' ' I I'lday i nH . PACIK TWO ran dait.t rnnvB The Daily News ARCHITECTURE , WBBEIBIHBBKKInBnKKintBI "'Baai Published pniNcn Every nupnnT Afternoon,. bmtish except Sunday,Columbia the .Prince IS DISCUSSED Down Again! Special Values llupert llaily New, Limited, Third Avenue. "; r ., II. F. PUIXRN, Mannging Editor. A. M. Jffer of Cdmenton Of Interesting A to Wo fellow martiel decttnee, and we ooacantee Iheae rteee Friday and Saturday Only - . SUBSCRIPTION RATE Rotary Clue. aealfeK seVance, whlhH the advertleeraent U running. On the City Delivery, hy moil rxrrier, per month. . .$1.00 eihee haod may find It polbl to los.ee en tho qooU-tlone, By mail to all parts or the British Kmpire and the United Stale, II is inherited m all types and wt ttrongly adle you to come In and eeleel your CHILDREN'S BUTTONED SHOES. 111 advance, per year IC.00 and rare of mankiod lo timid good. Tile prhsee are marked eleaetf foe youe guidance. I'ali-o leather nii tlref Toj fira r u. u To all other countries, in advance per year $7.50 some ort f a structure to- pr--- California Barttetl Peare, Frv'e Bacon. .vo rh of tPcciAL w.Ts nn feel lnmHf fnm Ihe clement -wlld guaranteHt swuid slock Key's Wii.l hoe Huron. CHILOAEN'S LACK SHOES. TELEPHONE tl neos and even from Jo- Side said A. M. Jetfers Me eatkit Se. Heat iii!itv heavy Ir? Itlaek ami Tan leather f,,,., t te. 10. SPECIAL 33.4S Pkin hni." own Arrhrtng Saturday Boat! ream i : II. lo It lb. "fnlent Display Advertising $1.40 per Inch per Insertion Kdmonlon architect, who ad 100 atkala Choice Ealing Pe lb 35c CHILDREN'S OINQHAM DRESSES AND ROMPER). Transient Advertising on Front page .12.80 Inch dressed Ihe Notary Cluh yester sides at wlmle per Ptwene. While Iher lal. SM tmtf m In Kaney Hlrijie nd ;herk leigns. All sue. Loral Reader, per insertion 27c per line day on arrhllfeliire. full haskets 6S. this iree . SPECIAL at $1.00, $1.15 and $1 J J t CH OasaUled Advertising, per inertion 2c per word all know Ihal in rehi-inrie Ilnok or'iler ahead. MehrtM at a pries Legal Notices, each insertion, . s IRe per agate line Mow man roamed Hie earth Choice Table yoir Paachee, tset Uwrt will ll I hem fast. LADIES' ALL WOOL HOSE. (V.ntrart Rale al will, taking his sleep wker-ever l.hmere Item forced Heels and Toes. f.h.r on Application. basket 7e. We arMk-inc pe lb. o. Fine lnrl f,-MH overtnik and him, we AH Advertising should fie in The Daily News Ofllee. on day preceding have nlsbi reconl which sNiw thai orders now fr Preserving: Wolereael'O nde Ihe price to l SPECIAL piR publication. AH advertising received subject (o approval. lhi frlliiW m ever desired re. .peaches. Prlee pe lb. Sc. 'MEN'S CAPS. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation!. will he right wHtitn two t'lHeMfse. X foe 35e. to Ihe lh- eveninit place I urn in Hobtsonl SHHiosh. pee lb. Sc. A new htNMHl jul a r rued Ih pew rotating Ml ihr morning, or in weeks. he in Aoehsote hH ilreen rVt.er. ft lb.. 35c shape. All sties. daily Kuriion Friday. August II, IPS. other word h had no home or Preeerylng for . i HitdtHir I'omahtes. 2 lb, foe Specially Priced at 51.73, 12.00, $2.25, $3.50, $2.7$, im ftriees hi cuil his return. "In He course f ie ernliilOHi Pceeeevlng Cheerlee phone 25c $3.00 Each. An Undercurrent . of IIiih this prehitrie man de- for iricin Picnic Hame. New surls THE! "SLATER" SHOE FOR MEN, Of OptlmUm. veloseil a desire In have and lo Themoeon teedleee Qrape, jus) arrived Average , lb None genuine wit to ml the Slate" trademark nnd nr Hx-akiiig- if the departure from the cily of a resident of lutld he fiHinil lhal somelimes i lb. bapk. u each ROc. t.i v Hi i-ach Pee lb. 27VkC y a All mode. new hiinent lost in. 4jle an,, ;hi. long siamnng, another resident aHrvelerday that he thought it he ftuiia-ry, b( on account California Orantaln Apple. lard in Imlk. pee lb., 20c. was $15, $5 Specially PHcad at $1.00, $3.60, 00, tM, a mistake for tiim to leave'juf ( a' lime when things were Ihe fury of 1 Ihe HemlUs he Tin finest awl-lhat S I be. for 95c. tni about to happen here. KveoihiugYtiMUy h at its owel ebl tf not veniHre forth for hi an.t This week . Raisins in l.tilk. seeded i $10.00. mid lougltefore the winter w over the jeoplc f the rily wmihl food and he laeked orolectioti price, a lb, foe 25c; pee seedte.. 2 lb. 45c, lb. MEN'S TWEED PANTS. be feeling i decided improvement. fMUl the cold and wel, o he bo U.M. $1.25. A largr asiMtrtinenl I" rhoosr from in light and u Willi the sentiment expressed" Ihe Daily News i in rom- tesMimteneeft to hm1 alMtiit lo see AlbarU tgg. COMBINATION TEAPOT Ml sire. plele agreement We do not think the roming winter i going In how be could hei himself. Dim I.IHMI tint. Selectcl AlhertM DEAL. Specially PHced at $2.25, $2.78, $3.30, $4 O, $6 00 A $4M be a bad one. We look forward to heller things before spring. would It in Move n far as we K.Kg. per dot. 30c; 4 dot. Hair von secured one o' In fact before Ihe autumn is well over we think, things will Im know today about Ihe tM-jzliiino? foe $1.00. Ihese rar- lnHrle. fearos MEN'S HEAVY WORK SHIRTS. improving with a gradual upward trend afterward. .Naliirully i' of the Aryan race m India. This I.mill H il.ii t" nc . ustoioer. rf We are prarttrallr .Made of ertia anitlily Military I lanoel ajol Mi w- f 3. will take a little lime to get oer the deprrioir which has tut o I the liri kwoy oile li"lo Capital Craamvey ButUr. viVillg 1li--:fi say rfdor. imrk tre l.iahl Otrf Kl.aki i. Vj J so bard just now, but we shall get over it and be all Hie lcttrr we call man. as they dwell mi This Is an Alherta I'ream-ery S lb. Tin of India Ceylon Tea Specially Priced at $1.75, $2.25, $3.50 end $4 30. for iL leaves, ha.) skins at ineir en Holler and is the Lit and Teapot foe 33.25. trance fur dKr, a few iotlery irel vabii' we ran i today. guarantee the iuallf Which Anthem cook ins utensils ami were Sun i-t llie lea K very de hu" For Canada? worhlprs'. HaWmr these rxtk- 1 lb. 40c, 3 lb. $1.15. hrooghl os a boosler Universal Co, Which anthem will Canada itse"and,ba (he Canadian National iim ulewHs shows the virovre- Trading Anthem yet been written f That is a ery common subject which had leei made. do not RUPERT TABLE SUPPLY CO. for diriiion. .Canada needs a medium of expression that it kiAW Ihw many yer years, II. can oe al Itamioet and meeting and on public occasion when I'., i msh! also indicated lhat these I Phone 211 and 212 Phone 376 it seem necessary to give vent to patriotic sentiment. The Can-K a difference letween man adiau Club has adopted Ihe verse which wa published recently a ltd beat and II i thi whicti on the front page of lhi patterns follows: arcordlHp to the Aryan tb-fuu - lion: "Man is he who think, so O Canada, our heritage, nor love. is from lh period of time, B)j,nt(n the Hmnana ae u- vaiird : puhie huildiuv Thy worth we pralc all olhef land alxe. rlassiral lm Will Ihal arehilerlure was .rn. , .rc-h. whleli was a very -i.n f'll.n From sea to sea, throughout thy .length, from pole to borderland. Flrat Conatrucllon. (ire..iv step in -nirnrl ion ,ai .nisKtei iihly from the rcr-uUi Ike oexl slen Ukeu wa Ihe; The distinguishing feature of -p.trimi of '"lotnn- ai era Fresh At Itritain's eide, wbate'er befide, unflinchingly we'll stand, titt-g of artificial atHHe.lthe Ionic hkr are the voiuie ihoie im Ihe original structure. With heart we sin?, "Cod Pave Ihe King," Uaval is other than tents made i and Allie hae, the Corinthian Ve of tfsley have to adapt "OHlde Thou the Kmpire wide,'do We implore, " frmii skin nf beasl, and the has the same h. hut a lollale! rse4e lo wf ehanem .-on-eapilal "And prosper Canada'frrfni shore to shore." j nit eiahtplro we have are llh. the . volute as a ditionn n. suit ooxlern relUir. I a II The Prince" kiVMwn as im and lintel eon. terminal. The composite is ai'O'-m iie mwiern amni-ri, FLAT Rupert Rotary Club eintrs at Ihe weekly luncheon the same version that the pupil of Ihe school n-e, as fol struct ton or, a nio.l of you un. rorrnVitinn ( the two former. Jha owhine a greater inieii- lows: liW.lao.1 it, miI and heam cm- for the eaidtal, but a more ab- Ufenre ..i materials ami meinwis, struelbio. 'ilils typ of construe. orale havlnx tendency to deli- man wa reiiuiresi oi ine arenu - av ii "O Canada! Imkoc. native land. our mir It or we may sav desian was eaey or loo much finene in iis.iect who nurthe.i iiiirint the n ill -True iatriol love limn dol in lis command, first used for entrances to raves effcel a m supptrlbur nieoAer perools before the I7lh cen- Wfj fee thee rising fair, dear land. and no iloutd was nulhitiy Inil for a column, The three or- 'ury aod while it is neti i., un-ders FISH dranaj The true North Irony and trr: lo know evervthinir. yel -iWe tree t rook or lin-.hs roonlily are very similar in Ihe de- And stand on guard, O Canada, lent aod ptaeed loplher to form hails irf tlieir eorniees. The ve io nave a wormnir ' VeMaiwt on Ruard for thee. an ofteniiiK or enl ranee to a In a ii ha a sinude hase and nowieijre or many irao ami O Canada! O Canada! OjQanada! . "aleial end iu onler thai leave dwelling. Later on these plain rap, I Ik. ..ric in some in- men available from the We stand guard for thee." now on . for ,"' deen slruelnre may nve ios and la ins were roughly lance, ha Imt a plinlh a Possibly there may be another vere written which miirhl rel aHfadtn and service lo Us hewn and were idaced in series hae and a simple cap. but the retail local be more expressive of Ihe general sentiment of the people toward and then man he pan to build hi shaft i. fluted. In all Ihe.e ir-l",p nrinlmum eol." itores. the country in whtrh I hey live. ile fluierf shaft kilr.. hmelltny ilace out in Ihe open ier was spaces- and villages deveoed doced eteepi tH the luscnl Iharle A. I'yne. tho well, til Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Veree Contributors "Ihese firsl htnlillliys were which to ihisdv remain snioiilli. known I'Hnee Oorye insurance Often Carole. usually Muare, one story tiitcli n out.tandinit feature of theln. passe.1 llirmmu Ihe nty las: PRINCE RUPERT Contributor often send in verses for publication in Ibis and had roofs of ImiiikIis ami Nrc orifer are the uirluper and Rich! arriving on Ihe train anl paper in which Ihe meter i' faulty, Ihe sentiment carelessly ex skill. llie i:?yllails were the Iriyyliphs. an ornamental form Milmv for Vancouver .n Ihe pressed and the writing mi carelessly done that it is almost iin- firsl lo have Iheir work finihed spareil at regular interval and I'nnce lieorge. ' Miible In decipher Ihe mauueritit. Such- offeriiiK have m wild siiHMillijnjs tool and also are ald tn represent hearn ami Iaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa chance of publication, neithenhas a letter or article of any kind Ihe deeoralintc in colors. Al a which ret on he linlel whicli MAIL SCHEDULE unless signed by-the writer.'. If a verse i not worth careful re later neriod the Kayidians in engage the columns. vision and neal waiting it i no( worth publishing in Ihe Daily Iroduced the circular ehajied Roman Diacovery. Canadian National Railways .News. Wt the Ceo. and with it extension at post an Thru llie discovery of llie arch As a rule we do not rare to publish po4ry or doggerel. There Ihe Ion in Ihe' shae of Ihe principal hy the Itoman. we Monday. Wednetdaye an 4 taU are only a few poet in the world and they are inspired by heaven bolus hod anil as these people have the masonry bridge and unlays al 6 15 p.m. and cannot help it. And even so they write carefully ami revise advanced in riviliialion they ie. later on the steel bridge of to eroen tho I a at. Prince Rupert their work again and again. If such a one should arise in Prince came etperis in Hie niiarryimr day, following Hie classical pe Monday. Wednesdays and Friday Itupert we should be only loo glad In give space to the verse for ami sliaiin2 of stones for structural riod we come lo Ihe ltenaianee at 7:15 p.m. publication. As a rule, however, the rhyme that are written are purpose! and they produced which flourished In Italy and Foe Vanoouyee end South. DRYDOCK not poetry. They are doggerel. The difference is difficult In many tenrjile for Iheir Ppaln. Thl Is a very much Kunday p. m. describe but riot difficult to understand, Because the "last word emperors and mrmoinenls lo decorated lyue of architecture Tuesdays n, m. AND of a line happens to rhyme with the lasf word of another does their form of worship. and when it ran be indulged in. Thursday p, tn. not constitute poelry. Rhyme ha really little In do with poetry. Moore and Qreek. a very pleasing- and flowery Saturdays p. in. SHIPYARD The sliff published in Ihe -.Man in the Moon" column i dog "following the Kpyptian we result i ohtalned. Aug V, IX, 10, M and 30. gerel, but Ihe touch of humor save it from exclusion. come to Moor and Ihe Oreeks. "The .Norman in France gave From Vancouver and South. The writing of verses is good liierary practise and tends to The Moors cave im lhat type of os the pntntrd arch and plainer Sunday p.m. Operalln O. T. F. 30,000 Ton Floating ry Dock brighten the intellect. To label it poetry or to ak lhat it be pnb-lished architecture which I o prevalent treatment ,,f y,a .surface and Wednesdays 10:30 a. in. Cnglneece, MechlnleU, Bollermakare, Bloekemltks, Patuc is altogether different. The photographer does not show in all Moslem e--intriea cornices. The iwonted arch wa Friday p.m. maker, Foundere, Woodworiera, tie. the public, every picture he makes, neither doe the artist exhibit and which we, often call Indian, further devi-ope, in llritam together Saturday . . 10:30 a.m. at the art gallery every art study. .Much of the work of irieaniim llritish India, hut what with foliated capital for Aug I, 7, II. IH. S3 ami 2H. Electric and Acetylene Welding. every person who i trying to do something really worth while is architecturally known a iry. engaged column and this type Foe Anyo and Alloo Arm. ha In be thrown awny. Any person desirous of publishing poetry lanline. The outstanding fea. of work produced Ihe Sol hie nf Wednesday a , V p.m. Our plant I equipped to handle all kind of should write verses for years and promptly burn Ihe scrap of lore of this style i ihe Irl-anxular the medevial period which ran Hunday p.m. paper on which Ihe outpouring are written. Then when he ha .lnirc of the nrnamenr riot until about 3i year ago. From Anyo and Alloc Arm. Marine and Commercial Work learned the art. will be time to think of publishing. and the highly colored paintinw Another style of the (iolhic Tuesday .a. in. of them and tbe Itcautiful mos. which has prevailed up to the Thursday, p.m. FH0NCS 43 AND SSS sale work tn cobrred marbles. present day and will probably For Fort Stmpeon, Arransale, Still slhnfofflroof is onYou "The Oreek rve us heanty continue for many year Is the Bay, Wale Island in form and symmetry in out perpendicular, a II name implies, Sunday . 10 p.m. line. It is to Ihe Oreek a well ihe Hue ate vertical and From FL Stmpeon, Arrandale, Mill IffOu lose a receipt for.a cilb pay. a the Itoman thai we owe much give added grace In a well de. Bay, Walee Uland THEQ COLLART. LTD -ffgtg meat it Is not the other roan's job to of the characteristic nf present signed structure. It I seen in Tuesdays a, lit prove that the account ia unpaid. day architecture and which we many of our modern I'reshyler. ttowart. ataole Boy end Iwsmo We are now Aosnta foe tho WeW York Ufe Ineorane It la up to you to prove payment. designatp a" classical. Hot in ian and Itoman Catholic edifices Point. The moat liberal and strong oompany on the eenu Moat, often It cannot be done. In Angte-Classlc. Fon-- Asset, 3Ma,S33,13S.SO. Let ue ehow yoc' how to f payinr Ml by cheque, protection la SUITCASES !' "Another type developed In Salurduys . p m. money, " assured. Miif atn is known Anglo. Friim Interview of TRUNKS Class, that I KnglWIi and Class. Sunday - p, m. Phone Blue 89. VVMlhelm Theatre Bloek. P.O. one our branch managers I (cat combined. There are a few Queen Charlotte Island. and arange to opea acbeckirg account CLUB BAGS tnlre- example of f la I so work, hut Fon to the mind trained lo regular-ily August Sand IV. LlM,TeD and ymmetry' Ihl style u FftOM UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., UNION BANK OF CANADA Large Stock on hand. an abortion and in some In. August I? and 31. Prices very IoW. taneea a regular nlglilmare. It Skagway, Alaska ond Yukon, Foe Vanoouvte, Ocean Fall and Hwanon Hy. Tuw ' onfslandina; feature ore broken FOfl . Fof Vancouver, AUrt Hay and Port Hardy, Saturday p.i Prince) Rupert Branch AT BrosJerleb, Manager J. F. MAGUIRE pediments and ms1ve key. Auk- t. 1. If. . 13 end 3. Foe Anyo. Alice Arm. Iort rflmpsoii and Wales 11" Ntit th frine Auptrt Haul one, FHOM- sIJ..I..i.a IIUUIlIMUt, The arrhileeture of today it Aug 0. 12, IV. 33, and 3a, rr Nt nivff eannrrM Friday ajn