PAfE TWO THE DAILY NEWS PURITY The Man in the Moon KEMAL PASHA PLAYER SAYSh. IS DESCRIBED PIMHNf) .tin what the nihil.- Illlllk i SOtnelllinir Ilk I "SAL ADA" ....i . ..Lk.i v...i...irimogi Turkish Leader I K NAVY CUT lor it. Patriot According Gsneral to British TIIHHK i ime JMthlry thai CIGARETTES MaHe-nnera1 Sir i"A arte Is the Essence of all That is Best he ttMll day euf asfffcn.. stMM Inwnshentt. M.l' m n letter lot f ihe Mien an. a it a In beinnin the I 'fntf. cnMlihwIe In Tea lo mm I heir Ih.wtshU poker. the fHsin ehararler ketch f Kemat Pasha, the vicurto Tnr- AND JimI a we gnl the new "To Taste is to Believe" kih oieHmantler: m knati i.niilrsl ami mere Ihiwkinv Picrettie blue nye. hUr hair, a nf lea mm? the wtjerealwmi f timtnuth whrnne mnn. WH f Ike KiirvfieMai emntrie. laehed Hrn aNMhe 4ienl fen. The Daily News al.iSK! come Kemat and ranc ture of Ketnl Pasnn. Ihe fare Ihe a I Wl to Im imi itt J.e. hehind (he TuftUh nweft. tknt PHINCF. MJPEllT BIUT1SI1 COLUMBIA - 4intree, me when I met Mm Til K Btan thai Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince ynuny remarked face In far ul Kma only a lbl enM wettther chilM him Ilupert Daily News, Limited, Third ATenue. l. the bone he rimsI gH mnsvih asn. He i a san nf smsVHe bensmt. II. F. PL'LLEN, Editor. Iktrke hat. Managing and he woe at the linie f mm sweeting fmvln rlnthe the TIIR dietlonary show no .Hf-ference SUBSCRIPTION RATES: ikHtckerbneker ttreerhea were WeM City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per monlh tl.OH hetwem the meaniskit f oil and mlher m Ihe Rnaiih ihl aad vision Iml By mail to all parti of the British Empire and the United State, Jul ym eirle oilhvt Hm. am nn call ihe ymwv lady "a tW" in advance, per year Ifl.OO IN hemt the nneveral Katnnk" nfcen ym mean I lo ay a vtHH To all other countries, in advance ier year $7.50 nf astiaknan. In a Urwer site than nf tteUirht" and ee if there t TELEPHONE 98 any dlfiereswe. na4. The dUtmcthe and nee. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. Ml fen I lire of h4 Kalpnk" hi K.VOWIMl fmsn ofl retreated Ilia I il may be wnrn wtth either DAILY EDITION sfJt Wedneday. Sept- '. 9St. im I ha I weal l b doe not nniform ne 4lfi elnthe. In asenranee If eWw.-l reaemhles hrtiig iMiafiMie. a young couple the fur can nf ttie NuMian and tried and Trade Relations BCnrerty y.t owirht i.i Should Be have heard Ihe In H f ge in he Ivr-ian. Improved. which I hey riwiri at each "Iher. Adored by Army There should le impruved trade relation with the I'liiled Kenml. a far a I have hem Stale. That i somelhinjr thai would particularly lfHf f it I'rim-r TIIH ieahws nave alway aide u iHtre, m hy Ihe 1tuiert and alo it would heurfil the people of the United Slate-, with yon army anl the pnmilace, and it i understanding i nut mutually beneficial it i wnjitsL in vain that th- Jt now an impost of two eenl a pound ha lieen Haeed TIIKHK i always hie mrenl strive l reireent thai beat 'emf on Canadian caught fish. In enforcing the collection wf the dirty wrM event lo hvnk fnrwwnl In. there are dlvtsfrn in the Kernel i Just carit . mid making sure that Canadian fih i not sent into the United Jll.t nnw- M eeni lo he Ihe netl il eantl. In Onn.tanlthnnte ar.1 stales a American, it ha heenme necessary, apparently to place erfi with Italtlinn Sifci anl tne tomHy ninety er eeni are f..i i liiirden on the iniort trade that is ImhiihI Id make the fllrex- Mavtns nf the w..rUl crte. Kernel. Snl the lirlk in Aneioim of io 20i pensive lahfn it reaches the nnmer. e nnaanrt Mrrf In a nnn. Ml- ..r. The halibut i all international before it i caught. It i IP y-Ki notice ymr contfkaninfi dec are nteyr iini.ii.-iMy. hi- mmtt hred in Ihe high sea and belongs to nobody ftl Hoals 9CV particular. su.4cnty bWmn ihowrfctful and rule i an Irtwi one nenenlh Ho- go out to catch thf fih and at once it become national. Swie" enmmenee in erihhle nn a veUei vlnve. and nn.ier him li lVO-tl.76 or it i Canadian and Mime American. The Canadian fih has to nf Mer. yo will know he i (.menimsM nf Na'mnal Turk.-. (mmns pay duty to enter the United Stale and the iilbvr i aide to gn working ul a limerick vhat work swwmthly and well. Hi. iif free, provided it i proerly branded o that there i no doubt will win the ten dollar nriie in will i law. alMitil it being American fih. Is lhare limerick ronnelitinn. Kernel Pasba eak Intle nn- There i even- reaon why the Uuitrd Stale ami Canada le. it i n a Mhiert which i- should have reciprocal relation. Alrealy the 1'nilcd Stale-, i ll.NF. ..f the oJirring pcnhl leHy inleresU him; then he i . ghen the privilege of wing the Canadian inside passage from nf Ihe day the elllenienl ..f iyMtneuL Pr enamiMe. .Hie mailt Ihen ran you ieruate ni- thai Seattle to Alaska without Iwing compelled to call at a Canadian which everyhmlv i awnitinft i wImhi dmtna- with nie e itima. ine Mrtlish timernmeni ul.i in.l' port each way. That i a special pririlege given lo I'niled State mhefher Siki pen I It lrnrse. tmr-lienlier for a lm- tine Nap Jeun s,hate .nm thai offenie iv . only. AImi Ihere i a reciprocal arrangement in regard to Ihe or did the Preneiiman rattiaiitn nf Auleriitt in IHAa.lruisine a fineer?" pcoieciHtn oi seels. rin arrangement i very injiinou to Prince jui lMhle tin arit I he e- i'VUt eannalpn nemMSe one ofl Jonteel Itupert because our loat could km (wit tealinir ami brine- the grtt' fnnl. Ihe ery few eiamfne wliere Na-Msteon PRINCE GEORGE here were it not for the intrrnalmnal treaty. The treat) emrfd le attaekeal the enemy cen aiHiulleU al any time and then there would I a eHrideral.e industry WHAT t 11m dlffeeeflfte be ter: 14 uua! mettiMd nn In h44 A ha ttule ari..-n i.ciween spring up here which wnild benefit our ft-hermeu. Event tween an ordinary mvlTtnn iml Iti atverary m fmul with a Speeml Policeman Jame .. ually the seats would lw all Octroyed Imt in the meantime we a etswt niiiHnn. -Jhk y he'd Mtininium part nf hi force. wluUI ml the usilice i-mmii.Mi r shmihl have the fun. lake a chance .in either. he deirrel hi pCtnelfNll effort the unymenl of reward lr There are RimervH other advantage Ihe United State get airam! nne of Ihe enenty' flank. letinr eiHittrimn I--WI wa Cold and Combination from friendly relation with (Unada. There prubaldy are advantage Higher Tactics riwrae) hy the mayor on the) Canada get although we enanol Jut now recall Ihem. At Ten When I went in In annner I er. Years Ago umlerlamlinir he would receive' Reduced in price, 50c jar. any rate the general policy of reciprocal trade relation are an ) lainly had nn i.lew that I wa an. eft per i lay waves and 4So for I now a advantage to Trade should be a free a po.Me, Mdh in I In Pi'nca Ruparl in to have a dieuion Nn eneh emtetMn secwred. Three Ihe inlecest of the producer and the eon-urner. n4eon tralery and hislter lae.LxtMM-thm were made Ihmugti They arc aliv put up in a new style jar and w, Ssptemher 27, 1912. lie. We hnlli agree! flint awo-lenn' Tni, aitt Ihe MHire i-nNIWlMliin keep imlc finitely as they are air tight Victory Of Turks Ihe .-..iieliiilinx sesi..ii .if the doclrine is a vatwahte to. reject eO Um rlaim fur reward a Causes Uneasiness. .H2llean syiuxl l.w.l ihr form of dav a il wa nne hundred yewr well a wnire. The matter wa The victory of the Turk over the Creek i causing a certain a Mildic ineelinir in SI. Amlrew ami I dicvere that Kannl taken In the city runetl ami ha ORMES LIMITED amount of uneasiness in Ihe adjoining conn trie. YiftoO' Hall lasl mailt. Interesting ad- i- an eHtliHtatl admirer nf now keen referred In the clly ;ha given the Turk power and it i at once, een that nuia nnd dresse were delitrrcd by the NateMH' cnmnaiEn in Italy in dicHnr. 3rd Ave. and 0th St I0. H-.x the neighltoring countries- are anxious for similar power attained Iwn WMieer mihnare. Ilev. J lalrt). I mentism Ihi in nrder in i in a similar way. They are beginning to aert themselves, H. .MrlkiHavh. nf Aiyanh, and show that Kenml I' a en-e -in. There were IM application for Phones 82, 200 and 134 Britain i taking step to safeguard British interest in that Hev. P. I.. Sleenon, of llulkley Iilefit nf military hitry a eery the (Misilien of Janiinr of Ihe my THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO HEX ALL STORES re.gion and to see that there I no urprie pning that will eaiie valley. Knlhminx were the eon. nldier who aiare to military km 1 1 ami hlyh rh..l. Jnhn Hill trouble there. She ha learned that preparedne i the price of ener nf varieu ennmiitlee warfare mil.I he. !secured the ink al a larv ..f peace. Strength i the nrel safeguard. She ha been mnt eecle1: Inslian Cmnmillee. Areh IatoriHi ami imlefaliiraMe lonjo uer mnnth. earful in refraining fronv bolile action, even in face of pnnoea. iJ-aeow tMlinn, nf KlnenlHIi Ihe Hinl nf ere. KeMal l al- lion, but the enemy mut not overle.p Ihe hound ir iUy will MveeutK-e tmmlttec, Arehdea. way at work, and Me-e a. The Muntrel llnanl nf I rade "The House or Better There Will Be A Coal Shortage find themelve in tnmble. enn Xlian: Sunlay Schod wnrnterful ara.p of Kumpean erurmi "-sarlv ina.U a thirty The Dardauelle neutral lone wa established by treaty awl MinniiMm, Hev. K. C. Ilureh tmtitie and affair. Tbia i alljminute ! here mi Sunday eve. Valuee'" This Winter Ihe treaty right must be maintained a all cost. ele why arrange Itoard if iveranr AnxliruH the i wore mirarkalile a bi HlliiT from V.M to III n rl.wk. Be wise! Irealie? Thel2ical Oiftese. Arebdeaenn lealmn a i hi rely a military nne BENTS Otttissm. Moral ami Sneial lie. reeevel at tle Krvle de (Inerre jrl . Johnson, who spent r League Of Nations fnrm, ArekMleaewn Ootlieon. in HYtantinof4e. He wa in lh Ihe past five yearn in Prirw-e Order Your Not Very Effective. Tripnl. eaniiMian. and later serve. He..rue ami vicinity, leave Itu The League of Nation i not very effective. II ha no power The Kirme ami Minstrel I in several Ihentre nf II.. week nn a holntay Inp to hi. old Fall and VVinter of enforcing it decision and even if it had, any one determined Xhtiw hekl lal .night in the war: hi lt servire wn in the himie In SleyeUrud. Millervik. Coal Now power I'ould get an immense advantage1 b8g before the league Wolhnlme lltealre wa a preal lefenee nf lallitfH, ami it wis Sweijen. had finished di.cuing the isue. White the league may lie cc. The hnue i rmwil. far this service Hut Liman von Coats, Suits useful as a mean of getting Ihe nation together and providing e. ami the ccr ami ilaneer Sander bad him pronnded to the Mayor Johnn and liick f'ir- Don't left for the diruion of outstanding international problem. Ihere mere nf the bnet. I'r.ifes.or mmotaiHl nf an army. He li- iiHwie huniiiiv trip lo Port get are time like the present when it i of Ntlle valwe. 1 wa dlrentnr ami those hjfterwnnl on the ltterinz front Oenrye canyon lasl week an. re. and Dresses We have arrans- 4 ' taking part inelnd! Mis or: f Pale.line, where ihe Turk in Iwrneil with Iwn fine mnnse. liter of 3.000 l-ns f At Valuee which Should The Turks othy Heudnek ami Ml Kffie the final ulase were hnpee4y you cannot Have Constantinople? Kyle, nf Seattle; K. J. Waterman oul nun iber ed. II. II. Perry. M.P.K, P. J. Mor. afford to miss. Nanaimo-Wellington The oiiestioii of the disposal of Constantinople one that and mmslreU, Harry Ptcletier. A. Out for Liberty an ami W. Humeri on left i Call in anl in..-. i .., hi,M-k. is being dismissed in every country of Ihe world. II i undoubtedly Ota.-rl..D. Maurice Corfcitl, W. Kemat wa lnieMtir.(nenU SumUy for Nelson where Ihey Coal Turkish Iln.wn. j H a sell. J. Kerry. of the Turkish will a lien. Ihe I.literal convention. a cily and l also the centre for the Mohammedan Army in .a religion and therefore Numa liemem, Mi Shnrey. Ml Minnr aQer Ihe ariuillee in Itilri. Oilier deleiralea from Ho-dl.lriei the Turku have a peculiar claim on iL II Bent Phone 11 or S. t arranged thai the nty be given back lo Turkey after being administered MrKay. Mi. Jean Bailey. Mi and hi patriniism came tnta are . K. Wall. Mr-llrhle; S Wear Stott by Britain since Ihe war under a mandate from the Mnya Bailey. Mi liori I'allullu. pronfinenre after tjie occupation V. J. II.M.ker. lioine Third Avenue. Albert & McCaffery Mi Mabel Weslenhaver. Mi Creek; lr. fi'llaaeu, l.nreri power. The health of the city ha been improved and the ad-miniftlralion of Cnntanltnnjja by the Altle. Opp, Bank of Montreal, Lily Shrub-all Mis Krhel flray. Mr. K. II. Smith uuri II. MH.r-kell, LIMITED when the ha been efficient In -pile of (hi there i a sentimental ... atmna!iU ran In and Mi.- Hi., ratify. VamlerttiMif. objection to it being controlled by a foreign power. I' rm. will again be administered by the Turk in their own way and Keuwl i a iNtlrhd; be i mn lUiarle V. Krederiek. man-IIIRII Periutent if Ihe administration t not a good one they will be Ihe sufferers advertising Is ab. for lilrty and imlepemlenee -Turkey clilor of the lea-- lllver As a matter of rn.-t the Tirk are likely lo improve in matter solutelT necesfarv tn uceea. for the Turks ami he de. Itecord. iacd lliroiiuli I tie i ty THEOCOLLART, LTD. - - NOTARY of government. epe ially sm. e they have seen the advantage, o' ire i-eare hul an honnralil lal week enruule hoiin- afin PUIILIC Ihe conduct ft III I Hie Inline., liavin;( eiil a flirt-.- weeks orderly (learei ernes are We are now Agenta for the New York Life Insurance Company, diaie evacuattnn of Ada Minor byl holiday al the roil The most liberal and strongest company on the continent. the itreek. He "How I ran ay: Assets, 1962,032,1 3I.S0. Let ue show you how to eaye your trust assurance that the lireek SUITCASES money. Htlgtno Blofk, Printt Ruptrt. Pkone 6S6 will evaeoirfe after fojur nomtti. a wa said in the pari Conference TRUNKS P-hona Blue 69. Westholme Theatre Block. P.O. Bos 88. at Marrli, wlien, in the Dr. E. S. TAIT middle if the .ondnn Conference CLUB BAGS ia ear, during an nrmiMn-e, Dental Surgeon the tiieeka suddenly launched UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED Hi'ii offensive" 1 Large Stock on hand. SAILINOS Oldct Hoars, 9. a.m. to 9 p.m. Will ynu try to perMiade us. Prlcei very low. Foe Vancouver, (leean Kali and Swsiison Hey, Tuesday & p ut- Sauday by Appoittmtnt nai i ne unii-h toverfmvHi H'o J. F. MAGUIRE Pec Vancouver, Alert IUy and Purl Hardy. Saturday p in. i ii it kmrw f that iffenivr lein Poe Anyoi, AlM-a Arm. Pprl tiliiiiou and Wales Island, funds; prepared'' he renrke (a me. th. Prince Hupart HoUl inidiiivlit. If ymi an qvinre ine of that. Pee Neee Blver Canneries. Prldey S.ui.