VV1IEN YOU WANT A THE NEW TAXI i . 99 8(1 YOKOHAMA in Phone a nurrj CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HOME n AKF.lt Y NKW CARS Phone ALL - - - - 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper IMUNCi; lll l'KHT, IMl, fHIDAY. AUGUST 11, 1022. VssOrSsi's OlrentitMxi IMS SOsst ! SL PRICK FIVK CENTH Illicit M ljuor Traffic Drive Now On FRENCH AND BRITISH REPARATIONS AGREEMENT SEEMS CERTAIN French and British Agree EXPLOSION ON Big Drive is on Against OERMANY WILL OCT RATIFICATION OF on Four Main Points of I MORATORIUM END OF THIS UNTIL YEAR S.S. ADRIATIC!: WASHINGTON BY ALL DOMINIONS TREATY Illicit Liquor Business Reparations Controversy IMHI. Aug. II. -"am , MiXImin, Ana. II. , in the Southern Interior wilt thi afternoon 4. Two Killed, One Missing and Five llatifimtirm nf hr Wah- he tfiitiiidi a nMiral'irium Injured on Board Atlantic inatn Irralif bv all fhr 5J: SKI.H. Aug. II. A' cording In infotm.ilion received ' Liner. IhMiiinion PKNTICTON. Aug. II. A big drive agalnt the illirit liquor until Imp end f Ike year. nf Ihr llritiah t ! i'ln mi grerment hn virtuallx , reached on Kmnirr traffic in the Sirnilkumeeii riding is being rundurled by the pro a He Agency despatch - r ha hrrn rnni. .in point of the reparation controver) and a general 4, ri'iiin London. Tin 4 TOOK PLACE IN COAL. irnl. Nrrrnry Irzin. vinrial and municipal authorities. In a ene of Mattered raid ... anticipated. m) French emi official U(mient llMn Ihr sixty erin!i have been arreted and the- xilire courts in 1'entic-tou, i 111 line wllli Hip policy iaMi by rr- t.. the IImvk agency. Tlir lmprruHi 111 IhmIoii i de- 4, advocated by l.loyd ' Spirforon Combustion Thought iirrliv narfVammlH ha Oliver. Omimi and lledley ure very btiy. uikIk and lli Ulk of h plil in l entente ha ceaed, 4. li-'irn, aiMl rHdieale 4 1 Likely to Have Caused hrrn rn.lttr! fey Ihr A number of offender have already been found guilty and British diplomatic M lr. Trouble. Kinjr ami enpiea arr kiiu oentenced to from fix In eigut month imprisonment. Iarge iiiiramvtil i lb rewiill tif a coiifrrrni.. r l-twrrn t i 4 unit in Valiinzlini fur upplie of liquor have been seized. -.1 1 t .1 pre nim 1-win irr hi imkiuh imum niar me Miinoiiiier. SEW ViiliK,. A 14 ll.-Twu, mllfirati'.n by the I'tiitnl . . Hiiti.b lfMr re- ---- - -- - iiirtnnrr. nf Hi lnir Mar Kltr. RUSSIAN REFUGEE : the coMHarnt f I If iluirr Ailriallr' fTrw wrrr killrJ . ROOTH Sf HfW)I FREE STATE MASKED BANDITS AT " ' I rprreted thr I hiuI fir rrr 'uly injurrij PROBLEM IS SOLVED I l du b gori miirill i LOS ANGELES SECURE i anil ..IK' Mii4ifisr a- a rriill of thru Ihr rrtlriili- mi rtpl'iahm. Ilineiiiin of whili end. FORCES IN PORTUGUESE TROUBLE Soma Will be Sent to Siberia and an $25,000 VALUABLES ha niti brru rrriMinriJ. Thr Others to Bulgaria and Jugo- puluion rifnajn in niiinUrr WAS FORECASTED llirrr hl. aMTrdinK ! a wirr- 8la Will Not Be Ready as Soon as U II AW WAV CORK TODAY I.i IK W'.l I.I - .iu II. two I1IIIMI1 II Mil lr inr44( rvenhnl hrrr. r.oNSTAXTNopU-;, Ausr. II. Expected Cox BUI $2250. nia-kril I.an.iii- h.-l.l 1 1 1. n warty! Correspondent of Associated i ter KleaiMt it r.crriJiHi U Thr lluian rrfugr problem will ii (ir.ili- ii. ii- rariy taaaasj Frrs Ssnt Out jof Warning VewV l hU nml. Tlir hr rlrarrd up in Mir eour.r of the liruiin of Holh Mrmnrial FOUND DEAD Irregular In iii"iiiniK ami t '.'k from thrm Several Week Ago. Evacuating .' Ml 4 alorril fd tiumlrrr thrrr nrxi frw niontlm in the opinion of ihool affair tn.jW up a jjood than .'.' '"i uiorr m jretrrv Bum All Important inJ ofrtrkol think nm-!tiriM Ill nnilirrttiiti with Ihr rrviilu-lionary Major laaflui Uai. lirrtnr (f.lal Unir id Hie mIiimjI Niard anil ali ani w iarrl. armii ' Bulldlnq In City. I'lHwhiMliien uiav havr iiiiivriiirul in I'oituaal the (nlanliiioi4e C.lfa4rr 'uf llie!al he regular monthly niretlng iair Ihr riplurnHI. thr fnl ilrfiiiilr urd .if uhich American Hrd Vjr. ireent Bht. It wa reported by Wksn Taken With Heart DUBLIN, Aug. 11 The FISHING CRAFT ARE Ihr Itirn klllr vtrrr a firr- WM i-rrirl vrvlrnlMV itn I Iim plan are for the Ameriran He- jAnfliileel Jrffr Ibal, on ae- Failure National foroaa anlarad Cork IIIHM and a iihiihi.t The v.wjrr u intrrrlin rraj a Itrf Ailinuii.tratlou to earry on uniorrn delay, me today followlnq lha landing SEIZED AND PROBABLY i.-ium ifiiii i.urrtxMii ,al artictr m-iiI -ml by the A-.arn' Kh the fwliiiir of refnBee," he uihjiiis wouia not br fully eoni. I QUEST HELD from lha aaa yattarday of WILL BE CONFISCATED vt.lh i." r and a ,.(K-Ur, 'rr eorrriKMMlMl at aid rrrrnlly. '.u.hil the IagulP,r,H, '"e openioit ot the strong forcat with ! to " 1 I,M " 'a"1 ' l,'iHlaiiil.l.jhn anl dalr.1 July IK a f..l- of Nation, dulril.ulr lbeiu.Ia11 wr,n a .PHfS,- 1 Uoard . j. HM. Ana. Ur- ! cutting off th irregular Maiif (4.w! .-.... ItttftrfWihfM' Jiiin-liTavta )iel',J,a,,,',',l "tle-h6w- -ould i. Indian s lived itrar from their ba. i HIMM Vi; II. Ihtr,. "A rale i.f etrhansrr alartninv. aBreel to lake rrral lIuHindH;1'"'1 ltr 'eopwed until the re-I.ihmi r n- f..unl ilwd HI Ihr II-c The Irregular are evaeu lllr arm,, imfl. tin' Kmiiii:I. LADY DROWNED ly liiw and prh-i- f fiM.)uff wiH Ue repatriated to 8U l,alr w"r eomplele. sf vrerday afterm-en. atlna the city, leaving all rairiUy. ami Lmm - liaxr rrn .'Vrtwtantly hish havr cn(vlml Lena, and it i h..d Australia' An honorarium of 1150 was t . hrd forward oil hi Patrick Strati, Victoria Hottl rli.tl iy Ihr ali"l l'li"rl( hll' 10 mak Ihr rt nf livinz in Will ta'.r srvrral thousand. Ttio fra nuiaker. govern. 1 s4l4nw the military barrack and nhuiB viiIIiim t 111 1 1 nf Ihn rftiirat a -rrimi. pmblem prohlrni wliirh ha piuilrd the ment arehiteet, for bU recent I n,.'i. in rr OCEAN FALLSi- Land iM a Hiring of the nawtpaper offices In ahinnt"ii lii. Tlir Ixtat pmmerriHir a an aildillon- !w-orld - ilatriiieii will Uius k frrvice in tniieling the build flama. Man building were Hill hr ur.'llrtl'lv .. 1 llflKi alrti. j ni larior eannoi W ovemmkeu. l(i.ii:fe.v snlxrd." ing Willi ArchHrel jeirera. ' Hi-- bar near hy He blown up with dynamite. I "Srvrral highly jdax-ed alalel Ail aerouut from A. A. Cox for :md Iia4 apvarmtly of 1 functionarie har been rrealril Z-'So for plan prepared for Retulte Unknown. 1 falitii. Mr DUBLIN, Aug. 11 (nooni DOLLAR A WORD FOR fw Jame Qrelg, of Steamer and iaihi, eharzeil with eon--pirai'V CANADIAN FARMER IS rebuilding was laid on the table. -Iiihmi i.y two boy. There I no ocmmunlca-llon CABLE MESSAGES OWING ! 7a-Lo- a Hi the holding of rr-rr COMING BUT NOT THE Thr account was taken by the "'v anl HiaiHi WiUon. with Cork aicept by inrfhnz. which i an indi-ralioH board a somewhat of a joke. latrr fa.n4 him dead aea and lha eiacl result of TO SINN FEIN CONTROL of an und'rlyina (Mdilieal CANADIAN FREIGHTER Mi Jeffer i to register tn i w !. Anyov fighting between Irregular im:K.AN FALLS. Aujr. II. Mr. iinre!. It i frtl in onie quar-Irr the provinre, the fee being 150. 1 where ..fonir IUn-' Government Helen Maud Hrrip. of SS7 Hur-rartl lkat a military movement 11 ltiier and makr and provisional unknown here. IiMKiN Am. II Mi-airj Street. Vanroiive; who was i in preparation. In art In tMe VANfJll VKH. Aug. II The C. r the hwy force are Aun. 11- All lnin lonhMi N.-w V.'ik rol ' ittuiK al Jam and Swanber'g of a freh otilbur! of the lur-(Mtlent (. M.M. office aun uni'e thai BIG VICTORY LONDON, m.lu i.Ih .I mii' (I''liar ill l-Mxalr - owing lo a change of plan the ihioi. llerily Ike, via drownetl elniienl which hrouslit oollco barrack and military word by the rminil alx'iit nrntf I steamer Canadian Frrighler. due; while tHtliins yevlerilay mwrnins about the olilN'al aainatnH PROPOSAL TO In Cork are burning,of Government accord Spam ia A 1 1 1111 i" She last aeen by Marjorie of lal OeUfber. on August 19. would not lie ill-1 THIS PROVINCE Ing to a report a Ihr lrn 'i. -. t I - Immiik Kill Ouirk. End Speculation. erletl lo Prince Huperl for! aviator who flew over I'ulilrollril ! Sum i.'iiii-i. was! . and 111 ling-, a seraping pa Ihr i clamoring stronghold, Thr reoiHin are bHn brought pre END STRIKE their to ifreau Kali for an Inquest aiwl azaiiifl the rconomic eemdltHMi originally intended. Thr eoast-!Crlcketer Beat Saskatchewan by FINED FOR REFUSING of Ibr and "Seculo" tats steamer uauaaian tanner will lie forwarilei lo VaiHouer. country, Large Score and Are In .20.000.000 BUSHELS short the will abort ly be m to I he xehenirnlly e govern, The huhaud, Jamea UrHr, i eiu- Final. Official FIGHT FOREST FIRE ment o iut an end to the insolation Northern port for overhaul. of Railroad Union. MftDC PD AIM TIIK VCAD I loyrtl on the vteamer I'riiwe iUlmL uitniit inikJ ibnn to whieh it chiefly allri-bute Censlderlng President Hard tieorfie. CALOARY. Aug. II. Saskatchewan KA.M!.iH)Pt. Au II. John Ihr increaone fall in ex. BASEBALL Cricketers did iuH have Ing' Suggestion Estimate of Dominion Government Iterteanioe, who rrforl t assist WIRELESS REPORT change. Th Xtiniler of hinanee a look in against the Hritish I Exceeds That of Last Season i try in? to raie an iulerwal rialiltnff for. -t fur. near bare Columbia in NATIONAL LEAGUE. mm in thr game yesterday I IN. Aua. II. Tli. loan ami ha had ronfprene terenily was yriid fieied l SI. Louis. 7; lioton. 3. in the iuter-proviiveial il- "f rvrulern rail OI IWX A. Aua H Thr lto- dee S a.m. with several of the 1001 protM. I and roets In the local court. Chicago, t; llrooklyu, IS. ehauipioMfhip eii. . C. defeated 1 paiilalioiia eot ill- larmiu.ll l.ll I ,-Mll nf lallth?S Ill I.I. HAIIItOK -Cloudy, freah (lien) frtuguee bankers to lids thr ektveo tin. momma: to row-1. ,. . .., n,i aoulht wind; haromeler. ii.8J end. Hi effort have not so I'liuooig. II; PhilaiWIpnia, 4. prairie by a BRITISH SHIP Cincinnati. 7; New York. 3. score or for three wickets M"'Hr VK-Il MlOUStl year at .r..tiii.oHi tuhel or SEIZED leiiiuraluret 56, aea niodrrate; far bH auerefut. again! 136. No Ainerwau league ihr ran Imi era ft iikoiht '.'o.imiii imiii inihri iiior 7:15 p.m. poke nlramer I'mice "One of the factor said In COAST LEAGUE. game. Alberta won from Manitoba, ' -nlent llardlngr' la--h CtlNtsTAMIMU'IK Auk. II. abeam imrtli-bouud. contribute to the nilualion I thr final mtimatr for last Albert l'ullney Spit loaving Alberta and llrilisli Columbia "f a ham for eot--uli'iud The lint i h t. ainliii lieorge that. although ev porta lion Seattle-Oakland, rain. to off for the deciding year. Vernon. 5; Portland, ft. play utrike. Mat ai'ilrd U Mi. 1 1. I-iki al !KAI THF.K l'OI.Nr(Jloudy, amount lo aevrral miUMMi . . Salt Lake, I; San FraMisco. series. Hatuin la-l k i light aoulhcta! wind; barometer pound, all thi money drpti- BEATRICE ARRIVES FISH ARRIVALS '.'0.70: temiieralura, 55; sea ifed in foreign bank iutead f 0. CAL(RYlrVINSfIRST Sacra Iais ARgele. auioolh. being paid out in the country. Al uieulo, AT YARROWS' YARD Eight Halibut Boat Sold-115,500 STARTLED BY liIOIIY ISLAM Overeat!, the mme time gambling in ei- INTERNATIONAL LEAGUE. CONNAUGHT CUP GAME culm: iMirouieter, 4V.7U; teiuper-HMire change I bring carried on iu FOR NEW TAIL SHAFT Pound This of Fish Morning at Exchange BEAR HORSE apoke steamer 55; aea smooth;ray left 7 Nation p.m. a barefared hanka alone manner.their In 1 IWl-dou aatd TonuiUi,lluffalo. 7:K-l;llaltimore.Readiug.' .1-2. IN FOOTBALL SERIES HiN-liealer, l-i; Jersey City, tun HarlMir. 0 p. m. iutliliouinl; 7 to be over SS.OrtO.OOO l'ortn-gueae u II. Tin (Kill ballhut boats sold !;-, p.ni. poke aleaiuer Admiral Hodman pound which would Bntl-ly .8. TMtuXin Aog. 11 Jt.algary 1 1,. 1 PriiirraN I lea trier IHMI IHHilHl f fil t Ihe !" j BREAKS BACK al Hidden Inlet; 5 a.m. improve Hie rale of exchange llllltl 11 t- defeased ! '!..!.. II- Viiiuw' yrntrrtlay to cliantir tin nuiruinw. over half of apoke tdeamer Admiral 'alou if left here. The cou.lanl arreat sl'ei 1 nil.,1 in tlir fust game of tan tiaft replace! fol- whirh quantity III be parked here midnighl aoullihoiuid; iao a. in. of officer and civilian and the BROTHERHOODS tie i; niiaiighl l uji socrei' aerie-. " it hreaWilown at for lilpment rl. one Urite boal J. M, Morrison, of Alice Arm, in steamer Venlurv northbound. fact of the troop having lo keep ,y a w'r.. of 1 wo goat to one. ' II la rtiuMlril III' -jJlinu- hrr ruU.li for cold alofutfr Loses Fine Saddle Horse up Noon. within barraek. (o be ready al DrCITCC 1UAD17 rpieieu in nine KtiiiUu. Kltsault River lll'I.I. IIAIIItoll Ovent. it moment' notice, add to the 1Ei:Ul)L TTUAa KOOTENAY LUMBERJACK 1 i" ih.uiim tlu PrliiMj 'I'ay' truueuotivit W freth aoulheant wind; barometer, general unrest. M7 H J- M. 'M.r nrit WellH'd)i(.Hlwl(. Al.lta: A II Auk JV.nl; lemperaturr, 5H; ara mod-erule. Interest to England. I IS NOW MILLIONAIRE f Vatwouer. The'. ria,w,'IUll n.h ami ld Storage Morriaow. lb lw' I'tufer man. K.-M. .iir-i attention to the Object Running Train Through ls' Liiil the miafortui loaing n Station Which Are Guarded waa brought ihiuihI. awl the HrilUh, Premier. .vnae. -n.tHKl OrUU THKK I'OIM Cloudy: statement ur Tiii-fiUy. Oil Fred Sanberg, of Wycllffe In .xlillr hora r tint cuimmiiy'a ..'.,. AM ha,uu.la. uulh al 7.1c ri,u, light aotllhetl! ind; brtrninetir. Lloyd lieorge calling upon The the Kitaaull Vmlley, the LOS ANUFXKS. Aug II. formed of One-quarter Share 5 it trip up KU.70; Irmpi'rulurr, 58; aea mod the nation slilcli owe Kugland 11 lid He. being walked aeroaa big four brotherhoods 011 the In $30,000,000 Fortune. FiaUerlea I'mnadiaii U. hoiae ws erule. money lo pay interest ehargf Ilooili ek In ile when roads centering on Los Angeles WW0R at ?' PaiH Kladuek lln mtlllY ISI.ANU f.loudy; in Ovlober. This drht amouiua AND AUTO lilai'ter, M.04MI jmuuil. lear. flehiiiK f"i 'iil'U"". dah. Inst night suddenly walked out refusing WYCI.IFFK, II. C, Aug. II. a calm; barometer, 30.78; temper- to 5,000.(100, and the pa. QlVtl SC. over to move trains which pass Fred lumber in Saudberg, the In nine fright- a piler RACER LIVES ...1 feoin under utur iuno(i; HUIU a.m. asks if tbo iutrreat ia lo bo LOSE (Ill,, l-'i.liurl... -llllllHI. ll.lKMP ll tell liafK-liilei'ii 51; sea per through the guarded stations. the employ of the Otis Staples apuke steamer Admiral Hodman paid when due." " dltnee .1 fret YVhjrryvwr guard are iiu.d"ed LunilMH- iiuH has received a let- I1 Vi.n 'IU. 11 II. t-1..rflWMIMI""....i!k....i Hit noil oound. at and 1,. .v.,,,1. U fed UiiH'l-my . an.I Ineuk- iff l'dlnler Ulainl aouthbound: Mrs. Y. t- Hall and sou and on railway propetiyt men are re Ur from SwtJn stutuig that he ' ' ! lai..r ,.u.l llr Krl fin K' t lllkull delivery. IiIImIiUU liBCf V " I hi enlll- 10 a tn apokd aleuiiK-r Admiral laughter ace leaving tomorrow fusing b run the trains and half 1. heir 1.. nne.ijnaHee interest III- I" Watson off Lawyer Island tli "Wii Wrr. Ull.l wl,..ii tin I I'anH' rlflnc Uai I a . ii i with 1 aflrriKH'ii for the south eumutria doen passengei iiams were an es'aie f t I'vuoo 000 left ,: iiil illL'llb " ' southbound. id 'i.ii .1 1 i.... !1 1 mm ji.. .,...10 noil--- imiuiiiI.- ai i c "u ilriflr liui put the .iiffeiini. animal Out to Kansas City vkhei lliey wW known lo have been suspeuded him by an uneie who died re- !(;, .1 flying neiir here Oaygc.n. 1,500 pound, al I II. Subscrjbe for the rutljr Newa i-it !at night ntly in V'.n Y'.ir'. hi llnvdl i i l