WHEN YOU WANT A'l TAXI 99 i IMto YOKOHAMA THE NEW in a hurry Phone CAFE PRINCE RUPERT HUME BAKERY ALL, NEW CARS Phone 636 Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Mil ' '.,, I'liiour; til I'r.iu , n.i.., bam iiimt, nr.rrr.Mlir.il f, ivizs "" iim PHICK KIVK CKNT8 trike Position Is Serious In The U.S. TTORNEY GENERAL THREATENS TO SMASH POWER OF UNIONS A United States Government Will SCHOOL FALL REOPEN TERM FOR TUESDAY WANT ARMORY ; General Strike Is Thought in the States Result Likely EflD DIipEDT Crush Unions if They Will Not Teachers Are Beginning to Return . iUll AUlLiItl' From Holiday! Soma Today '1 Injunction Against Shopmen and Mora on Monday Board of Trade Endorses Appll-' Permit Trains to Run Says A.G. llic public school- will rr.,1-11 I cation visitors Reception Arranged For Mon- I I NEW YONIv. SepL 2 nteret m the L fitted Stales strike f-.r Hi fall tern al 9 o'clock lift I ! situation today centres in Ihe iKjxiltihtv of a general strikve by , """","eaBasassesaa Tody morning and Hie teach.1 t-i .- organized labor throughout the country' which would bring about weMBawaattBsMesa 9 aaaae ' ". i,,f9li,, ""iUr tu w,,irh Winning when the One. er. a., lH-8.uninir 1.. retnrn t.. th.-' "P 1 IIILAOO. tepL 2 The Fedcratmn if Calmr ay the Ink.- ,,. t m iV i lt?. Thi liiomiiiK Mi. Seot. .... "1 lnrpv y81"" aB- ..i.i.i 4- ?ri Wle of the junction .attired Uie riMirl li in iu tu Mi- MilU. MIN Ml While Samuel Ciomnern i very guanled in hi statement Slwie. llyaii. rimrut preventing th UnbHte interfering with the ALL CLOSING UP FOR i..,,,,,, ,;. n. ( m. ln op- Mi. I.. .. Mereer. (I. Mr- regarding a general strike, the el mug belief prevail that a walkout :t Irani lo maintain the general principle of Die often LA BO It DAY HOLIDAY ,.,alr ,, fourteen lireml.ern wer. American' 1 a I'hxrwui and Mi IkkIi-ii. a new renenl. of all union under the control of the Federation ....U.l.ll.....lm IIWltMl (..,.,.1.m ..I.I .. may be ordered an tabor' 'reply to the government move in se- Ti: tijuiirlHWi K btokrd iijmhi Hie unt dm-li. tep ever Monday hemic Labor liny . ,r I A noiir a mad nnnouiwinu at.. laJ is 1 iii. eurinst a blanket injunrllon re. igutiug n strike and Hanruel liom.er mv the re.ull lb I Mil New Mill not be uir miwr iiiiiM-ri. iriiirr im iiLUi i VlilllL. , ....i us lraitiiiie the Imp worker from aiMM.inliiiehU are Jame Milrlieh.v 1 drag ill many iHher onion not now i uh erned 111 the uuMibd. i:iii: ami (internment Hith FOUND GUILTY ami Ml liiirlliie Milrholl. ulm1 interferini; railway oera- 1 sthifVir ileniinriatton of Hie "I ..irrialion .l lh ininar. of fires will U-rbej. Hry be built at I'rinee lluiert. 1 and Hi are aneauy nere. i-uimia' nri. .....liraii,,. ... .R,,H..M ,: (mhi. made I. I'o.f Office ! I Marli. of Terraeetaml Mi lon-i..i,, ..... ...t The anmHinreioent I generally ,M.:.ii n.i (!' sat 1 In- ttt regt.trattnn and dMvry OF MURDER IN doVon. from Vanrnnver. More of lW;r',,,,', 1 of very erhHi tin DUBLIN HAD than urlt miunclioii. will be opn only from i In ,norr r ha! the learher will return by the . toll., -i . 11.. lortanee. '.Never previously In a.nr. II i general f a paper. .. "rinee.. Alire on Monday it et-Lr , ,,1 "urh( ''""f ,,.!"ln ' i.l.K-lll, it Ihf othei (Inlay. .turf will lM.0,Hu(Jrter, FIRST DEGREE rail aeneral ..aid HARD FIGHT close !eeled. !i v t n..M .... lo a while (Ik injiinrt ion I :i mi Sumliiy. ' Cla.M-, will re.un- in the Ib.r- .. ,r ,i,mu- i.i. .i,...l"""l'r today, lie eaid he Imd, il at Mir .nto tlir. j den StrL Khi t'larl. Seal ' -1 U act ided a an ' '.Iutmn ami letleri. a.klftg for n!Hrt.',Pt Wilson, Who Was Onca LAST NIGHT Cine and hiew kelKwd am! V.. lMblto for ... f 1 in mm. eetgnty f j trtitpiirary iiuarter ax tefre the reported seneral strike. I Here Recommended by rtl a 1 ..vi iiiik-iiI . eHtertaininent ronrtteillee with , Los Anneles Jury foe ill SMALL BOYS GUILTY (le .if the fall term. II will h irard to IKe reeeBtion tur the Mon Life Sentence. t-' wri na pe r (tt' Free Stale Positions Attacked 1. few week, al any rale, before treal Hoard of Trad eie..r.i..M WIINWD At Ilk I ATE 1 Uli ii lb -' BURGLERY OF STORE; I......1. l i;..i 1 i.' 7.. " 1 UllLlinL. ui bniL by Irregulars at all 1' ..iriu.Mi.l nil""l " u.l,i,.l. will a rf 1. rr..n. II .mill. I .,j ..........ic.ivi L-o . ... ,. i- 1 1 inh union., ! " " linn I IlTIlTrtOT AlTrt ..v..- i .Tit ney l.cin ..i .aid I he Points i SUSPENDED SENTENCE 1 nt l 'i net upation on the loom ins nf Seplember SSi lllrij. LITirtlOlUnC inrv Iih reliinie.l a vxntief nf and will be her mil leaving fori nu3'J' first degree with In I lout wa tiece.--4 ry THnV PI AfT TOnAY; of Uin ) MieNi. LONDON, Sept. 2. Dublin PRESENTATION TO the Kal on a pMal train in theJ 1UU iLALL IUUA1 ia reeoiiimjrndatbm for life im- last Its I Til four Ih.. wl. at ari'il prtftoMd .Inlbe-eafo-VjnierT I if (! niMel) t- pasted night through r Lha auMiMrtiiuiit.. !or n Ight's fighting since , tJ stosr JiMbf Yuum i4Ik Hniki MISS GRANT-BY THE t nieT at TeAmr and will b .iiiel lull :iiiiire.ivi- wa Hie lierl Wilwin rharyrd with the r liW ii..itMt rrTin . the surrender of the Ireegu- conn yrirriiN afit-rnton rliarat tl PRESBYTERIAN CHOIR aken ly everal launelie. or one funeral .ervice for the lale-murder of Herbert Cox. Wll a Hit' Mn Mj. If lars In July, according to a iwitli breakinx ami entering K11I- hut lt.l to the dry tlork and cohl(Mi-. Marion Owen Lit uiEloue. on wa. f ormerly an evaugelit "iletwr a "J ntHnler Dublin despatch. Strong detachments I'er". liflirery Store on Thiril rloraae plain ami oiner immiii. or, inoitier or Mr, j. n. .vioryan. at London, Ontario. In prion i!'i-e( by Ik union.. II of Irregulars l-tacked Aene, and .leatttw nWey l.ai . nialit Hi.- rht.ir of the inleret on II waterfront. A which look place at .2.30 thi Itending trial on a mail rubbery '-all a ha ' He anl the Free Stale potU llrrfrni. earb ptvwled giully 'irt l'relleriii Qiurb nad Bood tart of the afternoon will afternoon at (he ll.C. L'ndertak. rharge. W'iUou plauued to escape rail al the Man. H.u. Ite fllle.1. 1'arior. Hev. Ic .11. H. with Cox who alo 2' l.'it.n would he i - Hon all over the city. Firing and Her eify rcpriniandcti a urprie er wa. a !aifh hi I he frneil continued until today. by Hi Honor. An ortter f rr.li. The reaon wa to MhI Mi. Arrangement, are beinit nwtde,(Irani offhrtalig. There were prloiver. The plan wa. foiled "ami.iiiiM (..! viili- The City Hall, the Four tution by Ibe imuciiI for the Kathleen (iratd wilfi a .lerlois lo obtain .uffirient iiianhtie. ue luauv friend f Uie family in by the guard and Cox wa shot csr 1 1 1 1-1 1 1 1' Courts Hotel and the Technical iotney oi-n wa mad and Hi-parent nlver vae and a bouquet of varmu kind of fili ant) ea food,aliendaa, eeral of whom! dead. 'ilon wa accued of Schools were attacked Uere alo ordere not . lo.e.. lo lie paeked and put on the train followed the cMrtrge lo Kairview killlHg Cox because he (bought Machine guns were freely allow I he boy. ( yo lo a movmu Mi (Irani Im prehleij al for a fuh dinner. AeemipaHyiugi'metery where lolenoewl look. the latter warned the warden of BOLSHEVIKI used and ha rebels wera pirlure lio for a period of one the piano tlaring the pal year the fih will be .pecial memi place. The palbeap"r were-rani the atlempl to escape. finally driven off. year. botMl. beina taken a a guarantee and the choir fmk Hie opportunity on Ibe reere side of wftlch IJol. S. I". MMordie. F. Ct. Iaw- It i understood ihat Wilou of tbeir K'tod brbavmr. 'Ilie of her appmaehliiv marriaice lalMkr and general inforttm. mhi, Jidtn Hybhavn, l. (. Slew-llo penl a hori lime in the vicinity OPPRESSION jodae lold the lMy (bat if they lo .bow their trenrnf her. rwEartting I'rinea Ituperl will art. V. T. Mue and J. C. Mr- of Prince Hupert. WOULD REFORM HOLDING vtnre found in a pietur ahow or Mr. Iiartou leader of the e giten. Ilae. nF rivir. flfctions if they again vol into IrvuMe choir made the preeiitatiwM In ihe floral Irtliute iHclinietl a iffleUI Figures Just Issued Olies they would be broimbt up and a very neat Jiltle teeh. 'Hie BASEBALL larse pieee "(Irandmolher fnnn AMERICA WINS niiuiniarily ieiitencm lo Jail. rveniuu was .eut with muio aiel Ihe llmoe." a large hewrt from 1 7Ss,11I Persons Cieculed l.M ..... j0iCa f Mo. ery happy time rlonI Ju the iMiy. of Mora an' camp, and lion for Neil Week's City beyond mitlnighl. International League wreath from Col. and Mr. S. THE DAVIS CUP EVERY CLASS SUFFERED Council Meeting WIRELESS REPORT .Newark .'t. Sviacue H. 1. MeMordie, Mr. and Mr. ieo. FISH ARRIVALS Jcr.c) Cily (i Hocheler Wuh, Mr. and Mi-. W. K. Wil- ii .t . ii ma tie.. Th1 flawin ti..t M-t f motion S a.m.) Heading tl, Toronto .'. LttaiM. Mi Alula Jobiilon. Aid. Tllden and Johnston Defeat Crack ax of final bdbeikil,. Ika ailkt ...isaatl fit I sSlaf tflaft 1 lUltuuoie H, Hullalo t. and Mr. Tl C.ollart, Mr. Australian Tennis Players Ioglty I.land Overeo.l. calm; Sit Boats Marketed 67,(00 Pounds how the i lieka Mlju.day nib( ha bi aia.le by!tsromler, ?70, tMiperalure. National and Mr.. V I Mue, Mr. and All Sets or Halibut at Eichange This 'in iier.tiu up to la.l Keb. ... caurt- ... SI; Mta v'olh; IS.iS a.m. Philadelphia 0-1, Ho I.in !-lt. Mr. K. I'.. LaTrace. (ieorge II. The folal inrhi.li- i That, wbeneter municipal,i lole t earner Ketchikan at H Morning Cincinnalli t, ('bieago 7. Arnold and Mi. F.Wie Johnou. TWELVE THOUSAND WATCH and lea. lit i . ti.TTn. elet'tiiMi .ball bae lo be held for p.m. tVI mile north of Seal lie Six halibut boat, marketed 67,-5on .New York 7. Itr wklyn H. I . . .'i i.. Pitt-ltiirg It-t. SI. l.oui- t-lt. FOREST HILL. K.Y.. Sept. . any niirioe w nainoeier, mr northbound; l.uft a.aa poke pouml of fi.h al the F.x. ARGENTA FARMER ' lual. aa. t( '..ttv ,'lrL .1 1 all lie anuoinled re-l.ia.nwr J.lti.-4Mi nrrlvad liettrsa i banae thi inornius. The day' American Ttie lavi Cup. emblem of tit I.Ml. t ...i.lulll I . .... llo.ioii J, Philadelnliia t. Mortd'. teuni championship, re. . the arrival and ale were fol. mniiiu officer. -' i iiiii. n u.iii. iiinmiium. a UP FOR MURDER SI. Loui t. Detroit I. mains in America. The best of reliiriiiiig offirer and other nec-eary head Tree Point Itainiiig. lows: v 2KIMHHI. help -lull be eeurrl Ilnlil .oulbeaal wind; barometer. Sampon. 7.0'hi poumK at IS.&c Chicago t. Cleveland the Australian player, llerald rrten, liO.OW. froiil among Hie city hall ulaff 67 : leiniieraturif 5-, ea and 7c; Kaien, ?1.0(H) Miuud. a! Coast League Charles Bequln Shot His Brother-in-law 1'aller.on and J. O. Anderson, Seattle 3, l.o A u gale I. to Death In were each defeated in Ilirre wner. t?.(o Hie city lreanrer'a or cily en Ulliii.(h. t'.'.ic ami (i.Se, to the tkinadiau Vernon 6, Sacramento I. Doorway No Reason straight e U by V. F. Tilden and men. u?.3u. gineer', offu e' ,' ami S n e-be (Noon) I- kIi and Otld SluruSe (Jo. ' Oakland I. Salt Lake I. Assigned. William John to. American. ant- HIS.loo. !numeration w1ialeer .hall Insrby Uland ItuUeinu. liaht Ile.eue, 1,000 imiuiiiIs. at Itf.le 6. Portland 5, San Franci.ro Tildrn lieat Patterson 7 5, it tli i-iil war the Hoi-1!aid fol nu b serwcrn. Miulhea.l wiml; baremeter. '.'.-Til; und 7c; Lhingntune, 23.000 ' have bad ui 'ic killed Ihar Imiieralurr, 17; ttehl .well: IMitind. at tS.lc ami O.Sc, lo the AIU1F..NTA. ll.C. Sept to Hj and IV 0. Charle lleguiif I under arret - a ilurmu Hie Ureal War. I'rincen-t lloyal Ki.h IV). Johnston defeated Audertou .leaiuer tt a.m. .poke PROGRAM OF rharged wjtli the murder of P 1, 6- ?. ami 63. IMMENSE CROP lleajnce llbeaHl Clew Nuggell IliiiBleader, 10.000 miund. it Ieuoi-eai. Ill bruther.iu- Henry northbound: s.7e and 7e. to the iloolh Ki.h-t Tbe game attracted much at. X CASH ON DELIVERY liahl a.m. Si.laj w, who wa hot t death in tention with the reull thai no lea I'.auadiun (V). a.m. mse ieaiier uiure hi rie. LABOR PARTYii? SYSTEM GOES INTO PRAIRIE WHEAT Poll (a.iiivltin, Skretua lliver. Iaiy. 3.50U pounils, at IJc and Ihat i. doorway.lleguin ha I lie eouf.el piiiee but ay the'.ban l?.0on throughout.MNtators watched nwrthlMtuiitl: II a4n. upoke 7c, to the Atlin Ki.hcrle.. play no reason i aigud ftHT the EFFECT NEXT MONTH .litinifi liriffi-o alMNlin Low Inlet The llettcuc t.'.apl. J. S. Smith. For Dealing With Unemployment lliuriier. A widow und little he rudder outside and hail to LABORERS IN EAST New Record Yield Forecatt by norHibouinl. iot i In ureal Britain uovern-ment daughter survive (icnnreai. Amounts be Col Manitoba Free Prees Head Tiee I'oitit raiuiiiK. return with a short catch. CrltlcUed up to $100 May lleguin and Heuoreai were HAYE WAGES RAISED lected Foe Senders by Postal Report Iroua .ouHieal wind: baro tiotli farmer. Employses meter, ?V.60;. leinperaiui-e. ux; INFANT CHILD OF I.O.NIMI.V. Sept. S. l.i iliciiliig FROM 20 TO 30 CENTS WI.N.MI'KU. Sep! r-ceeding a rouyh LOCAL CITIZENS the government committee' pro-poal OLD COUNTRY SOCCER ' l l AWA. Kept. -Th ll all oilier forecal. Hie for dealing with the uuvuu the MauiHrf.a r'l-tw I'rea crt.p report. Hie Labor SVO.NKY. Sept. . The lritlli department announce, VICTORIA ENDS HER DIED IN VANCOUVER ployment pivhlem. party dimrnt on Orluber I oT a e.lmale. Hie wheat yieW ha formulated a program, in LOMMl.N. Sepl. 2. Ileults uf Empire Steel Corporation an. service In roiiiiectrtm with for the three prairie provinces DAYLIGHT SAYING Margaret llutfi. the elecn.which it urge, that step be taken fiMitball game, played in the Old nouiicc wage Increase of from inatlrr. Charge, up to 1 00 Hit ear at 37l.ot.ooo butbel mouth old tlauuhter of Mr. and to eheitk the flow of Juvenile, tutu Country today are a follow.: ten to fifteen per rent to about the tender nuy be roller U from "fl.t7l.tMiO aere. t-l, .11 1 1 W....I 4 The ..iiw Mr., (lien A. McMillan, of Ihl.'lhe labor market. Other prupus.l First Division C.HOO employ of the Sydney ''i by and re- 'fill ettlmatP eMiuparetl Wrltli ' i that luiiiimum It t. Liverpool 0 steel plant. The rata paid to pu.iHi einjluyciM council finally approved the by-'e"' l',d away in the Infanl.'iaU are a hourjArsKiial laborer! be tu raised t the .eiuWr by money or. Hie bumper orop ttf "ltW.IH7.UuO law terminating daylight saving Hospital at Vancouver ye.ieruay.we be Icgaliietl, proiluitiyn,lUaekUiiru I, Astuu Mlla . common new from 20 lo 30 cents. Mood between one Uauu-r'iee liu.hel in IUIB iudieule. a at midnight mi Monday next. morning following a long Illness, work oil government cuulraeU for Hlrmingham, 0, Chelsea t. and another. record yield. Tun uveraj! win The child wa taken south not.the next decade be started al uuvo.; Ilolton 7, Preston i. he 17.31 buthelt to Ihe acre. . W. Pat more, who Na ten long ago for treatment by special-la fiva year program of house.West Hromwlch 2. Hurnley I. (iuy F.xvloivc,lavi. traveler is In (or(own Canadian today ' H I.. Warrior and cn-TUttrnwullc, Ho interior UI iMHMieoMoil UU In Seattle and Vancouver building, making of overdue re. Cardiff J. ToUenham 3. ugenl m Ho- Piiure of Hie lloyal II. II. Franee.ro. general al ...in.' 1 1.1 1 .t- cases, t ex. which proved unsuccessful. Mrs. pairs on railway and wuttr.(l!verton 3, NewaaH 2. on Hupert fH-rollle sit an Moulded I'oliw. rr f,M- the Sanla Fe llailway t. luin haiiw IU(. evening. McMillan i already in Ihe south works, a icmgauuatoiu of land H udders fie Id 0. MidillisU'io o Stewart. i 'Nlay from Hie south uf-" Portland. U in Ihe city having the peclpti and Mr. McMillan leave, today by(t ullivatmu by agncullural work Manchester 3, Sheffield 3. Mr.. I U Nicholl. and child g arcoiuianid ".liiiHe arrived Hit. morning from Mrs the Prince. Louise to attend theiudalMi increase, in roadmaking Sunderland 0, Notts Forest o. reiurm.l from Vancouver on the IT' ndei In ere seit-t south J ,,,,,, ,on the... 'Prince. IMIWlt Hupert'l.Ui. Advert im tt ,Jp N"Wi- .urn t ui. . ; ii.l i.' ;.. t"k. : Idliiiui " in. ' Hui" i 1 Mil Ii. rutOg. "kalla l.i in