rovember 4, 1932 Taxi 35—Ernie Large. t2] Basketball tonight Anditorium, 7. Open Grate Hyde Transfer—aAll coals are in| Heaters j dry shed, See adv. for prices, $1.00} «ll view of the fire. Don’t |Per ton lower than any other com- | orry you bought some ,P@ny in town. u them at Kaier | Hardware, now. | J. C, K. Sealey, pioneer resident a jof the central interior, left by ‘this| jafternoon’s train on his return to e Ladies his home at Smithers after hav-| Ceiling Cloth Dryers, ideal ing spent a few days in. the city this com- | Week on business t $1.25) Galvanized Coal Hod and shovel her, see for winter drying, lete with hooks W. A. Oswald, assistant fire mar- | shal for the province, after a| | week's visit to the city and district! ‘on official duties, sailed by the ss.| $1. 00 Prince Rupert last night on his re- Bean Crocks— iturn to Vancouver. 60c and 75c_ Heavy Cast Iron Fry Pans | Provincial Constable F. Bruntor 75¢ and 85c of Anyox was a passenger aboard the Prince Rupert last evening go- Woodsmen |ing through from the smelter town jto Vancouver. He had two prison- Here’s a good buy, 6-lb nele face sledge hammer, ers for Okalla in his custody right for driving! Sons of Norway Bazaar, Friday wedges. Very special at— Nov. 4, Oddfellows’ Hall, Tea, home 95¢ cooking and sale of fancy work in mond’s Bucking Saws— the afternoon. Program and dance 5. foot. 54- -foot, 6- foot in the evening at 9—inusic by Mrs ( est 35c. Ev 7 7.00: $8.00: $9, 00 Black’s Orchestra. Adm. 35c. Ev erybody welcome dish Buck Saws $5.25 _-—— (255) By permission of the board school trustees, the annual sale of $2.45 let a.) poppies to raise funds for relief thers at Bitted Axes $1.50; $2.75. milies is being conducted in the/™ Batteries | Schools of the city today. Tomor 2 for 25¢ | row tagging will be conducted o1 streets for the gion by the Imperial Order h, Kids! 0 ; ids; ters of the Empire, under the lead-; N l dership of Mrs. D. C. Stuart, re oT gent $2.00 Fast Running Ball $1.00; hlight il Footbal work among veterans and their fa-' Pr Canadian I ing Daugh- | and of Municipal Chapter ed lk LOCAL NEWS NOTES CCM. Bicycle ind, SO CASH Prizes fx BOYS &. GIRLS * * Start Right to save * * They're Valuable! Now Aylmer Labels VANCOUVE R 545 to 6 p.m, also Friday ev- ening and every Mon., Wed., and Fri.'at same time Operated by Canadian Canners (Western) Ltd Burn Banqu ispice i I Garnet W who been pa} 1 Mrs rman A. Watt follow zy his re ent arriva ron Y 1, sail- n | ready esbyteriar Churci i under 1 visit here w iis brother NOTICE TO FISHERMEN ing Roller Skates at $2.75 ket Knives The annual general m ~ e=.. the Northern B. C oc LO toe 15¢ to foe sociation will be held in the Social y ‘ st Party ff Canada Hall, Hays y and Value Shop ! ™ Block, 247 Second Avenue, on Fri- HARDWARE day. November 11, at 10 a.m | ember 11 10 a.m D 256) J. ROBERTS, Secretary. ! oes Fishermen's As j NAIEN Kiverybody Phone 953 Phone 95? De Jong’s © 5" Cash and pe; Friday & Saturday is Beautiful Little latch $12.50 were Good watches never You, too, can have a - Beautiful Skin if you go abbut it the right way “Sm r m ve fy] My si l Miss A. D., Buck Sask, ; stimulates FIV] | “ kr t ly. Ie a c to poor ¢ t consti] Tl t ( of a br . J tan, Fr ¢.a.tives gives you COMPLET! ir ‘ , a ; Tr Sain reflects 3 I =e th. 25c. and Fruits -a- tives «© Specials lower in price than now. This has 15 jewels and is a good timekeeper, Comes in Aylmer Tomatoes 82¢ ( several patterns and dif 3 tins for ferent wrist straps. We Lux Soap Flake For fine 95¢) » guarantee it to give satis- launder 3 pkgs. for it faction I ? i Malkin’s Best Tea per 1-lb. pkg J ByULGERS | 222 JEWELLERS ee re an Bi STORE WITH THE CLOCK 39¢|— oe Nabob Orange Marmaladt 28c' — per jar | 4 es i Brunswick Sardines 25C) | 5 tins for 2owntree’s Cocoa 22¢ Od oe '4-lb. tin urity Rolled Oats ae 6-lb. sack N : Bes st Pumpkin Prince Rupert DRY DOCK AND SHIPYARD 13¢ im Apple and} 39¢ 25c 25¢ \"" Size 2'9's, per Un Sebi ality Brand Jam ! Strawberry; Apple and Raspberry, per 4-lb. tin ps Arrow Whole Wheat » Bars, 2 Ibs. for | Cc Sac nia Dried Peaches 2 Ibs, for ive Operating three Dry Docks Hisalt Todized or Plain 9¢ Total capacity 20,000 tons |} per shake 1B 2emo Cabbage 8e be Shipbuilders j per Ib : ; dd ‘nd Ship Repairers |Apples—MeIntosh Rex $1.45. be pet box eer’ Potatoes 3l4 Ibs for Cauliflower ' Steel and Wood Vessels tron and Brass Casting leetrie and Acetylene Welding (). i ton Derrick for Heavy Lifts 25C 20c 25c¢ per large head pete sells Sprouts i 9 Ibs. for “kcal and Mining Machinery ‘paired And ! Wee. jl Anglican Church Bazaar, Presbyt MAKE AND KEEP YOU WELL C.P.R ier I \delaid apt. S. K. Gray a { tel out her re I Ad } Announcements Sons of Norway Bazaal Noverhiiaa Oddfeliow Hall Rebeka Concert Nov dfellow’s Hall Arena Boxin Empres Wedne 27¢ day, Nov. 9, Bagshaw vs. Gurvic, ll. Aa- 25¢ nee, Novembe1 Ladies Eagles’ D ission, Gent 50¢ Varden's Concert Novemeber 16 Oddfellow’s Dince November 18 Moose Legion Band Concert No- mber 18 Novem- r 22 Whist Elks’ Bridge and Novem- r 23 ‘rian Bazaar, Nov. 24 Dance Nov, 26 Moose Hard ‘Time United Church Bazaar Dec. 1 vee vee a ibd cosa ENS, Jance mber 9} THE DAILY NEWS ss ited Marr’s Messenger Service. Phone 290. tf Brick-lined Heaters from $14.50, Exceptionally good value. Gordon’s Hardware, McBride St. Phone 311 tf Albert Farrow, steamboat inspec- tor,after a brief visit here on of- fictal duties, sailed by the Prince Rupert last night on his return to Vancouver. PICTURES AT ROTARY CLUB Electric power as applied to the} pulp and paper industry was the subject of a illustrated address given by J. J. Little, manager of the Nor- thern B. C. Power Co. Ltd., at the luncheon of the Prince Rupert Ro- {tary Club yesterday. Col. J. W. Ni- cholls operated the moving picture machine, The pictures showed the whole process from the time the woods- men entered the forest, the process of felling and logging the trees, of loading them on the trains and learrying them to the mill. Then jcame the sawmill with the manu- ifacture of coarse and fine lumber, jthe manufacture of shingles, mak- ing pulp and, finally, the paper all for the newspaper and the | printing of the newspaper. Mr. Little mentioned the local in- | terest in pulp just now and expres- sed the hope that the efforts to se- cure a mill for Prince Rupert weuld i succeed. Save Money on , Your Food Supplies Take Advantage of These SPECIALS For Friday and Saturday 42c | 35C VNABUS CUrr nh per ib, tin tULLED OATS—B & K 6-lb. sacks, per sack VHOLE WHEAT FLOUR per 10-Ib. sack 34c) MALKIN’S oF PRUNES Me- | lium size, 2-lb. cartons 18 per ctn c rt.ED PLUMS—Nabob Sic No 2 tins, 2 tins Cc CRUSHED PINEAPPLE Fiji, No. 2) tins per tin BLAC - FIGS 15¢ ' DRIE 7 GREEN PEAS per lb 6c | | READY CUT MACARONI— 3 Ibs 19¢c FINEST CANADIAN CHEESE, per Ib 18¢ +OLDEN BANTAM CORN Aylmer No. 2 tins, per ‘in Lae QUAKER CORN FLAKES per pkg 7¢ PUFFED WHEAT 2 pkys 25C |\GRAPENUT FLAKES 2 pkgs 25¢ (They New Cereal. Try It) CLASSIC CLEANSER per tin 7¢ JAM-Strawberry or Rasp- | berry, per 4-1lb. tin 41ic JAM-—Cherry ) per 4-lb. tin 45¢ | JEWEL SHORTENING— per 1-lb, pkg. 14c (The New Shortening) | CHOCOLATE ECLAIRS—“National” New shipment per Ib 29¢ SUNLIGHT SOAP per pkg. 18¢ LUX—For all fine laundering per pkg 9c JRANGES—Nice family size sweet and juicy, 2 dos, doc SLICED BACON | per %-lb, pkg 10c TOILET TISSUE 5 rolls 17¢ RED ARROW SODAS— per pkg. 18¢c | | . | Thrift Cash & Carry Phone 179 201 Third Ave | “CARRY AND SAVE” | Mail Orders Have Our Prompt Attention BUNTY fe | j ST. CHARLES MILK i BORDEN PLANTS at Truro, N.S., Ingersoll, Ont., Norwich, Ont. and South Sumas, B.C. TRADE riamns AFoTs BRAND SI. CHARLES There is a great difference in evaporated milks. Insist on Borden's St. Charles. It’s the best by every test. There are good reasons why Borden's St. Charles is the best of all evaporated milks. First, every herd that supplies Borden's ts rigidly inspected. Every dairy is supervised—by Borden's own milk experts. Second, the milk itself is tested. Colour, flavour, purity, cream content, are all carefully checked. Not one quart gets by unless it meets the exacting Borden standard. Third, sixty per cent. of the natural water is removed, giving you concentrated milk more than twice as rich as average fluid milk. Fourth, it is sterilized after being sealed in the cans, safeguarding yourhealth and bringing you the purest milk obtainable. In coffee of tea, andor better results in cooking—insist upon Borden's St. Charles, and make sure that you get it. TRY THESE THREE TESTS and prove for yourself that ST. CHARLES is better! Open 4 cen of Borden's St Charles Evaporated Milk. Note the creemy color—the smooth consistency—the pure fresh flavor. Have « cup of coffee with Borden's St. Charles Seaneng ed Milk to “cream Charles blends in smoothly, tastes fresh and rich, Meke cream seuce with Borden's St. Charles. That pure, fresh St. Charles flavor gives greeter deliciousness. KC. 2 Daily Specials We have just received a ship- ment of Novelty Cup Peanut Butter. If you haven't got one, now's the time te get it. Use- ful for all purposes Se per cup Z5C Sunkist Juicy Oranges g¢ 2 fair size, 3 do vol Sunkist Lemon per doz 43e Jonathan Apples $1 7 a Z25C = per box For Friday & Saturday we Celery Sunkist Grapefruit are selling our home baker’: e| large size, 3 for 3 for Fresh Bread oe per loaf Our Brand Cream E ery Butter, per 25 C| MUSSALLEM’S Economy Store 18 — Phones 360 317 and 319 Third Avenue Permanent Wave SPECIAL from $3.50 up For November Only Call for free booklet on hy giene. What every woman should know Mi Lady Beauty Shoppe Phone 655 RENT A Radio, Sewing Machine, Typewriter McRAE BROS,, LTD, Back Northern B. C. Payrolls Keep the Home Boys Working—lInsist on Bulkley Valley Coal For those who wish to economize try a portion of Bulkley Valley slack with your furnace coal MacKenzie’s Furniture Kiddy Crib Blankets—Regular 90¢ Sale Price, each ....... "i es ee a0c Kapok—Guaranteed pure SalePrice, per pound 5. .5655 005 eae Or Two Powis TOF i iss is.c0'i 4.6 ceca eee $1.00 Cushion Forms—Kapok filling, all sizes 65e Reg. up to $1.30; Sale Price, any size ..... Bed Comforters, up from ..............62.45 $2.00 Furniture, Linoleum and Linoieum Rugs, Beds, Springs and Mattresses. Everything for the home. 327 Third Avenue Phone 775 ee Jasper Hard Coal BGG=—Per Tem. .s. ui cs ce $11.50 MINEHEAD LUMP—Per Ton ..... 12.50 JASPER LUMP—Per Ton ........ 12.50 Dry Cedar and Jackpine For Sale ALL COALS ARE IN A DRYSHED HYDE TRANSFER—PHONE 580 Because it doesn’t pay to advertise poor products, It does pay to buy those advertised. — i th ;s a 0 Oth) i * e > . . Fre: — oe ‘ih ~