eee ee (2 ees + es ve 4) See P SA el ers re PAGE FOUR aa TO BE LIVELY - Chuck Hickey and Tommy deMarco to Clash in Semi-Final Next Week Promoter Bili Stone has arran- ged what should prove to be a very interesting list = agit operas in connection with > Billy Bagshaw- Nina Gurvch main event next Wednesday at the Empress Arena In the semi-wind-up Chuck Hic- key, 145 pounds, will re-enter the ring after an absence of about a year and a half with Tommy de- Marco for his opponent. Both are known as hard hitters and it showld be a lively contest In ahother of the prelims Ra- pert Fong and Darrow Gomez, tough 140-pounders, will clash. In another Billy Postuk and Billy Roma will renew the hostilities they com- menced with such zest last month. Two other curtain raisers are be- ing arranged Ketchikan Hunter Shoots Deer Which Other Man Carries : KETCHIKAN, Nov. 3:—Mickey Wells, a r, shot at a mov- ing head and neck of a deer in the woods below him and his bullet prospect went through the right, but— The deer had already been shot and killed once, and Clyde —- gan, 32, was carrying the animal he reported to aut horit tes here His bullet also went throug ai un- nagan’s arm and the man brought here unconscious suffer ine from the loss of blood. Hanna- gan will recover, physicians said but he may suffer a permanent in- jurv to ju his arm WILL PILOT CINCINNATI: ——=— Donie Bush Expected to Lead Reds in 1933 National League Campaign CINCINNATI, Ohio, Nov. 3 While no announcement has yet been made by the management, it is expected that Donie Bush will be the manager of the Cincinnati Reds National League baseball club for the 1933 season iconsiders all sorts of deer’s neck all! - — | SPORT CHAT | bsorbed in a — over. whe- ther or not the revised United Staves football code this: improvement over the erian gridiron fans were ha prepared for the slashing criticism of the game which has broken out again even more VK blent than jast year. The southern states have deen rocked by a_ slashing m it the University of Tenne cation. Declaring “amateurs ‘ season is reauy an 1931 get eo ree” the editorial suggeste Cel Aaii pee ClivaKRt : ai we : ceipts should be divided among the players in proportion to their value to the team.” Commenting on a ruling ern Con tere nc which de igib'e one ) , per your ’ omaesnn. Ride Shore, Red Be ' Mutual Life scone | ind D lapper ( he ° m Policy ; ew additions make p- ‘+ Assurance Company tr headed for h r ’ ' ne fata tas ; of Canada , } ‘ , ' Head Office: Waterloo, Ont. Name... .cscses ee ecereesersereress ; Others Follow Lead } : . Wing Bostcn’s lead in buijd-/ ' Established 1869 ; ey : Ww trone machine for the ’ MBB. ov cicwervecervetecsveces: ye oe cs me nape S J. J. T. COLLART, etle tiv vic Cai Didte- hee optim ew ¥ Rona 4 the ' Representative, ; ativiie x ¥ Hall : ; neo y wo ) ve , ° MGC eo ccvcccvvccvcccvecececccecess ; m Hall er ’ Prince Rupert, B.C. ; . ’ zers figured in a big deai , ; hey ‘ ired Babe Seibert eee ee eee z winger of Maroons. The e1 reduct a capable —— e performer as wel! as ai iu... 2 lefense man, _ will. likely with Cecil Dillon and Butch » b Pant rs vs. Gr : t econd line of the ( § Com warriors v , when he 3s amt { t I - Meteors iefen E , s C.N & two stalw forwards ° e © \ ils; Tuxis Seibert, Jimmy Stra- @ its vs. Meteors h tarted yut rebuild his} €Cla ar - f er 11—Grotto vs. C. N. R.}! g Maroon machine. In a cash} s. Amazons: Tuxis vs. |“ vith Chicago Black Hawks the! Merchant Ja yanese vs. Rovers. | Montreal leaders landed a high} Novem en Panthers vs. Grot-|class defenseman in Marvin Cy-1 to; Cardit bale * vs. Comets: Warriors Wentworth. It is not yet cer- T ° 7s Merchants: Rovers vs. Scouts whether Lione]l Conacher will S b b t h D il N Ww November 18—Pantl n. {forsake the wrestling. game to again oO u scrl ers Oo t e al y e S or R. A.; Amazons vs. Cardinals; Tuxis|take his place on the Maroon rear- vs. Warriors: Jap e vs. Mete iard but Strachan has high hopes! } 4) ‘ ia oe N Any Wishing to Become Subscribe tion now will get the rest of the year 1922 free, This applies either to ™ subscriptions or renewals. 14 for a little new material Rovers ‘ vs. C. N First stern Tuxis for the coming campaten vs. Merchants Me te November 29—Panthers R. A.;: Amazons vs. Cardinals in bolstering their line-up was trad- ‘ich wound up the last cam- . This is a very attractive offer and is made for a limited period ‘9 inde ) idl | subscribers to pay a year in advance during the diffieult financi®! pi —_——— SCHEDULE: — SCHEDULE OF WHIST Noventber 3--Fish Packers vs.| Seal Cove; Canadian Legion vs. St.| ‘Andrews: Sons of Norway vs. Grot- : November 7 | ik ae may be made by check, money order or currency. The sooner’ November sen e more y , . Canadian Legion vs. Eagles. re you get for the money. Seal Cove vs. Grotto. Empress vs. Elks. | Moose vs. Swift. I. O. O. F. vs. Musketeers. November 14 Canadian Legion vs. I. O. O. F. Seal Cove vs. Eagles. DAILY NEWS Prince Rupert, B.C. ’ Grotto vs. Elks e aie . Empress; en 0 CA RRR RN CE Empress vs. Swift November 10—Fish Packers vs. Mouse vs. Musketeers. |Grotto: Canadian Legion vs. Swift; : e , a ——~- - = ——— —_s ; Mqvomber “ | Sons { Norway vs. I. O. O. F.; Seal} Canadian Legion vs. Grotto. \Cove vs. Musketeers; St. Andrews | Seal Cove vs. Empress, vs, Empress. == I. O. O. F. vs. Swift. Moose vs. Elks. lst Eagles vs. Musketeers 7 November 17—Fish Packers vs.| Andrews; Canadian Legion vs.' | Grotto Swift vs. I. O. O. F.; Sons | of Norway vs. Musketeers, Seal Cove \vs Empress. Let the Daily News co Ais, work for yout Ss = z= —- —— = —— Advertise in the Daily News.