June 2, IPJ2, TH1 DAILY JT1WS page fiVe splendid opporlunlly lo camoii. oh Ihe tile and brick tawng, was Nfige workmanship," said Mr7 called upon, TIip material used. Cox, in referring' to ''tlie-nibble Mr. j'Osipp said, nan nepri as walls. ; I'Pnn wprp used and good as ever uspd In Prince Itit-ppfl. stones of any sire cfiiild be Souip of the mortar had M2 Ihrown in and facings pul on become like wel sand on account MACDQNALD3 Hie outside with cemeiil. He of Hie frosl during and after maintained Hint the method of laying, lie had pnl poinllng on ronslrnrtinn here was wrong Ihe fire walls to replace Hie for a public building an gnvp facing which had become rotten. excellent opportunity for 1 1 : IL had been UspiI to cover up Ihe covering tip of floppy work. He old mortar. Jl.aughler.) would "nol ciinleiiin Hienr alto. Answering n nueslion pul by gelliPr nl this time, however. Mr. McLennan,- Mr. I'osl.er denied ,Mr. Itassu-llerl went at leriglh thai mortar whicji had been BRIER inti Ihn use of such walls,1 referring allowed fo freeze jn a pile tuil-side lo buildings in Kurope thp building was smashed built exclusively by llii method. up with ii pick aiul.Useil. The II had hejn first clas malerial. mortar had really been frozen mm Mr. Poller said thai the form afler il had been laid. of construction used here was "Threw a Bomb. jus) about Hie riahl system for' W. Walls Ihrew sonielhing of loejil rock. a liomh into Ihe proceeding when Mr. Hox said il was not erual! he declared Dial, during Ihe lay In conen-Je. The rocks lhem-1 ing he had seen Hie walls bulge selves would not stand up audi and kuockl'd hack into place with alb. the form of construction . . - . . . was a rowel mnl the work rarricil rotten. I on from there, lie ,had said to TIN Mr. itassn-ltert referred "(o I lie Ihe. workman: 'Tor f'Ood's sake, ilk Underfhings Del.uxe Illoi-k which had been! I'red. quit," lo wliieji - llie reply 854 buill in Ibis manner. "dances t had been given Ilia) orders were have been held there for 'three In' go on. The bricks could be Packages 15 years. lo yoii Ihink if il was picked off. Trie makers of rCayser "Italian" Silk Underwear no pood 'Hint i would not have Mr. Piitinnre asked Mr. Walls the high quality and exclusive (Made in Canada,) collapsed?" why., when be knew, of Ibis, he features of which are recognized as standard, Parapet Walls. had not notified Hie hoard. If In regard to Hip parapet walls, Ihey had known of il, -il would strongly advise the use of Lux. They, say : Mr. Cox said he could .sfiow have been slopped.- Mr. Walts houlil he alrighl if Ihe walls where ij would have been p .--bin replied Hint il was not bis duly Mere ginid. r n the'beauty and luttre of three nfake Sneaking of fire Mr. "Lux renews lo a much heller. Job to report to the tmard and was escapes, excellent garments. Silk Underwear should under Ihe cornices. There wrtre really none of his business In go Cox made (be assertion Hint the be washed at home, preferably with Lux." irregular joints and loiigiludinl over Mr. Poller who had I old Villi I in? of fire escape had been wood had been put in the lirieR him, when he drew the mailer lo held over because it was feared work. The Tire walls had an allenlion, that, il was si mere thill the walls would mil have Forest Fires A quick gentle washing in the rich Lux ludi will make his ;4! uiieitial hearing on brick and tipporlcd them and would have )pail. The school hoard might The clean and fresh when underwear at at new. your tile and were badly balanced. jiavp takpn a look at Hie work rdlapscd. thin white satin-like flakes of Lux are made by our own This conslilufcti a very weak once in a .while themselves. I Mr. Piilmore look nbjerlion lo exclusive process, and dissolve instantly into a rich point. "Were you aware of this, Mr. slich an imputation against the bubbling lather as, h armies at pure water itself. Mr. Potter said he did nol Poller," asked Mayor Itochesler. ianl. know anything aluml longil "When I was I here, .1 or i Fire Escapes. Lux ttanJs tupreme for ukuhing and oihtr fine dinar wood being used kmrr.s a day, i or ! das a week, iMayor Itochesler "Were the By Burning the Saplings fabric. It u toU only in tai pai l(tU Jusi-proot Cracked Hie work was being carried on re escapes ordered, Mr. Pol-r?" r. liox inquired why urov properly, ltegarding Mr. Walts' tiles had been used. They 1 slalemenl when I saw such work Mr. Poller "No, this was held of become pinched and had sliver being done I ordered il. fixed. in abeyance. At first Ihe hoard Today off. He had pushed his fin However, il would have been possible had deemed them unnecessary LUX Hiroush Ihe holes. .Nine tin' for the workmen lo flini and when Instruct ions arrived liles specified had not been use flam il and 'it would lake a from Ihe council lo inslal them lie would condemn six hide liles mistily clever man lo keep his I receive! orders fropi Ihe board ,ts Hie building stood without eyes all (over the Jol at .one to get..quotations. In Iheaueiin-Hn'ie LEVER BROTHERS LIMITED, TORONTO pillar and beams. II made it lime - W - Hie trouble arose, sn nothing nothing but a sliMI. "You were- responsil for llie. more was done." Mr. Potter said that the nine release, of (led Me.Miifdi.O'" oh- Mayor lto:hester "Io you not Destroy the Forests hole tiles could not lie obtained h.nit-iil VI l4 l.illr remember, Mr. Poller, -in Ihe L BOARD HAS FOUR Dr. Kerfrin. o six hole werp used. They bad "Vni the building built ' ar- presence of Cily Treasurer Vance SESSION ON REPAIR Reply to roller. . y been ample for - the . purpose. f'Ollllll III 51 M IT l IlillHIIIS, IIKI'1 fltin? in' ttinl the fiiv escapes of To-morrow TION COUNCIL IS TO In oppninx up bis reply to Mr. however.., Ihe mayor. had been ordered four months BE CALLED IN. Pollers r'epnrl, Mr. t!ox saK The question nf. laying' the "Willi such niodificalioiis as I ago? I would swear on oalh that that jl was mi misleading tinl tiles on end instead nf on their .sanctioned," rrpnert"Mr. Poller, yoi said that." Kntinurft from Pajrn IT. lie, wi it it liA ve I o"pti i nl i 'Tt flat sides llien earim 'up. Dr. Looking back now." asked Mr, Mr. Poller "II was only it; elaup by clause. Kprgin said that Vii' wa probably cl.ennan,"is il your opinion that April or March of (his year Ilia; a lljr as ln hut in llit ulion masonry wan'pxafr- "1'irst, the brick was the brick the crux of (hp whole mailer Hie faulty mortar was caused by the order was given to gel quotations. Put them Out M. Tln'rf 'vverr no cracks according to specificalions?" and asked Mr. Parfill forJHs rtost?" -r-- 7 . I deny entirely the lh 'atTiJur finrs al- "No," replied Mr. Poller, "I lie opinion. Yes. If I fniilt another build. mayor's slalemenl." Ih' t viro Seallle bricks specified were no Mr. Parfillsaid Jhal workmanship ing nf this kind il would In Mr. Vance said he did npt re ai kk. Mr.jios.-iJily I'dltcr available and -Hie conlraclor badr had a great deal of bearing built, in the month- of June, July member Ihe incident, jn ques to obtain the best, he could." t on llie success ol laying nnv on 'and August," said Mr. Poller. tion but he did know Ihe fire- JVI:-' IMP on unirs in floor he lixalinff nf Hip liuilil. "Tin's comprises a serious hv tend. They were uo laid on end "How would you account for escapes had never been ordered. feci," said Mr. '.o. "The bricks for carrying weiuhl unless they Ihe fact thai, in snipe places, the Mr. Cnv said the walls along used were not even first class were filled with concrete. In a is ipiile hard and in (lie corridors had nol been biiil! Gives Opinion. ayor pressed bricks nor were they building of this nature he wiiul (iinrlar rpiile sofl?" queried May- according lo .specification. Con-j InrliPi'tPi luainlaiiH'd viirificn pavers as the sinyifi-i say that Ihey should have been hr Itochesler, crele walls had been called for, i ' c in I hi1 floor 1 wi-n- a;;s ration railed for. laid flat. esiMvially bpcause of "I would assume that there hul some had been made of masonry fie tiouliiiy. Hp linil vi-k Artificial Stone. PROSPECTORS BOUND FOR local weather ondilions; was more concrele in some and concrete ami others IkiiiI lipfni'p thiil limp Ilejrnrding the arlifieial -loin California Contractor, places Ihan in others." of lile. nail noiici-d IIipiii in ninru Mr. V.nx said thai It was ub CEDAR CREEK Mr. Valentine.' a Ualifornia I.Mr. Potter llien gave a history II vymld have been heller if lip ) .urn. Tlip jauilor had solulely saliirnted when tie saw ironlraclor. who wa railed.upon of the lile and brick laying. Ihey had been built enlirely of TIip best, quickest and cheapest route from nil northern In iluii vvnler ran Into it. Mr. Poller said that be had said that be had laid tiles in the The work had commenced al the concrete us was specified," said points is via the Frascr Iiivor. in Uii iTiiIrp nf Hip rrinnix. lesled several samples during ertical building' beginning of Seplember and had Mr. Cox. on many way "t! i do niPstion of llie construction and there had Iippii 'Rounder Prince Motor Boat Roofs. George-Quesnel aiid il bad been snlisfaetnry. In conlinucd until -March with a liaf valun wax not jrivi'ii loss than one percent absorption thcrase of the srlionl he would shutdown during the rnbl we-.il Iter Hid you certify lhn roofs as n floors wore no huflt ar- in Sft hours. Navigation Now Open Leaves her Dock for Quesnel every not say that it was necessary (o around Christmas and in Jan being jierfeclly weatherproof on 0 siiPcifirhtions. II is "Did you sep all Hip mixing." fill thriii with concrete allliouvh uary. completion'?" queried Mr. Cox. Tuesday and Friday at 8.30 p.m. inal.srr fur dismiKKion, the askeii .Mr. iiox. Ihe method of laying Iheui onend Explosion Danger. Yes. I was never advised (lie Carries His Majesty's Mails, Making connection inh. nrpj rpinfnrcinK," 'I will nol say that Mr. C.ox needed careful workmanship, and .The iiiesi.in of explosion in roofs wen unsatisfactory." Passengers and Express. with all transportation. 'a .Mr. Cot. is inislaken," replied Mr. Potter, supervision. II would be impossible Ihe building through fire was Big Question. Ilatiso-llcrt inquired about lesleiT alright." Mr. liul what I were, to gi'l a pprfect job in then spoken of, Mr. Cox derlar The big question is still pumlat ion. c;.x ri'idyiiisr Sand. Ibis manner if (he liles were ing Hint disasters of the greal- ahead of us," said Mr. Pat more. 'c had a.mo wild a flash- Mr. Cox said that Ihn sand saturated with waler and. frozen. est kind had occurred in build I think Hie council and the NOTARY THEO COLL-ARt, LTD. diffrrnnl parlft of 0i used was full of mud ami cenipnl ings or this nature Ihruush Hie II. Hryson, court house con- school board should have a joint PUBLIC P'nt it(wl bail Iiiii(ip into would no! assimilate. It was I ruction suieriilenilen, saiu bViills blowing mil. , If (he ron- n ting before going further. t "tip fool iM-) in llie hasp-I not suitable sand. that Ihe vertical plan should nol Vrele Willi was pnl around there II is necessiiry that Hie public FOR SALE: Six Room House, 5th Ave, TIip fniiriihilinn walls Jiail satisfied wild ti I quite B'liill. was have been used ill building Ihe bU-ould nol be Ihe same danger gel (ho fullest information. If East, $2500.00 terms. on sluoiris; rocks. Mr. Poller sand." said school. II should have been in- as in a shell suidi as the school, there is divergence of opin any I all sensible hiiildinir Mr. Itasso-llert, who owns tli lerlocking tile, at present, was. ion between Ihe council and the Rentals Real Eatate General Insurance anil on irrrsulnr linen Conrad Street iftl, said thai lb . that uienl Floor joisls were thru dis ivation. Hp would iot say :ind was of good, yes pxrrllpn ,Mr. .pollen.;said hnaril u bylaw cerluinly would be Phone Blue 69 Westholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 cussed. This, Mr. Cox said, was clips had been used in holding lefealed. The council and Hie huildiug would slip off uualily. Other contractors p .... . .. Ihe liles. a great factor in the safety of school hoard should deride "' n 1 - rx J I,, would suy I ho founda. sa lil ll was uie, iiii"-si p.imi in Mr. i'.ox ddared I bat he Hie building for defleclion of whether lo go ahead Willi these Jiad no Iippii imiii in a ouhl be obtained. The surruje, lo weaken mists had tendency bui)iling was bulging in some a plans or gel the opinion of an i' way ...il.iini.il ..nine 11111)1 till! tfe daces and Ihe,mortar was practically he walls. other building ensineer with a ItassiuJlPil ial thai Hip l.niep alraln from which Ibis wit dust. When he scraped 'ltegarding the roof, Mr. Cox view ascertaining if a cheap ' wero. only Hip lonsrway lii ken. was very good. I he saml him if to PACIFIC CARTAGE Bell fi Crossett ! walls ami (here was nolli-i'tlllv Dial had been delivered at Ihn (he joints the morlar had wine aid Hint il looke,) lo as er method is possible. I would nan neen out like porridge. temporary nupports move Ibat we write Die council ' with Hip foundation. school was only of Ihe hl quality Mr. Poller said dome defects abided afler the roof had been and ask for u Joint, iiiceling Limited Painters and Decorators r colli pt)ifi'il dial, there Mr. Poller would accept for dtiP lo front and wel, others on. wptp ptiL wilhoul delay." PAPERHANQINQ lopes in ull direi-lions." no other Ihan lh had to poor workmanship. Mr. Cox ilouliteii tr uie mniii- Mr. Parfill suggested jhal the !; Phone 93 KALSOMININQ it. No Side Slopes. speii praclically every load of. Usual Material. ing was anchored Iij every direction he( ni'clhod now would he in gel iFurniture, Piano and 1'oller said there were no There was h long discussion Mr. roster, who had worked as Mr. Potter staled. II two outside conlraclois to verify Pre-war I'rices !"pes that lie knew of. aboul the sand in thp roursp of whal Mr. Cox bad recommended Safe Moving Work neatly and quickly "ilghl be" the arux'arnncn which n sample was proiluceil. done. or suggest another plan. 1 General Cartage a on account hiwt of snbspiueiilly the pxcu-"bal sand Mr. Cox tifPd,said he thai,Would if that condemn was the il. AHvprtUinp indnrps a first saleil Mr. Palmore said that the Joint VOai Snntl Bnd Gravel 318 Fifth Street Phone 477 meeting of Ihe srhool board and Hade f()r' 'of Ihe sand pit was i'opnsei1 The history council could decide that point. "ing lank. g itiln, Mr. Itasso-llert saying But "Qunlity'nlone mahca permanent The people would have lo be sat had i'U rejiorl. indiealos thai I hat the gwd strata custom isfied for il would lie loo h.-id to When in Terrace Nlicht I'huncs J. G; Ktern, 871 "lilinx lias ita Mlaldlily a'mi been;.opened up sliorlly before use Hie nioiify already spcnl. W IxmkwIII, Ulu 270 "8 capacity, Mr. Poller," Hip school construction commenced. Mr. McMeeklu seconded Mr. Day Phono B lr Kerjrin, "What is T. H. Johnson' house stop at rar-lie that saying Palmore' jnollon, STEEN& LONG WILL oulsido wpikI. nuwf" wps pluslered on lh was all the thai Ihe board could "' 'ile wall and I he IK. with it. Mr. Johnson, who was "SA1ADA" lo now. Mr. Mcl.cimaii was of Tourist Hotel Sheet Metal Works '"""iii-y floor," reiilieii Mr. present. Mild he did not know Ihe same opinion and suggcaded I 1o from hut Agent for McClary Furncae not iiitilerslaiiil MiU where Ihe sand came n public inquiry as well. Dear Rooms and Dining Room " wall proposition nrlvane- be did know bis house was ouil Sanitary and Ilm inoHon wan put ami car- Smic In the North Mr. Cox." jry.- Other contractors present ied iuid, -after lir. KerglK had Rooms from $1 00 up Heating Engineer "I'ably you doii'l." per- said the sand could not b urd tried, is forsaken thanked the rnnlraelor-H present Meal from 35c up 6th Street and Fraier Strt Once never Mr 'n. "You diil not un. because l eonlained dirt. for (heir ntletidaiice, Ihe meeting F. DUUOftD, Prop. Prince Ituperl - - - li. C. t1"! Out oilier." RubbU alls. Sealed pacKettonly DlacK.Green or mixed cloned. I Co was. here checked by 'T claim that here was a I