WIIP.N YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI YOKOHAMA 99 in a hurry Phone mf CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME BAKERY ALL. NEW CAHS Phone - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol XIII I'MIXCB III 1'l.ltT H.C. AVBItNKHIlAY. HKI-TKMHKIl 27. M21. yur eiec.Mi. tfH Salt. N. PRICK rTVK CKNTH REVOLUTM 3REAKS OUT IN GREECE TODAY TWO M0NARCH5 LOSE CROWN ONE DAY: PREPARE TO DEFEND THE STRAITS Revolution in Greece Seems to f REGIME OF SULTAN OTTAWA MAY British are Preparing OF TURKEY CEASES be Entirely Successful and King i: .'.M'NTANTI.NOPI.K.Tin Sijllait'. reginir Kept . CALL SESSION to Defend Dardanelles Ita rra.rd an Humid Eastern Situation Mot So Encour- lby. NHltorKili.1 rfnrii-alivr. , agings King In Close Touch Constantine has Abdicated Throne ha leeii appointed Against Turkish Forces liy Kemnl governor of OH AW A. Heit. SJ The cbaiiK-r.l :Minntlii)ti'. romplexioii of Ilie near ral LONDON, Sept. 27. A bloodiest revolution hat taken place ritual 1011 jrive rie to reiire. LONDON. ScpL 27. Hrilili preparation to defend the. In Greece. King Constantino has abdicated and the fleet has nimrty and walrtifulnr. in (U DanJanelle i-oiiliiine and uddiliunal Imtalliotis of Highland light gone over to the revolutionary party. The people are excited and AMERICAN ADMIRAL lawa. For everal day It retiird iiifunlry and Scollili Borderer, mid Knilier are leaving for Ilie surge through the streets of Athens and gather outside the. public IN CONSTANTINOPLE that Ihr niliialion would riatil It. near eiit. buildings. DIRECT OPERATIONS HEARST 'ORCES elf making military oMratiiii CONSTANTINOPLE, SepL 27. An unofficial forecast ay neuter says that authoritative news has been received of the 1 liii.wranHrv but il.lni I.M.k n-Ire (he Kenuilit reply to the iillied pence note contain condition abdication of the king. The Central News says the abdication IMHK !'. ?T Vii-f prortiifti. unacceptable to Ilie allie in that Ilie Nalioiinli( inil upon 11-imr was without reservation. SELF 0 FRONT Tlir (lot r run r ut i unleliiiiit A'lmiral Andrew I.mm of llir (niil for trnniMirtiliir triNiii In Tl.ra.'r lirfnrr liririiiniiiir PARIS, 8epL 27. An Athens despatch says the Insurrectionists Mi. I'it ,! Stair navy. 1 l.wrjy ready to take wlialtvr the peuce conTerence. 1 - - who have nine destroyers and naval aeroplanes besides 2 ' otiiiiiaiiilrr ! tlir Ameri- i.kraiirr may mn nrceiry. The llritih are buy "Irengtb. n)fT A TM TV1 I C warships have landed troops at Cape Colonna, southeast of Athens ''mi force In Knroirn Trying to Secure Election as IVmfidriitial i.irar from ovrr-ea ruing their lineH and eheekiiiaU Dill I Mill lIM.Iol on the peninsula. Martial law has been proclaimed. water. btt piHtr l I U111- Governor of New York as keep Ihr liovrrnment II. ing every' move of Hie National- ATHENS, Sept. 27 King Constantino has accepted the resignation Haiilinopl.' tlliwt III Slea to Presidency. loueli wltli the trend of affair. t. niTooiA unrnr of the cabinet which quickly followed the reception of natal .iteration, .boilhi If an extraordinary elui of Nrw naval and naMUary unil lUlJijIA TrllLiIlij ultimatums from their cruiser NKW VUIIK. Sriil. 21. Ilie I'arliamriit lo ronaidrr Ibr qtie-11011 two Lemnos. In accepting, the Buy lr iirrrary ih ar- arriving daily are impairing king said he entirely put aside any Idea of resistance which would tn .liMi with foreign oVnMwralir lar rontenlbm of -rndina a roiitinjiriit I dr. Kriital' charier, of urr..fully CUl? kvCTC AI7I? bring as a result a civil war In Greece. iialrii. which .h'u tomorrow find ridrd upon it u rxiircteil not iiiote atlarking the .trail. The lirit. illir, UT. I 1) lirT The Crown Prince has abandoned his proposed journey to WiHiani Ita Hll.i llrar! makin? than two wrrk will rlati' fron ill fieri now include it drrad-j Roumanla for the royal marriage. frail I ir rfforl rr a In I lit- III.- call i iuri until I'arlbjinenl naught, .rveii battlr cruirm.-' nrown( be bl wh.-n III ii.-eorirv a-rml lr. tHrnly rruier. rteral rubmar-.Must Become Civilised Beforo Can were aiiiNnl in Ih-i inr and 'giant aiirrafl rtirrirr. bo Admitted to League of Nations BANDITS GET Salmon Reach the wrek'. prima rle ' Spawning Th preenre of tbi great aruela! Il i rri 10 rfnl that Near! MRS. KERGIN ON and Ihr inrrea.r in the llrili!!1 Grounds of Skeena River and Ii.-ipr to wen I tie ixiiiilnatbi and land orre by 30.1100 reaitrri. l.o.MH. ?epl. S7-lhe Uril-tbe FROM tlir iwrnrhltt of New Vork $7,000 r.hrllian iiooirtati.m. Vu rlr l" l drnwnd of Kus- h tlir first it la I l.r prri-ib'tiry RAILWAY TRAIN Blook EipecUd Advance J' ,n In'linW in the proiel Promise for Future Runs Good of the United SUW two ItrftMi force bate adtanrrd ftnferenee at Vniire ill Ih? that UNION BANK: yrr henee. t FOR FIRST TIME from. Cbanak. tu XuukauL eveil'U ItMft a conjiialjoii t ahr-t firtHionahtf Ibet 1 mile .otilli to block the rtp-ctrd Ulal ' ''" I Tht4 Ihr -pawning urea, of the Skeena ltitrr 111 Ibr primary rllark bad lillrr. advance of Turk oward laianak. '""" evrre. On liil ground Ten In Party Which Escapes In whnh are .m ul. d the llabine Lake and Lkle lke Italciiehr. ..I In ambition but llearl .a-li'i- Turkl.h force have appeared ' Inadnrj-.able. Autos and Probably Gels been well eeiietl tin. year through a heavy mil itf mhUk III...' liatr bri'.i euiiiim iicnin' to One of the DslegtUs to Liberal at Therar. Ilie .ummer quarter1 "Krdmg Ihr control of the Aeross Boundarv jallloil anil that thrrc lia been a word large collection uf egg ill. drralr favorillV Il.r Convention At Nelson Accompanying ft Ihr allied diplomatic rorp. ' lr"il- ,,,r W "f lritln i that at Ike two balrhrrir vthicli .hoiild mean 11 giMMl return rn four a.ii-llritii ..il.l.lirr. A a re--iih Her Husband oulv a few mile, from Con-lanli- 'Im'I wtll m rniitrolled by L. .... II.. .......1 ..f I ll.l.l ... r: u ll'-ar-l 1 now ronredrd a (ttlr l""" 'ralrue r nation, and all that I 1' t M . ,"""rr u Onada. Mr. Ilodd, with mii f f i-Mrly. i now hi i iiai.r.' for Hi.- u.HiiiHaiUHi 'eH NKI.so.V Sept. ;j. Inrludrd It I. rrirtr.i that Ihr reply of , necearjr for Iluia to hare I "- Juiu. h.- I'"! ,ufffr tu ,,IM? rt Hal'"" by In liitt.M-.'nt opiMiiomt. in Ibr parly of drlrgale lo the Ilie Turk to the nlli.il peace note " iUir o-efulne. will br for her l.ukr Hllll Ijtke III Ilie roure uf mi itiamwluiu toor of - provineial l.il.rral conveiilioii ronii.litl.rd and " Collie iivliued and Join thu " - l.a, brrn - " com. i, a.Ml r.rVM ..H WALTER JAYNES here are Mr. and Mr. II. K. leasue. Mcreptaticr of Ibr rond'-tion pri.r. IX'rti.i-il f KflieiM-. aifl rotikl be Mia.lr for Htibilir ImV Krrtiin. of Alire Arm. Mr. Krr-in laid down with certain rr. It.,- 1. ihr (,,! -t.ru OF TERRACE IS trip i like Alire' fir I ihU,""1 -" "f rfMMMle It allhouHli Ibr balrbery wh Iik-iH- irvalioii. .i I. ..f Mir I Iink . r.1," .mt wiUi Virw tu l at Ibr lower em I in lUlebrry trip inlo Wonderland. It I ll.c ALLIES UNITED Ml..ml. -I H k..nwltr l-.rk uh.I, FATALLY SHOT rii.l time that llir wiTe of the re. a rt, Ihr whole of ... TrH 1. iwr.t - t-li.r.-inri.U an.1 aUo Ilal4te lkr ban I not brrn atfrrt- Alliii uirmber wa rver aboard a IMMENSE WARSHIPS il.r .M.ra ..''.I -.ml Irani and rverylliiiiy from tbr "'"- il illrerlly frri tbe hlelery. II Shotgun Accidentally Discharged RE DARDANELLES -I1..1. et fu'-l alili.Mi.li irt.-." . dining ear euiitie to the making ARE ON THEIR WAY . 'iaJ. (Mwirr. Itll Ibr lira Pellets I buri 1 1..' i' trrP 'ir.rain lr III." nrw irw 7'r up -b-4 Enterlnq Heart at wa of I'ulli.ian wa new l HrWr. Mr. UmM. the part in. rub lliry ImmI rrn iu Uir up "i Close Range. an i-ul. 'ITie brr. "I wa tM-oiulil III Yirloria TO THE DARDANELLES Ho-1 1 II, IrliMtrit 4trki llrutr. of Ollawm. vliob trip in v rrrrk wlirrr. be up British Will Advance on Kemal-lUs k..w 11. HUliw ami during my aevrntren tl'-lll fl.hrrir ratrinrrr imt tiniMU. J. fore, the nrkee bad brrn vrry W aller Jaynr, of Trrrarr, ar- If Withdrawal Not reidrnrr tliere I never yearn 'Mir attlllll' il I"-li.' Hi,. Mi'Hiiiih. f V'roMer. rrWrnl Itinjitrtl 111 number. Tlir fi. I.h..' rblenlly bot an. killed liiinrf bad oreabm lo enter a train,' MALTA. SeH. 27. The uprr- Carried Out for H.t:.. and U. V. Ilur- alway run in iiinwI iiumUrr ilreadnaiighl Hun.lHic. tU'iitu. ! .il.lM I tr I ' mill. ,1 .niiriiiri m 1 l.i ni.M'iiiiis; willi a Iiopiii. ill.-prlb'l l.r cai.l. "When I married Itf rl -ai.B 1'iM-raline fumi 1 1 I in. ':lii. iuNrtor nf tMU4rrie fir I ullnn ami l iflrrii-MII.- Crerk rntrrinv hi heart al and went north to lite I wrul rioii and Malaya and three light PAIIIS. Sept. '7 -It i. offidially i:ih! Uir.r Mjiaill weM eruier and a third dc.lroyer drrlared that Kraue.e i in arcord '.'J Mlr, ..II Mi t.iwn r4i- ,lL" were rrdi'(J ror raiur. Ill wife, ttbo wa t. a place where llirrr ar no that rn.mtin l-y natural flotilla are rxw-led here bound with Ihr allir in making the it I" till '- Mr. NimM mean. with him al Ibr litnr, talr that train. I bate Iratellrd eoore err found vir HttUfaeloey at Seeding Abundant Ihr I r air arridrnl (H'rtirrrd of lime 011 lrainrr but until for Ihr near ra.l. .Ironge.t fff.'rt to kerp Uie llbr Ihror m.M ltts III UeH In atblitkui to the balehery eol . tvhrn Ibr drrraed ulipped and I got 011 till train I had urver Turk out of the neutral 1011c tral llritmh Orfumbw. Itf Ut b-etbin tberr were alo plenty f frll. the (tun dilirsiii-. r fiHt on a ear platform." PREMIER OLIVER and lia notified Krmal to vacate BRITISH SHIPS hrrlrnd tbver Mtrrminilirwa fi.li In Uie IreaiiM to xnl tbem Ilie prot inebit poller) here batr Ready to Fight. the oition near t:i.anak. wrrr 111 rrrptioiMll) 9ftwl eomll- buHntently by natural inran. In been notified. Id Hie aloence 11. O. I'erry. M.IM. for Korl LONIMIN. Spt. 27. It i staU hon anti Ihr provpM'U wrf fa- fact tberr liu.i poeaibly been Uf f i:.roner J. II. Me.MuUin. who Ueorge. and I. J. Moran are AND B.C FRUIT 'd herr that unle the ttitli. HASTEN TO EAST orablr inor.nl. the wn-kryr iwiiy fUli ami ntur4 reull i in I tic outli. Cttroitrr Ion way lierr from I'rinre lieorge ready drawul of the TurkUli force from alnioii tiriMiMHt aieJ reult iniiibt bate wu belter wtlli ht of Anyox, will eonduet an in. lo fight if neeary 011 the eon-venlMMi the neutral oue 1 completed i'-cording in iu hi be eoiiHHirrtl lo tbM of the nuiobrr. A it wn tlir num. (url a noon a lie eiu rracli UtMir for the coii.elioi to the uttiiiiMtutn tu that Cruiser and Lighter aarirullure. . ohI) IiI IIk1 Iters iretMn tlirouali lo the the M-riir. Mr. tionway will ar-ritr or the I'aeifie (ireat Hatern l( Sees Product Thrown to Pigs and effect rnl ye.lerday ordering Dreadnought, Makes Plans to Save II In baUbrrir Urrii wrH tenb'tf Una p4tvniH (irouHd bail bren o from Anyox lon'iorruw niiilit their town and it rxluuslou into tlirin to withdraw ttilliiti if Craft All Bound Tor The vattr but tlir crrrk liatl l.'l fcrejit lluil limy bail fou?ht auJ on Ibr I'rin.'.' lieorxe and will the I'eare lliter valley. Future I.our, thr llritisli vtill mot a on Dardanelles r itawii in the natural the iiwh uf flrt ruu lial been pr.H'ml by Hi'- firt rtain after M. A. Maedoiiald, K. (U. uf the Kemalil. . . NLLSO.V Sept. 27. - Seeing a t i hi arrival to Terrace. way. I lirrwore. nmr a inrtn. 11 ilu up by Uler run. Yaneootrr will be candidate truck load of eull apple .old in MU. I V S.nil. -The HrilUli future rondihiour ratoraw'. Mr. IIihM wmiM not be drawn for re.eleetion a protiucial FISH ARRIVALS . CaUfart Okanasan town, for $10 a ton a lVlit ruiw. rr. ah nt r wnl i.iM-rnr. H-oobl iti- into iNAkiny i4rriii'lion fin Ibr CAR WAS STRUCK BY prebhnt. loriHlu iNmt hog and cat tlr feed and fite truck aim i.4it)s..Hiaii. tl"' lu ale !! wimiIiI l r. Ibi-re hIhhiI.I future and w.mld only lalr llml Yesterday I'reiuier Oliver penl ilcio)rr n! m fl4iNa or. In a mh1 rrop of w!')' ulinlli tbr mnmIIiix bil Ihhmi abun.laal TRAIN, TWO KILLED all day al the home of III on load of penliclon ihucIic. bring Sis Boats Marketed 50,000 Lbs. hauled to be thrown to Ilie Fish Eichanga This III Coll pig at lt for ilrr.'.l to l.-avr tup four )mt hrnre. I In yrur himJ that naturally in I'eiitielon atting tding lunu F'linliil.ilHr. Tli. fl..trll will ir Eggs Collected llirrr nbtMild lr a H.1 Itrr and kreping two carpenter oprl Premier Oliver ye.terday o Morning. Sockeye rrop. SASKATOON. Sept. :T. AY lien that to II. C. iiiade plan place . oiiii.rt.Ulr.1 by U'UM'rto Ih.hI !-Ii.iyn. al liuy taking IliU rxrroie. I'o iUlr H.500.(MMI ..K-krye lloMever, Ibrrr wcrr alwuy a a their automobile wa struck by cider on the roast market even if Six halibut boat marlp-ted ami nir -ulmmrliir. oollrote! at prrllininary to hi platform Mieau of ilcKli'tM'tion wlibtli mmm efltia bail brrii a Canadian Naliouul train al it take, nit amendment to tli 30.3011 pound of full at the ilr.ailnainrlit lH-mil 'III.' llrillli luU bery ami ft.lHH.-000 could not lr orrnr.l. Sonir-linie, liuildiug al the .'oiiveiilion. the Ukele Winter, Sak , I1. Y. Illiarlrann .11 loillo liquor control act to make 1'. Kxebauge Ihi morning, the arrival, arrlxnl t...Uy at lUUInr Ukr. It uu ( Hie epawn wa loot tlirouttli of Yirloria, II, and ttifr were ioible. and .ale being follow to Hie lirai cii-l- patvnt that tb. plant vUl I reertliuv walrr or frrlieU but iiKtanlly killnl, The driver of NAVY OFFICIAL The premier 011 hi. journey : fillnl li ciiiwM'ily 1IImmiI lin - tlir wulrr ta mi low now Hint the ear wu injured. from llo roa-t paid 33 cent for Leiptre. I I.IM10 pound, ut 12cl (here Utile la of furlb. OF U.S. DO NOT ,m' """ wa utter PREPARATIONS FOR .ully. In furl, tl") il di.li of .lired pearhe at break and ; Daily. 21,000 pound, aU llnuwl Wir rr reeedins. It wu hi opinion coa.l of Yaiiroiitrr only a few- inuro Llaud will UNDERSTAND fat on the train. ll.tic and 7e and Ague 11 0,. PEACE CONFERENCE than v.eif iu llieoi now. 1111 bowrtrr. that the deatnii'lioii uf alo be tuilr.l a ttell a. iU-icliun NEWS 300 pound, at I(Mo and 7.5c. yeiir there hail Immmi twfw a uIiooji vain inotly in Il.r Lake further oiilli 011 Hie to tbr Canadian r'i.li and Cold IIUMI.. Si-pl. v; lii-lriM'tiime tunny eoriecirii i im.r...-llnlrkMv Ocean. ' I.land. The parly vtill inHH-l WASIIINOION. Sept. BASEBALL Storage Co. lint" Ihh-ii .'iit Hi1' nli"rl"" a Sut mr. TtiU Visit Down Coast. all Ihc halvhri'ie. on tl.r liwer Part de.patch auiiounciiig that NATIONAL LEAGUE. W'aba.li, 3,000 pound, at 12a .l Vriiii-r In r.'-i.in.' M.'.aralin tneMHl lliut there wbhiM le ilonbir Mr. Ilixl.l uh.I hi party will Kraer lllver. Ilarrl.oii' ImL Yice.Adiuiral Long, of the American ItriMiklyu. 12: Ho.lon, 3. and 7c, l.illie tSanadiaii FUli and fur I lu iit-ur tut uiifi'i'i'iH't', the oi or fry. 'Hie nollei'lnni Irate brrr Ioiihhtow on I be I'ill Luke, Cullus Lake and I'em. Nuty, ha gone In Con St. Loui. J: New York, 0. Odd StoruRe CUl. of at Irikrlte Imil i'"'0 M-li fiolimr proleelioti tmiiner bri'ton Lake. Ktalilinople lo dircv'l polp'l Cinciiiiiati. 113; Philadelphia. Mayflower. 1,000 pound at SALMON INCREASED I llrt rHMI limn in " I11 (iitenetiy to tiit poiul iuwn the Mr. Itodd had no announcement naval opviatioun U not under, 8. 10.Ic and 7r tu (lie. Itoyal Fish war llMe fl.li brewling lia.l I"" I'oatl. Uniiilllioil will evprr- tu'inake u tu future policy tood by official here. TJicy COAST LEAGUE. I1. I1. 1 tHl.ll.li.-.l tlierr. Thf bdlrhery tally Ih l.aiiiiiel at Ilitri' In or largrr undertaking, thai may .tate that parlicipation , ' of I41 Angele. I; Salt Lake S. Klliel June 5000 pound at iion,V.WCOUVIJjl.llml'Ute Seil. "t (1 ut nmloubtrtlly ini.roM'l tin' li-l liatrli.'iy mid t It.- ii- v b' iartet by the d.'paiim.'iil American warhip in any do Seat He. 0: Yernoit, 7, lo ll- and Ir I., the Atflu-Kih. I'.'" Hir tfi in llir rntll'r l.lik.'l.' -t''ti.. ti'in 111 loundniH 11 i.ii'l.i.lii.v bUI elated thai leri r.'tiaii' uiouiraiiu agaiut the Turk IMjrllaiiJ, Oakland . Tie. , tu-l mlniuii iwrV tin-i' -.ii."ii'"" ' '' , ,, IikIiiiv i ix.'I-. Iak' Bllil '.tw.'kai... I.ukc K.'i.u.'dy and uild 'Xl.'Plll I" eliding I'laiil 1 not pari of the pretent Aiucr- Sau t'runcUi'", 7; Ka.'ramriito -j'1,000 nr M ' . .- I . 1 1 I 1 - 1.4 ,i 1 . !: . .1 r ' 8ubs. iibo fr ttks Dally News.