*% i) PAGE sIx ANNETTE’S CLOCK SAL Friday, November 4, 2 to 4 14 Only Two and Three Piece Knitted $ 0 value $22.50; Clock Sale Special! $5.00 Suits, value to $12.95; Clock Sale Spe 5.0 15 Only Dresses—Reg. value to $12.95 $ 9 10 Only Spun Silk and Voile Waists— Cleck Sale Special 3. 5 Reg. value $2.95; Clock Saie Special 50c Reg. value to $2.95 15 50 Only Pairs Rayon Mesh Stockings— 35¢ Cc Reg. value 69c; Clock Sale Special 19 Only Girls’ Rz lincoats and Hats See Cae Cia Sule Seat. $8095 FRIDAY, 2 to 4 o CLOCK HALLOWE'EN MASQUERADE |Gay Affair Held in Kitanmax Hall ' Last Friday Evening | HAZELTON, Nov. 3:—The Kitan- max Hall was gaily decorated in Hallowe'en attire, its four walls jrang with laughter shouts and imusic, and weird figures danced jabout in grotesque costumes. This ifestive scene was the occasion of ithe masquerade ball on Friday eve- |ning under the auspices of the Wo- jmen’s Auxiliary to the Hazelton Hospital | Miss Essie Russell, in a black an white clown costume, gave an nique interpretation of “Laugl {Clown, Laugh,” in musical mono- logue style. Her rendition of this well known number met with suci 15 Only House Dresses Cloek Sale Bapcial applause that she had to return to — ee ~ ae iin ter Sage and this time sh an ; S ‘ a ie ” epraagartc She was accompani | teamship Sailings ee fjat the piano by Mrs. A. Chappel DISCUSS sullp g The Survival of the %| Mrs. T. B. Campbé ort F Sweetest i rtune teller, incannily 1 CLOTHING for Vanovuver— the past and foretold the future uesday—ss, Cardena ...1:30 p.m. eS rizes for the most cor costumes went to T nd Norman Carey. Prizes for orig re ae ene ss Prince Rupert, 10 pm Friday—ss. Prin. Adelaide 10 p.m (By Barbara Brooks) National iahetee Workers in Ss. Venture midnight aha: inality were awarded Miss Thelma Session Last Wight Per- Nov. 2—ss. Prii p.m CORN FLAKE CHARLOTTE Cox and Vern Hawken mission to Take Game Nov. 20—ss. Prin. Norah p.m Sul i Fiom Vanceuve Two and a half cups corn flakes 9 Sunday—ss. Curdena p.m. two cups sweetened apple sauce,| § oys an ta avé The regular weekly moeiing of Wed.-—ss. Prince Rupert 9:30 a.m | ring of one-half lemon or juice of . . eNn al Unemployed Workers riday—ss. Ventur 1m ; It F f the National Une‘p cians Friday Ventur i ne-half orange or ilemon, two S Trirs racuce Association was Deld last evening in Ss. Catala midnight 4 ; Saas es dia : Ani spoons butter the new quarters of the Canadia: Ss. Princess Adelaide p.m U N | Labor Defence League in the Ex- Nov. 16—ss. Prin. Norah a.m Butter a pudding dish and pour n er 4 ew a rer change Block, over three hundred Nov, 30-—ss. Prin. Norai a.m, in layer of corn flake crumbs attending Cover with apple sauce to which the} The importance of all the boy For Naas Kiver ana Port Sumnsen- 8 p.m. fruit juice or lemon rind has been d. Sprinkle the top with a layer The question cf clothins for chil- dren under school ag and over urning out tonight for the first Sunday—ss. Cardena 4 : nractice under the new bandmaster From Naas River & fort Simpson— adc: school age was discussed at length Robert Greenfield. was stre ] ; Tuesday—ss. Cardena ...11:30a.m.io flakes —_ head, reenfield, v I It was finally resolved that a strong rere ; " { corn flakes. Dot with butter.|, meeting last night of the Boy Bake 15 to 20 minutes in a moder- | Band Parents’ Association with D ate oven. Serve with whipped cream. | Macfie, the president, in the chair Put the corn flake charlotte right It was decided to hok delegation approach the city coun- for Stewart ana Anvox-- cil in this matterand that thecoun- Synday-—ss. Cardena 8 p.m cil be given one more opportunity to Wed.—ss. Prince Rupert. 4 pur accept or repudiate responsibility Frem Stewart and Anvox-— n the oven with the ham and po-jfollowing the regular meeting of for the supplying of needed clothing Tuesday—ss. Cardena _ 11:39 a.m. tatoes after the latter dish has been|the Parents’ Association next for these children Thurs.—ss. Prince Rupert, 8 p.m. baking about 40 minutes. If the|month Discussion ‘arose on the restric- | _ dessert is not brown when the ham | tions of the Gane Act thot preven- vee evo, sp a _ and potatoes are done, leave it inj George N. Corkle, f ted the unemployed from supple- oe : — a ets wk, the oven for a few minutes longer|city and now.in the service of t menting their food supply without Ne . ae eer nee p "and increase the heat slightly. While| Yukon and White Pass Rout violating the law. It was resolved | _ * TGAd—*S. # Tih. Aaetalce iv PAD. the main part of this dinner is cook- | Whitehorse, w: passenger ab ths cad . inti From Ocean Falix— : i that the provincial government be ian Ok Mabe 620 y ing in the oven, heat the beets,/the Princess N6rah yesterday aft - >. Fi upe o a.m asked to grant permission to the Friday wiaten pn drain and season with butter, salt/noon going through to his hon unemployed of Northern British i’: eemnens Aadeies Om and pepper. Whip the cream for}Victoria where,he will spend the Columbia to hunt game for their ee oF the dessert and make the beverage | winter needs Fee Queen Charlotte islands— "> ish setting the table, and the | Announcement was made of a| Nov. 11 and 25—ss. P. John 10 p.m. dinner is ready to serve i ale mass meeting of all workers in| from Queen Charlotte Islands— | Prince Rupert, employed or unem-| Noy. 9 and 23—ss. P. John _ am ployed, to be held in the Moose Halli ET WHY PAY pAlQUE ELKS BIG PRICES? |. svn, can ato ganizer, Chief Pecakche-Sev- Get Your eral New Candidates Shoes, Clothing eae campaign & Furnishings ing conducted by the — at — 25% to 35% Less New shipments of Men's, Wo- connection with the select which is be- local Elks’ Lodge, a very banquet was held last evening following a of candidates were initiated into the mysteries of the order. The lodge | ma by Wil- while was presided ove! ruler meeting \liam McLeod, exalted men’s and Children’s wear ar- | banquet ey Spey The chief was P. A Grand Lodge orga n inspiring address on peaker at the banquet Miquelon nizer, Very low prices; large selec- who gave tion; all goods bought from time Montreal Import ers gear ot & oat dea coepaal Third Avenue this morning to be on tine — i lt ADDILESSES ROTARIANS Save Money on Your Food Supplies Take Advantage of These SPECIALS For Vriday and Saturday lodge meeting at which a number Vice orge C. Mitchell presided over the of Calgary, Elkdom.” the best makers. Call and see There were number of other them. You do not have to buy. peakers The rembe! ) I Best values in the city given ty ind ning on city relief scrip. when Mr. Miquelon w lea for Anyox with the expectation of being Shop at the back here again in about two weeks’ Thursday, November ¢ Wednesday & T TWO SHOWS — 7 and 9 Feature Starts at 7:40 & gy ADMISSION — i5¢4 . ————~—_! We Demand the Right tO Ling “NEW MORALS FOR OLD’ hursday With Robert You, Margaret Perry Lewis Stone A Stirring Drama of Mod Youth—A Problem That Face Your Own Home Comedy— “BLESS THE LADIRg’ Screen Song— “RUDY VALLEE MELODIps PARAMOUNT News Thursday Matince at 2:% Feature Starts 3:20 ~lie &¥ FRIDAY and SATURDAY ONCE IN A LIFETIME Buildup your strength with 0); Sale Price, any size a AA 8 com MacKenzie’s Furniture 50¢ 60¢ _Concentrated Beef Goodness. 31.00 | 65¢ 2,00 d Beds, Springs @" Mattresses. Everything for the home. Phone 7 eared on Sunday “= Alaska— ys Colds | Phone 953 Phone 95? om roe 43¢ Nov. 16 and 30-——-ss. P. Norah a.m Best treat without | 5 oni alinsirtinntlhngmniot-cucot From Meta a } Vick KS | ' ‘ m 35C€ Bovrilisconcentrated There is a great difference be-| NV. 2 and 20—ss. P. Norah p.m Yas) yic EAT FLOUR beef. It is beef con- tween contentment and a dead am-/} from Skeena River— IcK S ick 34¢ densed to a fluid, re- bition Friday Venturt p.m For COLDS OF ALL. THE FAMILY ; ; PRUNES—Me- catal h i globe aining the natura See ry er se Re RBS wa cae (are 18¢c flavours, extractives, Ch i INEAPPLI 19¢ all present in their i r tin most refined and friday & Saturd a * sa ro Friday & Saturday o's: iSc| | ciewsic re. help you play a Sane ee mer Tomatoes MACARONI t oo : , ve $2e 19¢ Hos SS of Lux Scan Flakes—For fine @F FINEST CANADIAN 4. | laundering, 3 pkgs. for 20C CHEESE, per It 18c BOVRI oi x - : r OLDEN BANTAM CORN 12¢ F ' I CORN FI AKES 7¢ i VHEAT 25¢ id be GRAPENUT FLAKES Naat tee $00)": 25¢ : They New Cereal. Try It) Fijian Pineapple—Largt 19¢ a : : caine : as 2 | i CLEANSER 7 vIns, 2*e cl Nabob Orange Marmalade 88e c , wod per jar ; rs . Brunswick Sardines 95 a oe 4ic Kiddy Crib Blankets—Regular 90¢e 5 tins for c oom Be 45¢ Sale Price, each |Rowntree's Cocoa 990 sews SHORTENING Kapok—Guaranteed pure lp ory tu Pe oar 4a ae 14¢ SalePrice, per pound il : Oued ( Ss mr 4 i ros ns x 27¢ The New Shortening) Or Two Pounds for 4 emt er ae a HOCOLATE ECLAIRS—“National Cushion Form rie k filling. all size \Malkin’s Best Pumpkin s—Kapok filling, all sizes . bee sie ae ise aa My — 29¢ Reg. up to $1.3 ‘ Sale rs ; ; {Frugality Brand Jam—Appie and 0 : ' sie ail sed C omforter 5, up from Simply great with hors d'oeuvres, soups and | Strawberry; Apple and 39¢ : . a a 18¢ F ; salads. Fine with cheese and other spreads. ae | Raspberry, per 4-Ib. tin Ux. ; a ds dnc aniaaann urniture, Linoleum and Linoleum Rugs, e oy i Red Arrow Whole Wheat 25 | a ro , 9c appetite ticklers your guests will love, made | Wie Bars. 2 Ibe, fot ©! per pke {| 427 Third Avenue with Christie’s Premium Soda Crackers. California Dried Peaches 25¢ IRAN ams Nice tasty tee 55¢ | 2 Ibs. for et ee eee 4 cit Mieke {SLICED BACON Z flaky. crisp and resh a Ee SEL per tm oa 10¢ : roy | TOILET TISSUE 17¢ Remo Cabbage 8c per lb Apples—MclIntosh Red $1. 45 25€ per box ‘Sweet Potatoes— 3% lbs for per large head SODA CRACKERS 25c Cauliflower 20¢ 5 rolls RED ARROW SODAS r pkg 18¢ Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave “CARRY AND SAVE” Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Attention For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulk | slack with your furnace coal Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—Insist on Bulkley Valley Coal ley Valley