Friday, June 2, 1922. JH1 VMLY. XIWJ PAGE THREE ONE HUNDRED AND Local and Personal NINETY THOUSAND TheOUTSTANDING FEATURE POUNDS HALIBUT . . RUPERT BRAND . . u. C. Undertakers Phone 41. If ......i jujlAbi That distinguishes the Was Marketed at Low Prices at and Bloaters Launch "Oh Kippers Baby." Blue 64S. Improved No other taw will do Fish Exchanae Sale. at Today's Hayners, Undertakers. Phone with 1 W as, much tawing at Remington 3S1. tf F little effort as 1 One hundred and ninety Ihou-sand - pounds of halibut were forSale at Model 10a Rash for Victory JJonds. Thus. "SIMONDS" marketed at low prices nl Ihe McClyinonl, tf I'ish lixehangc this morning. ALL RETAIL STORES from fill other Typewriters SIMONDS CANADA SAW CO. LIMITED There was also y50 pounds of is THE SELF ..I'Sons(.initial of I lonlftht 7:30 (Jrollo St.Rml St and Aeora Ar.,Moiti iI.Qim. salmon on (he l.unendahl which The Most Tasty Breakfast Food KiiKluiid. VancouTti,B.C. SuJoh.N.B. brought 15c a pound from the STARTER, (1 Canadian Fish and Cold Storage Obtainable which adds 25 per cent. Three dozen engs for $1. Co. to the output of the machine, but adds nothing to Jiiiaranlecd. Cily Market. tr. DKXNY Al.l.HN CO.S June The halibut arrivals and ."ales SmokedjDaily'by 7 T the price. Simply press the key and the machine A. W. SnodraM -arrived on Sale. I.owesl prices yel. Come were Seatlle,a follows;08,000 pounds, nhl in glides automatically into the desired place. la.l nifilit's Ira- In from L'sk. atid see us and he satisfied, tf he Canadian Pish and Cold Sloe Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. I 5. 3c. Has the new Remington touch which adapts itself Mystery Ships. Every week-evening A. T. llroderick, manager of age Co. at 5c urn'flontl pounils; Itartalome, PRINCE R U PERT Hank left last 7 o'clock. the Union nielli to either a light or a heavy hand. "Narbcthong." Laura and Margaret, 1 1,000 Vancouver for short Fare $1.00. Phono Black 400. If for a vacation. . pounds, snbl to the Pacific Fish Price $145.00, Cash Terms - or eries) at C.5c and 3c. MEN.NY AI.I.K.V C(l.S JUNE I North .Huluir Malison, who lias Augusta, -',000 pounds; II, SALE. Willi every purchase V -I been Visiting sonic days in the Pole, 0,000 pounds, and Adeline. IMIti a clianci- $20.00 mi out- 'leu Si-I. sold to the lloolh cily, called last nilit on the 7000 pounds, tf eMflaeMvs.Jjd Canadian Co. at C.Oo - Prince 'te'orge for. his home in Fisheries lavid (ilfimy lias inoed from Vancouver. and Itevilla,:tc. 10,000 pounds: Volunteer, Lumber & Lath I Ik; Cily .Market to'lhc new (irat-Ion 0,000 pounds; Maude, ."tooo Mock on Second Avenue (Jeorfie A. Youiiy, road super-inteudenl ATlin nounds. and Awaji, 3000, sold to Phone i:i3. for dislricl, arrived 129 Fisli and Cold Slur-age the Canadian - - last night from Alice Arm and Co. at G.Pc and 3e. Shiplap-Boards Launch "23" for Salt Lakes and is .registered' atMhe Hotel .li.e Murincag, 10,000 pounds: every hour on Saturday after Prince llupert, Itaker. 8000 pounds, ami Iris. 5,-OOU Dimension noon and Sunday... Leaves Prince sold Ihe Sinclair Mr. and Mrs. .1. Walson and iiounds, lo Rupert Boathouse. Fisheries at' 7.3c and .tJc- Thoroughly Air Dried and Stored Under Cover Columbia their daughter, Miss Olivo Wnl-soii, firolh. 3000 pounds: Fanny F. Applicant for Hie l'oolball of I Ins ptisloffice staff, sailed and Shrub. 11.000 Association's lleferees last uiglil for Victoria; on a P.000 pounds clad ' nounds, sold to the Canadian Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding holiday trip. "liituM application lo P. O. si-nd Fish and Cold Storage Co. al 7.2c ltox K'.f. Secretary.- 128 - and Finish Records i , Ceorge Jliiddcrham has (akeu and 3c. Alii. H000 nounds, sold to Hie It. I tn i try. of Anyox, sailed last out a hiiilding permit for ihe ud-dilion Cold Canadian Fish and Sloragi nielli for tlin .miulli en mule to if a kiiclien lo his residence SPRUCE LATH and 3.5c. 8.3c (io. at t.ivci piml, I.ngland. He i to al 201 liighth Avenue, al Vinnie. I '.'00 nounds. sold to Manufactured In Prince Rupert fend selling at Lowest Prices visil hi h ( in the Old Country. a cost of 15M. .Ay. and 25c. 50c. Ihe Hoyal Fish Co.. al 7.7c I,. ,lessen, who Is in charge of 3c. Azores, J0.000 pounds, sold lo PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Any 10 inch Record Any 12 inch Record It. J. Mrlinnpell, ot S.lewarl, oil drilling nperatinns al Terrace Ihe Alliu Fisheries at H.2c and iiliiined on last nisht's train by lloylc Bros, for the Terrace after having (jone at far into the Oils, I.Id., reached . Ihe city on 3.5c. Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 Interior a the Cedar Creek gold last night' train. finger'totsTre ORMES LIMITED dini;.'. Harold I'oltit, Fred Dyer, W. S. 3rd Ave. and Gth St. P.O. Box 16S0 Skeena ltier cannery men ar-rivinjr Waring and It. I- llrown, Vancouver accepted evidence in the city on lust nislil' commercial travellers, re-lt(Vied' in edmonton trial Phones 82, 200 and 134 ,smilh on the I'rinci' train included .1. (i. Oorman, SEED POTATOES THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REXALL STORES Claxlon. and .1. Strang! of (li'orge last night: Sunnyside. F'.KMONTON, June 2. Finger - ' TnmnrrnW, Jmic .'t. being the print evidence in the supreme A. V. Carter, manager of Kilis's Itirlhday. the regislralioii criminal rouil submitted in the Chemical Fertilizers Oceanic arrived la n nd general delivery wickets at case of Chester Coleman and Cannery, on t ICtarcneo Moreland. secured their of alt kinds the.. Posloffice willjje. open from jiiahf train from 1 1 e. Skeeiia k ..s . . tf '.o'clock lo IP u'cltick Iii the" couv iciioii. on me cuaiiies oi and will sail Ihi afternoon B & K CHICK FOOD fltiver morning only. breaking umj entry und 4 lie ft on business... when all other evidence failed. B & K DEVELOPING FOOD Mr. and Mrs. I.indemau, falh In the crown's case (here was Insist on B & K goods goods that have been analysed A M-i.w earrylntr Ooii.oiiu fee GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY er-iiulaw and moier-iu-Iaw of no evidence lo show that the men by experts and proved the best. if lumber, la I h and ,i .-liinirlc S. S. PRINCE GEORGE AND PRINCE RUPERT will sail Thurs-ilay Items unloaded al li. II. Shock !'.' I.. Iluckley, Hie Massed lim- had been seen near the premises We retail everything for Poultry and Stock broken into here novrvi lierman. rellirne'd south last and i was und Sunday ul 12 o'clock Midnight for Swanson Bay, ley' wharf near the nil dock. .Mr Ocean Falls, Powell River, Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, bhoekley will use Hie material uiglil afler having spent some deuce lo show that I hey were THE lime visiting in the cily. found in possession of the goods BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO, LTD. tor Anox Wednesday. 11 p.m. l'or Stewart, Saturday, H Inc.illy. alh'ged to have been stolen, hut S. S, PRINCE JOHN For all points Northern und Southern I ,M. t'rell, iif Senllkv who Harry l-'nnle leaves on tninor when 1 leleetiive llcynolds, of the P.O. Box 745 Prince Rupert, B.C. Phone 350 Queen Charlotte Islands, May Ulli and li 7 1!i. June 1 0 Lit und has heen in the dislriel for rows irain on a three week cily police, took prints of the illi. July Hlli and -'-'nd, August 0th uud 111 111, Sent. L'nd, IClh weeks arraiiidn;.' for shipment omt, holiday trip lo Calgary and Van men's fingers and compared them and 3uth. with the pbolo of the finger , of mild cured salmon from couver. .Mr. route will return Train Service lo town by way of Ihe C..V.U marks found on the .stolen goods, Skeena. cannerjes lo 1 ho liast, ri Passenger Daily Except Sunday, 6.45 p.m. lui-ned lo town from' Ilalmnrat on leauiship mule and the Inland they were t tie same. Mr. Justice D A IT Mr rrozen herring bail is conceded by fishermen Fur Sunt her, Prinee (ieorfie, Edmonton, and Winnipeg, last night's train. Passage. 1'wccdic convicted 4 he men on Ihe to he the finest procurable at any Pacific Coast makiiiK direr I eonuectiout fur ul) points in Eastern Canada barge and sentenced each to Port and it is "Fishy." Price, $30 per ton. und Lnilcd Stales. Mrs. V. p. Miss lloslas, .Miss llindleish serve In months in jail. T("F lllfi 1,est wa'' of insuri"K a Kod lualily trip is ALL TRAINS AND BOATS OPERATE ON STANDARD TIME ily. lale of Anyov,Armour,left las of evi Ihi.s and It. I'. I'ike, Miuueaiiolis t "u r The finger prints being want to have plenty or our hard frozen ice. Price, isis, arriveii irom iiie i.asi mi ing to a former case against $4 per ton. Agency for all Ocean Steamship Linos ninj; on I lie Prinev (ieorse fur last Coleman the the . night's train and continued same day jury Ur WR"-ca.n'lled store can supply fishing Third Ave. Phone 260. Seattle where slid Outfits gear, City Tjcket Office, 528 will visit with their soulh leavimr found him the relalixes lour on the in-4 guilty oil flsliermcn's clothing, groceries and provisions proeeedlim: laler lo Prince (ienrge for Vancouver. barge of the theft of silk from mid hardware. .Miiiisoii. Alberta, her old houn Victoria and Seattle. the London Silk Company. al Mrs.months.AiinoiirSvill lie away sever - NEW ENGLAND FISH Company !'. (i. Hoe, locomotive foreman Ketchikan, Alaska TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Branch for Ihe Canadian National Hail CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY the Canadian PaciNu e-oaster ' 's at liilmonlou, Princess Linus,, will arrive from passed WW XT HI - Young tfirl for light through Ihe cily last niuhl hound B.C. Coast Services Hie soulh nl llto'elofk this eve. housework. Apply P. O. ltox j iiiii; iiiund north fur soulh for Honolulu on a holiday (tin. 307. Phone Hed 5 it. I '.'! nmoc piiym -Luij Corp. prai He is acniuiiiaiiied by his wife eastern Alaska ports. Anion;,' mil mothcr, Mrs. M. A. Hoe. i from Prince Rupert the Sailings pascncrs who have honked - ANNOUNCEMENTS Juneau and Skagway passage from here are, V. Mo. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, I iii n. .1. II. Kiaser and II. Ilrady, Thomas )eereau, chief en-ineer April 21, May 1, 12, 22; June 2. for llawsnu: .losepli l.avadier and of Hie tug Itermuda, who Cinderella I lance in l)e Luxe! For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle I.. A. Sleelc, Atlin: Mrs. Mcliwen, uslained a severe fall mi Ihe Hull, June 2 from t to If. Ad- April 25, May 5, 16, 26; June 6. Skaaway: A. fraser and l. Mc waterfront a few days ago and mission 50c. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanson Bay, has Kay. Wliitehorst-: .. :. fishy. since been in Ihe (ieneral East Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell sailed .luneaii, and A. V. Carter, li. A. Hospital, last iiiirht fr River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Healh and W. ,1. Casey. Kctclii- ancouver from which cily lie Agency for all Steamship Lines. kan. ill return when he is fully re- Your and I'u 1 1 infut Miation from overcij from tils injuries. Boy W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. He"V. and Mrs. C. V. Oe.Mille, of Hegiua, and parly wlio have. Our Watches been in the cily since Tuesday UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED anil niaiie t.iie rnuml trip to Any If you own a boy sliu is "X on the' Prince Oeorgc vesler idd nine he SAILINGS . us as years, Pftn V a mm.... f. i..1 1 1 C..... lloii 'I't in wiln V H n III. day, returned south last, night ought lo own a watch. w"iivwu?vi urea ii una tuiu omii.-'h wv-i For Vancouver, Alert Hay and l'orl Hardy, Saturday mi their way home. Mr. Dc He isn't so very purlieu-; For Anyox, Alice Ann, Port Simpson and Wales Island, Sunday Mille is School superintendent of the la r, you kinjw, as lung- us it Sunday nnuniKlil. Federation of tells the time. j For Nam River Canneries, Kridnv a.m Saskatchewan and lie and his Well, hero Ihey met The: wife and parly are making a tour nickel plated kind, $2.00.! of the S'es, liiffficnt other kinds from - S3.00 to $15.00. DENTISTRY BEAUTY OF THE SKIN Sleps are hciiii,' lakeu by Ihe W'e guarantee them. Gio U tb natural d. ire of every woman, old officer of Ihe -uliniiMiir him when he his and la,(,ja hjr ,h, nM or 1)r one pusses t-uao aOluluirnt. l'lmplaa,lilacklirada, club lo have (he concrelii dam ul ! lun'l neglect your teelii. One decayed or missing luut" Inlmtlnn roii(bu,ea and and eciauia redneaa dlaaiiprar.of ilia akin,and Ihe Salt l.aku repaired and any exam. lowers your vitality. ....51m'h i "" "u")olh and velvty. other small necessary work turn, John Bulger, v, .-.uiiiBnwin. jiaiea c tjo.. u ii,,."u, inmpio. llupl five if you pleled. They will carry on until DR. BAYNE uii.ullou Ibta vtrt, such nine as inner may ne appointed. The Jeweller Possibly it may imt ,o Mooms 4, B, 6, Helgerson Block Phone 109 necessary to reorganize Mm club VGIFTS THAT LASTt, OlUce Hours; Mornings, 0-12: Afternoons. 1:30-5:30; this year as there Is m l much Evenings, 7-. Raj work to be done and in one has u-ui ii aiuuty to bpitre. Mtarring tonight at Ihe Ve9tholiue Theali:,