlin: John Waldon, for assaulting Lars IS SOUGHT : ider, fined $10 and costs, with op- jtion of one month's imprisonment. Police of Pacific C oaaent (iia Their | John Anderson, Indian, drunk and Search For Richard Carter lisorderly on the Indian reserve of Seattle /$15 and costs with option of 30 days" , | mprisonment A, SEATTLE, Nov. 3:—Police of the| Robert Robson, supplying liquor ie Pacific Coast are renewing an in-| °° Idians, six months’ imprison- hy ensive search for Richard Carter [ment at Okalla with hard labor. A vho escaped from custody here} oS Co alae t's ome months ago when awaiting | V Wh : rial on a charge of murdering his| ancouver eat ’ yster-mother, Mrs. Sadie Carter ne at Carter, it has been learned, com- VANCOUVER, Nov. 3:—Wheat sleted serving a 30-day sentence at; was quoted at 44%4c on the local *’omona, Cal., for vagrancy a few) exchange today. ‘ lays ago. He was released from the;, VANCOUVER, Nov. 2:—Wheat ‘omona jail before his finger prints was quoted at 444@c on the local vere checked exchange yesterday. tee eee oeeees * Next Friday i ¢ : ext Fri ay Is le THREE PLANES LEAVE + ge ° . * NEW YORK BOUND FOR #¢ : Public Holiday + FAIRBANKS, ALASKA # : + > cae * NEW YORK, Nov. 3:—Bound # fy Announcement in Regard to Re-|# for Fairbanks, Alaska, where # ry membrance Day is Made By \+ they will be used in commer- #. : Attorney General \* cial air service, a flotilla of # cf '* three airplanes left here yes- @ re VICTORIA, Nov. 3:—Remem-|# terday for the west. The flight # a te brance Day, Friday, November 11,|# will be made via Vancouver, @ pon will be observed as a public holiday|# Prince George and Hazelton, @ 3 in the province of British Columbia,’ # British Columbia, + it was announced yesterday by Hon. | @ ? oS R. H. Pooley, Attoriey General. ‘+ ++ be @ © Mel 3 ay} - wi - i’ % &