TAXI For wain Fish Market RED COD FILLETS Phone FRESH HERRING SPRING SALMON CRABS, SHRIMPS Ocat Service and Tlhr,Hiy PRINCE RUPERT SALT MACKEREL. Best.Cnre In tlie City Phone 07H Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper Vol XIII NO. 17. PRINCE HL'l'KHT, II. (1, .SATURDAY. KKIiHL ARY 25, 1022. 'Vi.t.n.f. cirutton itm. Strut Sal 42. PRIOR FIVE CENTH Woman Murderer Pays Final Penalty REDUCTION OF LAND ARIES SAID TO BE PLAN LLOYD GEORGE French Bluebeard SURPRISE ELECTRICAL WIZARD NOW 75 YEARS YOUNG. Duelling is Prevalent Among Aristocrats of Guillotined today AT GENOA Rome? Pope Takes Action Steeped in Crime TORONTO, l-Vli. 2".. The Mail and F.mpire lias received a French Newspaper Says Land cable from Rome which says that u mad wave of duelling of u fury Disarmament,Is Plan of 'unknown for decades past is sweeping the ranks of the Roman YF.HSAILLF.S, IVb. L'o. Henri Luiidm, the Illuebeard of Lloyd George. I aristocrats. The clash uf sabres bus mounted into such a deafen-j Franre. wliu was rccciilly convicted of the murder uf thirteen PARIS, Feb. 23. Land disarmament ing chorus of hate Dial even the sacred walls of Hip Vatican have women uiid a buy, walked unconcernedly (u the guillotine at early Is said by Le been-penetrated. The new Pope Pius XI is said to have raised daxxn 11ns morning and was executed for Die crime. Temps to be a surprise which his voice in protest, admonishing the members of the aristocracy Henri Desire l.aiidni, "Hie Bluebeard of fiambais," was It Is reported Lloyd George to respect the laws prohibiting duelling. Intends to spring at the iirc-led on April i, on eleven counts of murder growing Genoa conference. It Is reported out of Die disappearance of a boy and len women to whom he had that he will propose 'CANADIAN LADIES HAMINIWfi A pruinied marriage. The charmer of 28U women of all ages from i the reductions personally or ' GIVE PRINCESS MARY Fnn. ' 2J to 00, many of Ilium foolish and wealthy widows, was born in! get another British delegate 1's.n.- in I8(H. lie was a mecli-1 . . to make the suggestion. I WEDDING PRESENTS! CROSSING FOR r-ieal engineer and lind been I missing women.. A few bones! The chief opposition to u- I r.illtllllfll were unearthed as well as some army reduction comes from Wives of Agents-Oeneral and 60 l.-jiidru, had previously engaged liuir hut not enough to form a this country, which has no Other Canadian Women In Lon- POWER CABLE (he attention of the police corpus delicti. The Jtluebeard, j confidence In Germany and don Make Presentation. ili ..ill his swindling operations according to the police, killed his. which Is the chief sufferer In Ai milch he was sentenced to victims ami Incinerated Die case of trouble arising. LONDON, Feb. 25.--Jrinccs Engineer and Manager for Putp ii .c: Tor a term or four years. hod ic-d in a cook stove. and Paper Co. Are Investigating. Mary has accepted us wedding Hi was married and had two German Spy Theory. EXPORTS AND gifts a china tea service, xxbich is :.tovii children, lie was a ilark-' RAMS, Feb. The idea Dial Worcester 25.; iii reproduction of an old II. P. Croxxell, resident a?cd man with shining bald Henri 1). I.aiidru, may have becnj example in the Trapnell collection engineer lifud and black whiskers for Hie Prince. Ilupcrt Pulp lony. a master who I spy employed us IMPORTS DROP consisting of 8i pieces, and Paper Company acconipanUd and during the of bis progress Ids agents the ten ho women and (1jo a leather screen Tpim F. by I'. local i iul for murder which began Duby, manager, was convicted of murdering bus thc-wivcs of Die Canadian agents-g-eiierai. left mi Die Iraiu litis morning; for Weather 7, U21, before, the been nihil nerd Henri Vlflllll)., AmI.M 4lHll .1ttr-fl1 4 It- by, .lavad, a Serious Decreases Shown For Thomas" A: itfllnoii .celebrated' hi tieventy.fiftli .birtbJarrftf rork-Ini and tl)fty otbi.'ivCaJiudiau" Skeetia City. wlp're 'Ib.oj' .Will" ih-vestigale iiit-iiiuvr oi me I'.urjH ar. Year Endlna January LasL part of Hie day tn bis West Orange factory anddevoted tbre-malndcr lauies resiueiu Tn Die' United Din winter .condition iMilowlng .November 30, lie par This suggestion is. advanced old associates and of his time with employees. Kingdom. in connection 'with the proposed ticipated dramatically in his own In an cfforl to account for Die OTTAWA-. IVb. 25. Canadian ' high power cable across the (RTensc. Lack nf Proof. Die fact murdi-rs that no was direct brought evidenee out -at'of exports during I In (wclvc ipouths : INDUSTRIAL QUESTION SHOOTING NOT ALL river lo bring power from which 'The backbone of his defense, ended January IH22 -show a de ELECTED ever walerpower source is chosen l.andni's trial.. The absence of MANSON WILL BE DISCUSSED crease of more llnin 180 million STOPPED AT BELFAST in (hat neighborhood. was lliat mere was an aiisomie (his evidence caused a feeling IN OMINECA TODAY lack of proof that Die 'missing" Of uncertainly anions most dollar. us compared willi the BY ACCLAMATION IN GREAT BRIfAIN There are three possible prnv-er dead. The ,, legal exports for the previous twelve sources there, Uruwn's Illvcr m i.mou were Parisians in regard to this myss. niXFAST, Feb. L'5. -One Prot- . i.... t.i... .....j months, wliieli in turn decreased and Falls lliver, both on the : re f lulls uaiii)i nini ,u.- lecious case and numerous attempts, Word was n iveil in i.viiiv ti 'esiani. and one i;ai none xvere sum Dinii .'(Ml millions from Lcslall lliver and Khtada, which i niiii )ed oi 50.0(10 pages .of were made to solve Die by more the city late litis afternoon yesterday. A commercial ister labor is the of circularizing totals of Die twelve mouths ending floxxs into the Skeena. In any re(iiired three ' Idenec xxlilrh mystery on some oilier basis that Ilmi. Alex. M. and trad- traveller named Hums vxas shot .tauuary 1020, according to employers- assoeial ions ease Die cable crossing would hours "o read in court. About than murder, .Mmiisoii, alloriieyi.geueral. in County Donegal. Religion un- ni,,.,. Ht,.ulI I it.,, ei.ontiv lite trade deparlmenl rigures. The be near fskeena City and Dm .'inneared for the :, utloexse Developing his Maitre elected acclamation statr theory, by total imports for home consumption Wiis asking for recommendations' in ice flow in the river xvould affect li -usitctihon and defense. A Java) .said: fell orr by over 525 today. In spite.of Die efforts reirard lo sehi.'iue.s for currying A bomb was thrown into u class it. nge ipianllty of chaired bones Woven persons,' len fiancees of Hie leader of Die for I'lsler constables, three of Die (ieddes roinmillec mil The Prince and JWiperl millions during Die twelve sugges-f.ion Pulp ittd ashes, alleged to be the and I son -of one of Diem, candidate hum wounded. lie. opposition no xx xvere moulds jnsl ended compared with to Itiake industries bear the Paper Company has examined mains of Laiuli n s victims was haxc disappeared. Luiidru alone could lie found with siif. five, Hie previous year. cost instead of placing the responsibility each of these xvalerpowprs and ilidil to Versailles in knew what Inn become oT them, to fare licicnl hardihood The imports for ID2I wer of looking after unemployment LORD BEAVERBROOK Ihey favor the one at Rrown's iled eases us. well as ninny and he said nothing. Ily his Die new minister tiu his and' exporls for the on insurance. lliver. lie personal belongings found silence he put his head at stake. ij?7H,70-,,5i:i own constituency. SOLD NEWSPAPERS totalled 78l,85t)(-li7. villa at Oambats same period he mile This could mean only that the r -e the modern lllucbcal'il llir- truth, wen- ,il known, would lie sjn ROPE OF PEARLS FOR AT ONE CENT EACH FIVE CASES I Ills fiancees to death, us. fatal for him. Hut the whole l.andru s motive in emninit- affair lakes on another com WILL REPRESENT PRINCESS MARY IS THE LONDON. Feb. 25, Lord llea- Hp murders was Die sordid plexion if we Imagine, Toj- the ENGINEERING GOVERNMENT MARYS v,,,b,i,,,k' ""dinner speed. OF WHISKY PLAN OF B. C. OTHER 'in- of robbing I nc women oi akd of argument, Dial his vic lie meager savings. The po tims were his accomplices in lasi IilgilL recaiiliiK cspej leiues ll proved thai he rented Hie crime, and Dial crime espionage. AT KEEN FUNERAL LOCKOUT MAY LONDON. Feb. Tin oi,Jus,,a...newspaper,, . proprietor,, re-suut DISCOVERED miles calico i ue nrsi iaiiiin- jie cut age at (laiubais, a few Recruiting Agent. eNimn has been rcceiveil by the in Pans, advertised in various "I.el us suppose,'. Ik; continues, YICTOltlA, I'eli. 25. -'l ite gov central committee oT Die Marys of made was selling one-cent papers mm iiiionial papers and enticed lliut during the war l.andru was ernment is (ft be represented at Die Urilisli I'nipire toward Die in Newcastle, New llrunsxxick. Part of Thirteen Cases Reported Ii Die villa where all oT Die lute John Keen, victims to a lierman spy-rocruiung ugcni. tin; funeral girt lit Princess Mary, which Yesterday Stolen From are oT them was lost. He preferred to work through clerk of the legislature and former probably will lake the form uf a SHOTS WERE FIRED Warehouse. After his urresl, lb" house women. At once tins expains ins speaker. Ileeause of Hie Employers Threaten to Take rope of pearls. war ransacked and practically meetings, sometimes five in Die sickness of three ministers, Action on March 11 Unless. Princess Mary favors Die glVr AT PRINCE OF WALES Part of the whiskey stolen demolished by the police in an same day, with hundreds of Charles Xelson, former Liberal Terms Arrived At. ing of Die money to Die Girl MOTOR INDIA from the bonded warehouse of PARTY, 't i to find the remains of Die women, of whom he chose only member for Slocan, lias been dele, fluides' Association. Qlier llesner on First Avenue, LONDON, Feb. 25. While the a few, and those, few without gated to represent the governments lias been recoxered. 11 was friends or relallves who might seriousness of lite dispute 111 tlie LONDON, Feb. i'5, -Shots xvere found not far from the warehouse OVER TWENTY be surprised at their Ion? absence. engineering industry throughout QUEEN ALEXANDRA . II red on several members of the and has been identified as He took a lonely villa as POPULATION 8,769,489. I'.ngland and Scotland caused by Prince of Wales' parly when part of that missing yesterday, NOT ILL AS REPORTED threatened lockout March II it on motoring in the Punjab. No one far from other habitations as r'olloxving the discovery yesterday MILLION DROP possible where he could receive OTTAWA. 'Feb. 25. Ilex iscd should not be miniuiied, there is was hit and no arrests have yet that 13 cases of liquor was mis. Ihcm. There he fabricated false llgurus of Die census shows the a Milifaclury noli? in the fact thai LONDON, Feb. 25.--Ilep'urls in been made in connection with the sing, a search xx-aa instituted UPKEEP Identity papers for them, keeping total population of Canada to be the xvorkers have shown a ready circulation in this eounlryaiid'the incident. and Die police set about trying to, NAVAL their own, .ami sent .them 8,7iH'.t8D. Urilisli Columbia is disposition to confer willi the employers. United States Dial the Queen secure lite thief. Telling'of Ilia their missions of Doa- unchanged from Friday's an-nounceiuerd. Mother Alexandra is ill are untrue. forlh on finding or the liquor, Chief Victors . . . ' .. . ...... LADY DIES T I The present, issue is declared she 1s in QUEBEC son. .rresveu, i.anuru .'muu On the contrary said this morning; . . , . LONDON, Feb. 25. A slate-aiciil nothing, and his "victims" naturally by the employers lie involve Die good health, and the report of her AT 105 YEARS OF AGE Found By Boy. 1ms been made by the rlec-'elnry did not break the silence. general industry of Hut whole illness coupled with Hut slale-nieuU "After going to lunch yesterday, uf Dm Admiralty that the "Can you imagine, by any otno,, SINN FEINERS country. Dial tills might result in a little boy, who knevx'tthat "aval estimates for IV22-23 will hypothesis," Mallro Javal concludes, Die postponement of Princess STD. AO ATI IF., Feb. 25. the robbery had been commuted, '"' under sixty-ono million "why so careful, calculating SCOTLAND DEFEATED Mury'sweddlng are xvilltuul foundation Madame Jean Haptisle Dufresne showed me up empty case which Pounds, sterling, as against more a criminal as .Lnndru VISIT LONDON in fact. is dead here at the age of 105 lie had found. I told him ta run Uiun eighly.lwo milllou pounds, houltl burn the bodies, of his IRELAND AT RUGBY years and 0 months. along and see if ho could locato "' 'bug, for the current year. victims with great difficulty and any more, which tho Ditto fellow 'J'his Is in line with tho llrltlsh all-consuming In Conference With British Cabinet CRITICAL CONDITION yet neglect o Ihrow Into the Franco and England Played to INTENSE COLD did, and subsequently we found at'iierul policy of retrenchment. flames such damaging Over Latest Proposal. Draw In International Games. IN MINERS' STRIKE five oases of "Sandy Macdonald," evidence, as their identity paper? wi tli In a hundred feet of my new CRISIS IN ICELAND LONDON, Feb. 25. Arthur LONDON. FebT" 25. Scotland AT JOHANNESBURG Severe foundland Weather Still Tied Has New-Up. residence. No arrests have been "And does not this theory explain (Irirrilh and other prominent defeated Ireland by three point Railways made to dale but wu are hot on It I I ! I ! in to ie tntri he should keep such members nf the Soulh Ireland in an international llugby game the trail." Cabinet Resigns Over Polloy of why here I.ONOON, Feb. 25. A critical ST. JOHNS, Nlhl., Feb. 25.-Owlng 'document as.the provisional government are today. . rrohtbltlon Enforcement. an inerliuiuallng condition again prevails in con. to Hie long period of iiu wliiclj reference to his today lo discuss with the Jlrlt-ish France and liuglaml played a WARDEN AT PEN. ', .......... . diary, in recent agreement nectiou w i til the strike of miners tense cold weather, I he railroad wiis made by inllals other cabinet the drawn game, eleven points each, '".mhj.v I-rlj. 25. JTIiere is a victims about Johannesburg. of Newfoundland, which NKW 'lTM7N'ri:il, Feb. 25, in and system the Sinn Fein National u'' s in own? Ho needed their reached by in another international match Iceland over tho policy than their Convention lu Dublin, to post-poito There liuxo been many ruses of suspended service a xveek ago, is W. A. palchell, with a record uf entries Ul 1" and tho under llugby rules.. ibillou enforcement, Thi' identity papers who for three' mouths the election intimidation and evidences indicate still tied up completely and ij will J 2 years of service in the Urilisli those 'uuliiet sbuw to ma reigned uj (a.r in his diary to recruiter of of parliament fur the Free Mrs. fl. Van Hess returned to that further trouble may be be another week probably before Columbia peulitouliary, has been "'"'""ssors will adopt a policy of employed liim as a Stale. Terruee Hi is m 'ruing. in pro-ipeet. u wheel turns on the system. appointed xvarden. " ' wiit M-iliibdion. plos.'