PAGE BIX THE DAILY NEWO Saturday, rVbruary 25 1 925 INSIDE LIFE FUNERAL OF TERRACE G. H. ARNOLD, Notary Public RESIDENT HERE THIS DOUBLE CORNERS ON THIRD AVENUE iti the very heart uf DALAI LAMA MORNING AT 9.15 WESTHOLME THEATRE he retail district seldom come on the market. To close an r. Sweeten Tonlpht, Saturday estate we arc enabled to offer the one adjoining Ihe Post Office Stomach The funeral of Olof Walbeig Corner Tliird Avenue und Tlilrd Street, for sate at a very reasonable Residence of Great Religious of Terrace, who dieil at the tlcii- price and on exceptionally easy Icrius. Price and Chief Is Wonderland of eral Hospital on Tuesday night, Flowers and Birds. aner mat dale, he would never terms on application. dream of departing from the at Ihe age of 01, look place this morning at 0:13 from the 11. C. I.O.NOO.V. Feb. 21. The Dalai sartorial convention in public for H. G. HELGERSON, LTD. Undertaking parlor." to the cem five Lama of Tibel, the religious and minutes. Thf etiquette of Canon Hix read Ihe funeral Rentals Insurance secular head of that secluded Ihe people Is very elaborate and etery. service at the graveside. eounlry has to work harder than strict. The funeral was attended by the "There the average llrilish or American are,- practically -speak two sons of Ihe deceased. business man. He gels up t ing, 110 police, no firemen iud The lale Olof Walberg, who I o'clock in Die morning and no wheeled traffic in Lhasa. If was a native or sweuen, is survived "The Store or Satisfaction" labors until midnight, notwithstanding a man suffers from toothache, by two daughter and two the fact that he is tin- he goes with a few friends on Canada's Best TIMBER SALE X2SS7. questionably the "big boss." to the flat roof or his house. Hi sons. - Sealed tender? lll be rrrrlved b.v the Sir Charles Hell, a Uritish po- friends bring a big stone, round Minister or Land- al Vli-loria not Iit than which fasten Th COMMUNITY LEAGUE they a siring. HARTTShoes ihioii on tlie 1 r.I li dat r Ml rill, ttti, tut lilical officer in India, who has I hi; purrhax- or l.l"iiii" xyrT. l rul iusl returned after a year's resi- string Is then tied lo the bad Jttrr ut if ll'-inliH ttalsitiii i.IIh.iioii fi-ri k. spniri'. ELECTS OFFICERS wcflirti Oilar and 1'ilinr. mi Lot 05, .Mice Ann, Iencc iu I he roniatic "forbidden loolh, and the stone dropped ovr i a'--laf One (I Ijnid i year lllrii'l.will be alloned fur re lly" of Lhasa, the Tibetan cap Ihe roof lop. Two or three FOR COMING YEAR $12.50 Innval or timber. ital, says (he Lalai Lama is a frit-rub hold on lo the patient lo frTHG Snrtlirr particular.-! or the thief lure. Irr. Victoria. II. v... or 1'IMrht lorosler, wonderful personality." Sir prevent him from, going over. PrllH-e IIHwrt. li. it. '.harlcs is one; of the few Kurop- too." A.NYO.X. I ch. 23. I he result il IN THE SUPREME COURT OF BRITISH loans who h:ve tniislored Oi the election for councillors of the Harvard COLUMBIA. I'ibclan language ,and this helped LABOR TO CONDUCT Anytix Community League re In the matter or TIIK AhMIMsTllWIoN him lo become friendly with the sillied as rollows, Ihe llrsl Iwelu I ,'.T ami In I Ik- uialliT or IIL.M1Y III U- j HAItli ItOWK, l.-ii-aPd. head of all Tibet. , BIG FIGHT IN LONDON names liein those oT the succe, Shoes Ttki: Milll.1: liiat .hi tin- JMIi of Forbidden Enclosure. I rul candidates: 'jiiuary,win- mauled John Iti-r II.or Minim,administration oiin-iai He paid. me. the honor of in FOR COUNTY COUNCIL Joe Lowry 1 1', fiuOOLPH VAi-CNTINO Xilininl-iral'.r. rrlnet- liupert, Hrlllb vning me inio uie rorpttiden en- (ieurge Warwick . t IT Columbia.All irii'ii li.ii In? claim ncaUitt the losure of his country palace," LO.NDON, Feb 21. Labor 1 Mr.-. J. McKay . . . I IP $9.50 $11.00 to aid euie ere required to Illr rniue Willi aid Sir Clinrloa. . , Jim Murdoek .... I lip under slimed within thirty days rroni squaring up Tor a lic liuiii in - tin- date bcreor ami all persons on Hip I bis waj -a lillle WondeHand cure control ot this melropoli 'al Harr 131 iieoi-pay the iu sanm llii- to-J mi I hi-estate uuileMrncd art' required f flowers, birds and wild ani tbroii'-'li the London Coiiulv I'. J. Conway 13! a paramount gkiet DMi.ii uu r.m JOII ua.v II.or MrMri.uN.rrnruary, la mals--a hidden-retreat Where he elections, which take place earlv Dean Itiizzcllo 13;: KIRKPATRICK uniriai Administrator. sives deep thoughl both lo his lieAt March. Alex. Huberts 12H elisilnis and slati. affairs, llun- Labor's opponents, the Munici Fred .Morrow . . ... 12J lreds of eanUriej, were, singing pal llcfnriii party and Ihe Pro tieorgc Williserort 121 lere, am) there wvre' also stags. gressive parly, although divided Hob Armour v . . . lllo BRITISH CANADIAN GAZETTE February. SPECIALS. heasnnls and' a; great tiger froin in policy, are practically united lo Kd Simpson Iik; Admission, 55c and 25c llengal." keep nut the Labor Socialists. W. Pamplln tiu Ihe climate was intensely cold Th-. winner of each night's Prize Drawing receives February The latter have collected an elec Mrs. Pinder-Moss . t Combination Special llolcako-nml vlie Sir Charles- arrived, and tion lighting fund or 20,000 by a (Seorge Kribbs ox Phonograph Record ot "The Sheik" Syrup. Quaker Pancake for (he days lemperalun'r indoors levy on all their members. Marlin Wells i Flour and F.ilwnrdsburg Com never rose abovir freezing pohil. 1 licit program includes muni Joe 'Cyvilcovieh . . . to Discount Sale j Syrup f 2-l. tins ; reg. vaiue In the place of' window glass. cipal trading on a large scale in Empress Theatre TOSoT eaeli 23c. Special. .. .2 for 35c t'ibelans used .1 sort 'uf wax meal, coal, bread, llsh and milk. PREMIERS MEET JExtra Special a real .snappy one' lolb. II lets; the wind in, but and the provision of various j Del Monte Pork and llcans, Ihey are a hardy' race and do medical services free to all, which 20 cent, off all per i tall litis, regular 2ie. Special not appear to. feel (lie.discom is characterized as a revolution Lloyd Georne Goes to Boulogne Priscilla Dean j 2 for 25c, 9 for $1 fort of the cold. iu municipal government. to Confer With Polncare. Wallpapers Mutton, yak beef and jiork are jKcllogg's Toasted Wheat Biscuits Tin- London County Council in the staple diet," Sir Charles went HOt I.OO.VK. Feb. 23. Premier j - -This is a regular 1 5c seller; consists or 121 councillors, IP 10 per cent, off Ion packages, while they n. "Tibetans do not like either aldermen and Ihe chairman. Poinrare and Lloyd fleorge are Everything else in our ' East .3 for 25c hickeu or eggs. They do no! meelin In-re this afternoon to "Outside the Law" leep tui beds but on the floor, liscuss the subject or Ihe com. ,llere is another breakfast food, Store. on which are placed large downy AVIATOR ROSS IS TO ing International Financial Con j Two Minute Oat Food Regular cushions. You lie on ton -of ference. Serial, "Son of Tarzan Admission, 15c and 35c i' value 15c; 200 packages for these .and fold them over you. CROSS CANADA ON HIS quick sale 3 for 25c SILYERSIDES Ihey are very comfortable and DECORATIVE. (Social Tea Biscuits made by the warm. ROUND WORLD FLIGHT National Hiseuit Co., Vancou Sticklers for Etiquette. leacher 'nfter spending twen BROS. vrr. iqoo lbs. at less than "There, is an official dale for n i.i.nrr.ti,ri.,.. ecu... , ;'i.-Mr... .. lloss ty minutes leaching I lie pronoun. I Second Street manufacturer' cost winter to begin and end, and Smilh, Ihe ftrff flt avialor who cialion of "vase'iWhal do you DENTISTRY Phone 22 P. O. Box 120 2 lbs. for 25c, 9 lbs. for $1 Ihe fur hat and oilier warm garments made Hie Fpglainl to Australia see on the manlfe-piiice at home? Special price in case lots, 10c lb ordained for officials are flight, .'will coie across Canada Jack i e Fa I li e r's fee L W 1 u n L Don't neglect your tuclh. One decayed or tnbsiuK loc'Ji invariably worn w;ilhout regard ne.vl. vt-ai-, iu ,au all aruuiid lb peg Free Press. ,jYou will have lo come early on to weather conditions between world trip byi-afr, and Ihe .a. lowers your vitality. . . USE . . Thursday morning to get 1 li is 0111 those dales. However conifort-ible lional till- board has niiiiped uu! IN PROBATE. 50 sacks only of Robin Hood Ihe official may be with the an air route and landing stations t. TIIL SLPItKMi: OH ItT OF HIUTsi DR. BAYNE j Flour, 49-1 b. sacks, at $2 sack fur bat April 23 or- wilhout it for him in the Dominion, accord- i;oi.i .mui. Rooms 4, S, .6, Helgerson Block Phoni 10 Shamrock Ve will sell hut one sack lu each in? lo the slalcmeiil "or Capt. .V, in tin- mailer or Till: Al)MI.MSTIIA11ll ai:t anil In tin-MUIOLAS mailer or Ihe I STATl Odicu Hours : Mornings. Or 1 2 Afteriionus. J0. ;J0; 'ruslouirr and we will atop .selling IL Anderson, f Ottawa, who Is or MHS1..N. jwheli we have sold 30 sacks. here. Hill- tile. Kvenings, 7-W. lki: MiTK.t: that In orj.-r or Hi f bacon On pin in Anderson is here iu Holier 1'. Mi'U, Vounir. liiade the lllli OH' I i r librnary. IHJi. I a apiluii-il I jTlllson's Aluminum Rolled Oats connection with commercial Hy Miiniitifiraior 10 me r.iaie or .H'lioia' I I HAM I l lleg. J3e pkg., special al...35c ing, lo inspect liny airdromes, nnd nanus Madden. s,aini ilereaMeil.iih- and am all im.-parties an- nerrnv liawiia Palmulivc Snap 12 for S1 racililies ror taking off and land n-nuimd to rurtilsli same. pror-rly verl- BUTTER b lfA 11.1)3 fur M aiiriills simnllci al lied, lo nie, on or berore Ihe 5li d;ir oil .New Comb Honey Jusl arrived - j I'rllll'l! IIUDrrl. B. C . In Skins ami I Jlah. ing, and to examine pilots and Marrli. A.ll. and au p.irtie liidebli'd EGGS F.a.-h 45c IblimiMit or tin bcearlincnt or the aval engineers, and lo pul Iheni lo the 1-i.iale ore rcuieri'd to tmy tin sniri or i.anada ami oihi-r f anaJiaii liov ainoiinr nr their lmjelitedu'i-a to me I I Lynn Valley Coin.. 2 tins for 25c I'rmncnl FiDartriii-iits, will as to sliip.-i III rough necessary tests. His department, roil nwiin. LARD oi no- niinfriai oui-riiini'iii at iiii-ir oniioii, JOHN 11. Mr.MII.IIX. lie Finest Ontario Cheese, 'per lb. 25c Si-aled ti-ntlor. adilriiiMl in On innlfr. said, was simply nrflrlal AilniluUlralor. We positively guarantee the -Inicil. will bn rri-eiteil up to noon on trying to assist commercial aviation I'M to lltlr Ulli day or l i-bruary. I9tt i-riii i roroar,v, I vr., ror Upi'f4 Ul tm- above to be genuine first grade umji'l'iiioofloiiil ll'in-: as much as possible, and The Empire's Standard. Ontario cheese. For parloit of thrM month, from lit April il. was giving commercial companies PUBLIC NOTICE P. BURNS LTD. We hate-,no room oil our shelves (a i rrrsh iv jym Moili.iiuna, io all inroi'iiialion they desired I CO., (In t'rrsli Ihe lalesl mi-n k is iii iii it v ;ivi:, iimt i lype for poor sellers, therefore we 'ri lrrh Milk. wil l, until run s. . li v 1-Liii.n: t i: Oil I rnrli Vrrftnul. of machines, maiming air routes ll'iN ON SATI HOW llii! TWI..MV oirer you 5ii package of McLaren's (ri llai-on ami l.anl. lirill iV UK lUllIIAIlV. fvit. AT I for litem und 'arranging laiidiii;; . Icings, assorted flavors, 'ri lurail. iinir.r. ii i.i.iii.k I illr. I Kinno.i. t iiri imttr. stations. There dollbl iik iiiiii.i; or i n; rimviM in. riii u i i was al less than eos(....2 for 25c 'li Mlnri-llani-ou Proil-linis. no AT TKIIIIAtK. II. C Till. ii.MlHIMK.V- l' l--r. Ilia! commercial flying was coming rioM ii iot i:iii;m i.iit.- From the Farm The annual clean-up season will; I lfS. SITLMI K AMI hum; IV tiu; TIlillMI. soon be here. This Is your,op-porlunily For tho Fiscal Yaar commtnclnj In April, in the not distant rultiic TOW.VSIIK SITIIi VISION Of I j- 1 11 1 ' I I to the Table 1SZ2. Hitherto this had been limited to mi. aisi m siiti it.i;i: j. iniisT to stock up on Washing 'k VVaMhinir or ln-ildliif, Clollilnf. ctr. liisriin.r. Ilto. Jill' mi I.. It. O., I'lil.M;!. (I) Cm I ror shlpK. passengers, bill now that Ihe iu ii. c. Soap- 1000 bars or While I'oruis or lrii'lilr ami all loroi-io:iilnti ronv In ltlock S (went or k.iluiu Slrreli. BulkleyValley Wonder Soap, extra special bi- oblnlni'il hv uoiilvlnir to ihn tnntfr. novelty had lyoni utr business I.OIS I-II llielu-lvi'. slK-iu-il. M'plli'unl ror rmins an4 ri-une-lfcl in this dire,cl iOn was railing Ill II lurk II (el or k M I n in Slrrnl. al 14 for SI In ulatr oVniiltoly tin- ll-iii. or lu-ms. on I.ols t-iy Incluilvi'. Here IMiif il ini-.v wimi III. innn.-r. away. When commercial Hying III llllH'k C (Went or kulllUl Si,,.,.,, BEEF Is a February special with a Thi- liiwol or anv tomlcr not mi-i.irll Lots m an Inclusive. was once di-rinilely .adopted, he PORK real kick lo il. "3 packages of aeripli-il. In lllork 4 lea.I or kaluln Sleeei , add (Hlatu-ui Hi STI AIS1I. believed, it would be hern lo IajM Inrliislri-. MUTTON Tip-Top Tea. Kuch package avnl Siorn nini-rr. Ill II luck 3 (imhi or ka inn Slreeli distinction II. M. C. liurVvanl. Ktiiiulumlt, 11. C. slay. l" I SO Hielurire. . . VEAL contains 2i lbs. of high.grade 1 3 111 IVhrnary, !. Ill lllork 0 (eu. or kalum SI reel to the FRESH KILLED POULTRY Ceylon Tea. To clear al. . .95c l.ol. I JO IiicIiimIvi'. WATER NOTICE. GALLANT PIiiiis or on- loun-lle s-ln, luir tl,o l,l, t.l costuim Skeena River Farm Produce ARRIVING WEDNESDAY BOAT DIralon and Uao. MANNERS ami lois oirt-red ror sale may be m-i-ii all Ihe oP lee or Ihe (lovi-rninenl tiri-ut all VANDERHOOF CREAMERY Head Lettuce, r.aulillower, Fresh Taki' iiolli'n tint J.miM A. Iln.un nimu MDLY RETURNING rnuiT iiniH'ri. n. i... or hi nie onn-e or ihe BUTTER Spinach, Parsley, Fresh Toma-loes, aililicm la I'orl i:lnsion. it. t: -ami aptuy iii'ipuiy AiioiiiK iieroruur at irrraee. It. i:. ior a ii-f-iM-p in laxe ana usn bi rumi. rrri nateii al rriniv itupeii, it, i;.. mis iqiIi IIERK is a feeling of genuine satisfaction in Celery, New Cabbage, llhu-barb, pi-r Kci-omi of wmiT out or Hruwna Cri-rk. ay oi noruary, ivjr. NORTHERN the INTERIOR Sweet wlilrh riowj noitlii-aslcrlr anil drain Into MOSCOW, Feb, 2J.The gallant t. 11. AIC.MI I I.IA, possession of stylishly clad feet. Whether Potatoes, Cucumbers, llncall 1; Vrr about nlliff mllos froro toontli manners or old llussia are (iovernnient Atent. at home Von the vacation. CLASSIC Shoes CO-OPERATIVE etc. or llin iiot-Nia wolnr inter.will bn illvrrtoil rrom the coming liack rapidly. Men again will rive you the seryice yousbould have and the Phone 81 Do not forget our Meat Market. urcnui at a point about 57 feet abova thin. smartness that is admired. ,N kiss the bands of walnr on Lot ISt. llunin- S. Coait lilitrtct. women acquaintances We sell the best cuts at the lowest :-;.''i." . una nui ni; iiai-ij ior jiowrr purpime upon when they nif-el in the prices.,' tin: iniiii iiHucrioiiu as ivi. itauye o. Uouitt liUtrlet. Skrrna III vrr HUtrlit street, too, wiieli melt nuewl 111 American .Money bought at the. In a notice wa lntcil on thn irrouml on women in slciirhs about the city mo iiu nay or January, ivy?, highest price. A copy or thl notice and an application they put their right arm aboul Ihe EDSON COAL pursuant tlivrrto and to the "Water Art, IVI4. win op uiru iu inn oiiii'D or ino woman's waist: oslcusibly lo hold Table Rupert Supply Co. W'alrr Iii-rordvr at prlni'K llupvrt, II. C. 1 iiiviii 1 i..iu ,tue i .... oiurriioiu in i in arm it-aiion muv lie nii-n sicign. COMPANY Phones 211-212 wllb tlir raid VValur Itt-rorilnr nr with the loinpiioiier or water 1 1 1 kihi. raillaimni Corner 2nd Aye. and 7th St. llullillIilM. Victoria. U. C... within tlilrti- UNEXPECTED. ilaya niter the llmt appi-araiicT or flili liutlce In a local injwapapcr. Slump Speaker (boastfully i- JAMES A. IIUOWIX. Applicant. For your next The (la to of the lira! publication or tula I. m a practical funm-r. Mention, notice la January l. itti. Best Coal if you can. Just one thing I Th aow "CLASSIC" Shoe Job LANO ACT. can't do on the farm. Ball Steep Osfot-d. with Repair We large slocks perforattd too. Nolle of Inttntlon to Apply to Laaa Lanf. oice (front the rear) Kin curry of In Skrrna I and IHatrH'l, Ilccordinir In-Irki you lay an egg? Houston Post. clean screened Lump and at or I'rlnco llupcrl. 11. C., and altuate In try khuti Inlet, arcotid bllit from entrance on Fgg-slzcd Coal, It's hot, J. C. EMERTON caul Tako aide,notW'o (hat tila-ar Harold Crawford, BUST-PROOF, costs less less sinoto. Lowest Prices occupation lower, In lend to apply ror "What ii itA5 .quizzed tho Sun You'll like it, Champion Shoe lcu Repair Shop prruilaalnn to the rolliiwlng deacrlbed lands: Coniincnclnir at I pout planted In day Scdiuol teacher, "thut binds Ltd. Urnad ltlock, Third Avonuo the aerond Mulit rrom the cnlrancce or Jabour eaal aide of kliiill Inlet, thrnre 5u rlialna us together, aud niakcs us bolter Consumers Goal Co, Lid, Bros., mil, tlieiire 80 mains eaat. theme Sfi Order Now! Phone 58 than what we aru by nature?" "Repairs while you wait" oluilns north, tlirure n rbilna west and . Phone 7 contalntiir 40 acre more or less. 'Cyrsets peped Tiny Tim. PlJOHC rnrnrr Thlrrl anrl Seventh EUOAII HAltOt.D ClIAWKOItU, Applicant. Lome MacLaren, Manager Piled December l i, I OS . l-linlra (,' Y ;Adve,rtsr, I