PAGE FOt I Palurdsr. f-p'-n., TUB DAILY NEWS THE Local and Personal B. C. Undertakers. Phone 41. tf 1 "LONGDON" V Hayners, Undertakers. Phone Propelling Eversharp 351. tt 1 Xo Holders of Five Year N art. .-liver ..n the VW MfmH nil Pencil :.nnirn ivacHe nlM.a Prune arriving 5-! per cent Canada's Scores of EVERSHAHP Pencil have been placed on this wk. lrte and quality the market during the past couple of years some good, rierhl. Ci'y Market. tf some otherwise. The "Longdon," made in England, stands Bonds in bold contrast to the many lesser lights. Movement and When yew bay advertiser yu Victory screws of solid brass, very thin leads. bay fmcCUVTtON. anTselhat Colors BLUE. GREEN. RED. m iH It. s tf Issued in 1917 and Maturing 1st December, 1922. It is Beautiful. Mr. and Mr. Tfay WJItor m It is Serviceable. hi afternoon by Ike Prine i It Is the Best Value. Heat rice for SealU. Price 90c i CONVERSION PROPOSALS Only For rail rlraftfc?, try the - We Recommend and Guarantee this Pencil. Hww I'oruwtatir Itrowm on rarurts. IlrotMut & Kan. tf nHE MINISTER OF FINANCE offers to holders Holders of the maturing bonds who vrih to avail themaelves of this conversion prtvtlrgr ibou4d talce X their continue of these bonds who deire to their bonds AS EARLY AS POSSIBLE. BUT NOT V. ft. Mall..r. of port Ghw. securities the investment in Dominion of Canada LATER THAN SEPTEMBER 3h. to a Branch of eJlsftctfMvs.Mt nt. r in thr etty havtn? ar-iiwl private of etehancing the maturini bonds for new any Chartered Bank in Canada and receive in eichange ai m?ht from tRe Itm4i. I . bonds bearinc 51 per cent interest, payable half yearly, an official receipt for the bond wnrndcred, containing OIR FAMOUS STOVE COAL of either of the folio win i da net: an undertaking to deliver the corrrifxuvhog bonds of the new issve. iv if anything, belier this (a) Five year bonds, dated 1st November, Haiders of maturing My refWtrrrti bonds, tnterrtt "r. Consumers (teal Ct Ltd. "hone?. tf . 1921. to mature 1st November. I9J7. payable by cheque from Ottawa, wfl mrjve their H (b) Ten year bonds, dated 1st November, December 1 strtcrrtt cheque as tal. Haiders of 1 bonds wtlJ detach aod retaht the last unmatnrrd Mi -. Inonw I Vrany, of Ma. 1922. to mature 1st November. 1932. coupon coupon before sum isde ring the bond stseK for eanversion garbed lr ell lal nlfhtl VhUe the maturing bonds will carry interest to 1st purposes. 1 m r.iirrru ai ir rtofri ' i'i i Huprrt. December. 1922. the new bonds will commence to earn The surrendered bonds will be forwarded by banks HERRING 'Interest from lit November. 1912. OIVINO A BONUS to the Mmister of Finance at Ottawa, where they will Full stock of 3-ply Cotlon-'ood OF A FULL MONTH S INTEREST TO THOSE be exchanged for bonds of the new itc, in fully Veneer Is now being car. AVAILING THEMSELVES OF THE CONVERSION registered, or coupon registered or cwspon beater form jMed by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd.. carrying Interest payable 1st May and 1st November Phone 116 or S4. tf PRIVILEGE. of each year of the duration of tHe loaa.the first interest BAIT a. This oiler is made to holders of the maturing bonds payment aecraatg assd pay 1st May. 1913 Bndt J. '. of of the new ite wtl be scat to the banVs for Nnm, wta iiagrr and is not open to other investors. The bonds to be after the the surrendered Soiiiiyntr will .ail to. 4 delivery immediately receipt jmnrry, issued undrr this proposal will be substantially of the bonds. iiim uiaiii m im Prine 1 ltuM-rl fur Yanrwenrrr. same character as those which are maturing, eicept The bonds erf the mattering laatsr wMth are not $30.00 per Ton - -- that the esemptien from taxation does not apply to the converted under thss fiwuoael wttl be paM oT In eash on l.lnra '.ark. f Iowmx Atriwir. new issue. the 1st December, 1912. Finest on the Coast -harsrr.l in Ihr lH-r emirt thi osernitifr with an infrartHxi of t(H V. S. FIELDING, I'pinm and Narrotir Urtisr Arl. Obtainable from w mtiantlfrf nwtM Ttinxfay. fhr MkeJstrr ef Finance. w. rntr. Imi al tm 1 Dated at Ottawa, Sth August. 1922. jjU Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Ief V il I i.i it i . Knife, who form-, PRINCE RUPERT rlj rfi.i-.l ben- but whu ij nm itii. itiiia ai irraiNj ry-itimrj i mmmmmmmmmmmmmm . interior laol uu bl Ur ttv. Fair visitor welcome at the Mar Mrri. fomwrlr x -p-n a -uplr of day in Methodist Church tomorrow,1 -ti.l lrhr at iMawd. fHmUii iaiiiiiK Hi.- Kair nt U Servlcea 11 a.m. and 7:30 p.m. Uland. ail thu xtenina I h.-- Canadian National Railways i.lliwt I., betval- lxiiif- I Pnnrr Jom tnr s,Walr. 9' In the EihlbiUon hall tonight Mul ihr wavk in tne rMy NKW Tail rva. Ihoiw JH.' the Greenville band will give ' ilia rr ihr- MaM4i .U. aMl mi Orill. Third - Prince Rupert GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY band concert at 7:30 and will 'nrrtiii at it,, I,, rvtajm. sHse and Fifth Street. Day and render the following selections: noma tiMUxavi ua tax- 1riiM-. jiaa Szh4 aerviee. !n HauaHM-hilil S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT n u ?a'. Thursday Boston March, forHterlr with lneb Hrs. A DRYDOCK and Sunday at II clerk Mtdjxgiit for Swanson Bay, i King Lear Overture. l , 4' iKiueain, hi f Mr. a .MeMeekin and Victor Maiwrli Oeaan Falls, Powell River, Vancouver. Victoria and Seattle. scoicn meiooies. -t Mr4j l- lMtasea, FeMtrth Mm. AND 1 or Any ox Wednesday, It p.m. For Stewart, Saturday, 8 p.m. Marcn Special, Kiefs. 4 lnuhat, aaiU losnorrww ntgM t Kvanjrril Ma lilMimr 1 rt-y Selection -Mikado.... A. " u.r i'ruM-r itueH ia rHif, in pav at the,., -. S. S. PRINCE JOHN lor all points Northern and Southern Reminiscences of England SHIPYARD i jiuiimph ai ISr Lnr4ly of aire Miiidav allrrn.M.n at J Queen Charlotte Islands, May 13th and 2"th. June 10th and ll. (1, VaneHipr. lk. and in ihr rwhin at M Hitb. July 8th and 2Jnd, Auguat 5lli and llb. Sept. 2ud, 16th I'll.- only r.iurl rw of Mr. anil 30th. 1 orl.irk. KuhjiTl ..f inii'i Operating G, T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Decs K. I John Iiiiiiiiixoi v. Wieki. rhf fie uriiMnt Ka4 a aall munir au una ina All Train Service Machlnltla, Boilermakers, leekamUha, Fsttem Engineers, v-r a board bill, wn di lat niickt al 1 1 :JM te Ur mi.iin' l iio- Passenger Dally Eicept Sunday, 6.45 p.m. of yri'-r.iay afl-rno wbrn wire of Hoart Ihwoh. Ua makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Kta. For mHher. Prince Oeorge, hdmonton, and Winnipeg, Juelzr 7vt. jixUmrnt fr riiiililh AtMtte Electric and HAD Acetylene Welding. making hwi ronneetion for all points in Kaslern Canada lb plalnliff in Ihr uifi of 136. l tm. mwasa a w..xr. QUARTS IN and I r 1 Stale. s . Tavbr. f Willum. Man. hiaia in twe ailir ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME n A iiiiale, anurarHj for HI5 VIOUN CASE Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of Agency for all Ocean Steamship Lines Ho- fUmliff and W O. KuHon. tttahl and Mr. II. Com. POUCE INTERFERED Marine and Commercial Work r falincii A Kull.ui, for tlte dr. dr, ttt City Ticket Office, 528 Third Ave. Phone 2C0. MuPtl, hat swtisrseil (III'C lo the sty aflr assJH7 a PHONES 3 AND 3SS WINXU'Kii i.jii. i. . . ii. .. holMlar at Terra-, ami will return, riMrii fruir4t'd puns t"i an two, lo hr UlaBds Use ou einifi- of iniime laid by SU. ! l'rili John Church Notices tonight. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY SatocliyiMke, of IICH Kiiih " S. Hrrt. Thurxtay. I lie r.mtrnU KitwMUrsrr aaU B.C. Coast Services j First Presbyterian Church eowviayiuK tonight y in.. Mriata, jnN M. kf wril hi its violin Im ron.ear and vre in tlo..)ii Back to Pre-War Morning worbip at 11 o'eloek. rrank niobanlaiin. sineial imlm until Mauitlrai.- Shoes Subjrn. -lb al whiiar ran. I, urmr TW1I Mirarle Sailings from Prince Rupert i"ii." KxHiiiny rler of at Mine.": wili.Mnd Mr. Ml.-haril-.a month's vseaUon. lbre lMMr immIIi,fiiMN him wImmi ki,he tn dWaul'.la.W-.i Prices in -ui.j.-. i Wliv li m waa Mr ill For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway a iritian." MHilly U a rhiirKC wf hat nu Ikiu.t , ehanre of tbr ll. ll rxhitol 'ir. U, . II... . II. n. UranL 1.1. at Ihe SepL 4, 15, 25; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. Fain n olhor than hi ri3l' dr.vlnu : For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-Sept. fiin...y St-ltiMil at 12:30. lrh l burlu muu Sietr. EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED, 9, 20, 2$; OcL 6, 17 and 27. Itottald rarryiK hi ioliii rae. uU-ctli( afford Smith, rliarizrtl with My Closing Out Sale la an eye-opener, and you cannot S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, ilrunU-nrwak , 103 Edward Slrrrt wllli the mini I thr in.Imh ..,l.ri ' to the bargains I am now offering. pass up East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Camp, Use Our Mm mormna- .l.-aMl lnM H4irr rlaim. tt .r.. hIiiik uilt uh.I bell River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. W. fin-d I5 Iho .t....i of i " "'f''1 ,r tb violin had They are going fal and you'll need lo hurry t luak" Agency for all Steamship Lines. Modern Uiirty 4f, imi.nMHiiHriil. Airs. '"H,Mt thtl Um IKler lb irrn- i srlr. tion wliil.- thr are i niilete. Full inf'.i in itiun fruiii M. Aulry. fa. n.u ....w, ..!.... lrralM.Ml it w.hiI.I Uavr rrcriwl. W, C. ORCHARD, General Agent, plea.lrd not kmIi v and wa. r. T""' "r Uf,,r ' M. McArthur, The Shoe Man Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. O. I Workshop HHiassVd until tin. ufirn.N.ii r'n l,r,H, "uh. and Ht.t. ww not Kivrn a rhauce to li. lav- gim lo large -f It. F. MiNaiiKhlon r X a i'infci-. t... Hart Black, Third Avenua. i'v iii fiiiiinr,iiiir our work. lislrfol (.a a'-ri.t (,,,'',HI 1,M)M his rar ..Mni.. li"l ami now wi hae Hits iiinnt tuts 1m.-ii aiVn.ln." ih laMe lo wa wailinji m tii. B.& K. Flour 'nipl.'ttt xliop in lu:. (Hitnlile or a.'iiwr Srntru ..It. hoMor lo rwaltie the tailor Pastry f Vnnrouvrr. a Sal HI JaM-r I'ark. returned to flrtr lal a tuiiiiMiiil n but llo-v BAIT Our froirn lierrtng bait Is conceded by fishermen Our Staff. Uwn i4M4y h ihr 'rinft lluart mi nol aiirtw-i! In. h.;i. i . .. to be the finest procurable at any Taciflo Coast This is Mr. Ragstad and Mr. Qourlay liaviiw .-oinr i,a,,k . !,, Ul In lart, they trinl lo leatr Port' -and It Is "Fishy." Price. 130 per ton. Klrt walrh rajring. iiHMiniaiii uiiiiii,., jrsHMrt by way tilalvly wilhout 0rnliiir llir violin, ipp The best way of Insuring a good quality tHp U Mr. Jack Bulger - - Jewellery MI llir otrrlan.l ' arte uh. Van. er, and wre only prmuadnl tV to have plenty of our hard froien Ice. Pries. making ami rriiioilrlinK, ilia. emvr. when Ctmstablrs liouirlas and Ii per ton. Your and Our moml atfttintr. clork rrpuir. lie uyetiee jlnr.! ilm imrty. 0,,r w"-luiPl,'d store can supply Ashing f'r' iiH(. I'ariivrr IravfSjir on Ihr The imi( had lliouitlil that vuiklis flshermen s clothing, groceries and provisions Insurance Guarantee Mr. J. Bulger optical work. 1'riMo John win.-h Miu IouikIiL Si rtr tMil not look o musical as and hardware. lyhi te.tuiK, lens grinding, fur Vaik-ouv.r ik it.. 1 lis tiollti cae wuuld tuirifrit by iigravintf, waii-h repaiririy. Uiarljill l.ianda jiidu.tM Mr. telf, and llielr utpieiuu wrra NEW ENGLAND FISH Company liivniny, el. tMnfiru'd when lliry found Hie' Ketchikan. Alaska Brans May; llr. illiawM. " Jedway; inatruiiient it coMwulrU whs ttto of Quality Goods John Bulger, O.ii.UbU- ii. ..i,ar ami wife quart bottle, containing a Hear;- - and h. t. h Ward, for Ma, iiuid. It looked like water, but UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OP B.C.. LIMITfcU You eliould liava the. Beet. You gat the Beat In "B & KM Tho Jawallar sell; Mi Mn) Morn, li.Htrtie is uiioeriou to hate more hue 8AILINQS ti. FM iiiauii. . in..I . Hhard- I'uli-r hate aijoHehiu Dial I for Vanoouvsr, Oeean Falls and Hwanson Hay. Tueaday 6 p.m. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. ou. - Hki.i. ,-,,1. s. . i.i-auU, would U1 not more than VU r ror Vanoouvsr, .'slerl Hay and Port Hardy. Saturday p.m. Allluio Mat i Hick ami Mi. rnt. lint eoutd nol etlwiule Um for Anyos, Alwte Arm. Port Simpson and Walt Island. BunJsy P.O. Boa 745. Prince Rupert B.C. fiilleii hone 350. ll.Mll tu,i y tr. .ii,tli with hii i.cillnty with. midnight. r'lausitiy tor Vi4, uvr. (out U ttn U. I For Ntas Rlysr Csnnsrles, Friday a.m. .