g---J-T"r..ti--. TttE DAILY NEWS fredned. uyt brVn6ing Up (father By George McMaiVjs announcementi We Ban offer th genuine "INVICTUS" Shoe for men from (10.50. No heller shoe, tnnde. nt the n r- it price anil every pair fully guaranteed. 1L11 All shapes, and sites. "The Store of Shoe Satisfaction." Family Shoe Store .letters had done hail been done ring (o the school repair work jwell. hul unfortunately n Pig generally he said "Yon have goi Phone 3S7. P.O. Box IOCS.i enough estimate had nnl boon Ihe Inilhliug there and you hnfe Modern 'pill in al the start. go In save il." Daily News Classified Ads. Mr. :irfftr said I tint it was Ir. Kerjrin nkei Mr. Ieh"er unfortunate he iliil nol know if It would lie Mtible lo gel 2 CENTS PER WOKO IN ADVANCE. No AdvartlMmstnt Takon tor than BO MORE MONEY in In in I the rate of wages being into the school al the end of the Laundry lp.inl locally. month. Mr. JetTer iMtld that FOR SCHOOL) Apply to Council If ten I hey.Mom were were wnslieil nvnllable out. now ami aiitagnnlic a few men will WANTED ron sale Service Mr. Patmore: "I "Ylilnk we. mise.'t gel around a hot He. W.WTfcl). liirl for general Km SAI.K.- Temler. will h- re , lr. K'ergin rhe ptilnl of have got In make Jin application housework. Apply Mr. I'.. II. eelved bv lh- iindTi!.. d r... hr clfy riunril frtr fiirtl.r the scsirrhbllhg in front of the I'VI". tlrme, Wraltirw. If the purHrase of ihi- Iiu.h,.-.. We ..ff.-r II,n f met Ms of men mt far Trustee, Decide to Ash cfty building which he i bought wa 'f . SI-1 ll'l! V nnnld (II t-htil.l uni at life a a going concern ! 'In-Hkevittj i liini' i e "r, i n tt i t si from home that would make WANTHlt dangerous to lll'le children Oeneral aervant. Council for an Additional gow He: nk llir council tor wlial the Rnrer i'o-on-ralik' Ihg in and out of the building. forlnne a baHifwter. Apply Mm. KetherxtAfiebaiiEb, Grant $20,000 Needed. (architect required. must snel4t)ont I.t.. at Terrace Economy Laundry Service. The Hint Flrt Aenue. suggestion wn made jij apply In Ihe ewunell for Ihel the back Oh, homrst Wtt a dream The Rtveniory enist of Damp Wah Soft PlnUh, door might be used. Architect Jeffec Explain Why money vc find il necessary. had. WAMKII W.-man help. Aaptj grcievtt, itryirMnit. Iiantware ftouah Dry, Dry Cleaning, Cost Have Been HlQher There has lieen a ll of rnndem-Than Jeffer' Contract It happened In Ihieket, personally InUmter helisean t ImbiIs ami shoe ni4 will run! Pressing and Dyeing, aU Expected j nation of Hie School Hoard. The question of Ihe termination A lady chased me dwn and cried an. "11.11. 'if to about tttnOA.M. Kiirniliire and Carpet Cleaning, n ,mostly by peple who ii not of Mr. Jeffer' contract Oh! Won't yo b..y a ticket ? and futures Mit ll.ann. llir the Regular Laundry fee. That Ihe rily council he ak.:f(lvor bavin the school 'built tu which e.vplreil on Oei. Jl, was JA,.ANW WlmaK W9IU w tiwk is freh and in mm vice. rn for a runner granl or (.- tIP fr inslnnre. The one but llfClled. , i I' the konr. PlMine fominloit Moitin. llir hu.M'.. I.' We ran suri-'y SCe y An1 1.1 ...l.tll.s... I.. stnsi .. . ... - .? Mr. McLennan considered that I "- W I " iniiiake die rnooi imani mane COX DEMANDS - - . atng roodorted nn cash i, iM., w i art alrea.ty autlmrlxe.l. for the rom-wa, , ry ftn arehllert Mr. Jeffer shouhl be empbiyed lMs and the avenure rrnHiltiU pleiion of Ihe repair work on w, n( ,in.ler;lan. hi bu-the In finish the work as there wa FOR RENT ale tl.fftft. AHottt I! 5M M Canadian Steam LaunCrj lloolh Srh.Hil now beliifr rar. ; (,.,, an not eTperts ami ho one here rnmivelent lo lake HIS FULL FEE eah will h andte this pr....i. TO HUNT Phone S. fMore Hftti f It. on Ave. rie. out umler Ihe Miperinlen-!wr Uni pm, , n enre I tiMfl, Isalanne on lime. utr-ttf. Mr. Jeffer said that he nue Kasl. fully eauippett with tonce of arfhlte"! .lefTers. wa ,,twn wJih the re.iill a every. wa! C.A.. Peine Hmi.- in. neeiion or uie eni Jioam ,)Hly knw. , wa4 a ,alvaitet; to see. Hie Job through. - bulekering accessories. Living H.C. ' H wm" luartrr in rear. llea.iwnAhn lMissihlc that he emibl iau nijmi ai a meeiinv nein in ws an.l if hail not ,proportion we couver Architect for Plan rent Apply Mnssnlem Ofo- MT. Hturine I American Express the f:iy Hall. fhe lake p a little lociil mrk hew and engine fit. Jniaile repair ireer, at Ihe meeting uroper wo until the end of Ihe year. If the ' Not Ordered. eery t.. Fifth Avenue Fjist. If, tlnasr AiH.m and anto parts , werwn,, ,ISV rtt r nhtH, board wisheil to reduce lit ste, tonU, anchor, nhaln-i . fees; rr:- . Orders it. i. iT(iin. rnairnian l ,i,ii.iinc AniiMiw i Pj..'. BOARD AND ROOMS Money ! night fN-i I Hoard . ... .n. i ..i.. r hlo4, propHlors. srali's, and the School Hoard: J. (i. Mrl.en. -wtttd. neilj oi i iiii m i n ii- m ra I have uggeton tn meeting a hller from little extra work it wa rend HOOM and ll.anl 3 vrMy of mlarellaneoti nan. nn, I.. V. Palmore. nirrn. in private Issued doubt, have cost u over tnn,-000 A. A. liox, an architect of Van. on twr; V. . Vance, secretary; satisfactory In him. family fur two genMemen. fitting al low prices ..rth which meant n new clnd jcmiver wlo had mspecld Ihe II. I.. Campbell, principal of pub. building. Mr. PaHnore fell that sharing same riM.ro. Phone em rlxalHtnga. If Norway, Sweden & lie school; J. C. Mrady. hljrli Jeffer should remain until the ' ii mm n rrniNH ann inane a re. Hed 285. . ti Denmark nt Lowest The cmol boanl i nM re. ,port thereon earty in the year. ItorHKis aM lots for sal- n rhVn) principal: It. II. Shock, ipoii4ttile fir the increae in job was completed If.. I..- aa i s . niamral It .. .I.t,l.l fl.nl t tisl.M" "X ""J'eil AUCTION SALE. easy (em. lagging mar In Current Rates ley, training intructnr; Ihe present lnlance and we are ' "n"r "r " " oery. boat, enf!. etr. M anil architect Jeffer. doing the work n economically more and Mr. Mclennan meet of "l''!'e for .Aim in .Hlle. ALT.114 IV SAI.K lonHirrow at 3 M. SUphtfts. I1 hone tf . V Agents for Mr. Jeffer Ihe and nflw $9,000 Mora o'clock e we can. We" w'f II have Ifi ak 'Vnt. shftn'. Ht3 Third -te. lr. KcxIji aketl. .Mr. Jeffer Ihe rity council for another liscus. the nue.lloh oT retaining ""I"' ft. '! -him West. ill nnnsi.i f ,adie KOH tf.M.r:- failing Yaeht tlto Norwegian Amertoan Line ex,-.n.e. 'Line what il wioilii cil to finih all r.onn." on the work further. ITmterwear. Waists. liiMrn or wllli Kvltirnde engine iloo Swedish American , .mucli time and personal effort American thi work. Mr. JclTer 'all that Pollen. I(ally New. Office, Scandinavian Mr. Palmrfre iihivH Dial the "J i fr loiliniz tlir loilldiiiif ill n siaie iniddiee, fceds. null springs, tr Line. inrlinlinK the payroll lo rome In frhooi Hoard ak Ihe rily council for pulling the buiWing ina stain maltress. chair and other KOfl SAI.I-e Old j The Man in the Moon newspapers ?Sc l the end of the week and ad-tilional ror lio.ooo. in addition lo of repair. Tlw necessary plans furnilnre. Mher . Rood nmy for largo Mindle. Iily Oliver Typewriter material reipiireil on the the f 1 5.00(1 already aulliorlie.. ) SAYS:- 1 and eifWalitHis were duly Is- Mit in Ibis sale till t p.m. offia, tr Cary Safe j i ib lie would Hay about ?!I.IHMl. day of nle. Oeorge FIRE INSURANCE Thi amounl to cover fire e. r :preiarr. and Mat lie etmsider. l.eek. Dr. KerKin: "The wlii(P ihinx rerlalu work Auetioneer. BOARD. cape and new tll'TTI.Nlt off advertising hoanl trad received nd- will run u.00rt more than we which should lie charged to may lray pal( lo date." Up r.-.luCe expenses, bin so di-s vantages iherefryin. u ItdAhlk Inlander, ton Seeon.il Dybhavn & Hanson the reconstruction or nalr of MAIL 'oereio uname io SCHEDULE culling your wlndpijM rclme ihe Avenue. Phone 137. Patmore: I.. V. "The rot to 1 j the rhoo. Third Itooth eot of living. reilnee ihe terms conveyed In the Avenue date ha been ;0.272." The molion wa seconded by .a. siaiemeiu ni iiis origuvui ac- ORIENTAL GOODS ' Prlnoe Rupert, B). C. Mr. JefTer: "Of tfouroe that October1922, J. .Mcl.ennan and carried. ' previ.Mi.ly wplere.l and include a lot of new work, and ITeS Ihe female mrt.nHlto From Vancouver fnpahese Klmonas. Crocker Got to Save Bulldlnq asked thai a draft covering the that doe all Hie stinging. the fire ewrape come In the k Sunday . P. M llatuboo Furniture. Ornaments i full amount Ue sent htm at the v Mr. Jeffer said that Ihe col 'j.ono." Wednesdays to .in A.M. (JtasVrts, i Children s Homper-I Mr. Palmorej "What wa the of putting in the fire escape TIIK infernal qneslion. Are earliest convenience. Friilay A. M Tny. Vie. The original amount asked for ; would probably run a little over running for mayor? HYDE reason for the repair at the you Salunlays . g in.lrt A. M Plllt:KH by Mr. C was 2,Srt.no. i -.(t00. and I lint hole had lo 4 :. P. II f, liooth kcIiooI cotiii(r al' eat 13. LM. F. K AKASE I.. W. Palmore "moved that Ihe be Into Ihe wall. In refer- ITS wonlerful how dnilble the eitlliiiale at the put friendly v ft. To secretary of the board be In. Vancouver P. Hot ft Tel. Hed Nr. TRANSFER otarlT The oriviivat estimate si meted lo write a letter to Mr Sundays. Mail c(nses 1 1 p. M Thlrd Avenue dialed Ihe co would be from Tuesdays. Matl olni I p. M Cox r-fn.ing his request ami HXPRCSS AND BA00A0C, ?l?,nno in is.ooo." staling Mialv the board had Thursday. Mail closes 1 1 p.M WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS. Mr. Jeffer: "When etimal. ti.iy n i Night Phono r, nothing further to add to what Salunlays j. P. M Kvperl waleh. dock and )ng the work at 1 5.00(1 I did no "Say That's I... 1 I...1 I.. I...-, n .IHun .. P. It.. . 17, 17. ehronnmeter maker. )iave In mind thai it would pro. i'hp iiioli .is was eeconded by To Anyoi, Alice Arm Waleh and Jewellery llepairs a Best Coal pahly rtin In I.'i.OOO. Of Some Cake! . J. ('.. Mi'l.'-iinan and carried. Wednesdays M. ipecially. murine I bad liolhinjf lo do with From Anyoi, Alice Arm Mall order promptly eteoiied the inclusion of my nalary or Thoreduys P. M. OEO. QIBB Wood Wood Mr. fiox'a. I wn flsurlnir on Who Made It?" To Alaska Points In the Letter Box Opp. Post Officii (I. t. io 71 1 Stove Length, Split (lie actual work. The thing thai e, t:i. 2:1. Prlnea Itupert. tf been added In thai ha been ia From Alaeka point nore work than I originally ex. And then mother speak up with DISABLED VETERANS fl. 17, St. TAXI IIS 2nd Av. WesL perleil. Additional work chow well deserved pride and says, " To Naa River Points Phone C33 Phone S80. tip when doing the work. There Kdilor lail News. ' (Call " I'll 11 rs,lays P. M. (teorge (loss have been several piece of work did, and tomorrow she will get At the iiiit-uiplwyiiient r inffi- From Naaa River Points Five-passengi r Touring Oar which have been taken duwn like out her Dr. Price's Cook Book and nee held r-cenlly in Victoria. Salunlays , M. t'rompl Kay and Night Service fhe ventilator. Ilepair to Hie it is desired ihal Hie Minister of To Port Simpson, Alice Arm Standi Boston Grill Third Avenuo Let Us Advise You beating plant, in certain in the can of Dr. Price's Cream Labor niny he silpplied al an Anyoi lance, have been iiiada wjteh Baking Powder and bake another early roni-iiien dale with in Sunday p. M CLOTHES CLEANED with it lifetime's fir" Klid make" Ihe plant more elucienl formation ivlatlng to all disabled From Port Simpson, Alice Arm pressed by latest RTKAM in in ul 1 branches, of V-- rucli thing a the painting of masterpiece Just for the sake of War Veterans' in this Anyoi psesslng process. I H iiding Trade the stone coping have alo been Province and who have in.I been Tuesdays A. M. S nit called Mr and delivered I true appreciation. Brickwork, done. Wage are higher here re.eialilihi', in civilian I f . To Stewart. Premier-Saturday Phone 643 than where I come from aln. This i a ihiii e of special in-leresi p. M LINO, The Tailor Words of follow the 1 1 r Stonework, praise always Mrt Palmore: llnse you found iln- pafVftf Ihe Province From Stewart, Premier-Sundays AUCTION SALES. a 'gieat deal of ililference In use of Dr. Price's. in ii-w tit llo large ;ium- p. ju Concrete, etc. wage. ber of Velernfis ,VhO since Him To Queen'Charlotte island Points Conducted in your home. Sales Plans anil Hpecificat ' Wage are HlgKe For perfect results in haking war have madiddbelr homes in It. 2H. very Thursday at 3 p.m. in our ff t, all nir clients, .Mr. Jeffer: "Ve, wage are our tnhlst Mild wpo liave not re rooms, fend In your goods early higher here, and you have not always use eestalilistied tlieiuselves in t'lvil- Wylle M. Niclnds. of Vancou GEORGE LERK, Auctioneer, WilliamWalls&Co. got a number of kilU'd work-inen. H 11 lire to- ttio eenl tit Ilieli Uer. is registered ul Hi. Prince S23 Third Ave., You are paying 11.25 an Hhillty. jllupiMi iiotid Phonsat Black 816 Red 157. Builder and Contractors lioiir io anylxwly who ay lie i A(l vi'iei-an-' who wish to have 1 P.O. 11., 823. Phone 4M- Ir bricklayer, and l-5 hour Dr.PRlCE'S their iiiiiiii'- fowtinled to flic BEAUTY CULTURE PARLOR 'ifflce? 1017 3rd Av In anybody ,who ay he l a Mililsl'i .,f Labor for Hie purpose PIioiih lllack 0.'5 Jobbing Work of all Kinds. pl4leri'r. That run the eot ..r i'i--Rsablishimiit are MRS, STEPHENS nfllie work up." C R C AM aske, in li'iive their nuine- and above- Wnithall's sire. Mr. Pat more: "It neeni lo me full liaiiii'Mlms with lliesecrel Third Avenue WE HAVE that we could do nothing bull ary "f il,. '.real Wnr Veteriuis IttTS yea tktuaullia or "Mrllti. llalrdressing. shBmm.,in, - . KB I I 111 Sclitlcs. Lknbil 1 New It ik n what we !iate done, we ouu uie Baking Powder in tin- 1 1 v ,i euijy as (itissible uaing. Marcel Waving; Ammunition tins le t rU el It. NilertU ,,. t'hool built and fouldii't. rrap uinl in.1 1 ji r r than the :tl-i day 4ln sll ski cts lor Jsil llay Face and Svalp Treat 1 1 ll. of lii i.iiii 1 .,, tiii Ilielr iiainen l thisfi alosf. Qtt s do 1 ef Manicuring. Switches ,ild,. , and Shot Shells Mr. JptTeni ald that in M'aDI IN CANADA uau tic f,.i rtrded' lo the tuitii TcmiUlos'l (hisnitlc Cttislit order. Irenglheiilng the fliMir and sler of i;i wild as 111 Hi- de trsa veer Pri((iit ai4 ll ia All 3li sad CUbM. Th pur,u)hoUom Crtamof Tartar Baking Powdir. ta l tit us tfiia. rtilllng Into the. ronret wall to (lay a- i- - -1 1 We trust that CHIMNEY SWEEPING put in the beam hud rot 2 Send for FREE Cook Book-"Tot. and Kitchen" elenin. will lake advantage of Plume 110 w, ,,4k f(l( STORK'SHardware A lode, 149 Notre Dame East, Winnipeg-,Can. this opportunity. OLD NICK ir. Kergln ald that tie wa A. MAflKKNZII' LimitaU of i'v 1 tutlrely atiifled that what Mr. . Hitfretury U W V A ( Sold by ORMES LTD. jfdlltimeys wrpt. Work guaiamd.ry ,1,.,, , ,,, Phone Black 114.