Jphnmi's Touring Cars main TAXI For Taxi 660 Phone PRINCE RUPERT 9 Bent Service and and Night Service I Best Cars in the City Day, Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol XIII NO. II l'lIINCE HM'KHT. II. U. BATIHDAY. JWI AUY 14, l!i2. re.Ufd.ri c.r.i.uon , SOMl ! S22 PIWCB FIVK GENTK Final Stage in Anglo - Irish Treaty pi mmm for roxers "to meet in Europe pror ari y i ondon Anglo-Irish Treaty RAILWAY STRIKE ENGLAND'S MIDSHIPMAN-PRINCE. Planning for Dempsey to Fiht 2arpentier in London IN IRELAND HAS Ratified today by BEEN POSTPONED If Guarantee Sufficient l.fiS AjVfiKI-KS, .Inn. II. Jack Iieni'Mi-v will nit'cl (ieorges Irish Parliament -1 pu In ijiiri-i-nlii-r in l.omlon iioviililiK tin- 'inimotf'r of hiii.Ii u niulOli ionieronce uumg on i uu; wmilil po-it "Miblanlial fiiui-aiiU-i-.i," aworilinfi to Kcarns, Dublin nlwn Employer li,nii.-n,y" who di-dares lln- pliainiini ruaily lo meet III III.IX. Jim. 14. Tin' Anglo-Irish !reat creating llic lii-h and Workers. iiiiiiiutrvr, 'Ja. I'nt!i-r or any oihi-r tonlciider for Hit' title provided a .iuituble ,- Klulc wut tiiinniiiioii-dy ralillctl ! morning hy tin- Konllicrn III I.I AST. Jan. I i.- Tin' ilriki- is as-iured. Ireland purliiinii'itt in lliC absence or Ie Vnlcru uml his supporters purse oil I lie IrKIl rilliroaili ciiiiru nir XHW YOltlv, Jan. It. ltin? follower concede Willi Ilickard wlm oppoetl tin- Ircalv in Hie Dh'iI. MliilniUlil loliiillif lia 1ii-iMi io.l- that uiintliiT mulch in llic United Hlales between Denijwcy and The provisional government ii- cousllliilcil itnirioM .Michucl -iiiiomI for out- iiioiilli. A fonfer- Unpoiilict would Ik- linuin-ial lizzie, bill lln-y arc inclined lo Lollin-. William Co-kihmv Kiininun .1. Iiiiggau. I. J. 1 1 K"(' i-fiiri' tiK Iiimiix lii-i'l in l hum mi io. -i lay lielwi-i-n the in)loy'r uml -in i Hi 1.1 tin- hum iniulit In- iujd alinuil with a fair iliunc: of I intiiii I.) iH'h. Joseph .M-(irtilli, Piole-or Joint McNeil tuid tin? workiTK. Making a irol)t. !mn 0IHkks- 'I In- l-ri-nhiiiaii. nflcr the vii'lnry over t'onk, the Auslralian HrXrVHT J i '" Tin niililitry aiilliorilie wmii cilizcn- In-avywuiuht. iaid he would llkf lo face lifiiii!ry anain. l)i-mi.-iy'H thai I lie Ionises from whose mof NO DANGER TO "J ... ij i I nii-arnncc woiiIW prnvt' a nlroiitc ilrawiuv rani ahruail. and if (lar-' WAfTim HIIAMIirrn f-hontinn U permitted will be pi'iilii-i- .-,I uck lo liii iir-ipo-ri) plan or lislitiiiK al lonK raii-e, the loi'il or destroyed and I lie Irn-. 1 1-iir-.p'-an .pi'-lnlor. would wilnesi u longer bout than Carpenlicr ill- cxieled. SiiiiiiiK from tin a?fJ in the pail. i..i.f . heeomtiiK ncriou- here " BEING CHARGED I.hiiI Mayor llockcrill li.i- i hwHF '.HiL aVaBBf'laVBVlBH RA1LYAY TO REPORT THAT -llllllM .l''tl U IllCclilljC f Mil' unionist flaras Dinturbances Occurred of lOiulii.-ru uml w -stern mainly After His rrlal at WITH STEALING Ireland il'ilxiii lo unionisl consider support ii resolution lo tin Government House. I BE DISCUSSED KEMAL PASHA provisional KoviTiiHifiil under l.i,yifij. Jan- iH-.-iali-lio... Transferred Half a Million Dollars luifrilli in the interest of the l.otiiloi'l l.n!iiiiMrs from ivr- Probablllty That Prssldent Kanna From Company lo pence uml welfare of the eoui-uiuni'y. Ililflil-i 111 Ilium lU-ri-i' .niiii. Own Account. (In' 1'rlmWtir Wulfi vvh h tu Will Retire, but Nothing vIm' iiKMiujiM'f-'.iMiiilly fit th 1 Yet Decided. Jan. It. ;Mulapha ( MONTItLAL. Jan l Hiiii- -an- nf limiiHv'"lU!urliini'! inl lbAJ'iirkisl Na- r :nnr- POINCARE BUSY i n rrnn . tW.'liil.iln: tir di-- or tiiou-uiKix (Tinial b-ailiT. has-bn ,rmtftnwtl vvillidruwo from til act-otiul iM ii"i.slWAire:Jbu,tt-. ro,,,,J,-,ftT?.riliiiK lo an exelianze l-le-with if Thornton lMilloll I'.o. Ill the u ilirr.iijtfP! runic ami va. by-eli-c- the rorll,icoii!iiifc' jrraph di'sjiateh from Conslaiilin-i:on. M. Colin Calll-ri-iiii FORMS CABINET brfirawiN wliifli nr ilr-nrrilii-ft r.'liullU I lank by wui-lifil wliieh iuuli-s from a jmimI many pitbtie tpii's. nple a report i hi 2M-yeiir.oli oianascr of irH'ltilv "it: liwn liolli ' ; ; ii iik are beiim iliseiissi'd mil nzorn. Hie Turkish Nationalist lie .i.ipnny. uml i.-Mlltil by ft'iriulTjr. iiiil enllMMiMKlir. II who -. i-ilm-s to Ihe capilal tire b'inj: ln-aibtuarli-rs. I .fifPniH to Ills IIUII personal - Nw Premier of France Looked fli'f ili I'Hm-r hint nrrivrd at !. ThU U the late.t photo of rrtnee Oorse. fourth son of King George ri';-ilvi-il. A Her the- eleeiions are t Mini iii (lit name hank. Hi-riirilinij Upon as Country's OreaUst In- iSirinneiil limj- Unit tit Greit Britain. He celebrated his nineteenth birthday on board his over ileb'sralioiis will biMiior' nu-uierous All ivlllllllo I III Ilk llMluiTr pro Statesman. win- i .pari' lit lln- onlliii-iik ship In the royal nary, where he Is working hi. way up like other youne anil Hie real work of the STOP WORK ON duced ill the cninry yrfria. ' Hl-ri'il; - men not of rovat bloixl. r ltiinioii(l will bruin. I'.Mlh Jan. II - iiibiiiiiisl ration I ii ini.nin lu.lliu Irifil oil fl ... ... j I'ntliriiri' ha- iillli-iull arri.ii:i The lirl matter that will eoiue ilolliira trom.!...tli ..r Tlmniton MII ill 1 1 lie liixk i it foriniiij.- u rutmift ORUM AND FIFE BND PRFRAR taLruiA PnilfV NEW EXECUTIVES OF before lli government is that oT; ALL CONTRACTS - tlii Itriiiinl mliiHlry. Ilr Hie Canndiaii Nalional llailunr. i)Oii ( i. uml fm falrti f iuk U(, hijim wiJ FOR NAVAL BRIGADE ciry WER SWQRN will no,lit a Jil f Inn i,,,l- il.s relHtioii lo Hie (iraml Trunk! - ll.lrto Iimciii'm lo rreil'Mil Milli'raiHl IS BEING ORGANIZED IS DISCUSSED: IN OFFICE YESTERDAY ami plans for its development amllThose Awarded During Last to(l")'. future administration. II is alio- j Week of Lats Government T1SDALL MAYOR 'I'lie uw ireiiii'ar tvu.i n-jnl-iii Bethel- probable Unit Presidi-iil. j IMusL Be ADDroved. of tln I'n-iirli lli-iiiililii- from lll;i Will Comprite Twelve Members No Political Action Likely Until Maym- ll'ii-ln-.sii-c Ahlermrii Ilaiiua may retire. allhniiGh i lo ItM'.i, uiol ifon Unit lino' hail ten fifes and two Drums the i'lly. Monlsoiii'-i" . I'ri-ry. l.ol- iiiothui'- Ims been decidi-d upon in OTTAWA. Jan. t . Work on OF VANCOUVER Im'imi forrlBii niiiiUtiT ami lunii-ir. A, M. Bremner, Band-master. Arter By-olectlons l:ii . Kerr, .u-l.i-oi. liylHniM! ami i,js r, :ard. the routrai-ls awarded by the Aro Held. I'olii-)- iioiniuiss SiKf-isiiii-s ami - i IIh in an nrtilor wlm alwiiyrt late (i.ivinm. nl during Hie last I'uiiiiiiiiiul- mi uiiilii'iii'i ami In" iom-r Slmekley. who were eli-eleil week of office has been halted . llif A ill-inn ami fib band i- bf-ina (ITT AW A. Jan. 11.- The de-. in Hie unitiiftipa! eleetioli on RESULTS OF . . .. , .iip-fil Iiii4 .lull-ill iluriiiK wur. hy Hie Kins: udmi'iiistrulion, il laralioii of Hon. T. A. tili iai in iu were sworn i-'i"re in I'oino'eljou willi 1'liursdny, ( Tir 'i-R.-jnlio'il v-.i-l.- wln-n I"1 did "pli-ndli nerv was leuriu-d today, and contractors nm I In- nalion lb' i looki-il upon u-."niiii'iVH lii lli'v-' Naval Urisiiil" ami in favor of )'otioliilaUoii of Hn- Slipi-inliary Mnist fiit- MeMullii and other warned that Afternoon. tsn'ali'fit iviik ulalfs-man. the courM' of a few day drills (Iraml Trunk Itailwuy with tin-tUinadian in Hie poln-e eourl yi-slerday afternoon XMAS EXAMS I here would be no furl her expenditures will coniiiii'iiee under A. M. National is arousiu- al V:l". They llins of-fieially those contracts V A MHH Vi;il. Jim. It : 1-'1'iiilall Mii'iiuier who U lo tiel Hit in- keen iliM-ui"ii. but. il is not lieeoiiie exectil ivi-s of tin-eily. until Hie iiiiveruuienl on was satisfied VMl" iillli-iall ili'iliiri'il HioiikIiI in politlial ei rules thai Irurliir. 'I'lu'i-e will be twelve J. C. Principal of -thai Brady, High the expenditures were Vaiiioovn- liy ...... tLill l.i. Ijiki'ii liv I'liM'Ifil of .1..rti.ii.. ii.. ..... iiiaynf CONTRACT FOR iiii-iiiImm "Tn Hie biiml, ten fib' llll lli-llilii'. ni-i'n School, Announces Pass List necessary and in keeping with Ho ii-hii'iijnu nlllfoi- yi'Hii-nlay llo- new auuiuiisirHiiuii , uioo ami I wo iliuin. lln; personnel RECOMMENDS THAT Hie present financial conditions. iifiiMnoon. Hi), win "l,sj will In us follow; I Ifes after the by-elect ions. at Kirn Edward. of lil" innn-iil ctiiniH'tltoi . j EXTENSION OF lliiln Uurvlcll, Joe t.lii'tiowki. A. Hufore Mankeiuie Kf us loui- GERMANS CHARGED 'I In' olliur camliilnlt'i wi'i'o Mi -1 Wood. J. Mc.Mllllill. Ted l ile, II. pleled his cabinet uml foriiuiliy Hi-Mills of the Chrislliias ec- 'BORDEN STILL lUf. 'layloi'. Kirk uml l.oUuar. Wralluill. KIts-lii Uroi'hu, I'. Mc- aeceplcd the poMilion' wuli lie TO BE SURRENDERED :-uiiualioni ;il lie Kiur Kdwan Mr. linlall i llm fliH'f owner ( STEWART WHARF Mulliu. Kiiro llurxinh ami liobfs. he had an umlorittamlma 'liirh School and Hie lisl of class. a hiif wliiili'Miili anil rrlall I'arker. irun.-t- -Hell Kelly una Willi Hie ProKiiwsivi'K on Hni leaders iu the respective divisions HOLDS POSITION -port luif iiooili tiilililiminl In tii'dlBi' Hell. Hie fife lire al mailer or neilerul polirv. 'l hej I'Atllf, .lan. I l. I in- .Hiirrcu-Pliiaressivc have been announced l.v Vuiirotixcr. Hi- Inn alwayi tukin ready here but the drums have not ami Liberal move- dor of lieriuaii orrieerx ami men .1. P.. Hradv. princitml, and are Wharf at o k'M-n Mili'ii'ril in. pul'lir alTaii H Let to Leonard Waldo arrived. nieiits are parallel lo a larce x- ehawd hy I lit- Allies with orient, is billows : i;iiKliitni''i ly Alice Arm Will be Finished ye! fenen in miniec! imi willi tin-inori Junior Matriculation --first OTTAWA. Jan. 1 1. Macken-las. in I hut oily. An The slrenslli of Hie Naval llfi- bill the 1'roi.M-iuMMve are j lnrtli, ln wax imIiiciiIimI in thai on Monday. -,-adi' in now about SM iiieiuherH, radical in some sulijeeLs. Ureal War is 1 1 roumieuded in iihss. Fred Ker-rin. Second iric Kina has asked Sir Hubert t tr. Iil It'"' 11 iur(l" ",rl Tin- i'oiilrin-1 for enleiiNi"!! I" .M of whom will have uniforms particularly iu reaurtl to free j r.-.lul ion- wlui li have been elass miss. Sine ami Ilordeii i" ..-main as (.altadlttll 'f l'"' or view lailopH-d ! Hn- llllei -Allied I'.oni-eumes kMury Sim. I represeulalivi- al the Peaco conference uf III" life oil tliin the lloinlllioll (ioveriiiiu'lil wlilirr when an order, winch is now trade. The elass point H lian ni'i-vfil hk ini'ii-J' In there. un-Mon i war .-rimes. Advance Course, Junior (Irade followin;''' Kir Uoberfa 'aii. al Klowart Iihh been let lo l.i'on-ard ln-inu made, fur ten more is fill- lil of tin Vancouver lliwitil of Waldo or thai plan',' work lo d. The dei'lsum I" allow Slacken- fir.-l elas pass. Margaret offer lo i-rsi-Mi in favor or Mr. Trail ami wh for kIk yfnw commi'iice In llu eoursr of a Hi'Ktilar drill- every I'riilay tie IviliK In f eleeled without op-posilioll 1'almer: second class pass, Sam Kind's liomiliee. I'luilrninn of tin' wW cnnintU--loii foiinlahl or mi. The work in- will lake .place from imw on. is meellUK Willi Kelieral NEW ALDERMEN Simpson, l-'ellx Hull. ,Myra Harvey. For u iiiinilirr of yiMir In' t-.luitrn Hie .tin ilil iiivr " ;,,) ' npprovul. Imlel-il his eonsliluenl.s Ilobertu Tremayne and Louie IRISH STRIKE NOT ill in lliv llrilinli tloliiinliiii l.i'K-iilalnn SO fool exlenslon lo llic pn'-enl lnive mi wish fur a contest ami risher. iii iiiciiuVr for Vanrou-mt. :i(l hv '.Ml fieiulil kIumI an well a PERLEY. COMING FROM iiinke it clear lo all ami sundry j OF VANCOUVER I'reliiuinary llourse. Junior RECOGNIZED BY THE Iiul wan ili-rcaliMl ill Hlt'l ;i0 hv .'! feel of pilint" fur ex- LONDON IN FORTNIGHT Hull lliey are w.-ll satistled to lie (irade - (rirsl year) First eiss ulii'H I In' t;oniM alive jinrly eol- Iciition lo the pri-.n'iil wharf ami represented by Canada's premier. s. II.-id McLennan, tiladys NATIONAL UNION lUMI'll. . Six Were on Last Year's Council Nicholson and Mary Coiuailiua. 1 it 1 1 1 1 ci in c 1 ... , ii Ailvien liax JUil been ret-eiveu i His Realonatlon Has Not Yeti OF Two Labor Men Wore Second elasn pass, Alice I'ills-huiy. LONDON. Jan. 14. The Na MADRAS RIOTS ON .t ii.. i.if-nl fi-ili'i-nl inihlie workK Been Received by Premier GENERAL RECOUNT Elect-d. Alex Mitchell, l.eona I'arker, tional I nitio or Itallwayincii an. office fiom Williaiii Sloan. Kov-.i-iiiiiiiil Mackenzie King. BALLOTS WILL SWRT Alice Nclon. Millicenl Osborne, nuuucT's that it bus not aulhor-Ucd ARRIVAL OF PRINCE iiiMlit'tflnr, thai the Alitn ANC(U VHlt, Jan. f. Aid. C. ltussell Huljier. I'.lialiuth a strike o (lie Irish railways Ann wliai-f will be cuinilcli-il by OI'I'AWA. Jan. U. sic ON TUESDAY MORNING K. Tistlall is lln- new mayor or I'.unie, lioi-olhy Tliiiiupson. called io bciu today. If the '.ll.abeth QUELLED BY TROOPS lloulraclor W . T. Mi" (ieoiui' l'crlc, Hauadian High Vanconsur and the aldermen arc Allrcn I'ulnuue. strike occurs it will be entirely Houiuiissiunei- at l.nnduu, will (.troves, Frances Oross, Ted Tile, . I 111 V. i.c.Ultl of lltl hill- . I"- reuipiecc. r. u. turn liiHillluial. A -reuenil Harold Hell. j I and Malsu b-au' iirrixc here from HiiKland iu a ra l.amlM'rt. enSMieer, MAIIUAK. Jan. It. Itlotinw .1. II. bits cast in III federal election II n-u l.i-om-, v . iu ".-n. HVIIi'lillillUnl wflh lllll I'lllirc of rut- Alice Arm liuiioi-iovv uUht In I wo weeks. His reslKiiulion lias rur Skecna ciistiluem-y last v ooiisuic .lospu u.iii. t . o. Commercial Class. WhIch' arrlviil. 'I'Iiii (Himnh fin iiiaku ii final limpec-linn b"foic mil yel Jiei-n received by I'icinier in.mill will coiuiucnee on l ues- h'ruey, ami .1. Sei -inyis. The l irsl class pass Kvif tlavalier. LEAGUEJIOCKEY lion tilfil work In ai-ci'plcd. .Mackenzie King. v" " "-"-. Vera Slioekley. Alfred SluK-klcy, In jiii'vi'nt t lio i-IIUi'iih day luornliiK. JlK'' '' M"".M' ,v y" Annie Western Canada League 1 ........ Oonslaucc MoMullin, Kelly iim'uIIiik Hit' iMinrn at lln Hlulion. Younir presidniK- livery i.u. GREENFIELD DIES. BIRTH. land (Irtu-e Leek. llexliia -', alKary, I. rrnnjix und iiiiihu'i'iI earn a MRS. will hu personally exi'iiKm-U hy. itojjei wa- u.-.-m U. linili'il Ilia Ncolinn. Two tli'allin i:i.MONTON. ' Jan- I I. Ml"-(irecuflcld. and me l .,.,..0. Second llluss puss -Ami'Jia liorn In Mr. Ihc Judge and icjeatlon ue ;r.'pivseuis uf. I'i"nik'r , ilaiiKlilcr was Mur'an. 'Curl Pacific Coast League huvti liucn ri'imrli'il, nallvi wire hi iy und s-' ihbi us. liidcpendcal iiuivicli, tiwen niin al the ceplaWs will ii' inadc as iMU'on ji-ai Mrs. Stanley died Ibis and Pundao Ualderoiic. Viutoria. 5; Seattle, 2. AlheilUi liustufouu iul or liuvini? Imun hIioI liy u inuvliij,' pic llrceiifli'ld (iencial Hospital tliid uiorniiiy. decides. This count will lie final Labor. Utri! j)(iutob'ruplior. inuruiinj