f' Mii (S IO?J , 1i ilnr r THE DAILY NEWS PAGE Tlinil Our 1922 line is Local and Personal 1 1 l lllllll 1 1 a dandy. The finest . ..... . ljllj Greeting II. Ii. linen later. I'lionatl. If ; ; j ; we ever produced. 1 - ill ill Beautiful Hayner. Under laker. Phone dainty designs-new 351. tf rtlR idcas,quality XI'I'I.F.X. KhIiiui nd ..,km. Cards sentiments, and I'i .. riirhl. -City Market. If every card splendid M. . i ii. in Hi.- i afioll Bazaar under iln- Kiuif- I oiitatht. that are different value. Mr-. F. Kirtiy- l. fi .in the :hrl- Orders are Ii-iii Ul limlil f.n Um aoulb. promptly execut Fr Cody' iianoier.- ta;ae ii ed, no delay, no middleman's profit. Drop hihI Coal, ptiotir i;h, nigkt or in, or if not convenient, phone us and our lay. . -. f ill representative will call. Mi. W. H. Uil-.ii Mat-far I will not reeeHr tomorrow afrer- You.will find what you want in our offerings ii""ii.NeweH'e Orchetr regular dance Da Luie Hall Thursday night. 245 :BMiYi liliHE 2 liniiriN I inn . Friday and ialur-( I Hill I lllllll II Ml II lliiilliiiillliilllli liillillllllll IIMiil) iiiiiiiniiiiliiiiiiiiiiiil tin. week are Dollar llaya lrtralable II. I'. Ponder of SCHOOL ATTENDANCE . .i.i riot Ik-. niiahl win Maaeelt. in rei.tered al lli- a I II no. t;.'iii.. .. the Haul Central Motel. Face - I'.nur 4 Football and Baakelbatl to ba Mr. Mill Mr. A. Oivey wiire Provided For Uta of Pupil Jonteel ' vur 44 rl pa.eeiuiere tn lb Chelott.in i all k lll (ienraa Gihb. lat nkatht fur Vanrnmer. The report of II. I. nupln-l!. Creams linmker if - prtfteipal of plilnie .. Ii.h.U I'M HERRING For a oMfortaM rloed tali lit month of K.iN-iiim r i.n.l ,r vl Mi'l-t and M. P. Mr-Ial Phone SHI. Rate rraMimM, S. the meeting of the l.. '..m.'a t.-n on the traia HandeneehlM A V Matwell. If. betd lat niHtt in It iiv II..i: Cold and Combination n m hi f..r Telkwa. hrwvd that lb' atten.lam-e f." l.artiea ;pft "lUilterHr" II. l. that month al the Booth Si-I BAIT In. Itleeek.T. of Terrnee, will ery. Hrtmm I7S are alllitz lied been 3 47. Seal r.oe rv ! Reduced in price, now 50c a jar. arrive m lax- rrty thnitrbt en for l.8 at Jabowr liutUr sal. Ir-n Mwl i-IhhiI lo. uml route to Mmthrrii Pacific uoluia. ttO 4i-- SrhiHil I.'. hwiIiii They are also put up in a new style jar and will total at HS. Mrv V. ti. Joiic. of Terrnre. 3UH FAMOUS STOVH COAL a He aakrd tawt llo- w.ar.l .tonal" keep indefinitely as they are air tight $30.00 per Ton who ha bvn MMlin- in ibr ritjr It anVthia?, lttr this on bankUiall and n fix.iliall to riiriii-d h.Mii.. n llir train taat har. Gssanrf Oeal Co, Ltd.,earn thmii a aai im--ii ooiu- in Finest on the Coast mglit. e 7. II frraoii yrr. ORMES LIMITED - I Tfc report vTa aitli a fmtl 3rd Ave. and 6th St. P.O. Box 1680 i-i mil. diarotiat on all Rad oar dollar I ta urit-r IUI ,aa4 I aw furniaaiinir of llo f.-.tliall Obtainable from I n.h. - tml liirl' Hat. will Im in im laxi paar of tM and haakethall to earn aehool waa Phohet 82, 200 and 134 hIi....i tin. mk at Jalnnr' ttwiai valwa arf oJfrr4. Jabtiajr arreed to. Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Hm.. l td. 210 WIRELESS REPORT THE PIONEER DRUOOISTS TWO REXALL STORES PRINCE RUPERT Full tock of 3-ply Cottonwood H K. Tmtni. rrprraeaUtUe Veneer I now being carried of thf Ibapoo I'ainl Co arrrel 8 a.m. by Albert A McCaffery, Ltd, from the Mai u on the Prinre hliiUY liM.ANU--Cnlnt: i l..u.l : Phone 11 or 664 tf Oi-orare Ihia a.riiina. ha fowler S9.Vi; tiHterature - K; ae aoMMilh. L. l-.h-m out -ii.'Miili- HalkiiKoti. of Port Mr. Free ItntMird of Trrrare. 1.2ft p.m. aouthlMiund. .lu -ixike , - .in,.. ... arnti IBi Ike flly Jrr. haa aeaa m the rtly hi i a.a. Auyoi aheatn WaUou K.ark I .lit mii.I hi rajMtri.-. at (llr injt trlav letajrwrd to Ter 7.2ft vaa. ajrivins Auyox, iiort. INDEPENDENCE H-iin. rare m lite tajahi act aiylit. kamnj. -rp Ill Li. HARHtlK. Cloudy. Iibt GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY Fir Veneer, 3 ply, full height TIm- N.P I. PiW. li.-al (ia fji. leoulh-eaal wind; oarouaet. r .10.. THE DOMINION GOVERNMINT ANNUITIES SYSTEM of room, and 4 fact wide; alo ai)eerlalfi Oaaaa not toinvhl 01; temperature rm ..iiooih. afford an unequalled opportunity for tha lnoitm.nl of.mall Cottonwood Veneer, Lath and .. PRINCE RUPERT AND PRINCt OCORQC. viaWr In. ia-taad .4 Itmr-Jay p.m. apwke ateanier Jeffcr- or l.rf. amount for tha purcha of an annuity of from $50 4 1 .tm - ... i i. . -.).. i i. Hntiwibi ( - i.ii.. r..a Platter. Call and are my stock. al Ak.rtK-m, 'Hi..mimm9 i.i.r eon H p.m. 55 asilf .ulh of to$5,000 a ytar for lifa, to bag in immodiataly or at any future ...... vaacouvia, viCToau, (ttii. r. .u.i E. H. Shockley, Cow Bay. Phone ahop. A. AkfUhem. Inalrut-ior. ."aaaway, aouthtoonnd. af dirad, and to ba paid in monthly or quarterly intat von anvoi, whomii, ii p.m. yon (Tiwaar. uHr. 33. - tf - llrLl TMKK POINT. I.r- mant. Annuitia may ba purchaed on a (ingle life, or on tha Mta Kr.m. of the Yvetfe oat; calm; liarooiftfr 2V.H .. PRINCE JOHN. Urea of two peron Jointly. I and I.M.lLA. Wheat ariiool, Mrlorw, anaotitt teperalure 15; ea amoidh. j l.4 hi . : ...I. ii l.iik.llr l4M4.. 1. l Ii. tl. I pm ir iv and lkenr M-Qtoo.i Hall. After contract lue, no restriction a to residence. oMninS hi-r i-laa for nUlltnerjr Noon j Employer may purchase for their employee School DAILY PASSENOCR SERVICE. I hm-itdwy. (trIidMT IV at .w Individual in.lnatlUHi. A Her. lllliHY I.V.Mi. - iK.'tiu-l; Board for their teacher Congregation for their Mlni.t.r. daily tictrT (uaoar. oo p-m. '. i ... lidii KteWtxi) wi'lronaa. noon r en-miiK, For aiHMdnt ralai. baroiinli-r l.-ui. Cannot ba Ued or levied upon. il.rr.I . i . M i-...I li-ltni itiMl Iiimv aiapiil. ' AthniKntiHi nrenl. .honr Htaek :h. perature 5u; nea .nuaiili I'rui.' No medical eieminatlon required. Aganey For All Ocaan SUam.hlp Lliwa. ll r. ill. . ItS reaa Mary due in a p.m.. muiIIi.' Free from Dominion Income Taa. 4. I'lte (i.W.V . amiaal peueral hound. i SECURITY THE DOMINION OF CANADA eat Mkti oifi, tmh t rnt mpn. ri taa. inr A Noiiti. f..X.R. travel. ntei'lina will lake putee In the III I.I. HARHOM. - (.loii.Jy; 1 1 km iw i m -1 aat-nt front M. (Uirvwniera Hall oh Dclotwr IV Ily til noulh-f a! wind: Uar..meter Descriptive booklet may ba obtained by applying to the I'm.if i. rn Ma fiiy t.-tlay. Hv at 8 a.tti. Iluine:- Klrrtion SW.Ot; tniM ralur.- :,J . Iiyht Po.tma.ter or by writing, pottage free, to S. T. Baatedo, 4iii... froni III.' "oiilli on thr of iiMtriT. auditor report and well. 10 a.m. iokf .li-aiurr Superintendent Dominion Co.ernment Annuitie. Ottawa. PACIFIC RAILWAY When writing, kindly .tale mi, and age or age la.t birthday. CANADIAN I'l.lla'.' (i't.' Ijll- lllorllllia 4 Mil other iwiHirlaul Mltr. ti l.heloh-lil hi Mlllbank Sound. wi'i lir. on loniclita' train - tMM abound. B.C. Coast Services l r lli- ra-l. Mr. and Mr, ti. A. MuiUer IH.I TNKK I'OIM. :tmi.l: - rrlnrn.'d on tha rrinea I iry r lisht aoulli-eaat wind: barmet. M .in.i Mra, Krfd I'.aMii'i-ou. thi- utoriuuK froan tlifikr hon' r 2V.HI: tfinpf raltire M; aea Sailingsfrom PrinceRupert f n Fall, an' in Ho- cUf auMiit trip in aoatfiarii l'ai'iflr aaaootb. DENTISTRY! rn . ..ill.- lo PriiM-r liiMirai" 1irrr For Katchlkan, Wrangall, Junaau and Skagway rllie. 1 h. y will lakt their tit- Mill h-1i a -ki-i'k viiliiiB. SapL 4, 15, 25; Oct. 2, 13 and 23. Mi i Irtiiirmn i ui.lant inatiH n-futemee ou- - Seventh Ae.. V. TOO LATE" TO CLASSIFY Modern X-RAY Service For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle ol I .Ion- al tlo Hfl t tuMri Mr .IukImv Murnlu' arrived Sept. 9, 20, 29; Oct 6, 17 and 27. i.'vmi .iiiii i. atliM' in aihli'tir fnaai Vam-oin.-r ia tf I'riwr fXAl'. ror S Il.ilf I..Ii 8, 8. PRINCESS BEATRICE For Butedale, Swanton Bay, DR. I.. BAYNE .mi. . ieorge thi- iiioriilBii lo preidr For.I il.'lu. iv !'ii .I...i i.'.1 Alert Bay, Campbell Eat Bella Bella, Ocean Falls, Namu, over the Supr'in CSWUH aaaiaea Imill iimi in VI n.i . N.'w i River and Vancouver, every Saturday at 1 p.m. Roomg 4, b, 8, Helgerson Block Phono IN wbirli omii In"- tAMMrrtm'. V tin-. un.l j.iii i .til i .'iiiiil. OOlce Hour Morning, 9-12 Line. Aftvrnoom, 1:30.5:30; 8teamhlp Agency for all K. iwlinoon. .urt fJ5ll.nu. K.a -.'irt ii. laHMraph i .i" EteniiiK. 7.9. Full i.ii.i main in fi.'in Please Her it. al.o ariiM'.i. W. 0. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent, Corner of 4lh Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, B. C. with Silver J. I'.. Mrl.rnii.ia fuied il&li ANNOUNCEMENTS a by Sliieivliary Mugllrul M THEO C0LLA.RT, LTD. - NOTARY Mulliu. in Mi., iirovinrial iit-f Kffp Mflnlifr .'ii lii'f IIik PUBLIC UNION STEAMSHIP COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED Tea Set 'ourt .-l.'i.l.i aflrrtiiMHi. for Hard-Unif Itttnce Kalllbltion SAILINGS IAitv u.miau III.'. nir i hiMiliiu in iii ne from a iim. Hall. FOR RENT.- 10 Room House, iiiriimheii. modern vun. For Vancouver, in-.an tall, un.l Swmion Hay. Tueaday 6 p.m. hiK.'iwaif. II make botti taak twial in Hi.' i. ; ily of Mi'N'ii'lioll a, veniein .'H, initially lui ult'd $50.00 a Month. For Vancouver, Alrrl Hay and Port Hardy, Saturday p.m. and foot) look uirrr. ir.fl mi Sn lul. I'ylluan Staler Uaaai iu K. For Anyoi, Alice Arm, Tort Simpson and Wale Itland, Sumia) kmr art to aual ail ur I'. Hall O. lober Z. inidniBht. I'aoMtna. LECTURE CONCERTS Phono Blue 69. Wettholmo Theatre Block. P.O. Boa . Hoy S-..ill. I .(Mitl .iN'iation l-iMitid Tea.pol. Simar and ABOARD STEAMER miuaJ Mffliuir incmliera and '.rwii Srt. Ilriaat fliuall friend in I'nlii f (.out i. r.ity hall. I'lHin cxi-opl Hirer fiuv linva I. M. 'eal Stewart, lirvat Dean Qualnton, Andrew Jojo-' MueUy. Ik-touer .'!, at 8 p.m. iin 171 uiiuuid itiiilHi, $22.50. vlch and Danlelo Popovlch Life Insurance Co.' traveling Edson Coal Co. A little Ura-rr $27.00. iie. arrived ri'iii-eneavtativa. from lloanilal Annual Hallowe'en Delighted Prince Rupert'a ruriiy riour A llir l'lMt'i.Piti' si. Pattengers Hall. Auditorium, Tueaeta), te. Vancouver on III.. Prin.-f ireorye At luat we aro aUe to aup. IhiuIiI. wtlh .iiwtll flowfi-a tuber 31. till momlnif. lily our around o.. $35.00. l'a..'ll.l . f. Hkili? iioi'lli on . tMiSEEia " SlV-.lid'iJ I'.oIoiiihI foiittHl ttie teHiii.'i I'm if lieiH'lie tlna Metbodial :iiir-ih llaaaar. John A. I.ani. Hie well.kiun ili?" uur muuern i muia iii. ...l:i.wmwn m liil'. In mill. $32.50. trip wei-f In uli'il In ilnu deliHlit- Cliurrli Parlor. November fiaat. lieouver tailor, ia in the i-ily Famous A rry fin.. I'ri'.filial inn St, tul Iff I ui in. ' la in it rourai on" the al.'anifr PrilM'e lieorK1' equipped with up-to-the-minute machinery lli'irlnmii I'UI.' Tia'. i'Atftev. jf the iiiiiilH-in MtyHtfe. 'Ilo' lluyal Purple H.uaar, HUa' to.dav fii roulf to Anyox when-tea use the best selected hard wheat procurable. Siimii', i ii iiin unit l-'uii Tray. ttral on Monday evwultut a Home, Novi'iuber 8. will -i"'1"! a week on lui. EDSON COAL $150.00. Hie ateamer I.'H VaiiotMlver and I ine. It is impossible to buy a better FLOUR than the aeeond .'.ii'i day afternoon. Cliuruti f Knalaiid llaaaar. John in any quantity, by the ton PURITY. Sold by all Grocers Bulger, At l 'Hi Ih H'1 '.'oaliitun. of Vl. - Cliurrli Hall November 15. H7PMA r.TstS r carload. Met our ordera lertun .l i.i ,udrw Jojo. loiui, tn early t. avoid the ruh, Th Jew llr ..ml E W aVai Baa I I II 1 Ur. virli, kiirMon. Haiijelo I'opo-vii'h. pri'-ii iii ..in Iiiii..- ij Ha. Phono 5S. THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. nhi'ii.i "i the tUiunl df taar. Friday. Nov. .' i tf aieat fi ll rellave Ceuaw at aa4 aoea eala and ara4u.lm ta Offlca,of Prince Rupert Feed feda Mini , i l i ' IV. Ke niiin ailr heai the .ila. aiaala hu lit. t' CHiiluieiit free U ymt aieuUuu IhJ CoH Cor. Second Ave. and I'.O. rio 74 ft I'rlncai Kupert. ll.C. IMiona 350 liero. Ati W'H '" lo-ant t lally in ll.ii i-: ' Inn . liaaW In atw( anj ea4 Itawa lurv-Uf. aun. a Hi. . ,iini' of .i ! t djaa ttiui li P.'i-iura iK-ii'inbtfr . LuL'taU i all daalar I . m .iiawew, .i. m ui Seventh SL