f ' ) ) j ' THE NEW T A For XI wail YOKOHAMA Phone CAFE HOME BAKERY Oett Service and PRINCE RUPERT The Best of Everything. Try our service IJct Cure In the City Phone Black BO Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper (), XIII. NO. H2. pfir.NCi: HLi'Hiir, n. c.f i-hiiuy, aphil uwz. VMltrJajr'i Clru'tlon 10t2. lft ! 41 . PRICE FIVE CKNT8 at. r a: l rn:J a, d IMMENSE QUANTITY Of BOND LIQUOR DESTROYED AT DUBLIN AY$ WOMAN CAN HAVE A CAREER AND ALSO BE A MOTHER Half Million Gallons Whisky BRITISHERS ANYTHING BUT And Wine TOCANADA PEACEFUL IN Destroyed by Irish Emigration Considered Important Republican Army in Dublin Means of Empire.to Relnvig-oration One IRELANDTODAy.Hundred Recruits for Free LONDON, April 7. The State Army Are Seized tid DUBLIN, April 7. Some members of the Irish Republican Bishop of Birmingham, presiding Imprisoned. A1 ,Army forced their way Into a bonded warehouse here last night LORD CRAWFORD at a meeting to discuss tit the relnvlgoratton of the and destroyed 500,000 gallons of wine and whisky. They forced British race, said that he regarded BRITISH SHIPS ARRIVE their way Into the bonded warehouse of the customs houses here NEW MINISTER emigration as one of and played havoc with the contents. the most Important means to Trains Held Up and Other Lawless The revenue loss from the wholesale, destruction of the the end desired. Acts in Different Parts LONDON. April 7. Lloyd The Duke of Devonshire, of Country'.; Republicans Is estimated at 2,000,000. (irorge ha invited Lord Crawford former Governor-general of lo Iieenllie a member of (III) Canada, declared that there i Itl'HLIN, April 7.- One hundred GIVES STATUS ' caliim-l. He wan formerly Junior should be a greater flow of young men fiVJj(.,.Traleo LABOR PREMIER IS lord of llm treasury and presi-ili-nl Britishers to Canada than at proc-M-diiig lo Jubllu tt Joi;t the of tin- board of agriculture TO RETIRE SOON; present. Free .Stale recruit "wvriy inter, 'and .fisheries, lie was lord privy OF ORIENTAL FULLER TO BE NEXT I r I,,,. i . cepled.by Itepubljcans and arrested irin nolo mm 10 I'.'IP, tuid imprisoned in Jork Sir William Sutherland, coall-i STREET WORK LONDON. April 7. barraei'! after om i'ree Statue Hon Liberal and member tor following the doTi-al of liad been wounded in the fight, IMMIGRATION;: Argyll, Juliior lord of the treat-ury, I ln Labor 'party in New iti'g. ha been chau- appointed IS RESUMED South Wales. Hon. James A nine .year old child playing ;i-ellor of Hie Duchy of t.aneas- Cannot Be!i I on lin; New Lodge Jload, Belfast, Japanese Agreement Duolcy, premier, expected, ti.'i- in succession lo Viscount' . . Discussed In House of Com- In resign hutue-dialcly, l'ei-1, was shot by an unseen sn)pcr. now secretary of state for jVefU; mons Kelly's Salary. according In Ho-Ill-liter India. Starts on Smooth Surfaclna rout; urjiisu torppuo ooai' uc 'of'-'Thlrd Avenue stroyer have arriyed in Queens- Sydney corre- Expected ' .., . ...... OTTAWA, April 7. The mln-tter fpnlllli'lll, ' worn win M oe Done town Ilarbvr .to protect government of immigration informed Sir (ii-orgc j-'illlci-j whii HALIBuT WAS AGAIN 1 ..ItepWI. supplies.'' In' House of Commons that no wn colonial I !fA'W.UCtiey, Hi1 WW. tg.SJ SELLING FOR SMALL li.t--oily has re sun in I its t ra lit 'sou I hboutiiH a rul.tf pfit' pel li I Chinese it i il n i gia i loTi 1 1"Oh i i-; ' cpi rfed iTPTii w?Wintfs'$' '' - -ODirr T'cvru i uri? . jUaiun Cjuijj llult (uiikuu concert slnnpr, one of,lie IHrce wumet street surfacing operations On the crew, rf to Lorn all Ulste aila, He said I here wa an uu-; .sioned by Hie llelilenanl-piM-rnoi- i iuic ni liAtiinnuL "etiirirtC(T'1rfoifrlHmaiidfi-of:thc'Brltlaa tliat uoiucii can li.ne eoreer"'an(J l9o be Kmplrij DWUies.'Jflrfos Danie ba Clara war,-H .Me doxvtt town streets and today nevy.papcrS.:--wi'train-boards ili Manding tiffd-ling Japanese j In foi-iii a minis, hail llirct clillclicn niul iiiiimgcs lOfkccVa- houscliojd on one continent tin: first Joad of Smitjt I(and Anolber southbound was imiingialioti, lull Mm iisri'i'iiioiil : trv upon llooli-y's rrtirv. Alton, With 0,000 founds, Not and yet lie uu wu other cuiitincati. tbousaords'aDd taousamJi pl mlls rock, since last fall, was hauled held up by arnied inep and Kwiiy Sue liny (irovcil tier ability to do tbls on ber recent concert tour searched and afterwards allowed and could not ,lo' Tbfrd Avenue-- .Kirst nitwit.-- 'near was i-onfidenlial SatlsMed With Local Market, of Australia ii n'I the United Stales, while or tbree youngster rcrtiafncd lo jirocecd. In- discussed. i Sailed In London. Slit snys. "IJvery woman can bare d career,aud be n mother Ml,ioet and .Is now being 3ai'dvon for Seattle. 'The boalliou.se of the Dundalk Answering aiiolhei iiur pOII to ber chllilrca. il they say that both can't be done they are -trylnfp. Uln sieej-l. I lie fooi -jiaivcd Mie minister of railwitiUCjfalil. rind n icnlent excuse for Just being lair," , - n'tVT!in? yesterday by scow, from 8.ini I fi. Club was bullied down. i Aboul ll.fli!&j.i.unds or A bomb thrown in Jiali-Init was Spa- Howard Kelly was paid $.V.uou Island. With Ibis work fhe'ciiyj of Hie lisntul BILL was tiff'-rml forsale al Ihe is following up the plan adimtt-d mounl S tree I, Belfast, and two a yt ar an president DEFENSE Collide When I ish Kxehane Ih.U joornin. All Airplanes women were wounded. l -iink Hallway and another by Ihe c.jJim-il last year for the of il Void at low prices wlt.li Hit-e.vceptloii 000 direclor but none of Ihis smooth surfaenig -i- of- Secriiid- a h wa i-liargcabic lo Hie annul AND ESTIMATES schooner Allen of .the which caleli was of-taken the Close to Paris iand All and Third Avenues and other, of SEMEN0FF'r T-ir.iK ryeifir pi oprrties. lo Scuttle. ' . Ihe main -downtown thorough--fares. on Tito arrivals and sales were an Aboard Killed in Wreck 'The work on Second Avenue ARRESTED and Air Forces follow: Mllltla, Navy BRITISH PARTY was completed last fall'am) when Aro Amalgamated Under 1'elrel, rooo pounds, .sold Jo frost put lo slop operations the Allin Fisheries at t'c wind PAULS, April 7. Paris mid London aerial expresses collided a - -w" . . Ono Hoad. McIJride SI reel between Second OFF TO GENOA Ic. in midair Ihis tiflcrnoou over Ihe village, of Tliictilloy, .seven miles aud 'Third Avenues was being Is Involved Jn. Civil Action In- I'olai'ls, .!.') 0(1 pounds, and north of Ihis city. Tin- pilots of lioth airplanes, Hurts passengers prepared, 'This, will sOon be fin volvlng Half Million Dollars. CHANGES IN THE DRUG ACT .sold 'fl Serious, pooo pounds, to the anil tine mccliunii- were killed in Ihe wreckage that fell Hunting ished and it is expected that Hid llool.li I'Jslierie.s Caiiailiait Co. at MOW YOIIK. April 7. -General and 24 Others work on 'Third Avenue will be Lloyd George O.He and lc. lo Uu) ground, , Seinenuff wiiV arresfed at llm Leavo England for Italy lo Mounted Polico Estlmato Passed Lincoln, 1 1,000 pounds mid The French plane curried three vst-tigers u"d Hie llrilisli carried on with more despatch Million on hi 'urrival hen? front Attend Conference. Ihis spring than was that on With Forco as Independent Forward, .1)000 pounds, sold to plane but one pilot and some mail matter. Second Avenue last year. Fol Washington liiiiniiclion with Unit. Ihe Pacific Fisheries at 7.Ho and a' civil aclfon itiyolving Half u Smiling lowing the laying down of the LONDON. April 7. - million doHaris. ''fhe" order does tillable entirely lo to. MIKE M'TIGUE AND rock the street crusher will be eh hut roily O'lTAWA. April 7. Tin- bill In llringi.robl, (WiOu pound's; Alilia STOLE JEWELS i t) make similar not specify vvlio is bringing ac-lion. run over a ' ineeal his expression, I ic-vd liein-je careworn heaib-il a party of ercale a (b-patliiienl of national 8000 pounds and Nci-ma, UUOO RIMY RFfKF.TT RflX smooth effect to that of Second Hail is' urrongtI 'in ?J5,- ih'fen-'e passed through coinnill-lee pounds,,, sold to Hie Canadian 'i including which his wife anil Tor daugh-ler. (U-noa after the minister of mililia Fish and Cold Storage, Co. al TONIGHT JERSEY CITY! GALLI CURCI Avenue The engineer's department for leH today Oct until Senienpff was recently had rauOelled the clause relating 7.0o aud -Ic. the lias been taking cco'ioinic past dty or so for the international hi (he inotinleil police. Joe linker, 7000 pounds; Wild .Ni:V YOIIK, April 7. .Mike Me-! levels on 'Third Avenue and held in Vancouver forvsoiiui eonferenee, which opens on which is set for Hose, 0000 pounds, and II. and time tifler his arrival from the. 'tin- bill, now 'ri-iH!. i.-laimatil of the Canadiaitl Maid Was Overpowered In Rest-room this morning Ihe crusher was .Monday. consnliilales tin-miliOa, It. ITiOO pound's, sold lo (lie At-lin Orient owingv lo (lie irluclatico reailiiiK, Ihil lliiiil iuidillewcij;ht boiug c.hampiou- by Two Qlrls Who working on McIJride. Street. Sir I inning Worlhiitgloii.llviins, and air forces only. Fislii-iics at H.Ou and Ic. of (be United . states immigration .eerelarv for war, and Sir Hubert navy xhip, will meet Hilly. Ilcckclt, tin-I'uuillt! Carried Off Case. Under the new plan adopted a authorities lu admit him. Lilian 0000 Alii, made M., pounds; Ureal progress was -on few weeks by the city council Coast miildlewcijiht. In a ago Itonie, chancellor of Hie incliiililip 11,000 pounds, and Awoji. 4000 While in Vancouver lie was a t h the inlflim eslimales, twelve.round bout at Jersey Cily .SAN .11 AN (JAI'ISTIIANO, Cal., when Him contract for quar evrhcipicr, accompanied guest or ai. .Mvazoij, jormeriy sold tu the Sinclair pounds, preinler. those for immiKralioii, public touilfliL. Heckelt has been subsli- April 7.Madame Oalli Curci, rying was let lo Henry Wulf, of of this cily. civil Kovtirnmeut aud pio-isiou Fisheries al 8.1c and ic. rock will be works Arm, the Lord Cumou, foieiKU secn-'laiy. tuli'd for Annie llalner, whose arm opera siiiKcr, was yesterday Aljcei for lloatiuu of u rcftimlini: Plop, 1000 pounds of halibut bli'i sled out al Smith Island by is injured. robbeil of jewels and valuables will probably un next eek. and department and 1000 pounds of salmon, .sold WILL MOYE THAT loan in llo ptcsent year, which it is claimed were worth his men. Captain Jlabiiiglun of health eslimales. to the Sinclair Fisheries al 8.1c still has the contract for crushing The funeral of took tin' laic Stephen this The hut incnlioiH-il forecusts an and lo for halibut, and 18c for DISCUSS ESTIMATES 15,00l.tlie singer's Two Kills maid overpowered in a cafe and delivering to the Albert DAYLIGHT SAVING Wiiitoiialck place afternoon at .' o'rloi-k front Hie aii'enilmiMii to the Natcolic Dnm salmon.Timber. Wolf, 000 pounds hall, OTTAWA AGAIN TODAY reslroom and fb'd wilh Ilia ii, McCaffcry bunkers. J-'nnn BE ADOPTED HERE Act. makintt cnrorconieiit inofi' jewel case Ihat bad been In. the there It is taken lo Ihe cily It. (.. liiileilnk,i,.' Capel, Hev. bill, sold to the Hoyal Fish Co. drastic. - - maid's streets and laid down as required. O. 0. Hacker olTicial lnjr. ''-li-rineiit The mounted police estimates ul 0.1 1) aud le. care. Aid. George Kerr Gives Notice of April 7. The OTTAWA, gov. was inailo in J'alt'vli-w reduction. Allen, 00,000 pounds, cleared Motion to Come Up at Next passed with a sliBhl ermnenl will move uainjoday in Madame lialll (hirci sang jh Celilell-ry, Hoy scouts ami national ballle-liebl rot- Scallle. the llotisii of Coiiimous lo 4ake tii Vancouver recently where she DAYLIGHT SAVING. Council Meeting. memorial estimates parsed. mailers of supply. The .11 cm I eslimales charmed aii iinuicnse audience FRENCHMEN WARNED will be a coiitliiuiilioit of with ,licr wondurful voice. OTTAWA, April 7. -John A. Aid. Gcorgd Kerr has posted notice of motion thai lie will, at McOill and P. M. llultlcr, representing ARE (lie civil service votes, ami Ihis PUBLIC LECTURE., RAND MINERS Iho council meeting on Monday MUST BE CAREFUL will be followed by the general Ihe railways, appeared IN BAD SHAPE TO estiaiali-s of the di.-iart!iielil of BERMUDA REJECTS before Ihe board or control in night, introduce a resolution for In will A public lecture GENOA CONFERENCE reference to daylight savlng.They the adoption of daylight saving Riven In the Weslliolme FACE THE WINTER agriculltire. LOCAL OPTION ON pointed out that Montreal had In Ihis city for (his summer. Tlu-alre. uu Siiinlay evening, 'The notice reads us rollows.: the tallen in line with suggestion April P, al 8 oVlock PAM IS, April 7.- Kxlraordin-ary REDISTRIBUTION TO QUESTION OF LIQUOR of the railways thai tho daylight "Whereas th( city council has taken by J.,.11, WillluiiM tr Kd-yMHiloii. LONDON, April 7. After louring precautious arc brln? saving should be observed received ivipiesls that ,4Hayliglit under the aus-picch Hit' Hand dislrirln concerned commlHed to preveul Indiscretions members of beiiiK Ihe PASS NEXT SESSION - HAMILTON, lli-rmnda, April 7. from April HO to Oct. ."It. The Saving" be again put into ef of the Imlcrnutioiial In I be recent iniiuM-s' slrlko,, the, by PalliaiiO'ii'l rejectrd u molion railways aftt prepared to make fect in the cily during the pres Transvaal estimates French ilelettalion al Iho (lunoa lllblo Stinleiuls' AsKoela-liuit. ailiuinislralor of of local fit in wilh these. ent summer, 5000 families Conference.. A warniut; has been OTTAWA, April 7.--Premier favoring the introduction their limelables there arc Subject, "Liislinir that the strike. Issued tltat any member f the King announced yesterday in the option in regard lo tho sale, of dales and the board or control "Therefore be It resolved by I'eaen Worldwiile Soon." left indigent by will have, doles'titlon who cotniiiunlL-ates House of Ominous thai the re Ihpior on Iho islands by a vole of was told that tho adoption of u Ihis council IhuV 'Daylight Saving' Admission wilt lie fli'i-ami The inajorily of these bo put into.cffeut in Iho cily li. shorter period by Ottawa would to lido dirCclly with Paris in regard to distribution bill will stand 'over III lo lln-re will be no rol-h-etloii, to be shea assistance from May t lo September 30, the Nvin-ler jlio V.roeeediiife's at tlie confer-cuet utilil nuxl session. 'Tills Is Ihe second lime oauso confusion. YTjij are invilei). Ibcni over the Heuler'approaching cable front will immediately be seal iiuestlon lias been voted on. with The board promised consider 102:.' and dial steps bu taken lo u l'retoiia,says homo. SubeerJbo (or the naily News. like futo each Mine. ation. Ihis effect.".