PAQE FOUR THE DAILY NEWS Saturday, February ?s, ,fll BRINGING UP FATHER v By George McManU XOU ARC ALWAtft) I'UL US evv ... .. UNTIOX- WrW DON'T TK5MT J. CMTE LIKE. TMAT MOO TfVf TO ee I'VE COT VP ) rSEACT-TOO aio ("p'SHUT UP- i I it j iTTrj TowighT I sum j i I, umi iwni I Tomorrow Alright I ; NR Tablets step alck headache. I R telieve bilious atlacks tone ami W regulate Cia eliminative organs, K make you fee! fire. "BtUg Va t - (lit? 1922 ay Inj-l. Fcatuhc Srnvicr. Inc. nntT-is MOVING? 'and Messrs. Crossed ami Milliard SCOTTISH TIE ARISTOCRATS 1 The winners of I lie prizes were; Fiisl Indies', Miss Thomas: consolation. FOOTBALL ' Mrs. Hammond. First Daily News Classified Ads. TODAY WIN VICTORY . peiuloiiien', 1!. Ilallanlyne; con. If so. solalionj .Mr. Lindsay 2 CENTS PER WORD IN ADVANCE, No Advertisement Taken for Lea than BOc I LONDON, Feb. 23. In the third Beat Vancouver In Final Hockey Call Us Up round of Ihe Scottish tip soccer Match of League Series at BOARD. SITUATIONS WANTED OATS FOR HIRE Fxperjeneed men give satisfaction game plnypil today the following Vancouver. Sport Chat I'HK new dining room at tho F.FFICIFNT Saleslady wants position. COMfNfS DOWN- Lntinch " in household removals. wore the scorns: Inlander i now open. Hoard Kjperienrcd. Ilefer-ences. hcthong I am not (nkinp,,!,, SI. Alii-ren, 2; Airdrie, 0. VICmillA, Feb. 25. The Ar- by Ihe week month. Phono Olfice for Altliouph Hie nitrhl has not or Apply Post Hox a job,- I am off.'rinir Aberdeen, 3; Dundee, 0. islocrats defeated Vancouver liy m Orlers for general cartage yet been definitely decided upon 137. tf 8M. 17 nnrvice ni reoiired Motion, I; Clyde, 1. ;i score of seven to' four in Ihe work given careful attention. there will be .another post-season Phone Hlack loo. I ; Alloa, 0. last oT I lie regular schedule of LOST FOR SALS -Motherwell, We promise prompt delivery basketball nifrhl al thovKx. Paitirk, Hath Ihe Pacific Coast Hockey Leasue. MUSIC. 3; gale, o. oT all Coal orders given lo us. bibilioii Hall some time next LOST Siring of While Ivory FOIl SALF 'tlig or fishboat, Hearts, ii; Hangers, I. Victoria finishes only one- point week under the auspices of Ihe beads along Third AVentie or tfixi2.r,rl. 32 N A S. engine. PIANO SCII00U Queen nl Soulh2: K. Stirling, 0. below Vancouver and two below Basketball Association. . The presentation Mellriile. Kinder please return $2,000.0(1. Leschetlzky Alnlbod. ,ll I lie league leaders. Sraiti PACIFIC CARTAGE Celtic, I; Hamilton, :i. Seattle,ihe playoff for the rijilil lo! or cups wilf likely lake to Daily News Office. 17 Tug--37x1 fix 132 H.l N. A S. taken and speejal alleniwi place at the same time although engine. x2.000.00. lo beginners, 'IVrmn represent Ihe Pacific Coast; lost While Sidtz dog. Finder FOOTBALL RESULTS a sunoer has been suirsreslcd ill 'Thirty fool, general purpose boat, moderate. a?ainsl the Western Canada Leai- please phone Cfli. Limited which this function mijrht take " II.P. Yale, dynamo, storage CltAS. P. IIAf.AViNO. eue on I lie prairies will eoiti-j a . .. lake place. The learns lined up clwlrir liglil. 8oo.oo ti i i Phone 93 English League First Division. iiience at Vancouver on '.Monday for Hie panics next week are as ST. ANDREW'S WON Tug r.7 fl. r.n II. P: Fairbanks: I lllliill. Pboiie llhm lt,l Aston Villa, 2; lludilersriehl, 0. between Seal tie and Vancouver. follows: senil-diesel engine. Power' Ilradford C, I; Manchester C ( Another game will be played at Klks Seniors vs. Colt Intermediates. GOOD YICTORY OVER windlass. Auxiliaries. WATER NOTICE'. 0. Seattle and Ihe total iumby of Ilurnley. 2; Hollon W 0. proals in Hie. two sanies will de Ladies' GT. WAR VETERANS Loggers 21 x(50 slern wheel (TOIur.r I,ea;ruo, all stars. sCow, JO II.P. sleam iioiier and v. .s. e, m. nd. Hall Chelsea, 1 ; Cardiff C. 0. cide which is victor. Metropole Junior League, all stars. wineli with Iioiha L0tIi1. Unv'l nox. II. C .p' t, Liverpool, I; Arsenal, 0. Should the Pacific Coast team Cornels Canucks. Mnrair of v;,,ooo rrc f( nw vs. Manchester L., I; Hirniingham, lieal Ihe winner of the Western H. Andrews, of the St. Andrew's he used as camp and donkey.,ni or rn im, nhn-n n-.w- r There is nlso some talk of a Jd7"ifl iiiiil lrain Inln ot-n,ili"- 1 .1 n for rent to lodges or similar Canada League it will have Hie billiard team, defeated Dr. Mnynt. Itio rt'-nt iHm In hm organizations. with Hie Nationals post-season in which Ihe Colts J. A. West of Hie flreal War 3 II.P. Fairbanks '. type slnllon- ,'"in iip-u-mm .n run: "Middleshoro, 3; Sunderland, 0. final playoff Intermediates ami Flks, and Sons Newcastle. L'., 2; Hlaekburn II., in Hie r.asi. Veterans, in Ihe final game of ary engine, With pump two ..Vd1!? .rttJ!f"J:.0er',, 1 oT Canada would participate. The OFFICE SPACE 0. the tournament between the two hundred pounds pressure 38 by 2 (..healed, suitable for Presfon N. F., (i;'West llrom, niphl of the firsf games will clubs last , night by a score of geared nji. 250.00 . ja mm- tmimrlti-il niidr : professional man, for rent. ., 3. SONS AND DAUGHTERS likely be Tuesday allliouvli, as 200 -to 1.15. 'The total for Ihe Pile Driver anil 10 II.P. donkey tfTJV rK'X Slierrield said before, rhere has been no series is thus: SI. Andrew's, engine, 2H.0 lb. hammer. V.,,KrU?( I Agents for U, I; Oldham A., 0. OF ENGLAND WHIST definite " decision. Tollcnham 1171';. Oreal War Veterans, Uftt. .(O.ilU. I rronnrt am ibx tint ly nt Jiiwirj. uti II., 2; Fverton, 0. Norwegian American Una . rupy .f IUI IMilIrr ihI ti , 7 II l r:ii!ir-inloo innrinn niitrln. 'The standing Swedish American Line Second Division. DRIVE AND DANCE There individual fif the clubs to " 'ipnriunt inrto ina 11, w "Wiitw are two prizes dale: 350.00. iwii. iu iui niru in iiio in.-tf Scandinavian American IJarnsley, 2; Ilradford, 0. lo be won tbis'seasou in connection 05 fathoms PL Pis. Av. tin In ihe i..lirallon nut twsilr Line. Hrislol C., 3; Wednesday, i,' The Sons and Daughters of with Ihe TrairClub billiard 'Trail chor chain. III Ml V"alT IHs- irUr; .1 ri 8 "281 I I I'. l Hury, I; Hull City, 0. delightful whis! shield compiH ilion. Holh prizes comptroller .f Walir hiria Oliver. Typewriters Copland jrave it Wanderers 4; j 10201 1 1 33 Other 'lioals' and engines. llull.linrs Vlrtorla, wilhm IV i Cary Safes Coventry Cily I ; Clapton, O.. drive and dance last ntehl in the are cues, on for the highest St. Andrew's to I IIIO.'I 1 100 Al. Al. STFPIIFNS. a aflrr Inrai tin-iKimir.II rat appMranr Tlw iliu if i: ' v" I K'nishls of Hall. There break of Ihe. season and the ' M. Pythias Flks , in I08C.1 J 080 piiMlratlofi or llila linlirr l. IV Derby' County, 2; Stoke, I.' oilier for Ihe player winning the FOtt SALF Lot with Iwo housed FIRE INSURANCE were 21 t aides or wlnsl ami 12j O. W. V. A. ..10' "(it!) ur.' nir nnAxnv ro-soi.inTri K an Leicester C, 0; Leeds U, 0. persons were present at the dance lar?esl number of panics. The S. O. 80C.O ill!2 requiring reiairs. Huyer lo KMKI.TIMI AMI PoWlll . 'K!-1 i: p. Nottingham I', 0; Fill ham, 0. fix Jjs terms. I'. W. 11 Ml 1 1 (i, Appllrant, The winners at whist were .Mrs. highest hreak made so far is that There Is slilj one to be own liy William V- -nt. W game Dybhavn & Hanson Portvale, 3; Cyrslal Palace, 0. Wick and S. Swanson, and the of J. li. Pillsbury, or the Klks, played in I be 'Trail vs. Sons of HarL, tf. err Wart I Wiu Soiilhsliichls-Hof Icrhaui C, not i3. Last year's hiphesi hreak .. . . consolation awards went to Mrs. Fngland ,1. IV riit- cui'VTl' mil ,T Itl tournament between hanot: for sab Third Avenue MX nines. hiU;. .- .,..,,,, played. ws i liy J i ii i in o Miakespeare, !. Veireck anil II. (ilassey. Jack Siulen and 'Tom Silversiiles. wnler couneetiou. Apply 5(l',l Prince Rupert, B. C. West ham L'., ,2; Nolls C, 1. ot th(! 'i'rail. W. Harbouiand Hefrcshiuenls were served be 'This Itrlwi'rn will likely take place this FiHIi Avenue I'asl. 17 Wolverhampton, 1; lllackpool, fore the dance ctotmiicnccij. A W. Hlylhe, botli or the Trail, are cvoning. r. n. imwson iiv: :f! ,,tt. 0. committee of the Daughters oT now lied Tor the larpesl number. FOIl sali: Ilrass bed complete r,Fonr;r c.nw w '- Third Division Northern Section Fiiffland consisting of Mrs. S. V. oT wins. In case it is slill n with coil ipring. Phone Hlack in:CIUX.wfio.Pick. r.irrni ' Night Phones - J. G; Steen, S71 Oriinsby, 2; Wrexham, 0, Cox, Mrs. F. Vickers, Mr. I). Conk, liiv at Hie end or the season, the BILLIARD STANDINGS 111. UIMI'VW.MIMI S.Mi COMI'.VN, ! ' .' W. Longwill, Blue 270 Halifax Town, 2; Harrow, 1. Mrs. W. T. Harnes and Mrs. F. pjaye-s thus lying will decide the Day Phone S Third Division Southern Section iineron were, in charfip of Hie honor in a 200 point panic. flames 'Total Aver. AUCTION SALE. TAhT OTtcr lliat a I'lanl ' "Jj STEEN & LONGWILL Fxeter Cily, 0; Queens Park 11. refreshment and Hie danc was ' ' ' Harbour (Ti .. '.) 1800 200. AUCTION SALF-'T. Itoss Alae-kay, rmiTiKl In Hi" alwof and 'unit;Shiiiiikhi Ciiirt i l. '' ""''" .. I. SI rons resentment is beinji Llnuifil for Hi 'inn of n ' ,, L suite Levino in (be bauds, of Hie eulerlaiuiiteiit Hlyjhe (T,' !) IK00 200 3, Apartments Sheet Metal Works Cillingham, 2; Heading, 0. corr.uiillec itf the Sons. Frank voiced by I ho sportsmen of Alberta Shakespeare H') 3 000 200 on Wednesday, March inailf...I.I anil Dial il-llv.-inl tlie an.1 an ' C' ' Agent for McClary Furncaes Luton, 3; Hivnl n.rd, 0. Sailer was master of ceremonies ajrainsl an order-jii-coun- Howe (W'j 2 100 200 I al 2:3(1 p.m. Household effects, tlw!Siiiimune.miry or In a urli ii.sik Plaint an ' '" ',7 and Alrrthyr, 1; Walf.nd, 2. ami J. Day Hell and .1. Oreer were cil passed last year by the Do W. Ilalagno (!'.).. 3 r.j,1 t!)8 nips, dinner set oil rlmilalliia- In the city or I'j '' " '. Sanitary Heating Engineers Mil wall, 2; .Norwich Cily, 2. on the door.j The music was furnished minion (loverniueiil whereby u D. Ilrown (T) . .. '. 1758 1115 paintings, grandfather clock, ami mi the ins4-riins ilnit ai uf uii'.'. al .c'ah.i' w Newport C, I ; Aherdare, 0. by 'im orchestra comprise person in thai province is prevented Stephens (W) 17 ill 19 i typewriter, desk, etc. nalil Minimoii'lllri.anil a irn ..ri.f li, ttu. Stb Street and fraser Street ,j'liuoulhNA., 3; llrjiihloii Ind. injf llert llussell, Art F-asson, C. from 'having three shells Wailgh (T) ........ 7 1318 I'.l.'l ni Crlnrv linneri. II. C . 'ha"Si I Prince Rupert B. C. II.. 1. in a itutiiii gun and also making BOATS FOR SALE In irorsl nml miilf li nt !' ;.f irv Diekensen and J. Oreeiifleld.' AIcFviy (F) 10 l!H! 1112 ant Milium.n iiprm Portsmouth, I; Charlton A., 0. it compulsory lo have such guns Shockley (W) .... 8 IfiHS 102 WJIHX in need of boats, engines, Vmi arr rrHlrnl P fnee '""w Southend, I; Nolhanijdoii, I. permanently plugged. 'There -is Judge ,(T) 9 171(5 I'.l I anchors, maguelos, iriM-iiioii willlill iril or!..tin ,im iii.tif- v-: M.T' Swansea Town, t; Southampton, WHIST PARTY ;i general sentiment in the J. Ilrown (SA) .. 7C.1 carburettors,compasses,.propellnrs, etc. oniff ITinif or Mtirxri.thl court B. r... i .1, , 0. prairie province that the Dominion Pillsbury (F) .... T 1332 100 go tii the Norlhern Fxchantie. ciitfr nifti cli'puie II..U J'"'.1 in,W M. T. LEE Swindon Town, 0; Hrislol H., i. Number of Quests Entertained government, had no right Scolt (W) '. Di!i!l 1 80 Phone Old. tf limrrnl Urnt-il arainst 1.1 ami tin K Scottish League. In jnako the restriction without Kingdom (SA) ..10 188.1 188 IK1MI at ITInrr l!"lf f 'V i, uf: Last Night by Mrs. Fraser Kl a 11.1 I Till HIV 1 f fIH'l' Ayr TniM,' 0; Haith II., 0. first consulting wilh Ihe Provincial Nelson (W) 0 Ifi'Jfi 188 FOR RENT "( - II. f iriti' Ladies' & Gentlemen's and Mrs. 'The Simpson. government. regulations Kilmarnock, 1; Falkirk 2. C. Halagno F.j.. 8 I P.l!) 187 SI. T'l CHIN" (of Oiaic lil.K HXDFH TAILOR Queens 1'arks, 1; Duinliiirton, were brought in by Ihe Davie (SA )........ Ti OlSIt 187 new management. 0. .Mrs. .1. M. Fraser and Mrs. federal all! horil ies lo make the Louls Homos. Airs. P. Valpy, NOTICE. Maedonnld (SA)..0 1857 I8fi Fit Guaranteed Second Division. James Simpson were joint host. laws- of Alberta uniform wilh lleminiiig. W).... 7 1305 180 manageress. Hales 3.00 per t'akr .xotici: tht nfjr St. esses last iiiRht at a whist party those in Itiilish Columbia and week and up. Also furnished I V h,ii'' 1. Broxburn, 1; Jnlinstnne, llnberlsnn (S,)..0 81!) 85 urn spi'iMM i.iinufii ftif Third Avenue, opposite P. O. Forfar, o; Dundee Hibernians, al the home of Mrs. Fraser, Atlm Ihe rest of Hie Dominion where Martin (SA) I 185 185 housekeeping rooms. nam He Uf" ,i t Phone Red 13$ 0. Avenue Weslview, when a number Ihe use of Hie pump gun is already Mcllinoyle (F) .. 7 I2!M h TO HUNT Four room furnished llnl.llnr nii:n Company.ihu JUi I.ln,,l",1-A,!" ..nairj. " I.oohfrelly, j Dunfermline, 1. of puesls from the Oddfellows prohibited. Seir (F.) 5 9 I'.l 181 apartment, -cheap. Apply Han-nillali 103 WlllMMS. .....fl St. Bernard, 1; lioness, 2. and .llebekalis were entertained. McAiordio (W) .. '.) 1051 183 Steam Laundry. If, S..II.not MTf . nill. Slenhouso Muir, 2; .Armadale, A very enjoyable lime was spent, AMATEUR HOCKEY (T) 7 I2l!3 180 I. those present being Air. and Mrs. Hill (S) 8 'il3(i 180 FOIl HFNT Two room and IN PROtATC. TORK'S Vale of l.een, 2; Kings Park, (i, V. Wilkinson, Mr. and .Mrs. S. ALBERTA FINALS Hooper (W) ... 3 535 178 balh. Apply 881 Hiimmil Ave. TIIK StPllKMK iin irr or iWTI ilnmmonil, Air. nnd Airs. Halslrom, Allen (HA) 10 1774 177 nue; evenings. tf "i.iM.i'lV..1virinTi".uimi; s ifi lit niittir fir 1 in- SELL Fast Cowden Mr. jind Airs. James Irvin. Airs. CALOAIIY, Feb. 25. The ami. or ti" Fin, 2; Heath, 0. Andrews (SA) ... 8 It 18 177 'TO HUNT 'Three room modern vil-vM) PUIHIO tiiwAim rn TOVES. FJackmannaii, 2; .lohnstono, 1. Smoke, Miss .Margaret Alacdonald Icur hockey championship of Al-berla (Irecn K) 'J 1593 177 flat, neat' Catholic church. F. ... .. ...I nl.,..l. .Miss Aloncoeur. Aliss Arthur, Miss Dual game was phiycd last Wakericld K) .... 3 531 1 77 W. Hart. If. .. r:; - .t..p r m- '3 Thomas, Aliss I-'.. Al. Karl, .lames night, reuniting in a victory for Itoberge ((!) ' 10 1722 172 r.TAfcK MU. OIIi Vising.iiiai ,,,v w "i.H ,7 POSTPONED BOUT TO Simpson, Harry Love. Ilalph Calgary over IMmoutoi) by a score Donnlio'o (F) .... 3 5(7 172 FOIl HFNT Modern house. 5'lirnarv.tor hf It)-rla.f i VS BE FOUGHT TONIGHT Walker, K. Ilallautyiie, O. Harry of five o four. W.D. Smith (SA) 2 310 170 rooms and balh. PJinne Illne land pamoiK, '"'''w'.'( ' Fred Stork's Hardware ha v nor rlaliun- airlnt Pi..r"' May (O) lit lf.8i KIR 710. ml V rrfiulrnl w riirnfh J M. Second Avehub Warrior (O) ..o I cut 107 MISCELLANEOUS. PHONE B1ACK 114 .yr nir..., reii, z;.- -Heller Weannoulh (S).. !l I i!5 Klfl weather i in prospect to King (H) a 10 1018 ICS riRIIKIlMFNI IIFAIFMHCHII Our, day for Ihe Ileiiny Leonard ver. Lfiy Ve"y Old Highland Dr. West (O) ....I0-. K1I3 1(51 ' mai.hine and blacksmi'lh Hboii nils Vat Morau leu round, iio decision, Tinker (8) '. 1131 i.yj Is open. We do tiew and repair nATF.K. tills Ul J ' houl which hail been Fleming id) 2 315 all Satis, The best in town WHISKY ish work in line. postponed until tonight on account Ooodrick '(H) ....10 1515 55 faction guaranteed. "Nogues A of rain. Hdh fielders are Farquluir (H) .... 2 308 51 Parent Co.. New Massel. in fine rondilion. UUj'JHH.W IU UIC L , Vi. J, OIUUIIIOIIIJJ jUlU Morgan (li) 1 5118 150 Strand A. Silversiiles (SjiO FOIl ODD Jobs or part time work, .aLI X-M'1' U7 for over twenty years; to Hi's Majesty's 1 15 phone F. L, Hawtv-Hlue 230. Alansell (H) 7 1015 M5 u .in l.f rr''I'.?..;; LAGUE HOCKEY ships; to many exclusive Clubs and T HilversidcH (H) 1 551 38 Slick this add on your plume S'iST'S ind urr n , Uay Cafe Officers' Messes all over the world. Parr (0) i 530 133 for reference. tf Ihe tho "'"f m- "i Western Canada League. i ton.ono ri-t t F.dmonion, ASK FOR CATTO'S. Tliompdon (fl) .. I 1 05 05, HAIRDRESSINQ. .V1T u.Mt " Calgary, 2; 5. La Casso (S) I till 0 Under New Management .Mouse Jaw, 3; lleglna, f. FlIR IV r.OVIHNMFNT.I lOCOR RTOIIU .. I'asMiin (lil 1 lillM.t Mill .ll,lIV AH White Help. CO 09 IIFX H.WUIKfl BII0P AND HA'l'HS Tbris' 13) irt . . rr Pacific Coast League. riiuovti or iirnpiT. rnin 228 (sixth .Street , ' mrtDT" dr r Victoria, 7; Vancouver, 4. Advertise in,the Dully News, fl. M. KILDAY Phono Blue V''Vi: c