rriday, November 4, 1932 Thousands of People Read The Advertisements on This Page Every Day # RENT THAT ROOM, SECURE HELP, SELL FURNITURE,, REAL’ ESTATE, ETC., THROUGH A CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENT re a “we es : ae a nengeaemrmmeseni eae i a a CLASSIFIED ADVERTISEMENTS | ssc: Retail prices current here at pre- gay For rent, for sale and all other small advertisements in this section charged at the rate of 2 cents Pagrus a word per insertion with six insertions for the price of four. By the month the charge is 25¢ a word, Pomatens, 9B AG BD We. Aiden $ 2% No advertisement takes for less than 50c. anck, $1.50 40 ~ 116 Vegetable Marrow, bb. Ai — Beets, bunch a ; - ; ee ee " pik cee . Parsley, bunch > FOR SALE TRANSFERS HOME BAKERY \Pumpkins, Ib. 05 { ee | _. |Purnips, 8 Ibs. 25 POR SALB— cheap, Fordor Se-'| CAMERON'S Transfer—Wood, Coai,;"IRY a loaf of bread from the new/Carrots, 8 bs. 25 THRIFTINESS is a state of mind that is nearly as valuable an vy r ‘ f ; ‘ { : ‘ soi: y ian. Apply 34 Taxi BS) Moving. halts for rent Home Bakery. No better. food. }Green Peppers, ib. 20 asset as a bank account.... For thriftiness can always get a bank ; ALE Bric . ter sia ; Mussallen Economy | ‘itron, tb. 05 200 * ibs OR ae é - ick lined «he von oe Oe | sehdet Retekatin, 3 the = aceount of Hs own. Phone u iad (ao) . . on i fc . be on ° ° Parl DAIRIES Wield Tomatoes, lb. 5e to 0% And it’s easy to tell thrifty people from the way in which they SALE Fully modern tow TIeYTAIO Radishes, 3 bunches 10 aged | rans 2 siet ag v as 1h : sa > newsp s — just as yo sually s . m. house, Borden Street; snap DANCING B.C. Cauliflower, 20c to 30 tone the newspape just as you can usually spot the othe r cash, Phone Blue 425 260’ All Our— TAP DA NC ht by Miss Bi- | 2nions, BC. 6 lbs. cS ind. FOR SALE—MInk, Quebec. Labra-| ge canor Tite, Phone 20 13 ee ee —— “i r The great majority of men and women never put a newspaper dor, young or adult: $20 per pair Polk and Cream PIANO TUNING ‘sey, tide Setee .....::\ 2s. rr down until they have read the important news which is directed F. Hoppe, Lochdale, BC f SHIPMEN' ; ea \4olden Bantam Corn, doz. .... .40 to them through advertisements. » MENTS PIANOS Tuned $3.00. Walker's M’' \ctarlic, imported, TR: Soicnais é : . ‘ ‘ FOR RENT ; Stor +i wor ae — 13 a The modern woman, especially, finds the advertisements in- 2 Guaranteed Bulkley Valley Products ; F \Savoy Cabbage, each, to ’ : . . ° j sivths ily i ie : = \Cabbage, local, green .... 05 dispensible. She spends more than five-sixths of the family in- HEATED furnished room. Phone} YALENTIN DAIRY CHIROPRACTIC Outdoor Cucumbers, each 07 come.And the prosperity, happiness and health of her household = ” Phone 657 |Sead Lettuas, Read, bc to 10 frequently depend on her reading of the advertisements and on FOR RENT--Modern flat, Ran W.C. Aspinall ak oe * the wisdom with which she chooses everything she buys. Block. Apply Max Heilbroner. t* : : ses aioe | : 4 Z . iio For FRESH LOCAL MILK Maree Year Graduate Obisoprantie Fiour The advertisements bring you complete information about ac- VE-ROQM turnished modern : Madern Ray Treatments Given | Flour, 49's, No. 1 hard wheat 1.55 cepted products and new ones. Through them you can compare ‘ Tur unfurr shed , ° . . ro ~— > ww + ° ape oe a “—— "a Phone Ked 608 or 953 Phone for Appointment fe in Tog = o® a values ... discover ways and means for greater household effic- = pyc cea a DOMINION DAIRY cece 2 A Sexo iency and enjoyment .. . and make sure that every dollar spent r ro ul n ‘ uM > : , . . . 5 Con and to ane Oe 8 Quarts or 14 Pints for $1.00 (pen Evenings 8 Exenange Bik | ‘lberta Seconds, doz. 20 will bring its full return. are or eee |'3.C. Fresh Extras, doz, 45 " 'B.C. Fresh First, doz. 37 RE for Rent. Thi Local, new laid, doz ining Wrato ) rd Avenus ‘ ; ll’s, low renta ° e i : ces — 1 Dastvict News 1 scsi rasa 2 rssopa No. 1 C-eame 3 Ibs. DERN muir Stre IC District Forester A. E. Parlow of odd eamery s Th ele tation at Selwyn In- Butter eda aowr! 50 | Fancy cartoned, jb 34 93 = ae a — = : a ad ! “e ge vembe! Prince Rupert v visitor here Honey \Black Cooking Figs, lb. 10 ficial Adm nists tor ' this week on official duties, having Extracted Honey, per jar 20c to 30|Cjtron Peel 30 Si ae Bi ts SKIDEGATE came over on the depatimentek| suey See 25{ .* Nuts eee eas aaa ae pe ig sled Valencias 50 ' launch Lillian D. with Ranger J. B Cheese pepponde, ‘sis Lumba ° BOARD AND ROOM or ‘ Ontario solids, new Ib 25 | California soft shelled Walnuts 35 2 YM and t ' 0 ‘ Many friends on the Queen Chat Ontario 1: ature. Ib 30 | Walnuts, broken shelled 30 — pan sss Bn lea kaa le alll Stilton. Ib. 35, Walnuts, shelled halves 4 Prone Gi 138 lotte Islanc if Capt. Jack Haan ol i =: Queen Charlotte City will be pieased M: i} S rh d j Edam, Ib. : 4 |Peanuts as sie odiesis~ a ackKac mons > A RYPEVED to hear that he*is making satisfac ad cnedue Roquetort, Ub, ,., am) 4 — ‘ s ~ \LES VIAN VW ANTED tory recovery following a recent op A Goreonecla, tb. no McIntosh Reis wrapped) ib 07 Rheumatism y ery fol l box, $2.10 to 2.75 erauon a ’rince Buperl Gen ; > seal Sugar ER Brush ( WANS AGA! I ae : . + my and Fo the East— White. 100 lbs . 5.60 McIntosh Reds bulk faney lb. .06 : ve. Good opportunity. ** Hospi od ts —_ Dis Un Monday, Wednesday and Friday! clio. 100 Ib , 6.10 BIC. Cooking, lb. 4¢ to 05 Mr. Crow. York Hotel, 8:30 /e care of YI a. SOkEM 8:3) am, 7 Frults inas for } icula! ee From the kast— “= b 15 Lard 17 Lamb, leg, Ib 4U = Capt. C. Valley of Burbank Place; Tyesday, Thursday and Satur-|* 0" oe A Lamb chops, Ib 35 HAIRDRESSER wn to Skidegi SaRFIEN G2) 3 p.m Whe Rigs," Aa Mutton, oe ides Ib 18 0 F W to vigit with Criepds. Capt. Hated ter Banosuver— = — iB a Bacon, side, sliced. best grade 35 Y—100 Pe ave reports tha hrough with, Tuesday 12:30 pam | ELS Be Te ‘ip , B Parlor. (t ye — P.M | ones. 60-70, 3 lbs gg) Pork shoulder, tb 15 fishing fo yea Phursday 9 pm , : ‘Pork, Join, lb 22 " 1] pm taisins, Australian seedless, lb, .15 mary lec Ib isi POUND wee : I asin | Moviinber @-and o0 p.m, , *aisins Cal. seedless, 2 lpg 33 \Dork. dry salt, Ib 20 to be errul ieer this Prem Vancouver— Curranis, lb ; “ Fish t ¢ Ki ( 1 a Sund Apricots. !b 18c to .20°. " ‘ f There belie ou Sunday p.iD , Fe Smoked Kinpers. lb 15 0 Post O I Ge e ‘Wednesday 9:30 am, S2Ples, aried 1?| Salmon, fresh, 1b 1 imal al an 1a 9.00 &. Sanvinne’ Maciel 12 Saim ires! a Friday p.m ee : Halibut, lb 15 mber 16 and & a.m Meuts Feeo rie ; } Qn e e 4 ¥I TIO) ren J H superintendent of for Stewart and Anyex— Renee, 9 Wheat, No. 3 Alberta 1.75 AC!D poisons in the blood are the most frequent A s; BAL eat ud 7 pm |For Nad, & 28 wheat. Bulkley Valley 1.75 cause of pains and aches. oe . entl Wednesd 8 p.m. ‘easung Chicken jb 30 Oats 1.70 Failure of the kidneys to eliminate uric acid List vour goods with us--Prn ‘ i rom Stewart and Anyox— fam. sliced, first grade 39% Bran 140 poisons from the blood gives rise to such painful Kupert’s leading Auctiones isit, Whi u ruesd 11:30 a.m | ‘im, plenls, frst grade, Ib Us shorts 145 and distressing ailments as backache, rheumatism C M HUNT ota i ny Thursday 8 pn feal, join, |b 30 Middline 1.85 and lumbago. o ° Hansen repo! tha } Y or Queen Chariottes— Veal, shoulder, Ib 20 | Borley 1.63 To get rid of such pains and aches the action of ard Ave. Phone B@ G3 camps are now ¢lo mber 11 and 25 9pm. Beef, pot roast, Ih. be and 18 Laying Mash 2.65 the kidneys must be aroused and there is no way - ond there n rom Queen Charlottes— Beef, boiling, 'b., 1Qe to ‘15 Oyster Shell 1.00 this can be so quickly and certainly e »mplished } aS bn ene November 9 and 2 ' 3eef, roast, prime rib, bb. 22 2 mn oa as with the use of Dr. Chase’s Kidney-Liver Pills. they may be expec | ber 9 § a.m : Beef Scrap 2.30) y : e rent etenk Ib She to Witround @il Gate ane ‘You can positively depend on Dr. Chase’s - Lamb, shoulder, 1b, 25 wine @at Chop 10 Kidney-Liver Pills for prompt and thorough relief. Packiny at Jrappiny ’ “BAY ‘ s out “y me - ye Valencia Oranges. ...doz. 25c to B0Grushed Oats Lan _ od . ey of success they will not ili wenerai nN v * - : ; : st ; : Lemons, Cal., layer 60 Pine Barley Chop 1.80 PI y List your goods with me Grapefruit, Catifornia, Se to Ww y GEO. 1. RAWES—P “Dey ; ae ‘ € J. RAWES—Phone Bla Cranberries, 1b Sige eeen ri ee ee ee Dr hase Ss " Quince, lb LO} » ” & y F Crab Apples, 4 lus 2 ® ‘Phe Maily News eon be pur- # . s & PRINTING om 2a haga idney-Liver Fills PAOD Pears, Anjous, doz. sc ab, Post Office News Shand. 326 @ ; OFFICE SUPPLIES Ribier Grapes, lb. 25°. Granville Si. Veaoanver ’ For sale at all drug stores | Rose, Cowan & Latta Tokay Grapes, ib 2 @ Kan Andersyn. Prince * ’ , Seediess Grapes, lb 20 + Georges. BC +) | iad Phone 234 : Concord Grapes ‘2 @ RW. Riley, Terrace, B.C «| ss =e ee Bananas, lb 1 & Gener tore Anvox % ee . ; , Dried Fruits # Smithers Drug Store. Smith- *" , ‘ 2 Kor Christmas Baking | Dates, bulk, 80 to... ew, ; Dail News Want Ads bring i Results ee Lemon and (range Peel 2 OHHH Eee HSH SES! y ° quic - —_—— a LT Rawlkeigh’s Best Quality Ex cls, Spices, Baking Powde: Phone Black 623 DIRTY WAALS? We paperhang a reom {91 $5.00 and up, Calsomine, $2.50 and up, Call, Red 802 J. P. MOLLER ture, Or Rane eee nee WHY LOOK AY SHABBY & | popenmmasucserveneeener tert od << se as “TILIME THE TOILER’ Mac SS Has a Kick —By Westover. [OH GOSH” | *oradh MAC (1S COMING OVER TONIGHT - CAw'T WE Tn SOMEUIHBReE SO FT | CAN /RHONE MOTHER Oo & RIN oe ) , TO MACE an mannii. | Ove 2 YES, oi Both MUMS’ - 'M GOING oO - DANCE AICTE Bit “DNIGHti “Ta ue peter ame bats x tA!) ade Te* You G HELLO, TILL IE - CAN WHY, MAC UST FROM THE YOU HAVE A DOOTE I'M THROUGH BEING A FoOor- BALL FOR You CAME IN- HE SAYS AIITH HIM = YOURE “TRYING WH LAND A TRALL LAYE FoR "HE SIMPKINS ff wits a a i” i a 74 ai