Friday. April 7. 1055. AOE TVVO THE DAILY NEWO If PniNCR The HUPKRT Daily BRITISH News C.OMJMMA SO MY PEOPLE N- GRANT AT CANADIAN PACIFIC dihed Kve.ry Afternoon, except Sunday, hy The News infill ARE NERVOUS Route to Prh'llnR iai iilliliinfc Company, Thjnl Avennef "Empress"Express Europe . I I. F. PUi.l.RX, Managing Mi lor. ' INVANCOUVER 1:1 "Fruit-a-Hves" the Greatest SUBSCRIPTION RATES: "Greatest Event of His Lira" Declares City Ileivey, by mail pr carrier, per month. . . $1.00 of all Nerve Remedies Prince Rupert Sky Bv mail tolll parts of the Hrilisli Krnpire and the Unileil .Slates, Pilot. hi in advance, put year. v. ?000 j This Fruit Msdiclne Rutores Health Iir. II. II. ir:int, who has hecn To all other countries, in advance, per year. . t . vi . .$7.R0i Tbe Increase In the nuniW of in Vancouver attending Ihe Ho. TELEPHONE 98 pertoru suffering from iVijnwunwJ is tary convention, writes In a ,e, world-wide; clue, In a measure, lo the low lliilurian: reaction following Uie war. Sleepless-ness, This conference is lhe jrrealcal rrnnfienl.Display AdvertisiiiK JPLAO per inch pr insertion Headaches, Mental Depression, event Hull ever Iwiltpened ill "iny Transient Advertising. Ou.Fronl Page. ... ...?2.S0 per inch Hlieumatism, Xenons Dyspepsia, lire. I.iisl ni-.'lil in The C;iio Loral Headers, per insertion -25c per line Had Heart Action, are the results of Thealrc vvc luid ti splendid nd-di-e.s.s Classified. Advertising, per insertion. 2c per woril a disturbed condition of the Nervous hy )r. 1'idiM'on. TIm sinat-in? Legal Notice?, each insertion toe. per agate, lino Sjyslein. viis pooil. The llnlli'h.jah nuilract Rales on Application. The nerves .and the Uood are so Clukfiis was worth coining all All advertising should he in The. Daily. News Office on day. preceding Intimately, so vitally, connected (hat Ihe way lo 'he:ir;:iid tli0 speejal publication. All advertising received suhject k' approvalt the condition of one is hound lo affect :ii!hf!ti find solo?! jvere superb. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. the condilion of the other, if the This iiinriiiiis (.Monday we blood Is laden with impurities, It Is lie.trd Ihe liev. 5eo. I'allis iniiii impossible lo have strong', steady address of welcome thai made DAILV EDITION Friday. April . 1021?... . nerves. )In' whole iiildieuce .11 lis finish ;. i , '.-- 7 he fint tsiential in treating nervout rise up ami cheer. Tim answer Via Quebec British Goods trouLlrt is to purify and enriih the Uood. by. hy ltof:irian Itev. ("jiuiler of Sc. Canadian Ports.' This, "FRLIT-A-TIVLS will do. ullle was ciliially pood. The QT'- -jr oX" Si and the St, Lawrence A motion; vCas iiiloduccil inlo lhe Canadian llnioe'of Commons "Fm:rr.A-TlVi:s',sUraulatestbo ftheiMi' v:(s "good will," and holh bowels, liidneynd.stiu and purifies Only Four Days on Atlantic lo ; o miiko it i-oinpulMiry to ship Hrili-di goods inlo Canada the blood. "Krult-a-tiyes" improves liieu 'liaiidleit their siibjcl Mi-perldy. through. Canadian ports in unlet to secure I In preferential tariff appetite and digestion ami Insures SOUTHAMPTON HAMBURG liul I foi'KoJt i speak of Ihe CHERBOURG - - rate. Thai is Similar to I licv proposal In ship ll-di raught in food being properly digested,wholesome thus pa?eanlT i'very llnlary counli-) Amerir bonis from aiuVinerirnii port. The motion wn defeated enabling the bloodtocarry was rep resell led by . a and it is to jVeifxpectWl Americaii legislation against Hie use uf nourishment to build up the body, and a man in nisi nine. Kaeh London Largest Steamships sailing from any Canadian Port Canadian pojfts wilt .be defeated. Willi sit much in common particularly the nerves.who take "l'ruit-a-tlvcs" einiiitry was called and lhe rep. Westminster Abbey, one belweeii llicikvo coiinlries it seems hardly reasonable to slarl MeiianiHvomeu for some form of nervousness vesenlalives walkeil iiji the aish' edifices of the most in England.famous Empress of Scotland 25,000 torn putting trailMriiupt-dimenls in each others way. because they caunot cat or lo lhe .slare. The crowd cheered work enjoy life thai as they cauc up. I.nst of all hleep or or say France - 18,500 tons Victoria Drydock thfi fruit medicine is simply manvUons Itrilain and the t'niled. Stales Empress of And Naval Policy. in its nttion. with llrilannia and ("nliiuiliia The drydock at Esquimau was apparently part of the naval came iiji on oppo.4io sides. They Shortest and most comfortable route, with express rail connections policy of (he late, government. The naval policy lias hecn revised 50c a box, 0 for$;.."0, trial siz", ot. liiel in the uiiddle of the sl.130 to the chief cities of Great Ilritain arid tho dealers seul h.: ..j I by ami ihe work on tire drydock has' hcen stiyiped. .Nalin-idly Hie Fruit-a-lives At Limited.or Ot ' and we all raised lhe roof. Then; Continent. people of Victoria are disappointed. The spending of so large a we sjiiiv "iod Save lhc Kins'" sum of money there would have kept the Victoria people eating j and "America.' I loll you it Yo'ra1"i7rg"fTn1e7 1 1 was somewhat in ifie nature of a meal ticket,. SUITCASES yil under, more han a few skin London or Paris from Quebec Also il would have tended lo increase business at thai port after' nlown Ifi the heart. the dock was completed.; We, who have bad so many disappoint- j TRUNKS Sooke at Banquet. Notre-Dame, historic in a Week 'incuts oursclvr, can sympathize with them in their setback. ! I spoke al Ihe ali landmark of the gay Possibly Hie dock') may yet he continued, hut until the naval j CLUB BAGS noon. , French metropolis. Berlin in Nine Days policy is clearly delcnrtiiieihlt is hardly likely the work.will go on.j W'e had" a moving picture nf .Such an immense dock would be useless unless immense ships) Large Stock on hand. the convention taken in. front of via the Sheltered St. Lawrence are to plv to the port or be in lhe: neighborhood. , ! the (iouri 'House Ami then hack Prices vey low. to the Capilol for more address. i ' . i The EMPRESS OF SCOTLAND is new queen of tho . Vancouver uock I heard the finest nd. J. F. MAGUIRE Also One Too Many. . -.. I . dress I ever licaril on the prti. Canadian Service.- j,magnifjcent.oil-burninjr vesse with f'Vhe proposed clock .at Vancouver 'would also;hc-."al'hfle Next the Prince Rupert Hotel leiu of iucinplnyuiriil, by Hie every, appointment fpr ,the . comfort 'of , the traveller. ' . elephant throughout the time of its bond guarantee. The Cana lienn of Washiii-rlon I'jilversily. Twelve rjublic rooms, including regally decorated bali-room, ilian fovernmeiit,would have to pay for il just as they paid ft4lfe . Let me say again that this ' smoking and iioonv palm garden. guaranledi-iiHways, At present there is a good ifrydnTk at the finest event I ever attended music rooms j Ksfjuiinalt wliTch will lake all lite ordinary"tramp slennishtpsrYfie Ten Years Ago .There- i not one spare moinenl Berlin. All,.the. Empress trans-Atlantic liners have l.r?c,weUj ) Oriental liners all dock on the other side where labor i 'feak I nm having the lime of rny Unter den Linden, ' Ventilated a'rid service arid cuisinS'tosAtlsfy the' Any Vessels top lafge for Ksquimall can come to prince Hupert. j in Pr'nce Rupert no. . a'popular thoroughfare state-rooms Naturally the (tropin of Vancouver want thedock. They oft of Germany's chief city. jtnost experienced travelleis. not consider Ihe welfare of the whole country bill the welare of April 7, 1912, KETCHIKAN PEOPLE Canadian Pacific also offers service jThe a splendid one-class Vancouver. They want to liuild up thaL-poHiiuiu Tilcn'asc juisi (iishop fin Yernei in a letter lo ness there. Tiie fact that Ihere Are ajready suflicient docks in theJ'hc Daily Xews asks Ihe city ORGANIZE FOX FARM between Alontreal and. Quebec and Liverpool, Glasgow, province' has no hearing on the jiial'er wilh,;They forcid cpjjiicil If il closes the grocery Southampton, and Antwerp.9.. , . - i L i I lie hand? of 'the previous govei'nm'e'nl am'they will Iry lo do lhe sJ,(iof' 7 p.m. why not Ihe A fox farm eoinpany has been same with, this yne. Happily the government seems to swe lhe nar-fooins al in p.m incorporated al Kelrliikan wit 1 Canadian Pacific Railway connections .from all partsof , necessily of rctrt'nclinieujj (,r,f ' - 'A '"' 1 ' I . ii. uoessei, Arinur rropji, ir Canada to Montreal and Quebec. n Toronto and , Vancouver firms J. II. Ilustard, M. .1. Ileneghan Immense District will -this season operate placer and C. J. Collins as lncorioralnrs Everything Canadian Pacific standard none better. Forestry" Department. . outfits in the Otnineca district and directors. The corriorallnn m'i.t.HLii-i"iJ;.,HiiMriLWfNi..iiiiiMni.f r.,..i.:, .1', .-.r-.rrT.. . - one. People oflen on an extensive scale, Yv'wk. wjll will lake over Ihe lease of Hot Tickets and Reservations at all Canadian Pacific Offices throughout the World wondet'iwhy nu otUet here is pessary ami what Ihe foresters do, commence as soon as the uiacli. spur Island wliicp lloessel an: if theyilead -report wWli vas puhlished in this paper yesterday in.cj-y can he taken ni, Maiison I'topp now hold and il is the in. I hey will ee the need fif such a ilennrimnni 11 ,.r..-o..L ... ami (iermanson -Creeks will h-the leiYllon of" the new company to " are.i and a large amount of timber comes under its poiuls oT aclivily.' place 50 pairs of foxes on the and of the ready! one women was supervision. While there is lilMe need of Are island Ihe prolection on the as. soon as necessary before her husband. II was all cfiasl nwing to the summer rains, (here is supervision of the cut A bridge over Itehring Slruil buildings and .other eiuipmenl dreanj. and collection of-slumpage dues to ho looked after. .No matter which vvouhl evenlnally briii; fire ready lo carry on ihe work a where the lumber is nil, the province collects revenue from it, and Prince Hupert in direct rail com. I he capitalization of (lie eor- NO one iiiimlsithv running expenses.. Lumber & Lath n J"'i M iV w'irK 01 me uisinct foreslcr nnit his staff. nuinicatlon with Paris and St poralion is j.i.onn. It's theff idling expenoes U.s,l jear.wjis ralher a poor one. especially in lhe immediate I'elershui'y is now being talked Ihdspur Island is loeateil be thai cosf. tciiaty of Prune Iluper(. This year should show an improve-ncnt. of. Iween Annette and. Dukn Islands ' Mills .arc opening and others will r..u.... ir aboiii :ui miles south of Kelchi. & Shiplap-Boards and ITS ;joo bad Hiiil .iueome tax Iherp is market the capilar is likely lo he and contains 1 Il found wild whirl, lo BURNS LAKE LADIES kan, ,800 acres. and leister should come ahoit PWCalc. t-Tonk for a great iuipr(it!ineiit liysuiumer. is well .timbered ali) has two lhe lime Dimension1 .same of year. GIVE ENTERTAINMENT lakes and two good harbors. COMMUNISTS NOT aggeraled the political imporl-ance TIIK clothes "girls wear today ThorouKhly AJr Dried and Stored Under Cover of the power of the (inrnian High Class Revue at O. B. U. are sensitile Mil llial is not why ANY REAL DANGER reacjionaries. The Communists The Man in the Moon J, Hall by Mrs. and Miss Collier. I ho young ladies wear them. Kiln Dried were no real danger eillier. They SAYS:-: Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Philip Scheldemann Says militarism were only gradually grnning Iheii i ue revnr arm iianee put. on (s Dead For Ever way mm (tie (icnnnn Irade al lhe O. It. I . Hall by Mrs. d'd ACTIVE DEVELOPMENT and Finish In, unions "hi order to j'rarn Ihnir Her and daughter iladys. of I ii K only person who eaiiiiol t. uermany. lioliticul manners." Hum Lake, was an enjoyable play Ihe foo is one who N a fool ON SMITHERS CLAIMS SPRUCE LATH " 1 ' . TZ luscussing the relations of event. The revue program eon naturally. . Mi.i'l..ll.V,l-.., .l(r,t 7. PHn-ir:ermariy with Itlissla, Hcrr Hisleil of several numbers, and Compressor and Crew of 25 Men Manufactured In Prlnct Rupert and selling at Lowest? Price M. .-i-iirjo.ejnann, leaner vr lhe !Scheidemann said ihe ficrman Included, fliiet " liieauiy .Slumber A (iOOII looker" is a man who to Work on Mamie Group j.e.mao went -anc uarty. while I government had negolialed with Time " r.J I.IW...I liu Keeps bis eye on III., girls. Thl- Summer. lu'toyX- I'm; Associiitefl Press j ferl Uadek. Itussian Soviet agent and "The. Ohi Irish Molher.' ' PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. nwiiau oionarisiii wasjln- Derlin. lie expressed the Miss filadys Oollicr san a Soli IIHKATIIKK Ibcre (he man SMITIIF.llK, April 7. ap- ;end forever. The piej of I opinion' that the murder of entitled "Hy fieorgiii Moonlight,' Willi mind so dense - lain iurner, wtio js in charge of I Seal Cove, Prlnco Rupert Telephone 361 deiriocr.M-y had levee. ticnn.iny Count .Mirhack. for which no ink) as an encore gave an exliih- Who never had operations on the Mamie group fto tnat extent utu the (Serman ! apology had been received, pre- illon of lie lerpsifhorean art. A grain of se'nse of claims on Hudson I lay .Moun fltflv.,.'',""rPflltlinrl'ifi'ruMi msny nu.iull wiinsiana .,,.senie(.u i no real harrier. . against Mrs. (.oilier gave n plensnnt ren ud never Irietl Ii think, . tain near Smilhers, relurned lasl ,.j --,.,,.1. ,wl, iiauons arriving ui an dering of Klsa's Dream '.from week from a trip snjjlh and an i-oreigii cotinines. tie sft.ll, ex- understanding. Wagner's opera l.obengrln in full If such there be . nounced that a compressor plant nperalle roslume befitting the lio knock him down is' to he put on tho property an, DENTISTRY part. He is a disgrace a crew of ;T men will he kfpt Mendel,s.nhn'H .Spring Pong to any town working on development wrick Saving $1,000 was also rendered to good effert. And (Mils il on the blink. there ibis summer. The band Don't neglect your teeth. On decayed or rnlsnloK tooth Miss Collier's singing of "fin system, so far in use, will be lowers your vitality. . (ioing in Marry Harry" had WK are always glad lo Me iboljshed and the compressor Through thousand trifling economies, you can accumulate humorous vein and as' an. tyieiini some visitor and always glad to will be capable of driving Mm DR. BAYNE one dollars in few a years. a reeitaliori whs given. Perhais say good by lo others. YM new Turbo drill (o a depth Py persistently and regularly depositing $2.00 a Hie iiiiist iuieresful Item of (lie of 350 feel. Camp building oi- Rooms 4, S, , Helgeraon Block Phone. 109 week with us with, interest at 3, compounded program was "A Wyoming Lull TUB chief ijifft-rence belweeii rations have nlrady com Olllce Hours: Mornings, l-12: Afternanus, 1:30.5:30; emi-annually you will have $1,211.43, to youi aby? sung hy Mis Collier re- the prince of VHe and our-hcIvp menced. KvenliiKa, 7.9. Cidi in ten years. linlng. wilh an Improvised moon i thai the Princpf wants A rnirrplcle assay plan! has Copy ( oiu brechura Th RMuh oi Mtk effeel,.... surrounded witli. v,fower'.. to he chuinmy with Ihe .Japanese been secured and I), It. Wille,. Ug Wkly Ucpoiiti," irte on rc4utt in'-r joe,i. lu-ogrnii oniiciiig was while w lo not waul them liore mar, of Ilazelton, arrived at indulgefj in v'llil 1:15 a.m. al any price. Smlthcr at the end of the week. UiNION STEAMSHl? COMPANY OF B.C., LIMITED Professor (). A. Pryee' presiilei) An effort Js being ramie to UNION BANK OF CANADA it the piano. v TIIK people have the SAILINGS reason p many compressor put on For Vancouver, Ocean Kails anr Hwnnsnn Hay. Tuesday P "1-For are hard up at ItiU llihe of year Victory property by lhe fckeena Vancouver, I Hay and potl Hardy,. Sntur1.iy Tliniiias Oxley. of Anyox, nailed Is because the Kaler haU havu .Mining and 'Milling1-' Co. brought For Anyox, Alice An,,, p.m,Sunday Arrand.ile Prince and Wales Island, Rupert Prnnch AT Broderick, Manager last niiilii for Vancouver. lie to he purehased. lo Ihe Mamifi hut if this fails midnight. will sound a brief holiday vlit- new plant allogellier will he lmPn Z!0ri n No ftivor in in Hie ttouth. TllLftf' was s party recently brought in. Ave. Canneries. Friday, JACK B.C. BARNSLEY, Agent Prince Rupert, E3