.i-mber f, t?t. THE DAILY NKWfl Iwlre nvef wllh the paint hni.h, 'DR. FOWLER'S' of rmire pin a Utile paint. Waterfront Whiffs The il( reliahle now liMik toih enmiKh for a I rip o ,e Old of the Mosquito Fleet Which Saved Ooimlry, In fart i:ap naya there Doing Is the Chief Source The Lives of l jroful money in Ihe roal haul-Inn of Prince Rupert' Prosperity I htifne nnw from Knaland Four Children to Ihe Wale. May he he will JuXlllUlLlUTl Sept. 12 to 16, 1922 a. ... anBadi jnln In Ihi Imnlne.t in Ihe near llilirai 01 uir ..nHIIO I .I. f,,., wi h ( future, and aay you don't ,i in. merry men had n-alli fin- vhihif. need umpteen llf'-l.oaU aUiard . v iting Mine early mi' btorthnrt, dfu-nixry, tholr Infin to eonl, uirnin: -when , ,,,,11,1,.., ,,( ftHW tait Htniiirr e4ii.linl ir rw-W nate . Wonderful Exhibition of Farm and Dairy Products. Magnificent ...tilh.wealerly hmI. ,, ,,.,,. Hr fur tttr d(HM, .fierlitly tmonf display of District Exhibits. Interesting collection of Minerals, Fish n,.., r! (,r)w wik ihikliva. iturtnt I fx. Mimnwr nx-nlh itan The tvfiwep boat IMt.T. lefl for U ,, waterfront leiw..i froin " iHer farm f 4t. Acrnrdlaf to the Pkeena cannerien laiineri.-. r,,.r on. Thur. eries, Lumber, Boat Models, Photography, Fancy Work, Home Cooking, 4 nf ne itthl five .. , i, i,ki, ,, ui,j,. .a,.,, i.n.iir.. ia Hi Olf of Tftl-otiM lofn, lay iMonilna t hnnn In a eow - . i.m inir nearnv ih.iik-. -r in iim.fcii.iri-m imi ri rria yrt dirrit,mil r tt ll omim di1 load tif fih tiffal for the lluperl Manual Training, Domestic Science, Flowers and Plants. Finest j)iwin.l churned up the mli-nding In ret lira . rlty Jiirint iIm raar tumnwr monilit. Ii .Marine froiiueia l.id., Turk fn-let. display yet of School Exhibits. Excellent Indian Display ri.Q hape ami r.nied ftw the ehlrrM.n trDHr .ewr ieifr lMM evrry nwMtvr M ev , - IAuiihI Jiw liny In if f Mii-iii 1 1 1 v i . r nt.Mrd fie her rtxMreff nn the flnl urn it DOG SHOW POULTRY SHOW STOCK SHOW a toamra f h buwU by atiai .tuiing ihanwn aliatil. ""III lln- i-liil,iii,,, The power bal Wake, arrived ,,,.. r. rowler jlf-l f WIM vlrtaUrrr, . A a piiiiw. t in- unlive. .-. m t,, . 4,.ry I nt Mm I tun tfn im th nurkrt tor In port on WVdneda nlzhi 16 Commercial and ' wa dHti expedient well ali-fle,) wilh Iheir a..i,-. pad 11 yetr. ind h ba rorn front Ihe tfeorpelown mill wild BETTER BABIES CONTEST i iiri-l of nafeiy firt fl.hing iM-rRtinii. at arp tn ! tt Mtere W. a aeow load ir fih bote and Industrial Displays .nmher of the .rnalliT iiimiii bi.-..r.i tii, ,.,hmiiiIi i.r r. MtroM ftr. Pennril4, lumber for loral rnnumplion. Each Child receives Medical Examination, 'htf for Heal Oeve. lln w.irlif', wealth ft. innr wmerir. nmler EtlrtM ttt WIM Rock Drilling Contest, Certificate and Score Cards". aatvtry MtMt iim u,rt 6f rir or hi Mie advi-ni tin-in w.Ui f day-h ibtaininii HrbiHil prinrlpal. are general. a goodly -linn-of WM mh tl nllwr ixnedlff lnM. Sirtgla and Doubla Hand -wind drwpied eott. lln- limine of I f ,;,. N !)i Mie MimitiKf itxl umble ditrr-ke ly rlaed ainoiis Ihe rlever 8 Silver Cups 8 Sterling Silver Spoons 2.d the eVal Cm jiiilmna from id ji,.n..- f tin- wlrt Mrh ibey r imublrd. I folk of Ihe nniver.e and our Lunrhei, Hcfrthmnti, Hot Silver Mug for Twins a., i-nahtad in return milue Ih.hI, m eiyi rMnmen4 It, tnd now ! local pf-inrlpaUli'f'.. lirmly i. no a tavttte band la ri of mvr-aeary." Dog, aarvad at all hour a C i,i tnr ii(Terr( any etreilion In Ihe rule However. f .l-Uimge. Happinea reign. .i,,r.-iii,. m I here are I line w hen a tn i-n- Presentation of Prizes and Drawing for Phonograph in the erte. te. a biik; tnt tin onlr hr niniiiil (Mat Atiguala. adniirxlK c In-lea Mt.e iliiv- anit Thr T. MMmn Ca. Umlied, T omnia. jrlne will get the gout of Mi,' Man m Kffge. report the re.tr. are Irwikma forwitid tai. rlere. f men and thai i iuf1 Popularity Contest , . U y. quit a hard rt eating n, now tlml in ltorue what happene,! lo J. v.. Iai week1 i V Mie harbor ami .ilNienerat ha enmr oiii flaifooteii . The Ailtiin, with her jtenial .ami. bny fighting the Wilh tne draalir reiii,-ii,,n. ,n reltwaeil niorniiMr. Ip port on 1hurtay kipper al the wheel,, ! head- Sports. Attractions afe landing wa he pnr f Mie n. Inir for palure new when Ihe oiailc wlihiiajt afctr Tin- Vdiiiiial ha ii"I i all The Stivralnn.4 t'pl. II. Wat iiiaebinery leeanie aomewhat! Shows Mi.liai". figured .,( what he W aw. Ilred. with (I, Mnequenre that' n. rHuraH hvw I lie SmIMiJ In a year. and villi (he iirtlti Ihe fly wheel went on ulrike lary In Mie Admiral nr ' will In- nl.l ,y l.lanil quarry early rw Thura. and look a reet murh In the; of every description lay nionaina; with a -mw loa.l Hazel the big Seaplane Lit Ihe fih I ntnled) '"" W hmnlk.-irluef. ..r of r. k far lite eHy. ti2i.t of Ihe rhief engineer. ton, i-ek ha. been well I lMr'"l i-minle .f new ilrmk-nti-rag. After unlold tryinjr and i-oav- Confetti Horns Baloons ibe!';" !' . He . il.. .n.i... r I ... .....I I ami liiai -.n. :tIMl ii,.,k-i rii Merry-Go-Round will take passengers up daily during Fair. Mie hipti .wil han," ' k"lle nl. ,,i.. Hi .kliuu.- I Tht- amounl ,f;",,'Mi ihiI of khae nn. he' Ki-lrhitm, left far lawyer l- ta,,,. f,,i ,, u.ii. ,. i,t , Shooting Gallery -'ei tlpfw-d the .-e l-nrlleular ahoo1 In- look-. land ittteittdr (he week WHO a allpill 1 1...in.m m a friendly Visit the Big Midway eow load of tali M in material See Bessie, the Big Shark "miliii fit !u 3 1 In i9a,ln n..l la..l Ika !.'.n immi .iin.l.. whieNi"'" Ih.iiI.- p. tahtrh . I M Hi Ihe n i.t hehe- the ealeh f M'k like I. Iiefci . .daliai-r. nil w-'j,,, ,,, kn.y look Ihe ,.o. Cleopatra.the Baby Whale lion of the w ftMWMHeM fau,,,, , ,ow 0, , NATIVE and LOCAL FOOTBALL iiiartn at inat lattim. it.. .ia . and Brother Bill, the Seal . . ,ie heen ...ine .li-en While ll.l.pi,. (he .I ' -- ' ...r ..i in- ar- GAMES f flh -hlf.i.e, ner i-n-l ni. e i n.ti'.li.,iie Mie tn-e attain we bate tplalitlhH.eMinaiijrln injli.i lMal..i l.M,k a turn,.al Visit the House of Mystery ,;ai Nait4MiNi t.i eaHm ui'n-r maiil Jintim ..IH. all Joe J nek In mtr ttMl. Thel.,, ... . . Band Contest NATIVE BASEBALL . . f t- nii-rHiri- irjiiix umii a hmh. n,l Big l.rij-e fi.ll haj't r. llrli 11.ill.I Iw i.lainly BtrHie II. with her senial fclp... ,.fc ... ... , ...... . (v Ihe tnulii-.t jiriee Ik- ai l in a healeil (.liM.-al aryii. Pie and Eating ' per al Ihe Wtteel ttta.te ,.rt early'.,, 'mn,u,rH BIG BASEBALL SERIES .ii.I Ir. .mil Mo- low. no iii wlm-li w.(. '..kinu iUee In the week after a Hire tiwmlli .r H- ati.enee, and bene Mie IrnuUle. Wood Contests ! Chopping ,k . n iHimhi Nlanl A ihinl parly allium hunting rrtti.e armtnd . Il i really a im idea t- put .toll il ! lo-iir.l Willi i rv hml Hiittoo Ulamt. flan. ay Ihe being arranged a little ga in the lank or.-a.i..n. 'ma ei.-t li.. been '.null !' il i Mi mikIii 'li.it er. but na in n a inir mil- . ..ul, ... ...i..i.t in the ri. i.l Mitaeum bap. il wae t Ii . engine then he n a Mr.I ttutn to idea.n. -MMl Childrens' Races Grand Masked Ball Big Evening Concerts lli.liwv '.litra. Joiiima in the i.. ti.4on. I Inn Hie 4ay, whatt the allHVn were; ' Coilumai at M-. Hlldltch'a I'lt"'!!!' Iti.e -f lite ere of woeful In- li.i:il-lli ha hint aahilillaa. he wewl nn a I ti.. i.' , ... , . t-ro'4 of i.xiiaita. Ltd. nark of lartn ui al Ihe Attention! Season Ticket Holders, A typographical error has "been made, in iWli lite l al tttaitaM-nrerh. wrotir tune and finMhltty tvtrl the I.Ik afawtl I be lllpi-tM atr.it. ,.UnJ week our tickets. Tickets should read "Admit to Exhibition and Carnival Grounds" ffHf,, ,,aag near iurf I lie letleV wlea you want it in ay - aeoHHil IlipfMt I Hand f all Inlet, for miner repair and instead of "Admit to Exhibition, Carnival and Grounds." This Ticket does flte Itwt H.iiiid hall-Htn' ItntiR Ihe miiimmM talk waa ml- The new re I aMt.ieh In hr the nf npldie. not admit bearer to the Ball Grounds. In th iraib a a tubleiily .lofipeil noi.e a Hinfto he eaafaMlereil wa roil, wltleh wa .b-aaf. a loud ilah and) r i eon pt htppofwilalo. w The I'rinee Ruiert, llalmoral. -tin una lit the I oral erlurel I hat either JitNtRf Intertte, Oeeanir eannerie ' he tiilh l'lherie f IkreM the i'-af oyefjttardl or thai The Indler ItfcMr, kiprer ll. ami eanttery of lort K. nu'itiMed and "uiiH in the tip threw the ensine into ihe (Cmrr nm the hrhlae, retnrneil inatn are llll huy eanninir aide all ehuek. However Mil trip he'll dive into the all tihi- e-ihibr "f Mint alt ehnek fitr httllina in. rrutn ihe inilMa nrn al dHr. hiiiiip.barka, rhum anj rohoea. waa not allowed tn interfere rbtiek'anii lhrw a' few flh on' n THIa fili IRK the eek. with the enjoyment planned and dei-k jut to make the ixumdage Herat Ml rail by The laujM-h Oh Ha by. flaat. 4- The rlnMner !mperietie i in Ihe 'Dixie Huperl wa requisit up. j Henriek-M-ii, of Hie MyhllUonea. leO for !Slrf Intel The launeh XarhelbaftK fia Iim' Hay nnderolna a minor ioned whlrh lranMirted Ihe; ' - jlflnnnP tfiblert ItalMiul I-at M- on TtteH4ay with a iurty of torn- iwat relariteil frani Ittoby l- nterhaul. happy nans l Ihe Silver teekj The Klernv Point, Capt. ' nK .,ihi t-amleil here an para fair the Moraau l.oaain ' land wfire Haji I'reeinan ba - ih.lriel. where a prat lime i Steve Slwan. hove into igb in oi-t A eapti 'M lattni Gn. at that imim The laiinrh been arvtair Ihe had Ibe anee ur The Johaana. tVtpl. Wiek. ba wa indulged in. The etite tot Ihe early 'hour of Tuemlay bK 'nnnW'fe i .l.. n nn ii..nir ii-.i 1 1. , .. ....J r..tin- ,r... Ihe lory wa Ibe irhmertiinir of morning w il h' ..rtOi) iMitind nf lIIOIII !l(...T-. Ihe editor' yarhl at the wharf!rea) halibut. -Cap rheery and ; during the week. The eerel nay every liMle- Iblug i going The tun Irfirtte, which ban erviee tale il wa only a rine. v been tindrrjtoliig a nijnor oyer-, minor Injury and that every, - tv haul al Ihe Pry !cti ia ex. thing- I filed up again in fMi The following boat have xled In be ofT again early in hape. marketed fih during Ihe week: A GLANCE AT OUR ELECTRIC Ihe week. Auguta. National, F.lhel June, BREAD .'JiV B 7 V rmW M Jack llrad. Ferub, The Tip.Top, (Up. 1'eliVan, Nornen, Hingu. will tell you at once that it must The Ho1 hii Kibel June ar. bary, ha returned tn the fold .Norma, 'fbelma II., Mrayling. be good. A taste of ll witl lell you from her almon Kailern Point. J. I. Todd. For I'-r ft VanVa) VaT v It JWf.K X nnTaT' -am T rii in I'ori on Thurnday and onre more it i even better than il look, ili.po.eti of a ealrli nf 3.00U Aeiuinjr eiieditlon in the in. ward, Ja. Carrulher. Mah. Ile which it aying a lot. Why iMither pound nf lira It by halibut. After Ierei. of ibe rannerie. pnblir, Tlielma I, Neptune, N. ,V wilh home baking when you can unloading her rarpu abe put to a Iri, Fanny F llergerl. ret mn-li wonderful bread ft r M-little. ea aa-ain with Up. have nit-rhie The K ranee, Oapl. Ilalken, filacier, W. A FH Venua, Adeline. nn Ihe bridjte and a full ha relurne.1 from the ltitnda Mayflower. Tbelma II and Selma. erew below. Cap ay be ha I roll i iir ground. . - Electric Window Bakeries l one or the finel crew mi A fatality occurred nn Ihe Ibe I'arifir sia and front Ihe Same tune: waterfront on Tuesday ntornlng Third Ava. Phona 607. Ibe ntauner in whirlt Have Hit. 'Hie greal big down I (diininfr. when Ole Saltier, one of Ihe rhie oenior taya with Ihe And Ihe awful pal ha fled, member of the crew nf the aame we believe him. 'lb priee nf liijunr ha deelined. fiblng boat Nornen, took a Government -- And the erhe.juer ha been heart -neiture and wa cyiveyet A aeow load of lumber and it bled. In the yeneral bo.pital, from .row load of eal W etpred In Ihe effect of which he die.J on Auction SALE arrive iroin vanrouver in .me I ran umile a mile of gladne. Wednesday afternoon. The de. nf Loi - at the n near future, ur tVaplain Harney A I lake, my morniim bave. (Continued nn Page Six) CITY OF PRINCE GEORGE JoliiiK.n. for Altterl . & MrOaf. When I think of Ihe poib'lilie m tmi aueatat couaT or aamtM fery. Part nf the lumber U far Wilh the money I will nave. COtHMU On Thursday, SepL 14th. Ihe city. a m eaoaaTC The Vatlfl and Hoyal KUher. In lb Mtitrr of in AdmlnUtnuua in. Acullonear P. J. Moran. A wow load f beniol arrived ie rertivtj a hlUnent of fih la lb ami Mallrr M the Eiltl of Omrit from Anyoi r Ibe luir Aiurite bote from Ihe oulh durimr Ihe la i.iw iNHiiDiy. iiri. IDIftiai. Ainml'Twelve Hundred Lot, nomu Clumberi: Hfiu. Hi. n.u..r r UrB durimr the week for Jbe Prlnee Week. Yuu(, TburMiiy. tha tiltt tUy of au(l. wtli valuable lmirueiiMnU, Huperl boatboue. I hlX the netitiuB of 1. 11 MrMulllB. will be offered. TJie Mah, Oapl. Jack McLean Offwul A0nilmlrlor, tpa num IIm- tntdatiu ut tlw I1 I, H. MrMaitia. uf Ikon'l tell Ibe editor alum I made port during the week with VHirt Ldmtnt. at Aleiwuter Juhuwa and terms Lut uc i na.aa au rah. tbl one. The bo ha oiue l.ooo pound of priie halibut nt vr.Andr o. ruiimi amwai er v.iMjni tnd ror apua in brmr reuiiuner;Mr. Lata ir . aud up ta II. half ort nf nn Inlere.l in a rout and reiMirf good trip. IT I uhlitaf.Ji that lh draih uf tb fh. litianr lu imw yar wllh lalr-! abuve-aaainl 0, cruuk Pouaiily atiall on lh (Merard payttirDI. L4.U ovrr blued and allina yuchl, - power tx prwiaid K tia arrurrxl oa in I4ih yaebl aound belter than boa I. The Tugula brought in 12,-DiiO day ut A ii I. AH. Il. at fevra Mil itsa.a iiuarter rank, balaiira la on, two, l-i.ini. (iranaui imaiui. Prolyl ciduniai. aad tare ytara lik lmrl at . Iim-peMenwata and b i never happinr than pound early on Thurxday IT I I I HTIIEn IIHM HIII thai lh said ta b tally paid for on day al wlin Ihe frafl I tilled up wilh moriiiiiK wilh tii. Marline Knge J.inh.II.or NtcMiiUia in ..to way i.iih apply aiiu fu oxiar aduuuttra-10 in aal It buuatt bjr uttier tnaa tb prua I III W.I I a party nf lie-nlrker. wbirb on the hfiiliie. The old boat had lik a rrrd new Uh t l(Nntl.U ur aauM. dale U putilithlui a ny ut thi urtlar lor full partlrular arf.y la h n.it-rnuueat usually bapp.-n nn a Sunday, iuile a lute wilh Ihe element a a iiraMr puiiin. awl nrraiaiin naBMBaaj King of Cigarettes ihe day on which the matt in Ibe when makinx xrl and rap I uMMiiq la trliw-ai Huirt,vrvary t inirfvais.C. for a prrtud ut )-rtmHil AfrM.of Laud.Snulb I'uM Victoria,nut(,B.C.. r Ibe 11 lnnnnnnnnnH TJ Iiiiniii it el laed lip. very proud nf Ibe manner in U.st: kBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBaBBB.frTaTa.-4k al V.V f 4 T h aWHI M I.at Sunday, a uual, a which the member of Ihe .crew parly of happy ealera.out made aniuilted themelve. for Ibe llairllnn wharf In par 10 for lake of I hit aeaiminir lupltality Die 4Vtnadiau Fllt A Cold SIMON OS SAWS 15f aboard aforeaald boat, but murh Hlorage trawler. Jume Car. " In Ihe di-iil of Ihet hot and ruther. wild our old friend Hill The most economical saws to use 35 25 more lo (hit dlpu nf Ihe aeek- Parou paeint the hridfe, Slmoada Canada Saw Co. Llmltad, St.Bml St.aad Acora Ave. " " " " " er of plelinure it wa dikisivered made lutrl during ihe week with Vaamfw,B.C MOWTHCAL at,4.aa.M.. Dial Ibe tide bad taken a real a -.light ealeh nf C 5.000 pound. 7- arTVv. trtmLTieeo ceneaveAao.uani. likliiH to the Interior uf Ihe Hill aaya It wa Mia betl b Ibuat which ronlalnod conildar could do tin iim but that ncit