Thir!y. January 5, 1 frit. THR DAILY NPAVfl PA OF. FIVF. COLLEGIANS WHO RANK HIGH AS SWIMMERS. TRAIL PUTS IT piiiMiiiiiiiiiniiiMiniiiiiiiiS:.a OVER WANDERERS Won Four of Flye Billiard.Cam'es . . . . at. a a .' 1 r-ast nini ana ueaa oy 907 to 845. l-'ive crnirif nf Hin ul ill II... Cut Brier final billiard Iniirnnmerii of Hip firsl half nf lhe sc.hednln fur Hip Trail Club, Wiield were day-Pd. MORE TOBACCO FOR THE MONEY ,MggggB nlBbU'belween Ial Hir Trail nml U'liiiiMrers' f:iulm mil 1 1.0 frifmer arc ahead by a scorn nf !i!7 In Htr. The Wanderers wprp successful in winniritr only one Kame and thai was by a narrow marjtin, Joe Scoll cdjfiiijr Jack Siidiin out by '.'(id 1., K17. It was Sudan's frame all I tip way 1 lf mini imp very inn wiien scon run out from 155, Willi Sudan luivinv but thrc" points lo iro W. J. XelsTirr mid W. J. Ilenl- ,iYJ. - Canada Best Buy - gg&m mWm W iiiinvs lo. heqvily for the Wan THE ECONOMY PACKAGE fg-Q S fe-m derers, (ho former beiii)r lie seayon.feated for' -Hip 4,- firsl lime Ibis I 4 lb-85 'The final 'kauip helwepn J I. Uauj.'h (Trail, and It. II Shockley I Wnliilercrs , will In iilayed Ibis eiriiiiiia-. Fdlnwifijf lire the scores nf Ibn five (camts played; J. Sudan;. 197; J. W VICTORIA WINS In Qiim-n r.l.irt..tlH iliivrti Laml Plmrlrl.. .. H.-rnriiinr ririn nf snwu, 8. uvl VICTORY Scoll ( Wanderers ). 200. aii.nir on iim- Wn cnal of Xinly W. Harbour, 200; Col. S. I'. I Ml. B. (". M.Mi.rdiP. ltH. IN ROUGH GAME Tikr iK.ifi" thai lirrinaM Ilrbffl WrlrW, r Vlri.l. B. ocriiall..n pm-! W. Hlylhe, JoO: W. J. Nelson. lniid 10 ipplT Tor rarmlMioa to; nnrt ih folktwlnr d'srrtbMl lirnl for Ilfi. n and pairoViii: i:nmrtirinr at a post' .1. Judjrp, 200; F. .Slppben?, Patchy Contest With Seattle Last pUnml si Ihe nhon-llnc of :!) l'a- ' alK.ut one rail south and nw mile t of 103. Might in P. C. H. A Score Ow S.VV. riaftwr of Timlsr jranr .1... For Furnaces, Fireplace D. Hrown, 800; W. .1, IIpiii-ininus, 4 to 3 Overtime. an.rr.ol-,rfitMK.thrnrc thMiro norli vth-naln.Ml;i- i ! and Stoves 1311. r-ft to rhHM t potit of riiiiHnrnHin. Guaranteed to" be free from ami ninlalnlav ". morf or h.. ! Scots vs. Vets. VAXCOCVKIl, Jan. 5. Viel..ria liF.C.INAI.II IIF.nBEHT WBIfillT, rock and clinkers. Another pinup in Ihe St. Andrew's defeated ScalHe by a .! ..f J. W. Connfll.ApfrfK'anl.aarnl. ' Almost sootless and smokeless. vs. Circa I War' I to 3 in .a fiflWMi iniii'.iie o. i-i I PalMl 7. 191. iiiuriiuuienl was played last Millie panic in Hip Pacific i.nal 1 .NOTICE. i Smalt moisture content. evening, A. Kiusliorii (Si. An Hockpy l.ea?up last niphl. II"', $13.00 per ton delivered In In OBwn Charlotte HlancH Land nistrti-!. tvlmming; ifa-ton Tb colietHate word drew's defeated W. ioiricli, panic was n yalchy one ami S- li-.'..rlln nlnrlrt or skn. B. C. an.l sacks. breaker promises In erery to be tttut of the Angus Ureal War Veteran' by son lo nllle played well 111 the nrM., l-land."lluale C.the Wel Coast or Moreobv $12.00 per ton delivered In word. Sevtral varsity team in I 'l li a li.hll fix Milt aorixv Imlf lNMnsr Ihn'e to imlbinp ahead. bulk. Sinclair- Take faollra that iobn WeilfT C.otwll have been added to lit JMr OF AtNNAPOUS Willi IhP one tfajne liPlwepn" Dr. al Hie Pud of I hi' second i.-i ind. ;and .Rsrt Srolt lwa. of Vlrlorla. B. c... rontlnrmt; more ewnpetitlon will If... a 11 'f,..tA . 1.1 .., Vicloria lhen"canie fruwi behind, j oc.uiaaUuit brokers, intend v P' for It keen than trtt Mot; aboe I-j-j-j m a prrmlliii tn priviirt the rnllowinr lr-crltMd all, . there It virtual juuurance playpd slants al 058 In H50 in and -taking possession of the ice, lands for cnal and petroleum: Cximmrnrln af a pofl planted itx.ut one PAGFIG Gn I t that molt of the national collet: J.WOOD t favor of Ihe Scyls whipped Scaltlp for Iwu ppri.sls. mile nor lb of the Southwest corner -jf record luted at preaent will ro much nniifli play and Tlmter Lleene .No. 8SH0P on Voresby all but Of. Thprp was lahind. and near Canie Pas. then re north by the board. In fart, total nf iwelv iinnattips wan SO (-lulus, Itwnee east as rnimt. ineor-nuth Umited on of the raraity atara who YAtC.UMIVERSITV WHISTvLEAGUE a 80 rhalns. thenre rn 0 chalna to kbowrd IronocUttl: ability hut handed oul by Hie retiree. pntat of euninienreiiienl, and rf.-niaminj 810 Phone 93 the field arain, while arres. mm or le. year are in swimmer of the JOHN WFSl.EY and rejdrtired tUnd. of the leading COXNF.LI. aeveral new candidate for re-eord entire It of of whom, it la expected, The A'alhalla men whisl players ALBEnr SCOTT LOCK. Applicants. laurel hare tomo to the for arda will have to be reviaed before year, many aereral mark LEAGUE HOCKEY I. VV. Comic U. rertL will lower defeated the Sons of Canada U cem a foregrone the eaon cloaca. nated xirtober T. tttl. lately, m , toacluaion that practically the The picture abovi howi aom durins the cotninz cson. last nijrhl by a score of 5 lo l, .NOTICE. the SI. Andrews heal Hip F.nilfnd National League. 7 to 2 and Iho Oddfellows wer SI. Patricks, 3; OlUwa, 2. In Queen Charlotte l-land Land ninrict, nvrnnlma liKlrirt or U. and Skeena. C. BASKETBALL successful over Ihe Klks, 5 to Hamilton. 4; Monlral, J. Ituitf in the SVet Cum of Morenby Lumber & BUSY YEAR IN Sport Chat I. 'The panics marked the rp-siimnlion Western Canada. Klan.l, B. C. of I hip schedule after Itepinn, t; Kdmonlnn, 3. Take notice that Albert Scott Lock and John Wetley Cornell, or Victoria. B. C TIME TABLE Hip Chrilnia hnllday season. Calpary, 8; Saskalnon. 2. isRKallnn broken. Intend l antilv for SPORT WORLD 'I '. fn-l lrr in nrrani -iiiimiI Coast. tmUMnn to nronpect the fiJloinr de- ! 'The sLniidlu to dale: Pacific pjrMed lan.H for coal and petcileuin: , f'T 1 lie )ai Cup malrliet PI, W. I.. I'ls. Victoria, 4; Scnlllc, 3. I mr.niencinir at i M planted about one inken Hie nalr mile outh and about one Jialf a mile Shingles nf I'.'.'.' hit been ry Released Association Will Valhalla 8 7 I 7 eaf.1 tnm the shoreline im a pmall bay on All Branch Will Reach Ore ate r I'ltlled Sillies I.uwn T'-linU A"-mteiulloii by the olher fpl-low's the Morebv lland lile or Canoe l'a, ' K. of C C. 2 "Tboe wlunilay Wind Up on February 14. tnence to chains north, thence so chain Popularity I New York which ha- enl lelel K. of V 7 4 3 4 pame are sure lo l.ise" is wet. thence so chain south, llienre 80 Opinion. ! Million- thai haw collipeled Wolf chami earn to point or commencement, nl A new shipment of Fir The Hfliedulp for Hip second SI. Andrrws 7 13 1 lh mural proved in "Tin' rontaininr 40 acret. more or lci- NT.W. VinK7 Jn. S. (Ily he for (Im irrtfthy Invilini. their linlf of the hnakpthntf season has S. nf H 8 3 5 4 and Hie Kid" of Hip "Aesop s I . JOIIX AIHFI1T WESLEY SCOTT CORNELL.I.OCW and Applicants, Dimension and Shingles A social fd ln- . Snort, hot In i'luilli'iiKe et. 'I'lle-P for IIMKl iipxI lie ypar'a reired rn- been relPaaPil hy Hi, nssnfialinn. S. of 0 8 3 5 3 3 Film Fables" sPiies. Dated October .I.Hl.w. umneu, Akeui. has just arrived, bought aihatetir ninl professional, will! II fi.ll.-ws: Oddfellows 8 15 P riCE. (.fine Marrh 3'i. s Hip h'dder 1 NOTICE. at the market's reach of popularity lur- Iniuiiiry 10 Mnnlp l.nN vs. Klks 8 4 7 a plane lie llnl taw" devnlvei I Charlotte f Hip cil II llotl In Queen "l""".1 In Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. inp IUM never touched 111 hip I niU'd Slalm In inaup llieie In-MlalioiiK. Telepi (iirls; Mpfenrs vs. rteeorillnit nmrlct ihe Went of Skeena.&! uf II. Momby wi Itec.rdiuir District or Skeeua, B. C, ami Lowest Prices itnate rai octyrilliw to I In iiiriawil Chpckers; Klls vn. f!on of (Ifn-pda. GASOLINE QICCLES. situate on the Weil Coast of Moresby II l iinUeriUiio.1 I hat Island, B. C, Inland. 0. C. opinlon of alhlelie leaders on of Iliuell In llrooklyn . ... .a..a raiHM SavnlnC Ffitllll. Ask for quotations. delrti liannened America is tt It a lair llillcr .....- - Take notice that Archibald Harper Me- Hip event 'if Uin new year. U- I'litiipptiliiin inlerexl ill t'-iuii. il .limitary 13. Tiny Tims vs. movlp house Hie oilier nluht and r victoria, n. a. nphe'.'""JJ; , k'ectinte, or Vancouver, B. C. occupation r Hie iilpurln irv H ick; Knixbls nf Columbus "x'? '.o wij.,ei"3;,i; Vn.i 1 engineer. Intends to ai.ply for permission pardh-ss ufj m likely I here will be many we dorf't blame him for lauph- the roiioHiua ue-cr.i"- at a pol to pnwiwet the followiur described lands millions of specjalors and con-: s. 1.IK-; nna or iinnnua vs. removed lin.leiim: Coniiuenrlnir P'J5J I for coal and petroleum: Commencing- at a E. H. Shockley nirlPM. Yni Iip bad ---- --j nit. see atMiili l.e nan iiiow wim... planted at the S.W. comer or Timber post rellne of a tcilaiil ill Hi" games of llm PMt , Klk. oine siiols ' from his lrouer half .miles east from the Mrs-use .No. SD40H. thence- sou lb 80 chains. an -A . 11 Ijt ,1...' iiiilnlinfiitnl .laini.iry 17- llry Iock vs. Sii left-a.Y Oil I lit .llirr so cliains twrto. thenc thence vest 80 chains, thence north 80 Planing mills. l Ill'Wyil 11 ssM""spae Al I Iip liPijclil 'f hi plnyinur with pasoline Jisl tiefnrc lyiv-Inp thence i chains, toe nee east go chains to point .f beoM(tlioe InM niiailfieHl ": John J". Mrdraw, HiPn a KiiiK Kdwiird: Canuck v. Oom- home for the theatre and Hi Ibem-e chains 80 urn,cbalns inent-n eat to point cofr.rnence merit, and rontalnint HIO acres. Prince tlupert, B.C. more or less. eiireer Canada 610 acre. more or S'nw of (In- :if sport, - pnuirc-thn development ps: automobile -"Juice mencenint, i-onuininr ARCHIBALD IIAhPER Mrk'ECIINIE. 111. oilier of Hie Ilnllimnre Club, Ihe odor or thai ttif pmiiiiiif season will wii-ties prinednte . whe.i '""eUSTICE SENlon ESTLIN. AppHrant. Applicant. in Ills vicinily unlij with two oihpr lnr slill lingered i. W. AltrtiL J. W. Connell, A suit. -record in I n tarsal, wd January 20 Telpplinne Oirls Haled Octt4er 7. Ilvt. new Inneliall player I.. I In- St. I.i.illr. Tonics nf l hi Day" Films nasn- Hated nrtober . till. . und attendance. V. .Mrlei.ri; Cos vs. Kntghlft of parlicitmlb'ti fur, l.:ni iimiiili pd flasbpd ibis on Hie screen: NOTICE, Iani .NOTICE. Imspd Coliinibiis; Sons, nf Canada vs. TORK'S Thai opinions are iui.j.i Va.." cli.ti.lil ?.e runre I lie .Bine J0I111 J. Mctiraw. a Islands Land la Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, ym suiiluiilial prminds i Elks. careful haiidllnjr pasoliiic Only In Queen Charlotte P.'s,I''Jj Iteeordilk District or Skeena. 11. C, and New V'i" k; -- ----- uriMidelll of I lie tu SELL vice 'Keaiiritin inunn .-rr-a.. Kdwnrd situate on Hie West Coast of Moresby ?t King vs. I hp rapidly iiiitrp.i.lnp Jantmry llltuate iji the VVe.t :.i oi Moreu ' liowiry Nalionnt I.POKUP hii-chiill eliib, ypstpnlay an explosion blew up Island. B. C imt onlpls. Iwlli Tiny Tims; Suns, nf Canada v.s. Kiaild. H. li. .i. rnn.ll TOVES. (iff important mill f.n- !wo len eiuploypes. Take nonce uui jo.ui paid Hip iim f $17'.. Take notice that John Wesley Cnrvnell Ktk- Sons of Canada. inlcrscetloiinl, national and -I will ii'H Colts; vs. iSnrMtrn Owiiej? Thai couldn'l and Albert Scott Lock, of Victoria, t). c. 1 1 beInK ! player, out of whom Jauuiuy 27 Mahl l.cafs Vs. .M.-iipatlon brokers. Intend to apply for 'riiuliitnul, which lire he available fur Uialtls unlll Jtapppn here wo niily have tliren permission to prospect the followiur de- : , oil trr.thc IOi!i sporl wIipiIuIp. Telephone iirl; CheckPfs vs. arnlmenclnTat T peil plated Vb7f ooe scribed lands for coal and petroleum: I he IU23 Mpacnii. In I lie uprpad Pinploypps. troui Commencing- at a post planted al the S.W. inter nut tennis, K"lf. yawbl-iiitr In epilomitPlI Moleor; Suns nf Canada vs. His wife uudpcil nun ami hi half mile. south.- ail ne 1 1 t.u id. eayi corner of Timber License No. 86P, thence Fred Stork's Hardware of heP two dealt ine snoreniie uu pi.ih " i HIks. theuce 89 l'aii north so chains, thence east 80 chains, already tVnr re Caws- Pass, meets of and and wp 1-laiiil l.le the of ttaeball in lw ili.l his uioMor-in-law thence south 80 chains, thence west 80 H Uip jqgklii; nuniproun inlPr-PCllJuiil proKXP in ulvofl January 31 Tiny Tims vs. earned ftirilici- llial he uiun i ibaiiii south, thenc- so chains wet Wc''J chains In poiui of commencement, and Second Avenoc iteeuder.. The playeii nf Columbus and r.anUlOUUg Sid containing eio acres, more or less. Docks; KiiikIiIs r hVt Dry ron.niem-enieill. PHONE MACK 114 foolhali Kann' iparptle im llio way JOHN WESLEY CONNELL and Ilelnlp snmke a le. iii Hip lalc-u dl'nl arc irres. or Uipip will Iw vs. Sons of fiuimna; Colls vs. ALBEIIT SCOTT LOCK. Applicant bent an.l thai ihe r$rirj liruli, of Cincinnati. IIOO.QOO. home. Who says ALBERT SCOTT I.OCk, Vptrftcant.. J. W. Connell, Agent wider Wnorrai'o in inlri for O'Connell, of Sun Klk. moviiis don't do a I'd of jtood? J. W. Connell. 'Aitwl. Dated October 1. IB I. .mt.unal cliniiunonaliii'. and Jimmy February B (Jppkr vs. Pslod Octnher 0. 1081. variiuw Kiancinpo pacific Honsl leain. NOTICE. CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS AND both numerically nml iM.iiraplil-cully, TAleitlimie fiirls: Melfvors VS. JiOTICE. 76,00(1. of In Queen Charlotte Islands Lamt District. AUDITORS ll-niv In Hip lMl- Mnnlp l.eiifs; KUm vs. In Queen Charlotte Islandi Land PUlrlft. FWrprcllur District of 8keena, B. C, and of Ainoii Canada. rteror.liti ril.tri" f kietw, II. C.. km sloaie .in. the West Coast of Moresby . RORIE & SMALL Trom nil kmM ion thai inlprpi It U n niilanclinly facl Dial February 7- Dry Dock s Klnp situate......t n on r the West Coast of . Moresby Island, P. C. I o-noj tu rnjMrt bnsiiiK in f !- I llilluin i hc- ICiKviir.l: Coll vh. Kutuhts of I Take notice that Anna Lindsay, of Prince Take notice thai John Wrsley Connell' Rsaldant Partner in Miirl I aipadlly urowinK: Hi'" niincrl. B. t: occupation iKiiisewlfe, loteivd atari Allien Scolt Lock, of Victoria. B. C. I tnlrp.lnilallc comlnit a rapidly Uylnsr ml. ay Coluiiihus; Sous of Canada vs I to apply for permission lo prosper! Uie occupation brokers. Intend in apply for OEORGI RORIE. CJI. fortnalion of nw (luartlian. Many foll.mlna- (lescrllsxl for coal and permission to prospect the rollowlng described Manchi'Mlrr Auditor for Prince Rupert 1 !u Klks (Inlermedlnle) . coal and petroleum: City onil iulcrpollpalatf nafinlln; i petroleum: Coninvenrlnir at a post lilante.1 lands for iinnoi'taiil cnnlPfl have been February 10 Comcls vs. Ca 'about one half mile norlh. and three, and commencing at a post planted ai the S.W. Auiborned Trustee in Bankruptcy whJpp purll(iiilliin in Kain,i: i1'1' one half mile east from Ui sboielliie oj a north 80 chains, tbence west 80 chains, Austltle Partnarshlo Aceeuata of Iho lauid in Eitfflaml hUipp hip war minks: Manle l.vafs vs. Chnck- i small bav on Ihe Moresby Island side of crner of Timber Licence No. SHtOC. thence. Intsttlsetlonl Liquidations ilnvpoiinPii(, nliynlrally, of Hi I Canoe Pass, Ibenr north 80 chains, tlieni-e t fence south 80 cnain. tnence east appnrpnMy youlh nr llni land and Hip 1-H'f lietwpen men era: Sons of (.ailiula vs. I'.iks, accordloc to scientist, are tretd nest ew rnsiiis. ii.ror.r w..' .......a-. chains tn ntilnt of commencement, and Financial Rsporta, etc. Assignments broaili-fcl idl-catlop liiuhe.xi iTimlalloii in HiPir pro February 1 1.- Kina Kdward vs. vary time a person coutbil It thence eal 81) chains to isilul or roiii-mencement. containing acres, more or less. Federal Bulldin, Prince Rupert thai iorl in Hip and roiiialiilnt IH '. JOHN WESI.KT- m.N.NtLl. ana fpM inn. Ilnndird of I liotnil Tiny Tims; All Star Men's In you faapptn to be la tb Tletalty It more or less. ALBEHT SCOTT LOCK, Applicants. phone 387 S or Hie word will bp a tor te breath aw a MVhllV a r.rtl Lrniif J. W. Connell, A rent. in keen unticipaion it Impokaibl you r i.eoiile lermeiliiile: Sons of Canada Vs. Connell, .enl. Dated October 7. 1991. w. of I. RrowiiiB fai lor in Hip bilry of IIibkp without tnhalinc torn of the m. Yet flocked tn "no Paled October 10 r. AiiiTlca for denude In wnn. havp F.Iks. there I on aurt way te avoid Infection NOTICE. pxpnaiiiun nf Hio nolilc art, and Kep your mouth end throat NOTICE. or en man nni mnr it- batted with tb pleaaant but germ-deatrojlnf In Queen Cliarlotta Islands Land District, H?LUDAY1JST Lire HERE IS A GENUINE tbat I liberated In Ouecn Charlotte IslaiuU Land District. neetirdwg District or fkeena, B. C. and For your next LEN lurneil ho.iu' aally dUappolnled. Taper Hec irdln Iilslrli l of okrena, B. l... and situate on the West Coast of Moresby from a Tepi pMtllle aa U elstolTft West Coast or Moresby Isjand, B. C. the in altuaie mi TO DANNY EDWARDS attack n.irelv or doKH defencp.nnfl vc linplj variciy round LIGHT HEAVYWEIGHT In Not tb only mouth. a prTntlv but aa '''Vake iiotii'e that John Wesley Connell Take notice that Septlmaa Ward, super Shoe Repair Job and Albert Hcotl Lock, of Victoria. B. C. Intendeiii, and H.-heri Ward, barber, of hcciiik In b? cul from tlo la-liVn a cur for bronchitis', aor throat, occupation brokers. Iniend to aily for Victoria, B, C. Intend to apply for ler-mission Well Known Local Doner Got Iniwuiniiy. MANILA. Jan. 5. DalU Pap. coutbi tad Jarynjltla. fepa r permission in i.oi-i i..e to prospect the following described nf Hio flri. roal and lands for coal and petroleum: Commencing pi-lroleuiii: try lamls fur scribed SOcbox- Worst pf Four Round Bout inlcdllRcncc, hcciii In be lima Dlkl Uikl. also called pahi equally food. All dealer. ,r, a rout nl ii is I jail HIM lilt tfklat at a post plaiilrd on the shoreline of crafl. SIM Altai U 37. WpiulllH hlf inllf .ulh.. ind Ihree ti1 uue hair Canoe pass, about one mile south and one J. C. EMERTON Seattle Recently, I ns v hurrnl iy our mou J milCH i. Ol- SOW k .a.,ul iin'l'r n. - ..,1.11 l,lV mile west of Ihe S.W. corner of Timber ls n.nin.U ii n.I is 32 inches' tall, but on the Moresby Island aide af Canoe 1'gss. Herns No. J4U1 thence south tQ rbalns. Champion Shoo Repair 8hop OaUland bncr. SMU K""fl :,.....& uu -hi...,. ll.ncai call St. thence east so cnalns. thence noitb 80 Hip eni - Tianny Kdvard. .H-i r iu m .-... bonrd. HoulM today hav n ie' a ureal man. lie's bead rbaliis. Ibeni-e suuli 80 fhatlis. thence west chains, thence west 80 chains lo point of Pnmti Tilpyk. Third Avuui lianlaniwclHliI, won a four round iho Morn chief of Ihe inland, of Uhlan, 80 chains to polut or ci.iiiiiencriiieii, con eoitimvnceuienl, and Kuutalnint 44 acres, and hardly re' convey laliiin rrea, "r or 'est. more or less. decision over ln llnllldny, well npnrklp, Icnnion: near Join in the Pouiheru Philip-; Jl'in Wft-1!...! i.i'.a a.a.,. aim SFPTIMt'S WHD and "Repairs while ycu wal'' known lo Ilia main oven! of a eno nf awPHOino hist ALUERT SCOTT l.lit K, ppllcanU KOBUIT WAHD. Applicants. dull, borins pine. Hi word Is law in 1, W Connell, Afent. J. VV. Connell, Ageot. u boxlnft mIiow hold In Seiiille they arc Rcnernlly inblp. I Paled Orlober . Il Dated October 7, li lait week, affair.