FAOR nrx ,THM DA1L1 KaTWB Jsturs.tr .i,t,.,,lfr , G. H. Arnold, Notary Public In the Letter Box BRONCHIAL Waterfront Whiffs WESTHOLME THEATRE FIRE INSURANCE It carefully wrltUn by ua In reliable DEFENDS OSLAND ASTHMA (lntlnuet from rt t ) i uiiiki jatvuruny companies. We are permanently engaged In the business and ed wa I- veait of age and l.dilor. Dally News: Tile little, our records are accurately Kept so that when your policy expiree a widower winiHiii t'liiiuri'ti if colony r Icelanders who have' Oi.klnf for Pre la) of win. h Gaapinf a wa- a natie Norway in will be notified In sufficient time to you keep your pro-perty been settled for holf-dorcn some MaeMurray RalieeeJ hy FRUIT.TIVE5" UMimlry his father no retidc-I protected. Wo solicit your business. years on Smith Inland at the t R.uiie lime Saltier rehld H. a. HELQERSON, LTD. mouth of the Skeena Hiver. hardly) id New Weetlmlnlaler. The Rentals. Insurance. Loans. know whether lo be annoyed or. r;i i I'tal took place eterd.ty af- ainuoed at an absurd and clrav ' t It!' ll. IN iinanl story appearing; a short 4 while ago in the Vnncmivr 111' re a a gtMMl deal of fun Daily Sun. purporting to be an ttnl tauahler artHiHd tw Hay on "Peacock Alley" interview given by their lady I tiu: -d.iv evening when lh Ad-i. LADIES hdrool teaeher to a Sun repor in t Ihe flel and a crew TIMBM SALI X 41 r. ter, whll.it the former whs In f li i-Lic'. ttipplemenled hy a Harold Lloyd Comedy .... "Bashful" . eeaiea lenders will be rerehrd by IV Vancouver lately tuon her vat a. hand "f Imiv eotils and other Attention! Minn oiMriri mmn loreMer,mi ine uarun rrmr na Rupert,or eteinter.not later tion. I useful rgiiuialri pent a Topics of the Day Gazette iw inr (urrnae or i.iccnr x aiS7 The present writer does no! of -' mi"ii hour in enrbarkiHR n Adrm-vsi'in, 15c and Ax I am h ecla!lt In Ladies' near loo.you Harlequin Dixra rrri Ra-ln.or C.ll.spruce,S., Is CMir,rul eoure-e know w hetfier the Yanruu iv w aboard lh UiiihIi lonsorial requirements and llrliilurk and fUl.ani. ver Sunday Sun has wid. a very NuliMiigale, i.varied liv a famil one l will be wJialaWwswwacUUI year allowed for removal llalTCiBaamaaaaaaaaaBaaiaaaaaaaaaaawaWJ am the holder of five- French or limber. clretilation, or that litany people aaai. rtftMinaTo of Naa river Indiaii. The dlf- further particular of the chief fores Kiw Kxai AD. P Q. Medals and eight Diplomas read this ter, Victoria, tb btatrlrt former. "fairy tale "; but in raxe ficully aroe when lliev tried l" "In T Uken with frew Aii for llairdrcasing. r Mit'T ihhtti, p.i.. if ait)one did and In their Ignor 1919, iu drive llie rmtr legget iuartipei l .i laaeaaaaawaaaw Jiikm and knoa bat I no oae My specialities Include Marcel TIMSCM (ALB X4114. ance were led In believe the elatc-mcU up (he jranvHaiik. The Ad'tiinil aurfere-1 with It darinf the wlater. Waving, Face contained therein, it be- hit I he i or Idea of erawtnu Massage, Sealed lenders m III be received by the hgmn CXeiivr 5W ra ! aaptef riva f Shampooing, Singeing, Hair Mlnieter of Land at Victoria not later roinex inieralic to write a few on deck and making a niA I k -a ciidc than noon on the tint day or Septctnher. for breath and could not ipeA. Dyeing, Scalp Treatment. to Utf,cut for the purchase or Licence X4HI, linee of an enlightening nature I would have ou of theae had Mti Ira of hav wlirch did tin- Toupees and wigs for gentlemen Hemlock 1.tl,(i and Nlum,feet on of an Cedar,area alluateri spruce, at to llie true rarU or the life and la the etenlnf, on durinj lite oight, trick l a certain i olol mi llie' ai nr uv, Miereiie tnannel. nantw J, conditions of this little eotony. gaHdank when the cow Im ln r and transformation Coct l and District. and one la the mornlnf. The doctor for ladies. Switches made Three i.s; yeara will be allowed for re who are "carrying on" quite sue. aald he rouM do aothinf for me. milky balance and would ha-fallen up from ladies' own combings. moral i'urtner or limber.particular! of the Chief Fores-ter, cesafully at Inland, at they hare "In the eprlnf of I9J0, uarted into the h.ty had i' Prince Victoria.Rupert, B.C..B.C. or District roreater. named their Utile village. Mtiv friMB'fi tnd in fear AMdlo. Hie ttrtHtg man of Wi Am at your service any time Perfect English da) , the rhoaln( ipella slopped,and fleel, grWe, tier by the U.,id- by appointment. Phone C9I. The eelllemcnt boasts a pop I hate had nose ainee May 7th, aud haiilet) her back,. AI U-i at Bent's lingerie; illation a little horl of one hun 1930. I hare to wasted to tell other Willi lire riKobkred wgil of a! aiaal Chas.LeClercq dred eople, moetly families who ufTereri who hate the same trow We hand rehiiH her the etc . BBBBBBBBati'atr Shop Third Avenat 320 Sixth 8treet. have migrated thither from Man- ahout "Frult-a tiTea' for I know how afely ajahetl on o the de k TiiSEfitSb .aaaaaaaaaaaaaaB itotia. lured by the urild and equ. they must suffer. only In alutiiMe to the leeward by able climate of the Pacific coast Some thought the Asthma would aide wliieh gai the era II a TO EUROPE mcy nave a ni on ice ami a enme kick on me a winter earn oa daiizenma lured. The taoal wa YUKON FUR chool modern and up In dale but It has not, thanks to 'Treat a-tires" righletl bv all hainl clinging i "Snappy" There are about lwu doien ehil-dren Mrs. J. M. TKN'MN'OTf N. tkhe near be. MIKE DESERYITIONS NOW! attending (he eeliool. all til fioo a hot. for M, trial site,3Vu Kverylhint MeHMd ! e .1' aBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaWAr COMPANY whom, having been born in this At dealers or sent imlnaid by Ut all H when the engineer Qutsco-CMtRsouna-souTHAarTON. country peak jH-rfcct Kngli.h, Fruit a tltM Umite.1, OtUwa. etHHplailafxl thai (he row had of Vancouver Printing MAMBUKO without a trace of accent. i her burnt tuck in lite fly wheel See. S Oct. 3 Oct. . SI tmseeae af Franca Ste.1l Oct.17 Ne.14 Imseeea ef Scetlaad The Vancouver reKrtrr appar- Mwaking they are far more "In Hwevrer afier ronilcrabh' dif- DON'T MISS THIS CXCCLLCNT OPPORTUNITY! ently umlt'rotiNMMl the laily sehoid lown" than the telilert on the fietilly the anlrMal etirtrat add to your buiiic8 prestige. MONTRML-SOUTrMMPTON-aNTWtftP Ix-iiui i .I -. i. . i ii ..( " fur .) i , . learhei to nay that tlie children Queen Charlotte Itlandt or itwny ami Hitsl treat in the terii It Is the keynote of Sea).Sen.27 IS Oct.Oat.11 SS Net.Net.12 S Mlaaedeaa Mellta were prarlioally little imvage who uf Ihote in Ihe interior bark uf ut. "f he Nm, the derk having in k .t- - will l mi lii'U for four itay a iu in.-iv . success could mil peak Hnclith. uinl Die Icelander are eveellent HMeal oh to give her IIIH lie.U. Krpl. Iilln r 'i Anyone IHOndlfia I" I. n la In all modern business. MONTRUL TO LivtsrooL oquatted on the gruuml in their telilert ami elllirne. and of the orwiihing iprr. With muen place order fm inakioa r renaotiVtlinf of lur n.-a You take no chances when te. 8 Oat. SNe?. S Mantreaa rude hake nrlnxd hiHiti. be. ""'"wing irutn imr cow anti not young generation growing up, you trust Printing S.1SOct.1SNe.10 Victoria An eiftert furrier at your aenrtet. All fur wrk md iw your orders Sea.32 Oct.20Nat.1T Mentcalnt ing provided with deekt o'r formt. dotibllett many will be in the elewring frtwii I be heler (be to us. Sea.2 Oct.27 Net.24 Maotclara One would have imagined fnmi front rank of our future NiM-ln- :.Mshlitjrahr eieared port. Han meats piwitivety aiMarauieL We have the finest printing . . . I . A. MONTREAL. TO aLtMOW her vtory that Suit Id I eland a em lirftiali Oilumuia pooulatHHi -r-i equipment north of Vancouver, (. SOck 7 Nat. 4 Tualele hundred of unlet away from any. It woiibl be Hrf well for the gen-1 fdlwtng boat are al and can handle anything Carelcaa where, near tin- North Polej. r on tlenfan on the "Vancouver Sumkty .arteHtoMB. Ladies' Fall and Winter Coals In the printing line to your 23 Oct. 21 Nat. IS Meueama ' Malay. Annie, uie rwaei oi i.anrdr, wiirre a Sun. who wrote I lee .lory given entire satisfaction. QUEBEC TO OLA MOW. whip appeared about onre a year him by the lady ritml teacher arlian. Fanny. Ildd. Jiakau. '.Sap. T ... tmseeee af In4la to bring eunidret. A a mailer fn.ni D.laml, to delve Into net of "t' '. Mt. Monty. and Dresses Rose, Cowan SLatta I OUIBCO TO LIVERPOOL oi laci iitiami. me village ou Ihe gtgrehx;lMMV tl UattaiHan Mavr Haraild II. S..pl.ia M, Sep.12Oct.10 Nea, 7 Imsreee ef BcrUla smith Itland, rlte lo the rtek echtml cMWren' ue ami find out Vweunlw. lmH.rieue. UuW. V.-tnmething NO TWO ALIKE. Limited quarry, where the material Ur abonl Irelad lefor he u" na. apply te Aaeate eeerjwheee, o. t. 4. -all in u'"l ii,--.' 1 1 'air.I liii'iiKiil tit. lew Prince Rupert, B.C. rORSTER, eeneral Afeet. O.PJI. Jullee, Prince ltuHrt't tret-It in beina alleniie any hhm-v of hie graphic ' ' IH'.- - I ll .1- l IK'M'I 01 .W III III' IllSl'l) lx' Phone 234. Veacawree, Telathaae 3emer 230 tditainrd, in alKiut three mile len pic I urea of the uncivillied The Admiral Om received a CANADIAN PACiriO RAILWAT ncKxH the Slough from Cair natitee from that Utile marthern hrt note nun Kloir in ltUOMl TraffH Aeat. cannery, on the line of the C.N.II ileienileii.'y of lieitirtark. who have which hc ay "liear Admiral, ALL SIZES AT MODERATE PRICES NOW ON SHOW, hiid the distance can be covered in their wiedonl migrate! lo llan forry lltat I ain't written earlier There Will Be A Coal Shortage :u a ma 1 1 row- Ixiat in lets tliau da in latter year, iu order to hut the eloek topMd. I think an hour. Yuung girl from the make liiHiie for lheittclve and a how I am going to 4- up RKiMT'Q LINGERIE AND LADIES' This Winter tin hlu-h affair lo Sanily a elllenient during the tuuuuer ramilict in (hi- thriving and proe. Silversides went and got firaxl for writma DEiil I O RFAnY.TO.WEAR Be wise! moulht, when the men are all leroui Iioiiiiiiioh Mtrt of that loppy oe4ry on the office wall-now buey fiehiug. come over three empire Uxm which llie oun never timet a week to the cannery to eet." ain'l thai it etlly thing i Third Ave. Opposite Bank of Montreal, Order Your Eros. get the mail. Incidentally they ;. x HTZMAt hh;k. do. If he don't hit a g-l je) neat week he and I tart for life, get tuekt of the latter, and huge Second Street. and Jut we'd and a aone bagfulU of parcel front Kalou't tind Simpson', and do not hav Ten Years iiome of the hotiae btull loii Coal Now DIRECT AQENTS FOR Ago we nlf ued the wimhJ a I to deittnd upon furt and home- In Pr'nce Rupert carried. Up to now, it my epun xtufft to clothe their nuked hoo.e ain't it. May be III Don't left iiett, at the lady tehool teacher get September Ironic hark to Prince lluiwrl if Dr. Jos. would liae one believe. 2, 1912. Maguire 'you've I-kc rhiinge got any ly. We have The arranged for dell Comfortable Living tt. Andrew hocietv is lug arvund not working." ery of 3,000 tons of At a inaller of fact the telllere holding a Labor I My picnic to, find couditioiit much similar to Tugwell lelaiiil tmUy. One hun. Nanaimo-Wellington Prosperous advertising mean their homeland, and raite eheep dred peront went uul oil the liig! . DENTIST Coal and ratrh fieh. and generally eeajw in 4ow .if llie launch ol.' make a comfortable living, even veniH, iipt li. I, Hown.oii. caaaoua aanoaat aaiLwars. wtsrtea links. Rooms 7 and 8 Smith Block if their itland home it not th Phone 118 or 664. motl proluctie mjI thai exiuld I'he deer 'aoti oiMmed eater. TiNoia roa rue. be found as regard agricultural day and many hunting parties ealed IraHjer allree1 l he uwler Albert & McCafTery pportunilie. They are far were out. One of the itt ue. will aifwd Im aiHl rereltid en4rel al Ihla"tender ufro amil r..r lerl.r,Tlea Dental Prices Reduced! LIMITED from being cut off from lliejr fel eetuful pai tie. w-a iHade up of It. ucluk leutlier. leaMi.ISM.ealuntaii.f'.r l.tao.eee Itlk ilat a.Uwat af Ileal e(i. ' low man. being right lit the heart H. l.amron. liny Gainertin and to tie niaaurarur.-4 fni limber ml be i ee ilTKiuer. Ifff. a I Ml NaT, ISII, awl During the month of September I will reduce of the talmon canning induttry rrallk lleynolda. Aid. Jill lock drlllerea brlweea lMreiuiir lti'mm who prlcee In order lo Introduce to the people on the Skeena river. Actually Webaler aleo had gwid luek. rilenilier, snin. lass, oa tuaillaa a , my ramsayS paints lawul Lines W.l ef rm.iruf a ex J fart are visiting thle city during the month my a slam artaur. In arcrdanre mltli tie aueeiflea-1 Edson Coal Co. TKt MUTT PAINT TO PAINT RIGHT The Port Si,,,Bt,u MUn foot-ball ll NfivSSt i,nv9,9vtt dated' v anoerea Mini Ilia.ua caMioaii!. of HIGH CLASS DENTAL WORK. tli 111 "' A call al in) office will i-oiiv nice It Will Pay You to Get Our Prices. Arriving Next Week ttam ha cjiaflnged the sixl NatkNial Wluniiri.l.iiiea balween Araualroet! ekeptusii of line oliarp reduction a si IU- pi" Prince ItuiwK lluee fr a muteh Sa,io l k deiuered Csuaiian atkjial Lluea between I'url artlvar IH'.NTIKTHY. Phone 22. P.O. Box 120. next, week. and Wlnnief, atcludiu lines Famous in Mlnuewla. You haw loard of my 111.N't A I. V'lih Pickling . ' ba drlitered i-n Csns'llin now la tile time ..r ymi to take advalilaue "I Unreduced alaunal Unea In Mmueauta. ALICE ARM IM.IM l'i ba driitered Canadltn prre. l ine will only last for lh" tHMial Lliiea W'e, ,r Wlomwi Iu EDSON COAL ManiKfba and Sa.katrnewan. MONTH OF SEPTEMBER aiiu.evv in be delivered oa Canadian Iuin M - 1 1.1 1 I reHirla having ' allutial Llnee Ladies' Cucumbers In .Nurlkero Vlberla. MjT atoot of material inuet Im' redy-.l al-'- made a i n h -trike of high grude (ira.ttwa to be uVllttred in (Snadlan Now is the time to get Nalfaxial Uuea belweea lied I'aaa am gtsilig to Rive the ieople an oitportumO 1 ailver and ii.ina his JuwIhhi six! -ih7 your winter supply. ore on mine, t.iua.wuo to be deHverad Maun, M Cans lore to normal tlut which haa b-co lii I In A Ready-to-Wear llie Ileverley, acro the bay from dlaii Salluual Llnea belweea Red fats fear aisd neglect. SPECIAL ' PRICE FOIt and Onions Alleo Arm. tunrtlun and Lndaku. AUQUST DELIVERY. tii ba deioered on Canadian Lowest Prices isatuinal lilies brlweta Lodaav sml I am here for Your Health For further information. Advance Styles The ebibii of ore from tlsi Tender Terrare,foniia B.C ami eiierlflrallima ran lie Your appeal Hiii-e, health and happm'-" l' i"'n" I'hone 58. GreenTomatoes district thai i to go to the IMJ. 4ilaied al the i.ffire ir the Oeneral Tie on OOOD SOUND TEETH. For rvfeieiict- a- ""' A rii, Humii S)l New Initio Vlailun, To-runlii. Office of Prince Rupert Feed Mrs. R. Goldbloom Ilouxe in London la being alowly J. a. l-arklii, IH.irirt tie Atenl. PHYSICIAN. Cor. Second aemjled. A wiuniier, nan., or c. i; Laurie, rurruaa FOR 10 Co., Ave. and btMiuliful Meclmeti lut Areut. VaitriNirr. B.C. Tenders HI I GUARANTEE ALL MY DENTAL WORK Seventh St. Third Ave. Preserving of high grade ore. has been re-ccited mil be niawlUered unleaa made on fuiu YEARS. suwUed br the Hallway :wianr. front the Dolly Vurden. .Nu lender for qiianilltrs leas Iban t.efl r.ail t..iiu i xamnialtiiti and im"'1' Ilea will be rtmaldered. Pears and Tit biweal w sur lender nul neitnarllr Neil Foi!,., 0( , iiyiu, hue ar. a-rrleil. Arranaenienls will be made lhrmh the Care and Skill, Judgment rived here to spend a couple of uairiri lie aarni i. a. parain, winmi.ee, PAG F C GARTAC E Peaches mohtliM. iu eerinaa ilea pi nelured In atnall auan Dr. Geo. L Barton Miuia.tnlea by sriual etilars W. II.from nMMT,ttieir own DR. JOS. MAGUIRE, DENTIST Limited Monday beina holiday Mre. Harvey Kdwurd. of New-York, neiieral Tie 4enl, (Palmer) this Htore will be u inter of lion Cameron, la Canadian Nailuiial Torwniu.Itailwaya, Phone 57!) rooms 7 and 8 smith block Phone 93 open Hpemling holidaya here, the gueet Turooto, Ausuil tin. lift. M11 Chiropractor all day Wednesday of Mra. J. M. Morrison. Ofttt llourt, Lady Furniture, Piano and Ladies' and Gents' 'to aE AW "fl""", Safe Moving WALLACE BLOCK instable i, gCumerou. who la 5 General Cartage Rupert Table Supply Co. inlaw aaaistanl fire warden, i no-tifylng Tailor. 7 9 'BBBlt Bt,t Dnil Coal Phone CS0. hotel and rooming house Sand and Gravel Phonee 211 A 212. M. T. LEE owner that proper fire encupei P.O. Bos t77 fhew. Real fl TRULY A SANITARY DENTAL OFFICE, uhj-t be in.Hed on all b'nidltigo.