ti -- Mae two .y ttpk n.trtT ifrvTB t. 11.. , . $- ... . .j. .' 1 'I t v r i .r itifv aw' Jfttlf o4 The Paily News BIG TIME AT t-riW- Wrrti R9f A"lil I anu fvnV fee snfSHsa.e pniNCR miPKirr - hmtihii Columbia ai'i .'i'innn was III to rt Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, lha Prince ROTARY CLUB Commtttsa In Chsros liupert linily New. Limited, Third Avenue. I'i. .-..iiiuullee f awliisa re-li II. P. Pltl.l.KN. Managing Editor. Members Were Dined and En si. !.. Tor Ihe evenonr ar. tertained tact Evenelno by , i ii- eornrieed Mr T. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: Their Ladle ll J ti -.hi. ehalinttan. Mr, iteo. City Delivery, by mail or earner. mr month . Sl.OO R . Mr. Ii I". MeRae. Mr. R Xmni niirtit vta m r id. mjr hf 1 h M Mr. V iHdiv Mi- By mail In nil part of Ihe llrilish Rnpire and Ihe United State. if re in advance, $0.00 ye1 n nil he I Ml I'rin.'. Iiu !rflcd ' . . - I I..-,.. Mr- M I Mc per year use rep' you li"Hty Chili hi.!.. . h i i:i" - . Mr. siwii md i Mr. J. ii advance $7.50 j To all other countries, m ber year TELEPHONE 9S ere iitncii ,uii . i riiuc. v m i .l. liiion. Mr H .l im-iiii khce llnliiiv Anne Kivl UMilnn. n Ihe tnoulh. ucied acci'iijiain! fur Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. puwetfulnwJU - a Urns lefl iiikI.mi.' Iii please III. elites are re i . -in i iiih aiMl ""'Ii'. lasta or the t.iihin- -mmirr b - leased In the .Mi a l Mr. '. I. M'Mifiii', daily edition SjOD r riiRv. Ileeesnher,, l$Zi.J KvertHiltiu Wii. li.n'ftlJ Hi. form of tirallng M mi.I Mr. J. i Mi-ndf ansJ HtiH flr' Hiiil ifw cxi'inna funir. These relnhsted with M.istci JfnnH4 llrssiiii wa He Japenete Present will f ilown a a iiHMiioi.ii''. the brrstb soJ H and 'he fidhnvtoSf NMm- Their Case. niii. come Into dltttt . ... mi I Iheir wive, win-) n- A rue lor the Japanese, no iloubl inspired liy Ihe present I'lri wa llh' loy -ii4ivi Mi-. contact with tubes the M tr' movement atrainl Oriental immigration, is presented in a liookJ Tjn. Jilinstiii prrtsiih-d nnil Mi'.. and bronchial longs In a M and Mrs. T n linaei let entitled loci AhOnl Japanese in Canada and Olher Mirl II. II. IHWlll i.cnll'HIBc-'.l lie; wa th.it mull-clue M mil Mr, ii. W lhil, Intieniis Inrormation," which ha lieen published hy Tnniekfrhl relntr. lielween tlte vartoii! into the swallowed stomach M and Mr. t'riHl Slock. i- and Otitn, Conu) General for Japan, Ottawa. The booklet contain a Cihii lie re eimiiiuiM 1 1 cannot poasibiydo. M - It llavne Mi hu.I M -s great deal of information, compiled from a Japanese standpoint. Hnairvs of VriMlie nn piiulr Ur this direct i Mel e.Ml Ahl. and M - '"tin It tell Ihe iminlier of Japanese in (ianadu classified by age and "iiiws, crsv nf "M r..miil:i action, Pcrs not lr .1,1,1X11 Mr. and Mr- .. M provinces, (he number of Japanee naturalized in tianaita, flu .x'in I'h "(s'lvr. .Inllilv mt- I and only piott strrpgthen any ,M" 'i'. Mr lld Mr. Hemge II number of Jatanre in Onnada in comparison with fanadinn imputation. x.nlc.l m wher. . Ihe iruc'! wenk f. ot in chest Mm.!... Mi ami Mr. K u Ihe acreage Niessed in Canada liy Japanese, Ihe numbers liaMn heen VeMlctl in prmni. or llirrut. lit relict give .mi- ll. I.. i'jini'l'li Ur in-i of Japanese arriving in fiaitaifa and lhne reluming, excerpt .-hiimk irnmpliiS di-ciill hv the i to immediate those stiHerinit M - I KMn. Mi-. W l of lloue of Common deflates mi Oriental mailers, summaries .Irnwiim of lkicl l nialcli Hie Iront bronchitis, !v -.-in. Mr, itd .Mr. Janie I. I of trade between Chihi.Ih and Japan since 11)10, number of Japanese nuiiiliereil eals. ve asthma, nlglit j V. tcJrll. K. A Wake. I The liMtl " I I lie Kinw' -! cough, etc. All i'...i enllled in Canadian Kxpedilinnary Forces, atnoiint subscribed dialers or Peps .td. l.i. nini Mr. Itie.. .! xeil In Itie ii.(Mil maiiiui. Mc. ai Mr. and Mr, u A M. j liy Japanese In Ihe Victory Loan, exrerft, from MoHe m to, 1 orooto. Oininum debate regnnliug illicit drug traffir In Oftaila. employment everjliiwlv rNnn frml in?ni Hf box, J fur)1.25. Nwli'll. Mr aii.l Mr- I Vmintial AnilHMii. i Siee-i In- atH Mr II. It. l.rxani : of Japanese in B.C. flh raiinerie. right enjoyed li Mi. W. II. Ker.'in iii",'l V and Mr. Jai x I M l. I. Mi Canadian civil in Japan, the rode of Jiiaii, foreign land ownership and in "lie hwr! lo iiernnl i.iuf m Send this aJvrr. '..I Mrs S. II JoImi-'.ii. : il leasing JapVti. Japanese law concerning natlonalit) ' llntarr" onuarkina llnH M leii'l.-il tlsrment and 1c Ml Mr.. K. I. Me Mi.lit ir M- and Ireatie between Ureal Britain and Canada and Jhiwui. for ' himt Mh- rmtHins. Ille eniM- j stamp postaiie I .'m MeRae. t. i. Mi llie- Mi to Peps tio., British Columbia mull i lie Hint the imlivMual ' , Toronto, and receive ;,v ll- I ie..rge Jit X ,1 ,M M l" l kelher ftir Ihe worth Mtj4-i l of free trial M - N II U niton. Mr.' arwt Mi. Is Most Affected. : ier. Piiiienl I. II John--'ii package. 'wiii.H Mi-t Iviininl.Slr. Sind Mra. The mi m her of Japanese In Cttnada, including those natnr-nlized reftotiicl. Iikenina In'. M 1' M i .ii'en . Mi. and Mrs. and lhne horn in Canada, I given a 17.001. ,.HI.1 male iTlrnfiat IIH-iit In Ihe U"'.i It nl'ilid and ft.R.lH female. Of thl number, a total of 10 80 are located A'lli-el. I'tte inilllii.il- 11 il' in ItnlMi Columbia. Another table sltow that the proportion ilfie ehih iwil,e- ids. Hie u ru Japanese in liritisn unumnia to wiiile poiHilalMin i i?u to :! Itnti Inleruni i "ihI II ' DIVES SHOULD IfljiOu. The nniiMirlinn nf Jaianei in (nimla In whilp ru.nniu 'I wa iHi-lo-'tal-' ami i-. m. (ion N ?(1n 10,000, while olher provinces are given Ihe fnllmviiig . i if the itrtl i ti . Tin ligures: .Ainerta, I in in.uoo; .saknlchewan, .1 to 10,000; Mhim-toba BE CLOSED UP were (he mrinii imparl ii - i- Ocncrnl Cic4of Co. I united and Yukon, 2 lo 10,000; Ontario, Quebec and New Hrun-virk. i . w'iHk. Imsine- Hhs-. i 0. be 10.000. . Control led, and Opcrdlal bv ' .'ii affnir.. !;. hkI eii.-h a- Judgs Young Says Thera Should! Figure mirh a lhee hov, without any further explanation 'rifMiiilMl in elfeelive m Not bs Such Places as Jasa I Tobncco Co. of ( diiadci Limited why niili-Orienlal nieaure are being laiuirheil in I hp llritiuli Toast to Gentlemen Coffso Mouse Impcriiil Oilumbia legiclatiire and why it-i Hrltlh O.liimbM member of IHe SUM n The lien. . TNirlianirnl. reganlle of Jmrty, wiio are the firt mmer lownnN trHoed hy Mr. I I- hi II j li .n.ir J i dire V'iiiih in I ' law eliminaling Oriental immigration. Itrilili Oiliimbi.i I the Hi a oimmroH niwl oninn i1 i .m " nit i t ve.lertlm aflei n.ii.n . province tli.1t i mot affecleil by Oriental penetration. Chineuc .ti'mne hoM- (lull ... lie apiieal lieanna- f n-l well a Jnpmiee. and Ihe Kami, mil having actual illntraliim H.Hnrian wn. imi noiuun a;- V'".Ha ni a eliarye .if havini: To the Housewife- of the ituatiim. i lnw jn accept iU eri4Mini- ami full in Hue eiiinsllli' rnlilr .1 nn. Hull.. r i i In. Melon. made Willi Hie llritili Uiliimlna inember uml govertimeHt iu their e( Ildll tfM ixiiiil. a W'll 111 :-t..,,,b rentarks lMit such fori for action. fiiflil ltey n' iiiaklnn i'.. ar - a- Ho- Java tUfe on Tlilrd You Want Good Results When Cooking. Iieal. Tlie wie Tecl,!. Jj A i' : Fighting For Canada, mum." Fred Slork r"ilie. U lh Java Cff HiNise is a USE Fighting For Japan. asl he lnil aileiul'il :,imm iiup la. where iiiiiii t Hke,l aad The CiiimiiI fieneraP piibUcalion av that 107 Jrvino.i m. iue ill tfi Hie HIHl al Ihelil all ' - "hi II shiHild I eted and I Jilet in Ihe Canadian KxpediUonary Forres . of them Leim.? Ik'V ried Nh- Nal of h" ran e no reason why neh dive wouuiien: m ncimn and "l killeiL l( nlo el forth (hat ) Ihe Htdie. Mil wa Hie nri lime nre not Cloe,. rtt should r. l Maple Leaf Flour !.- I. i s:.i"i i :. .ii.I ili.il Japanese of ncnuver ubrribed 2,ir,i00 to the Victory Loan. Ih- tiad henl Hie oat hi I tie . , . allimexil A sil in a elfv ut tin I I I I li .he If IhN i lo be made an argument in favor of tli Japanese x'ifieiun neH.e. It wa a 'iise." Ilia lltfRtir ieltanrke. , (uadiaii cilieii. it might ju.l well be ufNel. ' ehawr Ihii Itwv niui not nsel swl.Kiiiiiil Jni even wait hayc a M".oew IijM Uiw The ix-eHiiil for (lie. in.nl.. And 'ft lie A MARKED SUCCESS. In Ihe first place, Ihe Japanee were at war with fiernrany ". Iiionor ihe ladM' even now. Ilnrtitlyer. 'wa Ihe reference In l.im i:heu i Jut a well a (linada and, thai being the ease. Ihere wan no fler all. inmi always reeeived VlMIe ,h- - lill J"f Oll IN UH- who livis (here havirv lie.-n J "ONCE USED ALWAYS USED." nulls' in ili-.i1 Mli all In.-., particular show of allegiance lo Ureal llritain by enlisting in hr jM-ir es iniritHiis llimiiiiti flM Tre. (.in. Xirleil nf .llll ilfiiiin, i Ml I il' I . . . . I v. rxi H ,. i Canadian army. They were fighting for JaMn jn as much a wVHnan. I i tlllli ll ' e .i' ie. and rerl ef takirur II mi .-irtoii4 I ORDER "MAPLE LEAF FLOUR" from your Grocer TODAY they were for Canada, Mr. J4nion Ui. Hie iiMr- . ! CollMX Street. iiiHire- Mi' . lev--in. vmi will The same moy be-said of Iheir siilcrriptions In (he Victory luuH)' ! lr inl of ttiaufciiiK' make a hatch I r:utty f"i Wie Iian. Victory Bonds were a gnn inveslment and buying Ihem all I4se ladW- of the riHiH4ftlle . .... .. .. . trio-! al 4he eoip-ei'i ami ..u. meant little I I I L I . .UI..M.J i more than changing curreifcy from me speries of ir.1.1 11 'I - r.-,rinll U KiIIiiiii will jlist fVdrow her collateral to another. A'ictory Honda were always safe and easily for uie lew ww unsH-ii I' IMtll. ;Se. im M-lisl Wln-ll negotiable and they paid n little more inlere.l than ordinary iiiakinb' Hits nlTarr n siw-ce. A I In- I'.andv e.irjined. bank deposits. flte.iuiiMlle aliMirilioeul ww Nnur eae. Mr. Iliglillyer, I Itien taken Hll Hie tahle Real Objection nitvlrt Im- etenrei away for w4imi Milue re iMaVi'li.MHalfi-ry.Alt.Tmii we Jsirroii.bave si! Nothing Is Too Good for Your From Economic Standpoint. a lo follow. I lieu U fciu Jack .sr4vdl. Ilflli Millui ur Capital is nlo made by the Japanese of Ihe plea made this eoiiHiteneeil. it i el K riii. - tane focWBld. You year by certain cannery interests that, for economic renon, (he The Sunehlne Club will vie wMh ,ur handi-i employment or Japanese in the British The llnAlr)- SUHtlia- OmniiM- This Xmas Columbia fisheries u p. vv.et, I., tuftke a rnm liul for Mrs. Boy lee held its ernd anniwl oieel- senlial. In this economic Iitlhlfr.i' very reason lies one or the principal II.. w..I.I. II... HhiIm,. objections against Oriental penetration. II is known Unit Ihe Ijr for stie hearing of ofrwful jj. Japanese or the Chinese w ill work for smaller pay than Ihe white lies wtln isarne v r the SuahUhni 8ome Milliners WHAT COULD BE A MORE SEN8IBLE f IlKdr trotShles. GIFT THAN AN nen. Thus oust the they while man out of eijp.lunxfiil in the li!ie ilWasue irt IhroMuh Mr IMuiHi. - Mrs. T.-llr .iTrlin- competitive industrial world and Ihe "suffer whiles while the wlffs In I. I rirsl tsui its a Hiisix (rientals thrive. Against immigration, the impossibility of soii hi her aneleiM wes aiel Jack. fMlk assimilation MM. ttt M. 1al is often (xiiuteil mil but. when it comes down to the Mi-taeres. Jn4 lc ! fsrfe- hHler. Tirwi, )M-Uire -ll Will, tsttl, Armour Clad fine jMiiut. there has been little l Maal. dasl Mis Stun. attempt at asimilalion and there Mike. wh. ue st ftriiie ntMi- SUIT Mrs. Jarfs Mrlid, tnnom likely will be. There u never would be more danger in attempl-iing r. Why .1. -ihhIi 0iini men a assimilation than Ihere is in the possibility of it. MiirlMkir ls "f uuemlaiit miui-uiers. fVou ,i lulu th et and eMi- The real objection lo the Oriental i hi damaging effect on fiirnml Itie msitrufn. trsx-iiiu bu mew. Mrs. )lsii. the while in (he ecotmmic world. Secondly, his desirability n A knoek! Here etanaia a tw Ihe worthy jiMaS, farsHNNinrXs or Klothklad lad. in liyhl arid rnwall.slie an associate and neighbor of the white men is questioned. The " you Hie winner. 'lt)re' ystur ir'-e4M- if trrn4l crssiio riaftl- niieotion nf assimilation does not constitute much danger as long hal. Mr. HtuiiHyetN Wne, ian'l it it is out attempted. The one great resou fur Ihe movement nlesimi anil wMti rorltiKt eertirM-eiaanee. Ut KrlaiMl HiSMnr's jHs) a.i kwl These Hints arc nmile in Cdu.nla fnim it, i, Fngh-ll lie,.IX V Tccl- rnofctmr fir He is again! the Oriental is the danger from an eeonnniic sifudoiiit a M. afti-r all. ell wh-Hlf sIinIs, nnd nre without inie-lion Um hc-i n, rii-ii.k'-t todny. iue-rone, and he is envazed at If allowed to come iu iiu reaing .numbers, there i Ihe danger 'iiiain. mi hour r ihiomiau for tin- THE IDEAL SUIT FOR that the Orientals control inter SCHOOL WEAR AND THE HOLIDAYS. might gain of the industries and. as a Kollownw ilila hsfhly twMiifMrt inirti. K. F. is Unity reult. the country itself. ealiiur and well eievufiM skalrh You Will Eny the Boy Hit Suit. i lMiHene, 'Million. h miisw-al . rfagaajtit. Hie d,oMOHii nn Ure Mt, ft ere iiistjrall) Prices from Mrs. illiasis (UCr a (vIhimi range e.iie ftie firL of the frwn nnd do, Ms. Jstrvia AfelW. Mrs. C. iilrs. Sim is Mr. I rveui (Mr. U Munnu and Mr. S. ft. Walton "There Were Many Things ). f. JlrMonlle who iKvr ind sSmvk aisd MissioV drlNMse I try an I Which I Could Not Eat" waul She rmuiey s.v- lie hut t slinidy a frfi f eandy-tuoker. woi. lUs a Kiiihir ssdo "ClJKluied $12.00 hy its mi -illier ail a aiwiiliir tn-a4rtiaieit. Mrs. H. Robert Wells, English Harbour,Trinity Bay, vmi look piHiilinir, Mr. uisd !". J. C. up Nfld, writes Mrs. IVjreiu. fll dSAn fa a "II t I lnd) V'c-cnle.l Itie ki4dl wtide r,.r here hh)M fifcl Man nnd laelx l .-H.le lo Um- ikihfhl "I wsi troullrd" with nervout MiHry lihoef. of nil. there dyippii were a o great much many so things that lr. Kill Old inn Man rniHia Misery MrCly-ueuii 'IHie n.ne.oo sui Ille lo Sill eml We eorry a Fine limine f Mr,,, 3 amj n,ty.- u, ar ,g,.i. r, n)t, st. M uk "' ' - latioul II i..lik '. i-rJire uie I could not est st all on account iialroiirity uiikirowis, siil. He- I'r. HtoekiiiB for II" - -mil Km i ,r Mi,, aaltieiii,ii ili(Hwr of the dislreated feeling afterwards. iiNike-un ook lletwiw- tint vstJe Do Your Xma frtt-ul .r..e . .t l s0 f lln Shopping Early. Mall Orders Given Prompt and Caraful Attention. mud. I uted many different Heoleh, eieler. IttMrtteaa sifoturil In Hie ladir wIsMl rcmediei, hut ihey did me tittle - itmi in I'rliM'.- tliiMrt. Tlie hy F. X NMiP.-fiidd ' vasscd. good. Finsllr I Iried Dr. Chsie'i (e.k- wre lii Itealiliy rind, lo enlliu-i;.-'. i"x wuh wie ai'iamf Nerve Food and Kidney-liver make iifiiMera wvtr.e, Ihe mayor Pilli, and wsi turprited st the irouiy fin- everVli.Nfx ACME IMPORTERS relief this combined treatment I llioiti are Ji. i.,inu all Wr.uiit gsve me in tuch s short time." ireiwrull ih ntlook i- la, l ssf lh Nr a iir 4hi-x , g olix.ici x" BLADDER DR. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD jlUili Ihe Siuindllll.- i:ilili heli Um ' Third Avenue Tel. 358. ;isii down. Mr. KiIIiiiii. and wan ir-aCes-WI8YJ A. W. Llpsln, Manager. P.O. Box 661 SS Teals a bos, all dealers, or llmaiiaon, Ilalrs A t o., .1 , Toroalo I..!- iail sii Mm, llilillxei He, , I. -ild indeed llllo nllly III