PAGE SIX TBI DAILY KWfl Friday, June ? WILL RECOMMEND THAT HEARTBURN WHIST DRIVE AND INVESTED IN VICTORY BONDS can be made to earn DANCE WAS GIVEN MONEY BUILDING OPERATIONS Interest by selling the bonds and Investing In first wlj i nuuivifc i HEATRP mortgage on Improved City property. And the mortgages are BE CARRIED THROUGH A SEVERE CASE BY ORANGE LODGE Tonieht- and- Snturrlnv Mai.V. j ... . ana Just as safe, although not so readily convertable Into cash. Money Manr tK-ople are trouhleil with heart niihi Invested In mortgages Is, generally speaking, fixed for the term of M. Parfltt Would Build Pcrman- "7' " rrnlly a "u, Ju" tal About out) hundred persons COSMOI'OLITAN PltODUCTION FROM T1IF TW the loans which run from 6 months to 5 years. Hence the larger ent One-Storey Building on i' CP, of ,h, lrouMe ihere u were in ntlcndance al very en -- AAUIMJ1 McLaughlin Site. (man In anl tiuinlnir pain In the stomach joyable whisl drive mid dance rate of Interest. Drop In and talk It 'over. ' It H held last in -- attended iiy disiurlied apiellte. night (lie Mctrupole M. I'atTill, lit,. Victoria eon- generally caused by irreat acidity or tho Hall under (he auspices of the tractor, who came here lo inspect """""n. whenever loo much food U Loyal Orange I.odfje. "Back P H. Q. HELGERSON, LTD. """c Ihe .McLaiiKlilii. biilldinir ..lie lc"'. 'i ,0. !"nt.!UVn First prlos were won by Mrs. av Willi a viiwv lo proceedl'llf,' Willi such cases orien wttirs. anil Hen Helariio and A. Creep while Oli'i'l'alfoiis illri'iuly t'oiillncilppil what Is Ihrown up Is four and Home times consolation awards went lo Miss yl'L'tN CIIAIILCITTE LAND DIVISION. Ihcic I.atiulili.i.hV i-.liiin...l lilt! lull- ..().V. II..... Mc-ll... u'llrr,' " rhl r '""iliuro Delia McKeiule and Allisler Mr- Animal Comedy, "The Kids' Pals" B.C. Gazett' Tike nutlre that W. 0. MrMorrls. c.r ,, . ,. , l u keep jour Ihcr aciivo by uslu llae. Admission, 35c and 15c Vancouver, It.:., inlnir. Intend to apply .... i-i.-i. fj.v niiK, tr. MILtURN'S Charles. I.enioii was master of :U'pni'lvcrt the Minister fur rum,f Lands prtrolptun fur i and licence natural to I'ai-v.K .iiiatlf a cai-i-fiil c.xuinina LAXA-LIVER PILL ccreiiioiues aiiij I heodore l.cck Montlay and Tuesday, Richard IJarthclmr Hartt ; mj uvcr ami utulcr the following desrrltwd tioit hi tin, sue ami local con. and j on will have no heartburn or other presided al Ihe door. Mu.sie was "Torablo David" ilniiils, flume 'on Skldriratc Inlet, (.raliaiii liver troubles such as constipation, I Miami, II.C: Cmiiiiiriirlnir at a just planted ililioiisi iiiul . jiow ftoins' lo re Jaundice, water brah, noallntr specks be- furnished by Arthur' Orchestra Jat the northeat corner or Sertlon Si, coiiiiiiiMiil lo Mis., JTuMiishlp ii Iheneo wen go rlialiu; thenrc (.'lay of C.ali foro the ryes, coaled lotiffue, foul brctlh, and refreshinenls were served al IH1 HHLHLHMBHLHslMHSSSSFflfiHRXESB&KaFi isi.hiii mams; casi iu ciiams fornia, mIsIim of llib ilcccactl etc. midnight (he comuiitlee in inenre norin u cnuiiis 10 point oi rum Miss hdllh Shallow Lake, Out dial thi! slnifliire he lniilt lint Cultlnr, iiieiit'enicnl. cliaive of this end lioiiisj com Shoes Located Marrli 3 1, 19?. Hull Hip wrlle: "I have had heartburn rur a Ionic w. n. McMoniDS. Locator. jihuts he chanpil In lime. There were rnalnit and burninir posed of Mrs. S. I.. Warrior, l.oii ?l.on- i.ori l.nn t on i on if,,, TT proviilc for a one islorcy con pains In my slomach, and then, when I Mrs. Frank lliuiyli and Mrs. W. UtELX CHAnLOTTE LA.NU DIVISION. i Trie biiililinr willi presi.ocil linVk vomited there was a our and bitter taste. Ileid. Tlie scncral coiniuillce III Take liollro that W. CI MrMnrrU. i.r fro ii I ilivitli'.l illlo thrt'n lore I used two vials of Mllburn's Laia-Llrcr For One Solid Week We Offer Oueo worn, will so fully win Vaimiuver, li.C- miner, Intriid to apply I'llls, and they have cleared me or my omprised Frank llauli, chair. a Real to the Minister or Lands for a llrenrn to lirenuxi'M wllh jilalc ylass win. your cuiilblence thai you will proT-ei ror coai, petroleum and iialnral lows heartburn. I don't I Link they can be mini, Charles Lemon, A. Creep if,ii over and under the following descrllH-d beaten by any other medicine." and Alex MacKeunie. SPECIAL accept the next pair williuul liuids, situate on gklileirale Inlet, Orahain I lie nlca of haviiirf a sccoml rilec, jc a vial at all dealers, or mailed Isl.iml. il.t..: i.oniiiirnr.lnr at a tmsi n allied further introduction or ree-ouiiiicudalioii, at the noithne't corner or Sertlon 6, floor willi aiiai'liiicnl.x .Mr. I'ar direct on receipt or price by The T. Mil Beginning Mondar, Mar 2. Wi Wil. Run a Spaclal Fn. Township 3; thence east 80 rhalni ihenrc lorn Co Limited, Toronto, OnL NCREASED DEMAND Ona Waak Only, fill "would nol rccomnieiu! as old friends whiiii u ri.nins; iiirnco wrsi su mains; al I tiirliiv llils f-k n will il, riitiri. fn inenre norm u mains to point or com litis lime, alllioiiuh lie will tn-nli wai.iiir i.r...snoi.r.ns or wi.10111 iiMMinrii 1 , whose dependability and uieucetneiit. RAISES TEA PRICES MMsil lirartiii-til lor I 1 n.1 ai 1 Locolcd March 51, 1892. My surest lo Mrs. Cray dial 111 l,le ,"'a1' ""'uii' !o tins extra lint liirlmli' arn STAIll IIKI. c.lil.l .Miv 01 II r I.A-.I. worth ure fully proven. W. o. MeMinillia, Loealor. Hie lmililiiiL' he such II. eraitjr, Udmi siMe.-n Ii iiilwor'niiiK onr.isi u r.ii.ii.i.s ami ill.v ht.T Wi- tv inilna; lo In on ilia t nur .hjiif OL'EEM CIUIILOTTE LAND DIVISION. second floor may he added al a men miusl join th rani. of !ie I'lie shortage of Ihe supply of H;oViii;m..Far silpi'rlur lu Wi Hull Imvr dul.n hail In IIh-a w.nilnrul lioinc a- well-u, . n.. m v ,,.. Take notice that V. 0. MrMorrl. or lal-r dale. The ainimalil Unemployed. ten available fur consumption, nur Mil T I'l.MSII SKIlN l( I.. Imt f will lint 1- .nli.ti : In Vanrouver,I he Minister II.C,or miner.Lands Intends rur a licence to apply to ost of Hie titiildinv Huil Mr. I'ar It is nol cxae'.iy the t hit? lo tin1 20 per cent reduction til I1I1LSS.rnry Moinuii lu rrliicu liti'rl muki". Ls ntli ui t. KIRKPATRICK prosiect ror coal, petroleum and natural fill proposes will he S'.iooo Ihe huller which jrl'x-'s Ihi in in the gardens of Ceylon and In Ms over and under the rollowlnr described liiiiHinlior that tin-Hour Canadian Stenm It 11 1 111: I! of llieni .jou'd live if land, plluaie on Skhli-fale Inlet, Graham every man dia, during 11'I'I has, as might be is iiiarki-d In l"'i'lllh.l I ; Inland, B.C.: Coinnirliclliit at a po.t planled I hey never saw );uM.'r, what expected, pushed -the price of tea this arrvlre ami M'-li LAUNDRY M'VI,'B Mill.! The Store of Satisfaction at the iiorlhenM corner or Section 97, I.uimII.' Is MaslM'il u ill riivi a Township g; thence west 80 chains; thence In the Letter raiir.Ii's Ihe ch'-a:- urnfl, '.vn-lIi ffered on the market today, up Individually. Prince Rupert, D.C. fi-icnd 111 11. join u pu rnains; tnence east no rnains Box is tguivalcnl Jo tUMinu Iheir thence north 80 chains to point or com and up. At the same 'time, the nienceinenl. nil '.is. use of lea has been gaining in !.00 81.00 81.00 l.00 !." 81.00 8I.0Q .qo J Located March V. n.St,McMnnrilg,195?. locator. OBJECTS TO FOOD. Copies of (hi-i ivt!- are beinsi IMjpularily and he reduction of NEW SHIPMENT Ol EE.N CIIAni.OTTE LAND DIVISION. forwarded lo (he suiieriiilendcnl fotirpVnco a pound duty on lea Take notice that W. O. MrMorris. of of Ihe line and aNo '.j IVed will .No, H K.xlia entering Ungfaitd further (iiiiifr, (i. 'I'. l. Vaucouter, B.C., miner. Intends to apply lo the Minister or Lands ror a licence to Kdilor Daily .News: Slork, M. I. al Otlawa. stimulate Hie demand. Those in prospect ror coal, petroleum and natural .1. O'SIIKA FULLER'S 8s over and under the rollowinjr described Sum,, few weeks n;ro Hie nv. touch with the situation tidise Moving Specials "K" Shoes (Tlic (iovcrnini'iil has uolliinu lands, situate on Skldrpale Inlet. Oraham eriiiiienl eiirrarTcil luniibcr thai higher Inevit Island. II.C: Commencing at a post planted a of lo do wilh the lyioenl on us prices) are or Section Town, cmp at southeast corner 34. relurneil men, tltrouli (lie tst- able. ship ?; thence north 80 chains; thence Ihe railway. K.1 i I o r. 1 EXTRAORDINARY VALUE west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains; eriiinenl emnluyiiienl ajreney al thence east 80 chains to point or commencement. I'rince Utiperl, for work on the Cream sets a goooi) example No. 1 Wlnesaps, worth 8I.IKJ. Selling for j2M JUST ARRIVED AN EBULLITION. Located March SI, 19??. (.. 'I'. I'. ns an e.vlra irunsr. rises to the lop. V. O. Mr M 1 1 mils, Locator. worlli 82,75. Sclliiife' for "K" Drogues for Men and Tli is was a. very laudahle mi. Netted Qem Spuds, J2.H Women. Xo Heller Shoe OtEE.N CIIAPLOTTE LAND DIVISION. Look who's hers! my old Take notice that V. O. McMorrls. or erlakiiif,' on Hi,, part of Hie friend "lis;.'Uslo," Welcome In Krlnkle Corn Flakes ... 4 for 2$c Made. Vancouver, II.C, miner. Intends to apply jroveniiiieiil cnnsideriii I hat in to the Minister or Lands ror a licence to our oily! .ow if P. . Iloiid prosert for coal, petroleum and natural previous years it slimvc, a dis We are cleaning up everything. Buy Now. I'obe and few of pas over ami unaer tne tonuwing- aescriuen linet Con, a more Ladies' French Heel Brown iireference for "Chinks." lands, slluate on Skiriexatc Inlet. Graham our mends will keep TIMBER (ALE X 3971. Kid Oxfords, only 21 pairs Island. II.C: Cnmmenclnir at a post Planted So (he reliinieil heroes' hearts anonymous at the southwest corner or Section Si, up the' 'ood work we will ac si-alcil li'iiilrr will tif rcrrlteil Iiy Hie to go at $4.95 Township ?; thenrc north 80 chains; Imrsi wilh Sfiilihnli' In the inn. l.lslrlrl Inn-slpr lwt liter Ihan I111011 on thence east 80 chains; thence nouih 80 iiificienl ttoyeriiiiieiil Ihat allowed complish siimelhiu. Disyiisto tlic tfiiil d.iy uf Juiip, tti. fur tlie Iur-rliast- Men's All Solid Leather, inc. chains; thence west 80 chains to point or fails fii'lakc into account (hat of l.ii-ciire X 3971. ii-r Alder commencement. lliem I he privile"c iif loiliii'- f.ip DriPk. U. II. S, to cut t3 M.U.M. Ii-el or (liuiii weight dress shoes. Located March SI, IDS. OUO.oon Canadians went lo Spriirr. Ladysmith- lltirly cents hour less (lie W. O. MeMOHHia, Locator. an Two (' years will be allowed for re All sizes at ...... $7.45 .Vorlhwvslern Kurope lo prevent osl of rruh. moval of ilmlier. QL'EEN r.HAIlLOTTF LAND DIVISION. i.i. t.t.... ...: i ...i Wellington lurilifr partlrulara ol tlic Clilef Kores-ler. See Window. Take notice that V, O. McMorrls, or Here's where Ihe ruh coiih-s in mis iucus in-m-' pet pciraicu on Miluila. or the Ulstrict l ores Icr. COAL Vancouver. II.C. miner. Intends M anolv the rest of the world. lo the Minister or Lands ror a licence to Ihe fi'iili. I'.aeh man is imil- and Yes I have soinehinPr else lo prospect ror coal, petroleum and natural eled week fur lliree Family Shoe Store Ira over and tinder the following described per do, but I prefer lo write.- Perhaps Yellowhead lauds, situate on Sklderate Inlet. Graham siii,ii'cs daily, and perhaps all Island. li.C: Oommciiciiiir at a post planteil I 'shall be Phone 357. Third Ave. would he lie some day paid 'if rijrlil 1 at t ie soul least coiner or sect on squares township 2; tlieuce north 80 chains; thence for my foolish wriliuys, I am were sijuare. TIMBER BALE X1T97. west 80 ciiaius: I lie ice sown cnains perfeclly willing In admit that Sraled tenders will he n-i-elveil hv the Co. Coal Prince thence meiicement.east 80 chains to point or coup The sow helly (iiiisnaincd ha His'tislo s incapable of jml-'iny Minister of Lands, at Victoria, not later Rupert Located March SI, 19??. coil) is tinealalile. H e ?aus;u'e man noon on tlie atn dav of June. ID??. from evil since he is for the purchase or Ucewc X3797, to cut; W. G. MeMdlllllS, Locator. -rood and Hotel Central Phone 15 milsl have lieeu (iiined Office, Iiy a war I.0O0.OOU feci of Spruce, Cedar. Hemlock' willing 16 admit it loo. I would NOTH:K IS IIKIIEHY GIVEN that on Moil- profiteer as II is ulil enough to and Halsain. situated 011 an area on the lay. Hie I9ili day or June, 19??, at to siijrfresl a . voluntary reliremeiil Kasl Arm of lira.wtey Inlet. Ilanje , have Coa-t Land BATHING o'clock In the rorcnoon, a I I lie Coni t-house, seen aelive service. The Ulslrlct. 1 at Prince IiuihtI, l).: I shall hold of fee is a hyhrid, lasting of lu a nunnery. Hut I do couleml inoval iwo of itt yrari will be allowed for re a Court or llevlsion for the purpose or that Ihe sreal body of our Can. Umber, revlsiitfr I he voters' list or the verylhiii except coffee. Ilul Kurilier parlleulara of the Chief Fores Subscribe for The Daily News' named electoral dlslrlrt, and or liearlnir Ihe adians are self 'reliairt and honorable, er. virtjria. B.C., or PUtrlct forester, principal grouch is over (he rriiH-e niiperl. D.C. U7 mill determliiluir any .and all objections to and do not need ol'ier Hie retention or any name, or names on oleo.mai'rrai-iiie. find knows wi any Hie register or voters ror the said district. proleclion Ihan against those SUITS nl our fill of thai decoction in ItIiico Dated lliis oth day or May, IS??, al -'raiice, w hen lull lor cmild not lie who injure some one else. I Itupert, B.C. coul I dial Canadian who J. II. MrMITI.LIN, oMained, 1ml now when fotii1 ntiy ncirlstrar of Voters ror the wun Is (o prosper!, or jrrow lo- I' Unpen Electoral Hist. pounds of .'ooi buller can be Special Showing LANO ACT. liuii'lil here in II. C. for a dot. naeeo niaiiufaeliire or smoke and n, or Honor,ilaliec or SPECIAL BARGAINS Basement use or lar, we fail to ce where 1s Ihe Notlca of Intantlon to Apply to Laasa Land. tiirienliiie or clolhiiir, or pir- In Prince Unpen Laud Ulstrict. Peeonl ccoiioiny in scmliiitf across Ihe line Ulstrict or Coast Haime r. and situate line for this misnamed axle- foini for himself ami his neigh 1)EMERS" in lake vicinity notice or Port that Lssluirtoii.wc. Julius H.Joliiisou:. and yreasc. bors any one of the thousand Friday and Saturday Only Waller Meml, or port Essiinrton, It. c. B. C. Products. and one things which mak,. up occupation lishermen, intend lo apply ror Grocery permission to lease the follow lliir ds-liei. laicoiirac II, 1 1. I'rodiicls. A our civilization, should have and Phono 27 P. O. Box 327 lands: Conimeuelnir at a iost plnnted has by right Ihe liberty lo do so uii'l soulheiist corner or Lot 45, llainrc 5, Coast slogan rallier misajiplied in (his Men's Cotton Hose in lllack, Ill-own (Irev. (Iiiaraulced fast water Dlslrlrt,mark,Ihenee thence nortlieast soiuli 4 B chains clialnn lu a Ion low if case. without asking permission from color, ssie.i Ji Iti 1 1 Mi SPECIAL, S prs. for $1.00 low water mark, thence west 3 chains to II wim Ii appear Ihat this some puny anti-prohibitionist, lilirh hlrh water water mink mark,lo thence mlnt or Ii commencement chains alonjt wrcnc is iiiioorled specially for or regulator, or verholeu exponent, Men's Cashmerlno Hose in lllack and Ilrowii, Double koIcx, reinforced WEEK-END and contalnlntr 3 acres, more or less, extra italics. All nlher rfanifs on unless in Ibis perform heels and toe and clustiS; top. KLu'h U'.ii to Ii 'j jiii.iiis EDSON COAL U.I Tib Johnson.k'lt'tll I lie road iiicludinu' Hie bridge ance-of service he injures some SPECIAL, 3 prs. for $1.00 SPECIALS Applicants, one else; Dated February 88. and buildiiir.' rTiiny pay the same amount per week as Ihe ixlra Mental Bushwhacking. Mon's Fine Silk Lisle,Hose In lllack only. Ileiufi'iced lieel and COMPANY atijrs do, yet Ihey are supplied Fully half of our lawyers will loe. .Sizes' l j lo II. K-k. SOc. SPECIAL, 3 prs. for $1.00 Powder Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. wilh buller. Why is there, this admit thai our laws are loo Empross Baking 250 disci'iiiiiiialiou? complex, and that Ihi'i-e is no Mon's Fine Cashmere Hose, all wool, in Jllack, Tan and I'aliu 12 oz. l.iiM Tip1 commissaiy man whyn reason why (here should be any Ileach shade, reinforced lieeU and loeis. Hizes v Vt to 2Vi Hi. lint 75C Best Coal liresscil for an explanation on mystery ahoul law. Certainly if ItVi. ilei,'". ?1.UU SPECIAL, 50c pair 0 lb. I iifs $1.35 Oisguslu washes his opinions to the could siibjeef no! j-'iv- - i a , TO EUROPE bill hinled have weight he should have IJm , l. 25c iliffereal at social Men's Modlum Weight Wool Hose, in linlit Krey shade- Wzeu Sunlight Soap pe ai scales. courage of his convictions and 10 to 11. Ile. 00c SPECIAL, 3 prs. for $1.00 at MAKE RESERVATIONS NOW! Now. Mr. Kdilo wlia' nix'i sign his name below them. Men Spaghetti, miicky-iiiiick o" jji ri:- is re- ial bushwhacking is nof apt lo Men's Soft Collars, ARROW Brand, in While, plain blue and Quaitor 25c Lowest Prices QUtBEC-CHCRBOURQ-SOUTHAMPTON-HAMBURQ ponsllde for ;!i.s iii.tuti., ll cause Ihe people o think much of .Stripes. Sizes' 11-10-10 -17-17 Vi. Hug. 35c and 50o for writer capable of expressing (i..r(l per weeU cm .iitioly but eueh. ) IV Jun 13 July IIIAug 8. SPECIAL, 10c each Cheese, .Emprata of Franca ler lo it can io forceful opinions over a nom de Finest Ontario Juna one crew, an 22 27!July 2B,Aug. Emprtaa of Scotland 45C other and unless it is pluiiic. So please Mr. Discusser for supplied Men's Cotton and Flannelette Shirts, wilh collar ullaehed, in Order Now! Phone 58 MONTREAL-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP don't prohibit my poor efforts Juna 10 Scandinavian lo Whiile. and Fancy .Stripes. Sizes I t Vj lu 20. Ileg. 93.L'5. 35C Juna 21IJulr 19 Auo. 18 Malita amuse myself and my neighbor., Cold Dust, per e;t, TERRACE SPECIAL, $1.25 and lo bring ahoul belter July B Aug. 2 Aug. 30 Minnadoaa laws. Food, MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL Infant's and Misses' White Duck Pumps, one sirup, Ivulliur Two Minute Oat Juna 16 Jul 14 Aug. 11 Montroaa FRUIT LANDS IIOO.MKS K. FHFCMA.V 250 From the Farm Juna 30 Jul 28 Aug. 25 Montcalm sole. HUvh Uo 10. Hog. nM'O .... SPECIAL, $1.55 pair paekaUH's far to the Table BE A BOOSTER. MONTREAL TO GLASGOW Crack- Juna 7iAug. 5 Scotlan S acre lot, 2 miles from station, Ladles' White Duck Pumps, willi buckle, medium und hlyh Square Shell Oystf i 4flC Juna 17July 1B Aug. 12 Tunisian all cleared and under cultivation. (J conic mil of it yon rooster .heel, rubber sole. Sizes U lo 0 Vi. Jteg.iisa.50. ers, fresh alnrk m BulkleyValley Juna 24 July 22 Aug. 19 Coralcan New f rained bouse Cake a lip ami be a booster. SPECIAL, $1.00 pair July ,1,'July 28 Aug. 26 Matagama with busemenl, good well, with Iloosl your city, boost you frienil. Special BEEF QUEBEC TO LIVERPOOL pump. 1 aero strawberries, 22 Hool (he church that you allend, Boys' Cotton and Duck Wash Suits, colors While, lllue,and Candy PORK Juna J'ir 23 B July 18 Aug. 15,Emprata of Britain, fruit trees set out. this Hpriug. A lloost ln ulrcet on whicli you're Fancy .Stripes, in sailor, lleg. 2.00 ami $5,50. .Norfolk (l.ii.i Droj.-. J-lly 1"'""'." Emprata of India MUTTON fine summer home, , ilwelliliff. and -tunic style. Sizes 2 (o 0. . . SPECIAL, $1.25 and $3.25 I tiitndy VEAL MONTREAL TO NAPLES, GENOA Price $2500. Terms arranged. Hookc the jiooil Unit you arn !5C FRESH KILLED POULTRY Juna 22 Montraal 5 acre lot, 1 mile from town. w'llinsr, , SEE OUR WINDOWS FOR THESE BARGAINS rim ai"'"'....i,..i. nt-r i Skeena River Farm Produce M0NTRCALSOUTHAMPTON-0LA$QOW 2j acres under cultivation, In. Ilool tin. people rouinl ubtiul Thi., is tlie biK''"1 v aluc Jx'y 3 Scotlan ' i! wly VANDERHOOF CREAMERY rltiiJiiiK strawberry patch. Well you; , (own and stock I" ST, JOHN BOSTON HAVANA-KINGSTON. I'liey can got alontf without you. BUTTER located iii Rood road, Price $1500 cash. Cease lo be.a "chronic, knocker" Universal Co. Juna UiJuly 1B Aug. 12 Sicilian Trading NORTHERN INTERIOR asu to be a ..nroifrc blocker, CO-OPERATIVE Apply FOR8TER,to Agantt Oanaral ovary Agtnt,whtrt,O.P.R.or Station,J. J, KENNEY BROS. & CO. If you'll make l'rliieo lluper! Ouoert T bctler Vancouvar, Talaphona Stymour 2630 Cor. Third Ave. 211-2" and Sixth 81. Phone 376. Phones Phone 81 CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY Real Estate A Insurance Brokers, lloost it lo tlie final letter. Trafflo Agtnt. TERRACE, B.O. - 0, A. Nelson-