.( II, IJJfS. m ruin trw rial rfirt ! 1 ) i-JUilll ..j. j 'police force Sport Chat ' .1 - ! IS INCREASED fine fabrics Clolliea niay make 'f,e man, r ,lnil Ibey prv4iled Hi nmMnjr of wiuiim lefrrH ebampbrn. Ar The dainty LUX wafers are I On Mom Man Addaal to ailer ja, Mi Mry ,ltrown. t'.alifornit M 'extra thin" due to our ex- I fee Tlhlnlna Up of Duty lennl lar, 'wbo. earf I at m elusive process. They dis- m Hours, ile&.t fenijiftranly balled by 111. lieAltn, I lb woman In t .. t m solve instantly and tnV completely m In onfr ii. jtt (ni. effect a Molt. Her deetillHn B nl frt di in hot water, making m W hlft a aeat ft III- -ily (toller .il lb nybf of Mr. Mnlla f wonderful, creamy cleansing B force, r totW-r" rvmim''eW Mallory In Ih t'. H. rlfltiiinrori. I hut HARMLESS suds, af Biirtrt o1ifMl fn ii.br on hifi tin year. rmled iTei.fon W it(Wr;t the for, leaving kbiHil ber final maleb wflft MN. Hi. rfanirinrnt for lit nji. Mnllnry bnf enon. iHuiii iihmiI iii I lie mayor Ami If Mi llrbwne hadn't worn Hn.-r ..f ,...!!.. ti, lofnl f o many rtolb in lb mafrb i mm,, rit officer 'mt the fore atan! Mr. Mallory," laltl be vf. flirKe F. AKiiller, tennl train Th. .1' i mirmnf will provide er, "h would hae won fbii fl Mi. liii f or ocW rgahi ami 1111. Heavy rloihea, irirl ii.fier i, ..f i i" i mi iluly nl all trt-. long, bindlnv lowed ut Hun ) ' in nay or night on lo a prilil where Mr. Mallory rl'ii 1 1 "ii -In fl, changing fort rou Id .ea htv nlir w 'Ih vtlh man will ft'i areJfcpriiB nffer for Herb. "Phiifk" I'nilt, who i Ihr miiit. t,h llieir weekly day biaklnit pood., on SI. l.oiil or JIm- hour are Im h Itrown' pil'Mii taff Ibi year I 'in.ii i fciit nrr iliati two In all ftrtibabTiily ner will for- asai y " iii It mi rvir al Set tb rtr! Ilm h fared Halt n, iiiMii 'ant hour. Until in a full yam. All b did 11.. iernl trtia V, v a lfik wa lo Inil Ih "ftiltan '" itrjt at tb lrtgr of Hwat" Ih roe limna. m lrike ar Bill'". Hie mayor tirnjr wa rallnf, oitwa a puny foul - -j' 1! f. tii.n with h iraerrl lift, and at lit oilier aeven t 4 ieHM. f: A m in 1 attMlr 4teb rtulh wiinji bard ami MaeVniahl ifefen.lltia; H a helrt mld. a ii ft rnii a aiHMf a (tooaihh with Iwf lt Many major 'lau il-yer offtrer-. Mr. MneilnnaM rll iiiink rmeii lark tin- neanry hvr that Hie iirayor iif. ti in prove- a tiifen win. aatatitak fur ifHrfeYliinl rMill lowvr, hi peruliar b earned Mi m 41 h bt aiMHiofi fadenway ball which ha proved Lax Is iW only in ttoltd packet t- of Ih i'i'Wh man. iiiimI irtoililiitni to Atueriejtii BtUr Patrol Sarvloa. dust-proof I I (t t te tallre Appear lo Ink W ith Hie ehanae inteml. 11 i ear of any wakn du M il that there vrffl h a btlr lark of teed. alml aervi wMb iintr ital rfllenlnHi i tb rlieietifnir of PRESENTATION .lolin lleili. fiAyartld awiiu. A5 HEKU Ur illejral Ikjihit aal aftrtilly a ftr, who ha-fatmptrt in ry reranla rlub HMtler th 1 on of ih llllnoi AihleHe i3iili LONDON STORY D.H. MORRISONS mi-airlnii4rtte bylaw, ami drKinc.teK ftHl nurarlhoti m for Ih pat .l3 rear, will It In Hie fourteenth In .nneinn wtlh the I Iter a revhal of llml Uie f h niatlrr a ttra) iiaHinn NmA uu Lninii Dunn nig nungar l avain Ibl year. IIU n Retiring President of Prince Ru rlee fnllo in Ih rltHr of aSisntores Years Ape of Club try wo th ftW re(ed by pert U Recipient of I a letter from Harry lllreh n Which JSotellel WroU. HindMmi Club NitTHMH Hoaa fof ie rare. Bag pMiBna 01 rMrtOH iimMts ihi . In addition to ihe dlliiKlion Wlii knew -. - r'niirth .vnti wheh jeitplr i f bavin oniiit- in a)i . llunn ar aware j '' ' " Mm.n. who a RtfMe fo th aafefy of ebit wim lleili ba finibl wrll Im- original li.ni leaving the rity with hi. faiu-.- Iren kMriiiraiji.r MarthmaUl up with th leader in rnt viy of Life eiHtt!',T Saturday wl lo lake no ym(ioihiM wtfb tk inUinl ami Iht iliite Ihe Utl Jbai h 1. i.J-fi. lb nov'trW i1' rt-ltrvrr in .na Armrlea, w ami naiif t tb m.ilon i im tal lb iiy for Hi b ill-1 In Ike MfTyiM" r"""H ail a liamiaom i-lllli an iamHe rlna mil of In. ilbeHhr mlavor. V 1T i. waa fHf ift mi irH ihr rnnM HMpfi tjntt uffleieni patrol rvWe with an if which Ii ba been Mteinlter HmlTHMine fiirri. iltsa i.1iai w 'W I he- tMi a Tb aillna rommille of Hi ttm: Jaya wli every f i f Many J ff itml lit trnMiMy JaMy S4ieilor Hnfer iHfgl. Hoyal rinadian Yacht Olub ha ' it t Ii(mI llunn a I rtrh Ihi rlMi lal rvMM. l that Ike bite miaiil ro.oi. reie Tom Waib Palriela m'n ih i.'tnUiT imH fti ril4ilMn Inok in al. 'rnt mil wtlh the rilie in ami Jak (Itirtbtn' fkira Mia, M .,il'' ami iiiia--'iiinnf m HMfiinf ui m rMini ii iiitvr rMHiHwt ami troee4iHt a-e. lb ' rla for lb inlerrvalhtftal Ravi made rrlri-l aiaj Inra aflr Mr. MrriMn hal Ur- Mayor Moefcatr rfrrl lo te .eatoandiiit rare bHweefi "iti In Ii liKl hi nNnMltn a an uffiarr ieMml eam ti a aimtkir oon. I'. .4. ami lianadian amateu ! I fat .eai-e aj. ftitat tltpwior In Ih han4 f Hi herlhm. Walrb ahoHld tie kept rew. lo It held In Tomnlo 1 tctant. H IIM anil an ample mad of tb v an i-llfiit ril. ivlainn a non. Thurxlay, Aiisiut t and fl rroKirnl iii1irlrhlj. flrai offender, tiief Vikr re. tow In jt day. hark MhhiI lh Mr. Beaumont Officiate oirfetl lhal a walrh had tin The United lala kirir will IVl when I ir In naakiHir lb prnUl4in. H. maintain! hnt if had bw Ini-poaaiiile he tibarl Kraiiet Adam, who IH a n rharv of l-Nimimnl. i.irll. pok to aiirhm anyone. aild lb ftidiil, to vielory . mi i-arly (r-411 OlUva wf th InltTf el lakn ly Liquor Sailing. Ih ial Ameriea i.up rare I Mil - ; wi wiui'T uf MM' "UlUry Ur. Miirrin in th rltih ami In There a totis- itiwulon aaini. Sbamroek IV. Skiptr ' deal Ifcrar l.ak ami Iti ity. ta Inn iwhikI on the t)liltHI of beer elllna Adam wil! lrl hi rrew in General Ciar Co. Limited li l.akf (ii.ii Hum hoar a prMtnl nivl hi ritt- ami ih wnrkina of lb iinvrn. lio-lon and .New York. 13a fir I hi- early annt i Hltaxi fntiM IImI niUtin ifr mlH l.iumtr Arl and lb rity'a Th It. C. Y. C ba teleele. Controlled and Operated by rlub lMnaiu bylaw. ivew Iity 3; inriirreil ihe eniMily hi Irrm wa hII wnulil Im a N'oniiiin OtMbb'rhaui a th "Jn .'. eue-il Mho . Itlna HUttrt lata. H wan itiail In knm SoMrtlor lliir wn trni and adian kipMr, and lie will pirk ililrirrltMl neveral mmiiU. Hie Tobacco Co. of Canadatliinited dial Mr. MurriMtfl w wit r- hi rrw from ih menilir o Imperial Icily reallieil that it wituld be a 1.) ln auk I IhnfV injiiretl ne lit i-nnorlii nlln8Hlir wild Kluti. fie in addilHiu to It'll ami hi- ai-Mtate 0m flub Im! woiilil remain a nun. liffienll m-nller lo rurr ron- himelf. limblerhani ba bad K'Mtioo but rotvi Ibai Ibey Mr .1 went aheail ami lfi rMl HMi4ir. If Ii f ll I-! plenty of iriene in interna, kiiHild enntrol if not rbk ber ,r of Ut hir-bri vH In Ilia new home ami later luuial rnii rare on tit iral -i nul tfi) ili-l ilterale Jy le(rlllv iterhletl not in return aellinx. llitiniiiiatoner Mai'doii-11 Lake and he ba won many POLICE COMMISSION SPORT STANDINGS TERRACE Id ami Oily Soln-nor lloirr -iiaiaiiMin lie matt .)- witulil iimke him art iH'inirnry bad a erbal duel alonjr tb u- urer. DISCUSSED OIL FUEL for glng ahia ,'LM.r( ).( exen-ne lmfsl Ii Senior Baseball FRUIT LANDS I lio kawa and lawyer 11 A oer uiii me' him al a he Utrk Itefttr lonir. SITUATION LAST NIGHT W. I. Av. wiwtlil vary ami H. from In it of alniui. PLANNING TO HAYE - -rl illalanji-e nway In. CulxJilion inijihl iH"h her . of C. .... 5 3 flJi Five Acres Fruit Land. t Tli oiimittoner, in th rnuri -' "I'l'iim there. Ih half that h Wt'liltl feel it ile.irnM lo of th diruntii. reiterated lu SELF SHIELD GAMES V. 1 f t; 3 t till miles from town, t mile front ki j ..ii ten iiiie be. aynln make IM tty hi home. If ahhorren of tb "Slmd plueon" Tb qualitie of l,.nj.,il. the ify ehoo Land all umter rultiva. - I'Uijt laklllK Willi I1U1I Ir rinriil It nOabl ft aur- iiietliod of obtaining eunvicthm. ff Tumi In Llna For Norlharn Anyox protlui'i. a a proieiHia liiterfnedlat Baseball. lion and well fenced. Hon tit ml lit fit. t tUl b iW h ajiain ifl- An aiplii'uiin fr a Miilion B.C. Chtjnplonahlp Trophy nialrrial for aulomolule and W. I. Av. 1 51, f H stnrie.4, and goo4 cellar. tight Day Tramp. Lil l take an iHtermt in Ih inan- hi th forre from I. Ii.iwkiii, of ThltYtar taunehe wa one of the ntnyfrHo 4 3 571 Ham II 1 l with bay hi ft, 43 -arlied th knoll ami of tb I'rlnr- llut'erl I 3 571 appl tree t out thi year, ft annent rr'ii,d and filed Hiiucan. wa lire romnrille of tb nihjeof llrued by III imlice ' !'! iiikIiI a lone;" ami in . xport 8. of C. 6 ? 000 oero of trawbrri Team of Cluh. for futur refiTi'iu Pair board met yesterday after rmnniiMirtD lat ntfht. Ina.' horse, ? fs sleigh, H Mn-re waa U lnebo Wlihed 3ucc wagon, Junior l noon with a view lo making ar. iiiurb a there i no patrol Baseball. phi'v, barrow, rte. It Ih RrtMIUll. II hii- of nr. -iinueutent for Ih rompetilini. then Kemil partkeiri. W. I, Av. no v .l out to rroaa III h,::rr,; wation Price $2,100 cash for quick eat e. WhiU Sot 5 1 8S:i for lb Self Shield .Northern IM". ar ran for t)mmihnr '--itl VM 1 ul'.ne l I fMM and walki Xll monl .Aid. Th aowt' wih 01 PINDER-MOSS WAS baehall rliiiipionhip trophy in Hhookley briuiiinx up the ub-ti Tiny Tims 7 4 3 1167 KENNEY BROS, i CO. M went wiib, htmi. Hoy Soouta 0 0 000 M I'onnection with the Fair. No def. unl be wa lakuiK tiue - itki by Hi way MorrtMin in a neat Mllr RATIFIED BY BOARD Mr. Juvenile TERRACE B.C. inil nohon wa taken, however. by Ih forelofk in coiuMM4toi Baseball. ' am to an I ml tan for rpeh lhaitktHi lb nu-mlier WRdina an early not'ting willt tb with Ihe propod wirrtia of a V. 1. Av. 't viliore Ih native not feel H i! I a full 111 ami ihelr klndn. The rhno board at it remilar Prim flujiert llsrlNtil Aiteia. molorryrl. Ir'aleon a 0 I non Wilhin half hour that be bad dWrved auylhiiiK 01 monthly mlina lat Mailt ratified lion. KIm' learn ar thi eaou r.ofiiniionr Sbockley H4AtlMdglA , 3 3 500 PACIFIC CARTAGE itislit eight fih au ami tl kind. II would alwuy bavr lb lb appoint menl of J. Hinder. in tb runfliuif it I l!ndtrtiiod iIm ftlarlllnir prediction thl II toy Sot.uls 0 0 001' Ih kind! rini'inliranr for of Ihe tkau henioil wa going to put tb lie al. tlim anil Mo a ornaniier ropoi'd Milliliter. Anyin, Fall, Stuart Shield Football. Limited ir '"inacli refllfii(f after tub. lei'bnieal Hrhool 11 1 a 'alary .of I'rinr (teortr iprnl liodr ; Iinperial Oil Company' dulillal W. I). I.. li Ii threw llirin up i.l(), two third of uliirb will and 111111 llupert. Tin' nrti out nf bulne and had already K. r C....T t 0 0 PhotM! 93 liilian mi returninn WRENS NEST IN A paid by the ioeal iiionl board toinmill of lb Fair board been repoirilie for ihe draft piSlliea 0 0 ! 'him wit Baklnm with tb aitanr of Ih pro-vinnal iomprle (I. I'.. Hennn, llen Self phur of th prir of th lalrAVL;,.Uo I 0 I ? Furniture, Piano and iuunl in lvt an hint 1U CORNER OF LETTERBOX Kovernim'iil. An office i Y. K. iiuniion and l. 0. Sloart. ioniuio.ily by ?f. It W'tt .1 vei-yfci O. aV....... U 0 ? 0 Saf Moving 59 .- , renled iii lb Wallar lllock. effective motive fluid and wti LacrosM League. t" 'i know by iun llml In ! 3 being tii generally in gabiMiT Print Cnrta W3 'liii h. Proipennu advertilntr mean W. I.. l't man. II wa Mif.r.r.iiKvn.i.r, im.. auk k-ii ami linil hail In . ly CiiiiH.lliin lr John 8ul.rriU fur th Daily New. reaular eontinuou advrtlln. and auto. , K. U.C 5 1 607 Th mayor Intimated that IU ki 1 ; 33a "I'inket m He up In Pemler. a mail rarrier ber for II. elly had nd tried if out yet for 'iil with the Imltitn two week wu juilllnir Irller in. fliey feared tin fttrengili and dkl iii.nlh nttil Ibey lfk If lb mall bin of a Iin-iiI reili'iil not want their ear to blow tip PRINCE RUPERT TIDES 'it Norman. From wUbmit Innwlng that lb box ASTHMA until lhy had been ud a IIU I Ladies' Coslymes 1 mil Hie ilod of A . , in ftheltrred a family wren. lunger. , Friday, Augutt It ... rk fo KilKinnlon, a h rniung u 'few- liny nf .illgll .'1:10 a.m., 10.0 rei-l. . , "i 1 800 mile ami be lam.' parkagn in tb lt an I BALSAklFA U ttfactiv U throoJ BALSAMfcA U .- u4 mtmai SJASCBATL SCHEDULE. piif.. 10.9 feel. to Maaur " ' way exeenl abnul bfneil the cover two of Ahma,alhW coaiaiiM)no Kanatkit "0 "ARISTO" IT:, , wtien tnta.bUf a para If raataa4 pea, f lw V:3S a.m., 3.9 feel. Brand K. ' wrn Hew out. !llllr mvrni all otb NomJwI h fl-J- paralioo. Aug. I He Son of Canada v. j . Jl9 p.m., 5.7 feel. Raasonable nine Mr. llunn llvU t.rtel further ami found u baby Knight of Columbut. Saturday, Augtxl It. n' " t Prlnr1 Hnpert Tb nainl bl Al lrugUta $1.00 pr butrla. lUIUf kuaraniced 61 aaOMy rfamitt. ltd 1.. wren, ill it. Aug. 21 FJk v Ran f Jliglt a.m , 10.1 feet. h" fikeena II of Ihr 0KME3 LIMITEX STEVE KING valley. "ofnr built a nt lu th Canada. t0;l p.m., IU 5 feet . . . . nine employed by .oi and uaicjiei) uieir 1 uriMHi.1 Pionrtr Drui.tti Prince Rupert Tnt Ril Storr Sept. t Knights f Columbu Low 0 ?V a III feet Third Avonuo ai g Co. in tliuN vs. Elks. 2. 5 pju 0 2 (ett ' AdvtttlM lu tLs U.llr Ntw-