ftatiirnay . THE DAILY NEWS I lie air tliee ilay. Te rreai eetiir. f inleerl ha been the eptaiH Which ha been f.leri Waterfront Whiffs with remarkably fine weather and ha brrn dolnjr a thriving i , e??1igCgrK r.4.. rv,r r .t m r n... t;l:.l . .l- -i r c rninr with pawner flisht A niimlwr rtf thr fihrrnien and Ifo of Pnnce Rupert Prosperity ihnr wive have been tin fnr a flia-hi am J lhor who bate ar The Admiral of Ihe Mo.ntiilo float woke up with a ar ami neipaieti in thl Ihrilnnff iwrt fleet ha a new loan flying ruhed for double barrelled him are all het up about their fx a A.aKLVk ge&zzzss$ss frm the mat of the ftaghip of anl rifle, in fan ihe Cmr Itay l-eienee, .llwth a nr nMn the fleet I hi week nJ Ihr l.g-an vicinity hal ihe appearance of aM "li aim miieh of an i4ra I "Keep on fihing" which Ihr I a ml in of the .wi navy in I lor Saliinlay nlvbl hpHfi I hrint liveil iih io in great me year . NMnnrn u inni. Myle by hi merry men. The f lr.t that frtiana it ih rv 4 weather n the hffh '54 i mjlnr f tb. ipftptaft rnMM reported a.fdl fnr (h ffth-inir inr liiftn But ju! mMtiv tt SaUT wr. ajjM e m Mil iimr i Iaaeo 4rtilnes and the. .arrival Willi nm W ; Tf nav Vein up a leady ufoy. hranl. an.I etttjry y lrfjoAat I S..nam ami 1.1 tm he tr 'I1ii priee ha been, on lha n it rt pry live fnwHrijr ptrw1 fwitli him. IhUi ThaP whole, very leady and ati-factory After a litllr while II Mean U bn I rM a areai dnl bmyor In Mir boy in fart everyone lawn on the armr ni..J that lo livr ami menu to mt hiah rife wfcrte he iMt the Hianrt- eem happy. there wa nothiftc iiHlt, in the The Vw liar bae ha taken air at any rate. l'p a rlor llob IhlHla rlMT H a arral on quite an animated apjxar. etaminalbiH of Ihr txal Mr f-ri anil tw if he ra tm ane lhi week with the reeord at the final U wan ilieverri yre yMiiHret be'j mike fasnr inftiiT of the Indian ami their thai an Imltah had two wild ror nmrir ami ttre the ywtniB- em ihe lime f tbefr tree. famlli, who pulle, into port peee n irl an, r early In the wck for lb pur-lie i he Mnl thai wre making all of viiling Ihr city ilurinir the fH. The mh rHirrti wMb- le MHt llanwen. (feat. Hrrn. aan. w 0ti .xtl U diWtn I be the Pair. The float are alive hii bavlnir fkmt a hol. wllhVvrry mceiviht floating eek mtth H 'fuel J- of iMJEfhe conveyance rancing front a rhic-Lrn The Indian launeh Kemano ar. turn an a airlrr irt. Only Ikw 'halibut bo propelled with rtveat In prl from Kiltmait m ree anrioe k?Mw what lb-liHrf an umbrella m a 5 ti.p. palatial Motlay wMh everil Imiian fam- wB ami f eHre IKot launch. - ilir abearrt. wt IMrlU Jf rufirtTr? tv " ' 1 Tfi ncre of the Kthihition lhiVcr i thejtajk ttf Ihe The pewrf bMl BMT with M Her g on fJo JaellKi IHrlTll. water-front.' Ierym'ty vote it etHtple ftt nltt 1 fmrf from pnr- iiH-tfMlie Jiirbaw thrjbel yet. A whole raf of jetirr I la ml, le prl nm trap- Uett e&itiy thlaet 1tTfn reiehritie mrrtMa? njt un eie.. rfrgM nautical have paid pmv rrfvf inivfvi in i m nari l cveral vi-)t to it.. There i iarliwr 4nat Tr.itaT. A lb e&n.MiMi bwtilM5ndT onl one v-ritUNni Which" the oiia'tliily of pnrtbn' and ltm. eMre nnie bar h-en thfP!el -.Mr fishermen have In make and that her wa alniarit nl Ihn lrbrr rnee flie emlRui -fib athiw i the ahenre nt any fih exhibit are not etprrte.1 l.. relHrM l..ita,f ' ""wnI l -! r,r,T i r .u. a. aoW la therein. l-ri UBIU the Mrinir of I9M. The ecrc(ary tit Ihe Admiral Minnie amal mt Ibne. T)iH ha plcaur in lalinf that the Thr Viroirrt. r Indian Ir"1 " bwWa mhv nan. halibut ratch I hi week ha launeh fmin Port $Tmn.n l"l lb' W fllTr .tnw reaehe.1 the healthy fimire of,into frt m Tue.!ay rmrnto?"" th Unr nuMNenl. l5,ino pound, and that nine, with everal bafy fmitw NalumHy Jor uiriH lo n-i bnek leen earload have bern hii.iM.l alar.l who were krnt mi m-kJ. Io lm,Nl ni .M - . i ' : ik -i over Monday. Turday and Ve. in- a few bright a , i"r' minjr wnien ie ne'day of thi week. The tiriee jKxhibili win imrm wtin inerei. I ne a. have averareil from IDe In .. IIH'l WB fll al he wa rw nialeh ISJftr r 7T ,VJfl.Iiry?k -Jit rf(flrHrft.!, ' , r.hri(fjn iflUielPaeifWsiKil ... .- . -" f r- American i iwrie. wni i onr-rtmi rimen. on Satunlar nistil " " n.ii.r-jwi f fbe M..nrrrTif Ihr Yamler. laltoar.l 'hi launrh llarii irrnlnn Ib-r hr hiknt TWb boofiitrwl wa in Ihr eilr lur- ! " lh barmmi aixl joinrri Ibe in?1be week nn a buine ripi Ktfiir I jirt u having r' Inne iiMrb it . for tii ronipany. the I'aelfie lan rsellin'r llnie fn the Wbral ''J"Hent f t tit. Jle.i AmerVan KiVrie. are oprrat- City mil tbi lime it i irnwble rf- ,' harmon mee. avnin inirirht nikWi '! Ata.ka. wifh Samfy ??liUli. It apprar -l-li' Htt h. Mr. Chrilian ay that Van.ler.Mbak andy bawriUen KWie,L , i ,rr . .. -T - t b.-.t:iikr nla'nt olhef par. f k,rferlfni the ' rMnrn of TneT 'TTM' lUfc. T. Ae.hHark, fc havuiV i little Irouiile. btil prrrl hr premineij her, f.iihnjr rrir4 ut rur.Ur nitli , lhatllthe eiliien hav Iniplleit wfeA b b'a llirafnil It ttit Ai. iwmilf tnferr.U .'w fail h;in thf fuurr of tber fair ib arS"f Ibe taw, I1.ir Jia j'irehrr .Ukanj krfim )a ,( ' 'I'lll If' I.HkBland niekn m hang on a nrlllVn ihe Admiral for adviee Wad of bWf iHmUr. tp.'al. ;; TM THR QT 1MQRT b.nrj a Jirilib Odumbia i in Ibe matter, and Ibe letter iar dibe n a pMl,brjtf terme.1 II. C read a follow: f bal InCHprr whieti I ewtrrrly. I i' MM; i H VI y - II I I ,na.l up bmiaflr ami lie ha-t! alie have arrive.1 en mae Irar - Admiral: Pleae jer. Irf.ay n emmilif trTa"l)e-1 Ia Viiit the exhibition from Kill eue my not writing ymi lat man Ibi trip. malj Hartley itay. Metlakalla. week but I bae been up azain.lt , Port Simpon. Kilkatla. Kinfo- q'ullr a proposition. irk"ear' "M MneTeb WVeell " ..I Oeean Illh, firrenville. Aiyanch and enouzti to jtel a vuy a-oal bl . wne by tbr Wbalr J'ulj. many other district point. hen he want me lo return Ihr and Paper (ntipany. wa In H UFE INTJI?AMC.B ADVICE i.rrnt lie promie.i me well f"- a tew .Lyr m amMpanr Trrt. 2 The Pride of Japan, owned bylthaf another thinz ain't il'lln. W.Sum, wa an entrant for Ihr s I want your fatherly adviee' poi-et boat rare for the eham. on thi ere Muni beeju.r he! The Iuk MarMMi arriint from pionthip of the northern II. tU tiromie. me a lot of thins aueli 'Anyot early m the week wild Challenge l.up whieh wa ehe.l. a a Ford ear with iler wheel '.M druiu of Itemo) fnr Ihe Hh- tiled for TliuriiUy aftern.Min. and a el of fale teeth e with I'H IhniIIiwum intere!. .MoiiiIm fieri iahl a emi. The rare wa railed off. however, diamond whieh I dnl reinem-l nffleial vin lo the Kxhil.Hi.M. a IJw Mi Jluiiert II, owned by wr ever K'lliiiir. Ttiaf lliej With aooxi to Wall Maon. ,'Wi( "" Tnee-lay .. iin,K itntrx Krurrli. wa the only wort of thi ear U H.inff.' A lie.lieate.1 to Hill Kniahl: T" baml ha. heeti reiMeied t.. boatltbat had an ensrine a uuy ?e; mi rali and ay audi ne on .tid Hill an, M li l'Uy "A M" eean Wave 1 kleKem II. Il-.Ui Ihe Ponielta. dte ueh lunid thinv. I for. au. .lows Inni nud . Ike r.ir in nnioriuiuiiMir a -irav ...v DENTISTRY! R. K. lienon, and Ihe Japane.e .,( o ay a I have returned .ture MW Alrtxjit ayn ?-leve) r-n 'r wlb tat mu-k- and Hut boatihad ilirtr encinr fall abep the 3ie Wmdworih 'ilniiitoii.lflNlt'a aWnl blea. we'll J.l .bi lnwnr wa .irn ihr b. during Ihr day and roiitd nt rinir and do J know (hat eolhbat and .b.n"l y.m fear. Ami ft i v wake, thern up. Wije. Joe f.ir H.lave and retf- osrar.l up in neat array. Uw T" 'leant Ul- with ,ikjfef J ,;. 'flrafion and there ain't no money t ycninir nirn down town del l0f' " "' bndjre. be ml.. ITif Wigwam returned on jn that rt of buinr. Yfiij'lray, and HHI Jmt Hie a V" from Metla I Mia earl . Wednesday from a trip up the ran bet your aweet old life tl.ui iuu man eoffe. up the douab ami M1 ' in on For Out of Town Patients I am offering Mveena wun a eow ioa.1. o nu i n tread ery eareful .when llln Ihey ran. Tbe ale.n re w iih-i wimr.1 la her hmw hh. offal for the n uiert MariRe gi through with thi ni. Say r IMMir irve a wiitrl. for iwa " prompt and efficient service. Appointments Prr.lueu l.ld. or Turk Inlel. vr ju,t had a hraln torni. and Im.uI a eboru girl. Tlie berti4 I'"' Pr-'vineial. lUpl. I.aru. with " don't need no adtiee m.w. I'll in Winn, nam wa Pea, had returned from Kwinila during can be arranged which do not conflict Thr power boat P.K.T. return- jnt waylay him. now Dial the rertainly got omr b.vely . 'be wek with a bnnw .f lun for the ed frt.m poreher lat night with nj?h! are nlee and dark, and While Slrve wa having lot of nlelirt' mlM. your plans of entertainment during wow load of gravel for the elin htm over I lie l.raiiiti Uin fun. obi Hill wa fairly iw lb. Ketehuin bunker. with a big bra bael.;kl bat. I bum. In fart 'tie aaid IImiI lev 'I"1" Admiral la reeeivetl ih.- Fair Week. - think that hould end Ihe di lid weep vkhen turning round fMl"n ineaf from rioi.- The waterfront boy were'ruion ort of atiraelorv fmiml Hill alrp. He eaye it "" note thai H..,e nboeke.1 on Thurday bi learn of doii l you I heard alrfiul Ihe biek of brain you know lu ll7'vl" lN,Uv whale Ihe Mi.l4 the double boolinr tragedy Rihibilion lhal you were pull, lo leep in a picture- how. Whefi ' y"r ''r i no reialum of Dr. E. S. TAIl whieh look plaee on Kourih ng off and would have been Hill wk up and heard what '"r Avemie Kat. when Ueorge nreen'tirkled ' all down the pne to lie'il mir he eured Mr HteveiJ a well known fhdierman, hf.i,iVe ren it. Think If I had and told him Ibi. lhal if he'd' w T. Mue taye In file hi wife dead and then turned been in Huperl ymi and I might finished out hi nap he'd bavw'','"'Mr oiufH will remain Dental Surgeon Ibe weapon upon hlm.elf In. j have nulled off Ih. iailor'a boTn. got a fortune from hi Unele'""' '"ly during overhaul flieling injurir from whieh he p,, fnr ,m or aomelhlng Jut Jack. lAfler lhal Ihe oiilfit will again Block died al & o'rloek on Wednea. a rah. IhmT forget about that le ready for buine. Helgerson day .afternoon in Ihe general oo,r rhange that' not The Office and appointment working . 'halihnt boat. linirieue'. Houra, 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. by hoopllal. Tb drreard man wa bre.au l f b through with I having'jar-a new 30 h.p. V i a well known rharaeler In nautl. Sandy loitight n H' nice and engine fllle.1 in her hull Ten J ral eirele and wa working for dark. jut Ihe nlglil for dirty plaee he old 30 h.p. ;nl Years Ago WUaOl mn lime on Ihe, halibut ta! work." uliii'h ha been doing erviee for ) ,n r'trtcn Hurwrl ' lietbune. He I apoken well of onir yrar. The N. A. i. engine H II wild II rUlenbaw Hid and$appear lo have been a The llreamrr left port on i mail by the N. A H. Kngine SapUmbae 18. 1912. daughter ami Mi. Ilrrwnlee mid quiet living, hardworking man. Thurday morning with Capt (bv, of, Seattle ami, i rated y H. V FviH and A HUiwell wui,rrN; ,",. anrvyor hi iHiaul, E. H. SHOCKLEY Jealouy thought to be Ihe . Walford on Ihe bridge. Hid. fi)ierineu a Hie of the unt' on a brief huiAIng Irto aeri ' on motive for Ihe crime. A Utile den In pray kicked up from Ihe rompaet. and eeonoinieml piree Ihe harU.r at Ibe week-end and! Fihrr A WarUm. tlie pbm- Planing Mlll.i Co Bay, Wharf t Nail Imparlal Oil boy I Ihr eurvivor of Ihe fain, wondrrful one man uower nr... of machiuery on the market. werr mi. . ...,fut u hagaiHg a ,,M'r lawyer have muhimI their f. Phonal 33. Ily. Ilreen wa a nallve of New. pellrr he hit out for lawyer Willi (hi addition and afterifine log lni. k. Mr. P.vilt bmw r",M "e. ..ml a to Ihe FIH 0IMCNSI0N. FINI8HIN0 LUMBER, PLAWKINO a"" foundland, 30 year of age (land wher Ihe well known completing her hull overhaul Ihe Ihe .io-r .fuj maFkmoan. TIMBERS, SHINGLES, LATH, DOORS AND WINDOW. kipper will cwiult with P.. It. lmperiene will b one of Hie Hmllh liloek Oil 'rilir.1 Ataiiue. T'l-aeln-r Wlio nan lell me Agant fort The ipordnien of the water, hhockley who ha the eoolraet HiA.1 miHlerii halibut boat wnrk why we -hooid always be neat llobertaon A Hacketts Haw MUla, l.ld. front Jumped into action on for Ihe new fog alarm building lag mi of thi torl. . 'Hie trim iowe boat Pol and elean. J. Fyfe Hmith'a Hardwood. Tuday afternoon when al lhal point, ii ii a art" "Lamalco" 3 Cottonwood Panelling. equipped with a a. w n :aMi-. In uw af atanlenl ply croak of wild aerie waa plainly W J liah. Pete Holein, and I " glue and grnrrally rriiovaled. leaebi-r Topie of Ihe l iy Oarland Company. Hoofing Paint. burd. Evfryon .round th Tb waUrfront u all up in y. W. KnlMUt, civil tordi of the left at lb nk-end for Ma-jliiun