PAGE TWO TTTE DATTiY NEWS Saturday, Petirnnry The Daily News WHAT CAUSES SO ANYOX civic PniNT.K JiUPRRT - UHITISII COLUMBIA PnlililieJ Every Afternoon, wept Sunday, hy The News MUCH SICKNESS Sensational 5a!e l'riiilinp ami PuMishinpr Company, Third Avenue. II. P. PUI.l.EN, Managing Edilnr. Chooses Committees to Handle1 I Constipation Responsible Activities During the ; OF MEN'S AND BOYS' FOOTWEAR SUBSCRIPTION RATES: for 90 of Disease Year. j f.ily Delivery,! hy mail or rnrrier. per month ?1.0ft lly'mail to nil pnrlswif the Itrilish Empire and Ihe United States,.ft.0ft "FRUIT-A-TIVES" Corrects It Ihe council Feb. ?.L of.Vmeclinjr I lie Anyov of. VALUES THAT MAKE YOU GASP ALL PROFITS THROWN TO THE WIND in advance, per yenr Community l.eopue was held in Come and these. You cannot afford to miss them. To all other countries, in advance, per year . . . ST.f.O It h generally reon?nlied aiooup see Every shofe fn the the llecreathin Mall Wednesday the medical profession that Count, on store will be reduced regardless of cost of Jliis week. TELEPHONE 98 potion or Insujficient Anion of 'The The 'council elecle.l t'leorire thmn Bonrels, produces more a.ty Williscrufl.'to be president for Ihe Transient Display Advertising per inch' per insertion other one roust. ConttipMion is responsible Lot 1 BOYS' STRONG SOLID LEATHER Lot 4 WEN'S HEAVY LEATHER WORK. ensuing term, with K. J. iloiiny Transient Advrrlisinp on IVonl Pase .2.S0 per inch for tlekstfi0;of the disease SCHOOL BOOTS ill brown and blacl.. SHOES in black: mSlilaiy i:. . , because Constipation n vice-president. J. I.owry wa world In the today l.oeal Headers, per insertion .S?."ic per line Worth up i" a pan1. a stroiiu. well-mnde sh..e ! is responsible for Ihe lmlifev eb'cled ns secretary-treasurer ami l?ailled A'dverliiiifr, per insertion .2c per word February Sale Price Int oT linril wear. Ib-uiiliu s . ,i tionandltyspepaia the nervousness, jtlie chairmen of the various com. Legal Notices, each insertion I"c per apale Jine ' February Sale Price InsomnUiiud fUieutnatism the Kc mil lees are as follows Contract Hates on Application. zero and other aVlu troubles the Ftiriini, (Jeorjie Warwick. $3.85 All advertising should lie in The I Wily News Ofllce on day preceding HentUrhes and liackacliea. Itecreation, Alex. Itnherts. Sires 1 1 .5. $3.65 puldlcation. All advertising received siihjecl In approval. Why is this? t:tmral and dfamatic. I'red SUes i-. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. As j ou know, It Is the duty of the Morrow. Lot 2 ANOTHER LINE OF COYS bonelt to carry off the waste matter Knlertainmenlx. Iean tiielle. In the system. If tlieleonel muscles Home and school. Mrs. McKay. LEATHER BOOTS. Hlm k only. Itetfiilar Lot 5 MEN'S SOLID LEATHER WORK DA FLY EDITION Saturday, Feh. -23, 1952. wk the liver inactive, then ;i.r.n a pair. are or Mouse committee, I'.. Siniin. BOOT with bellow lonuuc. Itlai'i otii . this waste matter remains in the body The lueslion of I lie new secretary February Sale Price' Well made and will w n r ti ,,, Bright Days Induce and poisons the brooj. As a result, for tlii lenMiic -was inlro-duced Hernial- si.ur. in the body Is poisoned $2.45 Consideration of Position. every this organ tiy liuncillur llnhert Ar-UKiiir, February Sale Price T.hese bright days give us a chance every, evening Infinite .the .by"Wawiwa"waste. A been ttondtrfuMy who slaleil that he haij (he Sues K.J0. stars nid bring to mind that each of theVe is a sun, possibly the, 'turressfut in relieving Stomach Troubles, nuineriiiis iippltcaliiins fur Miis $4.95 piisilinn in his pnsses'iiin :inl like millions of times Kenvus Troubles, Liver Troubles, Kid-Key Lot 3 THE FAMOUS CUIHMINGS solar nnolher or ceillre of system ours asked" for. a special me.-liiiw us 'Troublee and Ulootl Troubles, Skin MULTIWEAR SHOE. Solid leallior. larger.-' To begin .to think about Mich :thlugs as this, to imagine -Troubles, because 'ruint-tires" positire-ly soon as possible In consider I ly (iiiaranteed three iikuiIIh' wear or a new Lot C THE FAMOUS WILLIAMS DRESS what Ih.c glildcn ball is like that we Vall.a.Min and frotn which we end emphatically relieves Constipation. saine. On motion of C.ounciliij! pair free. Itc?nlur $l.lrt n pair. SHOE ujth recede loc and rutii c 'i , ,i, get our warmth and life, makes us feel the sniallness of ourselves "l'ruit-a-tives" wilt always relieve Simpson,, seemiileit liy Caiiiicillnr February Sale Price dark jan shade, llenlar .uu Constipation, eventhoughthe trouble Aruniurt Ihe cciiiici' will nice! in Sale Price and ' February surroundings. - our has been chronie for ten, fifteen and camera in I lie ladies" rest room Describing one of Ihe extraordinary outbursts on the sun, twenty years. Thousands of grateful this eeninf; lo po oer Ihe seventy-five $3.45 $6.95 Professor Young said he had been examining a prominence by ners proclaim "Fruit-a-tiTes" the applications in order to Sizes I I -2. means of Ihe spectroscope. 11 had remained unchanged since greatest remedy forConstipation that cut dnun l' a suitable number In world ha everknown. consideration. the receive further noon of the previous day, a long, low. quiet-looking rloiitl, not very 60c a box, 6 for KM, trial the 25c. Councillor Simpson siippcsleil a WATCH OUR DISPLAY WINDOWS FOR BARGAINS brilliant in remarkable for il size. dense or or any way except At dealers or aent postpaid by Fruit- coinmillee of Ihree he appointed At I2:.KI a.m. Ihe professor left the spectroscope for a short lime Utc limited, OtUws, Ont. to do this, hut Councillor Armour and on returning half an hour later lo his oilmen iilion he was stated lhal I lie letters contained Universal Trading Company astonished In find Hie gigantic sun Hume shattered lo pieces. The SUITCASES many Rood ideas and thai Ihe solar atmosphere was tilled with Hying debris and some of these council should he permitted ! Corner Third Avenue and Sixth Street hear Ihe letters read. potions "reached a height of 100,000 miles above the solar TRUNKS Cataloguing Books. Phone 376 JAS. H. MARK, Manager P.O. BoX 17I2 surface. .Moving with a velocity which even at the distance of CLUB BAGS Lou McAllister made several fi:t,00ft,000 miles' was almost perceptible lo the eye, these fragments siipp-esUons re;rardinjr Ihe library. doubled their height in leu riiinules. In which Councillor Armour, as A solar explosion or eruption so great that Ihe debris was Large Stock on hand. retiring chairman of Ihe library PRINCE GEORGE thrown 100,000 miles is something to consider comparatively. Prices very low. hoard, replied. Mr. .McAIIUIci i II And yet is not a big star as stars It is simply one our sun go. supesled thai all Mm honks he amunc- countless others. It is bis; lo us because it is near, only J. F. MAGUIRE catalogued and.Councillor Arrnohr W.M. Ojrilvie, nctinir for the j . . RUPERT BRAND 0.000,000' miles away. There nTe estimated lo be between two Next the Prince Rupert Hotel replied that Ihe. hooks were all (rand Trunk Pacific Hallway ami; j ... , ajid three, thousand million stars, each separated from the other listed and it . was n matler of Ihe I rand Trunk Pacific Develt I and from us by inconceivable distances. The nearest star is esti Whether council wished this lo In onnenl :o.. 1ms filed nolice thatj. J maed to I?a 22;0OO,000,Q00 miles, away, and only thirty are dnne. The ffjr,pier ?enltemnn IihiI the companies will contest in thel' I Kippers and Bloater known io invwiimn oim iiiiiuiifii diuhim nines m n. in mind a unit II hook loheprinled (!ounty (Jourl llnv assessments ,of ..II ..i.. ir 'n.l Ten Years Ago and aivcn lo everv member of Hi till JIf'JI- in ijii.- i.jij. IIII7 Waves of Feeling I In France Rupert eny(ie. but lef) Ihis siiffpesllnn in companies are successful in scf-tin? in Political Life Ihe hands of he new chairmn). the valualinns. reducejl Ihe As iii religioiis lffe sn in political there are such things, as The chairman asked for dis city council jwilf he forced lo forJSale at nf Parlies have and February 25, 1912. levy 'upon all improvements in ALL RETAIL STORES waves feeling. (heir tins downs. Today a ciission on Ihe subjects of civics parly is anathema and tomorrow it is just the opposite. A few Timber The liraham Island final and and public health, hut il was de order to raise 'sufficient revenue. Syndicate has taken months ago everyone was talking about Ihe sins of Ihe provincial taken sevenfy.five tons of .drilling chVed that as Hie polytechnic wa The Most Tasty Breakfast Food School estimates for the frntcrnmcnl and Ihe futility of John. Oliver ever again coming io in a; large extent flllinf: lh civiCs year before the-electorate or-even trying to cany on much longer. where machinery firaliani Island wants and that Ihe new hospilal IJii'i call for an expenditure of Obtainable Ihey will lest one hundred Today the John Oliver slock stands as high in this province as it sections board would take care of Ihe irt,2:i? an advance of l.7u0 of land for oil. I'. ever did. There was never anything wrong, but simply Ihe laxity U. (Jreene, the general health (picslirin, these two- sub iver lal year. The eily coun and carelessness of two olllrials had the manager, jecls lie cil is endeavorin? lo pare down Smoked one or brought government dispensed with fur Ihe Daily by is at present in I lie city. some of Ihe items. Willi this into disrepute. These things have been cleaned up and they present. have been found to be nothing like as bad as was thought. John (ieneral Hunerinlendenl W. fi. Mr. Parker, manager nf tin two estimate raised one by dollar,land out taxes of would every Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ltd. Oliver has gone to Ottawa and has put up the best tight that any Median, of the firand 'i;runk picture theatre, asked that hi he required for school enndi. Itrilish Columbia statesman ever put up for the rights of Itrilish I'actnc Hallway, reports that license be paid by Ihe council Inn", provided there were ft 5 ! PRINCE RUPERT Columbia. He has shown himself to be a lug man even at Ottawa.! rapid progress is now b'einc- made supporting his petition hy au mil. cent collections. He has been dined by the Ottawa Hoard of Trade and everywhere on traeklnyins" on the .mad. The linn of Hie work lhat he is called per he has gone he has brought general addition lo llritish Columbia sleel will reaeli Mile 110 ln-niht upon to do. A recommendation It. W. Ila;rncii, of Ouesnel, ir and her needs. As a matter of fact, the Oliver government is today and will iie. at Skeena had beeif passed by the re(irinjf judc of tho provincial court of stronger than u has i)(.en for many a day. With Manson in the firo.ssing by Ihe middle of March. council In pay over Ihis money1 to revision, was in the city Ihis position nf attorney-general and with our own minister, Paltnllo, Mr, Parker, hut Ihe rhcmie hail week on-his return from Van- always on the job; with Dr. Sutherland in place of Dr. King, all Dan Stewart, veleran trail been held up 'pendinir the inslalln- derhoof. Holla and Ihe Peace -strong men -and clean, Ihe provincial adminislrafion gels a new hlacr' Of thr- Hudson Itnv finm. Itinn of the new council. The new lliver district. Mr. Ilagjren slat lease of Jife. There should be several years of usefulness before pany and early rancher of (he chairinan upheld Ihe resolution ed Ihul. the oil field at Holla RAILWAY them ere, Ihey again appeal to Ihe country. Whal comes'lhen will Skeena alley, is dead at I.iltlc I ami Ihe cheque to cover Mr had yet lo he proved hy Ihe GRAND TRUNK PACIFIC be decided largely on the record of achievement of the next few Canyon. Parker's moving picture license drill and preparations are cin 8. VS. PRINCE RUPERT wilt sail 11 p.m. Wednesday foi years. Possibly Ihe people will Iheu wont a change, but if the will he paid at once made for extensive work there in Anyox. Midnight Thursday for Svvanson flay. Ocean M"' ROiernnient dons' good work and shows a grasp of Hie problems of SHIEK PROVES TO BE The council Ihen adjourned. ihe eom!ns summer. Powell lliver, Vnucnuver, Victoria and Seattle. ine nay arid is siill virile and there be - capable, may still another Norlli. S. S. PRINCE JOHN -For all poinU on ajj extension of political life. SPECTACULAR PICTURE NAVAL BRIGADE HAD A. P. Anderson, who has just Southern Oneen niiarhdle Islands January 30, February" finished the contract for (he and 27. For Slewart, February 2 and 16. Need Workers Art Production Free From Pro FINE DANCE LAST his school here, has ponn to Train Service. . for Hospital, paganda or Moral Uplift Soap Lake, Washington, fur a at I'assehner and 3ATURDAY ;1.1;" WfcDMESDAY The- Ladies' Auxiliary of the General Hospilnl Is asking for . . Purpose. NIGHT ST. ANDREW'S holiday. t. in, For MONDAY,Sinlthers, Prince Oeorp-i, .Kdiiuinlou and "" , voiiuuccr' to ncip m working Tor the comrnrt of Ihe patients at iB, makinsr direct connection for all points i is,en that inslilulion .and. in making improvements (here A definite .Oreai; interest was taken in Decorations Were Unique and Subscribe for Ihe laily News, Canada and United states, program of work will be laid out, but more women are needed to Ihe presenialion of "The All Arrangements Excellent. ' Agency All Ocean Steamship Lines. do sewing and take a general interest in ihe Institution. Sheik';,al ;fhe. Westholme Theatre City Ticket Office, 626 Third Avenue Phone Z6 last niah(.'A It is a spectacular The Naval Hrivadn dance held Last, year Ihe Auxiliary did splendid work. Not only did i WEAKJIEART nic'.turc and of Inlerestinjr last nijrhl in SI. Andrew's Hall furnish a 'maternity ward and a new laboratory bill it provided ,-full linen and stliialions. It is purely an art was attended hy well over 200 for garments the patienls. At that limo there but were, produclion and ha no moral or persons and was a wreal success. twenty members, and of NERVES BADLY those only about seven or eight were such a'x" seems The decorations, of naval RAILWAY no popular a c-har-acler, fictivc. Jhis tho ladies will CANADIAN PACIFIC yenr hope Ihey receive more help and Uiftsis dayn. The ahsence of were a feature and Ihe hall SHATTERED at the meeting In he held on Tuesday all who can possibly attend these, carna'nft a plensanl surprise. was a prelly place Indeed with arc asked in do.mi. There can not he auv more wnrlhv nbieei fnr. illuminated B.C. Coast Services Propaganda, even frtr the Khips and anchors which to work than Ihe comfort of the patients in tlie'hospital. lny a woman who should t iironc be cts Utile slate and flatr uaUUur purpoKCH, a and pennants. Several tnit timllhy, full t lira ih eMtiy, li sometimes und movie fans he- nf the boys In uniform lent sjill liound liy lli ltiarkl of IIJ hi-ltt). from PrinceRupert conic nauseated with tho efforts further lo Ihe colorful effect. Some dineoie tr constltullontt dl.itur- Sailings to uplift thoin. Arthur's Orchestra provided Ihe l.ance haJ lri 11$ mark In Ui form or weak tif art. tiuittereil nerves, lniover-llieil For Ketehlkan, Wrangell, Juneau and Skagway The picture is lo n shown music and at Ihe rnidnitrhl hour blii'l ami eiliauMei Hie an rrmrtlllnn of January 2, 16, 30; February 13, 27, nsfiin innishti mthir of cxcellent refresh., IhK whole, tytteui. inenlB coitimenced. For Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle-January ST. DAVID'S DAY (J. V. Kvlll, inslructln? officer HEART AND NIRVC PILLC 7, 21; February 4, 18. or the THE hrijrade, was in frenernl EDUCATION OF YOUR CHILDREN Ihey Mill And a remedy that will supply charge and Welshmen of City Are to Celebrate was piveri valuable rsj for Urn eiliaualed nervei, on that Line. Agency for all Steamahlp Have Ourlnn assistance by seeral ladles and Mill klrentihe.n and nrulaie the. you the money with which to do it? Coming Week. weak prentlenien. .Mrs. II. O, Orewe hurt and tnvlirorate Ihe uliole ayttem, Full Information from Start to nave while they are younglet theui It in ciislonuiry for practically was in charge nf the rofresh. Mra. V. W. rearao, 14 Sea ion 81., tAi n ORRHllin flaneirfll Aoent commence life knowing you are at the back all thw nationalities represented uienls and was assisted hy Miss Toronto, Ont, wrlten "I uai left with Rupert,, J- of tliem. a weak heart and In a run down condi Corner of 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, Pi.noe in the city lo celebrate the Cheslnn, Mrs. l. Ward, Mrs. .1. tion rrom the 'Au.' My nervpa were liadlv Accounts unniverisury nf Iheir nalal day A. Ilinlon, Mrs. A. II. l'nul and and I bad aurb Saviugs are a specialty with or Fluttered,. , , .. palm a round. . my. a I patron Mint, This year Hid Mrs. Oenrtrn I'.. Gibson. Mrs. "ri, iuuhi uj. 9i'ry muru all Mnt. I THE ROYAL BANK OF CANADA U)hhinen of Ihe city will ceo. Kvilt looked after the llckels and (Mtintr tik aevural any better.doctora1 My madlctnea husband inf vimout ma to UNION STEAMSHIP CO. OF B.C., LIMITED- hrat St. ravid' Day with a was asslsled by S. I.. Warrior try NUburn'i Heart aod frve riui, inn AILINOI S. J. MacLeod, Manager. whlM drive and dance. Tho event who wn. on Ihe door. Captain after I look one box I (ci relief, and after Far Vanouar, rlllnr at waiM0 Pay. Otttu fall.. Tivd; " y,i,niirj'"-roe full ,iu March- 1 and will b in r'orinby was responsible for the tikloir at linxe I have beta well and not poet aimpeon, ffuat Jllver. Anyov and Atlrej Ann. , Ti l-Calllur Prince Rupert ti ranch at oreaal. aod ,aaa llarhor pd itarilnaii Jan. 9. feu. If -' Man'11 tifilbeiwl Klnee." k'pinB lth Ihe Iniporlunco of xplctvlid decoratlvo effect , 6, Calllnir at Somervllle. Kiioieon aod Mill Hay Mlllnda M". thh Connie thiit, eavo birth to iTke, 10c a hot at all dttleri, er nailed i. 10 und April, J, o.,,,.rt.. ' jaeitf hiimii rv print. r Aired on receipt or prlee by The, T. Mil-burn Hiiluln's treatent ulatcmati. AdvitisA In lh Dally News, Co., I'tmiied, Toronto, Out, i