gafurdny, January 11. 1022. THE 1MILY NEWS PAGE FIVE .... , ; I jeelhjr lhal no equipment of an! iinaiilhorl.ed nalure I- ued in C7 imiiuiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiii Waterfront Whiffs rnniieelion wllli the Iirltii(i i.h- ina, Hinl Ik pol-fui jraa or any urh like iWlrnmcnl nf lurliire Doing- of the Mosquito Fleet Which . a . ) Is the Chief Source The Sheluia, Captain file Hatv-! MACDONALDS "of Prince Rupert's Prosperity efN in biify oveihaullnir font- nndi J lunliiK up Ihe machinery ready! rur ihe hamuli fuhiuu- irrourid. limn- i n lintri nf nrlUily rnirine Irmisferred from Hie VI He expeelil To frtue purl today. tniiiM aloiijr Ihf wnlcrfrntil, nfid llio klmr In f 1 1 new rrafl, whleh I " " , a PRINCE of WALES iiii'iiilii'l'K nf llii Mn.niillii I'leel eun-lriieliou al Hie X Til The 'Alliance, Caplnlu Clil-i at )ijiy wild hniiurifr. nw nml Mel.ean hlp yardi. llendriek-4n, i a of mycry in ik', p lilting tiHix lliiifcliinir to he Fleet; Kniind- like ham. CHEVyiNC Iiiik'Iii lii Jln-ir iiixi prior In H. II. MfMillnri. of Hie Mik inerltiRa iuiif ciire nf Hie kiji-perV'He TOBACCO mliiirkiiix on a new flliina na. Hay l.umher Coni.nny. will he heen heard l-uilii' frnm (111. v painr Ihrouvh Ihe eily on Ihe huwelW nf I hi' Vniil Ihe A Stitch in Time Now Mint llif hi'rrln fluhlnjr l Monday nhoard Ihe li.l'.ll. laal we-k, mid il wan Humphi Uu; 'frnl ImiilH arc liointr He in pi'iieecilln noi l h-on hu.i extenU'e renjilr werp helnsr iin-derlakeii. Quick action it the only hop " (Hiipprtl for Jlil fln nf work, nens in rnnneetlnn wilh liiH enm- hi'X of iiail,.various when kidney disease appears, mul n frw Itnalu hn nln-mly toft pnny. . ied haiiimerii, all deueriptinua There it a whole train of dreadfully iinrl mi lif-rrin nolnlnv 'tpedi- of limher and iinllmiled itunrr painful and fatal ailment !. Tlic wfiillnv, nl IIiiip of aplain Charlie I'rall nf Ihe have been located mmnnl ly Hu which toon follow any neglect to wrilinx. i, jut ,.a fr ,JH Helen . , nh-nlulely fed up ecrej jiervlw. However iriinillr get the kidneys right. Among fllllllK. ,niPilyaii nllPr- wilh Ihe hatihul H-IiIiik bulne nli-r rvalion have failed to ilu- others ate iheumetiim, lumbago, ni'Mi an- Miixliiii In ci'l kiiI of He .iy Hie halibut have reaped eover jilt, whal the kipper ha IJfight'f diiease. hardening of the purl mul on I lie jolt. In show any Nithling plri Jale neeoinpllhed'lfT hi week of an arteries and high blood pressure. ly mid are Jiu laying down In mii-b. II I- -aid lhal a Cow- In Dr. Chase's Kidney-Liver Tln liionlinii nf Iho niiilinrv he raopL'l. "If you are after a Hay ral would have il.n Iwiee Pill i you will find a treatment flfIf.if ajiprnxlni.ilrly tliirly.fivr whali-,' Maya the Cap. "I lica a much work n Chrl h.i emri which i both quick and thorough. lion i frnru S'nillc in lnl wpk'! i mime upnri in II, and in fiilurr pleleiL wilh a little e than Canada's slandard since 1858 .J I',. ,1 - lnrr. whlrli it in "iiif IinI will mi ,mui ui ,iii r me iuir jei- half Hie iudp. Mr, C E. Raymui, Lindale. fifli Imlilnif fniiii llii iirl, ha low ." Wilh IhU nhjeel in 'mini a a 5 write iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitl Alia., i-niiifil iiillr a il"al nf iiilcrr) uie tiiMeii ii in i-overed Willi repairing The Jloiierl Dllie, ffaplnin "I wss a '! safeter from kidney ifl Inrril finliiiisr rirrlct.' If lhl implemeuiN, mid it in uu. Newi'uliilie. -relumed i IKO'I mi JUeste and Urn back (or hrrnmi' an i-lnlitiklii'il fari il ih-r-lfeid a harpoon irun nf won riiur-duv iilorninv with a nnrlv A friead of a yr. m'mf no day toJJ aa f Dr. Quid's KidaeyLiW will ip ipillr uil impi'liK In Mn derflll pnsi)dlilieM I- heifi fixei aboard fmni 'hhhwallaii. - W'' liH'-day with a -.n--.' of fees' Pills, sad ctm upoa his sdvits 1 iriil A Admiral on Ihe how. The Cap. in a mnr- a leriinjr Pan for n.,,, pom is tried aSeaa. Ait I had Ulra as bos nf the KIm (till II " Hie morf T wilh a harpoon pun Jim The lauunli llelinnnl in a a a I (ell teller, M 1 coatiavrd tiatil 1 had itt iiKTrii'r.' elailiu In he able In hit purl troin.f'iirf fnlel. The Shi'iihsall fish ciniii in. --just like Lumber & irK-d fra bmi. Dy lima I fell hrimp al .'no ynrd. IterkoniiiK a a a Ieres ri'iioi't thai nh-nlv o! srttl aad aad t stroaf. err, aaa flad la maaawad Dr. Q.n'l KUoey. rinli 11 i rl had a tiri-al lirnin on Ihe ha-ix of Ihe t.i nf Hi " Tin Molde, -Caplain Flajc.-lead, 'isli are available for I heir trade Lier I'ilU la aayoae safcricf si I whxp iluriiifc- iUi- work) and lm whale n a lariiel a- iiKiiin-l Ihe I- In purl at Cow Hay overhaul ind hti-iiies, s humniiu?. Ite. new!! lii'fti pniliiir a I t of eparo limp xire nf a -hrilnli the Helen l mir Keir. After tiavius rum. ular sliipmeiil. are lMiiiis mailt' Dr. Qute'i Kidney-Liver Willi fM'iii'il mid jiaprr dMiwin up Klmiiii) tioi nave u travel very pleied minor repair be will 'u uoilherii a III) fiinl i'n poiuls.1 Shingles Pills, .one pill a dose. 25c a box. (Ian, nnd'-r I In' Kiidanc nf Ihr-I'lminr-prliiir far fmiii home, lhal U if (lie lear fur Hip halil.lit fintierie How often have, heard all dealer, or Hdmanson, Bates it export of Ili I'li'd, raiiie nf Hie iriiu will carry Ihe Ihe woel,. The following boats nr.- lied we such Co., LbL, Tororte. for a ik'W floliinK infnlion. harpnnrr. There i imlliintr In a a a it the "lupert Marine wharf: an exclmnalion from Tlic. Idin lriirk Kliii wilh prexenl Ihe ("jip. from hoot in K The (imifreTowii mill will cloe Kathleen, Heap I', miie, Vesta. our customers when they A new shipment of Fir see Hi reult of the iorrifir fnrrr while iiinir Hip whnleH from hi hedrnoiu win down for initiuai repair n oon McCullneh. aits) lela C. cleaning and Pressing Dry Dimension and Shingles I'lnrlrlr vanillin arjK'l wi'tt llow. n Ihe fixlt rtnniiauie. are up a a a we give their garments. has arrived, bought GEORGE HULL il I Ii Turkioli rnrpel In IIh idled with Jitlfririenl linse In Th follnwinx hnals ;rv al just main aln nf llii Mun 1,'p. Here The new lluhy May, owned hy tide them over Hii period. II i iresenl in Cow Hay: Wigwam NYou'll say It loo, when .iat the market's il ii. If a vacuum will draw up .Mcitk. .1. mul (!. Currle, i un expece Hie repair wurk will Oh HlUiy, llisie ItUperl, Wesl- you sec Ihe work you ask HOBNOBS WITH lnl inln a rnrpH awpoprr why derjroiliK final InueheH Jiefnre lake two ur Ihree week In enfii- rner. TVeekwa, Hirdic II.. Laura us o do fur you. Lowest Prices lier malili-n rrufe. L., Violet,' Luvera, Kotm, Ithijr-leader, When Shall We Call? 'iild uol a. vruum lie uod in proeei'dinsr m plele. Ask for quotations. drawirifr up fih iiiM a boalT She in In he uei iilllm.ilely n a Viola, Mali, Helen l.. KING OF ARABS H'Ihtc i Ihn wlioM llilnir In a lovinii Imnl. Her diiiienbin Albert MrCnffer)- re.Mirl thai Viinnie V., X. M. X H.,A Mui ijiea" Canadian I,i 'I'll.. i.lA.. i l,i l.ii'. are to ft. lone by In ft. heani Hie S. S. l'rini-fe-4i!lli will he dife Kiniiiounl. Aiores IL, Silver a rl nf torpi'dii tulip arraiij.""- and he i filled wilh n 10 h. un Saturday vdfU fl(i tun of "ipfay, (iolonia. (dricf Steam Laundry E. H. Shockley Interesting. Latter Received by iiirni iiiKli-rncalli Mif tionl wilh a Krlfchie enirine. oal for local .coSnnruption. Phone 8 Planing Mills. Engineering Journal From vaiiium worked liy tlic en nine, a a1' Former Dominion Government mid while float Ijiir oxer Hie deep The I.lxlnir-lon II,- ('.aplain I he Anna Jn U bavins' iuinor IN THE LETTER BOX Third Ave. W., Prince Rupert ' Prince Rupert, B. C Man Here. Mirk Hie Il'li up I tie lilhe into Tony Mfxrlinerii, elenred for Ihe repair dnno aboard and Jill the Hie IkkiL, Hie water In lie drained ucep ea ii-uinir vrounou on irear i heinit.Overhauled prepar- RUSSIAN FAMINE RELIEF. Major Cenrge It, former Ihe thef Hull, lief nf sufferers from off the lithe mil 'llni rday afternoon. hy all -take itory Ui leax'lnfr purl fur me tieep ly D'Hiiiiiiiiii (n.v.rumeii( public ThU fouiuN to the fi-lnrii-.'' " famine in ftussia, has hepn ex-i pump. ra ni To the liinor--The lime fur wiirbtt 'iiuin'-r here, i hnbnoh-hiutr tended to Wednesday. th I8II1 iHiiilieal liraiiiK Wfirkiiiir on Ihe 'Hie lleitiune, (!aplain Jaek Willi the Km-- of Meu-latum eheiiie, uu,I If il pnixer In viork llr.idl.ury, with Jark Smith ni The Slarufiin, Ciiplafn H. Wnl- delivery medicine,of food,parcels etc.. nf fur rlothinir,'thg re- insl, il haviii? heen realised SILVERSMS ill 41k' course nf en-Kin.orirm thai Imlay was loo soon, in view Nntitfarli.rily, will "llxe firl mali lefl port Vedneday nun, cleared frnni-lnrl oh Wed- illillcl fur h Ilrlllwli In Millie lny when lier lnff of on a' liTrinjr ueininir exp'dili..n neday, wflh M. Druxernian .nf v of Ihe shurl notice. In securp Hie ' mninl in xia. lie. re. ' a be si 'results. ftesiills so far BROS. Hill iTvul iklll lle on (irafl Ihe Middle -Wel Wine" Company ECZEMA (ri H)jral 'irulitiniiM ry and the City Hall will he ii-eil The; Klhel June, (Uiplnip Have ahnard li( hunt for Hie "wjilkey have been fair, and il is. hoped Second Street 'I Ail tMrgca Dial the wort n a panlry. rmiu I he plan on llii'haiil-, lef port fur Ihe hr'rnp parrnl. whn o unsr.veioii-ly ON FACE AND HANDS that Hie extra time allowed will '"y hay..In Im ipmh "on account view ft look" miiiietliiii? Ilkv a fi-liin? miiud- on Thursday lifted the "Joy linui.l" frufn the liermii Hip adjeclive "soud" he-iiijc Dealers in rtftbtfri. trnliie nf Oiine.i- I'ail-Tali. moriiin?. Cap.' ItirhanN ha- eula .liirin? the w"ek. for Five Years used. All estimate of the A lefopt- fmiti hint nl lliimliynli heen fihiuK rnniienlly fur Ihe a a Hussian Trade deleatiun in I.on-dim WALLPAPERS Enema or Mil rbetim, a It Is M often Iiiirrsth?. Moiolinia. wImHi n. eiiel n Ihe CliriKlmaH fe- pa-t few week, mid eume nf I In' In view of Ihe encounter wilh ral)pl. manifest.- lieir In little round receiilly slated "So tar all r In... wMl. Issue of (he livili4 ha jllol mine In Halil. Mieriiiien lie landed are uf pi. pirales, experienced by Hie pimple wbirh rnntaln an extremely Irrl fnrt'ipn relief organizations are PAINTS "loajmal of I he KttariftesrifiK In. and II eoiieern a ineinlM-r of Ihe iraillio .oMirlioil-. It in evident launch Vea n'renlly, the Admiral' lalltir nuld. Tliei. break and Subne. supplying food In ;Unut l.50ll,'0fln WINDOW GLASS ftlilule (if OAnml'i" in in- queiitly or wile u formed and the lnlili-en; iiut Ihese cnnslilulc vry ndviing' a eqii f w nf Ihe auxiliary 'flagship that in future there will he no nf the Fleet I all ianwilcan of ii u ru Intense biinnlnr. Itrbtn; and iinartlor. FRAMED and UNFRAMED. about ?u' of niin- tmly u ihejutal In Hie I'leel. A few day prior lark' neuron, for Cap. kipper if bnal In carry arm -penally it nlrtil or lien the part l Iowa: her of slarviny chililien. The Itt C.hrlolina the hero of Ihe o i liar in ine eveni -ii irouine etfxised tQ a strong belt. Is almost Hn- PICTURES lor. who i Ihe n.i'.nr nf u Ihe X. M. A It., Captain I hey can ilefend Iheinselve frnm lnaritlrytnd rrlleT It rladlr xteleomed. principal burden nf supplying mainir and I Ihih i prepare a Hie ildveii Then' I- only one way to -et reller and f I to Ihe oilier rM'J alls on WINS0R & NEWTON'S Lloxeh- wIb-, rereiveit a um of Charlie .Neville cleared from purl Ihe wile nf naMim; KipfWfn ?if later. The duly no remedy like Hie .slinulder of Hie exhausted iimiiey from home, and tiavinir on TliurMlay mumlnir seine liircr. i . BURDOCK BLOOD BITTERS ART SUPPLIES the political U-iinlintjr nf Ilussia. IrniiWeijr.llwl nnri'i hi comrade Hint he herrinir. Thi- ir. hi- fir-t trip uf Take It internally and U r-t at the peopie V very had, . new wn a man of iron will and Ihe -ea-on. I'be Xarbeihoiur, Caplain Free seat the disease In the blmd and drives However great llieir efforts SPECIALISTS In SIGN and king l Alt for Irrigation .wlilph man,' i away fmnr port un a it nut of the system. and sacrifice, millions will per nerxe mid knew Imw In handle ' l r."flliy Mil' only tiling lliey secret iii1nti, 1 1 -4 - Ihouiihl Apply It externally and It takas out the I st la unless additional help is SHOW CARD WRITING Jini Tburber, ha hlmelf, prneri'deil ii(i Inwn pri- Captain com. to sivrt Hi Amli hut Ihev ve aid Ihut he ha pine smilh this time Itrhmr. stinrmr and burntnt. and promotes furthcoming from outside nus- Hlnriuhly In carry' oul eniiie plill. pleled hi- deck repairu mid -i twalthy lieatlna. no ititfhny and cunnoi jyj h. The millimidiie work. However Ihe now entrmfed on overhauling on anoiher fur huyiuir evpediliou. Mr. 1. Sars. fIS Princess Are, Van- sia. Ami Jlu help must nunc Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 nurse tit Jim whole thing i lli but Ihe secret service ha heen eouver, B. c n'rltes: "ilarlat sutrcred al once, for Ihe terrible . ef feels he inlenliniiK of Ihe lriUIKef Kear. He expect to clenr from liiilllitf syatiem tfiiit is in force nifr fiero Whale unable Hi cuiifirni . Ihi suspicion. with eeiema on the faee and bead for ihe uf Ihe famine are becoming inure P and for Hie Hack fi-liinif men .iiieliine fail, purl last live I consulted several doctors, II in fi,,tfTTi, nf (ha army and years. pronounced from day to day. proxed no exreplimi. Tht' re Kroiind- early in the cominK and trTed various kinds or salres and i llM!lp fr tint anmiint' ! , a , a , . r with the exhaustion of Hie scanty ull wiu thai nlonir nhoui mid-nithl week. lotions, but I derived no benent from any hi rovBimn. I'tTsnnaiu; I lid iioi . Captain Hilly Than of the or ilH-ni. I dkl not.know what to dx until supplies obtained from Hie Sep lie koI aboard Ihe, think ii will lal miirli IniiKfr. Silver Spniy i busy alumni, fix a rriend advied me to try Burdock Blood tember harvesl." v VICTORY wilh hit "main-ail" flappftij in The hi) flower, owned hy .Mid Sitters, and after I had used two bottles I I J. II. mjnHorcH. IIm havi his iIh.'IimI''U and cleaiunti way ing up traps, the wind. lli rmrade nf i ifoinif on Hie dry dock in the beaan I" set better and now after takmx t,vMii r llio unlillin ami I eotire helped Ihe dlslreei near fnlure fur Ibij purpose nf bail, in rAadincaav for a pro- eiirht buttles 1 hare not eren a blotch oc Secretary llelief Commit lee. fifinly IblWe iIihI wo wiir ull ! uled P.S. An audited financial re. COAL expedition. trapping me. I feel thai I ramml praise B. R, B. mariner ( hi- herlhing -tat Ion, havinu a new keel put ill. til yry almrtly. I xrn'i't a i too hlrhly. I be you. will make full use inr of the work accomplished by which nml in Ihe pfuifiilnn ut visit from I he King liimHf feu The (irier-Slarrnl," Capt. I'cle i.i mis rrt-iMiiiiiriiu4iiun ii.r lur vrncui ui Ihe local committee will be pub ually happeim al lheM linien, Hie The .Ine -Haker, Caplain V. ibe Canadian those wIm are sulTerlnr from this terrible iiiurmw,' yiii-ii ln ft wlial w Wjiichani, of tin! i lished Monday. -1.11.11 For Furnaces, Fireplaces hair Bill inlxeil up xvilli Ihe- jreur. Illondin, is undergoing final ar-lining lie ntnk initilluT Fish and -Vsll lornsri" iraw iers, , and Stoves may B B pM by Tne vllDUrn )ip Ill Ihe lihirnlliK Hie of Inurlu'H, mul Hie itear i belnfl - 8 joi"!.nr "f tut )my I thiulil it. Iff I the Cold Slonijre dock on to.. Limned. Torunio OnL Guaranteed to be free from Hie ioiiiiriai eiinpmeni iuieii overhauled, ready for her II rM Charge of .Euphrates. The Man in the Moon rock and clinkers. 4 his iieee-iiniry head" rnverlnir, trip of Hie sea-oil In Hie deep "At irren! I inn miin,','l ' Almost sootless and smokeless. Ihinkinx Hie n had been u -ca . flsliiuv croiliiil. SAYS:- ) in rhaivt f H"' wlidh' a laiiied uu luwii nt'iireeiii'd In a llhrr mill i' us-tolly riv Small moisture content. hald maimer to hunt it ii. Iur I'lin aeerel nervlce nf Ihe Mo. pfilr tii III)' llinuliytili llariiiRf, , .MAxUll ttuchesler lias - inure $13.00 per ton delivered In Inu hi ah-enee, hnxveMT, In ipillo Fieri reoeived wnril re in wliich linil Ktio .if Hirer friends than even he exiiccted. sa.cks. ahiflfutT Hie ffear around Hie i-enlly from Yancnuxer In be.nn a a a iliviini uivclfMl in llio rrlirllluii $12.00 per ton delivered. In oh niie" wa-iritrovef-ed, and, he Inok nut fill' IHnly Moore, Ihe InM full. ' fl l n Mif -Jnli mul Ii THF. worst thiiiff you cnif pos bulk, much to Ihe.delihi nf Hie wear. hoMiin chum of Mr. . whn sfriliiK. vi'ry woll .n far i'Xii'il sibly ask of a friend is to endorse er, Ihe ciiily lo,-k were rioatinx It i -lali'd, i imj.iiitf as n cap tin Hint 'nafUfiil vi-ry linnt In ' .your no Ip . .Never- il - 1 from (he flajTiuail uu hU ro- lain Miimewhei'o uu the I'ncifio, for him and don t expect him to V'- ", mm. ii ml il U Ihoiiriht perhap hn PACIFC GARTAG E "Wni'tnsy yd linino (hi rpin- I- cotitcfiiplallnx alarliuK omr 1I0 it fur you. Injr vlliili'JnK It nil ilj'M"N imi i Ihr The Ills Hay Lumber Company poker fame iimonv-l Hie menu ' Hob lingers says it was organization ijijj nilliall)ii vni iJfiil Limited liirn have Ivvo scow arriving on Huu. tier of Hie Mo-iiuilo 1,'leel. Ill that "brought itliotii nii day from Ihe nmili with fi-li appearance, uf course is well 1 Hie election of Hie Liberals. Ilap- Phone 83 "iUV"iy I"'! W'lrHnU In all my frlt'nd In fJiinaila." liuieit and llin-e I'nrlnadu of eb-ar known In reader. of Ihe laily pily for hc coiinlry it was tllH lllllihei' for eiUlein Hilpinen New. It I linderlnnd thai 'eoiiu Mns of the people. Tin.' t hinly cave MaifKie a bad nickel a a a 1'illtnr tif n Kinnll iiior In n irinrili iif nf Hutil hern Call, A coirerlbuii In a reeenl i u Mima whitiliiKH at it poker- ltf)H always has some theory Night I'honea - J. G; Steen, 371 fornln fmiiiil lilniHilf uiialilp In Ml''of,Valerfi'onl Whlffa lj.xva iiunie, and il in the lady of roll but none, uf them work like llio W. LonzwlU. Blue 270 liiH-rf hU ii hii ii I niluiim of iiienllnneil that Ihe tlenrKMow'n ntr pin fame who trying to practical application he made Day Phone 8 'IJIrlhx' MarriiifcOH ami Itonlh. l.iliulipr.. Complin)' had loaned u fret him traced, ny informallon When he operated in Manilolm Tlilriklii'if - Mint miim" Hiingy hi'ow In Hill Hielim III Hie riii of lilnly -hnUld he I'limiiiuuicaled some years ago. STEEN 8 LONG WILL wa iH'i'ili-.l for mh'Ii an iinlo-wair.,.rlicinnl;iiii iuir nf his yarli' Kelpie. This nl iincH In Cow Hay. a a a Shctsst MaUl Work lui UiKirli-.l nlimild have read Hie Jllayr Huy a a AND people ore Mill wondering Smith has about those Siamese twins. Agent for McCUry Furncaet li fiil(v)nK, in rlcar . hlnrk' l.umher (Jompuny. The (leoi'e f'apliiip Tommy Inwn Mill U Ihe nf maml. cell unpnliilril n overseer of Ihe "We rcfcci'l Ihn'L owlnir In facluro of Ihe Hilt Hay bfjinher MOefjiiilu rieal, uccoiijlnif Id or. OJve the preferbneo when yu llAattlng Enilnor ITPamiro ijjifin niir tmeo, Ki'vural Company tier recently published hy Ihe fTtlUt RtU GtirU f4a a lit FvtmtuMl fUlutt, mJki Jfiir tuy to (he morchunt who udver-llses 6tb and Fraaar Streat dfalln liavii Ihhh inrvlfulily poil-ponml," Vdmlral of Ihn Fleet. Captain ii Atfl" 4 CitU M. Djilitlt rraJarma. In the dally newspapers and Prlnca Itupart - - - - U. 0. (.'.aplain Petersen i liavina: tho Smith will ho rcupouslblo for y tarring tohlght at the Westliolme Theatre. buy advertiiod goods. s