fh PAGE FOUS a ee LEGION IN LEAD STILL Suffered Decisive Defeat at Hands of St. Andrew's Society But is on Top of Whist League Although decisively defeated by the St. Andrew's Society last eve- Canadian Legion retained the eaders! iY nding of tl! F wr gue. Empre Swit } “ 4 h St. Ar W secon¢ 5 ¢ Canadian Legion 3, St. Andrew's Sons of Norway 4, Grotto 5. Swift's 4, Empress 5 Musketeers 5, Oddfellows 4 The league standing to date is a follows WwW L. Pt Canadian Legion 18 9 18 Empress 16 11 16 St. Andrews 16 11 16 Swift's 15 12 15 Fish Packers 14 13 14 Grott 13 14 13 Oddfe Sao 12 15 12 Sons of Norway 11 16 Musketeers Al 16 il Seal Cove 9 18 “ ww NIOR FOOTBALL L ‘ Line-ups as follows are announ- ced for the Junior League football game tomorrow afternoon Booth Memorial School—Gay Ritchie and Nelson: Nakamoto, Eby captain’ and McGreish Lear Cameron McMeekin and Kelsey Borden Street Shool Macdonald, McLeod and Hale Bl: ike reserves -_—---- News of The Sport” World Si ciskiniacalteaae C8 ttt 2! 2282 28 er _Te Protect Game Os Estate rail estate at Car- warnings « $C EDULE OF _ Billy Bagshaw Jones and Unwin een (cantain and Gulick Monti ley K Currie, Houston Murray and - 5 AS ETBA EL vin re s. Yakanack anc Fitch " N I G CRIPRAGE teen R. A.: An xis November 7 vs. Wart f Canadian Legion vs. Eagles N ’ r C.N.R Seal Cove vs. Grotto A: ( T Empress vs. Elks Mere J R Moose vs. Swift hn D I. O. O. F. vs. Musketeers my: * Se to; € { A Me: E e * CN MBINE TO i Ww Je BE PROBED oe: a ha A.: « mecqneraties Mi } Investigation Into Tebacco Industry N I of Canada Will be Made if 1 V io Formal Application Made vs. Me Mi Rover wna November 29—-Panthers vs. C. N OTTAWA, Nov. 4:—The Depart- R. A.: Amaz f Tw ment of Labor announces that vs. W c 5 eors will investigate charees of a com- December 2-—( C.N.R bine operating in Canadian tobacco A ete ) fields if forma! application is made. ts: R panese To meet Nina Gurvich in ‘main mis SRI Santee ws core ve coos: Be a t a) sle} don y Wednesday night. minister of labor vs re Ri Scout For PIPE ENJOYMENT A tobacco you will , find to be entirely > SCHEDULE OF WHIST November 10—Fish Packers’ vs. Grotto; Canadian Legion. vs. Swift; Sons of Norway vs. I. O, O. B.; Seal Cove vs. Musketeers; St..Andrews Empress November 17—Fish. Packers vs. St. Andrews; Canadian Legion ¥s. Grotto; Swift vs. I. O. O. F.; Sons of Norway vs. Musketeers; Seal Oove 3s. Empress November 24—Fish Packers vs. Swift; Canadian Legion vs. Sons of Norway; St. Andrews vs...Muske- teers; Seal Cove vs: IyOrO, 2, Grovio vs. Brpréss. eM. December i—Fisn Packers #6. Musketeers: St. Andrews vs. Swift; Seal Cove vs. Grotto; Canadian Le- gion vs. I. O. O. F.; Sons of Norway Emoress. December 8-—Fish Packers vs. I, O. O. Fy Musketeers vs. Grotto: Seal Cove vs. St. Andrews; Sons of Norway vs. Swift; Canadian Legion vs. Empress December 15—-Fish Packers vs. Empress: 2.0. 0: F. vs‘ Grotto; ‘Ca- nadian Legion vs. Musketeers; Seal Cove vs. Swift; Sons of Norway vs. St. Andrews. 2s soe By Officials For Fight Chosen Ralph Smith to Referee Main Event Next Week and Doug Frizzell, Preiiminaries Officials in connection with the Bagshaw-Gurvicth boxing card at , the Empress Arena next Wednesday jmight will be as follows Referee of main event, Ralph Smith Referee of Prizzel Judges—J. J. Judge and Ald. G. W. Rudéerham } Announcer, Roi Barnes Timekeeper, Max HeilJbroner | ] Smtentthcieenoeennes preliminaries; Doug SPORTCHAT | An interesting card | listed on tenight’s hoop of games is fixture Mat. ; In. the Senior division the Kaiens who--have yet to win their first ‘ game are up against the Grotto and, if the boys put up the fight they did in encounter, the fans ca nbe plenty of their last assured of action In the Intermediate division Merchants are stacked up against the. Warriors. These ‘boys alway put up a good battle and, if Mer- chants win tonight. there will be another three-cornered tie in the leaPue Im the Ladies’ fixture the Com pets, strengthened by new player: meet the leading Cardinals. ‘The Comets lar is no place for them and are re determined that the cel outfAo prove that statement. so there should be plenty of actio here toc The Junior game keer fought. will open the card with the Rovers eague-leadine Meteo: BILLIARDS November 4—-Empress vs. Storage November 8—Les Canadiens ° Jewellers pitted gainst the November 1]— Jewellers vs. Stor age November 15—Empre v Le Canadiens November 18—Les Canadiens vs Storage November 22—Empress vs. Jew ellers November 25—Storage vs. Em press, November 29-—Jewellers vs. Le Canadiens December 2—Storage vs. Jewe] lers December 6—Les Canadiens v Empress December 9—Storage vs. Les Ca- ,nadiens ; —— meanee ! his aie gt AL ished r iquor Control che Government of Columbia, — } THON 1S WL pub- | displayed by the | Board or ‘Man Takes Own , ee -~—* Perhaps these girls ‘can’t make a silk purse out of a sow's ear, Pomona, Californi can train piglets to Win races, at as the saying gor Life By Jump From Building NEW YORK. No $ A mal committed suicide yesterday by jumping off the top of the State Building, highest structure in the woricda to tne treet Delo¥V : FOOTBALL SCHEDULE Borden vs. Booth Noveriber 12—-High vs, Booth October 29-—High vs. Barden November 19- -B vs. High November 26—-Boot! Borden November 5 Pritisi | mie insist on “GRANT'S BEST PROCURABLE”- For Sule at Vendors or direct from ° Dept.” Liquor Centrol Board, Victoria, B.C SCOTCH WHISKY RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Bottled and guaranteed by William Grant & Sons Limi ted Glenfiddict and Balveme-Gienhivet town & Giasgow, Scotiand Control Board or the Governn ‘Mail Orde Dhatiblerres ruff 1 Var yuve! "7 K Wr arige W. L. COATES, General CANADIAN PACIF i PRINCESS NORAT To Vancouver PRINCESS ADELAIDE Fic Falls and Way Ports Oct. 8. 20, 29 Por neau, SKkagwa Informetios Agent Prince Ka T.S.S. CARDENA EVERY Via Ocean Falls T.S.8 VENTURE EVERY yu s Weekly callin gs Po rt Sim River PRINCE. Rt PERT ONIN a UNION STE AMSHIPS LIMITED Steamers leave Prinue [lupe ind Waypoin u regnrdmg all AG EN \ Nee wearer a TUESDAY, 1:30 P.M vRIDAY _MIDNIG HT iday peor A) ioe iva ewar te Sunday. 8 anilings nea = 4 Venu [wi Hard-Time Bargain (ft To Subscribers to the Daily News or Any Wishing to Become Subscrib: All our advert tisers he ive been offe ring special bar gains ; our contribution. Any person sending in a full year sue tion now w il get the rest of the year 192° free, This applies « 'm . Here su bser iptions or renew als. This is a very attractive offer and is made from January 1, $5.00 Rest of this year to January 1, THE DATLY NEWS Delivered by one year from January 1, $3.00 Rest of this year to January 1, Paymont may be made by check sent the move you get for the money. THE DAILY NEWS Delive->ed an The Cry ONE yea subscribers to pay a year in advance during the difficult fimanci! P*. , money order or currency. DAILY NEWS" Prince Rupert, B.C. 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