ae — > ‘ PAGE TWO | Superb Quality . . Always ‘SALADA m1 TT 1 A, imily of nations, it taddition. “Fresh from the Gardens” inition to THE DAILY NEWS. ee Thursday, N ia THE DAILY NEWS ‘ ’ 9 —— — = > * ‘s , aid ay _ as | the ¢ircumstances surrotinding the’ Count Uchida asserted Japan had In Prince Rupert U ease of Nations, headed by Lérd of Manchoukuo with less than sat i ‘ } i) PF , ; Lytton, which not only investigated the popwation. T 7 A 0 rotec > - MANCH RIA | , =| wenty Tears Ag Rel iSeaine in Manchuria but ineiden- no iets of annexing Manchou- | tally delved into the Shanghai epi- kuo but would recognize the hew ST sade which cost so many lives Th le government and complete a mu- November 3, 1912 PRCA | , New Nation Which Japan Has “Re- | "Port comes up this month for ac- ual defence pact The Baptist Brotherhood is mak- coat bh -)t cognized” Has Already Half as tion by the League of Nations as-| Of Manchuria’s—or Manchou ing great preparations for its an- ss Big a Population lsembly. As was freely predicted it! kuo’s—population more than 28,- hual banquet to be hela in the Mc- S @ OTT § ihas proven ufSatisfactory to Japan | v00,000 are Chinese. There are about Intyre Hall. Speakers will include ¢ Suis: Uk ‘ } Oty MUKDEN, Manchuria, Nov. 3:- rt [and in tig Gaanection the tone of) w00,000 Korearis, less than 300,000 | William Manson M. P. P., Mayor S 3 a U LS Foreign Minister Yasyua Uchida’s! Japanese, more than 100,000 Rus- Stork, O. H. Nel- Manchoukuo Stork, Manchuria Japan near future t s admitted to the fa- will be a sizeable the which Henry new : M. Newton, Fred recent outline of foreign policy to; zians and a scattering of other io. - | son, Frank Mobley, D. B. Taylor and the diet was’ anticipatory igners. Japan is estimated to have w. J. Raymond. But if Japan carries out her p! an| 0,000 trooos in the state. Bink Hawthorne and Capt. Alex- name for old oh ar ry TTF im n }for permanent establishment of the} has declared she will in the | Edgar ae agent for the| Capt + 1 te extend official recog- administration of Pu-Yi nominally is ruler, an administration set up by free state om Manchoukuo, as it is! ' g ald nown Atlin mi ning | termed, Pu-Yi will rule over, a coun- inadian Pati Railway Co. at janc der, two well kr 2 oard the steamer try more than twice as big as the' Ke tehikan, was a passenger aboard !men. were 0 ab ee eae | e : ss é esterds Japanese Empire, and containing ‘2° Princess Norah yesterday af- Prince ae ith te Sabri the win a 4 re; 4 taining yu oO spe ; - a population half as great ternoon going through for a trip to: noon bound sot re jand with the protection of Japan . Vancouver and Seattle ter. They had with them on board PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA (following the military activities in| Manchowkuo is roughly three ithe ship a ton and ‘a half of ore nea }Manchuria during last winter times the size of Germany—if YU eg debe er eboed 4| ftom the Engineer mine valued at . Publishea Every Afternoon, Except Sunday, by Prince Rupert The Unitéd Kingdom and the nee the buffer state of Jehol > @ $30,000 C N R Trains Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue enor States, with other powers a ene wannese he ese _——n uu) # The Daily News con be pur- ¢ * ror the East : Beeb - signatory to the peace treaties, have tends to annex to nna a Te Cee as + The coal fields in thé Ground- | op ee 7? aw ner — eclared they cannot recognize two and a half times the size of @ post office News Stand. 345 @ hog Basin are not so extensive as , ee +Sam treaties or agreemen concluded France. Manchuria pro ¥ h ‘i ® Granville St.. Vancouver ¢ was previously supposed but there a he E SUBSCRIPTION RATES following such dentine he activities. in area of — se square mules Janan + Kar! Anderso n, Prince ¢ promises however. to be an enor- veo 3 e adh. , ny part of the world an area of .177,000 square mues. @ George, B.C. @ mous tonnage of anthracite avail- een. Sere ty delivery, by mail or carrier. yearly period, paid in advance... 5.09 | | eal sa ba mou nnage of : oF oes periods. paid in adv oad Baa we a silica dh Sicilllianaesnts 19;| More definite light was shed The population of Manchoukuo is @ R w. Riley, ‘Terrace, B.C ¢ able for mining,” says G S. Malloch days By mail to all parts of Northern and Central British Columbia, jon Manchoukuo’s relations with Computed at 30,000,000 * Genera! Store, Anyox. # rf the Dominion Geological Survey Cae paid in advance for yearly period S salatal 3.01 |' the world powers following the ap-. Korea, which Japan annexed in @ Smithers Drug Store, Smithi- @ | aftér having spent the past season [If there is a virtu By mail to all other parts of British Coluinbis. ‘te ‘British Em- Ipearance of the special report by 1930 after breaking China's hold on @ ers, B.C. ¢ in that district with a party of nine at which we show pire and Unitea States, paid in advance, per year . $6.00 | ts he commission cotautianed by the it, is only about one-sixth the sive €##@##+#4#4e¢4¢e+4444 men is cheerfulhess.—Buly By mail to all other countries, peT Year... ----.---eneeersere-cneneneeeneees 9.00 | = ge aS 2 Sa er SS Le a a ADVERTISING RATES — wrt te Classified advertising. per insertion, per word ...2.. 2... 02 | ace i eae = —— a DAILY EDITION vege Rare Thursday Nov. 3. 1932] a : THE ROYAL FAMILY It’s wonderful that in Western Canada, over five thou- sand miles away from England, the people should take so great interest in the doings of the members of the Royal Family. A rumor in regard to the engagement of the! Prince of Wales or Prince George is news everywhere in Canada or the United Stat es. Millions of people are inter-| ested. Even those who scoff at Royalty read the reports. It is now rumored that Britain and Sweden are about to| | s find themselves with another sentimental connection in ° the union of the British Prince and the Swedish Princess. ; It is to be hoped that the rumor is true and that the young} el } In Ol } i ' e f (OW people consummate the union. i GOODWILL VISITS | | It is odd to read about goodwill visits from representa-| for tives of one coun’ ry to the people of another, when at the} same time each nation is arming to the teeth with the ex-} ; s ‘ . : » pressed desire of defending itself against possible attack. | D f ( d 4% B Theré were goddwill visits — to the great war but they] ominion O ana a on S had no effect in preventing it. Possibly there are not en-| ough goodwill visits from one people to another. At any| 1 2 rate we might not be so ready 3 indertake naval and mili- tary increases if the people of the countries were better | acquainted with each other. einen | Tiere is no better investment for your savings than the Cc ATTL E EMBARGO REMOVED cad ; : One result of the Imperial Conference seems to hi ave| new Dominion of Canada Bonds. Every Canadian investor heen the removal of the cattle embargo against Canada by eget shoul > B ; : Great Britain. These embargoes have been set up from! : d buy these Bonds because time to time, ostensibly to protect British herds against : . : — . ee ee at eee _ ee | They provide security of principal. They are backed by the resources of disease but apparently for the purpose 01 protecting the| | , a oo : ‘ British producer against Canadian competition. It is also} the Dominion and the integrity of its people. ‘umored that British interests i -gentine have heen ac- ; ‘ ind . rumored that British interes in Arge ntine have een ac | They assure regular income. The Dominion of Canada undertakes to tive In securing the elimination of Canadian competition. | ; g n | ‘ f ‘ sd | | pay interest each six months. Coupons may be cashed at par at any ‘ | branch in Canada of any chartered bank. | Boils So Bad | | 7 " ; a Gould Not Work | They provide the desirable feature of matketability. No other security Bh aUAU es ou 0 or can be converted into cash more readily. ee Mr. Wm. Davyduke, Smeaton, Sark, writes: —''Three years ago | | They provide an income return of 414% for a long period—an attractive 8: 8 'e) () e wee » bad I coutd es | return, particularly in view of the trend toward lower interest rates now Z rier told me my Diood must ' Cas cee be bad and advised me to take | | evident throughout the world. Burdock Blood Bitters I didn’t | Bitte MEU g codsss dep yo cath mnioory, ne vt 5 beck a sudden stop 10 such misery, as | In addition to these investment advantages, by purchasing these one bottle put the boils to an end.’’ i r t all dre a genera! stores a ture oO © pest 5 ye onl ; € ¢ , ‘ ~9 ’ we et tall out, and general oven: manulactared forthe pest 52 yeary, onl | Bonds you will add to Canada’s financial strength and, asa citi- A - b4 ; . en, will share in the favourable effects upon general business. ‘ | For Individual Benefit — For National Advantage Mace to walk on, Easy to apply. It is suitable for all ; i a ur order now. R nized bo inte ior sah where a high gloss is desired, send in y9 orn zed nd dealers, OF any and dries in four hours. branch in Canada of any chartered bank, will supply com- IN NINE ATTRACTIVE COLORS Which may be diversified by the Dapl-Art Process. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. Jasper Hard Coal ON oa hs 40 ee ko Fé SRS $11.50 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton ..... 12.50 JASPER LUMP—Per Ton ........ 12.50 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 plete information and application forms. ISSUE PRICE: 20 Y eat 4% Botids, 93.45, sod interes, yielting wo maturity 4.50% DOMINION OF CANADA 4% LOAN~1932 DEPARTMENT OF FINANCE, Ottawa, 31st October, 1932