r ruler, November 19 paok nix TI1B DAILY NEWS MYSTERIOUS STUDENT CONGRESS BUSINESS WE CIVE OF RENTAL CAREFUL PROPERTY ATTENTION Intrusted TO THE to our MANAGEMENT care, OXFORD UNIVERSITY Our Store ON NOVEMBER 20 rates ir you need the services of an agent of known reliability and experience who It a good collector of rents, thoroughly t.ONHON, Siv. I. M. V.iil-- WAflllXHTOX. Nov. a. (liy! conversant with rental values and leasing conditions, will lo., former liri'i'k I'ri'liilei. Who! at door (inml)an l'rr PrrnUlnit liar attend to repairs carefully, pay water rates and taxes when I now very 11111111 in I In- piihlir your diiiK's purpop now l In mil due, see that Insurance policies are kept In force and who pye nrul I pomclliing of n mystery Conarraa bark lo Wnahinaloti. will remit to you promptly and render you detailed statements, lo I lie llrilih public lit Our Ncto Cata NoiPinlrrr IfO. Tin i Ihe InfW.i iiiation wbirh lni been kIvpi consult us. an Piiunlly inyalpriotm yotin H. 0. HELCER80N, LTD. scrrrlary. n hill, dark youth logue showing lupiultrrN of i:in;rp4 wbti !. Rentals. Insurance. Real Estate. 11 a 111 o d Andrea Con.tniitiiio iprrnlly portfprrrd with him. II MirhPlopotilo. Christmas Gifts- ban ind bppn annoutteeil olflrl-ally Hp vh iiii tinilcrRi'iulualp al it nd IIipip Ip a rt no pt-talnly LAND ACT. Oriel Col lope. Oxford, mil II a few is ready to h MbPti ofrrcUl oitHMiee. month ajro, ulvvav iiiiiniit'iilatr input will b inadr. AIo. It le rionct or iNTtNTion to rri.r to ly (lrt,'il mid a hi-illianl mpIioimi' mailed. Send for trut dial a number of leaders am LEA II LAND. In Trine Rupert Land Dlatrlrt, Recording lll llldli'. Imwfer. did nt rtlll trying lo Induee 'lb I'tenU Christmas DlMrlrt,St milt Coa,t eat ftanre from I,PNnre B.C., and Roperl,annate prr'vpnl lii pnrtiripation -In politic. it today. iIpiiI not lo Mill the ptlni p" f-WTia- tfilhi d)7aTaTaTaTaTaTaTaTJ helnr Immediately eal nf fl.T.P. Ry. brldre ninl li frpt-iipnlly nhtnlnPd loii. am.p- I mnuth of Botieyard crerk on north ahnre of pkeena River, iormlilin lo iriii n niirhl p'tiip pubebly HI Ifiely b If- llay.port,Take Moure B.C., nrrupatlon that I, Bert farmer,Butler,intend!of away from rollpgp ol nimbly on I off Dtp HfMjip a mhiii a the lo apply for permlaalnn to Irate the fol-Inmlnr dompMie n iTaici". Il lm ninee pxlrn lii inpel. Tlir tfenatr dearrlbed land,: Otmmenclnt lit Greeting fret weal of a pot Planted at the aouth-eat Iranitplml. however. I hat mirli Mill rontlder II in Ibe rejrilr nnwr of Lot lT, Ran t, Coaal ineliitleil flytnu lo ari trip hialrlrt B.C.. tnrnre in a wrMerly direr-lion ilioit pfseion uliieli oppo in Mm fOO Irrl a Ion O.T.P. Ry.. thenre In arroplanp iiih rrliiiiilnw tlir M-lowiiijr December. a eoulhrrlr dlrertmn to low matrr mark. 1 thenre In an eaMrrly dlrertlon along lo day. Wbilp Hip lloune lakp up Mib- nater mar to a point uireuy aoum or inc Mlolirlopouloi left Oxford u tb roiider Mtll Cards point of rAnimmiremi-nt, thenre In a northerly rldv, tlir Senate dlrrrtion lo point of commencement, few work bpfore I lie Tlno coup. niiti-liiii'liiiiB bill ilematidftj ! containlns t arrea more or leaa. BERT BUTLER. but arrlird In iipim-i niy iL'IDCT I IMCDiriT IC polor-il rppublkail vott-r. A Jiame of Applicant. lime In i-caiw mi hoaril Vi-ni- rllVO 1 LIIhCKILa IJ nuinlHr of nibpr iiiijmrtaiit men Printed In our own office. Dated Sept. IQIh. IStS. jpo, priinlp yarltl. Ilffori' BY SMITHERS AUTHOR urp Mill Ip ppp! for ph-8K'' Phone for Sample Bock. LAND ACT. romillK to Oxford lie bad been tlil ulntpr includinK a ifriK-i.il NOTICt OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO CUil l!oStH-IIH- Of jtIIIIHI. l'rr- of Iam PROSPECT LAND. i-iprliHuliim bp Pltlii Order early for Foreign In Queen Charlotte liland Land District, fpcl of Iviflern Marpilonla. and J. Roberts Adjudged Best, Roth rrla'i'tff to railruaj htbor and tin malls at nerordinr Dlatrlrt of Skrena. B.C., and had kitmhI in (lie lliwk Army. ituate oo the writ roe,l of Moresby Gordon Second and Naney n 1 1 road labwr bMeral. Ibe lUrd- Itland.Take Knllce that Harry MeMann. of Rorle Thlpd litK adrtiriilratiti vmnto ! avoid Cowan SLatta Sulfrilie fur It e liaily Xmv. Rose, Victoria. B.C., occupation miner. Intend nn extra Pai4Mi. tiPXl tprinx. but to apply for pernilion to pro.peel the Limited fnllomiiit described landa for r.oal. retro-leum fl r ittirrh tribtilali m on Hip the program of pnH""! l'iU-lion and Natural Oa,: Commenrlnc ai t Prince Rupert, B.C. pool planted two mllet aoulh of I be aouth-weM pirl of I lie" jti(le (he pnp in if lite flmt order te l"iiv corner of Timber Licence or Leaae IIh 'tuwrick t'oi,iHtition lu.p that il In by no iopiih ntirp it run Phone 234. No. Ill P., thence et It rhl: thence aouth so chain,; thence ta,t an Iipi'ii aiitinleal n folloMe: f Hioidril. chain,; thence north SO chain, to toe point nf nicnmencement, TIMBER BALE X 4tTS. Kir.l J. ItoWL, of Sniitlicrn. bated Auruit I HARRY tin. tltf.NcMIJCt. eabit Tender, lll be reiied b Ihr Sp,niMlr-llntli (innliHi. I'praipnt adverliin I ab- Ninltler of Undi at in..ii. ih4 lalcr anlulPlv In ame of Applicant nppparv urcea. '1'lairtl Xanry Unrip. Per Chrli. Con.table. Arenl. than nuon on the I AIM day if ineiiilr. Ift. for the purr ha e of Licence X Ilia, 'nti-rr f wrp h numtipr CERTIFICATE OP IMPROVEMENT. lo rul t.eai.noo feel of Hemlock ent bim LAND ACT. irritp and it Van iliffiefilt tlecfd. ... . . . mtii mi mstkmtt uietaicT or 1 , "DERBY.- "EPSoM. iBilv rtl'ktr' an,l ttra hi !nmvir niwi Al Ip1 Iwt Ol fS I IMtllOTTI.. 3ply "IROM DI.'kE Sn. f." Situate la QI'EE hear Terrace. Ranre S, r.oat Mad IMo-liict. Take nate Ikat e. Ihe Lakeart ISalp CHARLOTTE !HIM0 DIVISIC1. akEt.lA hv Mrn. I. II. MiMirp wrpp only hat aad Patkiaie I'M. ltd.. 1 aiteo umtrict. located on Louiae itiaod. Take .lotlco that I, Chaa. 1. Beaten, Two (t) yeara m III be allomed for r elintihHtPil iH the flMal rlroW. Hartwr, aeetN4i 'anejee.. mtm4t pi nxi'al f lliittier. ,a4) tnr penHl..P la Paw the fall-H( free Miner, Certificate .to. 171a B.. In runner Hit' wiHHlli(r irr.re nrr ft. ikwrwee tmth, OeneneejetKi al a tend amy daya from the dale hereof, lo particular, of ihr rbtef roree- ler, vtriona. B.C., or DlMrlrt r na.1 ftlaelee alwl f rftaHM eel f apply 10 the Mininr Recorder for Certificate Iom-p: prince Rupecl. R.r. Vaaee paal. flrakaM l-la4. I heme mar l of Improvement,, for the or onia veneer purpna First Prlte ebaMw in mm ater areata: tneaee eai Ocncrnl Ctar Co. Luuitcd iuv a thrown urani 01 ine aoovo claim. CERTIFICATE OF I rlMMM akaM aiater marli Ikeejre And further lake notice that action, IMPROVEMENT. NOTICE. TIipi-i oiipp udi (mllanl yunc it eeataie fi ml in water marl: laeoe under Section be SI, mull commenced before Cpiit rolled and Operated br the louanc of aucb Certificate of baatt eal le tfcala aloe a Kitn vater an.fl Improvement,. "MIMHIL PRI0" Mineral Claim. Motile pwt, raail If l IS aerew nanre or lea bated Ibia tlrtt day or Anruat, in. Itt. in the OUIF1 CHARLOTTE MIMMi Who t.K.k hie brM sir! I Ibe Imjicrinl Tobncco Co. of Cdiiada liiinitcd C I, BE?I8E.'. DMlKII of VI I E.I CIHRLOTTE DISTRICT, ioy. ttD. paneUing located on I ml.e l.lind. (how; Pat Sen, nia. test. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENT. Take .Notice that I. Duncan Eraaee. Pre Miner', Certificate No. la. Mtead, 1'boiiali it roe I Itim it dollar La mo act. IRo DI'kE So. t. auty daya from the date hereof, to arppr Ami hrr lfr Milet In rolkir. inn mstrk:t oitht nr J." '"e ininf iieeoruer roe a terliricale or Iat.t.11 "SIMCOE rra' tmn and flARFIEI.D" l' Qlves a Beautiful Interior Mineral rlalma. Situate In Ol'EEM CHAR Improvement, for the purpoee of obtain He eetd: "Jovp. it We(ll It. loll V II I iHtni.ni i . l-OTTE MI.M.XO Division, Sk'EE.NA DIS ing- 1 i romn Oram of the alve claim. kllipai." Tale Kualee I Ml e. the I aeiari ro And further lake nolle that anion mm- Imm and ParkHit l or I nf e4e Effect and Can be Applied to 1Hm:t, Uicatea on i.uuim laland. T.ka maiim iK.t 1 ii. tM.'aer Section 37. mill be commenced befoee llarme, aerajMthn inaiera. mieM WESTHOLME THEATRE the Walls very Rapidly and Mlnera Certificate Mo. Html . Intend autihe '" ' "'Il Certificate of Impfwve-daya Second Prise arHf tir fmrmuntm l leaae the fullu from Ihe dale hereof, lo apply to the menu. I oiirte nay m uePtHrr I Up at a dwrrieeit laMla mwcit al I Easily. Mininr Recorder for a Cerliflrate of lm-'.Dated tbla I lib day of September a..D. peal H'Xetl abaal t rPaMM ajib. of the Tonight and Tomorrow, 7 and 9. "Sheik."k 1" w BriB-vaK iwwr ur I 01 a fa. u i 1 provementa, for the of obtaining purpoae Itieaee natin cuaMe to to water anara-. a cron urani or tne aoora claim, "I'Mta bot on a iperl o bUrilk -With le rtiaia. amrlaent ataav a w in the supreme court OF BRITISH Saturday Matinee, 3 And further take notice that action. Itcasunable l'riccs cull p.m. J'or columbia. water mark: tbeaa uxath S etiama to Me under Section II, mu,t be commenced be unalulsNie punea -hai mark: It) ! aitk aaler fore the luuanee of aucb Certificate of I Improvement,. In Ihe Mailer of the ttlale of Hmard V. II sot on Miy.jtvrie-111 wawieet aknae htib water matk lo Dual. Albert & McCaffery eamaMMiiv tie eetw twure ur leaa. Dated una IJra day or anruai. mi. Raker. Itereaied; awl pnr I hIp for we-rk. a rai L.IIOIPI nstiMU tin rtrinu ai.ex annra In Ihe Matter of the AdnitntatraUoa Art TtkK MiTIl K thai ui the let day of tot. Ltl. LIMITED Third Prise Miss Lulu Bett" IM-Luber. If. lllrr of AdiMlMalraWua M Iaie4 Sept I Ilk. Ilt. Phones 116-564. the Mi'Mullto.atMrte etate of filial ere AdiuUuetralor.araMed to f4m PrtBra II. Ma- you hranl of that actor LAUD ACT, hiil-ert. iiiiiiifd Walljr, sktcii tun nerni.T I'litmcT ll Ill rrna navmc arrueou araMral Ihe Hi, olhe-r nane'n lleil, ami by Take 01 Vre II that iiitmnni we. Ibe I aaaara rttb cast includes eaiatc are cequireo i vm imp bomit w lI al Pat Her Im. lid., of aleti Ihe uiuleralned vttbm tMiiy da) frura polly, HartMe-, beeajMrmej aimer. tm-m4. P the Ill dale prrwina bcrer.otn( motile to Ihe Tim' Kirl nil ilerUre apply fee rertuwebia l lrae ttie fullow Theodore Milton Sills Roberts, dewrlliel Uifl iMwnerHie al a itali are berebj re.titred to no) Tltry butt In lH'k balr. rmal planted abaci 4 ebaina nnrt t-f the ame lo lite iiinler-iriM-d forth It. Silversides TO EUROPE DITID al the i nt of Prime Nuiiert In And liar h) that be liilee is o tNriB-eaii turner pf Inw iw wit. v J.. iwrlh I tbam. in water mark I the I'rotin-e of Rrlll.h i olitttibM let Lois Helen day of oruibvr. in tart. Jullyt IH ebatM wralerlt tmw water anara. Wilson, Ferguson Iheoev 4 rnaina u bleb water mark. I 1011 II M- Ml I I IX HUE RESERVATIONS NOW! Priwe Rupert, B.i . If lhe uiHterr of lP .erolhl le rbeioe eaalerln a loo a birb water raa'k a pHi. nmiaiMii lie acre, aw, ne leaa lid lliinl priiax Mill pall at Hit Bros. i LAXiiru niniio ino ph iiio Paramount Magazine. British-Canadian QUEBEC-CHERSOURO SOUTHAMPTON. daily Xpwb olf!, they Mill Im- COI LID. let. 14 Empeeaa ef France i filled Sept. I Ilk. IStf. Second Street. Net. T Emeeeee ef Britain Edson Coal Co. uiieii an order nn th WphIIioIhip LAND ACT. News Gazette. I TliHalr," for ln'b uppW and MONTREAL-SOUTHAMPTON-ANTWERP. a m Ikllll LI1H t'Ht HUT nisTwcr or DIRECT AQENT3 FOR Net. 8 Mama a on wnek riprrtiiely. 'Mm oi it s mtni.oTi! Snub Pollard Comedy, "Fifteen Minutes" Net.SS Mincaaae Take Mourn-that we. tne uniara ton- MONTREAL TO aLASOOvV I At lat ve are able to sup-ply i uli nill br forwarp lo Mr Ie aiHl PaekMir C ttl . uf Na leo Admission 15c and 35c. Not,IS Mttaiama our Harbwr, orrnpetHia i.annra. intrmi. to IIoLmtIk at Siuitlipr. MONTREAL TO LIVERPOOL afl for prriulMMi lu leaae the follow let. 4 . . Tunlelan let dewrtbed Ian4t i4iuiiewlnf al IT . mm I iMtnted abuwt 4 eh.in. imrlb nf Ihe Net, Memcalm Famous mrih-eaai nirner f l.ul laea. 0,i J , Net, 14 Macttiere AIR PRESSURE AND axfrlb 4 elialna to tuw water mark. Itrenr JRf, ST. JOHN TO UVERPOOL. t a rbalM ea.l aluui low water Diark. , Oe. IS Fab. IMtr.l . Maettalm lhriM-4 mutll rbaln l'i hib water mark nec. 22 Jan.24 Fab. 2S Mentclarei LEVELS OF LAKE llienr 4 ebaina we.i ,lnt birb wale Jan.1SFak.1S Meatraat Biark lo puat. toulaioiut Ho 4rea utun ST. JOHN TO OLASOOW. EDSON COAL or le... Fab.Dae. IS S Jan.Mar.11 IT Mar. 2 . . . Matafama Tnl,laa I MP ALU. Nov. :i How to n-K-1 LAHOIRI riSIII.10 COY AID LTD.Pir.KI.10 Hosiery & Gloves ST, JOHN-OLASOOW-LIVERPOOL. I 1 1 al I In- lew I of tlip liii'at l.aki'it Dated Sept. lit. tSlt. ' in any quantity, by Hie ton . Dae, S Twnlala and Mliy t It- b-ipl of Itki' Mh Iii-uatl ST. J0HN-CHERBOURO-S0UTHAMPT0N-ANTWERP. or carload. Gel your orders VHrif at iliffprpiil piinl ul in early to avoid the rush. Daa. S M.I lie ' tllf oaiiic lllllH, ia Hie? ulllijri't ti ,l "HOLEPROOF HOSIERY" Jan. 4 - V kl.f I.e. Phone 6S. Mar, S Apr, 14 Mle4eea ti'l'ort mudp publle by John Y .', LADIES i- in-ldotli !!' J!i ST. JOHN-CHCRBOURO-SOUTHAMPTON 1 Office of Prince Rupert Peed I'ufnrd. dean of Hip PiiifiiiPi nns ' ' one who rr- g HAMBURO. Cor. Second Ave. and Saa. 2T . MUinadeaa Co., (bool iif NorlliWilprn l itiipr-ily V .lire. 'I'll ,il)llll It I Jan. 20 Mar. 24 Menu Seventh St. Attention! Fab. 10 Victorian l'.xprrimul mrr a htiih :'v il. I...... !:- Applr 'te Aanta eteeyerhere, ee J. J. f i'b'ii'11 rur foroiPil tlif biti 'l"ll.ir bo-i' ' RAMSAYS paints FOR4TER. e.e.r.l Afaet, O.PJI. StallM, I am a peciilit in Ladies Vanceutae, T.liplx.t 3rm.ue 2SSO of Hie reMr(. J Wan llayford' and lousorial requirements .nd !i 'ifcPt. Kllil fOIII''- n) TNC BOUT PAINT TO PAIHT RIGKT CANADIAN PACIFIO RAILWAY SUITCASES .'I i'i.lcutinc roni'ludftl Dim! il. iklnk'. .. . Traffic Aaa.L. am the holder of five Frenen It Will Pay You to Oet Our Prices. TRUNKS mIihii Hit- iiarHHalrii' prneniirp of Medals ami eight Diplomas ' 'i-Mij.igne .mil gnu ' 'Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. ti- jioiiii. iar). the lake li'lel for llairdreamng. FULL will vary iuvprnWy a Ihe barom. PENMAN'S CLUB BAGS My speclalillsa Include Mar FASHIONED" IIiim: ti ll- pI'-KOI-H. eel Waving, Pace Massage, li'Mii llayforil adux'ul"' Hip ii' l-i k hihI lirown Large Stock on hand. ri'ciil.ilinii of lake leirl y the Shampooing, Singeing, Help Holeproof lie re ,uid llPdlllPr- M Prices very low. I'ttiielrui'tion of moiable dauoi In Dyeing, Scalp Treatment and IJQstcrtj in .ill tieijrhl. Price from CIHG CARTAG E Violet Ray Treatment. i la.- hi. I.dvt i-pitcw rlipr rn-ar Lake 1 75c to $1.75. Toupees and wigs fur gentlemen J. F. MAGUIRE Ontario it nd in (be Niagara Iluer and transformation "KAYSEII HOSIERY" Limited Ntit the Prince Kupert Hotel ppoaiir Huralo, N.Y. for ladies. Hw itches made Tin itemniul fir K-1I'i-ut Phone 93 up from ladies' own comb-fng-. t tiifrert-iiiK tf-' ARTIFICIAL EYELASHES 'prinlly Mhen Ihe I' Furniture, Piano and Pre-War Price Am al your service any time mid hi't'l Cu iiilriMjii'"" ! 1 Safe Moving ADORN PARISIAN WOMEN by appointment. I'bone CUI. our lloniery In-pt. '"K'ijsit ItoMt i) ' will ronliiiut' In b lllU lligllfet Ifiel 'I JIom.tv iiuiii). Prion from S3.75 to 1 General Catrtatfo TEMPTING. Chas.LeClercq "Launch 55.76. VOai Sand and Crarol 1 MtIK N., u. supfib sot ( itiiky r'v,.uslic, nt'furu for all 320 Slith Street. I A loaf of Electrlo Bread try our timi' urn impprviou to lo "PERRIN U so temptiiiKly good to look at GLOVES" iIikmikIi Unytilpr or tpum. mty be that it add zest to the appetite Narbethong" I....I ... I, .... r - .. ........ ... ...II....I A splendid 1 ORDER YOUR Mild inak for keen anticipation. .lit,' in ran" lor H 1'ro.r, 11 iuiii-i CADOMIN FOOTHILLS larii'l) of ,,1, i lllv ( iunui. i lium'"- l" irnc, t lie Wit ill frunc liiiftl, i'lialiiiiptp ami nupile in Ihe beat jmpulur -li ' !' Electric Bread i made from the HUNTING CHRISTMAS beat selected flour, baked in luod- CRUISING PLEASURE Iriiuruptl for I lie upralbMi und (be COAL U'alcli for Hip "pluli mark" un eiery Mir. They arc K" ' pain wlui'b thU pum,e operation uiiti'i'ii to ii ami ,n.e w gtiaraiilpej litem to our ' " i-ru ettiuury and electrlo ovens, Phone Black 400 rlllHIl- I toiniTS. TURKEY and i imied with the in. purest ! i lo-ri an- PurJtian wouipii who lliat Coal niiiied in Alberta. NOW. ktredienu. It t tatty, wholesome uludly pay both. The laabe urcj Clean, Little Ash, Mure Heat. and juht us good as it look. Fresh Young Turkeys, Ask your dpocep for It or Ladies' and Gents' jrwii into Hie ptlgn of the lid by. YOU'LL LIKE IT, Jabour from Hie farm. la iieft lake root Bros. Ltd. elraiyht Phone C67. tiry mi i, mur Phones 7 and 311, Cleuiied, ready for the oven. Tailor. there utter about twenty day. Electric Window Bakeries M. T. LEE rifii clone at bund, they show no Consumers Coal Go. Ltd ! Atkins MeatMarket P.O. B. S77 rbo K.J ll arm nr run uiouiul the lid to br-truy Phono 645. Cor. 3rd and 7th. ThlPdy Avenue. Ih" vjiyeWl' toUt'lttS.