-pads rorm THBrOAlLT NEWS Friday. April 7. 10??. ! ... .. . BRINGING UP FATHER ' By George McManus I I THlb CORO l,TOO IRS 1 1 ' WHERE ARE "YOU . ( ?OOT I """ I i Vhimk. a LlTTUt I " IX- ' , --r- - I X V W i csao estaH-To be r I mohhi or x m.s are exercise will. do rw 91 rjprrhz- ' I woNOte Whisk tebletpoonful of Lux into thick lather in half a bowlful pf very hot water. Add cold water mtitp n i tvn ip nun 1 H n I i P. I . .....11 M .Wll M M ' until lukewarm. Dip the IMMIGRATION CATARRH inc daii torint i stocking up and down, of tlx THRILLING PICTURE1 throughand pressing the through Lus them.suds FROM ENGLAND BLADDER i.Wml Daily News Classified Ads. aria Carnal uttM Story of Shop Girl Who Is Kept Rinse in three lukewarm 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE. No Advertisement Taken for Less than ROc waters. Squee?e water , bV a Crook at Westhotme out Jo not -Bring'. Hang to Dr. Lawson Tells of Desire of TonlohL WANTED MISCELLANEOUS. l td P.F.NT Furnished . , dry. Never dry over a People to Come to This r radiator. lows." :ln-cheers parly '"'ftk'"- '"' A Steam heated. liorird if i, beautiful -Hioppirl i arcti- WA.VI'KI) Men In rn.no m:w.uu if 1 fafi to Country. fr Hi.- h. i...r.- and women prow Pit. IlnniO Cnnlijnp. Xr.rfnH of r,jni. (, no, rom Irarn the Harlipr Trade the hair. Oriental Hair flnot Hair The thin, white, satin-like illlP lllisl flllll lps hy llnoms. Phone 'Mack . n Lus flakes are made by Mr. V.. II. I-aw-.un -f I.nlon, mil. in tirr way to jail she. 1 - only .method in Hip world I lint Omwer. World's flreatest if our own exclusive process ri'piirJ hy a man, who aflpr- will save yn.j Hiiip and money Hair Ornwer. (irows hair on (iOOH clean Heds from ',o , j and melt quickly. nZTK. interesting wedding warrt ltil tills hiinsplf as hpr and. fit you for a position bald bends. II must not be week. Flsliermeire Itesi .;l tf! . . . .. . noon, lnui of tin vrm iir-irp 01 1 manlian. tavisltin: moiiry and worth while. We uarMilee put where hair is not wanted. Pioneer ftonin. 107 :in Av ' inn it tupremt lor wainmipne llin pdi of Kntalid to romp WAS SOLEMNIZED BY prPlly riot hp upon hr. SIip steady PtiiployriiPiil at jrnni! Cilres dandruff nul all '.ilp cLxhtt. Sold only In staltd iiipcIs and fiilU in o with" a AUCTION SALE. 1' wajfe. Write fnr hpaiili-ful troubles. 1.73 ' (4ind4 nnd of Hip oli.tacp. put , now per Jar. (Hxktttkal-procJ in IliPir way. CANON RIX YESTERDAY youn? mllliunairr. Theii siiil- illuslraled calalo?up. Mnler Apenls wanted. Pro. M. S. AFC t ltl.N SAI.F. of d ;ily -be TIip i'liir prafli!pd in Kin- denly she disenvprs I hat her liarher College, anfi Main Sl Crosse, t IK l.npHii Ave..' Win-nipep. held shortly., Per :if itc liiirv and hp caii'p in IoiipIi with Miss Georgia Hall Becomes Bride iipjihmi pflardian i "a w-pII Vancouver. H. 0. Man. sirjuis of selling flrei ; rronl LUX known and that hrr alle? of Ihr lowpr iniiMlp cla many of George Percy Tinker ptl riitne and suhsmjoriil ineel-in? nrci.lAHI.K aenl wanted fnr flu- NOTICE to Automobile Owners propeny, wrue of faiJ .m nr.. and thr lowrr riaisi-s in i-onuon. " Reception In Evening. with Hip inillionaire wa all perl lisricl. The Sovereifrn New Auto llepair Shop jus) Leek. Auctioneer. - I and Iip prrilip! Ihi'ir rondilioH -- LEVES.BROTHERS LIMITED pilialdp and prn trasiral. "frampil," so thai Jhp ernnk Life Assurance Company. Ile.ii) opened crtrner Fraser and ai'ctiox sai.k or m ' Toronto 122 a W'hpn ppoplo fuiind Iip was mi- A verv inlerplins weddine "i?hl use her Tn rxtorl money office, WinniiiPfr, Man. Wrile Sixth Street. First class mechanic. Suits, Ladies' Swe.-iJ r- in In Cana'da and" vra inprplpil look plaep ypslrrday aflprfionii in from her rirh adminr. Cha. A. I'yne, Prince fJeorfre, Specialist mt ipuitioii will be he. al H In 1Iip ppni,nl r.f Hip Oiipi'Ii Hip Anal Tea 11 replorj- at 3:30 That if the jtuation in Mmir-o'rlock nianaser for Xnrthern Itritisli work. Work p'liaranleed. Saturday ,nighl ';'i mr illiarlottp NlamN tluV inundalvil whpn Miss fienrpia lfafl. 'IVmnieaur'jt lalpst I'nf-dau?hler Ool urn hia. Phone PO if in trouble day or ronm, sd Third Av. of.Mr. anil Mrs. Oenrr-rpj amount pielurp. 'Th'p Hail," in nishl pood linn wilh apiliralinni ami rr- .A ll.li 1 wo or inree rooms, chance to a For Sale (i.pt for information in rrpard Hall, Sprlni'liill. .nva Scoiia. tp-jh'"l Hop' llanipion will play funiished or unfurnished. Or CYCLE REPAIRS. Hjirinp suit. Ol'ill-p eaiiic Ihe bride of (";poivp I'erpyiH leadin? ndp al lhp-Ves. in Hip irtarp and the. jinwppols. small collaffe.. Apply Hox 15 Cycles of alt makes repaired Aiiclioneer. ! holme (uilil, Itoiuanee .Mr. Theatre TinkiT, son of and Mrs. Mfi-L of..Hip people were- luriiPil Haily .News Office. id and baby carriapes re-tired. Lls 25 and 20. Murk" 1, ilporpp TihVef. t'.ockermoulh. ami Hirills are skiliruliy iiiPiided AL'tWION Sale of Fu Section 5. Mot excellent dvri)by thfit'anadian iinfuicra- Cuiiib'if-faiid' Knslnnd". Itev. Cin-n in Hie nlory. wliieh has lnen WA.Ti:i Furnished housp or Cycle Accessories. enlisUliu? or Heds. Sj iti- fur home or apartment. ln.n nOlee. . I (1 Vl. "X.'.ni' nfTlPliilihp. The screened with all nf Tmirneaur's aparlmenl. Apply Ir. F.. R. Out of lown orders prnmplly WMsh-lands. linfr.i K h l)r L'awsn'n Kiid Hp wii llirrj Adjoining tin Waldron. ina'rrinppi refrttVuYy was very genius for prodiii-linp colorful Tail, Hotel Prfllce Muperl. 83 attended to. Cnbinel, Library Table Ik.. In in.iitl thv Iminivryfin depart J. GAVVTHORN Splendid view. Sealed lenders diiie. and, Ihe 'einlple were una!-' effects. , hressers. Chairs,, etc . ineiu. 1 ney itirnen 4 way ! f ITUATION WANTED DOMESTIC .517 Fulton S.lreei. fnr rali will he received tended. "The Hail' was oripinally a Salesroom. 82:1 Thuil v with frh C2ni 1 sum varying until April t Tilli. 17000 and advied po t At 7 o'clock a reception look'p'ay by Siilncy,. Toler and was YOI XO Knplish Umls position WATCH AND CLOCK REPAIRS;. tomorrow aflernoun nr Australia. The men llijirjo"v?Tlo vii place al Ihe liome of Mr. and 'adapted To Hie screen by Johp as (ieueral. with private Kxperi watcli, cljK'k and i feorpe Leek. Auciionr. Agent for cumins to the OueeiuW.hiirlotl Mrs,.'J'. II. Allen. Xtlin Avenue, j tiilberl. I family. Write Itok 21, ocean "' chronoiiieler maker. BOARD. Norwegian American Lin Island knew tdr liPhAfiVnik Hie WPltview.1 A weddinp break- Falfs, II. C. H Watcli and Jewellery Hepalr.s a Swedish American Line would linvr In Jo :tiWi-ro prij fdt was verved al which '- MISS MABEL SCOTT IS sipeially. HOAIth Inlander, 830 Se-nml Scandinavian American rfnnwins nown: .Mr. am FOR SALS Mail order prnmplly executed. Avenue, phone 137. 1 In do . ! par.;d Line. t (.Mrs. f. P. Tinker, Air. and Mrs. SEEN IN 'THE CONCERT' GEO. GIBB Iim' -I'l-.-iLf-r il Uc had Ix-cn i FOIl SAI.i: Small .-a piirdy, BOATS FOR HIRE. .1. II. Allen. Mr. and Mrs. A. T. ;'q,ii. Posl orfice i P.O. Hox 233) Oliver Typewriter (ouch wfiJu AianyV jftifSnfjanl mi Opp. ' .J Ji.p. Ferrn enpine. wJ.iili Parkin, Mr. and Mrs II. W. , ....V .v.i..?i Prinee tr LAUNCH 3j Hnperl. Nnrhrthnnir W Cary Safes 111. ri'uurwiiiji w lOVPinei HSreli, Mr. and Mrs. Joseph .Mabel Julienne Scull, who enuipineiil incliidiiip inverse FIRE INSURANCE auLtlif-y all faV ureil tSum m-IhmikI HMrhiiisort. Miss Mavpnrel Mur-rny.-'Ht'-'r. plays lh, role -of llelphine in pear, 1011.00; Jeweller nnd Seriee. Phone lilack ton. " IUoSp nwn 1111 lTffflil irei Weniiiioulh, K. C. "The Concert.'" a (ioblwyn picture Iienlist's Motor, with chuck amt'Moivion i- ipwin. People werj to bi' seen al the Kmpl'css and bufrer. -f-.Ti.OOj.So lb. anchors, & Hanson lilbh'ilis, .loseph Howe, (ieorpe .'Call Oporpp Iloss Dybhavn Iromm-tTT-t lLu.xtimitcyJycaM--' Macdoiiald'-aud Stephen Kiup. Thealre Imiislil, is havinp a sti'iAii fto lb., ?lo.no. Five-passpnppr Tnurinp f'.ar Third wnnlPd 10 I'naKe pood ami hard limp living- down her repii-lalion. For siiM'in' chaiier. :P't0 20 Avenue i flli-y Canon IH'proiiosed a loast to Prompl hay and .Nishl Sprvicp frince, Rupert, B. C - -no'wTnrrri:ri,Tj' pi Ihe bride and proom, Mr. Tinker Her first role before h.p. work or risti boat wilh Stand: Boston Grill, Third Avenue TIMBER SALE X-3S70. . -4lHi..iHo p that In niosi Hie camera was thai of a half-breed or wilhnul crew al low price respnndiiip siiilaldy Kadi of Sealed tender will lie lv rer. i"f i).e iieoplp in l,ri(:lanil, II. ('., Indian in Ilex lleaeh's HAULAGE AND TRANSFER the other peiillemeli members of fnr Hie seannp other boats .iii.ivi, r .r rami., at virmria 11..1 ' jiinnil Vanfouer. That was !ip-p.iiisp slory. 'The Harrier." Since then Phone 189 iu.n on I tie tun da of Apul. : Ihe iarlr spoke, also coupliup and engines from 3 In l.'i h. liie purrlMw ..r l.le,-nre m-:. iir Ihe H. C. representatives caslinp directors have lliouphl p.; nne American power saw; Furniture Itemovals nsii.uno reel nf llaUam. Ilcti' ' llieir complimentary and con- Oiiar. siinaip EDSON COAL 'there told of rfolhinp but Yancon-er. pralulatory remarks with words of bei' as a pood Indian typp. one woml .;tw arbor and saw; Prompt Service ;nee of Ktan' on Arm,an llana-e an 4 s.n a" U'' If the country were made of esleem for Ihe bride and Ill "The Coneerl," dircrled- by one small conveyor. .Vorlhern Prince llupert Transfer iiiiriri.rwo if) year will lie allowed ' "' known there, Jhe iiiiiiiii.'r.ilioii 1o Vielor Sclierliuperj she pnrlrays Kxcliaupe. 83 JIM STURGEON reiiHiial nr timber. COMPANY this ciiunli-j woiilil In- ti'a-ineniloii proom. Daneiup followed before a society matron who becomes rurther parllnilars of the c.liler ' yoimp ler. letoria. B. r... or liriri 1 i-b Ihe parly left for the niiil-niphl I'OH SAl.F Clieaii One American ST. ELMO HOTEL I'rlnre Huw.fi, H. c. men with capital. infaliluled with a unteil They Corner 2nd Ave. and 7th St. jafnnns- boat on which Ihe couple Halibut bull. F.ilber complele Itnoms lo lei from 3 week iiitnsl c,ni' In ,1 climate soiiietliinjr niiisK- master anil poes with him per up, LAND-ACT. embarked In spend a week hon-eymooninp or pot. One pleasure' boat 25 llunninp hot and cobl water in like tri I a in. The for In his mountain cabin. Her prnspiw ill Ihe sonlli.- All en- Rotlta of Inlanilon to Applf lo Lassa Lsn. the fufiire ilepVnilprl on iimuiirra-lion, husband and Hie musician's, wife feel; fine for Ibis harbor. One all rooms. Hiiisiaslic sendnff was piven by boat 18 feepl. Othpr Ilalli. Sleam Healed. in I'rinre lliirl l and PMi n'l. It' Best Coal open pa Mndern and it would he easy to pet follow Ihetu, and in the siiceeed-inp a Inr llistrlrt of Cij.i llanire :. ait.i il' Ihe people, lie urped that people a larpe crowd or well wisiiiup scenes some very dramatic Imats and pupines. Apply. Phone Green 510 In vicinity of Port Kinaton. It. ' friends who hail assembled at if lake notice thai wr. JI11II11 Joni. V'" Supa, Hayvlew Hole!. ... .... ..... hern work is required. . L'.ll-n U 1 in touch the pel with Canadian f HYDE TRANSFER i-.r, .1.. mi. ii 1 ,iri r.,iimi"i. Ihe wharf. iri'iiiiilo(i nhetmen, 1 at immlprnllnn authorities and Mr. and Mrs. Tinker are both "I pel a chance lo do some FOH SAI.lV-".'arlielhniip." II i Phone C80 ieriioii.n 10 ieae ine intend rollnwinr 11 i pet real aelinp in Ibis picture," said LuiiN- r.oiiiinrneiiis al a po-i 1" ' ' mure sympathetic co-operation well,known and popular in this my intention In lake Ihe casr General Haulage intlie rorner of lot a:., lianirn '' Lowest Prices wilh them. Wilh sueti a dis. eily. The bride has 1een her Miss Scott. "With parts like inlo the Admii ally Court and, I and IU'lrlei, tlienre lioilla-l i . hui" thai I water mark, llwnre wiutn A rh.-in ! ' tn'ssfiil condition ohlnininp in this I will show them am for a couple or years and was need Hie ninney Make me an Coal low waler mark, llienn. w. l ' l''.liuland. anxious an aelress, nol just a lype.'' Hah water nrark. thenre r. .-ha! ' people were o offer. Ilnonies K. Freemiin a member" of the Horden SI reel Apenls lluiii'rl and Ilislricl for ill B li waler uuik lo .int nr .-oniiii 1 1 come here. School leaehinp slaff. The Globe Airless Tubes. and I'oiitalnina 3 '4 aere moe ' Order Now! Phone 58 .1. S. Kennedy, nf Srnilhers. nr )'Oll SAlJ-:. i-'.lrven acres, out of Ji't.ii s join-wai.tui pi-ooiii is nianaper for the hrok- ' Second A Ven un mi: rived in town ia-1 nipbl and is Nauafmo, Vancouver Islaml, App. 1" FAREWELL PARTY TO . raae firm of David II. Hays. naieil Feliruarv . IttS. repisiered at the. Hotel Prince Partly imprnved. Ideal for SHOE REPAIRS II.. nerved wilh dlsliiiPlfon in the ItupiTi. fruif and chickens. Apply llnx LSNb Ar.r. USE. MRS. MANSON AND MR. real War. I'ulistinp in I'Jlt as Umbrella Repairs 1 1. Dally Newrt Ollice. 83 a private in Ihe 301 It Haiallinn CIoIIipk elenned and pressed. Nolle of Inttntlon Is Apply to Ltstt I"1 AND MRS. CLEMENTS he soiui reaehed France and wm THE COUGH FOIl SALK.Fiirnilure of Ihree Soils culled for and delivered. In oiieen Charloite llahil l.aml Pirn ;'; Shamrock Phone Illue 2.i I. neeiiniini lililrlrl of I'l-inie Hiiii. n am. Iransferred to Ihe Seventh -Haiallinn. room house 15 cash. Cheap ituate In fninl of Hlnek 'A' 111 1. 1 Mr, and Mrs. J. C. McLennan He was ill Prance with that lent, icn Mnlh Avenue F.asl. LEM JOHN .anvara Take tiullrii 11.11111.RaiMdlan run ti .-A ''" Entertain In Honor of Citizens Ihrouphoiit Ihe fc'ieal si rumple Phmip Ited -J81. K.'l 844 Third Avenue an f.ompany l.lmlled of I'rinre Hi:. f 1 BACON TicklishSensation im .-iiiaii.in llMi-Healers iniriiil 1. si", and relumed to Canada in K'H Who Are Leaving. Rttt-AIR SHOP ror iieriiilnrloii m ie0P nm rollow , afler havinp been raised lo i lie FOH SAI.Iv Colinniiia (rnfiiiiola .'rlhl'll lu III r.lilillnelipllir al 11 111 s . I. C HAM Oeneral repairs, pns eimines. i.imi fiH.t in a aoutiiwi'strtlv inr.-n ; " Vlrs. A. M. Mannn nml Mr. and captaincy ami tmviiip won the A little tlrkllnir In ilw throat; now ind wilh iMiiinet and thirty-five stoves, locks ke-s, sewinp ine nnruiwesieily kiI of Indian l llisllnpulshed Conduct Medal. A llwn ( dry. liarklnt courh: you think II record. Snap ror Casti. Phone ma Vl, til. tllenre IKil ri.l nmr, .11 li - 1 UU 1 1 LK Mr. . s. Clrincnfls were the l h I bail rnouih U Imilwr about, but chine', bicycles. pramonbones simlhwetierly dlrerllmi lo mv wal. nn wide circle tif friemU will wish Hlack 132. 81 thenre ?nu fret alont l"' " weneMy EGGS imipsIk of honor al a hrid'-'e party every lurk makes a brearh'ln Hie ar-inn. and elect ricnl appliances. mark, thenre ton feel norlherly anil dnnce piven last iifphf hy Mr. bolli happiness and prosperity itralTit Hie tunsa anl prepares ibl FOH SAl.C Launch, 11 reel ROKKJAR BROS. water mark. Ihenee son feet eaui-r "i""1 In Ihe new ipliere. fnr more cerlons trouble. hlrh waler mark in imini nr e 111:111"H1 way LARD mid Mrs. J. ('.. McLennan al llielr St Hie Ilw many people tuve Ion s rood Innp, ( h.p. CiislImiM'. ()m R20 Third Avenue Wc mint and ronialnlnr two (j: air. i" elly, f)n llieir reliirn n t iful home Jlorden Street. '.fl'ii'n.l risil A' rilLII ni'n-"'" e;-ul on tlcklinr. Irrl-lallns yeaf old. Phone Ited ri:i. 8'.' Plume lied 378 iiim; ret by that nasty, CH.MPA.NV I.Tli., t m nit Mr. and Mrs. Tinker will take up Appllrant. II wns a fr.rewpll ecitl and proved aenitalloii In the tliroal? The. dry, Hy liunran kennrily, Al'nL The Empire' Strndard. most enjoyable. their 'residence al Sixlli Avenue lian.li couh ki'rpa you awake, anil when FOIl SALliilnuscbold fiirnilure, FOR RENT Paled February . Iut. Mrs. .Mauson is poinp le Vic-loria and Mcllride Street. j on rcl up In the morning you feel a It piano a snap at 330. Apply I'tiiNfjK ni i'firr i.An iOsthk; W B. BURNS CO., LTD. in (lie near future to Joit ymi had had no DR.real WOOD'S at all. 223 Ninlh Avenue Kail. 82 FOIl HF.N'T -M Ninll. Avenue THICT OK COAST- HA.MIK her husband, Hon. A. M. Manson, HANSEN OF PRINCE NORWAY PINC SVRUP FOIl SAI.F-HIock wood, tf,.50 Kat: rivo rnoms and lmth f Take lerrarr,police 11, thai i;.. married, l aven.l.w.miai r Mi i"k''i'""'1 iiltoi'iicy-pcncral, nnd Mr. and if Just the remedy you require to stop Newly decorated. Ilent $2.t,oo t" i' dy for a llren in nrnM.fl T. load. Kiiidllfip 8.00. Phone a Mrs. Clements Man also to live in GEORGE FINED $25 that Irrliallnr. piklinr coush op aeeounl per mouth. ,ply 232 Ninlh leiim an.l iiaiiiimiI m. iln. lilack , 101. Ht t;oiniiii.ii llif ai of ll wMiUilniri liKalinK sod eietorant IT ." .r".,iiBii i Victoria. Mr. Clf mi'iils will sppnd AM'lllle hast or phone Hivl il Hunted Is t-lmins noutu of thi n"''." properliea. 1 ' 1'orner of Lnl ina 11,......a ...rnli m ir Bell Crossed a few weeks al KlewifH il.-.inp H. V. Hansen, of Prince Mr. P. Johnson, Port Alhernl, B. CH KI.ITK Cafe (or Hale, furnished FOIl HIINi Nice .Ihenee east tin rhains. ilinir.. 1: ',' u InKsessiiienl work nti a priperly he fiportie, who has been active in wrliea:- "I have suffered for years, olT complete. Phnno 173. If lurniiiire, iireliulinp blinpnlow. leliahw,..i.,.it-c 1 1 ie ini'iii.1 ice west roniaininai tin fliaW.sian l "l'",1'" "' fine and with tlrkllur courh. I could on, a own nn 1111 his rcliini Ihey wit' with lie r lesj. I.AVK.NIIKII Mii.NTKT', eniuieellnn Hie camp pUno (player) f(,r Painters and Decorators not sleep niyhl and lud to tit up In bed MUSIC. sale. Annlv I M Ulitll'Slilll. lake up their 'residence In the strike al 'Mild Itiver, was last lo set relief, lit fart, I rourhed so I used 225 Ninth Avenue F.axl, phone in? PAPERHANGINQ -KALSOMININQ provincial rnpilal. week fined 2!i for assault on to nniit. trleil dilTerenl dcs-lors' re-rrlptlona PIANO SCHOOL. Slid. 87 rni.M.K TtllCT iii!pKHT or COAST.1.AM1 iuriiii lll.N'IK r At the parly lhern were several William llellos. or the itoynl until I heard of Pr. Wood's Leohe(iiky Method. All grades T.I. ...,.... .1.... ..' .. ., Norway Pine Syrup. I tried II and round FOH HKNT K'it eh ... '""r ' inn 1. 11. 1 i' 1 Inlilei i f bridpe and Hie others Hotel, Jildpe Itobertson. J. II. rii .....i I by taken and Hpeclal wo ' Pre-war Prjcos ' treat relief arte? I had taken Jlo first attention """j iiinier. miiiiii in i" :)t danced. .Supper wis served al Dauiell, eililnr of liie t'rlncc to beginners! heilrnonm wilh hot tmd Cold for roal. P-H " Work neatly alid quickly bottle and have not been troubled Slur. Terms hUtliral Baa 1.11 10.. r Inv ilH .'H'T done. injiiuipht qinl about 2 o'clock Oeorpe F.illten, was firre'd 15 I (hall always keep It In tlx house." modi;rate. waler. Phoii,. n,., jnu. If ei I..iini,.17 V.'.'.. """:"1!. "". ..iui.i P"' .' .'' ,;1 at eVerjohi! joined in Ninsinp for assatilfiup Hansen, 'liie eases Be sure and rel "Pr. Wood's when CIIA8. P. HALAONO, you aik ror It. riiee, 3S and S0e s ,,nt r.M.i.iiiv.?r 318 Fifth Ave. Phone.477 ' 'M!,sNn,"":,,, ' Hliniilii Alibi Acqiiailllance" nnil have been rnllnwi-d wilh Interesl hoi He: put up only by The T. Mllburn Co., Rand flloek, corner Sixth nnd upstair in. p. "Vov Tlu-y Are Jtly Good I'eU by local lubor iiien. Limited, Torouio, Out, I'ullon. Phone Illue (SI3 tl Or F. W. Hail. ' ,"inielici'iiieni. i.i.nl.iiMi.... am 1 If r. MON.ikf., 1 P. M. JloliCkliiil.