Tlin DAILY NEWS PAGE TlinEE PRINCE RUPERT CLUB BORROW MONEY Treat Your Liver Fairly won again AT bridge' Local and Personal Kodaks A disordered liver throws the whole Defeated Wanderers In Third THIS COUNTRY Help system wrong and affects the health Match of Inlerclub Series VV U TtUi, pll'llll! D7. If your generally. Beecham's Pills act directly by Margin of 1619, George Leek, Auctioneer. f That Is Opinion of Toronto Globe liver on the liver, cleanse and --Down Again I'Im' I'rinri' ii,ri CIhIi wiin As Policy Tor Coming Year. strengthen the stomach, regulate the llx' third bridtfc tournament of (In; II. C. Underlain'!-!!. IMione 41 If act bowels, remove all impurities from Afler ln'in of Ilii- I'I'll'ft Willi I III' limll'IITK I'.I 111 toil moin'y right BACK TO PnE-WAn PRICES inarkit in fur the system, and make fitand well. In! ctcniiiK hy a marpiii of 16 III - Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. a large way more you 'I'lll' I; l illtil t Kll i lllill Kodak liniiiU mill N now iilii'iul liy u'JV3 . , Ilia ii Iwo year, Hie I iin in ii i You can have a healthy Iwdy, strong mm reached Hie liiilltini. No (in Ilii' hkwi''WiiI'" fur Him iea-mn. Hayncru, Undertakers. 1'butic Oovernmenl again will in U22,heroine a lim-rower Ilie nervous system, bright eyes and clear say 351. Tlic cciirlim win iin follow: , tf Take in i ii-'i- i-i-iliii'iinii likely Income Wanderers Club. Tttronlo- (llobe. This is mainly complexion if you Hi - ! nl 'ttl, I.amhc uml I'rli&Ic l or, 1230; Jali fur Victory llond. 'Hum. to jneel a iiialurhig issue of Vir-lory hood, due Inwiubcr I. McClyumnl, f aunliiol. Wri. - War Vrim I'rice Now rjiiittiinling lo llil.0on.000. Inn Beecham's Tinker nrul Wearmoulli-L.'oi Vest Pocket Anas Lens 7.7 H'.i.i'Z $13.25 .'.'IIKI: iitrniiMl. I2H.. Uity Market for Meal, yualily iu addilion, i i expi-rlcil Hiere No. 1A Auto-n.rj. Lens 2-.'.CI 15.00 Tmlier mill Shockley l-W.-'rlli;Mt, prices right. Y. W. will lie floating indebtedness of No. 3A Auto-n.R. Lens :i 1.5 1 22.50 .MM' I; llCllill-l, IM2C, Muefncli. If mi unknown amount Iq lie met. Sold Till iiidi'blednes lie alliili-Uleil Vance iiml Hooper Fur, 2I3: may Pills 2Sc-40pill lii-l your Kodak mtw mill lnitc fvic the full year. .uaui.t, Sf.l.'l. "The llftirt of a Fool why in jiarl lo I lie derline iu everywhere in boxet SOc-90 pill Ni'lon ami Fulton For, I In IImmibIiIIip knew women." Se Custom revenue during Hie .period DEVELOPING, PRINTINQ AND ENLARGING! avaiio-t, 225H. tliu Affair1 of Aiialul, Weslliolm of 'depression, and partly lo He'll the Oovernincnt Hallway. lunlglil. ' ie on Ilutcliih.oit ami Vlckt'io For, Whirh have not been able 1017: against, 3i'.i. . All inle-ee.J in local lo make any real headway as Tolal For, 12.331; iiirint bosiliff 13.953. meet al rrtlz Hie Mainly Mali bilxim's slaekeueil and traffiri Canadian National Railways Prince Rupert Club. Tli I ri Avenue nl H o'eloek Moil deerenseil, while wages have nut I'illubnrv mill Scoll- For. 2551 day nlslil. II "orn'spoiidiintly deelined. .... Victory Loan Success. apaint.McI.I'imI ll'.m.mill Humpou Fur C. II. Sawle, edilor of Hie Onii How should Hie iSovernmeiil Prince Rupert iiise Hie fund during 2025; again!. T.:i1. neca Herald, .New Iki'i'llmi, ri' in'i;es.ary Orinc nml TIN For. 15K.1 Inrneil to Hie inlerior ly I'1' Hie I'omlng year? The success morning' train. if Hie Canadian Victory l.oan aanil. ?'.'-.'H. h ampiiigns during the war ami Mr.CnlTerV iiml .lckeroii For, Shipyards JtlJ: Hdiiiii'!, 17 15. ' Mr, ami Mm. W. A. "Kin? iffer created an immense sotiree liiriird ifii invnilii TVrrm' of moin-y nl home tiulil about ho RUPERT BRAND Ilryunl ami llrcwe For, ll I Si o . . . . ugaiul, 2022. afltr tmviii? enl n' rnilile i (,i'l rent, of the national debt i Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock weil lo our own people. II i I'lilmer ami Tol' For. 28fiu lay in Hie city. Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern onsidered by many authorities avalii."!. 1215. makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. , 'Hie cliarsi' of dvintf wilful that ' Hie princijde of borijowina and Kippers Bloaters Tn!ii I For. 13.53: ;ivainl l?,33l. damage laid iisalusl Fred Allen il home should, a far a possible, Electric and Acetylene Welding. wiHidrawn in Hie pidicp lie continued, luleresl ami dividend obligation- on outside DAUGHTERS ENGLAND .nml Ilii. niorning. Our plant is equipped lo handle all kinds of apllal in Canada already amount for Sale at OFFICERS' ELECTION Charlie I.eC.lrrcii. the Hair. .o about 2i?li.noo,ooo year, MARINE AND drt'.er. Mareol waving and vbieli alone is a seven- drain ALL RETAIL STORES ealji IreHdiK-nl. St. Klluo Hull ii the rounlry's annual inrome. COMMERCIAL Installation Ceremonies Took IIooiii 0. I'lumc Green 510. If. il se'ins In be desirable Dial WORK The Most Tasty Breakfast Food Place Last Evening Mrs. - nine form of refunding" be PHONES 43 AND 3S5 Cox New President. I'linee Ilier1 Musical Soeiely nl.ti e.l which would al . least Obtainable ri'liearsiil of "II. M. S. I'inafurt' .iresi'rve. if possible, as lenders TIm' cliTlnin anil iiiliilliili'in on Monday i-venins al I're.liy o the Dominion Coverniin'iil I In-,eople t offieer uf I In- lauuhlcr I'Tian CIiiiitIi Jlall al H oVIoek who n 'W hold Vjrtory Smoked Daily by Kitaclaod for tin' current term . II aonds maturing in l'J22. A per. look ;ilai-'' lal evening in Hi . . . enlace nf llniu. no doubt, will Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. KnijliU if I'ylliin" Hull. Krne "If viM ver ee. me Irji'i"' I desire to caili iu. bu! Hie fai l V I. district lieptily (Jrinii i-fcue any woman again fin hat much of this money .would Lumber & Lath i'irnl'iit. ami frilleh'd away iniead of in-sled, PRINCE RUPERT wa in rharjic w;i lii'i(ciiV.-a!k, -dear, re.cut' un' ji 9.ii,., ,y . Smilh. AHinjr See II,e Affair of Alialol. We.-l makes il Hie more lie. 'rami iuli.', n tnl Mr. Stanley liliue ItmTgUi: iralile Ihal the iuducemnt for and lli'iiiii'll. Ai'liua firaml Iliaflain vinveslmenl should be allrael-ive. Shiplap-Boards i olli'W mi i llir, lll of tfffic Mr. aiid Mm. Alex. Melt 'MiT'i rliox'li: Vouna'. wlkiv1' iihlrrleiFIn Wew Dimension l-r-ijilnii, Mr, M. A. ix litre reeenlly, nrc cxpefieii ti CARLTON RESTAURANT iceM,rrii!riit. Mr. A. (inn arrive iu (lie HIv from Ilie I'm Thoroughly Air I)ricd and Slored Under Cover Comes in 2 Months. Stocktaking run. ' on tomorrow evening'), Irmiii. Menu SiTn-V3rj'-vMi. K. Alfxalilr. ' Sunday, January 15, 1922 Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding ari'laiiifillml.) "ly linvesl (fftwit--my lli-'lii'sl 75c Per Platej I'ntil that time we will offer 'ri-'aiir'r. Mr. K. M. IJlujV. liee, MnHe! 'If lliere'. romr Soup i:iiu(liifn, .Mi Mar' lliislii'i.k fur liuliaml on the Ureal While Cream of (ireen Pea. V and Finish S-cials in Several Lines Firi i i mile, Mr. M. A. Hamc Way- llirre'n room for wive Roast Sixiiml fitilili. Mm. I... I Vfck See 'Tli,. AITaim of Analol lloast Turkey ' and Cranberry SPRUCE LATH i-m. We.lliiiliiie (imiglil. !?auce. CHOCOLATES Ihinl Culili'. Mr. i:. Sniilli United Fowl with Parsley ai Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices French Fniilli-JSuiil.', Mm. M. i:. .1 .loiiil in,illaliiTi of ollli-er of Iloasj lleef ami llorsJ-radifh Sniilli. Skeeiia lilj:'. Kniglils of I'yili-In .sauce. and llltllT lin.inl. )lr. M. M and lliiiierl f Temide. I'ylliimi Sweets PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. HllullI'M. Islom, .M"inlay, .laliuary 10 nl t) llaisin. Apple nml Cmoanul Ivory STATIONERY OiiIit ;uanl, Mm. IL I'. I.'iiwin i.m. All Kmulils mi,I I'ylliliili Cu-luid Pie. ! Seat Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 361 inlil.m. 'Mr. M. Ik,' Mm Sister ldea-e alleiul. 13 S"now Pmldiiitf and Whipped i. Ilowi' aiil l'.riwl A. W'ihhN. Cream vvilh Cake. Tin- to will be sold at cost to clear. Julio Flivin 4 of I'orl Siniioii lhu whistle nl, Hie ,hy ,K.(-k wa blown iiml it. fire deiarl FULLER'S .SPECIALS i- a i'.-itii'ii nl I In linu'riil llo. meiil was eall'-il lo Hie iilant inlal. ibuiif II or look Ilii moriiiiiff ii. C. Odioe Salmon liii: tins, j ORMES LIMITED when a xliorl eireuit iu Hie pat. 1 1 eg. 35c, special 25c. lent liiii caii-i'd Si .-.lishi Maze, Sweet Com. i ins, I5e. GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC RAILWAY The I ii was somi out ami Uiere was no The Pioneer Druggists RexallStore Church Notices Sour Pickhvs, reg. 10c now 25c. laiuaue. Clarke1!. Chili Sauce, half S. S. PRINCE RUPERT will sail 11 p.m. Wednesday tor rice. i v Auyox. Midnight Thursday for Swansun Hay, Ocean Fulls, Tin- Orient. .15,11110 nuud' empress Coffee, Is, few days l'owi'll Uivi-r, Vancouver, Victoria and Jjeatlle. Methodist Church. n II nly flh Imat arriviu for 5.V. S. S. PRINCE JOHN F r all point on Northern ami Mi'i niiiK M-r ii'i' nl II "i'lin'k nu morning. I lie ealeli wa C. Local H. fresh Fgfis, C0c. Southern (Jui-en Charlotte Island January 2 and 16. 1'ii'urlii'i-. IUiilani Ala-lin. of Ilii' dd lo Hie Siiii'lair Fislierie, al While Naplha Soap, 10 for Stewart, January 5 and 19. DENTISTRY Salvation Army. Sunday Srhnol 1 2e ami 5e. Few elioomm art C.e. , Train Service. nl 2::iii. l-.fiiln M-i'viri' al 7::iu arriving wiin iiiiuiiiii iii-l now 1 for 25c. .11 X, pil,2 l(aenrr MONDAY, WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY al 11:15 hun t neglect your ti'Wi. (Jni! derated or missing loolh Sutijwl: "Miin Hie Mark." nml Hie demand from Hie'FasI i Fnsle Milk, special,, 12 for i. in. for Surlhors. i'rincc (JcorKe, Kdifiontun and Winn.-ejr. I'li'ai'liiT Hi'. (ii'o. II. llai'krr. lit'lH. 2.70. making direct connection for all poinU in Eastern luwi-in i imp iliilily. Presbyterian Church. Armour's Uncoil, special 37 Sc. Canada and Fnilecl State. DR. mAYNE Miii-iiiiiu iirvu-' nl II o'l'lnuk WIRELESS REPORT Fresh (irouml Coffee, a lbs. Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. Suliji'i'l, "l.ifi'" l,o'jiiltilitii'i'.' for 1i I.mi. City Ticket Office, 526 Third Avenue Phone 260 nooms 4, S, C, Hclgerson Block Phone 103 Minnay mmiooi al I2:.iii.'ii- Kmp. linking Powder, 5 lb. tins 1 1 1 MTici' al 7:30. Stiliji-rl. 8 a.m. I.15. llour: I'J; Aflernonns. l:J0-5:30; or OlllCf .Moiinil-. L What hi- We. Think of Cliri.-I ?" Ill'l.I. IIAMHOIl .... Overeasl. While Wonder Soap. 3 for 25c ni 1 1.-$, 7-9. I'ri'ni'lii'r. Ili'v. ). II. !ranl. aim; liaroineler, :in.2l: lemiier- Christian Science Society alure. .sea smooth: 8:15 Cut Flowers, llulbs. Cily Mar- : CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY Morning i'rici' uf II o'l'inck., njioke l"iimi'i' I'riiii'e Jlu-erl kcl. tf Suliji'i'l, "l.ifo." Ti'.liinoiiial eiitei'liu (Jueen lUiartolte B.C. Coast Services ini'i'liliy every Weilnemlay ill K Sound siiiiIIiIhiiiiiiI; tl ii.m. spoke n'eliii'k. 'I lii' putilir i. t'niillally liokmie. Keli'liikan for Seattle. Cakes Iced to Order. llivik'il In lliene ini'i'lillx, Jielil aU-ain I'gg IshiiTil. souHiboiiinl: A Certain Man Sailings from Prince Rupert nl 215 Si'ciiiul Avenue. I.III., lmke Hailloriin b'UVIllg International Bible Students Naiuu at H a. in, soutliliouml. in This Town For Ketchikan, Wrangetl, Juneau and Skagway Individual Mince Pies, Pumpkin Pies, Etc. Assoolallon. Ii;.l TUFF 'M).T Clear. V ' Specialists In Birthday and Wedding Cakes I.U.S.A. nieel I'M-i-y Siuhlay in aim: liaroineler, ,"(l.1 2; li'mper-i Needs Watching! January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27. UNEXCELLED Hie K. 1'. Hall nl H mm. Sulijei't llllii'. 21: sea siiioolli. , OUR PASTRY IS For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January (iiinri'ow eveiiuiit. "Wliirli Hie IHilllY ISI.ANO :iear, ealin: He be falhur. may your your "The Home of Domestlo Bread" 7, 21; February 4, 18. True 8on;l?" All wi'leoiiie. Nu bai'omeler, 30.27: lirmiierulurtr. brother, or your son. Who. t'lllll'l'l Inn. II: sea smooth; H n.iu. spoke never he be, we will .THE LACASSE BAKERY may Agency for all Steamship Lines. auadiaii lliulilauder, ll'ini miles . f "watch li i n i for a very low-price Phone 100 717 Third Avenue P. O. Box 413 I from Victoria on Jan. 12, oul-.linuml. thl week al our walch Full information from ANNOUNCEMENTS . sale. W. C. ORCHARD, Oeneral Agent j Noon See some, price in lhu window. Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Prince Rupert, . O. i til (luuli'i lUiuiilcr. I.O.I).F lll'l.l. IIAIlllOll Ovoivusl; Ask for any other Annual Children' Fancy Dross ralin; liaroineler, 30.20; temper kind of watch. nri irrv nri i x rsnr t Tn notary Hall. Friday. January 27. a I lire, 3K; sea uiooli; 11:15 n. I nJCW VKJL.lstK 1 , LI U. - - puhlic ui., spoke Camosuu left Wad-lium John Bulger, You ire uut IH:5(I a.m. oullibound. UNION STEAMSHIP CO OF B.C., LIMITED. loll MALI; six-room limiM) lli lmlli, llmi. half cash; TCZEMA IIKAD Tit KM POINT Clear; Tha Jeweller Stlllim from prlnco Ruperts EM For VaitcoiMtr, Victoria, rallinv al Bwaiuua Bay,ocean Falla, Tuesday. I tin. Nlulli Ammiiii' ami AlcHndo Blreot. calm; baroiiieliii', 30,1 1; Iv'iuper-ulure For Port Simpson, Naaa Rlt.r, An,oi and Allct Arm, Sunday, uildnUM, M mrnt (or Eeirnik ud Mi In Irrlut- siuoolli. . Colling at Oc.anlo and Naaa Harbor ou iilUmr Oct. IS, Nov. 0, 10. Dae. limit. II rrllavrl at unM kill rdll- 31; sea 'GIFTS THAT LAST 3 4. I, Jan. I. Rentals Real Estate General Insurance ullr hrlt tli. akin, dunnl tot lr. IHi.iHY ISI.ANU filwir, calm: Calling at Somardllo, Rumoon, Mill Bay 00 tatllogl Oct. I. 10, Nov, II, lliue'i (iluuuent (re l( you uiennon this . lc. It. ft, Phone Blue 69 Weslholme Theatre. Block P. O. Box 66 ml miiU W.iimp (uriKXtage. 600. a liarouii'lor. ;io..8; tt'iiipcralure, ! 23 Stoond Antnu JACK BARNSLir, Agtnt Print RufOrt, . 0. CKir nil dealer or kauuimuu. & " I mi -Eg! ... ..'.113 lib!1 IuhU'ror'' 5-; - . i