t tJLSTK TWO TEH DAILT HEW3 pe"JAtT Apr' M The Daily Nevs (NEW OFFICERS PftlXCE RI'PERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA FOR veterans: Printinf 4 PHthn? Vjumyknf. TlriM Ayes--. U.T. PIXUFS. Uastgiag Etftor. UU Hi art Well lUtaM SUBSCfilFTlO.H RftTtSf j; Ue; Oonttrl Fdle- s. V Ol j rMHrr, Isy raed r rrrir. pr mmM h Br JaS i AH jH4 f lb htdf-h Keitpir 4 lb UaHevI SiMe. lhf m a tars 4 pr tr. 6 r - mt itt j Tit-aM qtlr rHA. vinarr. iw...." 7JeaJ o.- ..? 5 Uifat Wsr Vat" A-iair' TELEPHONE 8 I1 -a-w TlkJnili Ai i awn I n-mwix ' Vhih.mI,,, . TKirJ- jlil;.;- , , . . t (6 rr Wt T-r imlHittAf -Si .fj":- VIRGINIA - - ----- --- rrpr- -- - - - " t - i . . J"rnirt AArtMnr m Tnm P.g. Hdr. pr fr1-fi if I dr. el ttniwm . - , . ": mi -tJ aaitr l LmMI IAm"1 fa al 1 S4 CMttraH Rle mi A r4ia(. ceding ttAtt'm, All auhrttyiut rerr'nd bjt So jftrmtji. Wrv DfTlecr Member of Audit Bvreajf of Circulation t. l-r4j5.. April H. lit!. Settling In Solid Newcomers Block. ID ROYAL 5M0KE5 Tb rfnmrnl 7$nt -Htn? ttrwrtttnr 'nt rg ara-jj t'jiUHtiuM tptirk.fr iff 1fiitimf w-Hb I4- -sfjo br In- i Ibl" irrwtHr ft !. I j dirtrrt-nl fmni it Axmm? m thr U Mialo "' lb nHIiij A, Jsi"! II J. 1 k -. - - rrnAirir x Be Kan h &e Mot Ten Years Aso i U M tt . I tUrfc SAYS,; in P, .c. Rupert "5 ?ranrf Fresi Roasted April C. 112. fMff ''IIIhiI tVtorirt Ik lMt l (5 rf- frrW for tC Al t -IhhI I filK--l MriMr dlrrl Ifafl lis 0MlMfH. n,K r.V -.Hb rrj'!'rrr- mttrh farnr m Urn M rmtMrfma. Thf lH Ujal I- k i H M 3L Jrir fVirJ J,y J -ai i-l;-l nn- Coffee O,. Itf al i4 M.I T MII 1 If ---, f-l . " . 5 tinf n- -"n r PaT " 7; , : ' .i"r. r-j-!c; . . . ih Jirlnirr- Hail lai Tinr Iff STflWIX tflMTfH ntt? M ifHf Hit wrrtl Of lt4-m- "-T""n - Jf.u , . flk-rftr. 't M'-L"- Mr. 1;. V. X-Ir. J. K p Have you someone in your home U.mH fUdK mrie r-4ll J Wmus- "T Hj- Jr ' an.II A. dapfn.-u. 3ti E!i- THI.VK a orriH lfci.5'f"t. Hrl Frond. WalJ-r Millar who knows good coffee? iAhr rtxnre ut ihA iUmA An 't ibr Aer- x.t-uir. Jti. PUtu w. it aM he if feir Mr. Huphrir r ijnl Want to give him a real treat? lMf it five. If Hi jrwrrniMiil Angmtn'' il Ihnrwttr qn pasu. r rirl 4rrM snfc arrmnfianjrin; itruHn.a!- It arf 1 Mf'Wxl 6lr immrd'aU4f a nb lo mjh- f -tn rl. . AnaA. . j.. .Th rov-ital wau a jm-al R Buy GOOD COFFEE for him. lfet Um4. In tUt it 1 mUr tl, Hlr r V. CYPllPT Mill " jnor. Buy him "SUPREME" Ui' frw a m3l aoKmnL. all of wbirh t Im ejft4l uim 1.U U1V1 11U I HAVK "Un fc-ar IV ) "SUPREME" Coffee is 'goad, because th-r mrritaSk zimt ant-an ' lira during last m;hl a tfttfotfiriltr"tmyrinettitnU. II 1 l 1 amrd al Ibat Ih1 , buy the finest selected we only rrally l-ii 4 nr rad wa nlrMl ami E wtnfnmt-nl will rfrMf rxfrf to hrtp lb n"- eill' in yel-iinjr AT VICTORIA! Ml it until iit finny. jin imi nnw nf fl rab.I berries. larll In lli 'ra f llr- Barr ,tll'm,Bt. wbirfa ra a i fsibirr, hr -lll,r wrrr jn( Ihwn int ihr Ustri ilfiit an aid ..... "SUPREME" Coffe U rood becacie h t fT "- (i Fit C. P. II. bmi ralll a! FRESH BOASTED. Wi tie roasting tnif batftr, JCo rlfwrt ra mad-1 bHp Iheni aiUr lb) rril. Cpiillr ef Plant I IUJv-iJ toj JV.JvTh Sbt. port Uy. Tliy wr lb peeking tor ctirrent n-Tu!rtmn U MyT I 'fiiPraT ftllomrol ran 1- rarrird on thrmirhwi lb- .inlrj! 175,000 eoartl Feet DaJI,. tner, I'rlnr IValrir-. I'rinrw M realidnj; that Co!Te moit be Fre Rontrd to give tbe bt rulU- li Ma? n4 V lrn. Kna. I'rtnrj Jlay an4 Prinr W ran fjnipAlh.z 1(h lb frMf of Fort Frr, hr tnr Hurt An M th STEWART & MOBLEY, Ltd. th lomtlty 1 si fri mi anl fri -tily UIi. Tit" i1Jian Pb VanmA Iwr' '. IL?" 1, ''"LmZ7.,L GETTIMGBACK- Jbf r ran nol fr why Uie new ltler run nut r on lh' Utt." .Tnwb-r O.jxf.a mj riw! ..7" , . , "aT-a;nlld l4l. an! E" Coffee Importers and Roasters I and All tlyl np. ralbrr lhan itoiu? ou lb nru- lanJ UHUr tram "flNn asrain aflr a hut- . . iji, tw4M,i,irlM-w" a PRINCE RUPERT J b railway, wmi nr iwrmwr. it ill . ' rwri- -Why . IhMiliWr Ihf Fori Frar latwl i(l b f!i up.in Ibr nar! "J r "C I fl f' . im?b 1 'fiitn. Il i a finr ronnlrj. Iil Ibat i no fan wby ali,"I1br J. ! 1 - -rnunf ..L ..i Wail-r Th rbap wb.. ..rlrji lb- Hfnarl Uk- liid oboiiM nftl t.r -IU-d. Poibly mhn om ' " 33.ft frt "-"j-ji, ' il n,y "r' 'i,i"r . . aaJr- run 4et ? Il i . . . . . '. r 1. -A I -4 .111.... - It -t I t I - ' - V.A. I A. I Alf fl. I Edinburgh St-otman. ii lur miMn rtiirr mir mrj will r miter urtr miMl ana J'"" " --- ' awz i,tnfthintz Ilk sbaUop .rir.v ..... .... . iirriur iff irii iiiiii iiip- lunnur riii-ii u 11 nri. - tlba! j oinl walk. tlr Ini- ul more than lbs eombin4,., ... . Depopulation of lb"" lh IU. Franco Qoe On. n. - Ti-l-jrraplnV drpiiibr rlrda Ufa of lb df frfpi);ljon of few lu. bJiad Iho I.lanrl i ... - . Ff Ul Ult m ---1 u- r ipi .aiiiiuii 1. neunpiuiTi ana I a-'ranrr whirh ww goinfr 011 a lb rrnU of lb UUinf off in ihe prwnw-r awrnill frrtm an lainbri outixjl fl' f. attZ thi year. Yorijurdaya at 10:15 a.m. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY birjb rlr. A similar UndViiry J bnwh in many ronnlri. fn-Jinlinr landpoinl. H- Vu-loria ran nke all yHl want. S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will nail Wednesday II i . vr llsttizila. and Ibe l!nHd .Slalv. Ofioinir rondition ar and Manufaeturing Umuftaay. at ' from thm EaaL Anyox. TbdT.day a li p m. for ?w,anon Hay. Ocean f'nrb (i rnii.f parrnU lo IhiiK lwir fforr brinfrin? rbildrcn Cbenainu. iHh or Ihin-r alvml day- Sundays. Tueidaya anJ Tban- Powell Hiver. Yani'uer. Victoria and Ke.il lie. Ibi? world. The rnll will b Ibat lb l 4ivilid lutlallation f a ow horizon-la roimtri? f nsni aviny it mai it fneanx i-1day at 7:15 5. S. PRINCE' ALBERT For all .poinlrt X-rlh.i, 0d 11 vfnliinll' fnrnin lb rotnifrif whirh arr today Ir-ading reaw will be mainly r-nm-ihi hi more ijaylfirljl. if money 1 .pjn. SoiilliPi-n Oueeft l.liailollp lahl, April Id and .'i. ; tnr Ibe inerea in eEanaeiir. in wnrin. wa only liJ.i-,.ftyHshl. Uie more Fee Vancouver and South, Mrwart. April 13 and 21. It i Inir Ibat lb rhnniir i roming alwfil Iou unA Ihal it Trannfer rbain are alti lo b you u.- ibr toift ftw ave. iTueadaya 7 Train Service. will 110I afttrl iMopr how living In Ibi roimlr)-. In Canada h loalhn-d out, Iiilch orenc et Tnur-rtaye It p.m.p.m. . ar.en-er MONDAY, WtDNESDAY.a nil SATURDAY afiHIS into lb (toiler wnMln friirb-(viiiadian ropiilalinn i inrrnlng rapidly, and if Iber renin,iron U'llY I lik- lifin-rin lbi I own April 14 and 35 .? p.m. 1. in. For Sni'lhe're. Prince Oeor?. Kdmonton and V.'lim - eoovyi'r replaced by wrrr no imrnigmlion would vrry l""" wmm the vrmntts. Tbe cin-ey-r, I hccaiiiw I lie Iandlioni do rx) Saturdays t'i lfg. making dirrfJ ennneetion for nil points in IWiirii growing biid-ii' of rrrlain -jari of Ctfiadian to avoid lb ipilway Iraek rbuill. hatf in ttf pulled ojd of Hi- lawn. noiii rnada and I niled Blaleg. dnli of par'nlbootl arr Imimd lo ba a markrd effrrl on lb overhead and iraveitlns general repair eran eofi-lriielet, ear- From Vaiieouer and South. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. fnlnrr. City Ticket omee, 626 Third Avenue Phone 260 Iri-1 out rust In x in lhe neiuti. SiimJayji - 10 p.m nania went a fitiiiii' Wrdnenday 10:30 iHrhood of StJj.nflO. a. m Like to Meet in a Miiiunier day, Preildent The rmri'iany Intend lo d Friday p.m. Harding. Anania ''aush'l a wbnr fiend more on tbe ex-Kiri lrali-lhal Saturday a.m. Ijfflnt of I'rjnrp rtiiprrt would Hkr lo bair a -Nit from So I lie neighbor '. Hi 21 April ami a.d. in Hie pal. and for thai I'rcWdciil llnrillug. Tbr an a great many Amrricanc in lhi ril and Afiwrii-aii (iibrrmi'ti iie the rirl fHfy. friadian' visit reason and lhe ither wharf eiiiiiunl faeilitfeit, ued dr-rirki II11I if Ananiax eiitbl it. For'Anyox and Alice Arm. CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY In Ibe l'iilld Hlal" frilb HUM (bought Ihnl they are in n foreign Told aliuiit il loo. Sondayt 10 for handlln': p.m. ronnlry. 5rel when Ibe) have lo pay exchange off (heir money Ix'inx nverhaiil-d earao vhtpmenlK and allerM,afe olMMty wild have bli-vl'Wednesdays 9 p.m. B.C. Coast Service or lhe (!nl on arliele Ihey bring borne with thern. are all him. with new machinery IiHiik in- from (he nrne oloek and ought lo be one people. l'niMy nrno I would ool. Would you? From Anyox and Alice Ulle in Tbe Arm. minie cat-. new day Cntuutn will nlmet lhe Hniled 8(ale., brfl inilil Ibat lime travillina ran will tiae a tin. Tuesdays a.m. Sailings from Prince Rupert arriVe"' we nfifill hare lo ronlenl onrcrltet. with -AMO.Mi il. ihiniM lhal don't under living tjfit weip and will he one of the biirsdays p.m. For Ketchikan, Wrangell, Juneau end Skagway epnnne na)r. in me meaiiiime we ran. if we Will, make lhing el iu an'htre i wonderius lar?e of itx kind in lhe Nurlli- March 10, 20, 31; April 10, 21. pleasant for piu-U other an neighbor. We ran avoid putting wct. It will be liked oiaiuly hi when Mi I'riiKs.t Itunerl del. I..p.-w. wi- . . a.....,.. 1 piiw.ig. mill mi For Vancouver, VlctorU and Seattle-March ollare in Hie wv of hiioinetx and enn (real eaeb other not only Kale to fiilawa will be Bay, Wales Island and Nsas wilh renier! bill with ronlialily. handling lumber hlwe-n Hie River. 4, 15H25; April S, 14, 25. thick and fofw. Sundays 10 p.m. S. S. PRINCESS BEATRICE Foe Butedale, Swanson If 1'reM'dcnl Harding eomen In Prinee Huperl be will get a ANOTHKIl I hi 111: lhal Illllli Tt,,,-t,l-.i- .. . Eay, East Bella Ocean fAAtf itit it.'.t Ml 1.: . t 1 . . .' entlim. Bella, Falls, Namu, Alert Bay, Campbell , nip jM-fijup win wfirnm mm ni "PROSE-poned " not y.,11 mneh i b.kin,r Fpom 3,mp,0ni Arrandate.mill River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. - 1 r,K,., nng rep.1r.11c mr wnirn mey have a When Angelina Ansleb-am,re for nowdr..p in muke?.- Bay, Wales Island and Naas River. Agency for all Steamship r. ,.M. rr,,. w,,i weirome mm perfnnally as one of Llrwa. llrnwJ inn)P wlln er wriiill3!1 ITueday p.m. the big men of tl,e eonnln and a one of lhe formeri of world l,. r mother aked her: And yet I am aurrit dial Saturday noon Full information from -rMi --. 1 tin win iijiniriiiariv rrnipmi,fr irt.ii wat -.,- i.:.-' fnow dri? in lhe miiitkei;. W. C. ORCHARD, General Agent, ' nitr iliT 111- "What did (he editor think of adniiiiiHlralion and at lux Corner of 4th 8treet and 3rd Avenue, Prince niggei-Uon thai lhe disarmament eon vmir iPfuPy" For Sfcaaway and the Yukon. Rupert B. C. ferenee wa held and (he four-power I'ronpeniu- adverlUlnj? Pari!!- treat- win formulated, - I hB o.,...0i.i n.- mean April in and 21 whirh given a measure of protertinn o (hie port and lend allriKhl " j regular continuous advertising From Skagway and Yukon. lo iriMif e pare for all lime on the. parifle. Miietrely hope "Did he accept any of lhem." April 11 and 25. thai Ibfc preftidenl will find il ennvenient to give ut. a rail when '.No, he uaid he couldn't print he wH Alaska" and will for a few hour at leat ncrept our any of them Just now because lie SUITCASES Queen Charlotte Islands. DONT TEIX US YOUR SIZE, ASK US TO "FIT" YOU lio.piLnlil). "an all out of poetry type. "-Vounslown TRUNKS For Telegram. . April 10 and 21. invictusShoeliilo"" CLUB BAGS From UNION STEAMSHP COMPANY SAILINGS OF B.C., LIMITED ANTI-CL(MAX. April 13 and .27. - r-i" I" and see the new Invicfui Mherly l,nd The Literary Dit-rM puliliMhes SPECIAL ALL For Vancou-r, Ocean Kali and Kwahunn Hay, f ueday. 8 p.m. a KrilNliA.Empire, mimher. For Large Stock on hand. ttawart, Maple Bay and Swamp Patent Mary Janes chUdren'H .THIS niie WEEK Fof Vancouver, Alert lay and Port Hardy, Saturday p.m. paife dfter pa-ic we read arid are Prices very low. Point J'au-hl Mary Jane, children' . j-7 S1 65 Far Anyoit, All e Ann. Arrandale and Wale lulihd, Sunday iriifireked with the areatne of FOR , e Lad.e. I.lackede 2,irap Wa.k.ng ft-jn-J t:JZrv lit i.UInp,: midnffcht. J. F. MAGUIRE lhe' Hrlliiih arid then Nlie're1 a April f. 13, 16 and 27. For F-ori Simpson and Naa fliver Cafujerie Friday a.m. f-aj-e' of Ilrlllsb "huinnr." New Next the Prince Sirpert Hotel rrnm r AM1LY SHOE STORE 63 Second Ave. JACK BARNSLEY, Aflent Frlnce Rupert, B.C. Tnrk Call. Third Avenue April , 15, 22 and 20. tperaung Foot Comfort Serv loo Dept.'