n I WHEN YOU WANT A TAXI t Wail R. Fish Market 99 SPRING SALMON, SOLCS, in a hurry Shrimp, Crab. Phone Tnth Kllld Poultry. . PRINCE RUPERT Fresh Home Mad Sautage. L ALL NEWfCARS Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Phon 671. XII v .if I'llllSCK Kl'PKItT. II. C. WHUNKHIiAY. OCTOHKll 18. 1022. rntrii'i ortit-MiM irox. Itrix SalM M. PRICK FIVE CJKNTH British Afflicted with Political Fever FRENCH GOVERNMENT REFUSES PROTECT CITIZENS OF COUNTRY Election Prospects in IRREGULARS IN MINERAL OUTPUT KEMALISTS ARE Granny Smelting Company Bonds IRELAND BUSY: yukon NAVIGATION is Large CLOSES KEPT IN PLACE noer Property on Bear River; Britain Discussed are tl.tUwiN. im IH. I bunshine Group Will be Developed Attacked Number of Public Build- riie Hi.or. rti.i ..ni(.itt Police Not Allowed by Allied Mission Situation is Outlined Inga and Riddled Belfael may nwli a mtliioa and to Land In Constantinople A deal who h had been nding for omr day, wb rloeJ, Street With Bullet a ijuarler .om .- t lee-'amm. when Hip tiraiiby diiolHlalrd Mining. Smelting w Power Uoni- 'ItM vsiitd ailtiinm Umiii). IxMuleil the Suii'liiiie grouii of thrrt; rlim, owned by Ood- UlMiOY ihl IH Mrotiii l perlMMlHBt extended iUXHrM I.Vol'I.K. IM. IH. J trey iHlefon and Fml Young, both of Slewart, ai Ihe I'ort-ITie J "MH) . Oil .IK. llriliah pdiltrai fever h now rear lead f'-rcea of Irish irrawulara aMael.. drrdKimr Mtin tile rreek.. allied H.tifr mrrvMNl a land UbhaI Xew. Thee rlainit are riluated o'n the north fork or f!lf ll ight and there i every indtratma Uul the Btaxi- the f-ts -ri:tlt -I ptf- In f itat TIk -ilfr oOIft f-r he de.,.ow unaniMitM toitay forto'-.(iiH.ier Greek. alHut five mile by a good trail from the railway 'inMriilnrr will ie maintained for aoene days, Kverylaudy iaet niartw "! (. in 4Ihii a- acaaon la H l i.NMl diie krHlil eixlriterie Vnliiig al the old Portland tvinal Mine, and about nine mile from - i fT to when the rriai will hi and what 1(1 rn il wHI sauti. riiiehu the jail. the af. UteJ for Thrm-e to enter lU.n-rUnUMile Stewart. It will be remembered that tlii wa optioned i i lie uwer i a vet iiurrvcaled. The future remain court Immiw. tier I later bank and NaUvatln tlaitia end-ret. The Hrttih gnoiji t nmy to A. li. Hill of Denver. Colorado, in July laL The tintiou hating I'liioni.t 'r town kail, to .tee-,i la fir tre roaeh x nditijr loaiorniw meeting al tlir Carlton dub aci-iM-din a tij. all e. leaniretl on Oetnber t. the ntierty i- ex per led Will provide the kc tu the problem, patrh from Helfaat Nrame ttf the with mail a rwT tM-.i-aaer-I" H hearlna 'liirkoh natioi alit taken nver by the (tranby th eorjrr jrrouti la in ' of inlet. ,. 1 1 British priaripal thoroiirhfiire. of Mel. leatinil Vhilei..i-.e lit. T i -ilimliiMl one great -I n.ilioii mee. ThU artim !ia. aveiiji.eoide. and aethe devebtpment an entirely different ealeirory, and I rr. tlx to tin' Umpire. Lloxd lirnrir, who tin- Im-cii Ihe ' nv rideMed with bullet, and da) takea la the inleret tf Itllltlle i Mvtrk km tiMa.K- 1.11 1 u .i.i..1 wSU IjtLe unlit lime lit lirlnt; let ft. fieri wltaarka for nam i'ini eei hid narrow 'afrt. many and w.ill be preeded throughout etaife of romiikTrUI inluclioii. past i ailml l raep. I The order lm ItrotbH-d i.een.tb. iM,- nodfrer AtMleTMtn' Utile doubt enti-rtalnel by 1 . ( I be I'M DAWSONIS iillo iliaiH"'inlmen animia the exa-Iteranl taken a mntraet In drlte a lhe in the know, locally. brt ... reaent li,. dim I ten. DEAN QUAINTON OF IRISH REPUBLICANS Turk HiiilalHtii wliiet. IS) ftMtt t linnet oh a larsre vein, that both theoe properties will ;il,.l Willi f. al Ik a I m Miatle foeimial ion "lKl an elevathtw of J.1M) fret, inate. within a twv.yrar teriod. l "f reran.-I irliiin i AT WINNIPEG VICTORIA IS HERE SEIZED A STEAMER .e 1 1- to (In Kiiialiitt. l'rtor to lart4ii llrt wvrk he hae hipfer that will irereanttatc the will rexes lit bitterly1 frJier CARRIED OFF FLOUR f buiM a eabiti. lixlO. Ilioush pot litis into wiwratien tt the rail, ,, ram. i Ife-aii VMMiitoii, nf irtnria. ai -iiel BRITISH EECTION there i already a po1 rabln an way. Ihua facilitallnit the tieniDff .! talHir li claims Join Other Directors and from the oulli "O Hie ' the pntuMd H i tnt einenkentty'up of a lanre number of other hr b telraeu Intpect Tranecona Shop; Pniv e le..re Iim Hp i Mtak. HM.r r 'I t 1 Tlte re- I SEEMS LIKELY IN ailuated for the wvrk thai he ha promlalny protertie on the ftear I. M pit and del.I I iilihi kii- ..!.i a 'alitor off leeture tour of IIh- illvliiil fHdertaken. Hiver. ma a .fulfilled m. then Leaving For Wt rmiil Mm nut a' - iiiloadlnu VERY NEAR FUTURE and aoe llin.uah toniahl to nj Mil of Tramway the old AatpsMli from loo urn .in i ' ' .Hir allow - wlteie the ftr-l W4ure Will Iw , Au.miI twe ma of a Iranrway GOVERNMENT IS ah" alm - elle. Ik-itlll WINNIPEO. Oct IS. Fred tl I Ik - jiri. 'I to l.ier. Q. telitered. KelwriHOa to Pllliei. Lloyd Gtorg It I Thought Will wwild la ml nr- at the bruise on Dawton of i.l .. tli hoi and Prince Rupert, I'IMll HuMrt rarfy netl wwe he will Resign If Chamberlain D- the lien lull trail, about Hire- JPfc.W W faTWa M Wa, a ,M a weak wab ajuistentlx I who oil recently appointed ir iwu HvtaiBv awn feated to the directorate of the Can-dlan -v auaaaraw.of tfca aMSBk aMuu CREW OF STEAMER -DESERT . National . Railway. IJ).H. IH. The beat tuiiber awadabb hi the Joined vt. i pro. eniiek. the other director AT ALBERNI of Hie . ) from the at her today, at iraii Kail. aullietHeraled aoureea of itew- in. pert) for all mriKi-e. and aiilpb-I'M Minister of Trad and Commerce n press the . 'r when an Inspection wa (f a hwhl eiWiahseaifui aa ate thai if ti-teii iaiaMdteetaili!wter iMrwrr ran eally Im deyet-ia Expect to Get Business In or paper, lure linaed with delwhlful bn vHmmit. !. IH. lie upheld al a tiMiaervalive eau tted in f'efarier I'.reek. tjf brbm- South . made of the Trantcona i ad im ha vins a nior Iteiin luaintoii terlnr. - if the HondaUhort. white rue an Thuraday. i.ioyd iieo'seihe darter. I lie roev lornwiKin V tnowa bv ihe partte hep. ere already being anlieinate i Hi. vetmel miaintl al Ptarl till, will ana.mi nee litr iuiiiMiltle dia.ia of uttetiua artirin. Mitbaldy a VANCOl VKIt. Or't H. tirrat. The lea for the i what are Iheu re- party ,-im iii.m ileal of pleasure. th-aerted am! tiMtk lit Ho- aol ut hoi of parliauit'iil pending a!neah rotore antleaile in ly increaei volume of trade is ' Will tonight and will lour I ll- ,!) wajatd. Tte 1 1 1 t i 1 1 a---i general etwtinn. If on the other jvliu-h are iHtruaiae) of other ir. fredirted by Hon. J. M. llobb. 1 .i an . t i- " the entlr syelem. Including LABOR CONFERENCE haoine l Item had Mr i'.liMin)Mr1ain i defeab-d neMoa rMk and ImIU of ar?Mlir. minialer of Trade and Corn, . the line to Vancouver and t;- 1 I 31 ' .Id ii. - ' " i Lloyd t.eii liii' will reii:ii the pre- There are four or five vein wai uterre. fmni a preferential auree- Prince Rupert. I OPENED AT GENEYA I II' l l'lll. I lie troaeri : twvt hiuh a'raile ail. mt ttetweeu llarada and Australia Mr. Dawson wa accompanied ARRIVES FROM . r veina jut below tin- eabiu. which he i on hi way to hare by N. B. Walton, the glarier. atrikias Hwrth Australia to negotiate. He arrived PARSON ROBBER III'' I til vear superintendent of western IH II PRINCESS BEATRICE Jtt decree we.t, or neurly tarall. here yesterday from Ottawa and line. iinleiMatiooal 11 'Ollfl'l'""!-. .ateml lien .1.1 WI'll ll.-nti MAYO MINES GOES INTO DRYDOCK et with the iJarior. and one will ail on Friday. tpaarlr vein mioeralireil with pv-iMe Mr. llobb i very optiinlfo re. IS RECAPTURED l.afoinano- "I I.i 1 1 1!II I'. flilllj. CREW OF DUTCH SHIP ' . aa ebwletauyritr. On the .ardin? Ihe onteonte of hi viail. I here weir ll.' 1 1 1 a ii ;oo iii i On Ml Leatt Will at Trip to Jim Zarelll Tell About Opera. SuHahina caaiut thia vein ha beeitlOn the way aoutli he will inter. DROWNED FROM BOATS I. U.Utll . tlon of Yukon Silver This Port Whll Being eipo.ed tn one 4aee. ahteie the view 1 lie pa nl era -if r(jl at Suva Wilson and Two Sur-rounded Companion Examined Camp rakun. by a few alMria heins pltl in ronneceiou with a proHal tu ay Po and Taken : SCHOONER SEAMANO ia the aliovia? il it ship tjinada' supply of banana oh autare. Without Struggle 1 I'H KHm M ii.i IM I lie Iluaiueaa romli' iiMVa ia the VIlTUHlA. t-l. IH. The C H, . tha patiat to pe at lat three b way of Hie Canadian tiovern-ment .' f ,,( ti(ii ad-aioer ! GROUNDED ON REEF Mayo mi ii ins i'Bii'1' are ihb very It. ateaaier PriiM-e.a Iteatriea Merchant Mwriae fe-t wide, of rhatritpyrtte ore thai ahipv tu i W il.i.ii. Hi.- i -.r.nl Ix.ll'ill'i- Hl.' ill'.WMi'd Wll.'U the aad arrordtna ' Jim aWelli. w4nrh tourbed bottom al the will rant lie. Vancouver. If an upreeowut i run ik er ewpper. .. lt rlitlAII!tll. olli- a Ii(.mmI. wen vt.iiii'i'.l mi rk wto relorneaj i he rily eeenliy 'IMtUlh of the keelia Hm f taH M' . taw the eabin'tt ha been brokei. made, vlm-h 1 exeetel, four or Xr.W lIKIiHlHII. (. IH. Tier .dhei Itotllllla. 'ruen that hU rxdurn '1 inontered and (lie III tin loilf "I Ih" point ka wtiib iiorthhtHui foaay monnna iato in aeveral dr; the five rael wdl be equipped Willi three uatated l'ritib M'htMtaer upier ' w1mi rmr afwd from J'l t. Mini i til l' il on l4lui-day trip. lie j.it."l W'hMehorae. am her lat trip ha ieen onhjaed K.-aniriiio hodnd from Ki-i to f llteae ohitwiMira iteitliT eiahl .-old stirauf fai-ililie. Juneau, and la..l at Ihe Tele, -lay luorniiu weie re.-ai-.'l mihI ofler of a.-i.laiM-e were re- in drvdta-k for evaiwiaalion. M wMhout I'm t -ih.i ii Nova !"lia. with al. ke Hid BtoMith feel wide. 111 whieh there ia about tltto Spriiia a po-in uirinn lll-l ll will miaa at leaal one voyaee li on re' early today thret feet that will aay about 111 POORCATCff -W- m Utr I - of an ex tii'iiM-l'il a I roll i there t" Hydar. friae Hupert. m-ar huriv i.m ur-' aad I likely to be a otai loa. Then ia tilth- work oMVrnis per rent eopper. Tbi v a fine -I I lie Imjum- mul uitiri)d WINSTON CHURCHILL t'at. Morreafcey and a rn-w ot ia Ihe Mayo ramp al uUe a fhowta of ore and more ork teven Were rearuetl. number of turn are ajawble In GRENADES EXPLODED will duubtlea iHieii up 4 httdy of OFWHALERS HAS APPENDICITIS, H(e rabie value. Itelow Ihi -mil linma m The Maiei pal work, only a few aeMut em. on ii louriler I In- I'hI in au played al the mine. 1'be waae KILLED TWO SOLDIERS there are a minuter of ouUrop of ' i i break jaii after beinn I.ii.MhiN. IH Win ton are low m Ihe ramp and do not limitirnrn 1C ATUCDC ' re rallered over a width of Ibo Captain Anderson of Steamer BLUENOSE WILL RACE fatnraMy with ihe iTUUnULU 1U U1I1LIAJ ,H whrrh. with wrk. Hwy lead Whit Says Saon Wa Poor !"l llMtl JtdiMW He w aiiiiirer l.nureitiii Hel l '-lai y "f compare very i a tirearawr at LondHi. MaU for the I'.i'li'ine. who AGAINST HENRY FORD waifea olTeriny to Htterr in jio a very' (arise body of ore. On 1 GLOUCESTER SATURDAY I II Vl.oNS St II M.IKNK. Krance. and al I trow ua. '!- lkeii ill on Monday liaa devel. Nilaide pouita. I Good Smaller Return The whalin? boat White. Cap. Oet. IH. Two soldier were krtied Small Or Shipment app'adiriti I itodfrey Anderson ha dooi tain J. Anderson, uud male J. It. i;i.m i:fcXi t:u. M . and Mitet'ii officera and mien The Mayo Mine ia Hqf ahipp. !-oiiiderable work the on proper Matt he', arrived ill Krt at Ihl IH Ihe lUtuadiau wounded when hand yrrnada 2 SAANICH POPULATION iaz Mturh ore pii Haw. I lie ty thi season, and ha inueti im- clock Ihi mornin? from Nade i-li'Miaker I Hue l e ia liere uueXMH'tedl) duriny t 4 eoMaJitMkHa eXIalllt h ttr awui. exploded the of ttie to defend the Allantie pruxed apearanee property. I'arUtr, Oueen Charlotte Island, here. 123 VOTERS' LIST VlfVlilHIA IH Saantrh. llahhsa; Heel a rliautploa Hter iiMHstha do leal them-aelvea Htaaoeuvres In addition to tlri lie alilp- which i the bae of operation eleeloral ilflnit border to Ihe e.lilioua hJindl- to the IVroma aiiirilrr two iih ftr the tUiiuolidaletl Wlmllnu Co. and ia belllki xllip ioer-haultHl SEVEN CHILDREN KILLED iie holder- and of Vil li.I ia ha. a population of Ihe ins of large liiiiieti ef ore, ! of hiuh grade ure that ran, ot Victoria. to -elmldere. heillg llri- I l.Oa.i. ai "idnm to uaur.- preparatory the llline beiua ' (ft mi lea ui-eordluif tw atuelter rtturn. Ihe I niled The vxlialcr While lias been rai-e aaainal wfeaf M i YlilkSIU IHi. W e.t a.. ihrL en. from the wharf -'i Miliji-cta of the full Kit I'll old lit I lie IhMMIIIKHI lu-L l-orvl J?I.fry iter toti paxed in w hallux off the Slalea ttoal lli'iity the boata. Ml of IH. I'hildi'i'ti were killed coast taaded unto -Seen "t il, mul aubiNlt ii. Itureaii. ami iiuw to lialol.p. (Utuablerable inlereat it be hit of the Oueeii ...... I ii Saturday. lit tluHlls the and elexen injured when a train Charlotte lalandi I...i.. .i ......ull... I are ia ahipped loe hefuev 5 l'o I Ilia iim llol mi II,V.- .n,.. manifested in lliia deal, owiux to for the winter month over the down a ai-loiol wasun. past aiiitiiuer season. now ran 'I'ltter 31, a -tatulnry Ihe weatern -ubuili. Ihe fart that it i the second pro. Savins commenced nial b hrxmuht fi-xn the lolne to operation on il' laralxiii ehownikT they Iterty taken over by Ihe Orauliy May lha hoal rali-rpiltar trarlora ' UtltUd t have their by at.coinViau) on lha lUvar Itixaajr tit i 3S What 1 tne iUd mi abuva France Disowns those who have whieh haul two triieka at a e 4, year. Thia i In aduilion tu the Captain Auderaou Caught i - lilMe wiib a rapacity Uf tuw S RAILWAY RATES IN say that tba 3d mile Outsider ailuated toil eaeh. ENGLAND LOWERED 4, xroup. whalinx season ha been a poor lor the iuii"r of re. . down the eanal. whkh they ae- Become Citizens Since the War Going South ' one, the eatrh only mimberluv 3d ' ' BUd laklHV oueh 'Hie faet that iMliy luired. they arc Mr. arelli. who t tjkbaraated I.O.MMI.Y th-l. tH. wliwle. which i not at all a good il. i UiatUMis toy uliire l The axriy awaited au. 4, earryiuy ou development on tba k-Mtimt. While injiny whale have iu Ihe North Htai ilOajafu) froi V a.ai. I" & who grttup Sunshine and Hot Outsider dt riiw Including Legionaires Fought al A lie Arai, will m lauviiiir nouneruienl of the low- been tiphled til Ihe vieifilty of the ' in (HaUmtay I p.m.) the rotuiiu winter, and wilt ahorlly for Keaitle ami VleUria eriuit of railway fare. open roal of the Queen Charlotte m li day tula numta, e-' the (leorire property lu the U...I ..-ill M,u.ll.i U ALkilitlu ..F whieh during Ihe UI war up they have been particularly wild. I'tum lutda- and in . l. -Ihe Kmu Ii lioeriiment ... spriutr, aMakii voluiiira fur their GONSTANTIM'I'I.K. ...,. UUar rdlv vi.lU were raied l'r ! Which ha liutde it Impossible for Bdillliitu I will a I lend IU th.it it ha vilhdruu rretich rute'Uon faith in the district: for beiiiif alt. lia oifltall announced (hj( ,U h,!,,., was aniMMUHMfd lata lal the wtiullng boat lu get within "fllir frum 1 to t p.iM. from all Oreaka. Armciiiana. and Jew. who have uaanmed Krenrli . dwri , ,.ulepinlal d. tiUlil. Ou third of llio uutrd a lie are at Anox, they range slid oiielttiity they were IUe I Hill, IU!h Skill HUuulil ir Hie arniilie. Iiicludwl in ll.o.r tlm. di.tiwned Ultf UI,y w,.k ,tle .Vatlh Htar advaiH'- liu ban oliped have been in a splendid position very hard o get. ml '7 til, aMl fmni 1 to am legkmanaa who Ii.ukM hraiice during ilia Ureal War. Bt Aluv Ann this winter olf leawult the rnlee BO to mkru thorough study of the Cuilaln AnderauM expect a tu b, l' Ui. uti the Mth of Ihla m.'Ult, All aomvea of iHforuiutioii imlicalr a aernm condition ofihul eipteU to couiniaiNye devel-t Iter rent higbar thau bo- t.rv occurrence in it. Icavimi for 'n b ria in a fe day, Thrace, and ofloiimeul in I lie war. Oprat Railway cud will return ly Hie Kit N KMT A. WMJ mul diaoitlei'a in Kiialern in uuliciiKltion uiiei al""'- Ihe coin- fine ai in primr l.ily rtlerk. UlC Halbllil Of tlHllll.lt Fr.iiii'e ha depiti licil .1 aipiadruli of .my aprina ttlid I"! Hiut leuaoii lute the buiuhine i it' Nailcn Hard"!' to ronlitiih ..ulr l.' Adl'U::op!e. . rl ui a to ; CUl'talilld