Saturday, February 25, 10'22. PAGE TUAEB -MmHMEMHH tf ? ;IKKXKKKIUUWlUWrfKKMXKKXjZj Local and Personal COFFEE MILL Best BOOKS A. Ri sr IN OPERATION s Brand Fresh Roasted I'or a Taxi, phone 07. George Leek, Auctioneer. If IStewart & Mobley, With Now each Eastern Prices I .Machinery, Turning Out Fresh u Launch "Oh Baby." Blue 548. I Product Dally. Co ff The Best Sellers of Today. The ilrsl colTee mill to be e e U. U. Unfrtrlakcra. Phone 41. tf iPrince George (operalcd In Prince llupcrl or IF 'WINTER COMES Hutchinson j Northern Hrilish Columbia is now p THE SHEIK 1 i;. M. Hull .'(51.Hayncra, Undertakers. Phone truing full blast at Stewart i CofTce to be at its best It THE LAST MAN .., n-y TORONTO Mobley's wholesale house (uruing must be fresh roasted. In Contra of SPOILERS OF THE VALLEY Shopping .JWalsou out fresh roasted and ground More meal for your money. and Business District "SUPREME" BRAND is MAIN STREET .Sinclair Oily Market. 250 ROOMS colTee and pt'imuls daily for Ihe ; LI HER FATHER'S DAUGHTER (i. S. Porter ((' BUK.OI'liN 100 with PrlvataBatht PLAN trade in the cily mid district. R roasted and packed ripht MORE LIMEHOUSE NIGHTS T. Jlurko Jesus in cofiiiiijr soon. Conic t WINNITT THOMPSON.MAN'O.DIR. Tlie planl which is installed here in PRINCE RUPERT RILLA OF INGLESIDE ,. M. Moiiluiiiury and hear tHKHStKKXSfJWHHSrawnoOtJmHS in a two-storey addition lo Ihe about it from find's Take FUNDAMENTALS OF PROSPERITY 1.7.'.; Ilabs.jn Word. Penlecostal Mission. If wholesale house at n cost of a pound home with MAKING GOOD IN BUSINESS t..' Hahsoii ('.ill l-'lowcrs. Pol I'l.itils in SfiOUO, consists 'r Iwo liinchilies. E you to-night and TRY IT! OUTLINES OF HISTORY 5.,'IO Wells Overseas Kxlrn a modern and up-lo-dale roaster oranges.. spe-I'ial hloom. Cily Market. tf It will please you. Books for the, Prospector, Plumber, Electrician, ff'.T,o per case or 75c per with a rapacity of 1200 lbs. daily, Carpenter Biggest selection of Technical Books dorii, regular fuller, ir Mrs. Henry Weisiniller relumed and a grinder willi-a eaiaeily of Your grocer has it. In British Columbia. In 1'sk on this mornings (rain. 5000 pounds.. The lleeves Vacuum Cleaner 0 The roaster is (be.latest model M of .Inliiv Hums' automatic, air-cooleil STEieTalBLEUW. costs only ijilO.lin- and uolhinu (). .1. Mcfiuire was a passenger lo operaie. Phone lllaek 700. If lo 1 1 1 1 ii ii I ii on lliis mornings machinery. The green colTee is laken into Ihe perforated liain. Coffee and Roasters Importers Mrs. d'. Itbss McKay has heen ' cylinder roaster by means of an called In Vancouver mi accounl (1. A. f lay lot relunied lo Port automatic suction fan. After il is PRINCE RUPERT of Hie serious illness of her ICssiii)rlot this itmniii'i via roasled, which operation generally mother, ' llaysport. lakes about half an hour. Die ' colTee is dropped into the air SI. David's cooler, where another suction fan May, Wednesday, A. O. Wfiyhl was an arrival March I. Whist Drive and Dane on (he Pacliena lliis liioruiu' cools il and draws out all Ihe will he he -iirtlio K. of P. Hall from Stewart. dross thai might be in II. Aflei-slaving Specials in Columbia al p. in. 00 I .' in Hie cooler for llflccn "oversea.; oriniers. Kxlrn minutes Ihe colTee is completely Urorjie Oulrnm, of Vaiulcrhoof, cial -s ..u per case or oc spe per roasted and is ready for Ihe Lumber & Lath Grafonalas & Records who has been sprndin;.' u fi doen, resuliir I'ulleis. If grinder. days in (he eily, returned lionn Any Size Required. hy Hie train this' morning Mrs. I,. A. Ilrown arrived in The grinder, which is also of and Shiplap-Boards to clear Ihe cily Hiis moriiiiiK aboard ihe Ihe latest design, granulates Ho' Sieve Iloskins, govern men I Pacliena from Hyder, Alaska. colTee into' any size required. One $95.00 Grafonola for $75 Ajrcnl al Sinithcrs, who has jirSl The motive power used for Hie Dimension returned rnuii Hie south a fir A swilchhac.k skilllelioard a running of Ihe machines is electricity One $55.00 $40 vacation, lei'l for Sniilliers Hi novelty will lie on exhibit next and I In lire for roasting Is Thoroughly Air Dried and Slorcd Under Cover inoruiii. week, made by II. II. 1 1 'in in i n rs. made of coke. The tatter, with One $75.00 $60 highly perfected drafts, ensures Kiln Dried Flooring, Ceiling, Siding Prayer and Praise, service Mrs. W. It. Held and children an even heat for I lie product. Records, 85c for 65c; $1.50 for $1.10 will lie helil every 'nljilil nexl arrived in Hie cily from Hyder. The roaster also handles peanuts week in Hie Haptist Church al Alaska, aboard (he Parhelia lliis In as good advantage as coffee, and Finish All other Records in We proportion. wish to clear p.m. prrpariilnry In Ihe specif III I U'll I II IT. and when it is not being Used out this line. services. on coffee il is employed Willi Ihe spruce Lath Are you in the market for Columbia Agency? I'roiu (he lis( or licensed surveyor peanuts. lleltekali Wiis Drive and recently published in The The company is turning out Manufactured in Prince Rupert and selling at Lowest Prices Dance "on Monday nfVhl. icbru Xews (he names of A. K. Wright. willi il. new machinery four .ex ORMES LIMITED ary 27 in Hie Meli-npolc Hall. Ad of this cily and 1'. M. Mom-Ion of cellent brands of colTee. The firs I mission 50c. Don't PRINCE RUPERT LUMBER CO. Phones fors-ct and Terrace were iitiwilliitly' omi. choice is Ihe Supreme coffee, 82, 200 and 134 ahuid. eome led. while the other .brands are De The Pioneer Druggists The Rexall Store licious. Strand and Standard Spe- Seal Cove, Prince Rupert Telephone 381 We 'have a client who will MACHINISTS. cfal. Karh brand is roasted fresh erect a concrete rarae huililiu Lodge No. 207' will hold a special and delivered daily lo Hie consumers ;o icei uy mo icei iur a resoon meetlnq In the Halibut Fishermen's in air-tiglit' oiie-jioiiind ihle lenunl. MeCaffcry A (iili Hall, Exchange Building wax pack-ages. lions, Limited. " SO on Monday, February 27 at 7:30 Fresh Every Day. ' : f Canadian National Railways We have on hand a very limited p.m. International Vice-president The -advantagi'MilTonled' by lliis lhe Ilosnilal Women's .ux James Somerville will be present. new ciuipiiicnl is I It til. (be colTee of lary neeils new members. Conn supply is always fresh for the Inide. ami join al Hie regular monthly FISH ARRIVALS. This can lie appreciated when il is Prince Rupert merlin? in Hie Council Chamber I'lii' Pioneer arrived in port understood thai colTee; through on I nesilay al I p.m. In this morning wilh 05,01)0 pounds absorption, deleriorales ten jier. Edson Coal of lialibul. The caleh was Illl rein, in two tlays. I lie same applies ni'Mvai meetings eoiiiuieucin sold and il is probable she Will in lo lesser nijilil Mul peanuts a degree. Shipyards Wednesday ch 8 In Hie leave for Seal lb- today. The four ililTerenl Hapllsl Church. Ilev. J. Willnri braitds of I.Hell, II. A. will assist Ihe pastor colTee arc made bv means of dif which we are offering at the in a series of special evanjelis WIRELESS REPORT ferent Mends. Kour varieties of Operating G. T. P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock lie siirvieVs. All are welcome. reel! colTee are kepi in Ihe bins Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Pattern following prices 8 s.m. on lite second Moor of the plant makers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc. .f. II. Mc.Mullin and Walte DHillV ISLAND -Clear, calm: and these are combined as re- MINE RUN, in bulk $10 7 O ale, of Hie local government laromeler ;i(). I, (emperalure 1'H, iuircd. slJeide.s lUrning oil I Electric and Acetylene Welding. delivered ,P v per ton, ofHce. lefl on litis iiii.rniujf's l smooth. . Ihe coffee in pealed packages, SCREENED LUMP, sacked d i o Cfi Irani for Terrace where lliey will lll'l.l. HAIlllOlt fjlear calm: Ibi.' company also packs il in Our planl is erpiipped lo handle ull kinds of delivered P A O.OU eoiulucl an auclloli sale or I'.'H lariuneter, :I0.0H; Iciupcralurc barrels for wloilesale reiiiire- ton, per lots, on Ihe luwiislle this aflei sea Viuoolh, ' H:,'!.! p.m. spoke nienls of ramps, fiolels and the MARINE AND First Come, First Served noon. I hey will return to (own S. Prince llupcrl, in 'Oiieen like. tomorrow evening. 'liarlolli.' Sound, soulhlioui'iii; J. Montgomery, iff Hie Trade COMMERCIAL WORK ALBERT & McCAFFERY, LTD. I ::tn p.m., spoke S. S. C.hclolisiu IHoaslinir Co. if Vancouver, ha- Al Hie mecliiif: uf Hie Mlks in .Milbaiik Sound suutlittound: been here for Iwo muiilhs .super, PHONES 43 AND 3SS Phonos 116 and 564 l.oilrc on U eilnesilay uivlil i! I sin ii. hi. spoke S. S. North vising Ihe installation and initial was ilcciiletl In holil Ihe annual western crossing Ouceu Charlotte operation of Hie plant, lie will nice of Hie oivanial ion on Sound, northbound. return south next Thursday April 2 I . II was also decided to DKAD. THKK POINT Clear, niglil, afler which (ieorge .lolin-slone Phone 66 743 P. O. Box hold a dance in (lie Hume nel aim; harnmclej yn.i.jj, (emper- will operaie Ihe mill until Wednesday niahl and on Ihe firsl ilure I'll; sea sinoolli. a permanent operator, an expert Wednesday niylil of each liioulli Noon In the business, arrives from Hie JAMES HUNTER New Work Repairs llien-after. DH MY ISLAND Clear, calm; south." or urometer .'lO.iMt;Jeniperalure SO, GENERAL BLaCKSMITHING AND CAR BODY Theo. Hnllarl, Iteliau consul II SUIOIllll. Cash for Vielory llniuls. Thos. BUILDER Wo make or repair everything In tho Shoot Metal line. here has received a ri-nuesl from III'LL IIAIMQHClear, wind McClyiiiiinl. if Agent for Traffic, Day-Elder and Ruggles Trucks Nothing too small or too largo. his ;:iicruiiif id askiuv Ihnt'lhosc outhcnsl, fresh j.baromeler, ; Terms can bo arranged for purchasers. III; lemperalurc 15; uuider- llelwiaus linliliu iheir p-ovenu sea ' 1 1 1 1'1 1 1 issm..l i .r in,. ile. ANNOUNCEMENTS ' First Avenue and Cow Bay Rowe's Sheet Metal Works war liy Austria should have, lliein DKAD THKK POINT Clear, Prince Rupert, B. C. slamied and lliey slioiild call at ilin: baroinelel', .'tn.Tt: teuiper- Knights of Columbus Annual 'i Phone 340 Hie consular agency in regard at ure, ill; sea smooth. DaiiQC, February 22. llierelo, I. 13 SI. Andrew's Sale of Work and Home tlookiiia. April 5, St. An Phone 15. Peter Black, Agent, Main Office Hotel Central Church Notices j drew's Hall. PHONE YOUR ORDERS TO NO. 15 at any time, day or night. .NOTARY THEO COLLART, LTD. - - PUBLIC There will always be some one to take them. FOR SALE Six Room House and Bath near Baptist Church, ODDS Prince Rupert Coal Company Morning service at 1 1 o'clock McBride St., $1900.00 easy terms Silbjeil, 'The Lire of .Jacob,' Exclusive Representatives Ladysmlth-Welllngton, Pembina, " Sunday School at 2;:HK Kveninjj AND Peerless and Yellow Head Coals. RentahT Real Estate General Insurance service al 7:HU. Subjeel "Perse Phone Blue 69 Wostholme Theatre Block P. O. Box 66 vering: and Prayer." Preacher, ENDS Yellowhead Coal Ilev. W. II. Iledinau. International Bible Students' Our stocktaking is over ami Association'. ' On Hock Delivered we are cicarluK out a lot of l.ll... nieeting- every S'uii- voods at Hiul LUMP, Bulk S11.00 S12.50 price un Dr. JOS. MAGUIRE III UliAUTY OP THE SKIN ilny evening in Hie K, of P. Hall bound to make lliein sell. LUMP, Sacked 11.75 14.00 III l tbe naiurnl dcairfl ot uvury oiimn, al h p.m. Subject for tomorrow An excellent MINE RUN, Bulk only 9.75 11.25 oil la opportunity for ol,u.)nl.lo hr Ilia uw. if Dr. ' Sold In Carloads NUT, only 8.50 Um.w'iiOlnUitvnl, I'iiiM'lo.lilHC.lM-mli., evening "Millions Now Living Hie Hirifly. DENTIST Irritation roiiulinuM anil ana ecKenia rut) una diaapmar,of Ilia tain.and Will Never Hie." All are welcome. Analysis fixed C.aibon. percent; volatile matter, 37.1 Vi? ?k,P ''fvaofl, aiuootli anil volvvty. No poller!ion. pereenl; ash, ll.U tier cent; moislure, a.8 per cent; sulphur, Visit his Omce Rooms 7 and S Smith All d wlara. or Kuianaon. liMlea Co., John Bulger, Miniltxl, 1'oronlo. Sun.pie Inti il yon Presbyterian Church. O.lti per cent; It. T. I', air dried, i 1.050. Block -or phono Phone for 575 an appolnlmont. ui.'uuon Uila iwimr, Morninjr worship al II o'clock. Thp Jeweller This is a lllub Crude Hitumiiious SlemniilH Coal, especially Subjeel. "The Part Motives Play suitable for llijjh Pressure Hoilers and Furnaces. The luui Olllco hours; U.I2, t lu 6 and 7 to 9 III Life." Sunday School al IV':3U, is n very Superior Stoe Coaf. Let us send you a trial load of GIFTS THAT LAST evening. Kveuing service al 7ltfn. Subject Mine Run for your furnace or half ton Lump for your Suuduy Appointments l.aly Assistant "Cipidiiy." I'leiieher, ellw. II. heating stove. It firanl. I).IL v.