al ASK ABOUT OUR Winter Service Specials KAIEN MOTORS LTD. Chevrolet Sales & Service Goodyear Tires — Willard Batteries Raybestos Brake Linings Phone 52; Night Calls Black 379 — vol XXIII, No, 256. 2 = SS = Daily News NORTHERN AND CENTRAL BRITISH COLUMBIA’S NEWSPAPER _ PRINCE RUPER’ RUPERT, | B. C., ERIDAY, NOVE] NOVEMBER 4, "1932 Anite amadian Pact Is: Approved by Both London and Ottawa Division in Canadian Parliament Last Night Was' 128 to 80—Old Country Legislators Vote | 416 to 68 in Favor of Agreement | | | | OTTAWA, Nov. 4:—A few hours after the British Par- — had voted its final approval, the Canadian House | if Commons last night ratified the Anglo-Canadian trade | treaty, negotiated at the recent Imperial economic confer- | ence in Ottawa, by a vote of 128 to 80. Conservative mem- bers voted en bloc in favor of ratification and were joined by one Liberal, J. L. Isley, Hants- Kir Nova Scotia and six Progres- The the Liberal FIVE-DAY as Sar eae siV Farmer, Inc WEEK NOW =: eeu and L bor members voted Britain Also Appreves LONDON, Nov. 4:—The British; House of Commons last night ap- Canadian trade} | Paramount Studios Adopt Plan in | Order to Increase Number in Employment proved the Ang wu Niréaty by if division of 416 to 68. AUNTS LOS ANGELES, Nov. 4:—A five-|Nationalist government supporters day Werking week, which is expec- | voted favor of the agreement, tad to fhtrease the number em-/|Free Trad ) and Laborites yment by 2i' went into effect voting against pt sate Many Convicts Are | Paroled in South | the Paramount Pic studios ees on an hourly baSis Golden Gate Span yesterday Only Two of Six Hundred Released Contracts Are 1, et Men Are Rearrested During Month Three Million Dollars Advanced to _--—- Start Construction of Bridge BATON ROUGE, La Nov. 4 at San Francisco Owing t rowdir of penal] = I ite, the Gov SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4:—Three jernor of Lo ina during the past lion dollars of the $6,000,000 | mont! i released ix | ired which will be required to build the | cor 30 f only twe f the ected bridge across the Gate having been banks. Preliminary cont! mnection with the great spat let yesterday NEVADA BANKS Goiden | parole men have deen rearre } rdvanced by the James Hall on Way To Connecticut were Screen Actor Will Face Charges of STILL CLOSED Non-Support Laid By Wife at ” New Haven United States Treasury Department LO ANGELES, } | J Taking Steps Towards The H tor, v ‘ is W Reorganization back New H { - necti } “ Ansv WASHINGTON, D.C. Nov. 4 yport laid t The Treasury Department intima- | wife, Lret H ted yesterday that steps were ing taken with a view to ¢ organization of banks in the “« Vancouver ays of Nevada which have been ¢ for three days owing to financial $1400 P M rth | difficulties. George Wingfield, Ren er OI capitalist, is the principal figure In the situation In Medical Fees Se = | 4 ‘ ewe ’ ; VANCOUVER, Nov. 4 The city * ' $1400 of Vancouve payu * PRINCESS HELENE GIVEN =) iy gon ical treatment fot * PARTIAL CUSTODY OF SON * persons on relief, it was announced | + ‘ . terday —_—— at the City Hall yesterday ¢ BUCHAREST, Roumania, ¢/""~ coed * Nov, 4:—After having reached © © | * an agreement with King ‘ arol # Halibut Arriva $ + whereby she obtains custody of # } * hor son, Crown Prince Michael, # Summary * for six months of each year * srican—123,000 pounds, 5c and | + with the right to keep the boy #) Ameri a key > ‘ ind o.@ Au o * during that time either in Rou be , . lian—None # mania or abroad, Princess #); Canada American * Helene left Bucharest yeste! ; Portlock, 36,000, Royal, Se and se * day for Italy. Princess Helen¢ ee tee CO storage i al) ‘ : satic Cold Storage, * denied suggestions that a ' #| Maje a er iv 4 ana ot * couctiation between herself : hws 40.000, Atlin, 5e and 3¢ 7 and King Carol might be im ‘ Canadian ‘ pending. @! Cape Beale, 40,000, retused 3.0 ++? @ @ @ and 2c, left for New Westminster. | ‘+e e+ * : , . os \Money Will be Loaned But Cash Will Not be Where the Cold Winds Blow If you think t North Dakota his the end of stee! at Churchill or something The train shown was délayed recently, by huge = your're wrong. It’s a blizzard scene from snowarifts which ,ad to be clearad. Prince Rupert—Overcast, light easterly wind; barometer, 29.06 (falling); temperature, 47; sea smooth. The Weather pt eeeveeveeel * \. EMBARGO AGAINST JAP * GOODS IS ORDERED BY - + GOVERNMENT OF U. 8. # 7 cususmemmane * WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov, 4: # * —A virtual embargo on can- # ned tuna and salmon and el- # ectric light globes from Japan # is ordered in instructions is- |# sued to collectors of customs at * all ports in the United States. #* Unprecedented dumping of * these commodities of late is # * given as the cause for the ac- # # tion of the government. + oe s *¢+#¢++¢+¢4+¢¢4¢4¢4 # POLICE HEAD HAS RETIRED Deputy Commissioner T. S. Belcher of Royal Canadian Mounted Police Superannuated OTTAWA, Nov. 4:—Retirement on pension of Deputy Commissioner T. |S. Belcher of the Royal Canadian |Mounted Police was announced yes- \terday. His successor has not yet been appointed but Assistant Com- ee??e+¢+7+7 ¢ == a = SS ——— Prince Rupert is Listed Among Municipalities Which Will Get Advances During Coming Winter Deputy Commissioner PROBE IS STILL ON North Carolina Authorities Not Yet Satisfied as to Nature of Reynolds’ Death APPEAL BY Handled Locally—-New Scale For Relief of Married Men and Families Under Consideration SOCIALIST WINSTON-SALEM, N.C., Nov. 4 —Carl. L. Higgins, state prosecu- tor, announced yesterday that the death of Smith Reynolds, young to- bacco magnate, last July was still under investigation, the authori- ties being not satisfied yet as to the VICTORL A. Nov. 4:—British Columbia municipalities Norman Thomas Invites American ne ne ie oo to be aided by payment of their relief bills in the next two People to Vote For Him in oe ee vee * Protest after a drinking party in his hom months by the prov incial government W ill pay 5.5' on es Libby Holman Reynolds, his wife | these loans and will not handle the cash. Instead, cities will gos We Bee and former Broadway “torch sing he paid by the p rovince from funds it has borrowed from ee er,” and Ab Walker, Reynolds’ se- eretary, are still! under indictment jon charges of murder in connection with Reynolds’ death. Deputy Minister Of Defence Named Col, L. R. LaFleche of Ottawa Ap- pointed Successor to George J. Desbarats, Retired ne » Dominion government at_interest. .\didate for President of the United ximately twenty-five muni- states, speaking in Madison Square may have to be helped tioned unofficially Garden last night, appealed to the ; November and December Municipalities are also to be bud- |electorate to vote Socialist next! which have already been as eeted in respect to their total re- | week in protest at the impotence of} wed of such aid include Bur lief costs in the next few months, |the two major parties. iby, Fernie, Prince Rupert, North Vancouver Cit North Vancouver District, Port Moody, Prince George, Port Coquitlam and Port Al- One Thousandth Voyage r The government is getting ready to suegest.a new scale for relief of and families in urban aid of $35 a being men married men A maximum family i centre | morte per Interior Weather — 1 Terrace Cloudy, calm; tempera ture, 42 Hazelton Smithers Burns Lake Cloudy, calm, 35. Cloudy, calm, 27 Cloudy, calm, 30 eamer Prince Ru- Canadian National Steamships st | pert which left last night for Vancouver on her eee © @ @ 999th voyage on this Next week's will be her coas t OTTAWA, Nov. 4:—Col. L. R. La- Fieche of Ottawa has been appoin- |ted deputy minister of national de > nee succeeding George J. Des | barats who retired on November 1 CHIN AMAN MURDERED Wone Bat, Wealthy Merchant of Kelowna, Came to His Death | | \ missioner J. W. Spalding of Regina will assume the duties of Acting PRICE: FIVE CENTS “EXCISE TO. BE REDUCED Impost on Cigarettes and Tobacco to Be Cut Under Bill Intro- duced in Commons OTTAWA, Nov. 4:-—-Hon. E. B. Ryckman, minister of national re- venue, introduced a bill in the House of Commons yesterday to re- duce the excise tax on cigarettes and tobacco. This would bring the excise tax into line with tariff changes in the Anglo-Canadian trade treaty. Cheaper Cigarettes MONTREAL, Nov. 4:—From first reports, it would appear that ten cigarettes for ten cents and twenty for twenty cents would be the po- pular selling packings, an official of the Macdonald Tobacco Co. said in announcing today that the re- duction in excise tax, which is to be made by the federal government, will be passed on to the consumer immediately. REUNION AT Brother and Sister as Well as Other Relatives of President Will Be There on Election Day PALO ALTO, Caly union of the. Hoover family will take place here on election day next' Tuesday. The president will be met by his brother, Theodore Hoo- ver, head of the engineering faculty of Stanford University, and his sis- ter, Mrs. Lodge. Other relatives of the president will also be here. President and Mrs. Hoover will cast their own votes at Stanford University. Nov. 4:—A re- CAMPAIGN STRENUOUS President Hoover to Make Thirty Speeches Today and Saturday On His Way West WASHINGTON, D.C., Nov. 4:— President Herbert Hoover, who left here for the west by special train at 4:10 yesterday afternoon, expéc- ted to make at least thirty speeches today and Saturday in Indiana, Il- linois, Wisconsin, Nebraska, Min- }nesota and other mid-west states. {On the way to Palo Alto, Cal., the | president's home, where he will be fon election day, the presidential {train will probably make many brief stops so that assembled crowds may hear the chief execu- | tive, | Right Rev, “Bishop E. M. Bunoz, {0 M. I, wrote from Paris on Octo- jber 20 that he was leaving there for Canada October 29. It is expec- ‘ted that he will soon be back in | Prince Rupert. He has been in Rome after attending the recent Euchar- istic Congress in Dublin. a 1000th By Blow on Head iii Peng - 4 roe Pe '*® GERMANY DRINKS LESS * | me : | | ; ° + BEER; IS LOOKING TO + KELOWNA, Nov. 4:--An autopsy o nancial sidan zi % AMERICA FOR MARKET #| C lif Pe F ls Fi W n Lose has revealed that Wong Bat, also|* I ri Ss yo oni | a ornla ee Ive ome |known as Wong Sam, who was at|* PRINCE GEORGE OPENED # : ope af drinking tar tot *| E h k Th . Li Wh Auto ‘vam ae tear en le ae $ VANCOUVER, Nov. 4: a e ‘inking far less |tural causes, was, instead, ed by , » > seep be sextet oa fa 4 art qua e 0 Ives ‘ ee i is blow on the a we - m7 r oo rae ee or , 8 t § *s reveal, # | H B T siwith a blunt instrument. The in-, pen > Sats of od " Sa + No Damage Done S It y rain vestigation is proceeding. | ree was formally opened : # ing to United States to provide # —_—- _— Wong Bat was a wealthy local # yesterday by the Northwest '® them with a revival of business +| SAN FRANCISCO, Nov. 4—Earth-| RICHMOND, Va., Nov, 4 —Five Chinese merchant and is known to|# Telephone Co. Test conversa- # # whe. prohibition goes out + ‘quake shocks were recorded yes-|women were killed yesterday at a i have been in the habit of carrying |@ tions were carried out with * (here, # terday in Sam Francisco, Monterey | level crossing near this city when | considerable money about with | # eminent satisfaction. s + + @ and elsewhere in California. No ui i-/an automobile in which they were, him. He was found dead in his sande a ee *¢¢ 4 © ¢ *& &¢ & + #| mage was done’ | driving was struck by a train. iden \* “++ @ 44 & @ ¢ PALO ALTO. he ay yi \ i