w 1 PAGE TWO THE DAILY 5TWS MORE PUPILS WILL The Daily News prince nupnrrr British Columbia GO TO BOOTH SCHOOL i PLAYER S published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince Borden Street It Crowded And hot Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. Sufficient Accommodation H. F. PULLEN. Managing Editor. Titer !( NAVY CUT t if n4 in a ..f ll SUBSCRIPTION RATES: t.-W in th 'J' "a" Citjr Delivery, by mall or earner. pr month II 00 . ' imMir rk'4 KlfMl H CIGARETTES 8r mad to all pact of the British Empire and the Utnted Stale i.mM Mk' .-n tkw -toes, In advamre. per year . ... Iff 00 i transfer -t To aJI other rvnintrte. in advance ier year S7 So Iw- in rSKat. Mtnc Se Uk e.s-.--..a TELEPHONE 88 at the Tr. Mr. isvotpts-N soaaesaed leal afj "rnient Display AdvfrtIrB tl.tO per tnth per lnertioniB, popds who trst m Hi lYansient AdvertMn m Front Pace ti.0 per inch1 1 tk- iNfe !rrt to Itse UKil Reader, per insertion 2 per line Ten Years Ago V-n ftreet srh.l atlesfcd Classified Adertiing. per inertion Se per word in Pr'nee Ruprt (lb H-th Sr .: Legal Notices, each insertion. . , I5e per arale hue 'XUtrM etees ronm- Contract Rat on Application. Oct. 1S, 1922 al the Horde Jvree4 ni All advertising shook) be in TheDalty Sent Ofllee on day preceding f. Hai'ft of lb" too- that H r publication. All advertising received tbjt to approval. sw-A-. f ik,.- up ner eosmtrr.lthwe hate Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation. a? been wtrfMiM tM hh-" The ntt rti-ns4..B Hulkl"T alry f..r the last .whwh M be e,.V- at iireitt DAILY EDmO.f OC Urntn tav. Oil. H. tKt. ea year. and ftrnfsrieSor aVe III' Sss-M wt He f tae ffaelt.m H.slel al IM SSHNSSrtH Itost kit r lat"r sn." of the el notd nave I Give A Reason Haietlon. mtf ha a For Our Faith. r to the riy r the last Send (he h .oemad. Mr. t Why )on think I'rinre nnrtert i likely to go ahead in the m day, left the Prinee near future? was a aoeslsoo asked recently. It i a fnetaMi ItMt Slenrfe this mnrnimt fr the tell efi amine the' atatter tn f the ehi i often kel ami it reswore an aevwwe. Tbe who live Isrre r e i etliea. I are. peaking generally. optimist. A few asm not, ImI they wvit ..f n n wsviii red welh ! sooo unless ihe have f H mto the rut or are wadin? lc Sn Mlbifa-,s' nse;ay aeht last Mr. Sll his MWSfrslHHt. ha,se ball fans as sleetrh of J(ml. Titer is already a letidenry two aJ ktlrr Ihe rlish Mfi f the and the Hixli'-n thai lM eveattoT in lime here. Many kw-al businessmen art dwiag wotl aad the nth en Haalfl Mr-taeetMasa m Matatyrs- rolirse lakefi . miU mnw feet the iwitw. Hero are a tC Use reaMtn why Hall, when the rithiwrnc ehttw The satsl osn s . .wHinaVd y I. i we may feet uf4tairtr: were enjered as m mh"f wf the V. alnisfv an.t league. Mrib.Iist. Hajtlist Look Ahead And RrataerhfMsi. 'JsMe. Tljrers CONSTANCE BINNEY Sea The Future, RnyaU and Hankers. The staases In the firl raaee the fwhina- hmitr U ia a heatthv will be triapea al the baim AS EARL'S DAUGHTER yiisf cmff beat 'emf Iton generally. The llniied State ttuty hax fit a enmp intw i MB on Sjsth .ene. The first of the IwraJ lioaU. hwt they are Uiil fhMig mm4 are getliaig '4 maleh heiast 4ae4 na .vara. ptl priee for their fih The fiitwre of the Uhmr melutry Faclnatlng Story at Westholm " bar I. between Ike Tier and Ihe ItnghL In Feature Picture tonight Marx's ntJ BaolMl BrolaerhoiMl. tf lo ld atn si -sas i m sksj -- rmr eirksn The eaenplieatMNB in ruMNeetiaai with the kwal ttMtitar aU -- - and Tomorrow. rn - and peilp limit have Veen etraned aa aad there ia eery newaect Tb weather re..rl at EkamrlTU fo that rewrawiaito will take pi are vary Mm ad that the hu- Ham. The obt Han ! kihtoran anal 4urt Ibis mwrioavz was: 0 0 too -t 11$ ne may deelof into a real peilp and nayer fartaey with faewer meler. :t).t)oS; ataviootiu lent. bis ussty ebakl. I tie ldf Noreen.j anl other nh'idiarie. Oeraluri . I". Miiiiiinum temera-nr. live m a raw 4wn raslte in i The HiM-kfey Mill on Maetl Inlet ia aatl ready to :I5 . j.r--i.ila' t a? nirh. Ihe midst sf 'lvir aee araud, me axe wnrk and in the spring wMt le renin fr ftdt Uat wrth een etate. naw msVe to seeil and ur aibt hMndred aen employed in) the mtN and toggtnr rmmp i addled tfh a hvy m-rtcaae A weekly lt erwe wiH he a rated to lht taart and ln n . SINGING CLASS HERE whwh is bebi t Kih-aini Ritpert will hewefit ery ntaterially from the of wratinn. FOR SCHOOL TEACHERS Hisaeb. a aett ...nulry law-r Several new lurriMa- ramfx in ddilean to the Hnehley rumj,. who wvTfbeU-- ha. a eomf. ri- lion that tt- are ofien the Nlaod er n. Thaae wiH get Mtt lunttief ahte fnfianr T'ia t the spenn a - ..ml. . fir the patp and uther rnaM-era to the ooufh. One to be Opened to Enable Staff ia the pwlure featiinnic i.nl i-arro"! RED MOUNTAIN With the devetofiajsewt ml the iHaaher hwiae thee milU to Qualify as Instructor Osnstanee Ikeri-y al the West., baa lhe already mentifined will be a ram in uperalMm in thia holme l.-oiabl ana usmurrisw. neijrtilxtrKKL . . The question of all tear Hers The mnrtsaae S aknni to he1 MRS. LING RESIGNS Th main vein on this property, SO miles southeast Merl tMUi iJfldHvr4tAol Hreiea1 hw.ae at beeomMtC mtalified In teaeb ias awy FROM SCHOOL BOARD; ftt the. mining earHj will he tV ajvanUf e In h plaee. in?, whsrb reunited from a res. I be Karl to Offer what he e.n- of Vancouver, ha been opened lo a depth esceedlng Re.lfK-liem" are likatj U l plared aw OrieiUt m regard IwMnn passed by the Sehwwl Hoard a wmtrtl asdaiMsn-- 600 ft, and for a length of 850 fL On the lowest level fo almn fi ! aaI ga Ual are IfkeXy to le aSfwued. Thne some time aa. was bnieHiht sm at tmmtfty. thai the Lady Noreea At a meeting ! the Sehooll th vein I wider and th values higher than on the ebrire H eiaimed wfB l'rinre the "swim- nf the Srhiiot linard shal! marry ymnx lies mood, hi Itoard held last mgh in the iMy help Hnpert. levels above. In no direction hav th possibilities of The toMrHt hoiae i and I in the CMy Hall last night a smart, sehemma jnmUi. Malt a tester f rr.iKUsHxm aw. mMf imarirving- the interior I " The Karl .straaed by the this vein been fully disclosed. Every hundred feet of country devet(anr. all of hirh bene fit Um -. by If. taimaheti. swinesfs! is sua-H from Mr. .. V. Lsnjr. whm tiHme at the kwal hajrard and drydtwk t imprnvinir aetd IMtMsr srbonia. Ne said that aith est loll thai ldy ureea hould lonnu bo the otl work adds materially to th established or reserves. very few esYYftthms the tear hers marry unlaid Ihe SMsmtity. to take oo pemianrnt i--i.t nr there U a lely y r44 wliirii t lrigiaif lmine here wkwh Our confidence In Boundary Red Mountain Is based fiwmerlj went to other ia the eaty. were md al oe-l ett itay i he Karl ts killed in I.. V'. I'aUonre mssvesl that prt. qualifies to tea h siajrina. Many e hunting field and Lady ee.nt Mr. Ling on potential development in th work now In progress There i a plan on hand for the lraiy oferatin of the re-duetion 4aMt at TWk Inlet. of Ilie leaeber. did not wish to reea mherit (sothusa. hot hi loos. Ha said that tt wil'i on this vein, as well as on It statu as a well itevtite the almle sunnr eonrse pmle a a I the wuwitatM estate. revret he made Ihl in .iion a managed, completely equipped gold mine. The new dek beJh eo.l the RmIw Owimn k la despair over the rtoam sat frs. IUsmt been sinmnK insirnrtkm preferring had always a nanl i almot niflrtel ami wuJ be ready for epvalioa o. to take up a more tsnpntiant d- rriais, bat JHarniinou to save iwkmg linmVil of the bssard and September 26 49c bid; 50c asked JeC ihe aneastrat ratte at all i. they eosiM ill d1ard U hse her. Most Important Of she a4hertise it far rent, and Today - - - - 58c bid; 59c asked All Prospects. , ne nasi taken Ike matter tp The motkm was eeonded by I. wvth the nwrintendent of erfura-lion. wars, a a tenant a young I.. Mel.snnan who aol h- reprel-leil The share have mad substantial advanco in a All the altove are natural development mk! hare nothing a Metnanr him Jt the tear hers 'Anseriran engineer named ''- the Sadies' nation as sk-had resia In do with the recent new appointment to the Hoard of Itirretor llrien. fortnight. VV has at your disposal a complete report eouM lake tisnftr cssarse durina akms keer a imstietssnrty of the Canadian Xalionol Railway. Tlat i the rroatewt enoe She has the word amsjad on th and th with of m. a - -a a a . a a. the winter nmnths, ami aske Ihe gn i'onsetentksM srker aa company property, assay maps Kir urnim ei ati ami tor uun raaaoa na iteea psarnl on ftetartl if they would rnsnir in thai ldy Noreen ha guoe a ay-far her of Ihe beard, and he wa all workings. This be furnished on request. the i. the av then she ikss. sismmer. mwry indeed lo se her1 gn. Sir Henry Thornton t a biiMneman who MHderUoil takes ike olaer of a asakl al Use Mr. Onmpliell i(rirese tkat a 'Ihe moHon wa earvs"t. WOLVERTON and COMPANY making railroad pay. He wiH ee here a rtenfid railway with inrinK rUo he rreated at nisiht ea.lle. a Mid Mary and tdlins. a splendid hrUr. ixitli railway- nul harlxir leing njuai in many selos)4 afui thons-ht lleee wusl lit wsilf servant k. are loo NOSE KNEW Limited. reoperU to any in the world. He will find hern a fiew dM-k not be no diffirulty in obtamtnx atd to .). all the work: they are yet noed and a hipyartl ami dry dork that eonld le utilized U, advantage like the leaks in Ihe roof-having: (Member Vancouver Stock Eichange). leaeher Tom. oaSHHt ksaaltyr tn eondnet I wwosV-r bow irn was in rooHertioa with the loal roin!hoH.e. machine Imm. neti a etass. keen there for more than rfiaeovered 704 Dominion Bank Building. Sey. CI71 ear shop well a for marine work. IJeinr a tnine man he twenty years. L. . fai more made the nsotisoi Jerry. I nue. th smell il. dl nut allim' all tliee faeiliiie to lie kite. An a recent vi.ilor OTIrien see through the girl' that the fsrufiosal be arceitteil as "Topies nf Hi.- I iav t ilms. to the eity remarked: Thern i more eHe for optimism in the pretense, lost litmus's it and admire at is far Lory to iha board, Mr. appojtytmrnl of Jir Henry Thonittoi than in anything ele tlial CanibbM to take the matter np as the IMIle lady' plaek. m tmi surasai in raoTC.court or aaiTiSM Canadian National Railways has if nrred here kiiiee the eity wa eommeHred.' Presently M llrteo is host la M cot.ua a ia siiirBesteii w-Hli lite (earlier arnl Then therr i the addel fact that we have a kwal representative J. 1'ir.tler-Moss. finaneee and her brother. .Vorw la Ho Vtilf W IfCISSI Sri. on the Itoanl of Director of the railway. So murh ha Ik. n..LI I.. 114. Matmu h.ti. Sal l'h- ii:otii-n wa- jfsiHkd by J. r.,7- ' . . U Mss Ualssr rf Iks- lweii aaid ahont it already that it nelet lo refieatriml willi Mrlniiaii mg yoiMig snob very oeimsrely. ; rj lassrstt i Prince Rupert i.. jnj Brrif.1. ..i,..'.. TSKE TK.: itai ..... . iiiiiieinen at Ihr head of the railway and a finvemment sym-pathelir "" r,,"r- i"" " iktsssr. r. na. Isaar. aa Uw ilia to this railway ami ditrirt and with a hwal repreoenta-1m in sueb a rklbMltods bosllMin sf Orkvljsr. AJ, ivyr, i as. e at Ottawa, we re more hoe for tln railuy and port than BEST SELLING BOOKS that she late hs a buff, after ifcjaass.if V. isssrMr slur twl all iriu. DRYD0CK we have eyer een Itefore. The future i veo' bright mile. we MONTH OF.SEPTEMBER breaking ker engageoieot. ssvfcsr kerstir rUass reaaare srsOM as tar ssl ms r.tsv.".-r srs are sadly mixtaken. We hie already- lrii-k riH-k iMittum mid from Itesnioiul Hoaeh eonie t IV renfisa Mo. as fcrfr fh. I f is AND IhK time on there should be a steady improvement. That is foreelose the niorlgage an.t ' Msoaosi. is ike ssuo o what make some of u optimistic. If gram elevator mid shipping 'If Winter Conies" eonlimies In thrown in by llllrien. who an as" fseoisua ssm ss isw do not follow, we have nn-t.iWeii our guess. eal the list of lwt sellers. Ar. iwmnees 'hai he has tMMihl Ihe jonv n. n-i i i is SHIPYARD rordinit to The IkMikman the fol. mortgajo i if i iii" U kivtliiK new fiction was most in liol evn i I a.y .Nor.'rn. ' i a eaoskTi. Operating Q. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock lenianil in Keptemlr in the order in tmc sueaiMi court or itish Your Liver cokUaaia Englnsei, Machinists, Pattern Treat Fairly naweit: MANUAL TRAINING I Boilermakers, Blacksmith, lr Winter Come." la lh Hillf sT Uu loirsoa makers. Founders, Woodworker, Et. A disordered liver throws the whole Uenllr Julia." BENCHES WARPED Iks Moor lk Csuo 4 IftSl.l frs j Electric and Acetylene Welding. eNM rSMif Ml Isriss l li.t..i.i. Help system wrong and affects the health The Head of the House of mo vimj swi ia r j ho' generally. Beechams Pills act directly -Ilirfin."Oxillllie." At a no-eiinV f he Se,.-.l IZ'W,. oJS Our plant is ejtiff.red to tiatollo all kinds of your Hoard. bHd in the Kily Hall la.l 'ZZT'lJ Sff". liver on the liver, cleanse and I'lie VekeniMit Kiame." night. It. H . Slnwkley, loanunl eoasv, sroao ta ssas out. ws Marine and Commercial Work strengthen the stomach, regulate the Marin '4a(MaHia." Haloing ui-lrortor. infonne.1 the Z"7n,ZTV .mLZZ ri7i. act bowels, remove all impurities from Urns." Inanl thai the wirk ls-nrbe in it iL?fi2"!?r ILU'L.??-" L'.' PHONES 43 AND 3SS right niiiiH.se. of the Moon." the noiniial troiulng room al the w ' the and make and well. system, you fit "irlkerea." lumth rbo wore all rrarke. O'HV h a. ill I I M You can have a healthy body, strong ITie HeaHUfid ami Damned." and bull) wrped as a result of . . , . 'Hfll 4.1lM.i.trS. bright and clear Non Fiction the lanat put oi in the sebool DA IT Jur froien herring bait is conceded by flslieriusn nervous system, eyes CtaroicaTt or unl 1 The he dress-1 isieaoviMtaT. te th Onrst procurable at PaelOo Coast Outgoe or History." The tnts a.Mild need to aOTKS. any Take complexion if you The Hi.Lory of Mankind." er nff and eerfaln repair isould -mvratL srasvo" Mttorsl Port--and It is Kuhy pnen, 1)0 pr tou. OH Oiieen VhMorta." nave lo t made lo tlie net w ties. ;.." yww.jntasoiitr aixivo ICE T'" w,y of nurfnir a good quality trip The uiermaniiatkn ' of VaU Me .ant I Iml iron para were per. TktCT.visiov ki i v-r m lii r.. i.n.n i ksuu- tie iiii to tiav plenty or our bard froien loe, I'rln' Beecham's " "Sf'SL m "sjsxss rr.-r rrss It oar ton. n.nil Itok .r I.. t Ihe IWsaties. -.2"? euataib v s i . Tti.- MiimIik i lie Making.'' li I Keigin fir)nired a to ? , ; k-rv v. Outfits ;nir aell-eniiiei tlora can aunolv Osbllla' kr I'll i lif.Otf WlllltoWs." v !. tl... . Im fne tils l...- .-XI sf flklierinena rloltntur un..rl. un.l nivlllcnS 1 1 iwitl mjj 'in M. i e. Ihl- r- , x Mr. rilH-k. atLfc 2 and hardware Sold Pills 2Sc-40pUl i . M i i -- ( adimsjt.w 'v Hi. .1.1, iiial nul more thku r wnmw. avast so asm n.i k-for. NEW tvirywheri IM Issim Si sseSj (Wsnvaia ENGLAND in box$ S0c-90 pills "Tlie Outline of eVIeitee." taO or Srtn wotild he enounii aval ls., FISH Company j "The iiiuiiei of Fear." I L. P.iimor mad thr mo ISIS I'k4 ibis ilia t4) tbbcr o Ketchikan, Alaska ran