THE DAILY NEWO PAGE THAM The Misses .Scoll will not re Local and Personal ccivo loniorrovv. lluy your preen vegetables a Ihc Cily Market. t Tor a Taxi, phone 07. If Mrs. Alex M. Mansoii will not Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 648. receive toiiiorricv.' ,. to. G. Undertakers. 1'lione 41. If Mrs. (icorfrc I,Idle, of Terrace, . is vislliiifr in Ihc city Ihc uuv Ho nayners, Undertakers. Phone or Mrs. W. S. I'ilier, foiirlh 351. tf Avejiue Kast. Mrs. Utile will return home al the end of Ihc Phone 2 1 0 for Cody's Tr-.ins- week. . '' , If Eastertide- I). (I. Slevvarl is jdanniiifr ex This Guarantee Gives Cash Tor Victory IJuuds. Thos. lensiv'i; alteration, and additions To meet the ever popular demand for McClyinonl. " If to his resldenre on rourlh Ave , nue West. The plans have bee You Better Rubber Footwear Easter Polders and Novelties Cards, wc Oardcii Seeds and llosu bushes siibmilled lo (hu cily building in have this year a large specially selected L.ily Markcl. "tf spedor. -''' The strongest guarantee under which rubber footwear has ever been sold is fastened to stock of each and at popular prices. ' each pair of Ames Holden Rubber Footweari Here's what it says: Mrs. (i. Whilehead will noli,. S. Fisher, provincial lax While we have enough for all, remember :i( home tomorrow. collector, had 'the, misfortune I "Evry pair of A tics Holden Rubber Footwear Is gutnnteed to outwear any pair of similar shoes of any other make, sold at th same price and worn under Ihe same conditions." the early shopper gets the pick of v. cut his. head villi(a mullock Out flowers, Pol Plants"- iii while Kanb'liiiifj: on Tuesday evc- It protects you against inferior workmanship and materials, and assures the greatest the stock. bloom. Oily Market. tf iiiuk. i ne xvouiiit rciiutreu ivvo possible value for the price you pay. If every pair wasn't made right with the .right stitches. materials pure rubber and stout strong fabric and linings thi3 Guarantee wouldn't Alex Itlx . be possible, tio matter what you need in rubber footwear, we want you to try a pair returned yesterday ! and that the best is satisfy yourself fruiii a brief varallon hip to Viv- Major llayues, who has been loria. in charge "ot Ihe plant ot fin Charlotte Islands Spruce Prod AMES HOLDEN V. A. Hindi, Scallte conl i actor. ucts, I.Id., at 111?' shipyard is was in Ihc rily yesterday on his leaving- Mr Vancouver on Sa-tur-day Loot for fie Am QBR FOOTWEAR way to Anyox. in eoiiiu'clloii'wilh Ihe trans, Holden marA on rcr of Hie plant lo the new purchasers. everjr pair. Mr C. W. Kinbleliin arrived on Jin- Prince lluperl yesterday - irom Vancouver.'. Canadian l.eo Waiib,Xalioual manager Telegraphs,'of Hie For Sale by All Good Dealers Now is KODAK Time A gold mine in your loaf. Sec aiiiiouuces Hull Hie messajrc rale our advertisement in this issue. from here to Scallle has been re Wcctrie Window 'Hakerics. duced from L35 lo Al.i'O which KODAKS and BROWNIES briiiKs llie.SeuHb' loll lo the Our Stock is Complete Tim Peeves Vacuum Cleaner for same as .Vancouver. Oilier, re rent by tin- day. Telephone Itlack ductions arc expected, Mr. No. 0 Brownie- - $2.00 00. Th Women's Kxchangc. tf Willi?1 1 stales. ,No. 2 - - $2.50 Itolli (Sordini, of I In- lloyal (iillis (Couture, (diarred with Hank Hank laff. returned yes opcrnlitiK a motor vehicle on Ihe No. 2a - - $3.50 terday from a holiday trip 'south public highway while in a stale of intoxication, was round guilty ENGINEER MINE AT I'. S. in Ihc police court this morning Our frozen herring bait is conceded by fishermen No. 2 c $5.00 Shepherd, O. X. II. I ravelling BAIT audilor, arrived from Vancouver and. fined !00. Constables ATLIN APPEAL CASE lo be the finest procurable al any Pacific Coast CumC In' and inspeel llii'iii. II will surprise you when you see on the I'rJm-e lttipirl yes. l.o?au and Poiistie made the arrest Port- and it is "Fishy." Price, 930. per ton. the pictures Dial u Urowiiie will lake. lerday. last nljihl and wave evidence VANCOl Vi:tt. April 0. The ICE The best way of insuring a good quality trip is in the police court today. lo have plenty of our hard frozen ice. Price, ' Ijij-'iier mine al AHin, valued al See our windows fop new over K3,IIOU;iMI0, is the subject, of $i per ton. ORMES LIMITED line iii Ladies' Vs; newest I'.. Ilui'iiip. m.'iuaser of Ihc a lawsuit in I lie appeal couri, Our well-equipped store can supply fishing.' ear,-vUirilS llmijr Koii?-Shaiiyha I tank at fishermen's groceries and provisions Phones 82, 2G0 and 134 designs ami slyles. Asia where the Knsinecr Miuiii'Coin- clothing, Shanghai who is in this and hardware. Trading Co. , country re)reseited 'n C. by May- pany, THE PIONEER DRUGGISTS TWO REX ALL STORES furlou?b, is siieinlin? few on a rs, is seekin? o reverse J lie or Developing and Printing for Amateurs Dally Service Mrs. .1. I.oflin, who arrived on lays in Hie city. ' lie will visit der of the supreme court, -holdhiK NEW ENGLAND FISH Company Tuesday night froin Hums Lake, (Jueeu Charlolle Islands next that the estate of tlie Tale Captain Ketchikan, Alaska Branch sailed -on I lie Prince lluperl last Week ulonii with lr. I.awson who James Alexander is the lawful evening for Anyox. Is goinjr there as the advance ovvner or Ihe properly. The al- miaril of lloKirlish settlement. f mMei-treiieiiil nf 1 1 ri I 1 1"1 P.i il tl Pn loe Hutchinson. Dominion - Phone 66 . P. O. Box 73 IJ1U 19 IllilliU ,U I'iM iy, US llie l l.'l- RUPERT BRAND ri-lieries overseer here, relumed Provincial Constable .Martin t rat km ot claims is alTectcd. , . . . yesterday from Vancouver where sailed last nijjlil on (he I'rinr The Hiiiiineer .Mining lnniauy JAMES HUNTER lie al'eiideil a conference pf fish Itui'ierl for Anyox, arcompaiiyiu 'laiin that they had completed Hllvcr Walker, of Alice Arm, who GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY eries overseers or I he province, assessment work and tiled their and Bloaters is to answer" o a charpe of hav BUILDER Kippers jlxscvxiiiciiI duties after spcpilin;.' I lie winner of Ihc .." (iold illfr stolen jroidls ill his possess $!0,000 In d.OYclopincnt work, Agont for Traffic, Day-Elder and Buggies TrJi'ki iiece placed in Ihe bread of Ihc ion' hefom Stipendiary .Ma.-rislrale ' when the late Captain Alexander Terms can be arranged for purchasers. i ieciric v imiow nakeries was John Conway. The officer wjll ( came alour am stakeil over lliejr I. A. Spier, who obtained his return lo the city (oniiHil. claims. Iliirinfr the delay in f-ret-liiiff First Avenue and Cow Bay 1 for Salejat bread from the Hays' Hove Store. their assessment record, it is Prince Rupert, B. C. II. W. -Pal and V. Keith, Maty ALL RETAIL STORES ciaiincu inai inc .Mexamicr proup (iovernor Scoll Hone of Alaska Ilaiiibellou, oT llyder, arrived secured registration or the idaiius has replied to an invitation sent from the south .ou Hie Prince The Most Tasty Breakfast Food by the Canadian Club through lluperl yesterday ai.d left for Hit asked which the atlorney-gCneral is now Consul Wakefield (hat be is un north on I lie I'aciieua lias moru- to delete. I Holh parlies are ready lo o In Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE Obtainable happily obliged lo return direct in?. I Inward Campbell, or Slew, Hie privy council m the event of mil is unable lo here. conic arl. ami A. II. Calvert, of Van non-success. It. Synies is appeal couver, also went oil I lie ra DENTIST SniokedDaily by .Mis. W. iny for the Alexander estate. (i. Norric-l.owenlJial chciut Pat Maty lias been ill th and sou arrived from Hie south Kus on milling busisess. Visit his Office Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. yesterday and left on Ihc train FULLER'S SPECIALS Block or phone for an appointment. for Iliucllon, where I hey will join Phone 575 PRESIDENT HARDING'S PRINCE RUPERT .Mr. Norric-Lovvrnlhal, who js en I'liKiyii Salmon only 15c Ollico hours: 0-12, 1 to 0 and 7 to 9 ginccr in charge of Ihe Silve ALASKA VISIT WILL fresh Herring, tall tins 20c evenings. Standard .Mine. l.ibby's Annie Hiilter 25c Sunday Appointments Lady Assistant ' PROBABLY TAKE PLACE Australian llabbit, only 75c t Mr. ami Mi's. .Stanley A; (irif Smoked lllack Cod, tin 25c filli arrived from Hie soiilh yes. Cornell lleef. iniaraiilccd extra Iii coiiiiecl ion with the icruay ami are making Hie roum propos. piality, tins 20o ami 35c First Class For next We have on hand a very limited trip lo Anyox o.n the Prince lip d visit or President.. Ilaritiiijur lo ursiif Oranges, only 70c your perl. Mr. (irirfilh is a nreniber Alaska,, the rolli.winu' despatcli Hesl 'P.uller. I I lb boxes . 40c Electrical Work supply of of Ihe CoaslvVisc Shipping Co from Scallle lo Alaska, papers is Weekend Extra Specials Shoe Repair Job and is a sou of Captain (irirritli, iiileresliiiff: to lbs. Hurrcr' SiiKar, ul'aiui- Ihe bead of thai concern.. J'resiilenl llaiiliny' will devote laled, wilh 'J I ins l-isigu and Accessories try Ed Coal three weeks o bis visit to Alaska Salmon for 1.001 Automobile Repairs J. C. EMERTON The Canadian Xiilioual sleamer sailliijf rroni Seattle', omc lime and Parts son Prince lluperl. Captain W. S. Champion Shoe Repair Shop in Aiiiis unle.os somelhin-f luip-icns Moorehouse, arrived yesterday at to prevent, (iovernor Hone TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY H.PATTINSON Kmad Block, Third Avenue 3 o'clock from Vancouver with the Ihc lisl she or Alaska said today, after re-turiiiiii! First Avenue "Repairs while you wait" which at largest offering passenger we are rroin the eas( where be roil IIKNT I';' I Ninlh Avenue has had Ibis The vessel season. has been in consultation wilh Kat; five rooms, and bath. following prices carried iiul of Vancouver 1 11 Hie chief executive and depart Newly decorated. Ileal 8'.'5.1)0 first class I'.' passengers, second, ment heads. iiiontli. Apply N'inth MINE RUN, in bulk fc1 fi 7 and 240 tons of frefghl. The per -.'I- Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central Avenue l-Iast lied I 0 feel very sure President or phone per ton, delivered ? A J. I O mosl of the passenger debarked. Hardin;.' will visit us," he said. 81 PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. here inaiiy of I hem bciuir for I lie There will always be some one to take them. "I discussed the LUMP, sacked d1 O CA mailer Willi .SCREENED Skeena lliver canneries. N'A.NTKIi furnished house or him a few days 'ajro. Iltv will be per ton, delivered pLO.OU iccoinpaiiieil by Mrs, llardiiur, apartment. Apply l)r. K. S. Prince Rupert Coal Company .1. (i.'Jiorniau arrived fniin Ihc Tail, Hotel ' Prince Jlupert. 8J First Come, First Served and Secretary mid Mrs. I'ull. smith yeslerday on his way lo Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, icueral Pcrsliinir also expects lo ton sAr.r. wood, 0.50 Claxlou where he will spend Hie -niock Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. summer as acctiUMlaul for Ihe sit Alaska as well as a uuiu- a load, Kindling $8.00. Phono icr or oticr prominent persons, I thick Kit. 80 Phones 116 and 664 Wallace fisheries. Mr. Iiormaii Many of I hem iirforiuei) ;iuc of Yellowhead Coal has not been in Ihc norlli for a lln'ir desire lo make, (he trio coiide of years doriiiK which ' luring Hie summer. ANNOUNCEMENTS lime lie was envtiKi'd vvilli a Ior-rIii Presidenl Harding's, itincry On Hock Delivered company in Ihc south. This LUMP, Bulk $11.00 $12.60 ills the I winter he made a I rip In China. for Hp norlli on 'Hie The Ladies of I lie lloyal l'Tir LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 inside Sluiiniii'- DENTISTRY lie was nccoippaiiied out lo Claxlou passimc, at plo Sale of fancy Work and MINE RUN, Bulk only ... 9.75 11.25 Kelchlkaii, .Wraiiyell, I'l'lcii-biu' by I. (I. Davis, also of tin .luneaii, Skajjvvay, Haines, Cordova, llomo Cooking Tuesday, April 11. NUT, Sold In Carloads only . ... 8.50 Don't liijglQCl your Icotli. Onn decayed or missing loolli cannery staff Ihcre. Vuldex, Seward, lie will jjro Analysis fixed Carbon, 41).2 per .rent; volatile mailer, 37.t Ladies' the The Aid of Presbyterian lowers your vitality. over the railroad In lalrbauks, percent; ash, U.O tier cent; moisture. U.H.'per cent; sulphur, BM mm mWk. Do not uffer sopiiiiK al Xeuaiia coal fields Church will hold u Ihuaar O.iO per cent, H. T. U. air dried, U.050. dy rB another witn DR. BAYNE Wm1 MtMU m m mm mm. I to b or I uk.I'rulrml.tlerd. and the agricultural cnunlry or April 12. This Is a High Orade Ititumiiious Steaming Coul, tspts ially M I 1 nf 1"K ng Pllei. Mo the Tauaua Valley." suitable for High I'lcssuro Hollers nnd furnuces, The lump llooms 4, 8, 6, Helgerson Block 1 ' Phone 103 " Wtt kW stlou aurgloal reuulred. The- Wis' Annual fustcr IS'ov- is a very Superior Slovo Coul, Let us send you a trial load or Ollleo Hours: Mornings, 0-12; Afternoons, l:30.5s30j Dr.Cbase'a OhiUiitout mill rellere you at once When oubiiy advertising lly Hall in llio Audiluriuiu fri Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your and aflurd lasting benefit sua. a tioii all you day, April 2!. Evenings, 7-W. dealera, or Ediukiitnn, JUtri ii Co., Limited, buy ClltCUKATION, nnd see' thut heating stove Toronto. Sample Hoi free l( you ineuilun Uili rarer sud eooloie 3v lUJiip to pay iHMt.Hin. you gel it. If Advertise In the Dally News.