Thursday, November 3, 1932 —_———— nomen mene e oe LASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS vor rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents 1 word per insertiun with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25¢ a word. | fF OR SALE ch : POLS ae No advertisement taker for less than 50c. FOR SALE ip, Fordor Apply 34 ‘Taxi. Se- tf lined ibs ater, (257) ‘ s0ul nap hi hone Blut 426 26) SALE —Mink , youhs or adult Hoppe Luchdale, Quebec. B.C, FOR RENT -ROOM — iurn. lect urnished. Ph se, Two unt 698 ween Third ithall’s, low RE for Rent rent )DERN iilable Official House for rent November Administrator moder ne Avem Labra-! $20 per pair. tf n tf , Close in 1 $29 Fifti U a) Dunsmuir Stre: 1 BOARD AND ROOM OM and board Prone Gr in privat n 938 um- 156 HOME BAKERY 1 loaf of bread from the new SALESMAN WANTED LER Brush Co sentative. Good Mr. Crow, York Hotel, ings for particulars ne Bakery. No better food { at Mussallem’s Economy Store (29, ean wants loeal re- opportunity 8:30 FOUND UND—Ladies’ Kid et near Post Glove Office 7th Daily AUCTIONEER List your goods with us—Prines Rupert's teading Atietionet: G. M. HUNT ird Ave. Phone Ked 629 The AUCTIONEER Pp GEO ; icking Crating - Wrapping ind General Furniture Repairs List your goods with me J. PAWES—Phone Black |° PRINTING | OFFICE SUPPLIES Cowan & Latta Phone 234 Rose, ¢ For Christmas Baking Rawleigh’s Best Ex- tracts, Spices, Quality Phone Mack 62s Bakine Powder At ie aS daa aoe —— ——— WHY LOOK AT SHABBY & DIRTY WALLS? We paperhang a room for $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 and up. Call, Red 802. J. P. MOLLER PATA Seti eee” pi A Dhied DALAS OER (48 ASAP TIARAG BG feds? TRANSFERS Cameron's Transfe s‘irewood, Furnacew eed: | Poles, Piling. it. Ganaeleod. Kindling, DAIRIES ‘All Our-~ Milk and Cream SHIPMENTS Guaranteed Uulkicy Val'c VALENTIN DAIRY Phone 657 Products — Fir FRESH LOCAL MILK Plione Red 608 or 953 DOMINION DAIRY ! | 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 HAIRDRESSER 100 Pet RY 50. Nelson manent Waves at 's Beauty Parlor, (tf) DANCING {AP DANCING Tit pr } or taught by Miss E!- Le) PIANO TUNING PIANOS ie Stor ON et CHIROPRACTIC W. C. Aspinal rhree Modern Ray Phone for Appointment Green 241 anc 548 ipen Evenings Tuned $3.00, Walker’s M"' Year Graduate Chiropractic Treatments Given f Excnange Bis CHRISTMAS IN THE —@ OLD COUNTRYA ireatly Reduced Fares to {ll Classes EDUCTION of 5% to 12 i able when booking rRLUP Cabin, Tourist and Th to BRurope. Visit the Old this Yuletide—and SAVE! CONVENTENT CHRISTMAS SA Fram Saint John Duchess of Montcator Duchess Note of Atholl Phese ships sail ome day “alifas Richmond - «- - + -- N PACs Europe & avail- ROUND ird Class Country ILINGS - Dee. 8 Dee. 9% Dee. 15 later from alc a Tae DAILY News a ne ‘For the East— Monday, Wednesday and Yriday betes . 8:6 am from the kast— Tuesday, Thursday and Satur- day 8 p.m. “or Vancouver— Tuesday ......... . 12:30 p.m Thursday ...... slbeseessas ti: an BUOY Seite). ssc. ccsvedicabic 11 p.m November 2 and 20 p.m. From Vancouver— 5 itd: | Ls SLRS p.m Wednesday ..... : .. 9:30 a.m. Friday . p.m, | November 16 and 30 a.m. |For Stewart and Anyox— Sunday .....i....... 7pm Wednesday 3 p.m. ‘From Stewart and Anyox— | Tuesday .. 11:30 a.m. Thursday .......... shied 8 p.m jtor Queen Chariottes— | November 11 and 25 9 p.m, from Queen Uharlottes— November 9 and 23 a.m. ‘for Naas River and Port Simpson— Sunday f 7 pam rom Naas River and Port Simpson Tuesday, 11:30 a.m For Alaska— November 16 and 30 a.m. From Alaska— November 2.and 20 p.m. THE MARKET Retail prices current here at pre- sent are as follows: Vegetables ee || Mail Schedule anata ausands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day RENT THAT R{ ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT eit it ‘ i mn ene THRIFTINESS is a state of mind that is nearly as valuable an asset as a bank aécount.... account of its own lor thriftiness can always get a bank And it’s easy to tell thrifty people from the way in which they read the newspapers — just as you can usually spot the other kind. The great majority of men and women never put a newspaper down until they have read the important news to them through advertisements. which is directed The modern woman, especially, finds the advertisements in- dispensible. She spends more than five-sixths of the family in- come.And the prosperity, happiness and health of her household frequently depend on her reading of the advertisements and on the wisdom with which she chooses everything she buys. The advertisements bring you complete information about ac- cepted products and new ones. Through them you can compare values . .. discover ways iency and enjovment.. will bring its full return. and means for greater household effic- . and make sure that every dollar spent Newfoundlanders Have Jolly Party telightful Reunion Dance Held in 1. O. D. E. Hall Tuesday With About Fifty Present Newfoundlanders of Prince Ru, vert held forth at a delightful re- mion dance which was held on Vuesday night’ in the I. O, D. E tall, There were about fifty per- ys in attendance and all had a ety jolly time: From 9 p.m. until 2 +m. old time dancing such as squat aances, quadrilles, etic. were en- joyed. Enlivening music fur- aished by an orchestra consisting of ‘harles Batt, Leon Fitzgerald anc was Potatoes, 13 to 15 Ibs $ 25 sack, $1.50 to 1.75 Vegetable Marrow, Ib. Oo Beets, bunch 05 Parsley, bunch 07 Pumpkins, Ib. 05 Turnips, 8 Ibs. 25 Catrots, 8 Ibs, 25 Green Peppers, ‘lb. 20 Citron, Ib. 05 Sweet Potatoes, 3 Ibs. 25 ®jeld Tomatoes, Ib. 5c to Q7 nadishes, 3 bunches 10 B.C. Cauliflower, 20c to 3t Ynions, B.C., 6 Ibs. 3 fyreen Onions, 3 bunches Af iubbard Squash, Ib. OF Celery, head large A olden Bantam Corn, doz 4 imported, per It “a Savoy Cabbage, each, 12 to 18 Cabbage, local, green 05 Outdoor Cucumbers, each OT Head Lettuce, head, 8c to 10 Guide t ide to Correspondents | fhe Daily News welcomes correspondence on live topics of the day or any other sub- ject of public interest, but let- ters must be brief and to the SPECIAL HOME-GOING FARES For complete inf ' My yo ocal travel agent, r J. J. Forster, St ( Passen Agent, C.P_R eS Var r BC CANADIAN PACTFIC i Wanoonver PRINCESS NORAH--Oct. 12. 24. Nov. 2 To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE-—Fridays, 10 p.m. via Ocean pauls and Way Ports ae T n, Wr ell, Juneau, Skagway PRINCESS NORAH Mm a or ») W. L. COATES, General Agent Prinee Runert, Be : Lt AL A TT ee RTC NETRA Prince TUES! Stcamers ler T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY Via Ocean Fall rt Sir npson, Al joints, § Weekly eallings to Pe Rivet n regarding RUPERT AGENCY: 8 Further informati URINCE and Way} T.S.8. VENTURE EVERY FRIDAY MIDNIG in, unday midni all sailings UNION STE: AMSHIPS L IMITED DAY, 1:30 P. M. i i Vancouve! ApPror e ce n Stewart unday, 8 pm and tickets’ at A venue Phone 568, econd rhurs and Naas respondent has no place in modern journalism. Every letter must be signed by the writer, not necessarily , for publication but as a mat- ter of good faith and courtesy. All unsigned documents go to | the waste paper basket. Let- | ters of a caustic character must have the signature ap- Letter should be written on one side of the paper only. Correspondents must avold personalities and the language | should be such as would be al- lowed in the ordinary rules of | debats. pended for publication. hi ! Albert Oligny»s J. Candow was a -enial master of ceremonies and W |Whiffin acted as floor manager. At midnight delicious refresh- ments were served with Mrs. W lwhiffin and Mrs. S. G. Ayres in len arge There were 87 passengers aboard ithe steamer Princess Norah which {was in port yesterday afternoon jsouthbound from Skagway to Van- couver. Four persons disembarked here from the vess@} and a like } point. The long-winded cor- };/number went south aboard her from |here sisted jciver boat crews through passengers con- of employees and af the White Pass south for The largely and Yukon Route going the winter et eeeeeerneeanee eee 2 + # ADVERTISING COPY ‘ + @ Copy for display advertise- |@ ments should be in the hands # @ of the printers not later than 4 #3 pan. thé day prior to publi- # # cation. This Is necessary to en- # # able best positions to be se- # # cured + e+e 4404040474864 MUST BE IN RARLY # Dress important In Connection With Felicity NEW YORK, Nov. 3 — Dres most important in connecti ‘ormubial félicitvi A-wrdng aress or wrong makeup may cause an in- tant quarrel between man and wife. This was one of *%he choic® its of feminine interest news riven out here at the seauty and Styles Exposition. Addressing a large gathering of women at the Exposition, Vanno hnstone, psychologist, told her iudience they should study the fa- husbands, particularly it breakfast time If he makes a wry face an frumbles or even barks, it pro- isn’t the coffee or the burned she said do if you are ‘hep’ to yourself k dash into the bedroom an@ change your dress or apron or whatever it is you are wearing.” A woma dress sfould be ip harmony with everything - or semethin Miss Johistone toiling ] } i if her emotion is ba@ her husband will catch it and raise Cat ‘es of their oa Jly ‘oast.” n’s ‘INEXPENSIVE SATESFYING oo {7 You'ee suet A THe BIG CUNK- iL. See Hl tOvAL bt OSS TO HEAD IS WHAT CAN IMPKINS AN SCARED STIFF PG. MAS : iT UMPANYS FoOOT= CAN'T Even WALLS OLEH ALR THAM- SAY | Get wie a pore = y » ack T ov N'T aK BY TO TALK ct a - , -) SC 2 (MM AGE + y 4 y i y wer Y UgAat CA righ | ae ay ee nt; ¢ tne os Y" ” “TILLIE THE TOILER” The Awakening U1 Ate. At) BATT ow) + ~*~ s is m with American i “What you should '* main-!* tions are catching and) /neing of a pulp mill at Prince Ru+ Young People’s Social Enjoyed Members of Congregation of St. Andrew's Anglican Cathedral Honored at Gathering Members of the congregation of St. Andrew’s Anglican Cathedral were entertained by the Young People’s Association of the church at a delightful social last evening, there being a large attendance at the affair. The evening’s program opened ind closed with community singing ind included a 10-minute skecth ‘His Wife’s Father-in-Law” by Bob irvine. Miss Phyllis Harvey and Walter Cross, a piano solo by Miss Margaret McCaffery, recitations by Miss Elizabeth McLeod, violin solos oy Bert Cameron and recitation by Miss Bery! Birch. Following the program, delicious shments were served with Miss iileen Gibson in charge and Misses Ifolly Cross and Lillian Halliwall ouring. F. L. Buckley, who has been ac- ‘ve in connection with the fin- ert. is expected to arrive in the }city next Week. —By Westover. : AWAKE | (See BOY: Him, RQGHT N THE SSE RR OEE Re me me . oa owbes vee 4 “WALLY y)