4) me . > ; ret re ¥ sas ‘ nt : Friday, Nov PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS = ember 4 ’ | Pn A,’ } : , ; : SATIRE ON | Fria Sie iy “ TWO SHOWS — 7 ang 4! Ye | / itis! Feature Starts at 7.39 at SCREENLAND Hh) mame Prasat ! » hg SATURDAY MATINEE i ee ee See eee ° |e THE BIG LAUGH OF THE SEASON : ¥ Ridicule in “Once in a 2 Lifetime” Get Your s ‘“ ” : SATURDAY ao E A ; ; ’ akin lat bags ® = ! ‘ Mi e Ones ina Lifetime, a rou ming Shoes, Clothing ®@ With Jack Oakie, Sidney Fox, Aline MacMahon, Russel Hopto : 9 jaune . film ee ae at ew & F : a a Louise Fazenda, Zasu Pitts i, ; wood, the cast of which includes ; s = : . : j as@] ayne S such popular screen players as | ou mg * A Satire on Hollywood—The Funniest Yet—From the Famoy m | Jack Oakie, Sidney Fox, Arline Mac- — at — a Stage Play , 1) panes ayeeell Hon ana Fave, s Novelty—“Transatlantie Mystery” FOX Ney 7 ; c |Louise Fazenda and Onslow Stevens, 25%, t 35% | ‘5 3 ‘ » ’ IMC y y : Y ng’ . : / > : nee at e LADIES’ & CHILDREN’S HOSIERY BED SHEETS, 81x90 INCHES |will be the feature offering at the /0 t0 3I/) LESS " MONDAY and TUESDAY—“MISLEADING LApy» Py Ladies’ Pure Thread Silk, Extra Heavy Weight, | Full bouble Bed Size—Half bleached, absolutely |Capitol Theaire here this week-end, a Coe : eri in Fuli Fashioned Hose—French heel, 79¢e pure, extra heavy quality $1 00 Not only is the audience taken Wid intadiian ant we | nc A A ee ae F all new shades; reg. $1.50; Dollar Day Dollar Day, each ° jinto the forbidden precincts of the a aie, | . : sIIRE eetue Deine oa jsound stages but into the private men? Spe see et “ft Ladies’ Pure Silk Full Fashioned Sheer Chiffon PURE LINEN TEA TOWELS loffices of the executives where fan- | iving daily. To Hose—Dull finish, Orient make, French pane! | Extra Good Quality Heavy Weight—Size 22x32; | tastic activities and snap-judgment | Wiis: , \ : OR ENA heel, cradle foot, in all the very blue and red borders |decisions create in filmland a little] Very ow Prices; large selec- 4 Nar ° s . es . newest fall shades; Dollar Day, pr e Dollar Day, 4 for |world which is bizarre and topsy- tion; all goods bought from tet r 1 7 r To turvy. The dumbest small time the best makers. Call and see ‘ , walk on. Easy to app y. t is suitabl for all Ladies’ Silk and Wool Plaited Hose $1 00 W ABASSO LINEN FINISHED i eadebie Stor in New York is them. You do not have to buy Date iergiedtine where " high gloss is de * 4 New fall shades; Dollar Day, 2 pairs . PILLOW CASES ihailed as the film-producing geniu : “ge .. mE a : . (E511 eq, ; Ke d Girl Wool Ribbed Hose—Made ir - ¢ Owe Hemstitched- Linen finish, abso- of Hollywood in spite of the fact Best values in the city given and dries in mn hours. fee : ~ Boys and Girls Pure ool Ribbed Hose—Made in lutely pure, full size $1 00 that it is his first effort as a super- on city relief scrip. IN NINE ATTRAC TIVE COLORS England, browns, black and fawn; size 8'% to Dollar Day. 3 fo « Ae: oe : ’ 2 la y, r ss visor and he gets his scenarios mix- sikie ‘versified by the Dapl-Art Pr ee ee ce oe $1 00 rec ed and makes the wrong picture. Shop at the Which may be diversified by the Dapl-Art Process : Dollar Day, 3 pr. fo r ° PRINCESS SLIPS An incompetent miss, who stamps tayon Brocade—Assorted colors sizes ov seine Seer ans. H d Cc I | 7 Girls’ Silk and Wool Plaited Hose—Fawn shades, Ae ss er said colors and size 69¢e =| her foot and recites ‘Boots, becom« s Montreal Thompson ar ware 0.. t ° : OR ere tet eee $1 00 _ — = a star overnight and is acclaimed ‘ ‘ant’ Meat o 4 i + 1) ’ r r by ities. A great film producer ti Bt ag De, po te PIECE LACE, 36 INCHES WIDE B's. seve dese"! Importers , ses t ; e SCS a v s g ¢ }. aie “or Dresses, Etc.—In black and beige; silk and . , LADIES’ VESTS wool mittune and pays her $10,000 but can’t re- Third Avenue " ° * ; Winter Weight Silk, Wool and Cotton Mixture— Dollar Day, yard $1.00 member her name. Hilarious inci- The Fish which made Prince Rupert Famous ir Neatly tailored top; excellent quality; sizes, : oe ‘ dents follow one another in quick “/ — b., small, medium and large $1 00 WHITE FLANNELETTE succession and the picture ends in a . — ; Dollar Day, 2 vests for . 300d Quality White Flannelette—Nice series of events wilder and more R d f R j ca : soft finish: Dollar Day, 7 yards for $1.00 fantastic than any that have gone e uction 0 ate 66 b LADIES’ GLOVES before ‘ uper ran es 16 Dezen Cnly Samples Ladies’ Fabric Gloves— 36-INCH ENGLISH BROCADE The picture holds up to biting (Gf Interest Being s Values up to $1.50 pr. $1.00 Suitable for Drapes, Slips, Dresses, Etc—Fast ridicule the very industry of which colors in rose, eggshell, white and $1.00 it forms a part | Talked in Chicago SMOKED “ Doliar Day, 2 pair for aT} : aes Gee maize; Dollar Day, 2% yds. —-—~ ~ 7 LADIES’ SILK BLOOMERS ppm ft May Belle De-Luxe Quality—-Soft as pure silk, SHORT SILK TAFFETA | CHICAGO, Nov. 4:—With a view yi duil finish, beautifully made $1 00 14 Inches Wide, excellent quality in mulberry, o ge tir 8 more money into eireu | “ Dollar Day, 2 pair for e gold and green $1 00 ' lation, ( a igo bankers are consid- —_——— a 7 foes e ering reducing the interest rate in ee Vests to Match— $1 00 Dollar Day, yard MEETINGS s banks from three two e savings to iP ae WINDOW SHADES — percent LADIES’ VEST & BLOOMER SETS | ***99 Inches—Green or cream, mounted on best [§|Mallory and Jolliffe Speakers at C.N.R. TRAINS Prepared Daily By Rayon Silk Vest and Bloomer Sets—Plain, tailored oe wre roller, with fittings ready 79¢ ' wanes — ie: For the East— a f-nish: extra special value 73¢ to hang; Dollar Day, each Queen Charlottes Mondays, Wednesday and Fri Canadi Fish & Cold Sior se (‘9 ltd r Dollar Day, vest and bloomers aie a als Paes lays 9:30 a.m lai ag *"y . . ’ T ~ O =? “ ! URTAIN NETS PORT CLEMENTS, Nov + A From the East— RIN E RUPERT B.C we LADIES’ HOUSE DRESSES White, Cream or Ecru Nets—Neat designs, 36 ietinn of Rabdwals was held hen Tuesdays, Thursdays and Satur- PRINC » BL. t Made up from Wabasso Prints—Absolutely fast inches wide; excellent value $1 00 last week-end when the speakers} days ... : 8 p.m | q' colors and assorted styles; sizes $1 00 Dollar Day, 4% yards for nd were A. R. Mailory of Port Clen ‘ate ’ ; 34 to 44; Dollar Day ° se cieumeuitiaae Sie rah ct ; oe hee sal vas es i -— RUFFLED CURTAIN FABRICS ont en nar lennlirmed lh TRISH LINEN TABLE CLOTHS 27 Inches Wide Scrim—Trimmed gold, green, rose - a ti : e ‘ot oe 2 vatod Size 52x52 inches, colored borders s and blue $ va ae : = s. ae “eae Pure Linen; Dollar Day 1.00 Dollar Day, 7 yards for 1.00 dlainly to b pecan ft ym the dispo- me, sition of the extra large gatherin , . - that the citizens of the Queen vt LW ’ * DRAPERY DAMASK Charlotte Islands are not at all 4 2 Pieces Only—50 i ; ; ; rose ; . ralue . ; , : 2 Pie e Only—50 inches wide; colors, rose and gold; reg. value $1.95 yd. $1.00 satisfied withithe present govern ne Dollar Day, per yard ment. Mr. MaHory gave a revort o1 TOWELS! TOWELS! TOWELS! ee ee * ten T ; convention in Vancouver which he} ; ’ About 50 Dozen Turkish Towels—Run of the mill, at less than wholesale cost; assorted, jacquered, on in Vancouver which he ’ : ittended plain and fancy striped effects $ ; . : The next night another larg : » a oe oe Ss 25x48 1.00 meeting was held at Queen Gaaet , fizes 21x42 izes Ay 4 for $1.00 3 ree $1.00 lotte City when Mr. Mallory and y . Mr. Jolliffe were again speakers a | U ; d Ch h were Mrs. Lance Styles, Mrs. Helen VANCOUVER WHEAT ee nite urc Macfie, Miss Dorothy Styles and ee = y. Miss McGregor. Mrs. T. J. Shenton VANCOUVER. Nov. 4:—Wheat *RESH KILLED ‘ Tea Successful was «ssiie: FRESH KILLE was quoted at 445gc on the local Mrs. D. R. Barclay and Miss D D exchange today. a ; Sharpe were in charge of the home B tk] y i Delightful Hallowe'en Affair Held cooking table Ul ey a cy ; Yesterday Aft With ! Durin » after there was ¢ hy "Many Attending ER sre aang aia which YOUR LIVER’S MAKING -_—_— jincluded piano solos by Mrs. J. S B h Beef Despite adverse weather conai- | Black and Mrs. A. H. Elelback, vocal YOU FEEL OUT OF SORTS a y tions, the autumn tea and sale of |”? by Mrs. P. C. Miller and Mrs Wake up your Liver Bile ...,|F. N. Good ar viol and piano home cooking held by the Ladies’ | ood and violin and pian —No Calomel needed | cis cuyi pun When you feel blue, depressed, sour on the 4 iduets by Misses Aile ‘ llis Aid of First United Church in the by Misses Aileen and Phylli Zoe ar Hamblin world, that's your liver which isn't pouring its 6 lbs. ry church parlors yesterday afternoon daily two pounds of liquid bile into your bowels. | ty, p . a - a very pleasant and successful . op, Yood ia erurmulating nad” decyang tame 2 ae $1.00 ¥ affair. you «a making you wretched. a . 7 ML The parlors presented. a gay ap- One of the latest freak fashions in woe eee SS ee Pare Ze eh ‘ ai 4 Paris is for a woman who wears ; roughage, don't go far enough. , per id ; yearance in Hallowe'en setting, ‘ a aE ; dant. C , . “ae ; orate cats and witches holding green frock to carry perched on her hazes WAS bs dae teat tans taal Purely ae SIRLOIN TiIp— Z0e ! sway against the background of| ‘Poulder a live green parakeet cubslitules, 260. ab all druggies ag | | PET Ib. 2 ™: ae . ; R1B ROAS' i black and orange streamers. The per 15¢ tea tables were decorated in simi- ; lar colors. Miss Dorothy Styles was ° ee : Acti! : . = Shoulder Pork . } responsible for the ee ented e 4 tee 50e HH”: MILK over two crisp Shredded Wheat biscuits. The guests wer eiv y Mrs. , | an . she ‘ ty The gue s we re received by ee Miss D. Ho an Shoulder Lamb 2 Chere’s a delicious treat for chilly days! And a treat ‘" J. J. Payne, president of the Ladies MODERN GLASSES it ¢ er aan ss ; " . : Aid, assisted by Mrs. C. D. Clarke, : URN GLASSES - t 5 that helps your country, too. For Shredded Wheat is { the wife of the pastor. ARE JEWELRY a8 oer 20! made in Canada, by Canadians, of Canadian wheat. rivet! . a)t . . 1@ . per lb i ; H Mrs. Walter Thompson and Mrs, | TEACHER OF MUSIC Prime Rib Rolled Roast— This 100% Canadian product is a 100% whole wheat 4 D. Santerbane were in charge of the No longer are glasses to be con- ve = 20e¢ oa. Slt tabled aver Whi Mek Wit iia cihillin’ int aad ai Sh aeat gana it Ib. food. All the energy and body-building elements of ables 8. » aet —_ 2 sidered as y echanical aids ; Kergin, Mrs. Frank Derry and Mrs, | to vision, no‘lotiger worn with” > ©. 25¢c' whole wheat. All the bran. All the delicious nut-like W. H. Kergin presided. Serviteurs *| reluctance, The modern glasses, Bacon, % Ib. | flavor that children and grown-ups like! if properly selected, enhance the Tomato Sausage— Best of all, it costs very little to treat yourself to appearance of the wearer. Cc — | ¢ - Ryort fall ena ld 2 lbs. Shredded Wheat. There are twelve full-size biscuits in CHILDREN THRIVE wt . > ei ‘ ; Svery ; ea 208," nowy. la Roasting Chicken— ry packs A a c cat ofl RRID COLDS é Hotel Central Ltd. Avice Mans tf tases Bist as|Omons c 25¢e aaa _ nae economical energy food for all the SHREDDED oe eS i. y ; ‘ y r par, it’ sy . Just coo snd inhale it Chow Calas Covenient to business district, they do in dresses, hats and} prying Chickens— 60¢ es Sabebhed Whaat Biscuits in three a1 tnd Sore Pho: hen C THE CANADIAN SHREDDED WHEAT COMPANY, LID. Cos boiling water-—and season (0 ts Real relief . . . quickly bu views. beautityl and from our selection Fresh Killed Ducks 20 ! Niagara Falls, Canada Rates reasonable. Spacious you will be sure to find a model per Ib. Cc, sample rooms. which you will be pleased to cia, | FIRST CLASS CAFE wear. F il M M k Open at All Hours If it’s new we have it. Call and amuy eat ar et | Special monthly rate for let us show you Optical Dept., ke : io | Rooms and Meals Max Heilbroner, Jeweler. 957 — Phone — 957 Hotel Central Ltd. | First Avenue & Seventh Street | == = neeiianeanes emccmeeammemeenssremes, MOREE Ys TORO Si MADE IN CANADA « BY CANADIANS « OF CANADIAN wHEAl | j | | LINIMENT| } | homelike, beautiful harbor | shoes. The new glasses are really each | | | } |