pknr. two "" TITE DAILY lEWS Fttdaf. Xveer i, , liJI'lllM Its Sale is Phenomenal. if'- Ten Years Ago TELLS ABOUT SMOKE Its Quality is Irreproachable In Pi'nee Rupert ! LOCAL FACTORY (i. H. November Malloch, 3,( 1912.ili liiuiiin-inn gculopical survey, ha Jul Ceorge Bushbjr Addresses Rotary Olub on Work t Tuck's "SALADA" fiiiislieil a siirvy "f the (iroiind Inlet CHUM llntt coal fields. lie ays that OLD i lie field i imi r 'arye a at "W'lien I enme tn Prlnee Hn first anticipated imi it ha many pert anil took charge of I i n--dnetion senilis containing lara mtanti-Mc of eoal. nlant nl 'l'n.1.'. I 1 1.- I founil ihe Iiuvits lid not want - Is the Purest and Most Cleanly Prepared Tea , f.npl. Alexander and -n lt. Prtnci IIiiimtI iiriiituri al any in the World Ilawthurno, owner f the famous price. They could imi cy on it. Now. after a season's work and Htulneer mine, at Allin, went Tie Tobacco of Quality south on (lie Prince jsnphla the market inn if firt class viMHts, penple order ly wire wilh- which passed ;lireiiili tlii (vrl The Daily News yesterday afternoon. They had oul iiutton a v iinaliiv." I'hat the tnti-. Also in Vv. lb. wa iniprlanl 154 tins ample with I hem of sold ore package BltlTISII COLUMBIA per PHINCti RUPKHT - ii wot made liy i!ere llnshhy in of fnun the property. Ihe value i'uhlished Kvery Afternoon, except Sunday, the Prince which i said lo run a lilsli as an addnen lo the notary r.iuii yesterday. Ilupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. a I oo,oo per ton. Mr, lluliiy said he had team II. K. PULLEN. Managing Editor. ed a giMwl deal oinee tss came .toe 111 way and Alex. Mc Laren nrrttcd frim Kilumka- here .last spring. In rending up SUBSCRIPTION RATES: loin on today' train. They re. on Ihe reduction ntyl fish ThanksgEving Day "SPECIAL BARGAINS City Irelivery, by mail or carrier, cr month tl.lM' eenlly inadiva rich strike of ore Tendering tllne, It fiMtnd Uy mail lo all part of the Hritish Empire and the United State. in Ihe 'Krtliwi- district. that it wa an anoint Industry. MONDAY, NOV. 6TH. in advance, per year $0.01' 'I'he Chinese had engaged in it n voiii linpiung early tlus for and To all other countries, in advance per year $7.r.' PRINCiGEORGr for nwnj cehiurie. ,Tli Malays w.-k. Friday Saturday Selling , ' had hefi difng Ihe aiue and TELEPHONE 98 using lle proiluei for fertillfi-r Bulkley Valley Beef Ten faniilie will arrive here and food. In Britain fih had MEN'S UNDERWEAR. next spring fnwrt Montana I"Ueen u-ei for fertiliser hoi the Our meat dept. tia- handleo "ranient Displav Advertising 1.40 per mrh per (nserlim Slatifield's 1 tree Ijihel, Welfriit rikfteo', sfm 11 heavy oil soiiretl the land. Hien the Transient Advertising on Front Pane S2.H0 per Inrl lake up land which they have not hum else f..i tlie pnt ' .loiilde Hues In It. Ilejr. 3.0. nil taken frtoti H and the ,-te.l Loral Headers, per Insertion 2oc per lim acqufml on Salmon rtiver. They was llireo in..nth are J. r,. Jensen, John . f)len ferliliier He.. SPECIAL $2.25 8UIT. Classified" Advertising, per insertion 2c per won' Feed foe Cattle LIVE TURKEYS FOR and Martin, Dahler. of Hill Legal Notices, each insertion 15c per agate ln Contract Mates on Application. ilniinty; Itennle llrandfieid. ArvM It wa my' nf rermt year MEN'S HEAVY SOCKS. THANKSGIVING All advertising should he in The Daily News Ofllre on day pre Siindirrin and Frank Sioonerj of that ertoaay eseeive Ihe idea .Ml wool. riMo'd. in Hlue and Ial sliaxte. Ml nf femHnS) wie ami re(Me Willi All ndverfisin Liberty County; Alice Pundall of We elie a ll ipllienl of ceding publication. received subject to approval Uie iiMrgenmi nrolein taken lies;. 75r M..r. SPECIAL 50 PAIR. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulation!. I'oole Oninlry; llurlon lln. of Live Turkey- from te n-lermr :tiuieau Country, and Burt frmi flh. It wn fwuml that tin w-rk. Whitinsr. f Walla Walla. Wah. thi had great food value and BOYS' TWO PIECE SUITS WITH EXTRA PAIR OF PANTS DAILY EDITION W5ho Qroen Stuff Arrlelng This Friday. November 3. 19??. eMild he feil In imhiII ry or eat Week. Which uie;ui donldc Made uf fine y:,, Ttie following" oflicers have tie nn to fnnn een lo ten per lUlifornia Head Lettuce. Tweeds. 1:1 th- latest niiHlele, sinew tK in 9 Quettion of Alsace-Lorraine's been chosen for the newly nr- I wilfttwil lUvoriMg IIm tsel Victoria I'jiuliflower. larne SPECIAL $11.50 EACH. Status. snnitfsl Maintenance nf Wny or egg. I he protein from iin head. BrolherhtMid here: PreshteiU. I nKtre valualdo than thai frim me status oi .Maee-i.orralne, the hull for many years of Crisp I.arge Otery, well LADIES' FINE SILK HOSE. H. Xelson.- Kniren; Vice-Presi vegetable matter. nh meat i Oerman and French,bonier differences, will be discussed at an dent. A. Kennedy. Priliee now clifiea a a conotuMldy Meartted. Iteiiifiirrcd heel- and loes. . ,,M HcOWlaV Na. N international conference In be held there thi Tall. Autonomy I5erire; Secretary - Trsasnrer for I ran I in. llnthoHse 1 1 id house Oajruntlters.Tntnatoe. lllark and lmel. Sise. h lo 10. Itt f l.H t. , and neutrality for the Utile rounlry is the moving spirit behind TMii Neiln. Prince (letre: Mr. Ilushhy ronare. the fih i:ranherrle for (Im Turkey SPECIAL 05c PAIR. Jmirnal AiienT, M. iMiI.ean. Sluart meal Willi toeal eran anil shW. preparation which are being made for the conference. 11 is er-peele14hat I Hnr. lllver: r.haidaln. A. P. Jack. el thai unly in one or two TURKISH TOWEL8. a number of California AluM-ria flrap. will delegate fnun come Amerfen. es Sliiarl lllver; ennditelor. II. O. wa a meat scrap of ksgker pecially .Alsatians there. I'jlMNtye, large arrefm hnad. M.ide nl . lrn henvy rstlttNt wlk r4 -1 (Io n living Friend of (he movement are lo Inlinsitn, Mrtill; Warden. V. L. niilriiiv value than fih meal. I.A .null..I -I .t .... ... ' II made .tsanlsli Onion. Imported teed f .-l color-. Hise IS" x :IH ". ft mh I veech . ..t Hiiimi was frmu frch fitt an1 iiin mini nwtizeriauu, r.iigland, Denmark, Italy. DoiiaTierty; Prince lieorie: Inner Sentinel. I.kiW wa nt ileAftmtMxed. sloek. otmer. SPECIAL 5 for $1.00. Sweden, Norway, llolland, Spain, and'other countries .iniuiam. tiirroi Parsnips, and Turnip. Prince lieorge; Outer Seiilil, I'lie oil lHaHtifacliiretl here i a recent meeiiug in hoimar of interested person in (he A. (2aino, Prince lieorire. contained very little arid. CHILDREN'S AND MISSES' COATS. project, it was unanimously decided that the ItnMeH ItantoH ttrn on the proposition ned for an I'ley were fr laitning. for made of a fine aft wool PI.ihI Hack CtutUng, dr-. toijomy and neutrality should La ulneed iietor.. n. i ..r v.. South Fori (ieorge Parent I lie manufacture of lin1etHi and Cell. 'Florida in a mannish iuglc lirrssUd tlc, with et. Hag is. etfln f eneitu was. however, th,t support,should first be Teacher' AsiMlatlij Jia rlerl synlhelir ruMer ua s.Hiie of it lrafe Fruit. sleeve, atrap and riifts. I ihe following for paints. HthertA Ihey Itud Hunkist (Iranae A Lemon. si otllcers: Hon ifvirru,iiurii jaim an me United Stale wiHb England, and in trary PresMent, l. II. tlower; shiiuwd most of (lie peodurl In .pple., F-atimr and fieoktnir. a 1.1 M year. SPECIAL $S.OO lo $10.7 ft. countries whirh were neutral during the World War. President, F. 'K. Anfield; Vice Ihe foiled Stale hi IHA- they at prices ramrinx from IK to IX r ,r. SPECIAL $18.50 to $21JKL Speakers at the assembly, particularly those coming from President, Mrs. lixn; Seere. had diseiere, a Canadian mar. l.10 o ttMh. agricultural district, voiceil opposition In Ihe French administration. larj'. Miss A. M. Johnson. ket wliieli eiipe bad lieen Iluhhartl Siiiah and Pumpkin. They cautioned at the eiiying from lite jtrvpte lo wdoin same lime against "sighing for the. Prussian spiked helmet." (tiilahle H. H. lrealwMN, nf the loral inarleti had iieen el. Lowest Market Prices. - the Huyal Canadian Mnnnled ina, m-. - Universal Trading Co. Political Conditions Police, ha, arrivnl here to re- TeJIillg of III. roce nf In fereat Britain? lleve CnlaMe It. .. Payne who nianufacfnre, M iuhhy ex. Rupert Table Supply left last wek for headquarters plainest that the wrrap fih wa Phone 376 1 PoliticaUconditions in Oreat Britain w'ill bear comparison lo division at Ottawa. first eHled in huge cooler for Phones 211212. almost anything that denotes disorder, fnun n scrambled egg In three noil a half hour. 'Ihe a strike riot. The collapse of Ihe coalition released Ihe element Mr. P. I'.. WiNon and daugh. oil wa allowed exude, then it ler Joan and wa pot through hydraulic Judy left last of which it inal'Tial fur llo-ir wi is was composed. But Ihe Unionit raw "split," and the week for Edmonton where the pre and Ihe till taken mil. Rich In Ammonia Liberal stayed split. There are thus two so-called Unionist parties latter will lake a buliies course Then Ui oil wa broken up and Mr. J in the field, two so-called Liberal parlies, and the Labor Ihe glue and oilier By-product Ilii'tiliy a' a an-1 -Imwing tin- iiia ' party; with a that John Donald Charlesnn, of were taken out. I he oil was perc'-utaiie Ihe lale possibility premier may be able lo hold of Die irMiirl of I In- larloiy 1 FEED! Ihe "dissident" members of the two former together and reduce VanderlMHif. ha been 4ipiolnled stiipel away on Hie ear haw Which U wa uotieeil lti;il (1 the total to a quartette. In the readjustment a good many well Juille of Ihe Small Debts CiHirl lo Ihe railway ami Ihenre lo Ihe fisli ferliliier wa mt ih Ii in known figures nre finding themselves in strange company Per-lian for Prince (Seorg district. market. amuiHiiia I ti"iSK about iluriccii No Odoe Loft the mot notable instance is that of Mr. .McKeiiua. Winer and a half ier eeot. Uiancellor of the Jack Hmnger "has relnrned to The meal wa dried in a sam Exchequer under Mr. Asqnith. wHr The seaker whs thanked liy . ,prM,rt-liig lhe Bonar Uw town after spending month at Irier leaving only frani five lo POULTRY FEED AND Government. For the time, loo. some prominent a, vire.preideni 1 1, i:. Mcllae who SUPPLIES the Alea Lake sawmill. He ix per rent of moisture. Thi me,, ,trm lo have got lost in Ihe shuffle. Mr. Chamberlain presided. and Mr. Balfour have not been heanl fnun since (lie crash, mid ays that husines i heinz prevented decomposition. There of all kinds handicapped on account of Ihe wa no oru left. Mr, Winston Churchill is for Ihe SURE SIQN moment out of public life because We Retail Feed in of ill-heullh. The voters are under fire of rav sliortage and the embargo Mr. Itulity said tliey were try. Any Quantity political argument agaiusi r.anadian luiiiher on cer. nig to live up tit ihe itoiarlan from alt side, some of it evidently "Ilea a new dMVer. manufactured in Muscovy. T,U! Li,,'"r lain I niied Slain railway. slandanl uu. latterly had reeeiv. "What uutke think nt" Prty has issued you a manifesto pledging itself to d nwihinv hul oongratiilaliiHi THE BRACKMAN-KER MILLING CO., LTD. lax the rich unmercifully and spend the money in delusion their "He hasn't trot urxuinit with! the of product. on quality uiai mat would help the poor. Mr. Asquith's following have is-1 NEEDLE SWALLOWED I'hey were now asking I he Ihe i.l. Iniltie rop yet" (lino M i i . P.O. Uoa 74S Prince Rupert, It.C. Phone aSO i.iiuirMi me ciuei purpose of which -seems lo be to assure (Internment for a hounlv ' 'he Ihe public that Ihey are not socialists, though the contents BY WOMAN REMOVED fishermen nn dog fih in order are of s i kind to make- one wonder where the line of distinction ""y nin. Mr. Lloyd (leorge says he and his associate will support FROM HER DAUGHTER i-,al,p"r' any government that stand for "peace, economy and progress" LAND ACT. 1 patterned after their own ideas of course. The new premier pro-claim STOCKTON. Cal. Nov. 3. Ln tul7n7r.TniSTaiCT or rii-i-r fuiuintfi the ground-work of his program to he a desire to restore inree year ago .ir. r ran j.i Ttt .''our imi , th i.tnrsr Pish' JHM..U- commence, i . . . . ln miul Farklnv r.uv I.U.. ut Na Jn INVITATION LADIES indulge m fewer stunts in (he field of interna. rruw ing. uifh .ill r.llini r riur. !M,rU,. ocniMii. Cnwrs. IMMMl. lu to -inal politics, encourage industry, and heln tlie reviml ,f swallowed a needle two lnrh ItPDlr lor MTliilwMa lu lit fellow jh.dmontou Bulletin. ' long. I wo month later she wu ii pimsi arxwi ite rtMiu aurik-rt ,h n-eal wiwr ol M . O.C.I ; married. tjiarlolte, her Sz-UiiMtr n-irtb a rtuint u Inw i.urk nronlhk.old hahe, hegan lo cry inrnr nv rnit morin.ri.irri j iumi i" lr lixrk; llwnr outh a rhslns; llwiire Mrs. Ilent ha ju.l returned from a l-ujifin I We up. now hate on display ahsolul- f lerervtly and continued apparently It etuin Mium-nrturlr almie birh an Nerves So Bad That without cause. HMM-f tlr or ark pmt, runltiullil 14 tsr exclusive range of Mr. Srhuiug investigated the LaNusav risiuxa w rtctna She Would Sit and Cry girl's repeated ruhhing of a spot Dalftit nrpl, I Ilk. coy.. LTI. on her left shoulder and fell 3 LAND ACT. Evening and Semi-Evening Mrs. Mary Hotking, Madoc, Ont., writes foreign body under the skin. Phe HEE tP DISTHHIT- niSTPICT or, i?''4"' Nm h'1 doM B dttvl lot of good. found the needle. orm chvhi.otte. Tk Kollra a lb l.initrt nK I luHtred from grnertl weakneu end wit to tun down and ray he.rt Hi" head of the needle had disappeared. Ins and rarklne Cuv. Hi., of -.n-li ad nervei were in iuch bad ihipe th. 1 would tit down. sad cry The hlunt end of the apply HarLur.for wruiiaituH ls-ruiilu iniert.o lrie the Inuikts rvll'iw Ui, I no noi snow whit l et I w.i crying- about I alto needle finally protruded and the I m owruVii iim - nsiuwiirinf a Gowns uwd to have weak tellt. Thankt to Dr. Chate's mother Withdrew it. .Ncigllhors ;n,,nb .l rorwr tr !. uc.l.; Nerve Food, however. I am real well now. I were present wl,e he UMt UVlStZrtVffi hall always Lerp a bos of the the ieelle. irr mark: O-in 7 rltsiiM auulli lu kiik in sue raiiKing from 3 tn U AT VERY REASONABLE PRICES. . . . . .4air Birk:' tl-or uu rhaint iulirir Nerve Food in the houie, and recommend .MKiuer ami uhukiiit iiuu iinn ,aiir iiku siirr nun w V'stir tuiiiiimw Also art Eicluilv Lln of Ladlss' tulta. them to my frieadtt suffered pain from t tin nCinlle until II arr u.vuvhv antra or ruiiixo l. !o rscino We cordially Invite you In Inspect our stock without beinir , huy d, lo they arc a wonderful medicine." the girl firlt it in her shoulder. 1.1 1 1 1.1 if. any nbllaatlon Detail Sept. Kin, ltt. (Mr. J.W. Viate. DruggUt. of Madoc. Ont., leyi: " have sold The fr hrigad answered a STORE Mr. Heeling your Nerve Food, cull early Hit" morning lo Ihe CATAPIMM RFNV Sj'LADIES' Ready-to-Wear and the medicine hat done kcr house nf Ahlerfyau 0hi, Kerr 011 much good. ) Harden hi reet. I pop arrival a BLADDER "Tht Housa of Bsttar Valuss." DR. slight eliiuiney fire wa found to Opp, Bank of Monti-sal,Third Avsnus. CHASE'S NERVE FOOD IVJal 'ililkaW he in imhiv-. It was easily iMkCltwl rU a all dealer, ut IklaiMMHt, luire CV. 1,14., TatHsl ovare.Miir wjiii n luind evtuig-uislier. I LjiHaE.blMIM