tVa-ireda t,if ,,(,.. ,rA(in four THE DAILY NF.WS BRINGING UP FATHER By George McManus RUBBERS on: tcluthact vrxu- i.u ee up am' (J ITOLO IOO vrCfc 'I I I TMt MOVHTAl. ACtN OU.LIM HMniinnnfc Atrs Waar um. I I COMtHA t,sy "J 3 .a kO WttN I'M on TmC MC CUNO TO HEAft THAT "YOU ARE. XV W are pole agent Ibl ' I TO?Cfi HIM we CMA llv f..r W "Hipress" Hiibber llooi. the rubier wilb the real fine round the lop. Light In weight, bwl longer in near than any oilier rub-r boot al Ibe ame price. Every Palp Guaranteed. s winao for !'ia I iiii.iv all "ii'd and 111 length. . y Cmp i W I-1 f - --. I. ... . i-ZJ Family SHOE Store Phone 357. P.O. Bo i ISM firl. Th fM hmvever. kep ne wbieh hnw. ran not be " i'i. iheir 'Innlr front and at lea I taken a a fawn. A. t1aiarto.i (liad an even break at the ptajr. A anl W. MHttloeh wt the Mum. Modern Classified Ads. News ilrli.around vaj H4e m the ntn and the tea me lined op a Daily SWEATERS WON ji.roitci line-up wit Mllirmft Mlamv: 'iiioviiis from full hark to ren)re Omtto Mereer: Harrie and CENTS PEK WOKO IN ADVANCE. No AdrtUn-il Take for than BO Laundry .i-aril. Hannltnn g.mB from 'HhVM-rft forward in veronal BY ENGLISHMEN half to fnM and P. Mnlenin frnm hatfi ; H. Hamilton run hart to FOR SALE right fomardVo hi nn- ' una! half . N and fxtrr; , far iH.ilin at nzht half. The It HI. MKWwran half hnrk in pUayer- It there 1fie.l !-ael-r f !tilrnJid tsit with natural bae- Service EihibitJon Final Last Night Re. hare ?. tt.T i Son- mnde their foal it mni hmU . Wainrh. Kirt anl puiBi and . urr(-rably nient TMrit Avenbe and Kir-l tilted: Sons of England, 4; j Piire f .r Xew York niinut- after the npenin of the ItntleT. with rrhe.iral -ttrirne. Hlreet. fj.noo Kay term. He ..ffer the f i i y Q rot to. 1 NatMtaaW .UmI l-alf nhen Tmver headed inU- the Sm f Knaland SUwkdide. who would nptireriate Ibe ip' I.d 3. Ilhark 30. -See. wtlh 1 range of .era ire to llie , Pure ft.r Vri TtM Son of Knrtand defeated Vft after ManeM had nnwree. Lamii and Keli ; K. ajr. A. j pnrtnnMy of making a fairly roaanied hmiae. VI feet frnnl- 1 lie I b Oroito in I he KtbmitHn ,-., fillv negotiated a free kirk whirh aw ami . Manell: V Mam. j Karh Anwiean Xew York Xa H.'M.i; , livina in a meiter n aye, lUjfgar I'laen. . Economy Laundry Service-Damp r final at the Arrnpoli Hill n heaafed hy t'urrae in front nf iMon. Wufi. Tinker Hodain of omr w lbouand inhabitant, Ut 6rt and &V. Itktaek it. See. I. Wathj Soft Flnlah, fional plarer nhmr Vtt.M Wound at nia-tit by a wore of ln- n-r. Six minute later Ike nnd Varajubnr. reh 5ew Y.trik Anter- ' write fW parttruiar In View lane MVu 1 be pair. 1 Rough Dry, Ory Cleaning, t l I Ihu. winning (he Northern Knithiiirn mule Iheir third Serr Tinker, t; WiHnrinv the ifteereiary. ayo Omiwaa. 30-SO II. I. Plefttaif Marine KM. Pmsalng and Dyeing, Rug eriean da rer nii Xifjmi H.: Ameoltiiml and lnahitriallwien Manell k4n in I: Maneil. I : Wanah. . Purae far Hf Iran, Anywf. K c. t3 fine; and Carpet Cleaning, and Aaariation' amealer prire. Tbej Farapihar' corner. The mealher a auantritHi. Laiinrb TrHnn. U.t Kleriinv. the Regular Laundry See. ptaee bant 13 : llVA.VTl'J-Weeenily gradnatr.1 I.ngii.hmeii were fuRy 4 .e ing Aboul tbi tare of lave pan-f 1'iit the rtal'r- were n.d innnv. IM0, nr lunrb lt.l-? vice. their virlor for I bey ibavava-d the iirotUt began to hw- ign Pnrae for third J lady bookkeeper, to ke nuH liuffaK Aitln.Marine, tnn Wo ran an rely .re jr lite txdter lyle both indn Kluall; I life and front I hew o Uejr tank team et of bonk Apply In own Hwir, anal Inla on nay lemi H He'n may ne ral ; K rh nd enllertively. lie it aid for lher fuM Nare of dee plar. Xo- erond t bandw riling, laling i ev. lyglfir war Mnrry. boat, ei.. j Sport Chat j plarrr about M 4.ln peeled to M f J. I tally Xew Canadian Steam .rHto, howrver. that tht euicht thin bul pMor gwai ltoolang pre Karb third Offtr. If Laundry dl vented them fram mlj" 1 1 M. 31. vTRPllUXS. 4il a have bad another iraai malifing --- ....a layer abont Phone S. fr two nolrbed to their lw orenion. the famtdtas nJay.l I'bane Stt. If rr The lime i. here ua.. wheu Xew Yort XnUonnl Hf:MsTII:HIH an.t Pinnt Klc had thejr a ailed rbeaiiven of en. beinir WiHitrralt and Wawrb., World . .erie t. the all ab- iUut' hare . . I.f.l Nht. Mat! order pmmntly al. If 111 KAI.K Oaraaaml HUratoa. ouportnaiiie presented.Had their be former bemg unable In r.e, otimz of d..-u..l..n in Xew York Ameraran tended In. The fveat to fl. II ft. A in filled wi'h I earn -nrk been a little ntorc when there wa. nothing between baMnll rirrle. I b- date lor l!lt.b hare . tM4.ll7.H luvdte' y imthrntT. I'rhare fft hp. I'niavn engine r. American Express rf fertile and ronrerted lhe and the smnl bad few feet a )k narMinir k-iMM i, Xat tonal league te.trgv. It .. rmmnalalbvn fnr K. Hull two ttiighl ex en have won. but aa nuttier arxl the tall. Farajnfiar. makiair New York (iianla and Yanee. hare t;.3ia.73 yenr avid. Hull, enaiiae and iitood the S4n were the het one of bi fat rwnfMnir fallow. whirb Jw lenm il i nm a American Lene'a YAXTt-t A man lo h i after nwarrtaar in etrellrnl rwndtlHn Money Orders and al no time were nrrinm up an the other end. neartv eat. pretty well aamtmd fnri wall bauvl fatr tbe Inter on nut. pur. lN.3n.?3 lrtra 1W, term ran be ar. l hanre of oina: to be seen for ed arain, the hnl jut Mtlmr tbe tirlpate in the hw clay-off. i. Adv i"ry lUMinril'a mualM.nibed Living Xnrthem iurar fnr Kt. rangraL IW paiiimlnre apply Issued on litem, ttetbnjr any in a pnod (roal paxd. Seotty YaBli who bl et fnr lirtober i. uel Wedne. hnre . rbange. Apply Ztt Oapl. Yalai. P O I bat $17.j Norway, Sweden & Mart, they held their tend wHI. me to life rame thmwgh with day. al the Pdn tlround. It . City. if In the firot half ee-iay the the (iridloo one ami nnty. iZ year' prrr will prevail and il World ! rie ntlendanre and U'N.VTHla -ea4aMal in evrbanffe Denmark at Loweit S.n howed their minute Her the lart nf the IHI ATS, rlnglne ami engine filling; uperiority and a half,j irfcef) iui, wnn mrrraw.i rereitt. bv i-ar aaawe I fur Winnipeg prufierty. Apply Current Rates plav-ed a murh brighter and faster with a long apeedy ohni. the neat areomnnnmlian for -aior. Year am.. Alled. Heeetpt P. !. Ibn tt, rely 931 Aukn a I audn part: game than the tdiarrnmte. el of the mi. Tfnker nnte Ihi ynar. the allendnnre of lal 19ns - 9I.633 art.tin) oe. Ioo, jinidtnr. rhaln-l A genie for the ni"t part nf the pertd the Vm erond indmdmal goal anil the par. HeeK a reeord breaker IVort .. 99.H4I ind.kM FOR SALE blnek. pmiaellnr. mh. and Norwegian American Uae leather being in iheir quarter. fonrib for h de at 99 minuted. wHt be eveeeded. o hinrh in-lerei ivn; r, ini.7jn tin H..K I'nmHnre. lvn a variety aaf i Sedlh American Lin The lirotlo were ol fen nffaiaV and after Carrie, at the Urotto mad eithuiajdn hn ar. i94M s r?S7 t.n anal KTanmphuni . Apply ahaerr fM lift( at bv prire. Maarth.' Scandinavian Amertavea tna-le tbe larger pereentaze of:irerled hi kirk lownrd th Rnsv m-mpanied the nne benaani rWMt a tti.Hl tMlt.Matt Ibrnrkanan.Ker. 3t3 Seeoml em Ijebauge. If Lino. foul. Tbe latter team entered !tb forward line. Iarkne fait'rare' In both tb Ameriran and lin 3 l?l?i li.9xa Avenue. nil ntR IUltn Adding Ma- Oliver Typewriter !! tl .e man bri mnl baole'nnMnr tfard the end af tbeiXatianiil lMtnntb ver thai 1911 IV9.:.t llf.MI w Sfa nide T'deab' Cary afcine, rarrtage, (he .ltadan(agr of bth nn ami rame hatnppi i d ptayinr eMtM. tie' fane WlH ilOfabUe.. f..ow il 191 H JSt..3l IM.H3J FDR &I.K-S4lbM Yaeht lln Oompulinir iah new Ap FIRE INSURANCE adverse srrade wbieh aaiffhl or erahty a wHI a the view nf lite Ihronzh, aMboh are inter 113 tM.9f 3?&.t; r with Kvinntde naMe. IftNi. ply Fuller Ornery. if might md have bad onietirinjr Ini pertatnr. el MitM awaVy hate bees at-larked i9tt t itn,Mn9 ;;3 73 Itilkm. I airy Xew Of fane, if So with the lark of form they -fdayed. Comment on Play to I be WorbTa Sere bai 1915 5 113.331 3tJl baby narri. OARO. Dybhavn & Hinson The fir.I of the few enr Merrer gave hi nnl gwd an nafabie tenm wm one of the 9I 3 l:.3S4 3HV390 I he rkanre thai were preenird ertire for the O rot to in gnal anl!flaj. Il will be asm in an ei. I7 " JM3.u9l IW.KJH as. In perleot rtaNalHiun. ItS. lUIAHIi Inlander. Jo See..tarf 1 : Third Avenue I'bnne fled lit. va oftrrrd tu the tirotU bul iiied Mt!e Dial rambl he elop- rhioHe liedham party Ihi year .119 H Jd.9.'H 7IJ.II I If Avenue. Plione 137. , j Prince Rupert. . C flier failed to avail ltie(eveii of led a.t all. Itarne. a ever, wn - - '; 7 i;t.7Mt Ml.rtnd HAI.IIUT I ma I -Itrlngnbr far LOST it. The firt rtmnter re Id the tar of the fnll hark. anl Xn I I ban SMjpli prrxm - mi.lm. ran ba ee 1 al rnmule after the !art wtienlbbml be inol efferlhe player paL Ibetr ay into the Pole ikltie and Aon nf iUmadn I lay. St LIHT Alrdab- pup 1 1 ii.l- Wlgrin finished off tbe trtek af. tm the wboie team. The ttaH- liroHnd lnl year to ee the ier t..nirhl in a t atari hrbl dear return 1 Ornte I ! ter both Parqubar and HamiKofi tiaei line ttneiml Utile lye bad wnrfc) erie game betwwn tlie football ntairh I1e ga MH Ml.YV- Obi newspaper. SSa) HYDE had made ynod trie fnNwHir a lite forwnrd a a wtnde fterfornv w Ynrk iiianl and I be Xew tiould be attrnrlixe to fan fnr fnr large handle. I tally Xew ORIENTAL GOODS from K. tlnsg. AtMtt to e.1 very rre,lltab4). Hill aal Ktrhy Yort Yankee. Tin e a new Moii. nf I'jinaita vtrtaary wiH nffma. If Japanera Klmouaa, Oorkrry finnute late I Ml YVilliM-mft ap- lakin? tle tHar rofe. reeaiml. tlw largr.t irnid allfiid ..-Ml.- I be traafthy rre wtlh lleNn It lit SAI.i: ivaby bnvay. ?.. Itaiuboai Furniture. Ornament TRANSFER eared on tbe eene to fiH Itie hWarkdah wn on I lie job in the anrr prev ioM.lf bavii'g teru in I be v trior. I in I i.e other tetnat Apply 111 "ivih v Ibukel, Cbildren'a Itompera. varaai poMtaun at bark. Vrrrer M.n goal, allbnagh the tialll 191? when the Hotoii rrt- win fr the IUI lie waniM atUI it. ran Toy. F.te. EXPRESS AND BAQ0A0E. ihale a rallant -ae after be bad l-ark prevenleal hi being leea aiM atefealed the iiant. fhe .r I ben i a ban. In lie up the LOWEST VMCVX Iay and Night Phono iU ln kfMMked down, tbe half en very mufti. The half bark w re taltrndanre at that Mrie war -lauding and make a play-off. FOR RENT F. K. atKASC ing .horUy after thia with the all good, while Karqubar wttb hi !1.31. The affinal gr... re. I hi i. the la-i icame the tla-..iia'k. Tfl KrIXT Hlnre nn Flflh Ave. P. O. Ho I Al Tel Red . frore .landing t to nil. eea wa tbe liHt energelie if. eeifH lal year wer- tMift..,33 baae to pUy while the nue Kal. fully eaiuiife. with Third Avenue Bfst Coal Second Half not the Mvl effertive nf the fnr. eetiping the trtner r.-in. of ii-illi-. have aanr mnrn mead Ing "I lie .rott appenred to bright. vrartN. though Wigvin and Tink rereipl. t'itt.Hi rer...O.J in bewiaV Inn nth I nnmeiy wUh the kulatierinir ijuarler in ararearie.rear. iteanbl Living WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Wood Wood r'n m in tbe .rrniid half and they er alb the M-oring. the Cineinnali Red'.birago .ii of Kiiaflahd tbe Htalrb I bat rent. Mualein AHy liraa F.tpert wateb, clock and nn1- a tx-iter ihttwaoK llntHigh. Player and Officials Yhne Sov: erte of 1919. wa o.ioio-a I-1 Friday nisbt tU. Fifth Stove Length. SpllL rery Avenue IU1. If chronometer maker. Hlt tbi. period, the player a. lii-orgr S. fliMftell refereed anal ' n aa-rouiit of ruin. A Hadmberg Waleh and Jewellery Repair a urnin; a -tige of eed tht the wiilr rriitrim that,j e liKlnbution of lal year re. mil l:nall- Hi.- bille in to. TO UF.XT. Steam healeal fnr- 119 2nd Ave. WeeL had (en rartairdj larking in tiHlai! againul him wa bi iriH. reipl follow.: 'tight ii ..i i ii l i nliej raaoni. with or without peclalty. Phone SSO. Mall order promptly eteeutrd baaaral. Ilouie Maoklnff. Xor OEO. QIStR faalk rtuaam. I'btane lliack 319 AMERICAN LEAGUE Opp. Pat Office IP O. lloi 71 1 AUCTION SALES Prince Rupert tf IS WELL IN LEAD AHrriOY jtALK. On Thurday TAXI Let Us Advise You Sefalefliber t al t:M p.m. al MW YORK, Sepl. 27. Ik mtwar I'lare. ITnnl Ave Phone 693 with a lifetime ripen MACDONALD'S rid erie Ameriran la nue: Sewing tttarMne, ihina (Call (leorge Rn en. e in al! brani lira of lit Five-paenger Touring i:r . It' 'Miiijr Trade (r Mil,Mil niiiuer bate Wot rabinei. rtiatr. beater, table I'rompl and Xlghl Ha-rvi.-e ,( Hi.- worl.l aerie playal rus, beat, bureau, range, kit. Hay Brickwork. Standi Boalon Orlll Third Avenue I'm:., l iaya I lagi rhen raldnel, raaatkinv uleniil. .lull ) Ijkrn ven. ele. I'bitpaalt. Kvitl A Caa, CLOTHES CLEANED Stonework, I.a ''.u Hi liianl threw off Auelbaneer. 52fi .i iu 'h.ii liaal f.alkuwwal llreater and pred by talent HTKAM Concrete, etc. Gut V-w "ik Xaiional league rlub 1013 -Philadelphia American prelnff proce. IM.iiw mid Specification W Eitte in W"il. erie. .Huie IV5 byj 1911 llU.n Xalbiual. H ulia called fur and delivered (.- 1.1 ,11 out iienta. Wem i x the a nukee. r'uur IWI& Ibolon Anieriean. Phone 4S tiniea. .ietn.ii.y i he tiiaal bad IUH1 ltln Ameriran. LINO, The Tailor William Walls & Co. i Ca aVlitrn rMnlaHC I .'i itii'. i.i Miiertean ingue IUI 7 liiravu Ameriran. . . .. zv iui Li iujc sniunci j AUCTION SALES. Builder and Contractor rr- .'haiiin.n. and Hie XallnwaU had 10 1 M loloi Amerb-an. I'.t) Il 8M Phone 4S2. 'X ..who like ln;i'ii iiniiri'e..l Iwiee. 1919 (biwliinall Xaliiinat. Condurled in your home Hale r -rm iffue 1017 3rd Ave. the IMilladel.hia Alhletia IOzO illeveland American 'every Tbureday at 3 p m in our Jobbing Work of all Kind. 'Id I lie rer.iril fair I lie eat IUII -Xew York Olanl. Irtmin. Peml In your gixxl early. cut fine number of run. rore in a ' Tie game. OE0RQE LEEK, Auctioneer, erie. They i-mnll bHl llirtre Summary. 823 Third Ay.. op who roll their own in the five-guiiie erie agalllot Serie. Lame Pheneei Black 8H; Red 7. WE HAVE aaaV'MKZaV ir aw Hie (iiaul hi tun. W. I.. W. L. It. aHmmVllaV vlikw ' A record of gaiiMHa and mn Amer lavue 10 7 :-' 17 JIO BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR Ammunition annnnnnninnnBnT nnnnw begilltllllK with IUII5 frtlkttVa. Xati 1 league ; 10 n ut I'lionn lliack tr aa amnvananVBmaaBv ImaBa mtlmiffj 19H. Xew York XuliamaN. MRS. STEPHENS and Shot Shells mT IVvfi CIimoko AtuerirniiM. Tan I rrui-r a4 above Wrulbair Hi..i.-Tlilni la All 51a. J dike n7 -4Jnragn XulHniil. GZEMA B Avenue. IbaiK 4:111.11a,. XalitUMl. E I rwa ka a li.i.n. Halr1rrnaT. Hliainiioomg, Hen. bar aVtcaia 4 Ml IrrH. STORK'STaTdmre I9iiu I'1 1 1.burn XallolliiU. Ma reel Uw Il tWaat M aw 4 fa- naliitf, Waving; Ybil.t loin I'liilaijeipiua AmrrUuii. iir ! U kl. Iwri kai lM' UUM ! il ra ia.Maa Halt Hay Fare and H.ali Treat men 1 Limited mSSh I ! 1 1 I'liilairl,ina Auirflratii a4 l . 4 a.taa watf aw, Mankurtov. rwllahea Cml . mmle lo Slack IISJbW . all auiul a eI tav. Phone - 1 y 1 Il"i"ii AinericnDt. UaU4.1iaf" ordir.